Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 17, 1854, Image 3

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\v w City Cc :il Chami:ki:, .Ian. 1 1, IS.",.’! K »otinjr " f tlio citizen- nf Miloon lmvn A "jled for the purpose of taking intocou- project for uniting the interests t*** w ii,l ;l ting the Stock of the Central and Western Railroads, for which object ‘Snow before the legislature. »>’• .jtixpns assembled attlie Council Cham* ^ Hi* Honor, E. L. Strohkckkk, tlic was called to the Clmir, and S. Bosk S*! Secretary- ^ motion of L. N- AV hittlk, Esq., the ,.l. a n appointe<l, L. X. Whittle. J. 11. Gro. Pattf.n, Pktf.r Solomon and Xisbkt, a Committee to prepare and Tli '"j , lU siness for the action of the meeting, ih Committee retired for a short time, aud .aiming to the Council Chamber, L. X. * ** x £ s q., Chairman of the Committee, 1 Jhe following preamble and rcsolu- r i> ' hich were unanimously adopted without i, is contemplated to consolidate the " * ,*Ta Railroads terminating at Maeon in one ».«* t l un( j | , r the charter of the Central Railroad )Vi l0 effect and autliorizo which, 1 i l" or in part,» hill has been introduced in the 'IjonreBOW in sessfota aud whereas sncli consol- imi amalRaination if carried out, will enable thus organized, so to control and the transportation of cotton and other sndfrom Atlanta. Oriflin, Columbus, Ogle s’--’ 1 " ami "tiler point* upon the line* of the Macon *3* the Southwestern and the Muscogee Kail- discriminating in freights against Macon, iami prevent the same from being offer- ? (Voile in the Macon market, or from being dis- ".1,1 Macon or any other point than thotermi- K„ ; i,is. save under great disadvantages, j«hcrsw serious injury must result to tliolrade of s' 1 *" j all other places between the termini of ^lKuaiis to he thus placed in the power of any one -mov, therefore, . C lived, That our Senators and Representatives -wo»Mte<l to oppose the passage of any law, the jVft of w hieh may ho to consolidate and nnite the • '^1 Hailroad, with any one or more of the Kail- noaing into Macon, under one and the same Tliat our Senators and Representatives requested to introduce and urge, tlie passage repealing all acts now of force authorizing allowing the Central or any other Railroad Com- lease oilier ltoads or use and work them in J*J, t< -lion with their own. lad whereas, in the opinion of this meeting the oh ^of the le gislature in granting the various Rail Cj charter* now of force in Georgia, was toad- ijife »"'* subserve the interest of the State and pnb- Wl large, contemplating that the charges for trail Ortim;'freight and passengers thereon, would he Efonii and alike to all in proportion to the distance Esmie might be so transported, but without dis- in such charges in favor of any one T against another, and whereas this obviously unreasonable expectation has not been carried _ by the several Railroads in Georgia, but each of fa® have charged aud now charge for transporta- gtglixtwi-eii point* along their lines, much higher Jj.i Uthe mile, than when transported from one wminns to the other. Urtwlrol. That our Senators and Representatives armiae-teii to use tlnjir best endeavors, to procure jriakige of a law requiring each and all the Kail w £i„ this State to elmrge a separate sum for load j, ,aJ unloading all freight received upon their re r,iive ltoads, and a certain rate per mile for tran icing the same, which shall ho uniform ami alike Jill, in proportion to the distance the same may he jn-jerted and without regard to the points between jhjrt the same may lie so transported. On motion of Tiios. C. Njsbet, Ks„I,M, Tliat the procoe<lings of this meeting he ■Ul-hed in the city papers, and copies of the same t (.oeanled to tlio l’residcnt of the Senate and the House of Representatives, aud were- aoi the tame to bo rend before both bodies, also & copies he forwarded to our Senators and llepre natives in the Legislature. The meeting then adjourned. E. L. STROHECKKR, Ch’m’n. Hose, Secretary. I'' The Panama Railroad is now completed o Georgia, and the river boating, hitherto so ■hjcctionablc. is now done away with. For the present passengers leave the cars at Gor- guua. mid from tlicncc have about 20 miles tc tnvel to Piutama, over a much improved road. TV transit from ocean to ocean is now readily tfomplished in 12 hoars. The company have smienced operations in Panentu, with a force allot-. whole largesl 11,-151 the I.,■dv.T ll The dail; 1 ’ll 11. v i ;il riuiii iiianti I’lll \. I,'5-'l tin- yield.-d m.-jt 1.15:1,2:!u .1' eraue throughout the !>5 gallon-! and the -i in any one day, was le gallons. Thu Schuylkill water works supplied 1,330,614.*134 ole gallons. The water from the Fainnriaut works is conducted throngli 121 miles of pipes. There are 249 hydrant pumps and t!7? fire-plugs in the city. A Death-Hkd Revelation.—A large wine dealer residing in Loudon, recently on his i". ami thee i,| fiflv cent In- eunditioi Ma-ti tpii 11,! V, «fLo ch -1 And it i- furl tier orda part- of Ordinances, nance, l>c and the mm* Attest, A. R. Km:km EDIT’D. I.. STKOHFX’KKK, Adopted January Oth, 18 54. Mayor med, Tliat all Ordinan Militating against this are hereby repealed, iiJnu Bunlisrniriits. N«‘W 1 oi-k Wire Ih, rpiil-: 1*1 ..j.i-i.-t Kailiug I. utal lm»N !• Mini -tablisln 11 :1m- United M»tes. nr I is received during !l : oar up 0 orders from various parts of the hich all the Railing enclosing the Galleries of the renowned Crystal I’fiu jUmnlisriiifiits ^ - knowlcdgcd to his friends that his agony was I daily by these wonderful Pills, after all other means occasioned by the nature of the business he I have failed have brought them iuto the highest re- had followed for years. lie stated that it had l!“ te * * nd ,‘hem as the finest medicine ever I£7Ert offlw suWnbcKs orders' been his liahit to purchase all the sour wines dls *‘ 0, j er ‘‘d- classes gladly avail themselves of iron RAILING, embracing every variety, made he could, and by Lkiug use of suga-f hi SS^ Wl " and Other deletenous substances, restore the their afflicted fellow-creatures throughout the world, Iron’itedstends of everv size and unique design of wine to a palatable taste. He said he did not whether suffering from dropsy, indigestion, or any ,| le most chaste to the plainest patterns, doubt lie had been tlie means of destroy-;..^ I other ‘n-egulanty to which the human frame ml,able. | l roll Furniture, consWmg of Tables, Chairs, Set- hundreds of lives, as he had from time to time A C A R D . teea^Hat-racks, Waah-st.nds, Towel-stamls, Mat.