Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, February 21, 1854, Image 4

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•tEfjc dccorgirt (Stlfgripjr. (Vnin the New York CMsen. To the Rir. Henry Word Beecher. Rkvkrk.nd Sir :—Yonr letter to tne in the Inde/tendent of February 2<1 is certainly suc- nl as an effort of rhetoric; niul I felici tween me and a small knot of noisy Taberna cle lecturers, who affect astonishment on find ing that one who lias protested against op pression, is yet unprepared to denounce a: oppression what they, the Tabernacle lectu rers, called by that name:—and who are shocked to sec a man it*, the nineteenth ccntu- with no more exalted idea of freedom than S on had. I apprehend r j_ lay tate myself on having had the good fortune to . Jj® n 'gbted ashin^.™ «. -rr draw forth so fine a burst of that species of ”. ir ’ t . 1 '* -, ou am . t .. ie ^ :| hemaelc uien are composition the American publicvery far short of it It w not however exactly what I looked for. d< ?ed. Bnt. hw is the issue that you say has In reply to two vehement attacks of yours, I been rai8pd between me and the saidpublic one in your Abolition Lecture, and one iii your I RUUrPSS I /»/iyaafla in tiff, liberl newspaper, 1 did myself the honor to aaaress I ^itofromykuwt^&mirtotifr. Ucriu. and kopm to you certain arguments. I really thought nets ? or was it a liberty founded«» a* r,git «J tin * l - - tke w ^ akt lllig Jg the question are just now diucuss tl;ey were, in sonic sort* argument; and sup- I *tn>*r to opprrsn the trmk ? posed that if yon vouchsafed me a reply you ."hieb American uewspapers would try to answer or invalidate them. The | in *'. ., . , I am sorry that I can render course von have taken makes me admire your I , ^ TC *bcy: prudence, even more than your eloquence. V^'n'not ^aro tlmt every human being, It was required of me to show how my de- ^ .‘au inalienable right to life, lib- claration that slaveholding is not n cnme con- , ial) pi„ess.” People often forfeit sista with my attempt to abolish English Jo- ^ n “, libcrt ‘ v , and as to “happiness” I do minion in Ireland, hor answer I pointedl to | a yeIl kl|0 ^ what it is . 0 n the whole. honi of some of the greatest leaders of this Republic. "° t , lU is jargoll . For the sec o..d who being slaveholders rose to abolish Eng- dilemma, “Was it a liberty foundeil on llan domiii'Aii m AmmsAn Il.v aaa (JlC ■ — - - - • * • lisli domiir.ou in America. Do you sec tne i Jj |e n -g] lt 0 f t j le 8 t ron g t 0 oppress the weak unprincipled folly of this . Can yonr rever- I j |I)lwt cn nfess that 1 do not understand the di- cnee contemplate without horror an American ^ Therefore, L decline to impale myself colouist exacting the whole labor of Ins own |hat hon , alf)0 ._ t0 vour pair ofqlles . s ave ; yctdechmiighiinself, to bct ^ .f tions, I am consent to answer, Nk.thkr. the Rntish Parliament; buying negroes bodi- lilerty it was t l iat Inspired to for ly for his own pro^rty, yet indignant because , reI|uld ft wo 4j ^ u - sclcs8 to tcM ‘-ou again- Enghsl. statesmen pre*«l to l«y hree wou]d Iicvcr understand me. And it pence per pound upon Ins tea? I need no * , d ou , disgust you if I were to refer to ask : for you will not answer.^ the rude t^es againf and to say that it was just say before an America., audience that George |he s()rt 0 fi ibei * ’ 0 better no worse- * •» vmi nionn *if I w hich the slavcholriing Coruvr.rnns asserted !»?££LJhh?Corinth, and the slaveholding Corin- fet the subject alone*: and by way of answJr { h ‘ a . , . ,s fou / ht f ? r Eut the glory of all beholders, and a covert for «thons- I believe that, any single individual really sees and timid singing-bird*. Now you lie »t full length I the least inconsistency in my sentiments or along the ground, with mighty rmitiired roots, rug- behavior. The whole controversy is fictitious « men predict spring from yonr swelling buds! Nev- platforms. 1 ou seem to think it a small mat er again shall God’s singing-birds of liberty eouie 1 ter, sir, to exasperate’ VOUr fellow-citizens of dnwu through all tho heavenly air, to rest them- t j ie South bv uiiiiieaniiig vilification; nothing selves on vour waving top! Pullen! Uprooted! I. , , ~ e ... ” 1T . e Doomed to the axes and the hearth !” to shake the foundations of the Union; nothing I almost feel the edge of the hatchet. Wood- to pour discredit ujmu Republicanism itself, mini spare that tree .'-Your imagery is so viv- a "‘ l *° ,,,8ult J;?“ r °*“ S ra,,d t0 “ u, 0 ’ »«e id that I a... ready to raise my lm.,,1 to mv - vo " >'°» r disloyal...cense at the feet of the head, to ascertain whether, like Phteton’a sw- c I nl I e1 ’ c 1 au, ' n ^ L "e ,,s . h Oovemment-provi- ters. I bear foliage ami binl’s nests; the ded cau “omc sanctimonious prophecy is tcrrilic; and the effect, the one of ' otcs ^ or t ,c B 0b l ,c l °f ^ ree isoilism, Mr. Illinium's effects, is “thrilling.” ca ".S e J 3' 0, J rs,,lf a, 1 " 1 - vo , ur 1 l,,e , ra , r - v « rc,c - , Yon have a dislike to Moses, at which I do ro " ,zwl <uid patted on the back by the trench not wonder. You sav “let Moses sleep.” Then erous , Lru ‘ il1 1 1Jr,t,8 j' 1 rpS8 - ^ 1 « nd why did you cite Unit legislator in vour Lee- P' ,,ur aholit.oi. to, be not only, but ture? It was your reverence that, awakened treason. Englishmen conic over here as its him. In order to make people believe tliat apostles, and it lias on it the shnie ;uid trail of American Slavery is more barbarous than an- I r-xeter Hall. And do you believe that the cieut slavery, you told the Tabernacle that I e 5*S n J? na *°, r8 the roughshod nders Moses imiKMiNi restrictions upon the institu- S f Ind \*' th ? ar . in 1 C( j[ ^P^ulators m Chinese tion, and surroumle<l it with difficulties and I ! IVC ** sincerely wish for the liberty ut any be- inconvenienccs, tending to protluee abolition I »**y'J'h crc under t^he sun . Do you think at length. I followed you iuto the Pentateuch, ^ J 14170 a ^ oUt t “ ,s w ^ e question of and showed that you did not read tliose five I American slavery, save as a machinery for books aright. I demonstrated that there were I breaking tip• the great Kepubhcau eonfinlcra- no restrictions at all, and no tendency to abo- J low thereof England and every other power litiou, and no intention of it, either rapid or I 1 a ,n . orta ® jealousy and fear. Exeter i^raclunl. I shapes its balmy benevolence in the form So Moses has become tedious to you. You I wedge, to drive between North and South; beg me not to keep “stumbling over the re- I J Y , ^y ou * reverend gentleman, hammer upon cords of rude society four thousand years ^ ,at wedge with all your might every time ago.”—IJut pardon me, it was your reverence * hump your cusluon, and the Hntish 1 ress who stumbled; and you are not sufficiently | vn ® a « ravo - Beecher, grateful to me for picking you up. You say I Between the Northern and Southern States make the Bible lie” (whatever that means); tliis Jtepublie, I apprehend, there is but little ... * . I rnnI nniiHiaf at infai> Li/.Iiiw* 'rl./i /aiiiui but you have not shewn me where or how I say that you fnliiify the liiblc; and I liave shewn you where and how. It seems to me, too, that your avoidence of the subject is an admission that you did really misrepresent the Mosaic law to support the abolition ticket. real confiict of interest or feeling. The ques tion of State policy and Territorial arrange ment which exist, would, as I believe, settle themselves, if you and your little second-hand Exeter Hall would let them alone. Wliatcv- er bitterness has mingled itself with the con- —Is it not a shame ! Do you think such a I troversy, you and the conventicles have infus- . . . . . . r. .... .. . I 0.1 tmi u , JAnAllo .l.A» \\ T I 1 deed can be atoned for by a tirade like the fol lowing, addressed to me, tlnilliug as it is?