Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 10, 1854, Image 3

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m- I'Still and Balti- ■s in extent, fulness mid lirnotictdly ince enr- f rlrgraph* Ol' the World. • i icnetio Telegraph Line—t 71 '. r ‘af Prof- Mwe- ■; , \\ :: 1*> liu r t. 441 thirty-six or f wftS put up. Hmi tbe iureatinn wm nt once ] ’ toAeJ. private enterprise has MS ??line to New York, and it is now the 4 , a r fort and reliable line of telegraph in i>d 1 , . or in tlie world. The. company , separate lino* from Naw York to l^lLirfton Wty, one with firfc wires from 1 1 xv.% to Philadelphia, and four wires from j,; a to Baltimore and Washington, ^7?ether with two wires, the entire dis- New York to Washington City. In !** "V rfi *,he brief period since its invention, 17,500 miles of telegraph put in working order, under the Morse IT This amount is about two*thirds I cl. total number of miles of telegraph in r litiuu in tho ljnitcd S,atcs - I urwe*’* 1 ® number of main and branch b the United States, is stated at aliout • i^nnJred. There ore completed and in Hr. Ntnanl'a Fucilti Knilrond Bill. The New York pup, i-. <.f Wednesdav con- t:iiu tlie lull inln.iliu. ,! into the 1’. S. Senate, by Mr Si ill '.! New link, fi.r the Cnii.-trilC- ti">i -I' a rail. te tl !’ tie. We observe iii T1:i^ liill .Mr. Si-waid pri'cribcs a rout t>> be North el the ititli parallel. Tlie rimes, in its synopsis of the hill, says: b e. .III. .a;.! .Hi . Xmi"'., Vi. : ..I , I..*. . r allel, within tile territories of the- United States, 'inning at tho \\\ tern boundary of the SUto of Missouri, and ending at tlie En-leni border of toe State of California. It is to be, for Government pi privileges for titty years ioli tho bill proposes to confer, the beat terms for the Government. The work to be done iu five yean, at least one-fifth every year. If wo properly apprehend tlie intent of the con tract principle, it seeks the co-operation of the com pany which shall undertake tlie work for the least amount of Government mid; the Government reser ving no privileges and participating in no advantages from the road beyond the transportation of its wails, troops uinl inmdlions of war, lor a term of 50 years. Tlie following, in relation to the dry poods trade \v. take trout tbe Journal of Commerce : Tht-ii:;. ’ 1 "b ' r "'* , i X. .. k !.>r tin- pa-t _y,-.-i .- er b. I-■ « ■ rf jo many l ,-mU h,,i.|,-J |. ,j„ if.- -ante • !.•<• •• «ji dm- : *"1 yet till- market In,- in,: h.-.-n ov.-r- tiine sine*, the total value ofdrv goods remaining in the bo mil d warehouse, on tbeop uing of the pr, -Sot qaaner, was shown to he only 91.5:i2,:-:9, against II.- “J.’M at the rorrespoudiug date of last year, and yet the total import since January 1st has been M,. 050,067 greater than for the year 1652, and 930,857,- 160 greater than for the rear 1851. Thu stock iu pix ie warehouses is also but little larger, ao that there channels of consumption “ dry goods, or $26,- last year. This prosperously conducted.— There have been individual instance of extravagance both in private life, and in the rental of stores, and management of geueral business; and yet in the main, this branch of business has been managed wilh singular shrewdness and iudgemeut. During the recent money pressure there were not only few in. stauces of bankruptcy among the dry goods' dealers, hot there was scarcely a suspicion id their general credit. United Mr leave HEW LIQIOK STORE. T HE midor-igntd, rein-,1 “u- "t the stor. in 1j, nip-, v - Kiiiij.-, on Cherry -tr-et. i- no offering st Wio.'l. -sl^.H choice assortment of Win. I.WI O,:-. M ., u:-. A Ci;.., » mi - of i v.-rv d.- rij ri..n. at tile most r, •-oimoI- price-. i>tar,l an DupuVs l.s-t BRANDY. nirnir-. J : the fine st tlTcil 1X1) 1UIH11 WHISKEY : S.-oars of the fTlHK choicest brands, can be purcliJ --d at lii- -tor,-.— I I. ab< Those in search of Honors for purposes, would do well to give him a call, as he assures them that he has on hand none bat genuine and unadul terated articles. Ills stock has been -elected with great care, and he is determined to dispose of them at the lowest possible rates, jan 10 JOHN' MASSETT. slnn UtontHtmnits. Y.YIEB HOUSE. -MACON, GEORGIA. the I r1YHE nnder-igued Uaving I.ei-cl the .— | 1 above c-tabli-hmejit, beg- to nssurc , = s- tbs traveling public, that no , xertimts "illjii.1, he .-parrd to su-tnin the mtublislied reputation ol Uuuse. GEt i. If. LOGAN, i jan 10—tf MMiMlKAKA \oiici;. Proprietors unloss previously rosumsd on tho payment of tiie I < , ® A, y ROA ® 1:1 FlomdaT t4lc c whole cost to the coinpauy, anil Jo per cent interest I States Senate, on Wednesday 21st ult., on their outlay. The prineiple itself is so guarded I Slidell gave notice of Ills intention to ask cotton '27,000 miles, and 10,000 more arc in i „prevent abuse irresponsible bidders," and to I to introduce a bill granting the right of wav of construction. , The route selected | dmt out all v.mtriudsnotL, ld a portion of the public lands' to the Stale aud I of Florida, to aid iu the construction of a llail- smithic communication to the Pacific M; security for faiihiU psrformaure in .a- K *lel^o l l J, Office -111(1 Post t tnted States or State blocks with tho Treasury, , (he (oaumttw) on 1 St mce a" ( l 1 pst imit ltl ;|li,>u actual preliminary outlay on the rond. ^ g apjtointed by Congress in tlicscssion | Tim coiitribution of the Uovcnn’itent is to lie in out as the work pro- ii: whole amount to be tolal cost of tlie work. Tlie contemplation of tlie bill is, that die increased » pu the ** . m I then passes along the eoaat to Mon- ; -, r sntl S*n r rancisco. The eutire distnnee I JTT'JWJ miles road across the peninsula of that .State. P2*“ Christinmi have at all times had churches in Turkey, hut Turks have rarely been allow ed a mos<|ue in Christian laud. To this day, no Musseluian can settle on the Pope’s dontin value "f die public lands, within six aud twelve I ions, nor even disembark ution the eastern miles of dm lino of die road, will go far to reimburse of Navilcs • thninrh on tin* nnnnsitn shores the Government Stocks contributed to the work.— C ?’n, , tnougn on tlie opposite shores ■ JiT"'" f . i i ; i» ^ ^ x i inn iiuifnimt’iii mucks roim iuuhmi iu in© The extent of *« graphic lutes completed I The minimum rates of entry for thestjands are reg. i in ois-radon throughout the world at tlie ulated by the bill. ^^meat of tho present year, is cstima- I , „ 10,000 miles. Of litis amount, there ||e> • r.nul of Turkey a Neapolitan'may land without a I passport, worship God iu his way, paying only I a poll tax of three dollars, iu compensation for hich he is exempt from military service. kamboat Disaster.—The steamboat Three New Territories.