- noticed the injurious effects of his mixtures 011 THOMAS T. WYCHE, having recently lost his Howe Posts, of new and heantiful design, those who drank them. He had seen in- Warehouse by fire, has made arrangemeuts with . w *okershain s Patented, celebrated Wire Fence, stances of tins kind where the unconscious Messrs. Patten * Collins for the Storage of all Cot- I , Kl,ilr0ads ’ Kl,rms ’ Gardens, Ac., victims of his cupidity, after wasting and de- ton consigned to him. I' Wire Fence of tlie above description cannot burn elimng for years, despite of best medical ad- He respect!ally and earnestly solicits hi* firm I or Amt. For countries subject to fires and innnnda vices, went to their graves, poisoned by the I friends anti patrons, to continue to him tiieir l»nsi- I tions this Fence is invaluable. adulterated wines he had sold them n< ' 8!, . f *, • 1h *- t , ! l ? ce " ,d * n °* h<T8 - who may desire Tlie 2nd edition of» “New Phase of the Iron Man- aauiu rated wines nenau sold tncin. I to aid him in Ins present unfortunate situation and ufactnre,” which lias been greatly enlarged, enn- 1 Ills man dted nch, but alas, what a legacy low. taining designs, explanations and pHces of the above did lie leave for Ills children. I His personal attention, as also that of Messrs. Pat- I articles, will he forwarded by addressing the sub- ten A Collins, will be giveq to all business entrust- Iscriber. ed to liim. not 18 | 10 ({old, Silver and Bronze Medals and Diplomas have been awarded by various institutions. “ I'nrlr .N>«I had no SInir on the top of his | Proprietor and Manufacturer, JOHN B. WICK- Consicil Cltaiubor, Jan. 12, 1854 regular meeting. Present—Tlie Mayor. Aldermen, Ayres, Wise, Thomson, Rogers, Ross, Holt, aud Lew. Absent—Aid. Mix. Tlio minutes of tlio last meeting were read and I beautifies, hut restores the hair at any period of life, confirmed. I Only those who will not try it, are troubled with Bald* The Bridge Keeper reported tolls for tho week to | ness, Dandruff, or liarsh unpleasant hair, date, $102 !>5. Tho Flounce Committee reported in favor of tlif* following accounts, which were ordered paid, viz : A W. Carrutlier’s, amount #8 S3; J. It. Ayres,' *45; Georgia Citixeu’s, 939 12; M. Stubblefield’s, 9192 40 matter of Leasing to John S. Richardson “ Napier' old Field," with instructions to obtain legal advice in regard to the Act of tlie Legislature authorizing said Lease, offered the written opinion of an Attor ney as their report. The report was received, and on motion of His Honor, tho Mayor, Alderman Hidt in tho Chair, it Tlie Supreme Court, of the State of Georgia, •.ig-'s Lumpkin, Starnes and Henning, pre- Aiing. has been in session in this city since I-miIst. We learn that the calender consists rfright cases, several of which have already «<a argued.—Sar. Courier. Ccu roR Htdkophobia.—At Udina, in Friuli-, a poor man suffering under the tor- 3*i of hydrophobia was cured by draughts of wg»r, given him by mistake, instead of Mhi-r portion. A physician of Padua got tdligoiee of this event, and tried the same **dy upon a patieut at tlic hospital, admin fctcritig a pound of vinegar in the morning, xbtlifr at noon, and a third at sunset, and t!r man was speedily and perfectly cured. It is said that tlic present editor of the Ed ; lieview, is Professor George Cornwall , lute M. P., and Financial Secretary of f Treasury, and author of several works on '■riml economy. Tlie present editor of the Hritish Review is Professor Fraser.— t Westminster Review is under tlie dircc »rfseveral editors, male and female, with "Chapman, the iutidel book-seller in I.on . at its head, both as editor aud publisher kUood is conducted by Professor Aytoun i-ia-law of Professor \\ ilson ; and the Lon- hUi Quarterly so long tinder tlic management flockhiirt, who has resigned his post on ac- r®t“fill health, is now under the editorial don of the Rev. Whitwell Erwin, of «. who has been a contributor to the Re r for some time past. t , TL’ language of China is understood flghont the remote regions of tlie eastern lwheu written, just as the Arabic numcr * * K ’ *like in all the languages of Europe. •Ban from the province Focnau would not Wand a word of the spoken langnage of “•» A Japanese could not make himself hntood to a Chinese; and an inhabitant of ggm eoald do nothing with an inhabitant ^ utt ' ,c moment they took pen in "land wrote the sign winch conveyed tlie 1, then al became perfectly intelligible.— [fowling the other day showed some friends Huucse newspaper, which could lie read by CIRRMRNI of human beings, though not more “H* than 4t>,0«0,000 could understand the language of eaeli other.—London In ►Holloway’s Pills a most excellent reme dy for the t’nre of headache, bile, dimness of sight, deranged stomach, anil disordered liver; th-hod hoinir in irre-it ilistri-ss of niinil me- in rc storing strength and vigour to dehilita- 1*1* . f- r^ il ’ ‘<«J constitutions. 11..- extraordinary cures effected Grounds and t! Palace. Forsythe Place, a Public Park in Savannah, coo- I taining'ten acres, enclosed with a beautiful pattern of W ire Railiug. Aikin Square and Flynn’s Church, property of the City of Charleston, S. C., Iiave just been surrounded | with Wire Railing of a rich and graceful design. Cemeteries, Dwellings, Public Grounds, Banks, Insurance Offices, Hotels, Hospitals, Asylums, TIich- I tres aud Mills in all parts of the country, are among hcnil, in thcplnrc where the Ilnir ought to I ERSHAM, Warehouse No. 312 Broadway, grow. ” _ Works—Nos. 53,55, 57, 59 and «1 Lewis-st., N. Y. But he lived previous to the discovery of Lyon’s | jan 17 23 1 in celebrated Kathairon, which not only preserves and 1 Lc:u1, Zinc, Iron Paint, Oil and Colors, ■ , .. .. , ]\TANCFACTURKD by FRANCIS S. LEWIS /■nun tie Home Journal, A. J. I J.1A A CO., represented by Lewis, James * Co., No article ever acquired so rapid celebrity and 1135 South Front Street, Philadcldhia. universal appreciation as Lvos’s Katiiairon. To I Orders thankfully received—punctually attended those who have used it (and who lias not) the reason to, guarnteed to give satisfaction, mid offered for sale is obvious, as its invigorating and beautifying effects, I on the most liberal terms. _ .... ... _. 1 and agreeable Perfume, stamp it an indispensable ar- For samples and particulars, please address as The Committee to whom was referred the subject I tic-le of the toilet." Sold at tlie old price of 25 cents I above. jail 17—23 3inos atter of Leasing to John S. Richardson “ Napier's | large bottles, by all dealers, everywhere. I — ■— D. S. BARNES, Proprietor, 161 Broadway, N. Y. I ) KMAININt I » lii. 1 All .In I’ertise'l. A—Anderson. : Alberts, W II Alien, Bax Arnott, A R Atkinson,It L B—Bright, Re- Burton, FI, Brown, Mathew E Brown, F B ltone, Neal Bonner. Dr B C F lleton, Andrew Baimcr, P I. 2 Brantly, H Butler, Jas . Bird, Juo W Jr Bright, Morgan Bowman, Mrs Martha Barnhart. Kok’t Brown, M Britton, Wm llryce, Hob’t t'—Crocket, E Chapman, Randle A Co Clark, Mrs L V Cronin, Wm Cain, Jesse 3 Cottrell, Jas 2 Chapman, B Culpepper, W B Cohen, Henry Coffee, Daniel Cherry, G C Clodwid, Mrs Jas Cook, Elsoy Clarke, Thus J Cohen, J J Cowles, Win C'larke, Z Cawley, Win l>—Doughertv, Wm Dent, Mrs A li Dean, Time Davis, Mrs Anna Drake, C It Dent, JnoT Daniel, Edward Danforth, Juo H Diiiiean, A LETT GltS .-t (Itii.