— “I can not libit- Iroiu niyscirtliat tlieri- yt t rsmnins for yon s dismal ago. a di-solate ami t-lit t rless soli tude of inlinnities. Time, that would have earned led | ul you onward, garlanded with ael.ievmei.ti worthy of l !lrf;tr than a man’s hand, that clond Would sot'.li h mull Itviuir l«;r in«*n, ami Mirroumlctl by the I .^ lin t v *1. i \\r * evinpiithius of loving heart*, now, will drift yon to a I T a “ y ouni l from the North and \\ cat * •-* * • •* the whole heavens would be lighted up with tirea”—and so forth—the nmii is speaking the . .. i . •• I language of the Tabernacle; he is inspired by fug pTm/"” K UV * r ” ,n " ' U " u " , ' r, ‘* t hy chtng I theConvcntides: he Reechcmes. It there li ed the poisonous drop. When you hear a Mr. Wade, itt the United States Senate at Wash ington, howling aliout Nebraska being made a “Sodom and Gomorrah,”—uttering dismal pro- hecics like these—“he saw a cloud alrcadv. polsr Militude, without love, or svmputhy, or ldty, I the wl or honor. You will sweep eoldly on iiihui a dark I fires”- curreut, like nn ever-rolling lee-berg, that, roiling | | HUL , nn leh, gain no rest by <-hsng Bene,/idle! It does a man good to hear ^ c oud "np^dmg over the busmow, it u you; iu u rhetorical, mel.slrau.atieal, and tbc , dre *P’ c,oud f, which has merely Bamumistic jKiii.t of view. Rut where • hado ! red '"»"/? noblecatwc andbroken .. any is the s«sr 1 Who has taught you to call » e ,0 " 0U ? co “ ad ®^c/ b ‘ fore “ oa ’. " hat apa names at this outrageous rate!—Another time tbuHe foul-mouthed l untauj that the, should you compare me to Hercules spinuing threads; I pfc^uine to curse, with all tho curses of Eruul- and again, (J.hsI Heaven! what is this P ,nw ’ Ameri^n citizens of the South-that “Sorrowfolly, we must leave yon. like some false \\ lt 7 vT the,r a r o jbor - v ' a,,d *••• • • • • -> .... I flirir I mi ill’s SihIhiii ffiiitl (iiiinnrr.'tli f and hideous iihsge, around whieli, for the moment, I their homes Sodom and Gomorrah ehsMeriug priests of oppression have hurmal iuvense, I Anil does it ever occur to you to consider lmt snou to ho cs»t out. even by them, a dete«ti-d ami whether those .Soutliern planters can liberate daaatwlad idol. forKottwi of taen. and remembered | thdr T Whether the slaves wish it— only of v«*nxiin lixorud tliat crawl darkling beneath I , .. ..... , .. ... the twilight of poiaonons weetl* that grow and twine whether if they did, it would be good for them, about it.” I or for tliPac who would have the misfortune to Jlorringc in Syria The meu marry at 16 and 18 years of age; the girls at 12 an 11.. A girl who has arrived public Inlrs. ° rso -.i * ' A. • — I T>IBB JIORTfiAGK SHERIFF HALE at the age of 18 without maftymg: is consiil-1 £> wiU be „ _ gold before the court house door iu the crcd an old maid the parents make the match- I eity of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in ; the young folks have nothing to do in the | March next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol- matter, ft being none of their business. If the I ‘“r^.'U^rixM^ab mother sees a girl with whom she is pleased, | one feather bed and two undresses, five pictures and she dispatches her husband to the girl's father I frames, one huge looking glass, one sideboard, one to make proposals for their son. If not re- |}°‘ cooking utensils, two conches and one matrass . . , - , . , • r | to one couch, one wash stand and one brass clock jected, and the match is nati. factory, an . gree- I on u ^ property of William L. Mooney, incut of marriage is entered into by the fathers, sntisfy a ** * * ■*— — L ’ ■ ’ . _ luirtgage fi fa issued from Hibli Interior The engagement lasts for three months, du- I court, in favor of Cintba Taylor vs. said William ring which time the young man and young wo- Mooiiey. ^perty^ou^-ldmor^gefi man arc entirely ignorant of each other, ' l, “ ' 1 the one never haiing met or even heard the name I T>i bb postponed sheriff sai.K #!•/> rtflmr Du lartfPrttliinrr. flifr vnnntr IlIHll I .-D ill DO Sold of the other. On betrothing, the young man j ;he 5 ^Surtho e ^• senuii jewels, &c., auiu it ia on the 'alue ot I | n kfacoo. Bibb oountr, the following property those gifts that the parents of the girl regulate I Two Lots in tho city of Macon, and county oi their gifts to the daughter. If the man wishes I Bibb, on the corner of Fifth or Bridge Street and to break tile engagement, be Jo bo, S3 °Z W“sK loses the presents. If the parties have ever, aud the 17i duep alld k) 3 fronting on by chance, seen each Ollier before, they must I Wharf Street, said Lots are situated immediately not do so after they are betrothed. It requires above the Britlge. and running back from Wharf ,1 „„ . . | Street to tho Ocmulgee ltiver: on said two loots there three dais to cousuuiatc the marriageceruno- ia gcvend 8Ilia u residmees occupied by Tliomas uies, ciiuunenciug on 1- relay and ending early Burues and others. Levied on as the property of Monday morning. The intervid is a festive oc- I Thomas Burues to satisfy four fi fas, all issued from Misty r« canon, when everybody shouts and chatters «'»•» Snperior Court of Bibb county, one in favor » « .... J .1 ! t - 1 I Kduiuiid Blake vs. Tliomas Bunna and E. L. Stro- eonfiiseilly. 1 he men have their musicians anil I i leck(!r . OIle f avor 0 f Scott vs. the same, the young women their songstresses mid done- „„ H in favor of Eleauor Blake vs. the same, and one ilig girls, to enliven them. Wines, preseuts, I in favor of Elijah Bond vs. Thomas Bnnies. ami oriental sweetmeats are supplied by the I ■!*“ a< P- DA\ LS, Pep. Sheriff. bride mid bridegroom, who become stewardsfor I I WHEKiff sai.K.—Will be sold be <!»»»■. .!>“>*"■« “J I the festivities. _ I the usual hours of sale the following projierty to wit On the eve of the marriage, the bridegroom | Lot No. wi, in the Third District of 01' sends fifteen of his relative bride to church. On arriv... B o, «« •>.» . . W illUin D. Mims, to satisfy _ house, she is demanded, and the company sit n« m u. Hoge and transferreil to William Lockett vs. down and smoke while she is being prepared. Win. D. Mims. Property pointed out by Plaintiffs The bride in going to church is accompanied I by as many women as the bridegroom sent I -J*! 1 —-—— men, and rose water is sprinkled on tlic party J jy£ o;VKO sheriff salk.-H ill be sold , , . , uuiuB puny . „„ ^ Tuesday in March next, before the from the windows of the bouses ns they pro- I Court-house door in Forsyth, Monroe county, within ceod to church. When the ceremony is per- I the legal hours of sale, the folhnriugproi>ertv. to wit: formed, the married couple do not return to- I .^of Land (number not known) in the «b dis- gether. The bride is taken tothc bridegroom’s | ^ .1?S“ “t WAS geinei. j ue unite is irnien tome ui uiegrooui s morw or nd j„l u i„ B the lands of Albert Han ey house. \\ lieu the latter approaches the house *„ d others; levied ou as the property of Mary Sle- at 12 o’clock at night, his friends cry out “be- Dennot, to satisfy a C fa from a Justice’s Court of ....... C ... . .t I tl... £* 1* \I L. III..L.. liold the bribegroom conieth,” and lienee the I ° f * v<>r of A Scriptural expression, i he husband does not I ^ ProiKtrt?poiuteil out by defendant. Lew, made cuter the bride's room until .'1 o’clock 111 the I a „ d returned to me by IVui. Prewitt, constable, morning, accompanied by bis god-fater when | jan at V. T. LASSETTKlt, Pep, fik’ff. he uncoverers her face, and for the first time | ^JOMIOK miikkiff>» make.—Will bo beholds his wife. sold, before the Court-house door in the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in March next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: One Lot of Lnnil, number unkuowu, whereon Albert Middlehrooks now lives. New French Nrltlruirnl—Sriaure.f New Cal edonia in the Furilir. „ , , . ... jj . . ... , . Levied on as the property of said Middlebrook, to The Sydney (Australia) Herald, of the 1st 1 9 .iu<fr sundw fifa’sissueil from the Justices’ Court November has the following paragraph: “The Fren*-h have taken possession of tlie beauti- I Tolen va Albert Middlebrooks, three in favor Wil ful BNP called New Caledonia. On Umi «M 8ept. , iam c Hal|aoll v8 . Albert Middlebrook. f 1 Wllr ®'e«" ,r lhixjue arrii ed there from I j >>vv ula de alld returned tome by a Constable. station. The John II. Millay, an American trading I u bark, which arrived at Port Jackson yesterday has brought np two French officers; one01 them an otfi- I J.VJ. Mild before the court-house door in Forsyth, c or belonging tu the administration, middle other at- I Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in March next, tni-lied to the above French warsteamer, for the pur- I the folio' pose of purchasing supplies for the new French set-I Imtof dements. Tlie American vessel which has been char-| seres, more or less. Levied oil as the property of by a ”i). wrCOL'LIEII, Sh’ff. fared for the purpose, and is only ten days from New I Albert Middlehrooks, to satisfy a fi fa from the Su- Caledonia, will return immediately. Her Majesty’s I perior Court of Monroe county, in favor of William ship Herald was at tlie Isle of Pines on the 2Sdi Sep- C. Hanson vs. Alliert Middlehrooks. Property point tember, all weU.” 1 cd out by Plaintiffs Attorney. jan at V. T. LASSETTER, Pep Sh’ff. New Caledonia is about nine kuuilreil miles east of Australia. It was discovered by Cook in,™ | f i..« llBi U. loins M •SAI.K.—Will be sold before the court house tn 17,4. It miles long anil /ti miles d<M)r< t | le town of Forsyth, Mouroe county, on the wide. Its chief productions are yams and first Tuesdav in March next, between the usual hours tanas. The natives are mild, and very skill- of sale, the following property to wit: ful in the cultivation of the soil. | Tw<i bales of cotton. Levied on as the property The Sydney Herald, of the 2d November. I . .... , . . ....... ......... ...... in favor of A. Speer gives Hie following additional particulars ot and John Mi-Colluin vs Winchester Watson, the seizure of New Caledonia: I jan 31 D. w, COLLIER, sheriff. The Vkexcii is Nfav Caledoxu.—Tlie follow ing are the particulars which we have been enabled to glean resjiectingtheuctof the French Government iu taking pussesrion of llie Island <•! New Caledonia and its de|M-iideucies. It appears that the French Rear-Admiral commanding lue South Pacific, sailed from Tahiti, iu the steam corvette Le PIkmiuc, accom panied by several naval officers mid civilisus, ‘on a lyjONHOE FOMTFONED MIIER1FF lYL SAI.K.—Will lie sold before the court house door ill the town of Forsyth. Monroe eonuty, on the first Tuesday iu March next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: Tlie Lease on one halt of* lot of Land No. 4.1, the west half of said lot, ailjoiniug Win. L. Caneda, for one year; levied on as the property of E. D. Britt raise among the Islands.’ On the S3d September I to satisfy twofi fas from the Justice court of «54th the Phoqite arrived at New Caledonia, and on the I Dist. G. M., in favor of John M. Woolsey adm'r on '.'4th the Admiral landed ut Beladc. and, hoisting the the estate of John M. Woolsey seu., deceased vs E. French Hag. formally took possession of the ‘Island I D- Ilrilt. Levy made and returned by Wiley J. of New Caledonia mid its dependencies, in the name I Sikes, constable. D. W. COLLIER, Sheriff, of his Imperial uiajestv, Napoleon Ill, Emperor of the I fell 14 ’■’reneli. A pence, reel*,I of the occurrence vn iu.- | ^ |KK MIIK BIFF’N MALE.—Will be sold ou r^^^,m„7.t1rilmLVy ra oX::f‘^ I £ '**e firs, Tuesday in March next, before the «,urt- government, and declares them to be a'Freurh colo- I J I “ use ‘, <>or 1,1 Jf *“ wa Zebnlon.1 iky count}, be- uy from mid aller the ‘.Mtb of September. ” | Uta * 1 hl,ura “ f •»*«■ • h “ following property. Lots Nos. 3, 4, 9, and a part of Lot No. 3, in the Auatriu nud Ibe Coiled .Stairs. I town of Zebulou. Also, tlie following negroes, to 11...... ........ 11.. Tf 1> I I wit: Adaline, a woman 34 years of age, and her two Dispatches iron Mr. H. R. Jackson. I children. Bob, a boy iu years old, Rachael, agirl six Levied ou as the property of William K. satisfy one fi fa iu favor of Jane L. Mitcli- or of Webster A Palms aud N. K. Bar- compliance with the resolution of the .Tilth ultimo, requesting him to communicate to the House, if compatible with the public interest, any correspondence not yet published, that uuin, aud others vs. said Myrick. Property pointed out by said Myrick. JOHN COUCH, Sh’ff. jan 31 'jyiKK llOKTCACK SAI.K.—Will be sold before tlie court-house door, in the town of 2e!i ;iy have occurred between the State Depatt- 1 “l 011 . Wke county, on the first Tuesday iu April next, incut and the American Charge at Austria, IhefoUowing proiiertyto wit: r . 1 • ■ .1.1 One Lot of Imtid in Pike countv, in the Ninth Dis- with reference to persons claiming the protec- I irict of said county, known by tli'e number one him- tiou of Una government. I dred mid thirty-uine. And also Lot of Land number Among the documents is a dispatch from •*'" hundred mid two, in the first district of said — ■* .... - 'county. Ail levied ou as the property of James M. authorities I cited, you call lubblsh ; and you say “you have in your library b mps of trash” of tin * * 1 * find tat sort. I do assure yon that you would iy A new car ventilator has been invented, whieli, it is said, will supersede all others now iu use. It consists of a simple contrivance for .. , _ . "iZ, . i 111 use. ax consists 01 a suuuie ixiuiriviuicumr ■Umn Kotin; wlta. b tb. ‘““‘S“•« ,l “ ■“'S”, of : * rt 0, , M ; “ - t "ri Ifawtr wall of Snlpwnt-il WIU from Jin. nonutr I «tt££gi2SSk'if STiZji Stowe (rul, “Key”) who again got them from t | lrou ,, h the d ^, 3 1 l’roiessor Stowe, wlio got them from Barnes, I « ] from Mrs. lleeeher got . or else Barnes from Stowe. It is a perilous I Immense Fuick or Piokons. A pigeon thing, this reference for ever to one’s own lit- roqst ten miles long by five broad, in Franklin tic clique and circle for authority and Intel 1 r ~ * ” * Icctual pabulum ; the supply soon dries up aud, if you will have another Polar similitude, I shall liken you iu this matter to a Green land hear, sucking his own pnws for food in the hard weather. ^ mi sav there is 41 tho American public.' before. I knew that there was an issue be- county, Ja., it is said, is now swarming with pigeons, llie roar of their wiugs 011 arriving and departing from the roost is treineudous, and the docks, during the flight darken the heavens. The ground is covered to the depth of several inches with their immure. Thou- issue between me and I sands are killed by casualties from breaking Tliis I did not know | limbs of trees, and hundreds of liogs live upon them. Now I also could find comparisons iu the be their neighbors instead of owners ? Have various kingdoms of nature for you, Mr. Rcc-(you considered the condition of Hayti? 01 chcr. And 1 have a mind even to try your I Jamaica ? And if you urge the generous ex own style, ami show that I have taken a less- ample of your friends the English, I will tell on from you—as thus : I am a rolling ami re- you what that generosity consisted of—bur- sounding iee-berg of the l’olnr seas—very I rowing 100 millions of dollars, (winch they well; you are a Geyser or boiling spring copt- never iiiteud to pay,) in order to add it to the ous enough to keep the world in hot water. I I “national debt,” and so to take additional sc- may be like a dead tree; but what if yonr curity against Revolution and Republicanism reverence is very like a whale; a whale of the at home. _ Have von any such financial opera- blowing or spouting species; blowing and tion ns this to propose to America ? Or di spouting as if you meant to quench the stars, you want to take the property ofthosc citizens Itather, indeed, you are the Great Sca-Ser- from them without any compensation ? Hav pout, that dubious aud mythical lisli—who you considered any one of all these tilings disposeth himself before the eyes of wonder- I Or is all this Tabernacle talk pure rant ? Is ing mariners, now to starboard, again to port, it all Cajiital-making aud cant ?—Great is uiid uo man knoweth where to have him. He I Cant. What is Man that he should withstand cstcemeth iron ns straw; and the arrow can- it? not make him flee. He lasheth the sea with I take my leave of von now, and rise out of his tail, mid all the morning papers of the uni- I Ike whole subject. What can I say tothc pa- verse resound with tlie splash thereof. No I thetic adjuration with which you conclude your fisher of woman shall put a hook betwecu Ins letter—“Comeback to ns, John Mitchell—it jaws; no mortal cook shall cut him up for ov- I is not yet too late.” Ah.' vour reverence will cr ; on his crest sits humbug plumed from his excuse me : it is not too late, but too early, inane lie shnketh boundless Bunkum, and in You belong to a sect and a school of social rc- hix convoluted spires there lurketli Capital! formers that 1 have always kept at arm’s length. You see ’tis as easy as lying; but there is By your tongue I know you—you are tlie no use iu all this; nor would it throw light men who talk about the “rude ages four thous upon any question. Yet this very sort of thing and years ago,” ns if the thing tliat was virtui is the tissue of your eloquent letter to me. I11 then were crime to-day. It is you who cry out one instance only you lose sight of your pm- for the abolition of “the gallows mid the bar- dent reserve and venture upon an actual as- barons, rattling guillotine,”— two instruments, sertion. Bored to dentil as you arc by Mo- without which, the planet would be uniuhnbi- ses anil tlie l’rophets, it is still evident you table. You are the Apostle of Human Pro wish to make allien of them ; nuti thus y..u say. gress and Beuevolisin, and all sorts of moral, by way of coutraMing American with Hebrew physical and intellectual perfectibilities,—end- slavery, nig in loiul cheers and subscriptions, toasts. “Hebrew slavery mlinitteil Hint a ilnvu wm sinnii tabernacles mid trash. Come hack toy with all appropriate liumaii responsibilities, and Why, when was I ever amongst you ? What . . .. „ Tract *.n P ’ ,,rov, * ,0, “ tnr h “ ^rf " ?,ou, * ud clva Iu eye lias seen me moving in the rmiks of “Hu- P 0 * waa e 1 '- 0 '* to - ,,u,, v It is paiuful to be obliged to say that you man Progress?” Who has heard me blowing are again mistaken. There was no provision trumpets at thecontent of streets I-or talking at all. either ample or little, for the religious ‘ho blarney of Beuevolisin 1 or lauding British or for the civil instruction of the foreign slaves I a * the expense of. American lie- of the Jews: nml as to their “resiKinsibilities,” P"bhcanism ?—No, no. Cant, indeed is strong, they had, tobesurc, all "appropriate” respon- a " d **• H,ar of Humbug is high and culminant; sibilities,—that is such as are appropriate to a J'l'f a * any rate a man is not obliged to make slave, and no more. All their slaves (except at home with humbug, to thug himself those casual and temporary slaves who were ,nta th e arms of humbug, and contentedly take of the tribes of Israel) were simply and abso- house with humbug. I will never say unto Intely (as American slaves are) the chattels of Barntim, thou art my brother, and untoBunk- their proprietors. To worry yon with proofs I J aou ar * water nml mother. Neither of tills Would be cruel. You are tired of the w,n 1 sa - v needier, thou art iny pastor Pentateuch ; aud will no more hear Muse* and il,,d ,nafitcr ’ the Prophets; hut probably you will see the Once more, anil finally, Adien, expediency of reading a little before you rat- .. „ , „ . John Mitchell. tie Moses about people’s ea-s again. The I iV,r L"*, February tlh. 1854. our Charge, Henry R. Jackson, dated Vienna, £“5? ty * . A . u !«y«l «« «* tl>e property of Jsnies M. 1 ®4,.j , jr’., : I Schley, Ailministrstor of Oeotm Bcaler, tleceased, November 23, L .J.1, ill wInch he states to Mr. I l,v virtue of » mortgage fi fa is.sueii out of like Su- Marcy, that a man named billion lousing, is uerior Court, in favor of the Bank of the State of held a prisoner by the Austrian autlioritics.— Georgia v*. said Schley. Froperty poiuteil out in lie represents himself to be an American citi- “! d ““r****” *' Tenaata In posae«ion uotifcd. zen, ami as liaving been furnish with a p.iss- I JOHN COUCH. Sheriff. port from the .State Department at Washing- L.' tvliLI, l..„l L.. 1... L f ‘ h . e first Tuesday in Marel, ..ext, before ton. which had been taken from him by the I CourtXnI£“d£or In^the" 10^0?” Pike police. Mr. 1 ousmg states, in a letter to our | county, the following property to wit : Vnllen S. lame’s interest in four ball Charge, dated Prague, setting forth that in the , Cullen S. Love’s interest in*four bales of cottou, it ■» 1 sat’S^TSSi** twl btatis, jiihI s< ttlc<l limiBelf m Mlddlenex TIiomM vi. naid Cullen S. Lane. I*roperty pointed county. New 1 ork, nml became a citizen of | out by Plaintiff. JOHN COUCH, Sh’ff. the United States; that iu 1853 he obtained > 7 a passjiort from the State Department. The American charge had urgently request bailie £nlrs. Citntinns, 3nurs Cnnulti. G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY—Whereas. Beu jamin Barron, guardian of Oliver H. P. Baaey A IKTIIJTIIST’RATOR’.S MALE.—Agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of Bibb county, . . ... j will be sold on the 1st Tuesday iu *Mareh next, all the I l' as applied to ine for letters of dismission from saill real estate belonging to the * estate of Henry Rose, I guartuaii&liip. deceased. ALBERT ROSE, I hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- Adm’r. concerned, to be and appear at my office within —jj I the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said lelters should not be granted. jan 34 D.’TlINIM'rRATOR’M SAI.K.—Will be sold 2\. on the first Tuesday in March next, agreeable to 1 (jiveu under my hand,at office, this 21st day of De an order of the Ordinary of Dooly county, before tlie cember, 1853. ELBERT HUTCHINGS courthouse door in Vienna, Dooly county. Lot ot I j an 3 Ordinary Land number nine (9.) and fifty acres more or lees oi JL number eight (8.) iu the lotli district of Dooly coun- I /"t KOKGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas, Jas. nftliu uatala IMlRtlu'oll UtlltUtlt. I (J. , , ... 7 ty, as the property of the estate ChaaweU Cul|a*p- per, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and I ship of Austin N„ and Martha .Messer, orphan creditors of said estate. Terms on the day. I dren of Joseph Messer, deceased: jan 10 DAVID S. CULPEPPER, Adm'r. | These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil per- . Barnes applies to me for Letters of Guardian- ' Austin N., and Mart hil- A ^n^hefi^TuMda^^n^Mnrch^iext’ beforeThe I my office ‘ ' v! * 1 ‘ iu tho tin >c prescribed bylaw, and courthouse doojml&bulon. Pike couutV^a tract of if an y exist ‘ why said Letters should not fi-AJ; SfS*2kfl{ I Given under my hand and official signature at of- 1st district, Pike county, containing two hundred this tsth d.Vof i.„,,._, a vr two and one-lialf (302J) acres, more or less. Sold as I . ’ ■ ’ the property of Sarah Mossis, late of Warren county, 1 J ’ ed. Terms cash. JESSE M. JONES, Adm’r. jan 34 RT HUTCHINGS. Ordinary. QKORGIA, JONES COUNTY.-Whereas.Jona- dec 37 JESSE M. JONES, Adm’r. 1 VJ than T. Holmes, applies to me for Letters of A UiTIIiVIMTRATOli’N HALE.—Will be sold I Dismission from the Guardianship of Marv M. Tick- ou the first Tuesday in March next, at the uar. orphan of John Tickimr, deceased: courthouse door in Bibb county, in the city of Ma- I These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- cou, between the legal hours of sale, tile ’following sons concerned or interested, to be and appear at my lots and parcels of Land: I office, within the time prescribed by law, aud show Lot No. 315, containing 302} acres, more orless. | cause, if any exist, why said Letters should not be part of 1 196, 214, 198, 197, . 2D 203} 195 75 60 Containing in the aggregate, Seven Hundred and Thirt v-five (733) acres, more or less, and being in the 4tli district of originally Houston, now Bibb county. Also, the Causeway, attached to, and adjoining tho above lands; the Causeway to be sold separately or | granted. Given under my hand and official signature at of- I lice, this 18th day of January, 1854. jan 24 ELBFjjlT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary. j QKOIttaA, JONES COUNTV.—Whereas. Wm. Innnniiqj) Itmiulhipi UNITED STATESnUlTrV^ New York & Karaiinnli s, r ^ DAVS or leaving SAVANNAH fOR « THE Florida, Capt.WoodhuH. * T ®*«. The Alabama, Capt. Sot.; The Augusta, Capt. Lyon,....’ “ * Tim V1..i.t,lii *\t t, * Capt. Wood hull,' * '1 he Alabama, Capt. Scheut-k . The Augusta, Capt. Lyon " The Florida, Capt. Woodhaki* “ I Tlie Alabama, Capt. 1 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon,..’’** “ j The Florida, Capt. Woodhult * These ships are the hugest ontheco^i*” ed in speed, safety or comfort— iu 5° to CO hours, and are comm«,,J! g ) t H w, l»«i, O 10 Hours, :111a are commande r careful and iMilite officers. Thev offor aji;.' 1 conveyance to New York On o.* •‘•tJoiT able conveyance to New York ' On o. of the KNOXVILLE, in January n“i he „ be semi-weekly. Cabinpassaoe an? 1 ’^Uiu paddG538^ at M 8AM’Li“}5te»4 ISBroudwaS^ Philadelphia and Savannah StccwTx I Company. Wednesda^ These steam-drips are the m. -«<•, wfoitaMe, J. Curd applies tome for Letters of Gnaralan ship upon the person and property of Allen A. Glov er, orphan of Wiley Glover, deceased: 1 j - . .. - ■■■■■luniib . _ - , These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per i -ri''1 . . a«„J? aS | l 1 -afety >nd with the lauds, as may be determined on the day of gmis concerned, to be and appear at my office, will,:-, ^.nej^^u ieave qpvannah as 1 **7; - . . I the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any Also, IjOts Nos. 1L3, 164 and 139, containing eacii have, why said letters should not be granted * ’ I J. two hundred anil two and one-half (2021) aeres, more Given under my hand nit office, this 6th day** t . ritnoally lloiutmi. now I uu or less, in the 4tli district of originally lloustou, now I February 1854 Bibb county. w | fob 14 ’ ELBERT HUTCHING S, Ord'iiarv. Also, fractional Lot No. 104, Macon Reserve, con- oontaiiiing ninety-five (95) acres, more or less, on the I /"t KORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas, Na- Oemulgee River, about three miles below Macon, I \JT “ v . thaniel S. Glover applies to me for Letters of beiug first quality river bottomland, adjoining lands Guardianship upon tlie person and property'll John of Job Taylor and others, about one-half of it cleared |T. Glover, orphan of Wilev Glover, deceased : and iu cultivation, and the other half heavily tiw- These are. therefore, to cite and achaonis) all per- bered. I sons concerned, to be and appear at my often, with- The above lands to be sold for a division, and for | iu the time prescribed bylaw, to show came, if any the benefit of the heirs of Laird H. Wiley, deceased; they liave, why said letters should not be granted, tlie interest of said deceased being an undivided | Given under my hand at office, this «h dry of Feb- half, and bv order of the Honorable the Court of Or dinary of Houston county. Terms on the day of sale. J. B. WILEY, Administrator of L. II. Wiley, deceased. jan to A dmimntrator’.s sai.k.—wm be sold agreeably to an onlerof the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, before the court-house door in the town of liawkinsville, Pulaski county, on the first Tuesday iu April next, * ’ ruary, 18. fob 14 E. HUTCHINGS, Q-dinary. Citntinns, linnstnii (Cnnnfy. G KORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, Si * - ** - Sanders Dine applies to me for Let ers of Ad between^theUMal boon of I ministration 011 the estate of Wiley Lone, late of Houston county, deceased : om . I These are, therefore, to cite nnd admon -li ail per- Fourth I sons eoneeraed, to be and appear at my ofice witldn riginally Dooly now Pulaski county. Sold as tlie property of the estate of Eli Shepln-rd, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the day of sale, feb 14 MATTHEW GRACE. Adm’r. the time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause. If any they have, why said Letters should not he granted." Given under my hand, at office this, Uthd.-i | January, 1854. JOHN H. POSERS jan 17 Crdinsi Citations, }'ik? Cnnntq. I £3 KORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.f Whereas, I^JKORGIA, PIKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Silas Coggiu, applies to me for Letters of Admiuis tration, on the estate ot Burwell Coggin, late ot I the time prescribed by law, to shew cause said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite anil admonish, all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, be ami appear at my office within the time pre scribed hy law, toshow cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Giveu under my hand at otfiee, this 11th day of Jauuary, 1854. WILEY E. MANGHAM, j»u 17 Ordinary. George W. Fish, applies for Letters -if Admin istration on the estate of John B. McLiie, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and adinoie-li all p--r- snns concerned, to be and appear at my »*fS< i- within lise.if nnyt rtliey have, why said Letters should not be graded. Given under luy hand at ofiiee, this th| 11th duv of January, 1854. JOHN H. POWERS, jan 17 Ofiinary. G 1 KOKGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—1 T Robert W. Baskin applies to me for L G KOKGIA, PIKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Ro bert V. Reid, applies to me for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Alexander O. Reid, late of said county, deceased : These arc,‘therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons yoncenied ; to be and appear at my ofiiee within the time prescribed by law, tosliew cause, if anythey have, why said Letters should not be granted. ’liereas, itters of Guardianship upon the persons and prop-rty of Mary Frances, and Temperance M. Ilargroi, : These tcre, therefore, to cite and admonish ill p<-r- sons concerned, to be and appear at my office rilhil tlie time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if an: have, why said Letters should not be granted. State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Cabin Passage JfiiOa lstk. 19th - 26th “ Sfr left. 2W- 30H- ‘tlfct Ilik- Steerage Passage ’’*.* •*»] C-A,Lua t < »f Agents ui PhiUidp^ Spet. 27,1853. FOR PALATKAiKf Touching at Darien, Brunswick, St! V Jacksonville, Aliddleburg, 1 and Picolata. * < k T HE New and Superior steam- non. packets SAINT JOHN'S, Cipt [ET .T imes Freeborn, and WII.T.Ifu a |BBi| GASTON, Capt. Thos. Shaw, wil! above places as follows: The St. John'in n p ' day liicirninjr, 15th iust., at 10 o’clock, aadlVe t ton on Tuesday morning, 20th inst.' « m and will continue to leave at the ssme W-'"i Thursday and Tuesday thereafter. Tilths,. 15 earn ing the U. S. Mail. For freight or MssmU ing handsome state room accomnuHUtiimTiS* 1 ' board or to J. H. Gl’XBV iVS* BP*The St John's will goto St. Aanutii,*^ )i trip, commencing (leaving 8»v«iiuki B d itl 29th inst. sep 6 ilnil-llinl Untirrs, Southwestern Itailrond. pAS-SENGEIt [TRAINS leave kLoaiJti], .ri A A. M„ arrive at I >_-iethnr|>e '.oj, AM —3 I’oliimbu. oYPtrk, I*. It. l,e.-,ve t'ulmriia«4d • o’clock. Vi., mul Ogleth-irjie still, A |J rive si Macon 3}, I’. M„ coiuiectiag atftaea J way with Central R. It.Train- to Sivinuil u'-.-l Giveu under my hand at office, this the 11th (lav of | ; ,n,l MnieiVgcviiiu," and with Macoai ff’-' January, 1854. jan 17 JOHN H. POWERS. Ordinary. Trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Clnttu«e| Nasliville, Ac. * Given under my hand nt office, this the 11th day of January, 1854. WILEY E. MANGHAM, 0KORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, jan 17 Ordinary. David M. Brown, Guardian of C. M. Lester, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite anil admonish all per- .... ....... ,, . sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within i^TATfc OF GKORGIA.—The Court of Or- I the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any *?,.?met puwuant to adjourn- they have, why said letters should not be granted, went.this bth day of k el. ruary, 1854. Present-W.- (/ iven unde / niv , iand at this 7t \ day of lev E. Maugham, Ordmary • February, 1854. * JXO. H. POWERS, Ordinary. T appeanng to tlie Court by tho Petition of Wil- | f e t, 14 Connecting daily at Columbus by t tutfeJ [ Conches 28 miles to Opelika, thence 64 milts Vj if & W. P. It. R. to Montgomery, Alabama. Connecting at Ogiethoriie with Talkiov. 1 EufauUmMfsUges Passengers dine at Fort Valley. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sifdxl Macon, August 22, 1853. q|T ITIacon A Western Itailroad. limn L. Philips, Transferee of Thomas W. Move, that William M. Johnston, of said county, deceased, ( ^ KORGIA, IIOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, did in his lifetime execute to said 171001118 W. Move, U the estate of Daniel Loflev is unrepresented, in * d.r . Lewis, the NEW ARRANGEMEXT. Qb’ and after Monday, May 17th, theTniisti- his bond, conditioned to make titles to said Thomas I consequence of tlie death of Nathan W. .Move to acertaiu tract or parcel of Land, known former Administrator: . . . as the Tyus lot of Land, containing two hundred I These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- ran as follows : two’and one-half acres, more orless. Tying and being I sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within I T .7, »it “ • • part iu Jones a.iil part in Jasper county, nnd said I the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if auy I , „ av , ‘Macon 8 15 P. 51., arrive in State. And that said Tliomas W. Moye, did on the I they have, why the Clerk of the Superior Court „f I A-M.; Leave Atlanta 5 30 1. M.,«nvca twenty-fourth day of September, Eighteen Hundred I Houston county should not be appointed Admiuis- I , 1-, ■ • connecting at Atlanta with tb and Forty Nine, transfer said bond to your petitioner, I tnitor of said estate. I “J, ” esteru Jc Atlantic and LaGnngt 1 William L. Philips, in writing, and that the said Wil- I Given uoder iny hand at office, this 7tli day of with the Day Train of the Georgi* Itoia.iMi liain M. Johnston departed tliis life without exeent- February, 1854. JNO. H. POWERS, Ordinary. ' “ “ J ing titles tosnid tractor parcel of Laud, or in any I feb 14 parcc way providing therefor, and that the purchase money purcl for said tract i.r parcel of Land has been paid, anil said William L. Philips, Transferee as aforesaid, having petitioned this Court to direct John F. Store- land, Executor of the hist will and testament of said William 31. Johnston, deceased, to execute to him titles to said tract or parcel of Land, in conformity with sahl bond. It is, therefore, on mntioii of Petitioner, ordered GKORGIA, Houston County. Court of Ordinary, Hounton county, December Term, 1853. Present the honorable John II. Powers, Ordinary. to tlie Court that William Avera, de . , execute to William I night Train of the Thames, his Bond, conditioned to execute titles in I the night Train of the Central Road at Mine Fee Simple, to said William Thames, for Lot of Land I Passengers by the Upward Train «u ■ appearing to the Court tha ceased, did iu his lifetime. con with the Day Train of the Central 1 western Roads. Passengers will arrive in) a quarter past 12 and at Atlanta, at half pull ving the remainder of tlie night for red. Accomodation Trains, Tri-Weekly, will lanl con every Monday, Wednesday and Frio': o'clock, A. M. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A. M Arj in Atlanta 3 P. M. This Train will count r~:t that notice of said application be published :i"ree- number one huudred and sixty-two, in the sixth Griffin * • - 1— “ - ” - ■ * I ..«• o_—/■—1——■:,<—.1 :—I Tlie Accomodation Train between )ut« bly to law, that all ]ie*rsons concerned may file ob- I ‘listriet of Crawford county; and it further appearing I Dio Accomodation. Tran ' *'—* ' ' — ' ‘ " — ulv I that the said William Avera, departed this life with- I Griffin will be discontinued.. jectious in the Clerk’s office of said Court, (if anv they have,) * titles to said By the Court r Tiie above a true extract from the niiuutes of said Court, this 8th day of February, 1854. feb 14 W. E. MANGHAM, Ordinary. *,) w hy said Executor should not execut’e »»* executing titles or in any way providing there 'ul tract or parcel of Land. I for: and it further appearing that said Bond since >iurt: WM. L. PHELPS, Petitioner. I ‘' ,e death of the said William Avera, has been legal- may 11 EMERSON'FOOTE Sa l transferred and assigned to James Avera, and mat the purchase money of, and for said land, has been paid to David Avera, the Administrator 011 the estate of tlie said William Avera, deceased, since the death of his intestate; and the said James Avera | having petitioned this Court to direct said Adminis trator. to execute titles to him for said lot of land : l lllllli I «uvm«w.»ws..jI ., a, ill.. AL..!m ..l.r.. ..i! . _ . ? _ _ At-.. — ill — — .. 1? I Here is Your Remedy. Citations, Hoolq Conniq. yipea laese I j.)IKK MIIKKIFF’N MA(,K, will bo sold be fore the Courthouse doer in the Town of Zeb cd the authorities to allow Tensing to depart u,oa ’ county, on the first Tuesday in March for the United States, bat lie wT daimeil as | “"^rwU !‘ e " au Austrian subject, aud it was intimated was charged with some political offence. Secreta ry Marcy iu his reply, thus briefly disposes of I the case: One lot of laud number six, in tlie 2d District,Pike count, to sail vorof.Varou Smith and Henry Smith vs said Wil kiusoii. Property pointed out by defemlent. At the same time and place, one House nnd Lot in “Touning left this country with a passport . issued from the State Department hut as he I ,he T " wu °f BarnesviUe^ containing three fourths of »*a™ j-*.«• esisnattu’csiS fysuxz citizen, he was not entitled to it. It is ouly to fi iy* i MUe d f n „„ pike Superior Court, one in favor citizens that passports are issued. As Tousiug I ofJauies II. Fryer vs Nathaniel T. Ennis; the other had one, it was proper to ascertain the means 111 f * vor °f Gideon Uarnes ami other Executions iu he wliuli I*, unwninvl ;♦ ri„ m T hands v» said LnnU. Also one vacant Imt in the Wbicb lie procured it. On examining the Town of Barm-sville, known ns ImPNo. 24, situated, records of the Department, the .Secretary finds | lying and being on Thomaston street, fronting said that it was obtained by perjurv, or at le:ist by street 40 feet, and running back 10U feet, levied on gross fraud. An affidavit purporting to have “T.’drtue of a fi fa issued from Pik- been made by Simon Tousing ou the 21ith of I Pto^rty [K.hit^outT/l’UhiUff. September last, m which he declares on oath I Also one Negro man oy the name of Ruffin about before a notary in New York city, that lie 1 28 yearn of levied ou the property ofAbsa* was born in Iowa, that he is a native citizen {Si?J‘^ ou !* u ™ T Z &? lrtuTe e °lJi*' a / , l “?' d . from iTmUa/I _ a * * f w I Superior Court in fnvor of Martlm C. Martin vs otthc United | tut os, was presented to the De- Absalom 1'. Montgomery, Joseph U. Montgomenr, part men t on the first ot October or thereafter, I and John (1. Nunnslly. I*roperty pointed out by de and upon this evidence corroborated by the fomlant. oath of another person, Edgar Donnelly, a miss- ■ d>n,J -- t - JOHN COUCH. aShff. C RA 1^ o« the first Tuesday in March next be* flinem or miv nriiwhilo in v’ipfnn/.r "i.jjT | fore the cimrthouse d«K>r in Knoxville, within the disco cr an> | rumple iu \irtuc of wliudi this legal hours of sale the following property to wit: (vovernment cau claim as a matter of right the I Four acres of laud it being the lot Hast of Kuox* release of Tousing. He has voluntarily placed I v ^ e » occupied by Miiry Andrews, lately by himself within the jurisdiction of the laws of sji Austria, and is sufleriug for the acts he has done iu violation of tliose laws, while he was an Austrian subject. Though you are not in structed to demand his release as a matter of right, you will exteud to him such assistance as can properly be given to shorten the period of his confinement, and enable him to return, if lie is so disposed, to the Uuitcd States.” The correspondence was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Adjourned till Monday. Iron and Coal.—A late English paper estimates tlie capital invested in the British co:d trade £10,000,000, the annual production X'.‘I7,000,000 tones, and the value at the mouth of the pit £10,000,000. At the points of consumption —including expenses of transport and other charges, the cost is estimated at £20,000,000. About 400 iron furnaces of Great Britain consume annually 10,000,000 tous of coal, anil 7,1110,000 tous of ironstone, ill order to produce 2,500,000, tons of pig iron, of the value of upwards of £8,000,000. For the supply of London alone HOOO.OOO tons of coal are required for manufacturing and domestic purposes; the coasting vessels con veyed in 1850, upwards of !),:{G0,000 tons to various parts of the United Kingdom, aud <,.'150,000 were exported to foreign countries ud the British possessions. The number of persons employed in mining is about 120,000. The extent of the coal areas iu the British Islands is 12,000 square miles, the annual produce is 37,000,000 tons. Nn. 142 iu 2d Dist. originally Houston now Crawford county, levied on as the property of Simeon S. Oslin, by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Harrison II. Collier vs William J. Causey and Simeon S. Oslin. Property poiuted out by Geo. W. Norman, Attorney for Sim eon 8. Oslin. ISAAC DENNIS, Shff. North half of lot of laud. No. 57, containing one hun dred acres more or less, the property of Robert Elliot, lying in the first District of originally Hous ton now Craw ford county, levied on by virtue of a fi fa from tho Superior Court in favor of Joseph 8. Martin vs Robert Elliot and Franklin Crutchfield Security. Property pointed out bv Franklin Crutch fiohi. EWELL WfcBB, Dept. Sliff. jan. 31. QRAWFOBD JIORTGAGK SHERIFF SALK.—Will be sold ou the first Tuesday in February next, at tho courthouse in Knoxville, in said county, within the usual hours of sale, tho fol lowing property, to wit: Hester, a woman, about 18 or 20 years of age, aud Heury, a boy about l’j or 13 years of age. Sold as tho pro|ierty of Lewis Davis, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa iu favor of Nathan H. Mobley, Transferee vs. said Lewis Davis. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. IS F. HICKS. Sheriff. yi».lIl. , VIKTI{A'rOK’88AI,K.-liy virtuo of an order of the honorable Ordinary of Craw ford county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the courthouse door in ICnox- vHIe, Crawford county, Georgia, the following likeiy Negroes, as tho property of A. Garnett Andrews, de ceased: Woodson, a man, nbout 30 years old, a lilackamitli; Green, a boy, nbout 16 years old; John, a boy, aged 13 years; Belly, n woman, aged 50years; Chany, a woman, aged 50 vears; Emily, a woman, aged 19 years, and her child, and Ainamla; a girl, aged 14 years. Term will be liberal—made known on the day of “le. JOHN R. JORDAN, Adm'r. jan 17 lese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday iu March, why said Letters should not he granted. Giveu under my hand aud official signature, at of- •e, this 3d day of Januarv, 1854. jan 10 ALEX. MKltlWEIHKR. Ordinary, fice the Ordinary of said county, if any they have, why said David Avera, Administratoras aforesaid, should not execute, titles to the said James Avera, for said lot of land, in conformity to said Bond, aud the sta tutes iu such case made and provided. H. Pt jan 17 JOHN POWERS, Ordinary. C l KOKGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.— Whereas, | J Martha Adams applies to me for Letters of Ad- GKOKGIA, Houston county. I Martha Jane Rurgay, formerly Martha Jane Ponder SccKiuoH Court, October Term, 1853. iiW for Divorce. r Jefferson Burgav. singular, the kiudred and creditors of said deceased, I TT.apiJ“ring to the Court, by t to be and appear at my ofiiee, on or before tlie first I •'’•‘enff, tliat the defendant does Monday iu March next, and show cause, if any vomrty, and it further appearing th H OLLOWAY’S OINTMENT.—A i lous cure of Bad Legs, after 49 jresn ■ 1 Extract of a letter from Mr. WBH** , St. Mary's Street, Weymountli, asm 1185. . To Professor Hollow: Sir—At the v wife (who is now 61,) caught a violent settled in her legs, and ever since tu* liave been more or less sore, »"'* PT* 11 ^ Her agonies were distracting. •*, agonies were waranip^, •—,-^ji ether she was deprived entirely ** •* • —*i advw« the ministration, on the estate of Benjamin F. Adams, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all anil , . - , ... 'nurt, by the return of the es not reside in said . any I •* ‘miner appearing that lie does not re- ey have,wliv said Letters should not he granted I side iu this State; it is on motion ordered, Given under my hand aud official signature, at of- sai, l defendant do appear, and answer at fice, this 30th dav of Jan.. 1854. t*nn of said Court, or that the case be considered in I advertisements, and feb 7 ALEX. MERIWETHER. Ord’y. detault ami the Plaintiff allowed to proceed. vmirPill-* and Ointment; and. «» 1 f ! A tree extract from the minutes, this 21st day of r cvtry otht . r reine dy had proved* • «i os w\f tt iitttvd m u I contented to do so. She commenced jan 31 -5 \\ M. H. MILLER, Clerk. | an( , strmnge to re i at e, is now m i i.. ... without ijiiiiiii tir scifi** does not re- Every remedy that medical men *dn^i e< 7 A hat I but without effect; her health wJJjxjp at the next an j t j le s t a t 0 G f |, er jepj wxs I ruail VAitr niK’nrfispmpIltS. lOu •«n»* _ - QKORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY. —Whereas, Frances Culpepper aiqilies to inefortbe Guardi anship of tlie person and property of Grilfin Cnl- [ pepper, John Culpepper, aud Andrev orphan _ uli>epper, aud Andrew J. Culpepper, orphans and minors of Chndwcll Culpepper, late of said comity, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all per sons concerned or interesred, to show cause, if any Xrgal jSntirrs. A LL persons indebted to tlie estate of James 1'. iY Rpdduig, late of Monroe county, deceased, will j iieCn the* means'of so ” L “ 5 - of«fellow creature. ^-jjj^idIO.1 1 legs are painless, without seain or ku-u' sound and undisturbed. Could c the sufferings of my wife doniig •“ and contrast them with her prwe “75 | health, you would Indeed feeMehgM^^, iJu*r exist, on or before the first Monday in March next, , ^ i- ? co “ n v» ««feasea, win been why said letters should not be granted. plt-nse niake immediate payment, aud those having „ (liven under my hand nnd ofiieial signature at of- “ ,d etfta,e ‘ wlU T reaent thuu > »» (Signed) fice. tliia03th.Iui.ii.rv. 1854 | terms of the iaw. I — , , THOMAS REDDING, ) , I j — nrt arc cured of a WILLIAM C. REDDING, < hl re ’ \ A P ' ‘°* 70 ^ f . _ jan 17 MALISA REDDING, Ex’rix. iV.rmin'V.mef a’ ™. rd ’ m 5 b ,r tht A LL persons indel.ted to the estate of Lemon M. AnSSn P l£„ ,Vn,T^!.w.rJ r, ( Pt ' r ‘lc °S Nn ,"7 A Causey, late of Crawford county, deceased, arc . .uay o,. . M i, c . Ihives0 rar _r l ”-ij lp _ , ..J..? r ?l ,a, *.* ad minor ot Asa I ipkin, lute | requested to make immediate payment, and ail per- To Professor Holloway: ‘'"Teethe rr^l sous having demands against said estate, are re- j riod of thirty year* from a quested to present them duly authenticated within I or three different accideuts »t g*J . , tlie time prescribed bv law. I nied hy scorbutic symptom*- * j^jvii jan 17 SAMUEL H. CAUSEY, Ex’r. variety of medical advice, wj' no “ Br !‘ benefit, and was even told that t» * of said county, deceased These are, tlierefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned or interested, to show cause if any exist, on or before the first Monday in March next, why Mid letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand ami ofiieial signature at of fice, this 25tli January. 1854. LEX. J jan 31 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Onl y. Citations, SlMhii Cnnntt[. G KOKGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. M. S. A LL persons indebted to tho estateof James J. I uufadw i O nno8itioutothrt«p®*^, A Jackson, late of Sumter county, deceased, are ‘ “a oLmm.t Im^Xtc-d * e0**£t hereby requested to make immediate payment; hihI s ). (lrt a ,; me that few who had no* aU persons liaving dcinaiids against said deceased, I ore4 a:» t » lt . fJ c » ,.»tf jJ will render them m agreeable to lnw. | rsiimed) ;i - &.th of this Statement W. 1». England, Chemist, 13, 'fn jan 24 CHAPPELL COX, Adm’r. gIXTY dmys after date, application will be made to | •rini ru.’M - - it a w . Ibe honorable Ordinary of Pike county, for I dersfield. Thomson npplies to mo for Letters of Adnunis- I leave to sell tlie Land aud Neirroes bdonxinit to the 1 trillion on the estate of Sheffield, late of said estate of William W. Arnold/ late of said countv, county, deceased: deceased. JULIANA T. AItNOLD, Adm’x.* These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and ian 31 25 singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, —, ’ ’ . . moivw to bound appear at my office, within the time pre- Q 1 *"* days after date, application will bo made to I suffered from bad Breasts.torn* f scribed by law, toshow cause, if any they have, why £3 t,ie H «*»«rHble tho Ordinary of Bibb county, for and during the whole period said Letters should not be grautetl. I ™ vo to 8e h «11 the real estnte of A. O. Heath, lute of attendance, but all to no use. * . - “ 1 J JOHN F. HEATH. | a n awful wound in my To Professor Hollowly ; jj nr J e U-U bml ri'us* T > " li jan 24 P. TRACY*, Ordinary, flKOIttilA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Ge«7. VJ> cr- -— 1 “ ■ ■ ■ — said comity, deceased, feb 7 Administrator. I medicine. I determined ag*«} tri*J will be made I Dintment, and therefore. JreJ win tie made I .„.i it was I <ii<i 5 “’. .jtb'- (raft applies to me for Letters of Administration CjlXTY days nfter date, application will oe mane I ' _~' .i a «as 1 C' on the estate of Mathias Beard, deceased : I O to the hononilile Court ot Ordinary of Crawford 0,ust ‘’. a l d 1°™* hi’i These are, therefore, to cite and ndmonisli nil nml county, for leave to sell a Negro boy by the name of J 1 , 1 . 0 ? 0 * a - p ,t r '), ranches of “F ; 1 K, belonging to the estate of Isaac Mills, late “ at vanous o l er brauern^ I ty, deceased. I r l vod _, fr0 '" . iwreinrc, iu cue aim auinonisn nil nml sumuUr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ne and appear at my office, within the time pres- | cribod by law, to show eause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. J— 31 P. TRACY’, Ordinary. DICK, belonging of Crawford county, ALEXANDER MILLS, