Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 17, 1854, Image 4

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XV.-ll, li. tl £Jjt ifewgia frlrippli. [ Kr.-i-i tl,. l’» .til,lr< 'I 11 ' 11 ' BY YU atlier i ■, he ' ,.un.l; if PI WUi - to Cubs ire the eoefo stepinto our*areai ] a j,-, <jom’s gt. -i? flit- must be bound, and as Dame Fortaae’e fickle. \WM better reap the harvest now, nor trait another cycle. It’s all ascii about Soule from Spain the island buying* Beside*, wliy dicker, when to seize is easier than lyiug! Kquip a fleet, raise funds, raise niou, Law’s muskets beg or borrow; Would that our flag were there to-day! we’d plant it on the XIoro. The Sandwiches—we want them, too; convenient archipelago, Which the inhabitants themselves implored we’d take a spell ago: Old fogies down to Washington their prophecies may mutter. But IJnele Samuel's not the man to flout his bread-and ' bntter. And by-and-by, when time shall serve, I have a sort of inkling That we shall grab Japan, (where now our craft arc Perry-winkling) In spite of maunderiug mandarins, encased in painted towels. Who welcome uninvited guests by opening their bowels ’Tis also in our horoscope, witli other matters weighty. That we shall swallow ut a gulp the cotTee-grouudsol Havti, With all Its sugar canes, its nun, its Phillises and Its brass regalia and its court, its emperor and its bamboos. * . Then, as to Mexico,'she's ours whene’er weehoose to harry her; ’Tis but to thrash her soundly first, and then to up and marry her; She’d cotton to Hie l'niou quick, as soni as we had flaxed her. For wo should only make attacks on those that over taxed her. The Canadas must be "roped In," the Lower and the Upper— When we have dined on Mexico we’ll bolt the twain for supper; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, too, intent we are on dishing— They'll get our smacks another way than taking them a-flshing! i For “Go-ahead” our watchword is—the Tribune calls it “ Progress ’•— And when we undertake a feat, beneath our feet grows no grass: The *' unbounded continent being ours,’’ as ’twill in continently. And all the islands round about, we'll jog nlongnmre gently. But e’en all this will not assuage our thirst for acqui sition— It U our instinct,trade, delight—in short, onr blessed mission; We’ll “poise the earth and rnle the sea," and trans form all creation Into one sovereign, saucy, free, enormous Yaukee Nation! The universe perchance mav think that 1 am only ••blowing;" But I’m the cock whose beak and gaffs will justify his crowing; I mean to •• wipe out ” kings and dukes and every titled noodle. And then to sit upon their graves, a-crowing Yankee Hoodie! lie nil It IS 11 isctl with a rcim b;ul seen the -at first til hut the vi ... yesterdmj t hnijr iiiul.t Indian sum enuirk he ii P I n- i|itu iin-hio .1 ih. }'n! hr ?Rirs. With ■eful full of relics and ubhishof i.>-.lay, but the rich.- of :l nuni, id with rr, we were im- idently made.— ijieiiinjj of near seventy pniigs—at nnsi u.e winl.-i- came and went, by-and-by, unmeltcd snow-flakes lingered in his liair, and he saw them drifting over the graves of one after another, whose feet with his, had brushed the morning dews together. At last they whitened over his old wife’s last resting-place—her who knew him when the shadows fell to the westward, and “the day was before” them both—who ucver thought him old, though all the world pronounced him so. Everybody said when she died, “it is a terrible blow to the old man,” and a few did ‘all they could to make him forget, butthere was noneed of that, “for,” said he, “they didn’t seem to know where the blow fell which they so de plored—they didn’t think how ’much I missed somebody to help me remember!” These few words, indeed, contain a world of meaning. He did miss the other leaf from .Memory’s tablet. Two pairs of eyes had but one rainbow—but one pair beheld it now.— Two hearts had lived over again the past—but one remembered it, and imjierfectly now.— Who would have life’s little thread extended, till he too, should be compelled to take up the words and say, “I miss somebody to help me remember ” ?—Tribune. I 11 ic n "ii •: it 11 1 I ) tl..- lint Tuesday i court house door in tin within tin: legal hour* . Will I..- -..1<1 i.t Ms . the ull.j : property Incident of it Haute. Some English gnordsmen who were in the battle of Waterloo, related to Hayden, the painter, the following anecdotes of the thickest of the fight. They present war in all its hor rors : The description of the men was simple, char acteristic and poetical. They said that wheu the life guards anil cuirasscrs met, it was like the ringing of ten thousand blacksmiths’ anvils. One of them knew my models, Sliaw and Da kin. He saw Dakin, while fighting, on foot with two cuirassiers, also ou foot, divide both their heads with cuts five and six. He said Dakin rode out, foaming at the mouth, and cheered on his troops. In the evening he saw Dakin lying dead cut in pieces. Dakin sat to me for the sleeping groom on his knees in Mac beth. Another saw Shaw fighting with two cui rassiers at a time. Shaw, he said, always cleared his passage. He.saw him take an eagle, but. lost it afterwards; as when any man got an eagle, all t\pc troops near him on both sides, left off fighting, and set on him who had the eagle. He went on himself very well, hut riding too far, was speared by a lancer, and fainted away. .Recovering, lie sat upright, when three or four lancers saw him, rode at him and speared him till they thought him dead. He remembered nothing till revived by the shaking as they carried him to the yard of La Haye Sainte. 'lilieve he heard some one groaning, and turning arouud, and saw Shaw, who said: “I am dying; my side is torn oil' by a shell.” His comrades told us bow lie had swooned away, and bciug revived by their ta king him up to be carried to Brussels at day break, he saw poor Shaw dead, with Ills cheek in his haud. Corporal Webster, of the second life guards, jaw Shaw give his first cut. As he was get ting down the rising ground in the hollow road a cuirassieur waited and gave point at his bel ly ; Shaw parried the thrust, and before the Frenchman recovered,-cut him right through, “his brass helmet to his chin, and his face fell olT him like a bit of apple.” Another, Hodgson, (a model, ami the finest of all, standing six feet four inches, a perfect Achilles,) charged up to the French baggage. He saw artillery driver boys of sixteen crying on their horses. In coming back, a whole French regiment opened and let him pass at full gallop, and then closed and gave him a volley, and never hit him or horse. The first man who stopped him was an Irish man in the French service. He dashed at him, and said, “D—n you, I'll atop your crow- ing.” Hodgson said he was frightened, he had never fought anybody with swords. W.itehiug the cuirassieur, however, he found he could not move his horse so quickly as lie could; so. letting go the reins, and guiding his horse with his knees, as the cuirassieur gave point at his throat, Hodgson cut his sword hand off, and dashed his sabre through his throat, cutting it round and round. The first cut he gave him was on the cuirass, which he thought was sil ver lnee. The shock nearly broke his arm.