-e, Macon Ki- Mauuied ; in Knoxville, on the 27tli ult. .Miss Sabah R. of Culloden, to Mr. Benjamin lietolenl. That the Mayor endeavor, through onr I Lockett of Hopewell, Representatives, to obtain on amendment to the Act authorizing the lease of Napier's old Field to John S. Richardson; authorizing the Mayor and Council to lease the same to said Richardson on such terms, and for such time, and under such restrictions ns they may deem proper. Failiug iu this, to lease the same at out cry. Passed. The following applications were made for Retail icons,*, viz : D. Mcatli, Baruy MeAfferty and O. A. J. R. Porter. On motion of Aid. Ro^ AVso/rcrf, Tliat the Election of Chief Engineer for the lire Department, be postponed for the present.— Passed. Tlie following geutlemcn were then elected Fire Masters for the present year, viz : Geo. S. Ohearaud Benj. F. Dense. Accounts received and refenred to the Finance Committee, viz: Loft Malsby’s, Elam Alexander, Bray, Carliart A Co’s., Bray A Carhart’s, and Free- man A Roberts’. On motion of Aid. Rogers, Xetoleetl, That the Committee on Gas, be instruct ed to have the Gas introduced into tlie Council Chamber. Passed. Council then adjourned. Attest, A. R. FREEMAN, c. c. by G. P. Ci’i.YERiiocse, j. I. C. Wien loving hearts together twine ; And lovers, other hearts decline. The Passions, all. delight to how. Submissive, to tlie nuptial vow. Journal A Messenger copy. On Wednesday evening, lltli instant, by Rev. John Marshal, Mr. C. W. Nixon, of Marshallville.Ga., and Miss M a by V., youngest daughter of Solomon Fudge, Esq., of Houston county, Ga. “ High the bliss that waits on wedded love, Best, purest emblem of bliss above.” F. DIED, Iii this city, on the 5th inst., Mr. John W. Tucker, I aged about 31 years and 4 months. At tlie Georgia Academy for tlio Blind, after a brief illness, of pneumonia, Andrew J. Addison, in his 19th vear. HENRY HORNE’S ('oitfrrtionnry, Fruit .Store, Cake A Pnatry linker)-—Macon, Georgia, one door below the State Bank. M ANUFACTURER of the finest French Pastry and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Segura, Tobacco, Ac., Wholesale aud Retail. Gauntry Merchants supplied at tlic lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Coufectious aud Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms :—i'onitinly path—no Credit given. jan it I N XUFFTOK’N MAI,K.—Will be sold on Fri- j day, the 27th of January, instant, at the late re sidence of James P. Redding, of Monroe county, de ceased, all the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, llogs. Cuttle and sheep; I together with many other articles, unnecessary to [mention. THOMAS REDDING, },, . WILLIAM C. REDDING, jan 17 MALISA REDDING, Ex’rix. A ».UIMNTItATOK’8 MALE.—By virtue of I.K'KIVME ORDINANCE. Be it ornained by the Mavor and Council of the City of Macon, aud" it is hereby ordained bv tlie au thority of the same, Tliat tlie following shall ho the rates of License within said city : Sec. I. Each and every Dray or Wagon with one horse, hauling for hire, privileged to cross the Mneon Bridge free of toll, if owned in the city, shall >ny $20 00 •'or tlie same, if owned by a 11011-resident.... 30 00 Each and every Dray or Wagon with two horses, used in the same Avav 40 00 quiuiues ot cueenui pious coiiteutment, 01 industry .7 , ’ --- •-. ■ .---■ and desire to improve, that he had endeared himself *«"} , 1 !’ >«*”’ “ nd her eh,ld ’ * nd Amal " ,a; “ " ,rl > | to his fellow pupils and teachers, and given hopes of | , 1. __ his attaining tut are usefulness and happiness bv tlio successful pursuit of his »t lilies. I11 the providence of God the first deatli iu tlm school has been that of | one who had been the las, to joiii it, after long ex pectation and with good p -online, it.. <1.,. ...... ti...,. Term will be liberal—made known 011 the dav of ale. JOHN R. JORDAN, Adm’r. jail 17 On the 5tli instant, near Tlioinaston, Mrs. Jane Cona, wife of Maj. Wm A Cobh. ■ .. ... , , Mrs. C. had been for many years a member of tlie | Methodist Church, and diedas she had lived, a Chris- G 1 KOUCIA, PIKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Silas I Cogs* " ‘ " " in, applies to me for Letters of Adminis tration, on the estate of Burwell Coggin, late of start’ they coinfort me.” ComnirrciaL MACON PRICES CURRENT, JANUARY 17. 12j 3} 121 15 & ... 1 00 » 45 Each Retailer of Spirituous or ferment Liquors other than Tavern Keepers 50 00 It is further ordained. Thateach Licensed Retailer, (Tavern Keepers excepted,) in addition to the pro visions in the general Ordinance in retard to Li censed Retailers, shall within 20 days after obtain- . SpIulT3 _ Bramlv Co „ lug License, nfli* a sign-boyd near ta Qroverthe | Hririts—JBMmUj^Uog.. m Peach Bagging—Kentucky—... India Bacon—Hams Sides Shoulders-........ Butter Cheese Castings Cokeke—Rio Java..... Casdles—Sperm 40 Star Tallow 14 Feathers scarce 45 Fish—Mackerel, No. 1. ...18 00 “ 2....16 00 <• “ 3. ... 9 50 Shad Herring 80 Flour—Western Canal 9 50 Georgia 6 50 5 00 I Fodder Grain—Corn Wheat Oats Glass Guntowder Gin—Holland American Hides 1 ron—Swedes English Lard Lead Lime Molasses Nails Oil—Iaimp Linseed 90 W Train 65 •» Paints—White Lead 2 00 « Peas 90 a Pork—Nett A- 5 @ Rick 5 w Kora.*.' 7 ® Rum—Jamaica 2 00 «■ New England 40 'at Syrup—Lemon... a- Raspberry ® Salt—Liverpool, scarce.. u Almn, Urge and small 1 75 * Shot 1 75 ® Soaf 6 @ Steel—Cast 20 a German 14 © American 8 © Sugar—St. Croix 8} © New Orleans .,... 7 a Loaf, refined it a Crashed 10 a 13 a 16 a 50 a 20 00 V 17 00 a 12 00 a is 00 10 00 7 00 1 25 80 Pyard- 4’ynrd. 14 pm. ti pm. 9 Plli. 28 pm. i2j pm. 5 pm. 13 pm. i6 pm. 55 pm. pm. pm. pm. phhi. Phhl. Pbhl. Phhl. Pbox. Phhl. Phhl. Pbhl. For the same if owned by a non-resident.'.'..' 60 00 | (<«»■ ^<-«rly her last words were: “Though I walk It is further ordained,' Tliat any licensed Dray brossing the Macon Bridge with a load or part of a load, from either Railroad Depot, to deliver to wagons, or to a Railroad Depot, or with cotton, or other loading from wagons, to deliver to a Railroad Depot, shall pay a toll of 25 cents for a two horse Dray, and 15 cents for a one horse dray, when so loaded. It is further ordained, Tliat said License shall not be used either directly or indirectly, for the benefit of any slave or free person of color, nor be trans ferred to any other person, without the consent of Council. For a violation of any of the restrictions of this Section, upon conviction before the Mayor, said License shall he forfeited. Sec. 2. Each and every wagon with more than two horses nsed for hauling wood nr lumber, or any arti- le for the owners private use, privileged to'eross tlie Macon Bridge free of toil, if taken out before the first day of April, shall pay 940 00 Between April and July 30 00 Between July and October 20 00 After the first October 12 00 Each and every two lioine wagon used in the same way, if taken out before tlie first of April, shall pay 20 00 After the first July 10 00 Each and every one horse wagon used iu tlie same way, it* taken out before the first of April, shall pay 10 00 After