Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 10, 1854, Image 2

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i <T'jjr (Prorgin f rlrgrnpjj, ||V IJKKK.’V, B4K\i:« A. t o.. ITT A n n >U.NTV »* R I > T ^ K 'I’KliMS—*S!ric!lu in -< ■’illy O uts per annum. Two Dollars I'ff- Tlio Job Department of this office, liavii j,. en j„.»ly fitted ontwtth an additional supply tilo latr-t stylo of PaKCT Jou tirt. Is now pr«-pi ,.,1 t axerutc, with m-iitni-.-s, ovary variety .loll POINTING, on (the moat liberal term. I Casa. A full supply of BbASKS, used by Clerks, SI., iff*, Constables, Ac., always on hand. I Sir Gcor. e tin v hsd declined the offer made him of I the pi'.it of Secretary of St .te tor the Home De- imituient. It was rumored that t i.-uoniit l'u]im-r-ton had bel li im tied to resume t! ti'o e. in eoiiM-qm-ure of the Karl of ciaieiidon, Se< rotarvot Stilt, for K..r l-lgn Affairs. hn\ ing threat, to d to resit'll. The 11 her a 1 paper- eomplnin that Prince Albert has h. in th attrlbate 1 in that <iu alia I of till Pair and sot resign an TEhKfilUPlKC IHTltLIfiBNCI. [From tho Savannah Morning Papers.] KxritinX Kuropcnn Ititrllijfmrr. WAB IN KUKOl’K. MINISTER SOVLE ASD SOS DVEI.IJSO, Nkw York, Jan. 3.—By tho Carnots, arrived at Halifax, intelligence is brought that it was under stood Pnsla was induced to declare war against Turkey, by a promise of the Emperor Alexander, to remit the debt duo Russia and restore territory iiith erto disputed. The combined fleet of France, England and Tur key, entered tho Black Sea on the 10th. Throe ships remained at Constantinople as Naval guard. This measure causes tho rost of Europe, great anxiety, as the Emperor Nicholas has repeatedly declared he would consider it a declaration of war. It was expected that the Russian Ministers at Lon don and Paris, would immediately withdraw. The Russians attacked Kalalat on the 4th. They were repulsed with great loss on both side*. From Asis there is nothing later as regard tho movement of armies. Indications, however, were unfavorable to the lurk*. The Sultan has prohibited the export of grain from ail the Turkish porta. From England we learn that tbs successor of Lord Palmerston is not yet appointed. In Ireland there had been violent storms along the coast Many ships were wrecked including tho Ni agara, with 130 passengers. But all were saved with the cargo. From Spain, we learn that a duel had taken place between the Araerioan Minister Soule and Turgot, the French Minister; also between young Neville Soule and the Duke of Alstla. Nobody hurt. New York, Jan. 5.—It is rumored that thy steam- ship Empire City from Iiavanna, is ashore near Bar- negat Sales of Cotton on Tuesday amounted to 1,230 hales. The following are the prices: Fair Uplands 111 oents; Middling Uplands 101 cents; Middling Orleans 10j cents. Exporters took 109—Speculators Flour has declined to-day 12] rents por barrel. Uai.timohe, Jan. 5.—Sold on Tuesday, 4,000 bar rels Flour, at *7 19 to 67 23. Washington - , Jan. 3.—In tiro House on Tuesday, the joint Resolution giving a vote of thanks and a sword to Gen. Wool, was passed. AWFUL DISASTER AT SEA. Nlrauithip Mnn Francisco Wrecked. SOO PKKNO.VN LOMT. Charleston, Jan. 7.—The San Francisco left New York -a the 22d ult., for San Franisco, via. the straits of Magellan, touching at Rio Janeiro, Valparaisoand Acapulco. 8he had on board Companies A, II, D, O, H, I, K, and L, of the Third Regiment of United States Artillery. These Companies, with the non. commissioned staff and baud of the regiment, con stitute a force of about 300 meu. Companies C and E are equipped as light artillery, and stationed at Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, and Fort Snelling, Iowa, under the commands Captain and Brevet Lieut. Col. Bragg and Captain and Brevet Major Sherman. Companies F, and II, commanded by C»pt. Burton and Keyes, are now, and have been since 1848, stationed in California. The following is a list of officers and families who sailed In the San Francisco: Col. Williiun Gates, commanding regiment. M^jor and Brevet Lient. CoL J. M. Washington. Miflor Charles S. Merchant. Surgoon R. 8. tJatterloi. Assistant Surgeon H. It. Wirt*. First lieutenant S. L. Fremont, Regimental Quar termaster and Acting Adjutant. First Lient. L. Looser, Acting Assistant CominU- suy. Captain and Brevet Lieut. Colonel M. Burke, com manding Company 1. Capt. and Brevet Mi\j. Gen. Taylor, commanding Company A. Capt. and Brevet Major F. O. Wyse, commanding company D. • Capt. II. B. Judd, commanding detachment of re cruits to constitute Company B, and L. First Lieut, and Brevet Captain II. B. Field, com- auuiding Company K. First Lieut. W. A. Winder, commanding Company .Inmaul .fleeting of the Mlorkliolders of ilie Uuscogre Knit mud. The Columbus Time* A- Sentinel remarks tliiit “tin- re-election of Daniel Gridin is a dc served compliment to nn efficient officer. The Hoard of Directors is an able one. We are pleased to see that the services of Maj. How ard arc still held in grateful remembrance Tho resolution adopted, in accordance with the recommendation of tho President, to ap point a committee to confer with committees from the Central and Southwestern Roads, up on tho policy of amalgamating the Muscogco Railroad with those Roads, is worthy of spe cial attention. It is generally conceded that the amalgamation would result in a pecuniary gain to tho Stockholders in the Muscogee Rail road Company; hut whether the interests of Columbus would be promoted by giving tho control of her only outlet to the Atlantic, to the city of Savaunali, is very questionable. It might be her policy to so arrange freights as to discriminate against uj> freights and in favor of doicn freights, and thereby make our road contribute to her prosperity, to the inju ry of Columbus. It is, however, a question which we will refer to our Board of Alder men, and the enterprising and public spirited citizens who built the Muscogee Railroud. IJF~ The Liverpool I'imes republishes the story that the British Minister at Washington, Mr. Crumpton, refuses! to rise with the rest of the audience at one of Jullirn’s concerts, at Washington recently, when the band was play ing “ Hnil Columbia.” The Editor doc* not believe the report is true, but should it prove otherwise, we are told : •• A m*n capable of *• acting i» clearly unfit for his office, however wisely or discreetly he may perform its duties in other respects.” Lord Clarendon, therefore, is called upon to have Mr. Crompton removed. The Times adds, Wo hsve frequently seen in the London and Liv erpool theatre* American gentleman, rise, like oth ers, when onr national nathem had been given—gen tlemen filling private positions, bat who thought it no oomproimae t* their country's honor to pay be coming respect to the Sovereign of another land.— When this necessary courtesy has been indulged iu hy inofficial citizens, the pursuance of an opposite course by a high diplmnntie functionary, involves an outrage so gross on the country to which he is ac credited, that we cannot find terms to express our surprise and regret at so extraordinary, so unprece dented a proceedings.'’ Liszt’s New Musical Instrument.—The Faria correspondent of the National Intelligen cer gives the following description of the won derful combination or orchestral piano, which has before been mentioned as recently con structed for Liszt, the celebrated musician : The orgut mrlodium is attached to the body of Erard's grand piano, filling up tho space between the body and the floor, bat so adapted to the form us not to increase at all the space which that instrument aluiiu would occupy. The instrument, however, which realizes this new and powerful combination, would seem to be destined for the use of robust men onlv: Performance upon it will require an amount ami kind of physical ezrrtion inconsistent with lady like grace and dignity of deportment, if not actuily beyond female muscular capacity. Feet, knees, hands ana voice of the performer are mil employed to pro duce separately or simultaneously the effects of vocal music, of the piano and of the full orchestra. The bellows attached to this apparatus are ao easily and perfectly managed as to produce the force, decision, and instantaneous distinctness of expression hitherto capable of being rendered only by first rate artists with the bow on stringed instruments. With those advantages, the new instrument combines the per fect sotirnuto of the organ, with the subdued effect of a number of muted vislins, oboes, (hautboys.) Ac., composing a full orchestra. M'de. Deeyfres will, it is said, dare to play in public on this formidable in strument, which at present promise.* to aptu a new. large and attractive field, both to musical composition nnd performance. The Km|>ire ol Nlexiio. it is difficult at Tliis distance, nmid the o«'n- ffietiiig rumors which couie to us l>y uncertain channels, to a-eertain precisely what is trans acting in the capitol of Mexico, It is certain, however, under w hatever title the great Mexi can chieftain veils his power, whether that of Emperor, Captain General, or Dictator, that it is for tiic present supreme. Nearly all of the States have given in their adhesion to the new order of things ; there is but one voice thut i potent iu Mexico. The throne of the Moute- iUGOKI, O A TCESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, lr.»4. COIUU'SrOMJKNCt. o 1,157 276 Bibb I •uni) Klwtiou. The following is the statement of the poll for the several County Officers, held on Mon day, the lid instant: for sheriff Wm. Ilomles, 7^0 Cicero A. Tharp, 58-1 Wo, Luwshe, 67 FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. maos is again filled, filled by a chieftain, as I Henry G. Ross, (no opposition,)..... restless as any that ever occupied it in the for clerk inferior court. palmiest days of the Aztecs, lie is moreover I E. G. Jeffers, 629 John McManus, empowered to the plan of Jalisco to designate li. A. Benson, 304 his sileccssor, a provision which so far as torms run tax collector. can do, perpetuates his authority for an in- I R. A. Cain, 335 M. McDonald, definite period. Whether the designated sue- Wm. Bone, 226 H. H. Howard, eesaor be his daughter, tho sole heir of his W. 0. Kennedy, 150 J. Tankcrslv, name and fortunes, or not, it is of little mo- C. Wilder, 152 E. C, Harris, incut to inquire. Tho scepter can never pass G. W. Jackson, from his hands in pence. The death of Santa for receiver tax returns Anna would be the sigual for unothcr revolu- I J. C. Johnson, 361 J. A. Sloan, Bun. j Beuj. Russell What influence the union of tho restless | S. li. Johnson, States on our South-western border, under a still more restless chieftain, is to have upon the I Jeeso Mortis, peace of the continent, it is difficult to sav.— I T. Combs, if we arc to draw lessons for the future from I Jon. Rye, the experience of tho past, it is certainly to be I reviewed with distrust. A people once weak William Wood, (no opposition,)., and distracted, is again united nnd strong. It 1 has too at its bead • chieftain who fears not to | Ortginut i nmpbrii .vtiaatrri* apeak, nor to act—a chieftain who experienced I’BOU XEIV YORK. — GEORGIA TKLCGRAPH. YORK, Dec 3d, ls53. NEW Mntrs. Editors—Christmas is over' 'l i.;-: annual | festival has passed away, with all its fun, frolic, and wild enjoyment; leaving nought to imprudent inul- | titades, hut empty pockets, nnd the unpleasant Duipaniment of racking headaches, disordered sto- | maciis, and nervous prostration. iTcgretto In chronielu tho fact that drunkenness, nud other I bensibls animal indulgences, obviously prevailed r i'“ We take great pleasure in calling at tention to the Advertisement of Messrs. Ed uard Lambert & Co., of this city, whose ad vertisement will be found in our paper of to day. The senior of this firm was for many years at the head of one of the most extensive Jobbing Houses of Philadelphia, mid for the last four years in this city, where lie removed for the purpose of being able to give the numer ous patrons of the house all the advantages that were to be gained bv being loeated in the 316 A. S. Calhouu, 266 FOR CORONEB. 483 II. W. Campbell. 235 J. W. Green, 171) FOR SURVEYOR. hero ou Monday, particularly during the ev.ning, to a greater extent than has bom witnessed for many I Central Commercial Metropolis of tho Union ; years past; and tho number of those who converted all j jj ius f ar {he effort has been crowned with themselves into living temples for the worship of UI1 preccdcnted succes3 . V Vc bespeakfor them Bacchus aud Silwxma, might well appeal tho pliilan- . , . 146 I thropifit, aud convert tho most Mrdeat advocato of a continued success t as their efforts to please 72 Timbuctoo Missions into a zealous supporter of and low prices deserve it.—(N.Y.ExcKLSiOR.) 52 I Home Missionary Societies. Late at night, in Broad-I ^ ——— 80 way, wandered, staggered, and blustered, with shout- j Earthquake at Memphis, Tenn.—The 22 j ings and bowlings intended to bo lnasical, the in- I Memphis ll^hig, of tho 10th inst., says: A doiuitalilo Mose, the ruffian Sykesey, and tho half slight shock oi an earthquake was felt in thi 125 I oblivious "young man about town.” A conple of eity yesterday, between tho hours of 6 aud 7 87 j individuals of the latter genus, with preposterously J o’clock. It lasted but u few moments short tailed coats, and very thin spider shauks, iu- I f ^ dining to the bow shape, whilst making headway IJU- Loss at Sinope.—Paris letters receiv- along Broadway, became so overpowerod with a I ®d irom reliable sources report the Turkish conviction of their attractions to the fair sex, that 1° 33 at Sinope at seven thousand men, nud 6 Mail S’* Ex-President V !m j { 7~ Rome, with his son, living ; n ls with a large garden, on th,. \-j a f; ’ 5 is said lie finds a winter ivsi,|. ' r,; ‘ ' :; . agree with his health and -pir:^" 1,1 W».AT A COTNTRYpri^ Iltj miled m the United States U r ;. v : 8 l .u,ir>:$, and the population at "Ti'm- v Thu most thickly settled State h V''^ setts, where the inhabitants av.-rae,." -iT 1 square mile, aud the most thinly''-T'..’ ■ : gon, which only averages 25.’ Jf j ' 1 country was only as thickly settle! of Massachusetts, its ii111aLit-V-,11'L- 1 ‘'' s: her 396,087,961! And vet theok "h' : ' is not so thickly settled, only cent!,' • • ' 1,000,000 of people. W<£ft ; t T : ' v country, when it gets well settled t s & and bearded over! ’ 'ti US” A singular case of fraud on *] r- nati Post Office was detected rcetmlv , : age which appeared to be a lar -c'V ■ the leaves portruding at the ends 0 f i;"'' ope, was received at the office. - On n. ' envclopo, the centre of the book 1,“? '' covers was found to have been cut five dozen of silk gloves and f our d 02 ' ages of needles nicely in the space " ’' ...755 Government Approf RlATIONS T}, p they incontinently began to kiss and embrace two I property to tho amount of twenty millions of | respectable youug ladies, who happened to be pass- | trancs. j ing along without malo protectors. Tour corres- I rrn ~ . ' . mount of the civil and diplomatic ")!!: •' pendent and another gentleman, witnessing tho as-I *r*„ I he speedy witlnlniwal of the Austrian I appropriations reported by the CiV! • .... , sault, and doubting tho purity ofthe assailants inten- I ^ rench soldiers from Rome is expected, as committee on ways and means j. N - . _ r _ , This fine troupe of Negro Minstrels givo Itions, immediately interfered; and there is little doubt ! I ’ ls y ie Y*, 1 is anxious to again trust his 0 f wliicli $450,000 is for nffieaW’of ^ in council ami the court, certainly bean no I series of Concerts in our city, enin- but the two Adonisoe would have received a thorough to ^he loyalty of ins ovra people. and Senators, giving each 8«utor an good will to us. It is possible that Santa Anna, I . q’i„„ .i „ ,i , i.->,k " v, I drenching at the nearest hydrant, had not those . . . . T , . . | of $1,700 mileuge, and each n. grown wise by experience, may be content to I ,ne n«“g oa Thuraday the 12th mst—to *>« I alc . n(lrr , b a t lons bef,. re »Uuded to. been D r ou S ht I A ? in.portant Bourbon movement » $]|40Q . “ l govern his people in pence; it ia much more continued throughout tho week. They ore L nt0 immediate and vigorona use. Such is one of ln .^P 8111 ’ O 111 ! 11 js said that thenewl^ ■ " | | " '■ ‘ 1 of New tusc d princes are ambitious enough to hope j It never rains in 1’cm. The probable, that seeking his true clement in war, I under the direction ofthe well known musician th e many objectionable gas light scenes he will not hesitate ou the first occasion to em- I Norris, and offer nn admirable bill for tho | York, broil hituself with his neighbors.—Sacanuah ,, n bU c entertainment. Courier. 1 1 Mr. tliey ascend from the sea, arc attael I summits of the Cordilleras, where for im approach to that ancient crown. The Cuban fillibuster excitement has found its I S< ? u ! c ’ 8 heidth wa. improving. Our Madrid _ ■ counterpart in the furor which hss broken out among I ®~ vices “tote that Archbishop Bedim, now m condensed into showers. But on the i Dratfc .f Mr K. *. W«M. I warlike and blood-thirsty ,>ortion of our comm,,- A a co# ^, wh i ch Ut * ^ c,wcon 3 ca and & The Russia Trade.—During the past year 1 n„ ^nndav ri.o l Dh i^t F H Weed Uity, respecting the Husso Turkisl. difficulty, and f? C0Urt of habell*, and and the base of these stupendous twenty American, and two Russian velsela Snnda f’ thc 1 lth Mr * L ‘ privateering expedition* are said to have been form- ^ 800,1 aS8U " 1C funcUons of hu > ,h « r,u " All agriculture i,. hound to thc United States left Uronstadt, thc onfe of onr oldMt merchtuits and most respect- ^ |o ^ fro<n g ^ fof th(j pufpoge (lf '.. mftk - mg * nl * f trngat.on. But the f r ,, principal place of shipment from Sk Peters-1 citizens, expired at his residence in Macon | a ntu« something.” .nd at the same time, helning I t^»v„™ a _ laim tnU steeams flowing from the CorfiJ burg. Of this number six American vessel* I after a very were for New York; all the others for Boston. I flicted for i During the same period nineteen American I eaa(>i Juath came upon him not unexpectedlv, I II I. ,|_. . , vessels, with freight, and one in ballast, sail.d f d , ; r d to M the .. iueTi ' t . can gsthorings of a similar character, having in that thft ilnportant territory of Schleswig ifol- face of tho earth mound him to thedisL for ports Europe, of which seventeen were " Lint comnosnre of ricw ,ho “ bjectB ' Some two thou8and P en,ons stien will soon fall under the dominion of the three miles on every side-that KS* for ports in Great Britain. A statement care- able change with tlio patient composure of are repol -tcd to have already entered the lists, and E m n e ror Nicholas. a circle whose diameter is six miles 4, fully prepared by Messrs. Row &. Wilkins, St. J the Christian philosopher. Sustained by the I to begirdingon thoir armor, determined to win im- j J cq Ua l siza, standing outside of the'circk * Petersburg, shows that the merchandise ox- J consciousness of a lifo well spent, ho passed I perishable renown, or a glorious death! Well, let Seven New Counties.