—We see. that ‘'jnjiO in Great Britain, and 27,000 in I »be Committee on Territories of the Senate I i Z.ET Russia ha* commented a system of ** u probably urge the orgmnxation of three Steaj l^ r *' l between St. Peteraburc Moscow, I niore new terntonc8, to be carved out of that I rranJdm^ Captain Berry, from Columbus to i"vraii<l the ports of the Baltic and Black W P™* b'*np between the western Apalachicola, with about 1100 bales of cotton, 1shoot 4,000 mHw are shortly to ht> l r °tdiers of Arkansas, Missouri. Iowa and Mm- took lire when about eleven miles above the y ' : '*1-1 in India. A line of telegraph is and the Rocky Mountains, in one di- latter port, on Thursday morning last tutd was I •‘•'. ration between Vera Cruz ami the I reetion, mm between the ,Hth tutd the-12d jmr- I entirely eonsumed, eargo and all. The Co- r;!If Mexico, with stations at all the inter- ”J ,d » of ^latitude in the other direction, lnmhus Enquirer says Most of her cargo ‘ ' ine is contcui- 1 hose new territories are to he callod Ncbnis- was from jiomts on tho nver below Columbus, of Mexico to ka, Kansas and Cherokee, they will probably and we learn that about lift) hales belonged to mice of.three l 1 **" 6 the northern portion of the immense re-1 Mrs. Boykin of onr city. One negro of the I miles There is now in the course of I K' nn indicated still open to the Indians mid the I crew was lost and the captain himself very ^ruction on the Island of Cuba, telegraph buffaloes. Bat as the territories to be formed nairowly escaped, and was only saved by the 1 the extent of 1,200 mxlce.-ScitnliJic ™)\» 1V0 ,‘ VC th f„ ^ 80nn vompropuse line of assistance of the mate, Markham. M c have i.#*-,10, they will bring up again in a tangible I not heard the particulars, but learn, that no : broad issue of slavery or freesoil. | blame is attach ■ JiKWtf*. Knglnml on Niiiopc. shape the broad issue of slavery or freesoil. | blame is attached to tlie officers of the boat. Undoubtedly the freesoilors, ujton these ter- - riim^ioMthitt the BritUhoni would - wet their "‘ones, will revive the pestilent Wilmot pro- Marine^JUsaster.-I aft the Russian exploit at Sinope are viso. Another party will propose to leave the ^ la *Z? c ' 1 upturn Craig, 1 L" ; inn«i by private aeeonnta from all qnarters.— question of slavery to be determined by the *? rk UUttOW, Scot] TVpn** .'"l people are almost unniiimous in their I people of said territories for themselves; bat I *®** Withe 17t " ft «thiH pnvele r will open the territories to ^SoTfortJ . ■ n, mid eoiisignixl a British fleet eqniped for the jicoplo of Arkansas tutd Missoun, with their ®J®°P ot fwrt y •'•'** V. r -L V I ~1 —T a! —MI 1.^1 1 III* SlllOI) S11I1 Marimk Disaster.—The British steamship ;, has arrivetl at New Scotland, which port she left on the 17th ult. Previous to sailing, whilst orders she came in contact withH t eiptiped for I tlie people of Arkansas and Missouri, with their I ®*V"T' V* * or fy omi tons, loaded with Pig Iroti. | »t (Xiu-tantiiiople, when work wastohodone I slaves, the plan of non-intervention will be I ' he sloop sunk, aud several of the Glasgow's ,pirit-i) ally, has stirred the country to tho vin- gtoutlv resisted. Another nartv In Congres I ,ncn wen? thrown overboard—one of whom was , ;>'ii of the national honor. Letters speak in tlie I' •’ .. _ V... • I ilrowiieil. l |.vitive terms of the popular excitement upon I m *y propose the continuation of the Missouri I | w and antiripaied prompt ac tion on the compromise line to the northeastern boundary Tll>; cast ern ice dealers have comnienced nowbefo^T^ r ‘‘ Xa8; aud bct : ee “ ,h “° tl f Cvend P r ®P° 8 !* operations, and expect to secure a full supply •r - " • • ’ ,0 '. w ‘ al *y couut "K >n *“° her « e ^ era ' a ff* of this article, which, once a luxury, has now Tkf nf»-s which reached us yesterday of the de-1WMB in Congress of_tliP whole merits of the | b ecolne a necessity in our southern elime. At gufieesf a Turkish fleet, ia a Turkish jiort, liy the | slavery question.—-Y. 1. Herald. ‘ Mpisdron, has created an intense excitement. sity | Baltimore, also, the first chop lias been scour IUnVctv properly, mortified the English to a great <-.w. tli)' idea of having a fleet in the Black S* ft the avowed purpose of protecting the in | ; the Sultan, and tneir permitting a Russian tttr W rompletely demolish the ships of the Turk- I I fc,iado>n. hss roused up the war leeling of the I [Ajh la-re to a degree that will foroetbe ministry to I twoon'the United States and |, hr do isive steps. The latter are clearly onimsed to | ».r. tad the people are just aa much in n,vor Ainerienn 4'oiiiimiuirntioii srilli Chiiin. A proposition has lieen submitted to tlie American Government to subsidise a private ateam packet com pany, to establish a mail communication between Xew York and Shanghai via. the Pacific Ocean, which, it is believed, would open up a vast trade be- ed, still wntcr ponds having yielded from J1 to 4 inches. rp* A farmer in California recently killed a large panther in the following manner. The attack ed his pig-pen, killing a flue bog, and eating about half of it. tfe then anuoiuted the other half with to I of India, Japan, tlie Eastern Archipelago, and'Aua- I strychnine, and left it on the same spot. The ensuiu; <•; tralin, and enable comspondence to and from those night brought tlie depredator again to its feast, an lina, the e:u>tern parts ling Rassia. The late affair at Sinope will, in all I p’ ar t s ’„ u j Europe to he coe'veyed in a month's "less I the next morning a htige she panther and three cubs produce a continental war; Indeed, it I time than at present. The subsidy named is two I * ere found extended lifeless on tbe ground. The tut- . n« to 1>» unavoidable. If the present ministry I million ami a half of dolinrs per annum. The clause I imal wss of an extraordinary sixe, measuring six feet rillttoeto act with determination m the matter, I prohibiting two or more newspapers being placed I from the nose to the root of the tail, and nine from rill not last six weeks after Parliament meets. I uu der one cover has been struck out. The object of I tip to tip. altlirn. in all probability, Palmerston will be call-I this clause was to prevent newspaper proprietors I si la the PremieriMp. He Is strongly in favor of I from seuding parcels of newspapers through the post. I IJr A house in Louisville, Ky., projtoses to — i'ive and warlike measures, but has not strength | Tho clause which was left for division was that colo- I purchase by sample all llax grown in u u.-hiu the present Cabinet to carry out his views. | nial newspapers, nested for parts out of the colony. t(> tl States," ut prices from $250 to £350 *]ioulil be ulmr^i u a penny fttuli. M Colonel Mauer- I. » F ... r . . , A Itobber Cnnght. | lv," says an^Adelaidnjournal, "who requires thnt|~J^ * ‘ 10 Lotusvilic Journal contends Wf learn from Y. J. Anderson Esq., Linreus county, that Mr. Hardy .Smith rv-ides ton miles south of Dublin, was robbed f the scheme should be adopted in its integrity, has in- £75 per acre may easily be realized from this ’ 01 eluded this among his conditions. At the same time, I product. who 1 »uch a task is justly esteemed by onr legislature uu- I * abed just and impolitic, and will, we should hope, never be New French Loan.—The French govern- (m the tJd inst., uiiilcr^ the follow in^ circiini* I jjy ro&Bou why tho homo fjovorumeiit should J Jojid of % 00,(KK),000 fr«uiC3t Cfjuul to jCS f 000,000 tintcfs. Ou the evening of the 1st inst, atnnn I force as to tax ourselves against our will. \Ve have I sterling, or 40,000,000 dollars, at 71, which it who gave las name as Joseph Wilson, called no doubt that if the measure is passed without tids I will issue at the first favorable opportunity *«““? “ k «j. f « "• ettsiA’SESfzttsxri « v *•«««^ b-wsvEu-^ »n rreetveii, and during the evening called I t he bill by iter Majesty. t?uch a tax would be a I I itc Rotlischilds are now interested insupport- rpou and pajaur, to remit some money to a | ‘heavy blow and great discouragement' to colonial I ing the French funds which have risen while newspapers, and would stand greatly in the way of t h e English funds have receded. the diffusion in the mother country of correct infor- I ° matiou concerning the colony." ^ T , icrc ^ rumor ^ Slnn . 13" A late Iritndon letter savs—according uer is about to leave the Senate. It has always ptixiio by the name of John P. Hall of Savun uh. lie pretcuded to enclose £20 in small I*, ami then called Sntitlis’ attention to the Wky appeartuice of the letter. Smith very wuntlly profered himu £20 bill, in exchange, to advices from Athens, Greece is in a very ex- I been the custom in Massachusetts for a Senator la this wav it is supposed that Wilson dis- cited state. Petitions and addresses arc "sent to resign, when the Legislature of the State is wwed where he kept his money. On tlie in to the King to declare war against Turkey. I against him. Mr. Pickering left the Senate : Jit of the 3d, Smiths’ house was entered. The hand of Russia is again visible here. The I on tins account, and so did John Quincy Ad- m<1 the money and notes altstractcd. The Emperor turns the orthodox Greek faith to ant* iu lt*08. oreuuntaucea fixed suspicion at once, upon Wil-1 some account. I mentioned in my last that I in. Messengers were dispatched in all direr- the United States bail offered to advance a eon- Slanders as to a. Nick-name.—It is saida Nil anil the police of the several towns, sidernblo sum to the Porte, on condition of re-I *>iit for sbuidcr has been entered against a par- |i!«iY.|nn the alert. On the night of the 5tli cciviug an island in the Archipelago. I now I ty in New York for general and siiecial diun- iM. Mr. Ivern of Washington county, discov- frarn on pretty gcotl authority, that Mr. Bu- •‘go*, arising from fastening upon him a nick- < o) that Wilson had taken lodgings at a house r/io'Xtn/om been engaged in the preliminary I name, as it is called, whereby the plaintiff in bis nviglihorhood. Hav ing collected some negotiation for the purchase of an island, in that charges that he was unjustly brought into rid- fiyatls, he repaired to the house. Wilson seaf or H naval depol or arsenal. It is deemed icule, and sustained much uijury. The dam- i&eoTeml their approach, and made his es-1 nece ssary by the United States government to | agC B arc fixed at a large amount. o?o. After pursuing him for half a mile, he | j ulvu a depot there or in the Mediterranean. ***overtaken by dogs- and captured; not ■**ver, unifl he had drawn his lioots uuder ‘ A CARD. THOMAS T. WYCHE. having recently lost bis Warehouse by fire, bas made arrangements with Messrs. Patten k Collins for tbe Storage of all Cot ton consigned to him. lie respectfully and earnestly solicits .his firm friends and patrons, to continue to him their busi ness st that place and all others, who mar desire to aid him iu his present unfortunate situation and loss. His personal attention, as also that of Messrs. Pat ten & Collins, will be given to all business entrust ed to him. oet 16 SCHOOL To tlie Citizens of .Hacon and Vi cinity. fR. C. OHARA wUl open aBchonl in Dempsey’ J.* JL Block, up stairs, on tlie corner Third and Cln r rv Streets, on tlie second Monday in January, 1854, for the reception of pupils both Male aud Female, at the following rates, viz : Primary or First Class, including Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, for the Academic year 930 00 Tlie Junior or Second Class,including English Grammar, the higher brauches of Arithme tic, Philosophy, Rhetoric Ac Tlie Seuior or Third Class, including Greek aud Latin or Grecian and Rome Literature, REFEUKM’XS. Drs. J. T. Cox ASS Osliu, Hon. A. II. Chappell, Col. J. J. Carey, Messrs. Win-hip A Son, jnn 10 Gen. Rutherford, Judge Knott, W. C. Jones, Win. C. Wilson. 1m ITictropolitau Silk Stock. REMOVAL. EDWARD LAMBERT & CO JMPORTER8 A JOBBERS of Silk and Fancy Holloway's Oixtmkst A Pills roll thk * cure or Soke Leus.—Tlie wife of Mr. Tbos. Ftonde, an officer in tbe police, at Plympton, near Plymouth, had a bad leg tor upwards of six years, caused by a blow, to eure which she had tbe best medical advice, and tried various remedies without success. She was tlieu iuduced to try Holloway’s Ointment and Pills, and these invaluable medicines have effected a perfect cure iu a very short space of i Goo<il , j, Hvi remoV ed to their new Wnre- tirne. The efficacy of these remedies is too well ,, No 55 cumbers Street. New York, opposite known to require praise, as there are none superior „ p ., rk invUe thu att ,. ntion of thp Trade to their forhealing old w»uuds,ulcerous sores, or kings- s j Importation of Rich Silks, Dress Goods, evil, and all diseases of the skin. | K j, awls k,,*^ Embroideries, Ac. Merchants throughout the United States are soli- I cited to examine onr assortment, which in Novelty, Richness aud Variety, is believed to be unsurpassed in this metropolis, and adapted to the wants of tho very best trade in this country; ail of which will be offered to easJi and first class six mouth's Buyers, on I thu most favorable terms. jan 10 22—6t “ ITicIc Ned had xto Hair on the top of hi* head, in the plncc where the Hair ought to grow, n But he lived previous to the discovery of Lyon’s celebrated Katnairon, which not only preserves and beautifies, but restores the hairat any period of life. Only Umse who will not try it, are troubled with Bald ness, Dandruff, or harsh unpleasant hair. From the Home Journal, N. Y. “No article ever acquired so rapid celebrity and universal appreciation as Lvo.x's Kathaiiiom. To wk those who have used it (and who has not) Uie reason IA Dalt, for'transacting a general ftrocery Rusi- is obvious, as Us invigorating and beautifying effects, I ness, have just opened u new stock of Family Gro aud agreeable Perfume, stamp it mi indispensable ar- | c ries, Fancy amt .'taple Dry Goods Hats, Caps, tide of tbe toilet." Mold at the old price of 23 cents I Pools, Shoes, Fine Liquors, Segars, Ji’C., frc. Wo in huge bottles, by all dealers, everywhere.. I hope tbe citizens generally, will call and see ns, next D. S. BARNES, Proprietor, I door to Messrs, liardemau A Sparks’ Ware house. 161 Broadway, N. Y. I M. E. FEEIIAX, jan 10 22—ly D. DALY. NEW FAMILY GROCERY. W E the undersigned, having formed a co-part nership, under the name and style of Fexhan G .1IARR1RD, Medical. On Thursday evening the Ctb instant, bvllir Rev. TYRS. NOTTINGHAM A BATTLE respectfully S. laimlruin, CoL William G. Hakuis, to .Miss Eliza I X.J announce, that they have associated in theprac- A. Iv., daughter of tbe lion. John Bailey. All of Bibb | ticc of the variutis branches of the Medical Profea- couuty, Ol DIJiO, stun. All calls promptly responded to. Ofliee, the same as hitherto occupied by Dr. Nottingham. .... ,, , „ . ... ,, . . Dr. Battle’s residence is just below Mrs. Tracy’s, At h “ 1 rf*. We . nc L ,u ? on * ton °°“ Dt 7' °_ n the morning | the | 1I)IUM , formerly occupied by Mr. Kylander. C. IS. NOTTINGHAM H. L. BATTLE. jan 10 23—2t of the 27th inst., Mr. Zachakiah LAMAii,ofl > neumo- nia, after a distressing illness of seventeen days. • Mr. Lainar was in his forty-sixth year, and has been a resident of this county for fourteen or fifteen years; was a good and esteemed eitixen, and intelligent and conciliating friend, fervent in all his attachments, and certainly one of the most devoted of parents and A Teacher. A LADY, educated in one of the best Institutions m the country, and having had experience in husbands. He has left a wife and six 'children to I *va.-l'ing several ot the Solid and Ornamental hranch- inuurn his untimely death: snatched away in the ^ Mn * ic included, wishes a situation. Satisfactory midst of life from the social fruition of a sweet and I references can be given. Inquire of the Editor of engaging family; aud if anything away from the cou- | this.paper. |jan 10— It solations ofa fervent faith and earnest reliance (which he professed) in Christ's atoning merits, could have lighten the stroke and cased the pang of death, it certainly was found in tlie halm of that love, which heard of no complaints "of tired nature,” but with mi- tired solicitude and unabating earnestness strove to rescue from the hand of tlie King of Terrors, the jew el of her heart and the father of her children. F. a. h. JPrngD, pntrnt ^hiirinrs, fct. Medicines, L'lieinicals, Ac, Ac. 1 FOR Till: SEASON.; ^(-'LPlIATK ijl iNINK. iv.-ry . heap now.) • - Pure Murphim-, -I :f_'e -upply.i India C'E«»l:t_.i;r<-at remedy Clii 11s uinl Fev Nii-l.iine a Verinilii;;,-. a-lire reim-dv fur worn Streiigiln Him.' I’l.-is;, Cherry Pictw^il. Sarenp. iUUs of all kinds, and a full stock of Pit tent Medicine-, that arenot Humbug's or Quack Done -tic Reule .l. - ; Medicinal Extracts: Botanic Medicines, either m powdered or crude state. . Everyarticie warranted pur* 1 —put up in neat ' inthe’&l/r” 1 “ y r***™ 1 ^ Dn >^ LEONARD LITTLE. Cotton Avenue, (.Sign Ited Mnrtar,) Macon. Ga. style Ituiiiiiii; I’liiut. ^jOLDhy the B«rrel or Gallon, warranted alwayi O to be the best, by nor 22 LEONARD LITTLE. HITE LEAD ground in Oil, Kegs of all -iz. AIs Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpcntiin. ek of Colored Paints ground in Oil or Dn Glass of all size; over 100 dozen Paint Broshe Very strong inducements held out to purchasers Calf aud See. LEONARD LITTLE, uov 22 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. 'Pjjilnhlpjjin 3?nsintss Curtis. William II. Brown & Co., TM PORTERS mid Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Drv Goods, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Ae. No. 108 Market Street, South side, be low Fourth, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly Moore, Hcnszcy A Co., I MPORTERS A JOBBERS of Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, No. 161 Market Street, between 4th and 5th Streets, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly Haddock, Rccd &C</, W HOLESALE Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Palm-Leaf, Leghorn and Panama Hats, Nos. 164 and 166, Market Street, below 5th, South side, up stairs, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly George T. Brown & Co., MI’ORTERS A DEALERS in Tens, Segars, To bacco, Snuff, Spices, Ac., No. 21 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.[dec 20 19-ly Truitt, Brother A Co., I MPORTERS slid Wholesale Dealers in Hard ware, Cutlery, Guns, Plated Saddlery, Ac., Nos. 169 and 171 Market Street, above Fourth, North side, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly 3*!illinmj niiit .fnuq deoils. Mules lor Sale. A NY one wishing to purchase two or three well liroku plantation MULE; ing to the subscriber. jan 10 £S can do so, by apply- NG. JAMES N. K1N( A IDIIXlNTItATOlt’N HALE.—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston Commmiiit. MACON THICKS CURRENT, JAXUARV 10. 9 50 6 50 1 00 Jrnny l«iisd. iw-nce of keeping off his assailants. His I A late letter from Dresden, publish.Nl in an •tyct in doing tnis vrtm doubtless to throw English paper, says: . -. , , - , . -. **»y the money, as none was found upon his “I attended tho second of a series of concerts reers hc lia ” traeet1, 1Il( - lu(lln P a lls has hoc. lnd.rnri to .to. toil nt given by Herr Goldschmidt, Schubert and Kuinmcr. property stolen, expenses of - , ■ n f 7®?" ,n at Tlie evening will be memorable in the annals of tlie maintenance in jail, at £129.000. for trial at tho next torin of the Stipe- mus icnl world, as that on which Madame Jenny Gold 1 nvlourt. | sehmidt made her first appearance in public since ■ . , r , . . her marriage and return from America. For days I A Kkoimejit IN Torkev-The foreign The Public Loss kxoh Criminals.—The Rev. Mr. Clay, Chaplain of a House of Cor rection iu England, estimates the loss caused to the public by fifteen pickpockets, whose ca the 7sduc of the prosecution and A Regiment prcviouslv, tho music shops from winch tickets were I refugees resident iu New ) erk hud another issued had been besieged by the public of Dresden, I meeting a few evenings ago, to make arrangc- and many hmidmls were turned away disappointed. mPn t s { 0T sending forward a regiment to help “ It was with much anxiety that I saw tlie hour of I q. ., . * the concert approaeh; I kn,.w Madame Goldschmidt I I Urkey against Russia. 1 lie 1 resident JUl- had been ill and bourse for many days, and it was I nounced that Mr. Lawrence, of the Eric Rail- . . . only at the last moment that she determined to ring I roa< J Company, hud offered provisions for 250 r~* “•’irtjf of Freemen against this divine, aud I rather than disappoint the expectant public. bhehaU Imp,, f or s : x months * that Jitllien had been re- 2Jw* Of that association isriimbled, about 10 o’- selected for her part in the concert the beautiful I men lor 8IX ,nonlna ’ u,al Juulen ,,aa ue * n ^ [ 5 sight, to the number of 500 or 600, at Free- I Iivmii, for Solo and cho From the Commercial, Dec. 26. The I.ntc Itiot nt Ciuriiinnli. BiAsp liedini, the Apostolio Nuncio of the Pol). , r ,i c***’ m the religion* ceremonials at the 'WhIic Catliedral yesterday morning aud afternoon. | r* ta »• rioi en t animosity is entertained by the Ger- Kg„ , 'iciuiiT Ol mo residence oi .irrnui where the rope’a Nuncio is sojourning, J/a- wa . a *he intention of mobbing tbe house. Ik,, f 8 vi "' cu °o ta the Nuncio’s person, or at ‘ hum him in effigy. «iMm.,tiun of what'was to be dime was roceiv- ■‘•Artyin the evening by Captain Luken, Jit*’ * U( i After the 8 o'clock roll call he r I [ m or us, by Mendetohon, ‘Hor I quested to give a concert; aud that the land- * u ‘lWloii Vinest,"above Twelfth”;" and after or-1 mein Bitten Herr,' and, i>ut that 1 felt grieved that lord of tlie Shakspcarc Hotel lmd offered a 2“™S And chosing tlieir leaders, marched iu a I she should make sueb exertion when suffering from I room for a vocal performance, in order to raise k£t'^ Vim i o’ to out X L n, . h ‘J.P 1 " 1 "- hoaraenera and indisposUion, 1 should have enjoyed | filnda for tho obiect the aocietv him in view— si the vicinity of the residence of Archbishop | without a drawback the perfect expression she mm to this most lovelv music. The manner in whirl— gave tlie words, • O Kontt ich fliegen wie Tauben I waited on Gen. Sandford, who answered that, dasliin,’ had something in it wnich seem to carry one I as a private citizen, liis sympatliiea were with far from ton did! earth away into the .blue heavens. | , he projected expedition, hut that hccould not, „ . in nu official character, give any advice or J.. —nn o uciuca run can he requested I one felt as much as ever her infinite supi riority to all I help, j; " r Hire, both day aud night, to remain and I the ringers of the present day, evinced equally in the I ”•*•*, Not a man among them knew thejiur- I supernatural charm of her simple style, as in the I »p H _ f« AI .oRic Ship.—The New York _Er- ^^rsIanSltid*^ t^credctriiiSd, bat alleutly obey- I inmit^Mffifiaud^ and difficult /oXr of toe rtn L™gSS 5"^ mtontiS ^KiS. »• length reached the Watch-house that the lug, the owuer of the caloric ship Ericsson, t( Approaching, and by theCaptaiu’sorders I Cask or Extradition.—In the matter of I send her to Havre, in place of the Humboldt, all stationed in front of toe Watch- 1 *’ ■»— a*-)* 1 ’ ’ - ’ 1 — • ftn yc I press I ing, the owuer of the caloric ship Ericsson, to I send her to Havre, in place of the Humboldt, Alexander Heilbron, claimed by the British lately lost off Halifax. She has not however Government, under the Ashburton Treaty, on | made her trial trip since the uew engines have mama or the most aisoomam music, ana i a charge of forgery, the United States Com- *7^ of . .imnnnd each policeman rushed for- I uiissioncr, John W. Morton, m New lork on ^2*4pibbj»dhw man. I Thurmlay hist rendered a decision, in which he m"°M was 5®“raU m^ypistol considered the testimony adduced before him Jjp'vwo fired and shouts andexacrafion* filled the I sufficient to sustain, under the treaty, the ap- jA rioters soon fled but were pursued by the plication for extradition, and consequently tilt 5° captured and secured. Every United States Marshal must surrender him to of'to^m“ml|riffiuriMl. m H t wy' the British authorities in accordance with said "f toe Second Ward, was shot through tho application. J udge fta'OTt* co *dd hear of no others the police I premc Court, it will be recollected, made adif- " , ... „ , , . ferront decision, and directed that the United been put iu. Council Chamber, Jan. 4, 1854. KKUULAR MEETING. Present—The Mayor. Aldermen, Ayres, Wise, ThomionJ Rogers, Mix. Ross and Holt. Absent, Aid. Levy. Tlie minntea of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Bridge Keeper reported tolls for the week to date, 9131 on. Tho Finance Committee Reportea in favor of the n.’ '‘",«,ee waa anticipated. I custody, w hich iiiu hoi urai uouc. . w wuu- . " the existing animosity against the gel for the prisoner will, it is siud, bring the I nn -, n h t. - il**A*iUy hviititi,« 0 !to3t!?^«m?Iit b hut nrifo P risoaer on Habeas Corpus now, before one of ^^P^o?be“t^Sgto^4tl^n | the Judges of the United StatesCourt, to pre- REIDltT. The Street Committee to whom the matter of the selection of a suitable lot for the erection of a Guard 4i, ” Cc A**on be caused one of them'to be tlayeil I vent his surrender till the questiou of jtirisdic- I House, and for other purpose, waa referred, beg leave tion can he tried, and nlso enter a suit for pen- «» «P ort that they have examined several lota, and Expramo. TL. D„l™ ShU, MF under He St«. fc «ag] p^Wfcnmo.N. - i lie Darien • "ip w bo will probably put in ademurrer, when the I provided it can be obtained on reasonable terms. ?th *»„ nppwntod to sail on the case wilI carried U p on appeal. E. L. sthohkckeu, Ch’mn. lunant. «n.i —a constat, on the part of* - ,ia M * ,BM Bagging—Kentucky India Bacon—Hams Sides Shoulders. Butter. Cheese Castings. ................ Coktee—Rio Java Candles—Sperm 40 Star Tallow 14 Feathers scarce 45 Fish—Mackerel, No. 1....18 00 •* “ 2....16 oo “ “ 3.... 9 50 Shad Herring 80 Flour—Western Canal Georgia 'odder Grain—Corn Wheat Oats Glass Gunpowder Gin—Holland American Hides Iron—Swedes English ,akd Lead Lire Molasses........ Nails Oil—Lamp Liu-cod Train Paints—White Lead Peas Poke—Nett 5 Rice 5 Rope.*. 7 Run—.Jamaica 2 00 New England 40 Sr Rur—Lemon Raspberry Salt—Liverpool, scarce.. 20 31 it l-i » 26 ... l oo 1 50 2 12 1 00 2 00 90 Pyard- 4'yard. Vlb. Pffi. V16. P». i2j vm. ■ Pffi. 4* lb. 4'lb. ♦Mb. 4H6. ♦Mb. Ptb. P bid. PbbL Pbhl. t'bbk 4* box. Pbbl. Pbbl. Pbbl. ♦'loom 4' bush, i'bush. 4'busb. 4'liox. 4’keg. oo 4'gal. 6-q 4'gal. 10 i'lb. 5J 4* lb. 5 4'lb. 121 4'ib. u 4Mb. 25 4'bill. « 75 4'gal. 3 50 4'keg. 1 00 4' bush 6 Plb. 6 i'lb. 9J Plb. 3 00 Pgal. 45 4'gal. 4'gal. -By an oriler of the Court of Ordinary of county, will be sold before the courthouse door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday iu February next, Threo Negroes—Silva, Ann, and Sabitlia. Sold ns the property of George W. Wardiow, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of said de ceased. ORIN D. TUCKER, Adm’r. jan 10 ■a, SO 00 ® 17 00 » 12 00 ■a. 16 00 it 1 00 a 10 00 w 7 00 <r 1 25 4 50 6 50 1 50 1 00 4 DUINISTltATOIt’S HALIL—Will besold il on the first Tuesday in March next, at the courthouse door in Bibb county, in the city of Ma con, between the legal hours of sale, tbe "following lots aud parcels of Laud: Lot No. 215, containing 202} acres, more or less. “ “ 196, “ 202j “ “ “ part of “ “ 214, “ 195 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 198, “ 73 “ “ “ “ “ •< *• 197, “ 60 « “ Containing in the aggregate. Seven Hundred and Thirty-five (735) acres, more or less, aud being in the 4th district of originally Houston, now Bibb county. Also, tlie Causeway, attached to, and adjoining the above lands; the Causeway to be sold separately witli the lands, as may be 'determined ou the day of sale. Also, Lots Nos. 163, 164 and 139, containing eacli two hundred and two and one-half (20.'1) acres, more or loss, in the 4th district of originally Houston, now Bibb county. Also, fractional Lot No. 104, Macon Reserve, con containing ninety-five (95) acres, more or less, on the Ocinulgee River, about three miles below Macon, liein^ first quality river bottom land, aifioining lauds of Job Taylor and others, about one-balf of it cleared and iu cultivation, aud the other half heavily tim berod. The above lands to be sold for a division, and for the benefit of the heirs of Laird II. Wiley, deceased: tlie interest of said deceased being an undivided half, and by order of tbe Honorable the Court of Or dinary of Houston county. 'I’cmis on the day of sale. J. B. WILEY, Administrator of L. II. Wiley, deceased. jan 10 TO THE PTHLIC. H AVING determined to close out my cn- £7 tire stock of JKj Elegant Millinai’y Goods, £2 during tlie present season, 1 will sell at such reduced prices, particularly to cash buyers, as will attract at tention. lhavcin store beautiful Evening Dresses, and Dress Silks, splendid Embroideries, Trimmings, Gloves, Ribbons, Corsets, Mantillas, and a full stock of the most fashionable Bonnets, Caps, Head-dresses, Ac. Ac. CF* At toe same time, 1 would most respectfully request all those indebted to me, to call as soou as possible and settle tlieir bills. IF* Dresses, Cluoks, Ac., made to order at the shortest notice. Mrs. F. DESSAU, nov 22 Store on Triangular Block. New Millinery Goods. M RS. AUDOINE would respectfully in- —. form tlie Ladies of Macau and viein- ity, that she bas recently returned from ^ North,with an unusually large stock of liacrjr, Bonnets, Clotn Talmas and Cloaks, Furs and Flats of every description. Also, a large as sortment of Toys and Fancy Articles—all of which will be sold at such reasonable rates as will ensure quick sales and small profits. Tlie Ladies are invi ted to call and inspect her goods, oet 16 New Millinery Store. jVI^N KENNEDY bas just returned from ew York, where she has selected a . choice aud ellegant assortment of Millinery Sfo* and Fancy Goods, to which she would call tho at tention of tlie Ladies of Macon aud tlie surrounding country. Thankful for past favors, she is determii" ed to leave nothing undone to deserve a continuance of the same. EF She has removed to tlie store formerly occu- f ded by Freeman A Benson as an Ice Cream Sa- oon, between W. W. Parker’s fnid tlie N. Y. Branch Store. oet 11 Drags, patent 3Mriut5, fa. MACON DRUG STORE. E. L. STROHECKER A CO.. Apothkcakiks, and Druooi Comer above the Fioi/d House. Macon, ( Dirtfcoluliou of Copnrtnft'mhip. T IIK Partnership heretofore existing between the Mihseribor and tlie late L. 1*. Wood, wasdU- solyetl by the death of the latter. 1 hesub.'>criber having purchased the entire interest *d Mr. ood, and assumed all tlie debts of tli»* lat*' drill, will continue the business on his own account. AH persons indebted to the late tinn, are respeet- re<plowed to conn* forward promptly ar.d settle accounts, as th** bu>iu#*HS must closed speed* ily as poH-iible. KDW I>. L. STMOHECKEK. nov 15 14 full their rnHE Sl li.sCklHKK thankful f« X rona^e bestowed on the late liis acknov friends ai on his p pport unity to express same, and azures hi: nothing shall be wanti continued favors. We have now in stm intj choice Drags, Chei Articles, Patent Medici article kejit in a first nay ta >r the liberal pat- tirin. tak* s this ’ledginent for the id patrons that irt to merit tlieir rnt< ml are continually reeeiv- «ols, Paints, Colors, Fancy i of all kinds, and every tablishmeut. Any one who may favor us with th*ir orders may dependupon tlieir receiving tho best attention, and that all goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may bo returned at the option of tho buyer. ir * K. L. STIIOIIECKKK aV CO. Gardc'ii Soods. opening a fresh lot of Garden Seed, W E J ill of wiiieli are iritnuitad of tl 2T>tli. Tin- tra.ii- Mippliril mi libi-ral tenn.i. nov 15 E. L. STKOHECK Eli A CO For Physicians. A GREAT Variety of tlie best French, English and American Chemical.-, and Phannaceuticnl Pre- larations. Powders. Surgical Instruments, Magnetic, lachiues, Vials, Specie.furs. Saddle Bugs, Scc. Also, Camphcnc and Burning Fluid, nov 15 E. L. STOHKCKER A CO. QUININE. J UST received direct from the manufacturers, 200 ounces Quinine. Purchasing our (juinine and other Clicmicals direct trom tlie manufacturers, we mii I'miiiu. iitly l'l'cmmiii'iu! tli. ni l un end free from adulteration. E. L. STROHECKER A CO. nov 15 14 To the Alflictcd. T ARRANT’S EXTRACT OF CUBEBSA Copa- via: Grossman’s Specific Mixture; French Cap sules; Sugar coated Cubeb aud Cupavia Pills; !;■ ,i i'- No.; Mag:,in’s Liiciua Curilial; ('mil- pound Extract Bucher; Carpenter’s Extract C’ubehs, Sarsaparilla and Co pa via. For sale by nov 15 E. L. STROHECKER A CO. India. Cliolagoguc, j ^OR THE CUBE OF AGUE AND FEVER.— This preparation has been in use for years, iu thu successful treatment of Chills and Fever, and is now recognised as a standard medicine. It not only breaks tlie chill iu a day or two. but an occasional dose fortifies the system against tort her attacks. For sale by * E. L. STROHECKER A CO. nov 15 14 ROBINSON A Ef.DICED WILL, in a very few days, exhibit tlieir celebrated combined MENAGERIE & CIRCUS in this Citv, together with all tlie great HIPPODRCmiC FEATS, >f tlie New York and Paris Hippodrome which will be the wonderful scientific aehi of a man walking upon a perfectly smooth with liis Feet uppermost and liis head down PERFORMED BY MR. G. N. ELDKED. among , i-nu-nt seiling, 1 25 6 00 2 50 3 00 A O.UI.MSTKATOK’M.SALE.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, agreeable to an oriler of the Ordinary of Dooly county, before t courthouse door in Vienna, Dooly county, Lot Laud number nine (9,) aud fifty acres more or less H number eight (8,) in the 10th district of Dooly coun ty, as the property of the estate Chadwell Cnli/p- per, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms ou tho day. jan to DAVID S. CULPEPPER, Adm’r. 4’gal. Vdoz. 4'sack. 4*sack. Shot .. 2 12 w 2 25 Fling. Soar .. 6 w 6 4*16. Steel—Cast .. 20 IL 22 4*16. German 14 W 16 fib. American .. 8 a 10 F16. Sugar—St. Croix .. 8J it 9j 4'16. New Orleans... .. 7 a 9 FI6. Loaf, refined.... 11 9 121 F16. Crashed .. 10 •9 12 F16. Spirits—Brandy, Cog-. .. 2 50 * 5 00 4*gnl. American .. 60 # 1 00 Fgal. l'cach . 85 it 1 25 Fgal. _ Apple . 75 a 1 25 FgaL Tallow .. 10 Tu 12| FIB. Vinegar 20 9 50 Fgal. Whiskey—Irish . 2 50 a 4 00 Fgal. Mouougahela. . 1 00 U) 2 00 Fgal. Rectified..... 35 9 40 Fgal. Wise.—Madeira. . 1 25 it 4 00 Fgal. Sherry. . 1 50 9 3 00 Fgal. Champagne .12 00 it 16 oo Filox. •Malaga . 70 9 1 00 Fgal. Fort . 2 50 it 4 00 Fdoz. Claret . 3 00 9 5 00 Fdoz. G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas, Na thaiii(-1S. Glover applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Elizabeth Glover, late of Jones county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bu aud appear at my office, within tlie time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if auy they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given uuder tny hand at office, this 30th Decern her. 1853. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary, jan 10 G KOKGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where as, Benjamin B. Smisson, applies to me for Let I tors of Administration on the estate of Linens Wat son, late of said county, deceased: I These are, therefore, to cite ami admonish all and singular, thekiudredaud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within tho time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, wh said Letters of Administration shoulil not be granted. I Given under my hand at office, this 3rd day of January, 1854. JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary, jan 10 G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, E. L. S( * ■ " ITIncon Colton .Tlnrket, Jnn. to. The demand for Cotton the part week has been good. We quote extremes from 7 to 9 cents—prin cipal sales 8 j. 31m Silnrrtisrnirnts. Strohecker applies to me for Letters of Admin istration on thu estate of David Smailes, late of said | county, deceased : _ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and | singular, the persons col my office within the tim cause, if anythey have, why said Letters should not be granted. P. TItACY’, Ordinary, jan 111 McCAELIE & JONES, COMMISSION ME It CHAN T& MACON, GEORGIA, B EG leave to inform the citizens of Macon, and surrounding country, that they have opened a House on Cotton Avenue, two doors above J. B. Ross A Co’s, for tbe sale of all kimls of Tennessee Protluce; Bryant from New York. Tfie'cSLpmq^w con* I }u ™ U ^ Banter* and others, w.'toj.’orn, sirts of ELK YES talented Performers. The Campbells are coming again with Songs to greet you, at CONCERT HALL, ON THE 12T1I, 13TH AND 14TH. T HE Old mid Original C A ,711* U E L L 311XSTKKI.S, under the direction of Who u'with'them ^MMhevtrSo'bere last 1 Dan I And ’ 8el1 0,1 Commission exclusively, will be wno is witn mem since tliey were Here last r Dan | „ nil)ll<-1 , n ,- llplliHh „#i._~ «.:,i. |3i^ For particulars, see small bills. Doors open at 6J o'clock—Performance commence at 7[ o'clock. Admission 50 cento—Servants half price, jan 10 Dr. F. A. JONES, Agent. Oats, Bacilli, Lard, Ac., at Tennessee prices. Trans portation added. Wo respectfully invite those wish | ing to purchase to give us a call. ALKX. M'CAiUC S. JONES. jan 3 91-6in fiitltl I-,,. "■M't-M a,ui wi » I and Pacific Junction Company. Georgia Courier—W T e perceive from the JAS. B. AYRES, GKO. W. ROSS. The Report was adopted. On motion of Aid. Holt, llcsolml. That toe Street Committee lie authorized to purchase the Lots lying on Fourth street, between Poplar street and the alley, for city purposes.—Pass the pleasure of an acquaintance with Mr. Slier- I e ^ lie nuance committee reported the License Or man, but extend to hnn the editorial hand of diuanre for 1654, which was read. and on motion toe fellowship.—Oglethorpe Democrat. I rules were suspended and the Ordinance passed. I Aid. R»ss offered a set of Resolutions in reference Wai.kkrtmi Fii.ibustcr.—It appears from the to the h-.ising of Napiers Old Field, when on motion -. — - I Rcsoiuti ftioL tul ! Cn pioneer; Messrs. Grisliorne, I last number of the Courier, that the Hon. Lott u aii-i Bennett, iuid four As-istant Jin- Warren has retired from the editoriul dcpart- (’^u r ’’ ' v ‘‘° will be accompanied by Captain meat of that paper, and that Mr. L. E. Sher- E., and Lieutenant Sntcn, II. man is to be the future editor. We have not »5u . f of ,he British Government, and ^triimJ^i.' a . Us at Jamaica with Lieutenant u i ‘’totes Navy, and surveying ,V v Le Cr * as ootomand, on board the l?. S. Vtioin | Kar C V" ne ' Cajit. Homes, which will * l I,,lrt Ho >’ r1 h 7 H. M. surveying *tr ... i^i ’’’ 1UII ‘ hy another liritish man-of- t:,:..;. '.'a Preach man-of-war from Mar- Vi(v totttla sqtimlron will then proceed . «*onta Bay, ou the Atlantic coast of 1 )a- V.-i I l the surveying parties will cro-- - '-‘'to the lUver Sevnim and tho Gulf. lV,‘ ^oUd, where a man-of-war f„.„, ,ho • '’ r “ -"it will lir ready to reeeive them. ; 1 * oli-ti e Coimnoiiee ;| detailed survey ‘ ' - 111mi wheiiee tlieir return limy lie ••'" ut the 1st o: May next.—flume that William Walker, the I Action on the ■ a.n n filibustering party is only week. 1 iderof th< light yean of age, • native of Tcnnnaae Na.-liville, where i*i- father .-till lives, an iusuranca company there, lie studied ■ in Paris, law in Ji< w Orleans, and in tin- f l-t- '49 he. inn* directly connected with i New Orb-'in., "i the proprietor* -pri-e did tint id editors of tl nfitable . fall . Tliep. tide hi- Thc H ,i- -did to othei mid Mi. Wnlk.-I 1’ftf time grali'in tn .Sail Krani •ion tlicri . nt the same liis pursuits ns a jmirnnli.-t. In i lit the dispute, which grew -lilt nf the newspaper article he bocaine invoB ed in a duel u ilb on« of hi> ootenipur.irics, in ivliich hs whs wounded. ilutions was susjieuded for one On motion of Aid. Ross, I RruJcrd, That tlie Committee, on application of John & KWiardsou, refer the act as pn-i-d by tin- .; i -i-laturi. U asing to Mr. John S. Hicnard- '\.. i d.l Field. !•' i. gdl ini ■—tigiitiiiii. mill such inverti‘-ntinn be subniittcd totlii- body,— . „ hn IS. Lmmir’a license to cros. the Mr., on Ige. u a - :,ll"»e,l to be rell. Wed :lt til. -Hllle rate Aid. Roger.-. That the on I'uinpsbe author ized tu have the Pinups painted.—l'a.-ed. Council then adjourned. Att-.t, A. R. FREEMAN. •. i G EORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY'.—Whereas, W. M. Dykes, Guardian of A. A. O. Dykes, applies tome tube dismissed from said Guardianship, he J having faithfully discharged the trust reposed in him, as appears from the vouchers of file : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, if auy they have, on or before the first Monday in March, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, at of fice, this 3d day of Januarv, 1854. jan 10 ALEX. MKit 1 WETHER, Ordinary. Joseph S. Ilei-naudez’s QEGAB. SNUFF AND TOBACCO STORE, Or- O posits THE L inter House, Mulberry street, Ma con, Ga., where he keeps constantly on hand, import ed Hpnuinh Segura, as well as American Hc- gnr», at wholesale and retail. Also, Cliewiug To. burro, Sun If, Ac. jan 3—ly G EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-Whereas, Wih liatn W. Webb, applies to me for tbe Guardian- | ship of the person nmt property of Morris Kaiford, orphan and minorof Barden C. M. Haifont, deceased: IlariHlou’s Express. % O K8PECTFULLY benleare to inform the eiti- XV zuns of .Macon and ic.« vicinity, that they have concluded their MTangcnicuU with* the Central liail- Are, therefore, to cite and udmonfeh all per* I road and Ihinkin^ Company, and are now running sons concerned, or interested, to allow cause, in noasengerb daily to .Savannah and semi-weekly to terms of the law, if any exist, why said Letters should I Oglethorpe and’Cohunbtis, and also forwarding goods not he granted. % | to 31ilh!'<ville and all intermediate places. W« reamers to forward Given under my band and official signature at would :il-«» .say that our Expre>.o-s hy’St« office,this 2Ul day of January. 1*54. _ | New York and Philadelphia, enabh- ALEXa MKKIWKTHER. Ordinsrv. r i KOmsiA, DOOLY COUNTY.—'When T ges Botlafortl, Admini-tnitor of the estate lhulsfiird, deceased, applies to hi,* disnti>sed i 'iii«I adniini'jtrHtion.he having tully adiniuLtered IS. Mo fJohi th croft •] ) file III the law rite and admonish all i ■ ir ..hjections, if any f! wliv slid Let tor.' alio c, in terms < not be granted. t*i\ eii and *r my hand and ollieial .signature, at o tice, thi>thw r>th dav «*f January. H”*4. jan iu ALEX. MERl'VETHER, Urilinary. Specie. ( also every d**si*nptiou «»t* iMerchandise and Valua- ] Me-! to every town in the North era States, also to idiforuiii aud Europe. Offices and Aof nts. Floyd lions.* Diiildin--. Thin! >tiv.-t, Macon, Ga. ; Hay >;re«*t, StYnnnuh,—(J. li. (.'lavtoti, Oglo- I tliorp**, — Uaiididph Suvot. C«dmnbus —7-i" ay, rk,— J-l aud South-Third Hhiladi'lnliia,—- (’ourtlandt >t., Ho.-ton,—Kxelmnge, St. Hroviueneu,— j MuJif^oinerv Street. San Kraneiseo. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTEK A CO. March l*», l iy ITIilUnci’y and Fancy Oooils. M RS. DAMOUR has just returned from New y,-. York, and lias selected a stock of the Sto" above Goods, which cannot fail to please those who wish to purchase. It consists in a fine assort ment of Straw and Sii.k Bonnets ; a general assort ment of Ribbons and Flowers, Head-Dresses and Gaps. Also, a good assortment of tbe choicest Dress Silk Goods and Evening Dresses, which have been carefully selected from A. T. Stuart A Co s Store, and a variety of other articles usually kept in that line of business, which will be sold at reasonable prices for cash. \ New Fall JTIillinery. M RS. CAREY”, at her old stand, opposite < the Iatnier House, will open on the Oth i instant, her new and splendid stock of Fall ® MILLINERY A FANCY GOODS, to which she invites the attention of the Indies. Also, can be found on hand at all times, the latest fashions ol tlie following articles, BONNETS of Velvet and Leg horn, new shapes. Straw and Silk; Flats, (new stvle) Leghorn and Straw. EMBROIDERIES, on LACE, MUSLIN and SILK, TRIMMING and GARXTl’RE RIBBONS, Kid, Lace and Silk GLOVES, French Flowers, Evening DRESSES, Mantillas, Manteletts, COLLARS, INSERTIXGS, YVorked BANDS,CAPS, HEAD-DRESSES,Ac.. Ac. oct 4 IVew Millenery. M ISS E. DOY’LE having permanently located herself in Perry, takes this f method of informing tbe Ladies of Perry, ^ and surrounding country, that she will carry*£ on millinery ami Orris making in all its branches. She has just opened an entire new stock of honucD, Ribbons, Headdresses, Caps, Flutrrrs, of the latest style and fashion—which she will sell oii liberal terms. Ladies will please favor her with °sR- oct 25 3m FREICIIT REDUCED! The Pulnahi Sttenin Boat Company, W ILL take COTTON after this /rtSo- »v date, to Savannah, from any Ilk, Ur - ef. of tlie landings between Mac-on aud i^-^-l_ 11 RiS- Darien, by the Steamers ' ISAAC SCOTT A SAJI JONKS, until the first of May next, at FIFTY CENTS PER HALE. Agent nt Macon Charles Campbell. “ “ Hawkinsville,. ..Simon Merritt. “ “ Darien A. A. DkLoiime. Agents at Savannah, Smith A Lath nop. dec 27 20—3t Valintblc Tavern Property for Sale, T HE Proprietors of the Indian Spring £— Hotel, at the Iudian Spring, Butts fsjj eouuty, now offer for sale that valuable U i I Tavern Property at said place. This Tavern can accommodate Three Hundred Persons at one time, as the buildings are very large. Al! persons wishing to invest in one of the most valuable tavern propertv in Georgia, are now invited to call nnd look, as a great bargain will now be given, and terms made easy. This being one of the most valuable Water ing Pitres in the Southern country, is therefore, the most valuable as a location for a first class Hotel in Georgia. The property will be offered at private sale from this time until Friday tlie 6th day of Jan- next; when if it is not sold at private sale, it will on that day be offered at public sale. Titles will be made perfect. 1ST Furniture sufficient for the Tavern can bo had witli it. EDWARD VARNER A SONS. Indian Spring. Dec. 13,1653. 18—tf For Sale. A HOUSE A LOT situated on the corner ,0— L Y of First and Oak Streets, better known Tii- M as the funner residence of J. W. Babcock. I.iltni Possession can be given iminediatelv. nov 8 tf A.'H. BROACH. For Sale. A LARGE and commodious Dwelling House, containing five good Rooms, JTTT with large Garden, Stable and other out Iasi houses attach,il. Also, a good well of water. The house is pleasantly situated near tho Female Acade my. For particulars, apply to J. BARNES or dec 6 R. IIOBBS. HOUSES TO Hill, by KENT, on College M. M. MASON. ■ ">Y M. M. MASON, wi -D Monday in January, 16 twpnty-tive. Select School, will re-open on the fir>t 1854. Number of Pupils, dec 27—3t •h the follu Mucoid Wholesale and Retail .Sad dlery Warehouse. TTT T. MIX&CO„ Cotton Avkni:k, Mn- \ V • nufactarm of Saddled, Bridles and arm-.-s, have on hand a ^ood assortment iddles, Bridles and Harness of whii ■ompri-e a part: Spauirth Quilted, Overlaid and Slmfton Saddh s ; tcr's large and i-xtru larjp- Saddl«-> : Mens plain do.; Kuglish «!«•.; Buy’s and Kan* do.; Ladies’ Sad dles of a variety of j.;itti*r!^; Bridles'and Marteii- gal»*s. Saddle aVc. S vnnlkr s M —SaddleTre**s.Skirtiiii' ami !It*^ Skin*!: Had do. : Straining and Worsted Web ; riir»*ad and Tat k>. a>>4»rtetl .-izi***. 11 \ i; \ t —(’oarli, Barotnln*, Bu^gy and Sulky Iarne*»« -, of all kind>, hv tli*- .-in^h* >«*t. pi 1-,* ’ 3.V— ly LA PER CHE, BY MESSItS. LA ROUSE AND KING. This extraordinary performance has excited uni- venal wonder and admiration, shewing beautiful Feats of Balancing nnd Elegant Acrobatic Postering, by La Rouse, ON A POLE THIRTY FEET HIGH, held bv .Mens. King. MADAME ROBINSON, MASTER JAMES ROBINSON, MASTER JOHN, And an additional list of popular Actors are with the Company, and will appear in tlie various exercises. T1IE BAA’D Is directed by the celebrated JOts. XOSIIER, which a sufficient guarantee for its merit. SPLENDID COLLECTION OF WILD ANIMALS, In addition to the above attractions, oftV-r a rich hill of entertainment. T. U. TIDMARSH, Agcnt.Hi nov 29 16—tf Peter &. Jaiigstctter D RAPERS and Tailors, Opposite the Lanier House. The sub scribers are now receiving and open ing tlieir stock of Fail and Winter Goods, consisting in part of Black and Fancy colored French and Eng lish Cloths, French, English and American Cassimeres, of all kinds and colors. Vestings of Silk, Satins, out Velvet nnd Embroidered pat terns. All of which will he made ' and trimmed in our usual style, and at the shortest notice. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Consisting iu part of new style of Patent Shirts, Under Shirts, Merino and Canton Flannel Drawers, Stocks, Scarfs. Neckties, Glove.-,Suspenders, Ae. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us, we respectfully [solicit a continuance of tne same, hoping that by strict application to busi ness and a moderate scale of nrices, to need the approbation of those dealing with ns. Cutting done at the shortest notice, oct 18-3m PETER & JAUGSTETTER. A 1 on the first Tuesday in March next, before tho courthouse door, in Zebnlon, Pike county, a tract of Land, in said county, lying on Flint River, No. 41, 1st district. Pike county, containing two hundred two and onc-half |202J) acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Sarah Mos.-is, late of Warren county, deceased. "Terms cash. dec 27 JESSE M. JONES, A.lm r. KemovtMl. BARNES has removed his BINDERY from Mulberry Street to the “ Georgia Telegraph ' Office, on Cherry Street. T 11 J . M For Sale, A BEAUTIFUL LOT, which contains three and three-fourth Aort-s of Land—a beautiful situa tion well improved, with all necessary Buildings on the premises. A good Dwelling House, one story high—an Ofliee, and m large Negro House, with a chimney in tlie centre of it. All of said buildings on a line in front of the Federal Rond, now called tho Columbus Road. Also, a very good Barn—a fine well of water, nnd of the best. It is a notable place of health and comfort. Said premises adjoins the lands of Leroy Napier on three lines, and one line on the Columbus road. 8aM premises will besoldlowS for cash. For information apply to JL FITZGERALD. For particulars apply to J. BARNES, or dec 80 T. C. DEMPSEY’. Beebe iV Co., K ASH ION ABLE HATTERS, 156 Brotuhray New York. Will introduce the Spring Fashion for Gentlemen's Hats, on Saturday, Feb. 11th. The Hat is extremely light in its appearance, and better adapt ed to the 8pring nnd Summer h*-.isons, than any style t \ 11:.vt io rffoitTf i--ui’.l. TJu* increased demand for their Hats has induced B d: Co., to enlarge their manufactory, and they ran now asanro their custom ers that all orders will l>e promptly executed, and the Hata forwarded at one day’s notice, if desired. Each Hat wil! be packed in a t, r ood hand-box without extra charge. The following is a list of their established prices subject to Five per cent discount. Terms cash, $3G, $39, $42, $45, «Sc S54. p'r doz. for Bl'k Moleskin Hats, and $39 to $G0 p’r doz. for Kooky Mountain White Silvery Braver Hats, Fii simere Hats. Bl'k Drab nd I’etri of the u able styles at 815 to 83G p’r doz. They al ture and keep on hand a large assortment ;<ml Y.’iith > r;t}><. the most fashionable prices from 812to 818 p’r doz. for Gents, $101 to 8l8p’r doz. for youths Be forward Hats in time for their custon for sale on the same day tlie fashion the city, if the orders are received i:i to do so. dec 27 "-0—it * soft < ’as st fashion- i nnimifae- id from e A: Co., will •s to offer them introduced in toon for them Stolen ROM the subscriber, on the 21st inst. a small l’< >CK ET B<)(>K. containing 30 or 40 dollars in cash, and several notes and papers of importance, ne note on John Powers, senr., one on Mr. Whittle, one on Mrs. Hughes, several on Mr. Meant and Mr. Progler, and perhaps others. Any information of the notes and papers will he thankfully received and properly rewarded. A11NEK 1\ POWERS, ice 27 -jo A«*\v Sail* suiil Livery Stable. 1HK Subscriber hiuin^ bought out the stables of . J. M. Cooper A Son, will continue the business liis own an.'duiit, liaxin^ amph* room, ho is ena- l to furnish better accommodation for Horses and ilh-s on .'.tit', than any in the city. Double and sin- H:mies< and S.iiMh Horst-s well broke, for sale, uirirh '. Cnrriau r ' '. Ac., for hire. G. F. COOPER. *„m 19—fit Fifty l>ollais on the 27th Ileceiube •t in Grifiin, «»r Macoi To Hire*, rp WO likely young ne^ro felh Apply to' smart nnd handy. ABNER P. POWERS. Reward. r, 1853, either at the depot iu Grifiin, or Mncon. or on the cars be- :he t» cities; a small WALLET or Pocket ;ontaiuiug a Mini ol* money, and h Railroad Receipt for ;i cotton uni. from the Railroad agent at u. The above reward will be paid for the de livery of tin? Wallet to tin- I*roprietors of the Lanier Utilise. Macon, or.I;e». A. Beeks, Grifiin. Between six and seven hundred dollars, can scribed. G. M. MART HE Dec. 27, 185.3. jan Wanted to Hire, B Y the Corporation of the city of Macon, ami 6 Boys, for Street purposes. “ ‘ E. L. STROHECKER, Mayor.