first of April, shall pay 10 00 After first of July, shall pay One horse Butcher's or Baker's wagons, each shall pay : Sec. 3. Each and every two horse Hack or Carriage, used for the purpose of carrying Passengers to and from tne Railroad De pots, shall pay 40 00 The same with four horses 50 00 Each Omnibus with two horses used in the same way, shall pay 60 00 Each Omnibus with 4 or C horses, shall pay..125 00 The fare for a passenger to any part of the city, shall be only 25 cents Isec. 4. Any citizen to cross the Macon Bridge in a* one horse pleasure vehicle, or onh horse-back, shall pay 10 on Fora non-resident 15 00 One liorse wagons lianling for tlie owner's pri vate use, and not for hire...... 10 00 Sec. 5. For permission to huckster or ped dle corn, meal or flour about the city,(fanners bringing their own producojlrom tlie country for sale, excepted,) shall he paid.......... 30 00 Transient traders in goods, wares or merchandize, before exposing their articles for sale, shall take out a License, mid pay as follows: tor one week *25 00 and *5 00 for every additional week they continue I^ach Pedler of wares or merchandize, shall pay ®- r *® 9* tiEc. 6. Each Public Boarding House Keep ers shall pay 1° 90 Each Tavern keeper, with a Bar, shall pay..200 00 V.aI. UotniW AfSnfnhtntu nr ferment Liouors These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and , singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, through the vallcv of the shadow of deafli, 1 trifl to If *PP e *f at . ,n > - °flw« within the time pro- fear no 'evil: for tiou art with me: thy rod aud thy ZSftgWSl not bo graiu'^’ 0 ' ^ ^ Given under my hand at office, this lltli day of j January, 1854. WILEY E. MANOR AM, jan 17 Ordinary. C i i:«II«;i \, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, } Sanders Lane applies to me for Letters of Ad- I ministration on the estate of Wiley Line, late of Houston county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under luy hand, at office this, 11th day of I January, 1854. JOHN H. POWERS, jau 17 Ordinary. i-: Ellis, Miss A G Eleba, Mrs Julia vans, Clias G Edmund, (servant) Kldridge, Thos J •'Ills, Juo W —Ford, Mary (col) Fort 4c Co Foddrill, S C Frashure, B Forbes, Patrick Hollander, Enoch _ av, Micli’l Fullerton, Thos D Forman, Wm A 4S—Goods!), Jas D Gillon, Jas 11 Gallahcr, Corbin ilbert, A S vlaou, George Grady, Micli’l Gaulding, E R Gurgnncss, Rebecca utlirie, Jno L ilbert, A S Gray, Kob’t Gallahcr, Mr II—Harrison, B K Harrison, Benj Hoskins, L Herrington. B Hancock, N M Hanicl, Z Hanes, C H Hubble, FI C Hume, Rev J W llogenhucli. Win Higgins, Maurice Hutchings, R II Hubbnrd, Oliver Hanunilton, Ralph Hanse, Miss C Henry, T B Harris, Geo L J—Jones, Wm M Juiien, Mrs Maira Jones, Wm II Johnston, Isaac James, Rees lolmson, S R Jessup, Joshua Johnson, H R Johnson, Miss Marv Jones, Sliss Susan Z Johnson, Martin K—Keenan, Jas D lvirk.C W Knight, Wm jan 17 A LL persons indebted to the estate of Lemon M. \ Causey, late of Crawford comity, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all per sons having demands against said estate, are re quested to present them duly authenticated within tlie time prescribed by law. jan 17 SAMUEL II. CAUSEY, Ex’r. G 1 EOK6IA, HOUSTON COUNTY—Whereas, I George W. FTsli, applies for Letters of Admin- I istriitiol! on the estate of John B. McLain, late of said comity, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned. to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted." Given iinder my hand at office, this the lltli day | of January, 1854. JOHN H. POWERS, jiin 17 Ordinary. 4 50 6 50 4} a G eorgia, Houston county.—whereas, Robert W. Baskin applies to me for Letters of ♦Moots I Guardianship upon the persons and property of Vhush. I Mary F’rances, and Temperance M. Hargrove : Pbusli. I These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- Vbusii. 1 sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within Pbox. I the time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause, if any they liave, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 11th day of January, 1854. jan 17 JOHN H. POWERS, Ordinary 10 9 2 12 ... 1 00 Mssing Away.—Of the Senators in Con W *w were members at the December 1845, only the following named gen T" present: ■1. jj r ’ Atchison, 6f Missouri; Mr. Bright, of r^Y ^ r - Cass, of Michigan; Mr. Clay- '■ "t Delaware; Mr. l’carce, of Maryland, <tl* I'hclpg, of Vermont. And but five * present body were in service at any previous to tlie above dote.—Xat. Int. ■' Vo One’s Enemy but his Own.”—“ Xo his own ” happens, generally, enemy of everybody with whom he is “Xo one’s enemy but liis own ” ,Jip»dly through his means; calls in a " w »y on his friendu for bonds, bail, and ‘; involves his nearest kin, leaves his ‘“8 ar i quarters his orphans upon the a” :il | d i after having enjoyed himself to gninea, entails a life of dependndee on jgrnv, and dies in the order of that ill- P^potation of harmless folly which • * injurious to society than some positive L?°Deh e door of the tenement, in which retailing is carried on, upon which shall he painted iu plain characters, "Licensed Retailer of Spirituous Liquor”—with the name of the party licensed, which sign-hoard shall | lie continued until the expiration of the license, and j not a day longer. . . Any Licensed Retailer of spirituous or fermented liquors, (Tavern Keepers excepted,) who shall sell liquors on the Sabbath day, shall on tlie conviction before the Mayor, forfeit his, her or their license, and shall moreover be precluded from obtaining another License during the year. Sec. 7. F’or each Billinrd Table, shall he paid. 950 00 F'nr each Ball or Pin Alley “ 20 00 F’or each Vendue Master “ 50 00 F’or each Vender of Lottery Tickets.. 50 00 Sec. 8. Each male free person of color, be tween the age of 16 and 60 yean, shall pay 25 00 Flaeli female tree person of color, between the age of 14 and 50 years, shall pay Sec. 9. F'or a permit to pass a slave owned hi the city, to work about the city as a me chanic or haudicraftman, conditioned that slave shall not contract for any building or other work on his own account, but work under the control of some white person, (sub ject on complaint and conviction before tlio '.Mayor, to a tine of tweuty dollars, to be col lected out of the owner, agent or trustee of such slave, for every such offence,) shall he Apple. Tallow 10 Vinegar 20 Whiskey—Irish 2 50 Monongahela... 1 00 Rectified....... 35 Winks—Madeira 1 25 Sherry I 50 Champagne 12 00 Malaga 70 Port 2 50 Claret 3 00 Pkeg. 2 00 Pgal. 621 VgaL 10 tMB. 51 A* IB. 5 P1B. 121 **16. 9 A»1B. 2 25 Phhl. 30 Pgal. 6j VIS. 1 50 VgaL 1 00 Vgal. Vgi' Vkeg. V bush 6 V1B. 6 V1B. 9{ V1B. 3 00 Vgal. Vgal. Vgal. Vdoz. Vsack. Vsack. Vbag. 8 VIB. 22 VIB. 16 VIB. to VIB. 91 VIB. 9 VIB. 12j VIB. 12 VIB. 5 00 Vgal. 1 00 Vgal. 1 25 Vgal. 1 25 Vgal. 12J Vft. 50 Vgal. Vgal. Vgal. Vgal. Vgal. Vgal. Vdoz. Vgal. Vdoz. Vdoz. 75 2 50 1 00 45 1 25 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 50 C NKOROIA, PIKE. COUNTY.