—Our Legislature I not bo seen by tlio man stationed inti..';.. portodtoBoston consisted of (i,372p°od8 O.S. j nt0 eternity, bequeathing to his chil- ,hera S o! Y " nr correspondent, however, will re- has already inada seven new Counties, and Tho convexity of th» earth interposes tn. and 2, o2U do. N. S. bar iron, 72,525 do. sheet I , J . j? ., ° , I main athome. 1 1 >' * '— * '—■' iron, 82,693 do. elean hemp, 57,614 do. hemp ,lrcn a n,une wlthout blenlI!,h or reproach— | .s, exptrea at m rcsmcnce in mnoun . mu „ somPt)lln( ,... ind .» the sa ,„e time, helping Very considerable excitement prevails make this wmparativelv easv ry protracted and painful illness. Af- the Sultan to silence tho growling of the Northern Denmark, owing to the existence of Russian ? ' V - y ' r many years with a pulmonary dis- B,*r. The Into meeting of foreigners atEckhart’s 1 i utr i fe ' Ue i„ t j le mat ter ofthe subject oftlic tSTAman six feet high, „ 1QUU j b^f*n tho tiffnil for aereral hitire-Ameri* I whole State legislation* by which it is thought I middle of an extensive plain, can & t<*4.-* wxwxg pw. tjojt vtuiu* uu. ikuvtuis i. .. • , i uoiiiiuciu iiv wini* men. oucii u rauroAu musi ne i troin r raj duck, 9,100 do. felt, 121,505 mats; 49.458 I ‘o fl citble integrity commanded universal r«- weI , p^tecud during the period of its construction, DeKalb/ areheens broad dinpr, 2,706,892 do. crash, *P*«t; and thus passing through life, quietly 1 4n d for a time after it is in running order. A11 the 1.260 poods flax cedilla, 41,615'do. junk, 1,- and without parade, he surrendered his spirit water stations and wood stations must have men at-1 Important from 619 do. oakum, l.ido. twine, 51 do. madder, 8 | -q »Ji e keeping of his Creator, trustfully and I tachod to them, able to defend them from the Indi- I New York, December 29.—Private advices January, and sixty new passengerc*nhtk spring. ty The Publishing House of Bontit-: j, !h!ff‘,nd° k nw« l3 e *’ 100 pieCC * COtto “ I without fe^° Thir^ommuiiRy wilHong hold I man ? ofthe 8ta ^°“ 8 ’ wttlements_ would1 im-1 received here from ^ssia, state'^t’th^ Em^ | ^ stuli and 13 boxes hooks. I,. . _ . , , ,, . medistely spring up; and at others, such as where I peror will never submit to tho dictations of too non r .c .. him in affectionate remembrance, and thrice the lin „ inc houIM , nd machine shllps were locatodi £ nglan(I Fr;mc( ,. cctvea from them £20.000 for thc prm, ; -, f fflu.cogre Rnilrond. happy are they, who, like him, in tho honr there would be a sufficient number of men in thdem- The wealthiest merchants at iroscow offer j re l ,nntln S nu worlts tor ten toots. The last issue of the Columbus Times con- of death, can surrey thc record of their deeds I ploy of tho road to protect Us property from outside I the government millions of rubles, if wanted, I All the Germans arrested at Cin ' eleven months, have been $59,599.39, nnd the I w j^ long remain to comtort and instruct bis I p r ; no ip*j «utions of the road, small detachments of j uoplc. Extensive preparations were making was outrageous and unjustifiable. PubGtiw current expenses, for the same period, have j friends. United States troops would be wanted, to secure sup- on the borders, aud the first hostile act would I patliy is now with the Germans, and i: - . been $37,867.95-—showing nett profits to 30th —* r -• — a. *»- * L - — 1 ——* j; - I -—i... i.i...a....i*i.« t,..i— I — *— , — * , November, $21,731.44. The following very I port for the laws, and give effect to the rules and dis-1 probably be to blockade the Baltic. Died in this city, on the morning of thc 8th I eiplino of the road. This scattered force, to be effi- I Russia, or the Emperor, it was stud, expect- arc strongly denounced. encouraging estimate is made of the operations inst.. Col. O. H. Throop, in thc 47th year of dent, would very probably, as the work progressed, I ed that the American would be the only neutral from the 1st of August last, to the 31st of | T, iroo1 > was a native of New make four to eight hundred men. They would con- flag before the affair is brought to a final set- I _ * ' trol Indians and laborers, and would be in the way of | tlcment. making the needful negotiations to extinguish the Indian titles to lands claimed by them. Tho pres- I Recapture of an Escaped Bank Robber. _ enco of these troops would givo considerable con- 11“ November, 1852, John Rand was tried at | years, but has recently heldjtheofficcofl: fidence to the emigrants disposed to settle in the I Norfolk January next: Thus we have for receipts, of six months, from 1st August to 31st January, inclu sive, say (33,730 00 And fur expenses of same period 20,730 00 York, but has resided in Macon for thc last | three years. f.oaa of the Man, il deMontholon, the new Consul General •::* France, is the son of the general of that who accompanied Napoleon in his exile to j-. Helena. lie was formerly French Com Richmond, Virginia, where he reside! if„i re d Hrst Li* ut. C. 8. Winder, commanding Company First Lieut. R. H. 8mith. Second Lieut J. Van Voast. Brevet Feocnd Lieut. J. G. Chandler. Oilictrs' families i Mr*. Gates aud three children, 'Jims Carter, Mrs. Merchant and two chUdren, Miss Valeria Merchant, Mrs. Chase and ton, Mr*. Fremont • nd threo children, Mrs. Loesor, Miss Eaton, Mrs faylor, Mrs. Wyso and child, Mrs. Judd. Capt. J. W. T. Gardiner, First Dragoons, to joit Ms regiment in California. Lieut F. K. Murray, U. S.Navy, is passenger to Rio . Janeiro, to join the squadron on that station Mr. George Aspinwul! is also a passenger, who 3oe* out for the benefit of his health. The following is a list of the officers of the steamer J. T. Watkins, Commander; Edward Melius, 1st officer; George Gratton, 2d officer ; Charles F. Bar ton, 3d officer; John Mason. 4th officer; J. W. Mar- .•hall, Chief Engineer; A. Anchiulick, 1st do; Jaa. Fains worth. 1st do; David Dnuhain, 2d do; Jama. Crosby, 2d do; B. Doneghan, 3d do; C. Hoffman, 3d do. Still Further by the Cnnadn. B altimorc, Jan. 5—A Baris correspondent of the London Morning Chronicle writestjthat France and England have finally agreed upon eflirient coersive maaMroa relative to Ku-sla. Instruetinns have bes-n issued to tiie Admirals to stop all Russian ships cruia- ing la the Blaek Sen, and to force them to return to Scbastapool, there to remain until the conclusion of peace. A statement that the French Envoy at Constanti nople objects to the English Admiral's desire* to in- tiToeptthc Hessian fiui-t upon it* return from Sinope caus .-u much discussion in Pari*. Reman of Himther mgsgement on the Danube prevail, hut nothing nutliuntiehs* been received. A report that the sincerity of tho Emporor of France, as to fonningan alliance with England rela tive to tlio Turkish question, was distrusted in Great Britain had mm gnat indignation in Paris, and the French Cabinet was, at the last advices, consid ering tho expediency of making an explicit denial of tin- truth of the ranor, and it is said that Louis Niipo- leon cxprMM* himself iu favor of such action. The Vienna papers state that the allied fleets had entered th, Klack Se t, on a peacoful errand, to pre vent further collision between tho Russian and the Turkish naval forces. The raptor* between Persia and England happen ed ttnterior to the declaration of war by Persia against Turkey, nnd was occasioned by nn insult having been offered to tho British Ambassador at Taheran. Th* British Consul at Jaasy, tlio capital of Molda via. had retired trom tho Principalities. The Russian Government had ordered that all for- olifs merchant ships going to Ottoman Ports in the Black Sea should be sewed, notwithstandiag they might be sailing under a neutral flag, if they had mu nit ions of war on board. An iiistirrf ctionhnd broken out in the Crimea * of Turkey, and the Provinces of Kherson, Tatt and Bessarabia had heel; pla vd nn.:. r martial ,w by the He I In- Turkish army had e it and mxrehnd tt|>on 'Fill ■wliere liv tin- Georgians. The Turkish force. • oi abandoned hy the K The intrlligem e tlmt the .up was carried to t ho Hu. rossed tlio Georgian fron- is. It was welcomed eve- ipied Erivnn, which hail nssians on their approach. Turkish fleet was at Si- ssiau Admiral by nn Aus tin steamer The Paris papers publish a document purporting t.. In. a letter of instructions from the allied powers to their ministers at Constantinople. It bears rather hard ou Turkey. It is Stated, positively, that Ko.-siitll left f..r Con- Muntiisoplc, on the ->3it'ult. The population of Russia is kept constantly rejoic ing for reported \ intones A lim-o| defence has been tliroum around Copen autieipation of hoslilitirvi taking place in the Balt 1 lie insurgents in Chinn keep firm possession of Nlir.iit'lisi 11... rebel torees. however, had beeu de- foaled l.y the Imperialists at Amo Therein a deficit i lion of florins. The English Cabinet assembled os the 23d ult — The Cotton Crop, Mr. W. P, Wright, a cotton broker of New York, thus alludes to thc prospect of thc cot- tou crops this season, in nis weekly circular for Wednesday's steamer to Europe : “ Receipts at the ports continue to fall off th* decrease now amounts to 432,000 boles, and on Saturday lost thc deficit, as made up in New Orleans, was 465,000 bales. It is ouite possible, owing to the low state of Southern rivers, very few of which are in navigable con dition, that the deficit may reach 650,000 hales or even more, and it is also probable that the maximum decrease when attained may dimin ish very slowly for niauy weeks thereafter.— The large and increasing deficit in receipts as compared with last year gives confidence to parties whose estimates arc below 3,000,000 bides, and I understand a large portion of the business in New Orleans is being transacted upon crop estimates of 2,800,000. The English Ministry—The withdrawal of Lord Palmerston from tho English Ministry is u bad omen in tlio present complication of European affairs. United coaucils are of thc highest importance at the present juucture. Tne alleged cause of difference. Parliamentary Refonn, between that nobleman and Lord John liussd, if the real source of difference, may necessitate an enticr reconstruction of the British Cabinet. Such changes arc always adverse to that unity of councils which is necessary in war. In addition to this Lord Palmerston is the main support of the Liberal party in thc British Cabinet, as relates to foreign affairs. Lord Aberdeen has an ancient leaning to thc Monarchical interests of the contiucnt. Lord Palmerston was his counterpoise in that Cab inet. His withdrawn! may throw a.deeper shadow of doubt on British foreign policy that consists with energetic nction, so much required in the present crisis of that policy. But it is not a little reuiurkablc that while these two British noblemen belong to the Whig party, they form almost an antithesis on the most important question of domestic policy. Parliamentary Reform. Lord John ltusael ia for a wider extension of thc franchise than Lord Pulmerston,will cnnscnt a to. On questions of Foreign policy, Lord Palmerston is, we believe, more Democratic even than Lord John Russel. This is rather n singular contradic tion in the opinions of these two statesmen.— Ch. Aides. Portia: IVy,.,.lifn...inkuK.>un,h t .-.a* a vow ago. Office Irom Virgin:,Iin'iirn ioi. . a., m ojomj. O-.JiII At Boston the stona m I Both business and travel vat mng the It will be seen by our Telegraphic intelli- I plains of the interior; and we should soon have a I Bank, Portsmouth, Va., of about $60,000, and I of Charge d' Affairs. gcnce, that the steamer San Francisco has Hne of large cities, stretching at moderate distances w as convicted and sentenced to ten years in the _ , ,a2=s2 12£^£srS-£2L I SSm^T.' lork. She had on board nbout sotilsu all of whom are supposed ished. Thc wreck has been seen drifting out t cUieg may not * prin g up on the lino of the Paci-1 ® lvea »> lnls 89 w J ceK m . s « lrcl ‘ 01 ltanci -1 ATS^'wm'nrahahiv 'iiTfcm us of d at son, and the Secretary of War baa des- | fie Railroad t Such a routs will increase travel, en- I ' vbo was “P 1 to be found, and they returned . , er ^tension At Boston the storm « patclicd a Government vessel to the scene of courage emigration, open now channels for foreign bon H* lea'tng authority with Constable Clapp I, ( the disaster. The Nun Francisco carried out ^ Court-sLbyConstSe Hopkius who hnm.'dL J"** Wltirel - V In ^ f ' over five hundred United States troops, com- wiuhave aIrctuly informed you that our ately notified Constable Clapp, and he was filled W,th 6no,r ’ fr °“ manded by officers of great merit and diatinc- city haa becn v i s Rod by another fearful destruction short *Y ago 1 " **> custody. In default of $69,- ^ KV Aimivcrsurj- Celebration of the Iadrprnd- j tion. Among them was Brevet Major Taylor, I u f propcriyby fire. Is it not almost a national ca- 600 bail lie was committed to jail to await a The Melbourne Argus, speakiepofite la.rn that thTprand T l" n n v U son of Mr. Jamks Taylor, of this city. Ho I lamity, that the finest specimen of American naval , tbe Governor of \ lrgima.— lia, says: “ In this, the richest colony is i - f ?? * 10 Grand Gotlf.* of I. O. O. F. i tet l a t West Point nnd obtained a bre- srehitecture, and the largest and most splendid clip- I effected his escape in tlus wuy s Two world, the males outnumber the female! k- of bouth Carolina will celebrate the enmver- at ” Lst 1 omt - and obtoned a bre sh; constructed, has become a prey to thc females from Boston arrived at Norfolk, and, enormous extent of about 57,000.” sary of the introduction of the Order into this vet for his soldierly conduct in tho Mexican £ dement just as she was about to leave the har- a® 19 the custom there, were allowed unrestrict- State on the 17th inst. in a style commensu- I War. Without a stain upon his character, and j bo / on her first trio across tha Atluntic ? Besides ed intercourse with the prisoner. One night Small Pox in Charleston rate with the character and influence of that with brilliant prospects for the future, tho iu- Le^'Great RrpuUit. two other noble vessels have tbe ‘emales gave an entertainment in the jail, cording to the Barnwell Stnlind, m* tTwTnte^rwil^l^L^S’SL.i^n by tc,li S t ‘ nc0 of ^ nntimul J r fat0 wil1 be rcccivcd been d “^yed. and several oilier craft more or | J^or gd Rand. were present-| Small Pox is preva.hng to some extent^ Cl - Showing nett profits for six months...#33,000 00 The above will eunble us to pay six mouths interest on 6173,. 000 seven per cent, bonds is sued 6 C.125 00 Also, six mouths interest on 670,400 preferred stock, guar anteed seven percent, per an num 2.C74 00 Together with a semi-annual dividend of 64 per share on 6428,600 of general stock.... 16,932 00 $23,731 00 And leave a surplus in hand of. 69.940 00 I : more or I— , i Front I During this entertainment the females mnn- tiiu presence of Past Grand Sire Wildcy, tha| b y our community with heartfelt sorrow. I .ndw'atefahwt^lmv^aJso'bSnburaeddown:^rad | agedto obtain tibe jailor’s key, and they and | travelling community, the journals ofth: sion, mid after marching through some of our | and generous son. principal streets, will proceed to the Theatre, which will be appropriately fitted up for tho occasion, where an Oration will be delivered by Past Grand It. B. Boylston. Thc second tier of boxes will he reserved for the accomo dation of the ladies. The ceremonies of thc lcstou—if so, we hope for the benefit of tk| travelling community will make it known. John J. McRae will be inagureied» *’ I ernor of Mississippi upon the 10th I I lie is quite a young man and one ofthe.- J amongst tlio rising statesmen of the 5 - expressed that efforts te save tho Great Republic I * colored man in New kork. It is T nE Governor of Virginia has sent ire were not mors promptly made. I was on the pier a lat he professed to be a medium in LuLsition to Boston for Band, the lia"''r-| Ballot Trtupr. of lb " slli took fire . and i feel oonfi ., and declared he could at an v n.o- 1 , , 1 Owing partly totheinclemencyof theweath-1 ^nt thet, when the riggiugof the Great Republic w»t I men t commune with -oirits tij.on_ any aujeet: A Man jnnqd He&dersen was er and partly to tho difficulty in procuring I ignited by the sparks from the fire in Front street, a I f 1 ? 0 .’ tb9t be wa9 >» possession of a bottle eon- I Hancock county. Ga., on Saturday, t-f**'I suitable Music, the Ballet Troupe who were I tew men on each yard arm. supplied with buckets of I !.'.°.!! 0U A d .! 0 _ U . C ^:. a !, U ! I , b ^ J?.?- 1111 ^ anie< ^ ofMcRea, C osts ot the Grand Lodge. Ine various! 1 , _ . s ^ * I .„,i .n | A respectable lady in Brooklyn has prei dges and^Encampments will form in proces- rn<? n t the profession, and Georgia a gallant ConsWerabIe excitement has been ® 1 *«j 0n8 . char g ( r of swindling against Dr. Wm. announced for Thursday night, did not make I might have sa ved .he vessel, as there was but | w * th & announcement of presto change, would | drunken frolic. day will appropriately wind up with a aun.p- I announced tor i nursuay, md not maze “ "ftoto ^”c.MedToMv by ^the sparks B Wc to his a PP'mants certain lottery numbers, — — . tuous bauejuet, which, wc arc happv to learn* their appearance upon our boards until * ndaj u however very em4y which would draw prizes varying from $300, . Congress-—In thc Senate, J este ^’v } | will not he restricted to tlic Brotherhood. evening. Upon that oecaaion both objections I for bysundfirs to indulge in ipeGiilatiun iw to what $1,000, and occasion.illj a $100,000 I ^rcsolutwi from the House, * I I- ™w of the fact ,1,... bo.h i» ,nd „, c for . .h„ p Sm l, .ffid !*• *«~**fc «• *• »«*»<>*». ^«^£sS5iS^El. M out of the Order, m tins and the adjoining to tho a „ istamcc of thc Stars, drove away the tion that there was an abundant time to out away »»"“>d D. G. Gomperts, as a Southern ^ool for during,ashed sen I States, may to participate in or witness | _ t .. k - Pr0 ^ 8s0r the masts of the Great Republic, there is the argu- gentleman largely engaged in the lotteries of ' and I rofessor | “ ' ' ' 1 New Jersey, Maryland, and other States, and | g cntlor DougUs , a8 chairnia „ of tI.eC: as passed unanimously. these interesting ceremonies; it has been stig- I ^ ,oud8 wlach encircled them, and Professor I I Sew Jersey, Marylanti, ami other States, and I ^ _ gested that the Ihulroads of our State would Gain*k, for th* sake of gratifying^our citt- thok)53 oflife Better that the ship should be do- fl . ,rthc . r stat fl‘bat he, (the whiteman.) could itt on Territories, presented, ye* confer a favor, and probably reap thc benefit zeus, kindly presided at thc Piano—for whtch, L troyed> llian that life should be sacrificed in saving ff 1 ' 6 , lad Y ccrtal n lottery numbers ” that tVom th t committee, a bill toorp ^ - of it, by commuting their usual rates for the wo at i ea , t , f ce l greatly obliged to him. So, it. This fire adds another to the many proofs of the ™uld draw any amount of money.’’ This ap- { !to f Xcbrnska. occasion. Char. Mercury. | ^ nius ic. the dance greet desirableness of such aid in extinguishing fire tbc 1 as would bo afforded by a Fire Reservoir. No en- I , t0 "‘‘'“nee SI00, to Gomperts, who, it is al The ATTEMrr to Assassinate I Spiritual Rapping*—The Last Wondeb. j WCIlt lncrnl 7 on- A more agreeable perform- I '^rNewTork:~can throw VattT to tbe height I ! e S cd ’ promised to give her the lucky numbers I poleon.—A citizen of Utica, now Wc have an acquaintance, and excellent and once we have not witnessed m many a long of thp mnJta of tho GrttU jiepublic; hut. with a ,n tcn Jays. Thc time expired, but the lucky writes to a friend in thc former city. ' sensible fellow generally, but almost as strong- day, and the audience were of the same opin- K, re Reservoir. i n which tho elevation of the water numbers, with the $100 were among the mis- date of thc 7th instant, as follows, in re-< : ly affected by the medium business ns his lion- I ion; foj- after the concluding dance, thc Mas- I would he much higher than the masts of the largest I slll n* Harris, Gomperts, nnd a colored woman I the alleged attempt to assastinal or Judge Edmonds. Our Wend, whom for thc J lhl ka> , , nnd the entire I shit* lvinu in .mr docks, it would only be necessary | naJued Co,e havc been arrested. | po ieon : , , .. .... . 11 Napoleon was wounded slightly . Utah Tkrritory.—From statistics com- lilcd from the minutes of a Mormon General Oonfercnce held at Great Salt Lake City, on the 6th of October last, the New York Herald takes some valuable information concerning thc populatien of Utah Territory. We con dense ns follows: Th« total of Utah Territory ia givon at 16,206, a- gainst 11,333 in 1632—showing an increase since that rime of 6631. Tbe population is classified .vs follows: Seventies, 1572; High Priests, 5*0; Elders, 689; Saints 8639; Children, 53U7. llesidtsi the above classifications, there are nine apostles sll located in Great Salt Lake City, fifty five bishops, two hundred and lifty-four' priests, inncty- live deacons, and two hundred and eight teachers. Daring the year subsequeat to tbe Gth of October, 1832, eighteen of the saints had been excommunica ted. One hundred and thirty-nine of the Mormon _ ricsts and elders arc ou missionary expeditions in other parts, nnd in other countries. The recorded number of births and deaths in the Territory be- tweeu Ike 6th of October, 1632, and the same date in lt-'.:l shows: Births, 904; deaths, 233. OT. tliu Austrian budget of fifty mil- The Water Ram.—We give the following xtrnct of a letter: At a meeting of the Farmers’ Club last summer you stated that a person in New Jersey had so arranged a watering ram (where there as no natural fall of water) that it threw water at a considerable dsitancc on his farm, and referred to it as .-bowing bow an artificial stream could be made where no natural fall existed.” Thai wo havo seen done in several iastnnees. Take any place that i- naturally wet, and lay lown underdraws until you accumulate water enough at thc outlet, ivhich is eit-ily done, to drive a water ram, and youean send one-eighth of the stream any distance you please through lead pipes, rising twenty feet to every foot fall. Water rams can he set at unv spring or stream where there is a fall, inn! will give a constant stream at the house on the hill, u mil* fires the spring and a huedred fvet above. it „„„ | sanicllo, had been performed nnd the entire 1 » bi P" lying in °ur docks, it would only bn necessary lost a valued, ljnudwjme"intelligent dog. T ™“P« “ <° P"'* 1 ® lif ' »»* « W K"‘to'me I „ A ‘ Y “»'» praenl, in I t F^Slenn" I do not'k'S '*.:' v'' Long I,. ™ev.d over Mtlrfnl Cnrlo-s dS ter .upper, .kere«.thc delighted .pcetn.ore, I will .co „ ncconnt ef the t.utnful friend of .nnny pear,. A week or gomng wutfnllj nt thc vucont stage, and look. „|,o to d,. oosi ..f eondruellng s.oU . Kos.n oir! char", in Aniliw m Pridw niel.t or Sffinr 23■22““ «m .EkS*y*<£S*toZ ^v* m,a ‘ lik0 .*»—~• ««• a****.•-<«**•» SgX’&S&SS: coursITof tho experiment, requested to know Oliver asking for more. The door the guards which experience suggests, in protecting comfortably ensconced in u box, in which of the best meSium present? “ whether the opened twice, and the applause was raptmrous, th ®‘ r P ro P ort Y from sudden destruction was also found a ten dollar bill enclosed in n spirits of departed animals might not bchin- but instead of the brilliant eyes ofthe fairy note ’ ^vith. the assurance that five dollar* per tfeced tL answer.” The experi.Tient was made. Pouoaud. only tl.e wooly-hcad of tho attend- ESSZZtSZi “,. to I paid for its mt£n- it in our paper:- not been published here. Hewasfir*® times, one b;tll passing within a i' ;; his head, imother grazed lii-t; ido- ‘ Ll : : trator was instantly killed iunl the hushed up.”—Albany Argus. OT Two French and two^Eng&h^^l aud sure enough the table began to move, ex- I * 7”“7’ iTaTT J TI "T.Z T ITT. I!” ™ a ' “0“° T l ^‘ C ' I tenaucc ' II is we have to chronicle J have' gone'to Sinope, nominally with pressing its readiness to repPy. •• But if this ant mad . C a . part f Jtbut ' ai “ d tl,Cn suddcnl r ‘no to arrest.t-than the fearful increase of enme. 8Uch an event in this city but wc have nodoubt J assistance for the wounded, he thc spirit of my do",” savs H. “how will I reUrcd ,n T,cw of thc unexpected demonstra- particularly that of murder. During the past ten t h e Foundling has fallen into better hands than know him ? I can only recognise him by his tion. About this time, somebody discovered n “ ,ewer th f, llv ° mt,rdera ha 7 be ”“ com ' had it beeu under the charge of thc unfeelin. S^ie".?"?'; "» “ mic fc " tur " » f >e-.c-« M uw 3S^J!2221rS. , ^k. b 3^£b.o«.ev. tilt table cannot bnrk, as tlie bark was taken | his way into tho street, and the audience con- Grand Jury. Nine poisons were also brought into -A few irs V off the wood before the table was made.”— “ But will Carlo’s spirit answer way?” In an instant one cud (wfiieli was a part that turned down) wag violently, the table began M dog trot straight'towards the door raised one leg, and . He was convinced that this teas vie spirit of Carlo. Japanese Presents.—Wc learn from the An Affecting Scene. as Daniel Cullen -was about to ue .. . the jail, in St. Louis, to the State rv. to which lie lmd been sentence we sold ourselves. The performers having whose duty it is to watch over and protect the rights, board, after the interview at Gori Hummer, crowd, her ev accomplished every thing tliey promised in the finally »P 01 !' mortality in a X«'nK|mprr Office. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, thus closes a beautiful tribute to the memory of his 1 tails us to dilato upon late partner, Mr. Tl.os II. Shrcvc, assistant tert ainm C n t or thc beauties of Pouoaud—thc editor of tho Journal, whose denuse the tele- , „ . , T , graph recorded a few days ago. agile grace of Bulau and Lavione, or the “ Wc, the surviving editor of tho Journal, -‘dc-splitting comedy of Corrt, thc lank. Thc feel that the prime of life is scarcely yet gone, I exhibition was exceedingly pleasant, and wo vet, as we look back upon our long career in I believe that the audience felt themselves ain- this city, we seem to behold, nearand far, only p|y repaid for their attendaecc. the graves of the pnzed and thc lost. All the numerous journeymen and apprentices that The Federal Union of the 3d instant, an- were in our employ when we first commenced nounecs the following appointments, ntado by publishing our paper are dead; our first part- Gov> j ohn8on . r, our second partner, and our third partner interests, and happiness of our citizens. But our and the delivery of the letter of the President | with a shriek" of recognition, , - - m- - i him and If‘ bills, in a manner equally creditable to them- e ' 1 * «y lh « ri | ios ^ notoriously lax in the discharge of the United States to the commissioner de- joy, it appeared, she ran to him «“ , I . , ,, . i .. of their dunes. iours truly, puted to meet the Commodore, whil« specimens w 0 n his breast. It was ms m u ‘ , ‘s seIvc9 ' llld agreeable to the spectators. Time L0PEZ American manufactures were given in re- to bid him farewell, and show I7 ■ . : . is fails us to dilato upon tbe beauties of thc en- turn. I child f nr thn Kst time. The sa w , , Central Rnilrond Rnnk. At nn election held at the banking house in I G?" Since September last, there have been [ Savaunali, on Monday, the 3rd January, for exported to Europe alone, from this country, President atld Directors of this Bank, tlie fol lowing gentlemen were re-elected: President—R. R. Cutler. Directors—J. W. Anderson, Thos. Purse, A. Low, W. Crabtree, L. 0, Reynolds, J. R. Wilder, J. B. Gallic, J. W. Webster. are dead; our first assistant and our last assist- nt arc also dead. When these memories come over us, we feel like one alone at mid night, in 1 he midst of a church-yard, with the sighing mournfully around him, through . ,, , w _ Wll the broken tombs, and the voices of the ghosts ofthe iv<nitentiarv. of departed joys sounding dolefully iu his Dr. T. Fort. of Baldwin, Physician, irs. Our prayer to God is, that such memo- I McCauley,( haplsin William Turk, of Franklin, Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary. William U. Anderson, of Coweta, Assu-tnnt Keep er ofthe Penitentiary. Janu s Polk, of Madison, Inspector of the Peni tentiary. William W. Williams, of Cherokee, Book Keeper Rev. Gt , - 1 . , ... .1 James F. Cooper, of Cobb, Superintendent of the ■nay have a chastening and purifying and | Western A. Atlantic Railroad. W. B. Wofford, of Iliihersham, Tronsurer of tho e-tern A Atlantio Kailrortd. lames M. Spullock. of Floyd, Auditor. Tri-tram Verstille,Military Store-keeper,Savannah. M. C. Butts, do. do. MiUodgeville. Ben. Cook, of Baldwiu, Capt. .State House Guard. B. R Johns*, de. State Librarian lcvating iniliieuce upon 11s, end fit us to dis- liarge, better ihan we have ever yet done, our duties to earth and to heaven." tV” General Houston arrived at Washington 00 Friday, iu good health. 1,00,000 barrels of flour; -1,750,000 bushels wheat; and 650,000 bushels corn. Of this im mense business, New York has probably more than one half. Cholera in Ireland.—Cholera does not seem to make much advance in Ireland. Sev eral emigrant vessels have entered the harbors with thc disease on board. A Russian vesse put into Cork harbor, with several eases. The nptain and saOmaker had died. Extensive preparations have been mado by sanatory com mittees to turn aside thc dreaded visitant The editor of the Rome (X. Y.) Farmer has established a peculiar tariff of charges lor the publication of marriage notices. Forano- tice where the wife is a first-rate one, he ■barges one dollar, and from that down to nothing, just according to thc estimate of the husband. In one week several noticed were ry Mr. Dixon, of Ky., it is said, will re- 1 received accompanied by one dollar, and only tiro from the Senate. Mr. Crittenden will OI J e w *th less. One felloiv alone valued hi* prebably he eleeted ia hi* place. I ocot*. child, for tho last time, moving one. The man, at to give way to his feelings, and e monstrated gently with his ole 11 fondled with him. At last, ‘‘7^ could contain itself no longer upon his seat and cried like a e a 1 tbal mid jailor, with all their ia" distress of the kind, found a 0107 ^ ^ , tering their own proinptuigs- ^ niliari_ ! . T retl n° ' The Savannah Netrs gives the following as thc result of tho election in Savannah on the 3d instant : For Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts— Jon.v F. Guilmartin. For Receiver of Tax Returns—Barnard E. Bee. For Tax Col lector—F. M. Stone. For Sheriff—Alex ander Thomas. For Treasurer—John N. Lewis. For Coroner—Thomas Eden. For Surveyor—Joseph M. Shellman. veyanco arrived, it requir to part tlie mother from 1 The Czar, it is reported, l li,s 7 ^,, opinion that the Stars and M rl ! l(>3 ■ t lie only neutral flag, among al ^ powers, before the final settlei” 1 -' 11 cut Turkish difficulty cl(in'» !U tsui-u »r , .yjj-till" " , nounciug that the Government c 1 . ^-jW- | has acceded to the Convention to. delivery of criminals to justice- More than sixty criminals 17 a IN*, ted in the United States during I aud nine are now in prison unue ■ death- Clto