— “D—n me," lie added, “now 1 have found out the way, I soon gave it them.” As Hodgson rode back, after being fired at, an officer en countered him. Hodgson cut his horse at the naps, and, as it dropped dead, the officer’s helmet rolled off, and Hodgson saw a bald head and white hairs. The officer begged for mercy, but at that instant n troop of lancers was aproacliing at the gallop, so Hodgson cleaved bis head in two with a blow and es caped. The recollection of the white hairs he told us pained him often. Before he got back to the British lines a lancer officer charged him, and missing his thrust came right ou Hodgson and his hors.;. Hodgson got clear and cut his head o;T at the neck, at one blow, and the head dropped on his haversack, where lie kept the blood stain. Goon Mo it Nino.”—Everybody says “good inorniug” in New York till—after dinner. The higher the eirelc a man moves in, the later he dines, and the longer he says “good morning.” This salutation is a sort of sliding seale of peoples precise position, the lower it runs the higher he stands. The man wlio says good evening” to yon at exactly one minute past 12 City Hall time, is down to O—zero. Depend upon it, he works for a living; he foots it down town, mornings, and carries lus dinner in a small tin pail with a young tin pail inverted iqum the top of it. The sun reports himself nut more regularly at the meridian, than that man’s appetite. There’s another that bids you “good morn ing,” and all the bells, little and big, have toll ed, struck and rung two o’clock. He’s “well to do,” and well fed—and dines at half-past— steps gently into the omnibus—tare six cents— and is set down somewhere, to walk gently a few steps, ami iu a chair with anus and cush ions, meditating ministers to “the inner man.” There comes one at six full past, who says “good morning” still. He's up to 212 degrees on the scale, the very boiling point of respec tability. And theve, on the curb-stone side of the walk, steals a poor devil, who for the matter of dining is not on the scale at all. He utter dines ; he could say “good morning” all day long, were there any such thing in his Alman ac, or any “inquiry” for beggar.-’ wishes.— The thermometer doesn’t go up into his cir cle; the tube isn’t long enough ; water vapor izes before it gets there, as at seven p. u., he stauds at one of the Park gates, hat iu hand, for a copper, and murmurs its you scowl at him on bumble, depreeaorv “good morning.”— -V. V. Tribune. line lad Ilf Lund wilh the Dwelling amt oilier im- ■ovements thereon, in VinevUle tin the Forsyth road idlng into Macon, anil adjoining Mrs. XV. H. Mu- I'ortliy’s, now or lately occupied by James Gatos,jr. imlcontaining one amla quarter acres; levied on a* tlie property of Spen*«r lliley to satisfy a mortgage fl fit in favor of Win. B. Parker, vs. Spencer Riley; Property pointed out In said mortgage ii fa. Also, 1000 acres of Land, more or less, with a Saw Mill mi the premises, at present occupied bv John W. Snclson, and known us tlie Bell A. Snelson place; adjoining lands of Green Wilder and others. Levied ou as the property of William U. Bell ft l'o„ to satis fy a ti fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Howell Cherry vs. said W. B. Bell A Co. Property pointed it bv Plaintiff's Attorney. Tims. BAOBY, Dep. Sheriff. Also, at tlie saute time and place, will lie sold, a negro man named Edmund, about is years of age, ana one Piano; levied ou to ratisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior court, in favor of Brown A Harris vs. Jas. Meant mid Tims Bagbv, Aduir. Ac. Property point ad out by Plaintiff's attorney, jati 3 D. J. DAVIS, Sheriff. out 1 IBB POSTPOXF.1) MIBRIFF SALK Will be sold ou the first Tuesday in December next, before tlie courthouse door in tliecityof XIaeon Bibb county, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property to wit : Lot of Land number two hnndred and thirty-one, (2ni) lving, situated mid being iu the Third District of originally Houston now Bibb county, containing two hundred two and one halfaeres, more or less, in cluding all improvements. Levied on os the proper ty of James Vanvalkenbnrg, and James X’anvalkeu- burg and Son, to satisfy two fi fa's, issued from the Superior Court ol Bibb county, one in favor of Wil liam L. Hughes vicjaincs Yanvalkenburg, and the other in favor of the same vs. James Vanvalkenbnrg and son. Said lot of land described in said fi fa’s, jan 3 1). J. DAVIS, Sheriff. B ibb iioitrtiACF nhkbivf hai.f.- Will be sold before tlio court bouse door in the city of Macon, Bibb comity, on tlie first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property tn-wit: Throe tables, six stool bottom chairs, one beadstead. one feather bed and two matresses, five pictures and frames, one large looking glass, one sideboard, one lot cooking utensils, two couches ami one matress to one eoueli, one wash stand and one brass clock; levied on as the property of William L. Mooney, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa’ issued from Bibli Inferior court, iu favor of Cintlia Taylor vs. said William L. Moonev. Property pointed out in said morgage fi la dee 27 THOS. BAG BY, Dep. sheriff. B ibb niikieiff BALK—Will be sold be fore the court bouse door in tlie city of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within tlie legal hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: 73} acres of land, off of the south side of lot num ber 137 iu the 4tU district of Bibb, formerly Houston county, adjoining Huff and others; levied ou as the property of Joliu Horily. to satisfy a fi fa from Hous ton Superior court. In favor of Thomas Gilison v John llordy. Property pointed out bv Plaintiff, dec 27 THOS. BAG BY, Dep. sheriff. C IRAWFOKO <1IORT«A«G NIIKRIFF j BALK.—Will be sold ou the first Tuesday in February next, at the courthouse in Knoxville, iu said county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Hester, a woman, about IS or 20 years of age, and Henry, a boy about 12 or 13 years of age. Sold as the property of Lewis Davis, to satisfy a mortgage ti ta iu favor of Nathan II. Mobley, Transferee vs. said Lewis Davis. Property pointed out in said mortgage ti ta. LEWIS • dee K LEWIS F. HICKS, Sheriff. M O.YBOK HBEBIFIB BALKS.—’Will be sold before tlie court house door in the town of Forsyth. Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in Febuar'y next, between the usual hours of sale,’the following property, viz One lot of Land number one hundred and forty six in tlie seventh District of Monroe comity; leveid on as tlie property of Joseph Hill to satisfy one fi fa from Xlouroe Inferior court, in favor of John Barrow vs Joseph Hill and John llnn-up. Also, Tlie Lease on one lialfof lot of Laud No. Li the west half of said lot, adjoining Win. L. Caneda, . . , , - !! 1 for one year; levied mi as tbeproperty of E. D. Britt 1 turns t be a large one, to satisfy two ti fas from the justice court of ti.vttli Dist. G. M., in favor of Jobu M. Woolsey sdm’r on the estate of John M. Woolsey sen., deceased vs E. D. Britt. Levy made and returned by Wilev J. Sikes, constable. D. W. COLLIEk, Sheriff, lee 27 A Superior Kind of Cotton.—The Rev. John li. McIntosh, who, besides the successful management of that large ami flourishing Fe- istitution. Flora' College, finch time to ale li ultivate the earth likewise, has exhibited to ns u sample of Cotton of the finest quality ever brought to this market. It Is the pro duct of a single Reed, brought by .Mr. McIn tosh from Texas, lie planted this seed in l ''.>2, and from tlie -talk of that year lie care fully preserved the seed, which he planted this year. Tlie produce was ~<>0 pounds of seed cotton, and H” pounds of clean cotton, with feed sufficient to plant eight or ten acres of hind. Resides being -n much finer than the cotton usually cultivated in tlii- State—ami the staple i- so long that none of the cotton facto ries Here can work it—its production is far Whilst the ordinary cotton of .Mr. mi about 1200 lbs. c acre, this Texas cotton • of 2000 pounds—an hi nt. of yield.—Fayetteville A sea captain, “down East,” relates tlie subjoined as one of his fishing experiences : I luce with a friend be went out to catch hal ibut. His comrade prided himself on bis skill in the bnsiness, and a rivalry arose between the two friends ns to which should capture the first fish. Having dropped anchor and lines, they waited with fisherman's patience for a bite; hut for a long time none came. At length the countenance of the captain’s com panion began to lighten up; and presently he called out— “ I’ve got one!” He commenced hauling in with great vigor, said he, “a huudred pound fellow, at least He pulls stoutly, I tell you!” It was, indeed, evident that a big fellow was at the other end of the line; and it xvas soon discovered that it was to be no easy matter to capture him. “ 1 must let him run, ” said he, “and tire him out!” Accordingly he gave him line, which was carried off rapidly. Soon the excited fisher man began to haul iu again, milking sure of his victim this time. **■ “ Stand by, captain !” said he, “ with the boat hook, nud hook him iu the gills yvheit he comes up. Get well braced, for lie’s aroitser!” The captain accordingly braced himself for a tug, boat hook iu haud'. ami waited impa tiently for the moment of capture. His excited comrade was yet pulling carefully and slowly at the line, lest it should he broken, and eager ly watching for tlie first appearance of the prize, when, suddenly, a “sea cliange” eantc over his features, and dropping the line, he ex claimed : “Jerusalem! Captain, it is the anchor!” The captain went down iu asltowerof laugh ter ; and it was a long day before the fisher man heard the last of catching an anchor, “ playing it out, ” and “lettiugit run till it got tired.” The Russian Soldier. There is not in tho world a droller creature than a Russiau solder. When for the first time, a young countryman throws over him the gray cloak, and takes the gun ou his shoulder, one can think nothing more unwieldly nud awkward than such a being. Rut this seem ingly so unpliaut crenture shows himself iu an astonishingly short time capable of the great est improvement in any direction. The germ of all tliat is noble and common, of all that is good aud had, lies hidden in hint. It lies of course in all men; hut dcvelopes itself in the most heterogeneous manifestious among no people so easily nnd speedily as among the Russians. The Russian soldiers is brave, cowardly— honest, tliievish,—humane, cruel—diligent, la zy—every thing, according to the pattern of hts chief. With the proper management, ev erything can be made of him ; but left to him self he is nothing; and without the influence of others would carry all his talents undevel oped to the grave, saving a certain goodnatur- edncs.H and an indestructible hilarity. There is some truth in wlint a German officer once snid to me half in earnest, ludf in joke: If 1 were to command one of my soldiers to set to on tlie spot and compose u song, he would not hesitate to obey, and the song would be forth coming, whethergood or bad we need not stay to determine. At nil events this blind obedi ence—a child of fear aud of firm faith in the in fallibility of liis guide—forms a peculiar aud conspicuous trait iu the character of the Rus siau soldiers ns in general of the Russian jteo- ple. This unconditional confidence, which among freer people, not rank and station, but only oseeiidency of spirit can secure, has, in Russia, often been the mother of great deetls. Who will not here call to mind, from tlie late Turk ish war, that characteristic anecdote which has preserved to us the words exchanged between a Russian and a German, on the occasion of storming a fort! The German centemplutes the defences with an exjierienced eye, and gives it as his opinion that it is impossible to take the fort. ‘How so!—impossible!’ cries the Russian amazed ‘Why, the Emperor has commanded it.' M BALK.—W ill 1((* sold before tlie court house door iu Forsyth, Monroe county, oil tho first Tuesday iu Febuary next, between the usual hours of sale: Lot of lauid number one hundred slid forty six in the seventh Disr. of Monroe county. le vied on as the property of Joseph Hill, to sati-ty oue ti fa from Monroe Superior court, in favor of James Barnes vi Joseph Hill. Said Land pointed out by plaintiffs at tornev and legal notice given. D. IV. CDLLIEIt, dec 27 Sheriff Citations, }'ikf f onntij. i t i t: oi i dinars* of rik (it, this Till da W'il.-v K. Manilla ember Term. •:« hgia comitv. m of Novell! , Ordinary. 53. —The t pur her, ' fi rt of Ordinarv appc-arui-.; to the Court, by tin: Petition of Jane 'rawford, that Samuel Mitchell, in his life tiio sited to aid James Crawford liis bond to make titles to the West half of !"• of Land, No. 153, iu the ninth district of originally Monroe, new Pike comity, nd that said .Mitch. 11 departed this life without cx- ming titles to said half lot of Land, or in any way providing therefor, aud that the purchase money for said half bn of Land has boon paid. And said James Crawford having petitioned this Court to direct Jane L. Mitchell, Admiuistrztrix, with the will annexed, upon the estate of said Samuel Mitchell, deceased, to execute to him titles to said half lot of Land in couforuiity with the said bond : It is, therefore, ou motion of H. A G. J. Green and Martin, Attorneys for Petitioner, ordered that notice of said application he published agreeably to law— that all persons concen.ed, may file objections in the Clerk’s office of said Court, (if any they have.) why snid Administratrix should not execute titles to said half lot of Lund. By the Court : H. A G. J. GREEN, A MARTIN, Petitioner’s Attorneys. The Rbove is a true extract from tlie Minutes of said Court, this 9th November, 1833. nov 15 W. E. MANGHAM, Ordinary. tl*itnfimis, ftaitslmi tl unnli]. ill >1 XV ill ION' COUNT! -\VI ild Ex / I tOli1.l l. (I U Seahm-i. M A the lust will and te of unty. ters of l JisuiK-iou l These arc. therefore, !>• cite and .,iins concern d, b> he and appear a me prescribed by law, to show w-liv said Letters should not 1 eu under lnv hand, at olliee, this 31sl October, JOHN II. POWERS, Ordinary. A 0.111 MKT ICA TO K*N SALK. Agreeable to an order of the honorable, the Ordinary of Jones county, will he sold before the courthouse door in Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in Fehruarv next, all the Real Estate belonging to W T . .1. Stripling, deceased. Sold for the hciieflt of the heirs and creditors. dec 20 AARON B. STRIPLING, Adm’r. A ».Un'INTRA’S’OR’BBALE.—By virtueof /A. an order of the honorable, the Ordinary of Houston county, will he sold before the courthouse door, in the town of Vienuii, Dooly county, on tlie first Tuesday in February next,'within the legal hours of sale. Lot of Laud number ten (10) in tlie third (ild) district of Dooly county, ns the property of the estate of Samuel Grace, late’of Houston county, deceased, for distribution, dec 13 _ JOHN LAIDLEK, Jr., Adm’r. E XKCITTOR’B BALK—Will be sold before the court house door iu Vienna, Dooly county, on tlie first Tuesday in February next, during tlie lawful hours of sale, the north half of lot of Laud, number (49) forty nine, in the 3d district of said county, contaiiiiug 100 acres, more or less, about 50 acres of which is cleared—ou the place is a comfort- nbl>- log dwelling, Ae. Sold as the property of Thos. T. Grace, deceased, under his last will. NEEDHAM T. JOHNSON, Ex’or. dec 20 of T. T. Grace, deceased. A I».mXIHTRATORtt BALE.—By virtueof . an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, will he sold before the courthouse door, in the town of I'errv, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in February next. Three Negroes—Silva, Aim. aii.l Tabitha. Sold ns the property of George W. Wardlow, late of snid county, deceased. Sold for the beui-tit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. ORIX D. TUCKER, Adm’r. jan 10 great e .McIntosh's plant at i of seed cotton to ilii yielded at tin i a; creae of (ill Observer. per *«■ " Why don't vou limit \ a physician to an intemperate down a stake that ,„u wili ,n farther.” “So I did,” said tin net it so far otf, that 1 alwav- g, I got to it.” ourself?" said person : “ sot so tar anil no toper, •• but I •t drunk before Thk Sandwich Islands Constitution.—In the constitution of the Sandwich Islands the first article reads as follows: “It is our fixed decree, 1. That no law shall be enacted which is at variance with the word of Jehovali, or at variance with the general spirit of his word. All laws of the Island shall belli consistency with the general spirit of God’s law. An Incident.—Speaking of the tightness in tlie money market, says the Philadelphia correspondent of tlie Baltimore Sun, a little in cident came under my notice on Wednesday, which is worth relating. I stepped into one of the fashionable jewelry stores iu Chestnut street and saw a lady monds worth j.125 am home. A few minutes husband of tlie lady in Third street, negntiatin and dollurs at a have mouth. A D.tiniNTKATOB’S BALK,—Will besold Y on the first Tuesday in Mareli next, at the court house door in Bibb county, in the city of Ma con, between the legal hours of sale, the Vollowiug lots aud parcels of Lnml: lad No. 215, containing 202} acres, more or less. “ “ 196, “ 202} “ “ “ part of “ “ 214, “ 195 “ “ “ “ * 198, “ 75 “ “ 197, “ CO Containing in the aggregate, Seven Hundred and Thirty-live (735) acres, more or less, aud being in the 4th district of originally Houston, tiiiw liibb county. Also, tlie Causeway, attached to, and adjoining tlie above lands; tlie Causeway to be sold separately or with the lands, as may be determined on the day of sale. Also, lads Nos. 1C3, ]64 and 139, containing each two hundred and two and oue half (2021) acres, more or less, in the 4tli district of originally Houston, now Bibb comity. Also, fractional lad No. 104, Macon Reserve, con- containing ninety-five (95) acres, more or less, ou the Ocmulgce River, about three miles below Macon, being first quality river bottom land, adjoining hinds of Job Taylor and others, about one-half of it cleared and in cultivation, and the other half heavily tim bered. The above lands to be sold for a division, and for tho benefit of the heirs of Laird H. Wiley, deceased; the iutereet of said deceased being an undivided half, nud b v order of the Honorable the Court of Or- dinary of Houston couuty. Terms on the day ol sale. J. B. WILEY, Administrator of L. II. Wilev, deceased. jan 10 A inil.MNTltATOK’SNALK.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday iu .March next, agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of Dooly county, before the number eight (8.) in the loth district of Dooly coun ty, as the property of the estate Chadwell Culpep per, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of snid estate. Terms on the day. jan 10 DAVID S. CULPEPPER, Adm’r. A U.TIINIKTKATOR’B BALK.—Will he sold l V on the first Tuesday in March next, before the courthouse door, ill Zebnlnn, Pike comity, a tract of Land, in said county, lying on Flint River, No. 41, 1st district. Pike county, containing two hundred two and one-half (202}) acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Sarah Mossis, late of Warren countv, deceased. Terms cash. <}eo 27 JESSE M. JONES, Adm’r. Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! rpllK undersigned i» now ready to supply from Ilia Steam -Mills, every description of Lumber and Scantling, at the shortest notice and cf the choicest quality. Applications sent to the Mill, oi left with the undersigned, will meet with prompt attention. W. D. MIMS, itug 3 Hrsitll’s Grist Hill. rTIHJiSK celebrated .MILLS are built bv the sub- 1 ■ . .her in Macon, Slid warranted superior te anv others now iu use. They can be seen at the Works of Robert Findlay, or at rny shop on 10m GEORGE MEATH. STATE OF GEORGIA, THE Court of Ordinary of Pike county, met pursu ant to adjournment, this 6th day of October, 1833. Present Wiley E. Maugham, Ordinary. Court of Ordinary, October adjourned Term, 1853. mo all whom it may Concers.—Whereas, Adam L Simmons, Administrator on the estate of James H. Simmons, late of said county, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the administration of said estate: Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, are hereby cited aud admonished to file their objections, if any they hax*e, iu inv office, iu terms of the law, otherwise, Letters of Dismission will he granted the applicant, agreeably to law, in such cases made and provided. The above is a true extract from the Minutes of said Court, this 7tli October, 1853. oct 11 WILEY E. MANGHAM, Ord. (Citations, Unolij (Cmuitti- ri BORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-Whereas, Joel U W. Hightower and Thomas B. Fuqeia, Adminis trators of Echols Hightower, deceased, apply to me for letters of Dismission from said Administration, they having faithfully discharged tlie trust reposed in ihein as appears front the vouchers of file iu office: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred anil creditors of said deceased, to beaud appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this-30thdav of August, 1853. ' ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ord. sep 13 pBORGIA, DOOLY.COUNTY.-Whereas, EU U Varuaiiow and Williams A. Forehand, Adminis trators of John Varnadow, apply to me tor Letters Dismuuiory from said Administration, they having faithfully discharged the trust reposed iii them as appears from the vouchers of file ill office : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, if any exist, on or before the first Monday iu March next) why said let ters should not be granted. Given underniy hand at ofliee, 30th August, 1853. sep 13 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. / 1 BORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY. Whereas, vj C. Bradley, administrotor on the estate of Sarali Clemmons, applies to he dismissed from snid admin, istration, he having faithfully discharged the trust re- posed in him: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to he aud appear at my ofliee within the time prescribed by law, anil show cause, if any exist, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature at of fice, this 17th September, 1853. sept 20 ALEX MEHIWETHER, Ordinary. nnORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, vX Augustus L. Serutohens, applies to me for Let ter* of Administration Je Umi* non, on the estate of Henry Pettee, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, ou or before the first Monday in February next, to show cause, if any exist why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature at of fice, this 22nd Dec., 1833. dec 27 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ord’y. /"A BORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, VjT .Samuel Story applies to me for Letters of Ad- minlstrationr on the estate of George W. Calhoun, late of said county, deceased: _ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie aud appear at inv office, on or before the first Monday in February next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. ’ Given under my hand and official signature, at of fice, this 22ud day of Dec. 1853. dec 27 ALEX. MERIWETHER,Ord’y. nEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY. Whereas, vJ Charles Powell, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of James D. Culbepper, Leanora R. S. Culpepper, Marietta J. Culpepper, and S. Culpepper, orpnans aud minors of John S. Culpepper, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sona concerned or interested, to lie and npppear at my office on or before the second Mouday iu Janua ry next, and show cause, if any exist, why said Let- ters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature at of-' fiee, this 5th day of December, 1853. dec 13 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. rtKOBGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, VJ Irwin Bullock, applies to mu for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George C. Bullock, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditoi*s of said deceased, to he and appear at my office on or before the se cond Mouday in January next, and show cause, if any exist, xvhy s:, ill letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand and official signature at of fice, this 3th dav of December, 183:). dec 13 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. KORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY’.—Whereas, W. vJ M. Dvkes, Guardian of A. A. G. Dykes, applies to me to he dismissed from said Guardianship, lie having faithfully discharged the trust reposed in him, as appears from the vouchers of file: These are, therefore, to rite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Mouday in March, wliy said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, at of fice, this 3d dav of January, 1854. jan to ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. BORGIA, DOOLY OOUNTY.-Whereas, Wil- VJ fiain XV. Webb, applies to me for the Guardian ship of tho person and property of Morris Raiford, orphan aud minor of Barden C. M. Raiford, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil per sons concerned, or interested, to show cause, in terms of the law, if any exist, why said Letters should uot be granted. Giveu uniU-r my hand and official signature at ofliee, this 5th day of January, 1854. jan 10 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. f'i KORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Mo- U ses Bodaford, Administrator of tlie estate of John Bodafnrd, deceased, applies to be dismissed from snid adininistration.he having fully administered said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to tile their objections, if any they have, iii terms of the law, why said Letters should not lio granted. Given underniy hand and official signature, at of fice, thisthe 5th day of January, 1854. jau to ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. (Ditattaus, (Trnmtaril (Cmuittj. /1 KOItGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where- \JI as, Joseph J. A. Wellows and Wesley F. Wel- lows, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship ol the persona and property of Aim Wellows, Mary Wellows. and Shelly Wellows, minors anil orphan children of William S. Wellows, late of said county, deceased: Tlieso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons interested, tube and appear at my office within the time prescribed liy law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, December ii, 1853. due 13 JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary. nB$RGU, CRAWFORD COUNTY.-Where- \JT as, James T. May, and Mac Dale' Danuelly, Executors of tlie last will and testament of James May, late of said county, deceased, applies for Isit ters Dismisaory from said Executorship : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law.toshow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my luind and official signature at of fice, this 1st day of December, 1833. dec 6 JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary. / 1 BORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where- VJ as, Benjamin 1). Smisson, applies to ino for Fit ters of Administration on the estate of Litieas Wat son, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular, the kindred and creditors of snid deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Administration should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 3rd day ol January, 1854. JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary, jan 10 '1’oliSM‘t‘o, I’igais. Ac. fr Boxes Tobacco, on Consignment, very super- i .J fine article. 95,000 Cigars, various qualities. 10 boxes Cherroots. For sale bv in.v 1 ASUKIt AYRES. J'uints and Oil. LBS. WHITE LEAD; ■'■.own lbs. Blake’s tire-proof Paint. 5ou .-all:. Liueeed Oil For-ale bv CAKUAltr a KOlF. Blanket". At. 1 Ann HEAVY S3 and :M Blankets. 1 .UUU 3,000 Yards Kerseys, with a variety staple Di v Goods, suitable for tlie season, just reci-i ed andfoi sale by (-’HAS bAjIPBELL. id. in, bit •r Lc all pc with! y tin iTitntions, jMMi Ountij. ?tnp!r unit >'nitq h >f tin-minor el if said county Ids Hidings au shew cause, oi why bis comm daml forfeit, guardianship, vice oftliis rt, llu Idren It is £ t BORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, IjT Charles West, Executor of Edward Engrain, qiplies to me for to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate: Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my ofliee within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this the llfh day October. 1853. JOHN Ii. HOWKRS, oct 18 Ordinary. . r 'l KORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, ' J William H. Lewis, applies to me for Letters of Administration ou the estate of Nathan G. Lewis, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and aiqicar at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30th day of December, 1833. JOHN H. TOWERS, Ord’y. jan 3 pBORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, Vj James J. Daniel applies to me for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George XV. Daniel, de ceased : _ These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ho mid appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why sahl letters should uot bo granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30tli day of December, 1853. JNO. H. TOWERS, Ordinary, jan 3 GEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, \JT the estate of Joshua Barnes is unrepresented: These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish ail per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, wliy tlie Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston county should not be appointed Adminis trator of said estate. Given under my hand at office, this 30th dav of December, 1853. JNO. H. TOWERS, Ordinary. jau 3 /"’IBORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—XXTiereas, \JT John G. Glover, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of Sylvaiius, Susannah, Silas, Mary Jane, Abel, and Elvira Sullivan : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned,'to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said le’tters should not he granted. (liven under my hand at office, this 30th dav of December, 1853. JNO. 11. TOWERS, Ordinarv. jau 3 (Citatinus, 3nurs (fDtnitij. sy KOItGIA, JONES COUXTY.-XVliereas,Thos. O J. Middlehrooks, Guardian for Mary A. Barker, applies to me for 1-outers of Dismission from said Guardianship: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my. office, within the time prescribed by law, toshow cause,if any they have, why said letters’should not be granted. Given muter my hand and official signature, tins 18th dav of November, 1853. nov 29 ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary. KORGIA, JONES COUNTY—Whereas, Ben- VJT janim Barron, guardian of Oliver 11. I*. Kinney, has applied to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at inv office within tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said le’tters should not he granted. ’ Given underniy hand,at office, this 21st day of De cember, 183:;. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, jan 3 Ordinary. ( 1 BORGIA, JONES COUNTY —Whereas, Da- \JT vid K. Blount, Executor of the last will ami tes- tameut of Henry XV. S. Blount, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said Letters should uot be granted Given under my hand at ofliee, this 21st Dec. 1853. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, jan 3 Ordinary. ( \ KORGIA,JONES COUNTY.—Whereas. Jas. VJ O. Barnes, applies to me for letters of Guar dianship upon the person and property of Newton W. Messer, .lease H. Messer, Mary A. Messer, and Thomas J. Messer, minors anil orphan children of Joseph Messer, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish ail per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot he granted Given under my hand at office, this 21st day of December, 1853. jan 3 ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary. /'X KORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas, Na- U thaniel S. Glover applies to me for Letters of Administration oil the estate of Elizabeth Glover, late of Jones comity, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tlie kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted. ’ Given under my hand at office, this 30th Decem ber, 1853. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary, jan to Jones Superior Court. Maktha Ann Sckcccs, i r«. > Libel for Oivorce. Edward X'. Scrcoos. ) TT appearing to the court, by the return of the L Sheriff in the above stated case, that the defend ant cannot be found in the county of Jones, and it furtlier appearing, that the said defendant is out of the limits of the State of Georgia. It is ordered by the eourt, that tlie said defendant appear anil defend said ease, at the uext term of this eourt, and on fail ing so to do, that the plaintiff have leave to proceed in snid case ns in cases of default. And it is order ed that this order be published in a public Gazette in Jlucon, once a month for three months before the next term of this court. A true copy from the minutes of Jones Superior Court, this 20th dav of December, 1853. jan 3 ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Clerk. ICrgnl jCntirrs. A LL persons having ’demands against the estate 1A. of Richard M. Scroggan, late of Jones county, deceased, are requested to present them according to lnw—and those indebted to said estate, are re quested to make immediate payment, dec 6 DANIEL LESLIE, Administrator. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Isaac Mills, late of Crawford county, deceased, nro request ed to make immediate paymeut, and those having demands agaiust said deceased, are notified to pre sent the same duly authenticated. ALEXANDER MILLS, dec 20 Administrator, with the will annexed. A LL persons having demands against the estate of ii. Henry XX’. XX’alton, late of Monroe county de ceased, are hereby notified to present them properly attested to me, within the time prescribed by law, or they will not be settled; and all persons indebt ed to said deceased, are hereby required to make immedate payment. JAMES EVANS, ) v . dec 13* 1). A. XVALTON, \ rs ’ OIXTY days after date, application will he made O to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Crawford county, for leave to sell a Negro bov by the name of DICK, belonging to the estate of Isaac Mills, late of Crawford county, deceased. ALEXANDER MILLS, dec 20 Administrator, witli tlie will annexed. QIXTV days after date, application will be made fj to tlie honorable Ordinary of Houston county, for leave to sell tlie Lund and Negroes belonging to the estate of Augustus II. Ragan, late of said coun ty, deceased. MARY M. RAGAN, Ailni’x. dec 13 IXTY days after dnte, application will be made O to the Ordinary of Houston county, for leave to sell all the Negroes belonging to the estate of Elias C. Haddock, late of said county, deceased, nov 15 AVNER BURNAM, Adm’r. QIXTY Days after date, application will bo made O to the Ordinary of Dooly county, for leave to sell the real estate of Michael Doofing, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said doceased. nov 15 MARY DOOLING, Adm’r. QIYTY days alter date application will be made lO to the Court of Ordinary ot Pulaski eountv, for leave to sell all tlie Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Kli Shepherd, late of said county, de* ceased. MATTHEW GRACE, Adm’r. nov 29 QIXTV days afterdate, application will be made O to the honorable, the Court of Ordinarv of Pu laski county, for leave to sell all tho Lands belong ing to the estate of Delamar Clayton, late of Pulaski county, deceased. JOHN XV. CARRUTHKR8, nov* 29 Administrator, itr bonis non, QIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made lO to the honorable the Ordinary of Bibb county, for leave to sell nil the real and personal property belonging to the estate of Alexander Scott, late of said county deceased. dec 27 ’ K. L. STROIIECKER, Ailinr. BII’.B COUNTY.—Cm i; i 0, : „ inbi-i- term, |s.'»:i.—Where.'.-, it a; t Absalom Johnson, Guardi: >f George Yigal, deceased. (U has mail.* no returns to tlii- office, doings as guardian a foresail in!. 1i. That said Join or before the next term of tbi- Court, ision as guardian should not be (le nd he himself dismissed from said And it is further ordered, that a si r- be perfected on him, by publication graph paper. .1,1 I, Edward D. Tracy, Deputy Ordi- ty. I nary, in and for said county, do certi- E. D. TRACY, Dep. Ordinary. <’losing Out v , , Staple D 500 C 3EtIROIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, T. M. J Griffin, applies to me for letters of dismissou rom the estate of M. Barth-t, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all per du concerned, to be and appear at mv office, within Wl: SHIP I.iuIicn Bless VUDS French Merino 0 Jo Plain Black Silk- 0 Patterns llroi All offered at nov 22 . .-and Fig„ ■Hack t igured s i *>y wixst UOV 8 1*. TRACY, Ordinary, lint broideries \ LARGE stock of all kiuds at cn i Monger copy. llttltdsOHM hojsq mine subscribers having received their v 1 OJ fancy Ory GootU, for the wim!. safely assure tho Ladies, that in piJOBGlA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, K. L. Vj Stroheeker applies to we for Letters of Admin istration on the estate of David Einailes, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grunted. ‘1*. TRACY, Ordinary. jan 10 ianaonn^ Itiani |l;i)i5. Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company. T HE new and splendid side-wheel steam- ship Kkt-Stonk State, Captain Rob- milin»■ ert Harilie; State or Georgia, Captain J. J. Gar- van, Jr., will leave Savannah for Phitabelphia every Wednesday. These steam-ships ore the most comfortable on the coast, and are unsurpassed for safety and speed.— They will leave Savannah ns follows: Key-Stone State, Wednesday, 28th Sept. State of Georgia, “ 5th Oct. Key-Stone State, “ 12th “ State of Georgia, “ 19tli “ Key-Stone State, “ 2fith “ State of Georgia, “ 2nd Nov. Key-Stone State, “ 9th “ State of Georgia, “ 1 tith “ Key-Stone State, “ 23rd “ State of Georgia. “ 30tli “ Key-Stone State, “ 7th Dec. State of Georgia, “ 14th “ Cabin Passage $20 00 Steerage Passage 8 00 C. A. L. LAMAR. Agent in Savannah. HERON ft MARTIN, Spet. 27,1853. Ageuts in Philadelphia. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York ft Bnrnunnh Hiramahipa. DATS OF LEAVING SAVANNAH FOR NEW TORE. THE Florida, Capt. Wnodhull Nov. 5 The Alabama, Capt. Sclienck,. •• 9 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ 12 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ 19 The Alabama, Capt.Sohenck, “ 23 The Augusta, Capj. Lyon, “ 26 Tlie Florida, Capt. Woodhull, .....Dec. 3 The Alabama, Capt. Sohenck, “ 7 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon “ 10 The Florida, Capt. Woodhul “ 17 The Alabama, Capt. Sehenck “ 21 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ 24 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ 31 These ships are the largest on the coast, unsurpass ed ill speed, safety or comfort—making their passage iu 3o to 60 hours,’ and ‘are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most desir- ablo conveyance to New York. ’ On the completion of tlie KNOXVILLE, in January next, this line will be semi-weeklv. Cabin passage, $25. ’ PADDLEFORD, FAY ft CO.. Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, nov l 13 Broudwav, New York. FOR PALATKA, E. F., Touching at Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black Creek) and Picolata. T HE New and Superior steam- packets SAINT JOHN’S, Capt. James Freeborn, and WILLIAMw GASTON, Capt. Thos. Shaw, will leave for the above places as follows : The St. John's on Thurs day morning. 13th inst., at 10 o’clock, and Wm. Gas ton on Tuesday morning, 20th inst., at 10 o'clock, and will continue to leave at the same hour every Thursday and Tuesday thereafter. The latter, boat carrviug’ the U. S. Mail. For freight or passage, hav ing handsome state room accommodations, apply on board or to J. H. GUNBY, Agent. vr The St. John's will goto St. Augustine every 4th trip, commencing (leaving Savannah) ou the 29th inst. sep 6 ly ^rnfrssinnnl nnil 3?nsinr55 Cnrts, A. M. SPEER. A. D. HAMMOND. S PEER ft HAMMOND, Attorneys at Law, Ma cau, Ga.—Will nractice in the adjoining counties of the Macon and Flint Circuits, nov 8 tv J W. PATTKUSON, ATTORNEY at LAW— Forstth. Monroe County, Ga. March 22, 1833. W A. I,AMI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Clinton, Ga. mav 17 KOIIERT P. HALL, JOHN J. CARY. H ai.l a- cahy, attorneys at law, Macon, Ga.—Will practice in the counties of Bibb, Monroe, Upson, Pike, and Spalding. Office over Dr. W. G. Little’s Drug Store. Mscon, Oct. 12, 1852. lv Fashion, Elegance and CheapnotH®* Bf Br > e excelled in Georgia. ’ We are determined to keen at all A. No. 1. stock Of FashionS^Sifcfe in" honorably and fairly with nn.. o _ , _ . kirly with our - - and CUS,0m ^s T t {^ i ^ *ir It vited to call, net 18 Curtain Goods. K VEBY variety and kinds, with ,n «.... to correspond. Can suit every/, bostoSuoSJ* them, oct 11 Carpeting ! CarpctingTr TUST received “by Express,” 6 pi,.,.,, V , •J Tapestry Carpeting ot superior qu»Utv.T 5 BOSTIcra^ Family Goods. TRISH LINEN, Sheetings, Flannels, ifcj. X Tweeds, Prints, Jaconet, Checked a.,3 lins, Ticking, Canton Flannels anil every cle suitable for family use, on terms them/!, J ’’ f modating. We intend selling our goods at »™.)lnr/ji will he most happy to show them, whetl/r ' ** or not. Our motto is to please and satufr ,ii ** tomers, we will do our prettiest tosnek/j 0 ?! 1 ' shoppm? remember BOSTICK 4 J0H\\ Lutlics and Gentlemen T HE subscribers being very thankful f’ rr *„ vors, would agnin invite your pirtick, . 1 1 tion to their New Stock of Fancy DtvOmJ • opened for the Fall and Wintertrade, allof S'” ; he sold as cheap as the cheapest. “™ ' 001 11 BOSTICK 4 Jons, Dress Goods. O UR stock of Dress Goods embracesermiM. new and desirable in Silk, Satin, and tv .; Fabrics, being beautiful, durable and fashifjii {'all and ***** thwn ttftSTTfnr *. iaSJsI oet 11 NEW GOODS. xf~ T HE undersigned has just returned fr,® ,,, I North with a Large and Confute Slnplc ft Fancy Dry Oooda, which HiJl opening. The usual qualifying remarks sfN,/.' j Beautiful, 4-c. 4-r„ he thinks tunteawnn'iih goods speak for themselves as to style, quiij v /j price, and therefore, needs no trumpeter; rih: however, on the intelligence and taste of the lift! of Macon and the surrounding country, h, respectfully submit the decision to th/m. AU JS whom, he cordially invites to call and tumseil themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Qft 11 W. W. PAEKtt Georgia Made Leatiier and hlio, T HE undersigned has for sale, onromipa^. a splendid lot of Harness and Bridle I Baud and Sole do; Bassett and Plantation dn-BUtt Wax and Kip do; Calf Skins, fte. Also, HEm '. RUSSETTSHOES; Black Wax do- S Shoes for house servants. W. W. PARKE;: " oct 11 Linen and Cotton Sheeting. F OR sale, a large stock of 10-4 and 12-4 I Cotton Sheeting, Pillow Case Linen and C.c: I of all all widths sept 27 0. W. PBia Paper Hangings. ^~^N hand a fine assortment of Paper Han*;. .-- (sept 27.) G. IV. PRICK Table Damask. O N hand a good assortment ofTsbleDanuskT ' elling. Napkins of all qualities, sept. 27,G.W.PBKT Printed Cashmeres. O N hand a handsome lot of Printed Cisk: ■ and DeLains. G. W. PRICE, sept 37 Netv Fall Goods. T HE subscriber is now receiving his stock •(!* cy and Staple Goods, suitable for the F:J!ui Winter trade. His friends and the pnbliearerttw ed to give him a call. G. IV. PRll E » give I sept 27 Carpeting aud Kuggs. J UST received-an assortment of Superfine Three Ply Carpeting. G. YV. PBIl’K sept 27 Plaid Silks. J UST received a rich and handsome ixeortw:." I Plaid, Plain and Brocade Silks, for uleriwi sept 27. O. W. PRICE Blankets and Kerseys. O N hand a good assortment of Negro SUsketwJw Kerseys. Also, tine Urge Bed Blanket* fit “ I low. G. W. P!IC£ ■ sept 27 Velvet Carpeting. J UST received an assortment of rich and Velvet Carpeting, with Rugs to match. few pair of handsome Three Ply- - nov 1 CE0.W.PHBE. P A K. D. TRACY, ATTORNEYS AT AWL, . Macon, Ga.—Will practice in all the Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit, ang 17 i y J OHN II. POWKRN continues to practice Law in Houston, and all the adjoining counties of the Macon and South-Western Circuitsjand ill any part of the State by specinl contract. Perry, Nov. 29, 1853. 16—lv Dentistry. A S DR. G. MCDONALD has de clined leaving Macon, the firm of O. ft Jas. M. McDonald will be con- tinned as heretofore. They are qualified for and pro pared to do, any style of work belonging to the Den tal Profession. Office as usual, at the residence of G. McDonald, on Second street, nov 22 E A. MNBKT, Will practice law in Bibb and • tlie adjoining counties, and in the Supreme Court at Savannah, Macon, Miliedgeville, Americus, Columbus and Decatur. He will pay particular attention to the collection or settlement of debts and to Conveyancing. tar Office over tlie store of diaries Day ft Co., on the comer of Mulberry and Second Streets. Macon, Nov. 22,1853. 3 m M i:»I CAL NOTICE.—DR’S. J. M. ft H. K. GREEN, will continue the Practice of Medi cine as heretofore. One of them, unless otherwise engaged, can always be found at their office, opposite the Methodist Church, and next door to Mr. Poe’s. Macon, Feb. 1, 1853. ly D r. RICIIABH II. NISBKT, has removed to Ralston's New Block, on Cherry Street, where he may be found at all hours during tlie day or night, except when professionally eugaged. Par ticular attention paid to calls from the country. ooC4S 10 L OCKKT, LONG & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS anb Shipping Agents, Satan "«*. <’•>. aug 30 ly C'UARLKM DAY, C OMMISSION .MERCHANT, NEW YORK.— IdT* C. Day ft Co., will advance on consign ments^npl 1 1JRANKLIN JIAItINK AND KIRK IN- L Nl'RA.TCE COSIPANY.—Home Office, Saratoga Springs. New York. Cash Capital. $300,- 000. Cady Hollister, President, John G. Buraap, Secretary, U. D. PHILLIPS, Agent. ti? 1 * Office at Store ofW. B. Ferry ft Co., Ala- con, Ga. dee 13 18—:1m* P ROTECTION INSUKANCK CO., OF Hartford,Cunx., Fire and Marine Risks taken on the most favorable terms by C. DAY’, Agent, feb 27 CATER A GKIFFI.Y \ T home, with a well selected stock of Groceries anil Staple Dry Good-. Best quality Bagging, Western and Russia Rope, Georgia Woof mi- and cthoea. Refined and St. Croix Sugars ; Old Java and Rio Coffee ; Extra aud Super tine Flour ; Paints. Oils. Ac. Our friends will please -tiff remember us. »ep u •; TTOMK INNUBAACK COMPANY—Office, IT No. 10 Wall Street, New York. Cash Capita $500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. Charles J. .Martin, Secretary. CRAS. CAMPBELL, Agent, nov 1 ly .Macon, Geo. H J risks Hartford, Cons.—Established in 1810. Fin on Cotton, and Produce in Store, merchandise, -tore bouses, dwellings, and furniture, churches, fte., in tlie above old and well established Company, ta ken at tho usual rates bv E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent jan 18 for tho eitv of Macon, Bibb oo. Crape Shawls. A ' SPLENDID assortment of Crape xnfi Ci» | mere Shawls at all prices. oct 11 .BOSTICK 4 JOHfrj. To the Ladles. T HE undersigned would respectfully invitttk*it tention of the Ladies of Macon and virw^w his Nzxv and Extensive Stock or FASti y** L GOODS, now for Exhibition aud Sxlr, at L-' ^ I stand, comer of Second and Cherry streets, to Geo. \V. ltoss’. Tlie Stock is complete and varied, And 'P* 1 ' pare favorably with any other in thecity. Krt" crate mid Goods of the best quality. 1 servants, or otherwise, as promptly and Wuitoli ed as when customers make personal •tJJ|? and selection. A. W. MARsHAU- sep 27 IL-P* Messenger copy. NOTICE To Merchants and Planter* opened and for sale, wholesale and retail cntkf liberal :.iid arc,me.i.iliu_ :• ; on Cherry-st., next door to the coraer^t ^ 187 ** Joum. ft Mess, copy. Brilliant and HeaiidTn*- /'NEORGE'W. ROSS A CO. are nowrertjv“t”H VY tii'r-t installment of SPRING, >. '!•• | FANCY DRY GOODS. . ...... : - ' - ••• ■ t.i-te. ehjnacA an-l utility, twdL*! l .a.i el:.-- Dry G I I'.-t:.I:.... .:- • I specially "invited to look b. and judge fort I of the superior style, elegant fabric , sortment now open for their inspection ' - . elation. Tlie following are a few of tlietm adorn our shelves and counters ; „ u . nyk SILKS, as Brocade fig’d. 1’oulb do S ;’ . , . Gro de Rhine; White Brocade Silk Ko" 1 '; Embroidered, and Empress Eugene- Embroidered Valenciennes Chemisetts- SLEEVES, all qualities fromStfctM"?: • Embroidered Broelm de Paris D“r- s — Swiss and Jaconet Edgings and Ini - - 10 cts. a yard to 57 00. - , ' MANTILLAS and Scarfs, 13 dlfferen .y of which may be mentioned Taglioni, melli anil Pavonus. Damask Clotlis, Towels and Napkins- Dial,or. Birds Eye, lluekaback and uotio , : . Also, Brussels Tapestrv and 3 lqii.v- Matting-. Rug-. Window - " for curtains, with trimmings to ■ : Furnishing Goods, embracing every ; s -1 ' new. fte., fte. Sold wholesale and ret.' ' b .. . as goods of the same quality can be I this market. , ,, v , ’. ■ ’ N. B.—G. W. R. ft Co. have also on separate establishment, an citen-o 0 . Cories, which will he sold by wbelr-. mh 22 Lumber- ,... n AYING'on the first ofSeptcmi'D • , Saw Mill-, recently in charge of J? 1 " Valkenbnr" A: Son, short notice. Orders by ns. No on© is mith us A"ont. nov 15 received' and Mb r '’ irized to us J. A. i \ I lU AL \I New You 1!. Collins, Pres feb 27 LIFE I.VH KANCK CO., oi k. Jas. Abbatr. Secretary. Joseph ident. Applications received by 0. DAY, Agent. 1 r quarter and 1 I O 25 do. Malaga, Madeira and Port Wine. Hol land Gin. Monongnbela and old Bcnrbon Whiskey. 50 Boxes and hull Boxes Virginia Tobacco. T. C. DEMPSEY. dec H Floyd House Building. Bitron. Flour* bis- “ -■ 1- llyrrf, ' 20.000 Emwabflom.' W and Spaulding Flour, 50 bis. I !• . CAMPH ;E!.- saleb.v " CIIA: Cash! Cash! T HE highest market price will !“• i’lVj Washed or Unwashed. Also. 1 ^, and Tallow, delivered in Macon at m of Fields ft Adams' Fire-proet «»••'.ajr£lT , ‘ apr ‘.2 —tf L.v-