—Whereas, Ro ~f bert V. Reid, applies to me for le tters of Ad I ministration on the estate of Alexander O. Reid, late I of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to V-ite and admonish all per sons concerned, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if anythey have, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this the lltli day of | January, 1854. WILEY E. MANG11AM, jan 17 Ordinary. STATE OF UKOKfilAi Tlie Court of Ordinary of Pike comity met pursuant to adjournment, this 9th day January, 1854. Pre sent—Wiley E. Maugham, Ordinary, mo all whom this may CoscEits.—Whereas, X Andrew Crawford, Jr., Administrator upon the estate of Edmond C. Crawford, late of Pike county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the administration of said estate : Therefore, tlie kindred and creditors of said de ceased, are hereby cited aud admonished, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise, Letters of 'Dismission will he granted tlie applicant agreeably to law, iu such ease made aud provided. Tlie above is a true extract from tlie Minutes of said Court, this the lltli January, 1854. jau 17 WILEY E. MAUGHAM, Ordinary. 4 00 2 00 40 4 00 3 00 16 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 Jlnrou Cotton ITlnrkrt, Jim. 17. GKORlilA, ) Court of Ordinary, January Houtton County. ) Term, 1854. I T appearing to tlie Court by the |H.-titiou of Thomas Hardison, that John Wooten, of saidcouutv, de ceased, did ill his lifetime execute to John W. Mc Gee his bond, conditioned to execute titles ill fee simple to said John W. McGee, tor Lot of Liud mini tier one hundred and twelve, in tlie sixtli district of Houston county; and it further appearing that said John Wooten departed this life without executing titles to said lot of laud to the said John W. McGee ; and it further appearing, tliat since the deatli of the said John Wooten, said John W. McGee has trails- ferred said Bond iu writiug to tlie said Hardison, for a valuable consideration; and it further appearing: tliat tlie whole of the purchase money for said lam I away Rats.—A friend has just "" of ’*'l , oided on it a piece of cheese, r»t, i * ^ oot fretn the ground. f lejl Ped at it and was h. the' '* 10rr *ble squeal, nois. F^iiiJi** ^ or800 k him and | ’■"ibbu on the premises. 1 ’ 1’hess Generally l^^hei an erratum i ^« r which you can There still continues • good demand for Cotton, at 15*J^2dS*X£n*W<mtoi;, decwe^since n hisiRath^ our last weeks quotations, say for extremes from . to aml t j, 0 g#id Thomas Hardison having petitioned "T.15 00 I 9 9- principally 8|. I this court to direct the said John W. Bassett, Ad- Salt is very scarce and is now selling at $3 per I ministrntor, on tho estate < of the said John Wooten | deceased, to execute to him titles to said lot of land in couforinity to said Bond and Transfer: It is, therefore, ordered, tliat notice lie given in throe or more public places in said eouiitv, aud ill tlie (ieorgia J'etrgraph, once a month for three months of such application, that all persons concerned may file oh sack. is this Dissolution. T HE F'irm of BRAY, UAKHART A CO, dayd-issoived by mutual consent ljwtiotis in tlio Ordinary's office, if any tliey liave, W. J. Me Kirov withdrawing and taking with hun |’' whv JuIlI1 w. Bassett, Administrator as afore- the Manufacturing and Stove business to the next should not execute titles for said lot of land to door. paid 99 Tlie affairs of the late concern will ho settled by F’or the same, if the owner lives out of tlio city. .81 90 I BgAV J; CAItHAItT, who will continue the Hard- Sec. to. For a permit to pass a siavo owned _ in the city, to work about tlio city, as a com mon laborer, porter, coachman, w asher wo man, fruit seller, or seller of any other arti cle, not prohibited by the laws of the State, F’or tl-V sa'mef if 'owned "by "a non -resident .....10 00 | yjROUGHT to Jail, about the 18th day of October Sec. II. F’or a permit to expose slaves for sale :aL:» 0 1. . . Bn.We of tli/l ,.!lv «4M 111 the said Thomas Hardison, jan 17 JOHN H. TOWERS, Ordinary. 3 00 ware business as usual in all its branches, at tlie old stand. W. H. BRAY, WHIT D. CABHART, W. J. M< ELROY. jan 17 j Court of Ordinary, Ilountnii G I’.O KG IA, j county, Dooemher Term, 1853 Houtlon County. J- lVcscnt the lionorahle John li ) Towers, Ordinary. 3 5 00 within the corporate limits of the city, said slaves to lie kept in a house nr enclosure, for each and every slave so exposed by a citizen, shall he paid F’or the same, if owned by a non-resident, For each mule nr horse brought for sale in the city hy non-residents, or by individuals for, or as Agent for non-residents, shall be paid. 1 00 F’nr each horse or mule entered aud withdrawn (rum the city unsold, the amount paid shall l,,, .di d : ami for eaeli slave eutered and _ I T’l’ appearing to the Court that William Avern, de er I J- ceased, did in his lifetime, execute to William J 3 last a Negro man, who vans..» name ; I Thomaa, Ui» Bond, conditioned to execute titles in i lie-ays he belongs to W’dey G. Higgeas, of Maeon Fee Simple, to sab William lhomas, fur Lot of Land I i-ouutv Georgia He is about five feet ten inches number one hundred and MXtjr two, iu tlie sixth l,iel. weichs about 125 pounds, dark compexlon, aud district of Crawford county; and it further appearing 00 IIk,ut 73 or 80 years old. The owner is requested that the said W illiam Averu, departed tills litu with- to come torward, prove property, pay chaises, and out executing titles or in auy way providing there to conn I, shgI1 ' de S with him as the law for; and it turtlicr appearing tliat said Bond since ... the deatli of tlie said Vi illiam Avnra, lias been legal ly transferred and assigned to James Avera, aud that tho purchase money of, and for said land, has been paid to David Avera, the Administrator on tlie estate of tlie said William Avera, deceased, since the directs! 0 ***^' **' " WILEY B. TOPE, Jailor. Clinton, Ga., Jan. 17, 1854. Notice. Kirlie, C W King. Mrs Sarah A I,—Lee, James Lawson, Slunfonl 2 Jno M 3 Lillard, Mrs A \V Lockett, B G 2 Lee, Thos L Laugford, W’m Lawrence, Mi-s I, R Ligbtfoot, W’m Ieiwton. W S OT—McPherson, T McCarthy, Clias Moore, J F Maiighau, Jno C Miiu-hew, M XI McGuiro.J C Moore. J U XleArtlnir, Dr D P 2 Xlosely, Thos Sr Mitchell, J T McCann, B R XlcMakin, Alex Mosely, Jas Sr Metzgee, Sirs Mary S IV—Nigh, Jno R Neal, O J Nelson, Capt A Neal, (Fiasco (eol) O—O'Sullivan. Peter O’Hayre, Jno or Win Ogdeii, Clias 1*—Preston, N W 3 Tierce, MissMary Prestos, JIrs Fhmna Thinkston, Henry L’ease, E U X’arkc-r, W’m Tarmelee, J W Perdy, Win X’arker, J D l’apnt, R B H Panic, Mrs Floreila R—Rogers, Dr Kob’t Reid, Geo W Roark, Jno A Riley, W B Rosseter, Xliss Mary E —Edenbougb, Mrs M ARape, Xleiton Ryon, Wm M—Smith, Mrs II Shake,spier, V Smith, Sirs A R 2 Sanderline, GeoB Smith, Jno Swift, Miss H Sanders, A Snow, Miss L Snell, W A Smith, Edw’d Stokes, W r B Sehawtz, Sol Simms, JIrs E Shakcspier, Jonathon Sullefuilt, M Shy, Jliss Jane Smith, H F Stoddard, S B 2 Stanhope, Miss E R St. Clare, Elijah Smith, Jliss Sarah T—TiUinghnst, Milton Taylor, Campbell Taylor, W Thompson, JIrs E S Tanner, Juo C Toles, Andrew Tuberville, Miss R V—Vigal, Jno Von, Geo W r AV—West, Jas N 2 Wright, Wm H T Watkins, F’rauk Wilder, Mrs F’rances Wall, H F Wheeler, W G Walsh, Julian Wilder, JIrs Matilda AValker, Juo Jl Whittington, E O Williams, X* Waterman, Mrs M J Williams, E V Winn, Jno S Winship, Green Walden, JIrs JI A West, IIB Wright, C II Woodson, Juo P Wells, Clias W Wright, Jno E AVlmley, AVill Williams,.Mrs JIary JI White, I* A Walker, W E Williams, Jliah West, Jliss Clara JAMES A. NISBFrr, P. M. Prtigs, ■f.'ntrnt Iflffeirinrs, £r. », 4 li«-itiic:ii' )U Til i: SEASi SIMM, verv , -11 *i’. A«- .lleiliriiK !•’ ClULPllATi: ( 17 I’m .- Mm pi Indi i 1 :tiol I MeLaii.-’.i V.-rminiJ.. [, sll| .,. Strengthening Pla-T.-r. Cherry Pietoral. Sarsaparilins .,t :,|I kinds, am tent Medicines, that are nut Hui Domestic Remedies; Ilcdiein Medicines,either in powdered . Xy Every article warranted , style, and sold as low as from any respectable Dr Establishment in the State. LEONARD LITTLE Cotton Avenue, (Sign Red Mortar.) nov 22 Macon, Ga 1 a full stock of Pa- nbug’s or Quack’s, id Extract -; Botanic >r crude state, pun—put in, IniK iit Jtlll’IlIIIR I'lllMl. O OI.D hv the Barrel or Gallon, warranted alwavs O to be the best, hy nov 22 LEONARD LITTLE. W HITE LEAD ground ill Oil, Kegs of ail sizes. Linseed Oil; Varnishes, Turpentine. Also, a full stock of Colored Paints ground in Oil or Dry; Glass of all size; over 100 dozen Paint Brushes. Very strong inducements held out to purchasers. Call and See. LEONARD LITTLE, nov 22 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. 'Pjlilniifliijjin 98usinfS5 tfnriis. THE SUBSCRIBER thankful tor lie- lib,-ml pat- rouage bestowi-d <m the late firm, takes this opportunity to express his acknowledgment for the line, and assures his friends and patrons that nothing shall in* wanting on liis part to merit tln-ir continued favors. We have now in store and are continutillv reeeiv- mg choice Drugs, Chemicals, Palm-. Color*. Fancy Articles, Pateut Medicines of all kinds, and every artiele kept in a firs! rate establishment. Anv one win, may favor ns with theirorders mav depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all goods furnished will be of a reliable quiditv. Should tliev mit give entire satisfaction, tliev uinv lie returned nt the optiou of the hover, nov 15 PL L. STROHECKKR ,V CO William II. Drown A Co., T MPOKTEUS and Wholesale Dealers in F'oreign X anil Domestic Dky Goods, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Ac. No. 108 .Market Street, South side, be low F'ourtli, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly Garden Seeds W E are now opening a fresh lot - all of which arc warranted of tli growth. Tlie trade supplied on liberal tern Moore, Ilcnszey A Co., TMPORTEKS A JOBBERS of Hardware, Cutlery X and Guns, No. 181 JIarket Street, between 4th anil [dec 20 5th Streets, Philadelphia. 19-ly Haildock, Deed «V Co., W IIOLFlKALPi Dealers iu Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Pulm ls-Hf, Leghorn and I’anama Hats, Nos. 164 and 166, Market Street, below 5tli, South side, tip stairs, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly For Pliysieiuns. A GREAT Variety of the best French, English and X American Chemicals, and Phanj&aceu ti cal i’r. mratioiis. Powders, Surgical In.-truinents, Magnetic Machines, Vials, Specie Jars, Saddle Bags, Ac. Also, Cumphene and Burning F’luid. nov 15 E. L. STOIIECKER A CO. George T. Drown «Y Co., TMPORTEKS a DEALERS ill Teas, Negara, To- J. hacco, Snnlf, Spices, Ac., No. 21 North F’ourtli Street, Pliiladelphia. [dec 20 19-ly Truitt, Drotlier A Co., I MPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in IIakd- Waue, Cutlery, Guns, Plated Saddlery, Ac., Nos. 169 aud 171 JIurket Street, above F’ourtli, North side, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly 3l!illinfrij nnii ,£nnq Sunils. QUI-MJE. UST received direct from-the manufacturer-, ftm ounces Quinine. Purchasing our Quinine and other Chemicals direct lrmn tlie manufacturen, we cau confidently reeommend tliem pure and free from adulteration. ' E. L. STUOIIECKKR A CO. S nov 15 ii To the A fllictt'd. rnARRANTS EXTRACT OF CUBEBS A Copn- .. via; Crossman’s Specific Mixture; French Cap sules; Sugar coated Cnbeb and Copavia Pill-; Rieard’s Specific; Jlaguiu’s Lueiua Cordial,- Com pound Flxtract Bucher; Carpenter’s Extract Cubeb.-, Sarsaparilla and Copax-ia. For sale bv nov 15 • E. L. STROHECKKR A CO. TO T11F PITKI.1C. H AVING determined to dose out my en- eT\ tire stock of Elegant Millinstry Goods, during the present season, I will sell at such reduced prices, particularly to cash buyer*, as will attract at tention. I have in store beautiful Evening Dresses, ami Dress Silks, splendid Embroideries, Trimmings, Gloves, Ribbons, Corsets, Jlantillas, and a full stock of tlie most fashionable Bonnets, Caps, Head-dresses, Ac. Ac. 13T At the same time, I would most respectfully request all those indebted to me, to call as soon as possible and settle their bills. jy* Dresses, Cloaks, Ac., made to order nt the shortest notice. Mrs. F\ DF1SSAU, nov 22 . Store on Triangular Block. Iiitiia. Chulagogiie, ^OR THE CUKE OF AGUE AND FEVER.— J. This preparation has been in nse for years, in tlie successful treatment of Chills and Fever, and is now recognised as a standard medicine. It not only breaks the chill in a day or two. But an occasional dose fortifies the system against further attacks. F'or sale hy ' E. L. STROHECKKR A CO. nov 15 14 New Millinery Goods. M RS. A U DO INK would respectfully in- form tlie Ladies of Mnean and vicin- c- itv, that site has recently returned from tliecSt- North, with nn unusually largo stock of liucry, Bonnets, Cloth Talmas and Clonks, Furs and F’lats of every description. Also, a large as sortment of Toys and Fancy Article*—ail of which Avill be sold at such reasonable rates as will ensure quick- sales and small profits. The Ladies are invi ted to call and inspect her goods, oct 18 ISODINSOjY a eldred WILL, iii a very few days, exhibit their celebrated combined BBHS MENAGERIE & CIRCUS in this City, together with all the great HirPODROMIC FEATS, of the New York and Paris Hippodrome, among which will be the wonderful scientific achievement of a man walking upon a perfectly smooth ceiling, with his Feet uppermost ami Itislieuddowu, PERFORMED BY JIR. G. N. ELDRED. \cw Millinery Store. M RS. KENNEDY lias just returned from New York, where she has selected choice and cllegant assortment of Millinery and F’ancy Goods, to which she would call the at tention or tlie Ladies of Macon and tlie surrounding country. Thuukful for past favors, she is determin ed to leave nothing undone to deserve a continuance of the same. - iy She lias removed to the store formerly occu- f iied by F’reeman A Benson as an Ice Cream Sa- oon, between W. XV*. Parker’s and the N. Y. Branch Store. oet 11 Millinery ami Fancy Goods. AT ly UAMOUR has just returned fromNew k S IXTY days after date, application will be made to the lionorahle Ordinary of Bibb county, for leave to sell all tlie Real Estate of William Morrissv, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, jan 17 O. A. LOCHRANE, Adm’r. drk, and has selected a stock of the above Goods, whicli'caunot (ail to please those who wish to pnrcliase. It consists iu a fine assort ment of Straw and Sii.k Bonnets ; a general assort ment of Rmaoxs and Fi.ovvr.ns, Head-Dresses and Caps. Also, a good assortment of the choicest Dress Silk Goods and livening Dresses, which have been carefully selected from A. T. Stuart A Co's Store, and a variety of other articles usually kept in that line of business, which will be sold at reasonable prices for cash. LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned having Leased tlio / 9-r—1 above establishment, begs to assure pTVjjn the travelling public, that no exertions will l> * IOU bo spared to sustain the established reputation of the jan 10—tf .1.VAXES MEAKA, \ l ro P riet °rs. SCHOOL NOTICE. To tlie Citizens of Macon and Vi- c.inity. M R. C. O’HARA will open a Hchool in Dempsey’s Block, up stairs, on the corner Third and Cher ry Streets, on the second Monday in January, 1854, for the reception of pupils both Jlale and F’emale, at the following rates, viz : Primary or F’irst Class, including Spelling, Reading, Writing und Arithmetic, for the Academic year 930 00 Tlie Junior or Second Class,includingJCnglish Grammar, the higher branches of Arithme tic, PhilosophyRlietqric Ac 40 00 Tlic Senior or Third Class, including Greek and Latin or Grecian and Rome Literature, 50 00 REFERENCES. Drs. J. T. Cox ASS Osliu, | Gen. Rutherford, lion. A. H. Chappell, Col. J. J. Carey, New Fall Millinery. A TBS. CAREY, at her old stand, opposite tf- 1VI the Lmier House, will open on the 6th T* instant, her new and splendid stock of F’all^d MILLINERY A F’ANCY GOODS, to wliieh she invites the attention of the Indies. Also, can he found on hand at all times, tlie latest fashions of the following articles, BONN FITS of Velvet and Leg horn, new shapes. Straw and Silk; F’lats, (new style) Leghorn and Straw. EBIBKOIDERIES, on LAfcE, MUSLIN and SILK, TRIM JIING and GARXTUBE RIBBONS, Kid, Laee and Silk «G LOVES, French F’lowers, Eveniug DRESSES, Mantillas, JIanteletts, COLLARS. 1NSERTINGS, Worked BANDS.CAPS, IIEAD-DRESSES,Ac., Ac. oct 4 New Millciicry. \TIS3 E. DOYLE having permanently it L located herself in Perry, takes this [J method of informing tho Ladies of I’srrv.ji and surrounding country, that she will carry** oil itlilliurr)- anil Dress Jinking in all its branches. She lias just opened an entire new stock of Jlonnct*. Kibbon*. tlcrrtl rlretse*. Cajnt. I'borer*. ,yr., of the latest style and fashion—which she will sell on liberal terms. Indies will please favor her with a all. oct 25 3in Messrs. Winship A Sou, jan ID | Judge Knott, I W.C. Jones, Wm. C. Wilson. Ini Metropolitan Silk Stork. REMOVAL*. EDWARD LAMDEBT A CO. JI PORTERS A JOBBERS of Silk and Fancy Goods. Having removed to their new Ware house, No. 55 Chambers Street, New York, opposite the Park, invite the attention of the Trade to their Spring Importation of Rich Silks, Dress Goods Shawls, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ac. Merchants throughout the United States are soli cited to examine our assortment, which in Novelty, ltielinesv and Variety, is believed to he unsurpassed in this metropolis, aud adapted to tlie wants of tlic very bent trade in this country; all of which will he offered to ra*h aud first class six month's Buyers, on tlie most favorable terms. jan 10 22—Cl NEW FAMILY GROCERY, W E tlie undersigned, having formed ti co-part nership, under the name nnd style of F’kkhan A Daly, for transacting a general Grocery Busi ness, have just opened a new stock of Faintly (jro eerie*. Fancy and staple Dry Good* Hot*. Cap*. Hoot*, Shoe*. Fine Liquor*. Scgart, ,\-r., ,\-r. Wo hope tlie citizens generally, will call and see us, next door to Messrs. Hardeman A Sparks’ Ware-house, JI. E. FEEHAN, jan 10 22—ly D. DALY. Medical. D RS. NOTTINGHAM A BATTLE respectful] announce, that tliey liave associated in thepnf ticc of tlio various branches of the Medical Profi sion. All calls promptly responded to. Office, the same ns hitherto occupied by Dr. Nottingham. Dr. Battle's residence is just below Mrs. Tracy’s, the house formerly occupiod hy Mr. Kylandcr. C. n. KOTTtROHAM It. !.. jan 10 2.1—2t Mules Tor Sale. A NY oue wishing to purchase two or three well broke plantation MULE: ing to tlie subscriber, jan 10 can do so. hy uppl- jaues n. Ring. Hamden's Express. K ESPECTF'CLLY begs leave to inform the citi zens of Macon und its vicinity, that they hav concluded their arrangements with tlie Central Rail road and Banking Company, and are now runnln messengers daily to Savannah and semi-weekly t Oglethorpe nml Columbus, and also forwarding good In .Milleilgcvill" and all intermediate places. W would also say that our Expresses by Steamers t >rk and Philadelphia, enables oi t< Bank Notes, Draft*, uml bills for r cry description of Merchandise nn everv town in tlie Northern State torward M 1 Valua *. al«o t id E Third »trcet. .'In -Randolph Street. Coliiu — f: .tii.i 15 Smith l li ibus.—t I llrondwi ird l’hiladelphi.i.- iri-.St. Providence LIVINGS It IX WINCHESTER A CO FREIGHT REDUCED! Tlic Pnlnalii Stcniii Itont Company, W ILT, take COTTON after this date, to Savannah, from any of the Iaindings between Macon and| Darien, by the Steamers ISAAC SCOTT A- SAJI .lONUS, until the firat of May next, nt FIFTY CENTS PER HALE. Agent at Macon, Charles Cambell. “ “ Hawkiiisville,...Simon JIkkiutt. “ “ Darien A. A. DkIsihmf.. Agents at Savannah, Smith A Lathrop. dee 27 20—3t ValiGiliIt* Tavern Property for Sale rplIE Proprietors of the Indi ax Spring A*. X Hotel, at the Indian Spring, Butts[iji county, now offer for sale that valuable I»»t Tavern Property at said place. This Tavern can accommodate Three Hundred Person* at one lime, as the buildings are very large. All persons wishing to invest in one of the most valuable tavern property in Georgia, are now invited to call and look, as a great bargain will now be given, and terms made easy. This being one of the most valuable Water ing Places iu the .Southern country, is therefore; the most valuable as n location for a first class Hotel in Georgia. The property will be offered at private Bale from this time until F'riday the 6th day of Jan uary next; when if it is not sold at private sale, it Will on tliat day be offered at public sale. Titles will he made perfect. Iy F'uroiture sufficient for the Tavern can he had with it. EDWARD VARNER A SONS. Indian Spring, Dec. 13, 1833.18—tf For Sale. A LARGE and commodious Dwelling A— House, containing five good Rooms, jsti with large Garden, Stable aud other out PH houses attached. Also, a good well of water. The house is pleasantly situated near the F'einale Acade my. F’or particulars, apply to J. BARNES oi dec 6 R. IIOBBS. Macon AVitolc.salc ami Retail Sad dicry Warehouse W T. JlIXACO., Cotton Avenue, JIa • imfacturers of Saddles, Bridles and Harness, have on hand a good assortment of Saddles, Bridles and Harness, of which tlie follow ing comprise a part; Spanish Quilted, Overlaid and Shafton Saddles Planter’s large nnd extra large Saddles; Men’s plain do.; Flnglish do.; Boy s ami Knee do.; Ladies’ Ssd dies of a variety of patterns; Bridles and JIarteu gales, Saddlo-bags, Ac. Saddler’s Materials—Saddle Trees,Skirting and Hog Skins; Pad do.; Straining and Worsted Wei, Thread aud Tacks, assorted sizes. Harnesses.—Coach, Barouche, Buggy and Sulk Harnesses, of all kinds, hy the single set. apl 12 MeC A LLI L A C OMMISSIO X M I ONES, li C HAN T MACON, GEORGIA, | ) KG leave to inform the eitizei J surrounding country, tliat tin Prttgs, I'atfnt ft!?iiiriiiT5, fa. MACON DRUG STORE. K. I. STKOUECKErTv CO AroTHKCARIE*. AND DKUGlilsr* ■ , atmrr tbt Floyd Ifotisr. Man.„, (1 l>i*«»liilion of’ Copnriiierakip. Partin-rship heretofore existing b.-tw li-eriher nnd tin- late L. I!. \\ i, , id' tin All persons indebted ! rcluiM-d the entire interest 1 all the debts of tlie late iin--soii liis own account, the late firm, nr-- r.--pect «e torn .ird promptlv nnd settle - bii-in-- ,„(w be efo-1-d spei-d- EDW'D. L. STROHECKKR. f Garden Seed, nov 15 K. I,. S TROHECKKR A CO. Ij A PJER CHE, BY JIESSRS. LA ROUSE AND KING. This extraordinary performance has excited uni versal wonder aud admiration, showing beautiful F’eats of Balancing and Elegant Acrobatic Postering, by La Rouse, O.V A POLE THIRTY FEET HIGH, held hv Slons. King. MADAME ROBINSON, MASTER JAMES ROBINSON, MASTER JOHN, And an additional list of popular Actors are with the '.’onipany, and will appear in the various exercises. THE BAND Is directed by the celebrated JOS. KOSHER, which is a sufficient guarantee tor its merit. A M 1*1.UNDID COLLECTION OF WILD ANIJIAI.S, In addition to tlie above attractions, offer a rich bill of entertainment. T. U. TIDMARSH, Agent, nov 29 16—tf Peter A Jaugstettcr, D RAPERS and Tailors, Opposite the Lanier House. The sub scribers are now receiving and open ing their stock of F’all aud Winter Hoods, consisting iu part of Black, and F’.'incy colored F’renchand Eng lish Cloths, F’rench, English and American Cassimeres, of all kinds and colors. Vestings of Silk, Satins, cut Velvet and Embroidered pat terns. AU of which will be made 1 and trimmed in our usual style, and at the shorte notice. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. HConsisting in part of new stylo of Patent Shirt-, Under Shirts, Merino aud Canton Flannel Drawer.-, Stocks, Scarfs, Neckties, Gloves,Suspenders, 4cc. F eelmg grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon ns, we respectfully [solicit a continuance of the same, hoping that by strict application to busi ness and a moderate scale of prices, to need the approbation of those dealing with us. iy Cutting done at the shortest notice, oct 18-3m PETEIt 4c JAUGSTETTER. Kcinovcil. T BARNES has removed his BINDER} • I . Mulberry Street to the ” Georgia Tele" lffice, on Cherry Street. fr.ul rapli ’ — For Sale. A BEAUTIFUL LOT, which contains three and three-fourth Acres of lauid—a beautiful situa tion well improved, with all necessary Buildings on tlie premises. A good Dwelling House, one story high—an Office, and a large Negro House, with a chimney in the centre of it. AH of said buildings on a line iu front of the F’ederal Road, now called tin- Columbus Road. Also, a very good Bam—a fine well of water, and of tho best. It is a notable place of health and comfort. Said premises adjoins the lands of Leroy Napier on threo lines, and one line on the Columbus road. Said premises will be sold low tor cash. F'or information apply to JI. FITZGERALD. F’or particulars apply to J. BARNES, or dec 20 T. C. DEJ1PSEY. Keebe & Co,, .FASHIONABLE HATTERS, 156 Hroadtray Nine I. York. Will introduce the Spring Fashion for Gentlemen s Hats, on Saturday, Feb. 11th. The Hat is extremely light in its appearance, and better adapt ed to tlie Spring and Summer seasons, than any style tliey have heretofore issued. The increased demand for their lints has induced B 4c Co., to enlarge their manufactory, and they can now assure their custom ers that all orders will he promptly executed, and tlio Hats forwarded at one day's notice, if desired. Eaeli Hat will be packed in a good hand-box without extra, charge. The following is a list of their established prices subject to Five per cent discount. Terms cash, 936, 839, $42, 845, 948 4t $54. p'r Uox. for Bl'k Moleskin Hats, and 839 to 86<> p’r doz. for Rocky Mountain White Silvery Beaver Hats, Fine -oft l'a- simero Hats, Itl'k Drab and Pearl of tho most fashion able styles at 915 to 836 p’r do*. They alio mutufai ture and keep on hand a large assortment of Gent s and Youth's caps, of the most fashionable styles, at prices from $12 to $18 p’r doz. for Gents, and from $10} to 818p'r doz. for youths. Beebe <Sc Co., will forward Hats ill time for their customers to offer them for sale on the same day the fashion is introduced in the city, if the orders are received in season for them to do so. dec 27 20—4t Stolen IT*ROM the subscriber, ou tho 21st inst. a small L 1 POCKET BOOK, containing 30 or 40 dollars in cash, and several note one note on John Pon one on JIrs. Hughes,: Progler, and perhaps the notes and papers 1 properly rewarded, dec 27 and papers of importune rs, -cur., one on Jlr. Whittle \ m 1 --ii Mr. Jli-ara and Mr others. Any information ‘ mb' thankful!' rearivod am ABNER 1 . • • a'I'.RS. New Sale ami Livery Stable. rnllK Subscriber having bought out the staid. X j. M. Cooper 4c Son, will continue the bu-i on Iris own account, having ample room, he is bled to furnish better accommodation for Her-.- Mules on sale, than any in the glo Harness and Saddle Horse Bug i. Carriages,\e„ for hir Double and*' 11 broke, lor sa i. F. COOPER 18— 08T < dem • ell til. ok, oo coiptf Fifty an the 2 >t in Gri Dollars Kewanl. ih December, eitli. lin. or M .. on, or on the i, - a -mall WALLET oi if tin Cotton Av o s, for the sale o Tcniuxsii; u to parch I VW 11 lik.-K Apply to' ill kinds of Pi'OtlllCC .-pectTully !,l T5rifl .r i“o. k i Railroad i eotlon - in. from Hie' Railroad agent at , r. ward will lie paid for the de- W.-illet to the Proprietors of the. Lanier in, orJu- A. Hecks. Griffin. i\ .ml ,-e' eii hundred dollars, can be do G M JIARTHEWS. ‘0.27, 1853. jan 3—41" Kiiibrobi <’ ricji. Under >1. e\ n, Muslin Robes, C'olars roid.-ris g< lierully. our stock is far above We will prow the l'uet to all who favor BOSTICK ,V JOHNS. S. Il<> EG A It. 'iiaii'lezS wi' SNUI-’F AND TOBACCO STORE, Or , 1 1-0-1 r>: ill, I.VVIUK House, Mulberry street. Mi eon. Ga., where In- keeps. onstantiy on hand, import ed N|*niBinh Megm n, ns well as American.*v- nnr., at w iiolesal.' and retail. Also, rhrwiaf Ta* bavco, Nauir, Ae. jan 3—ly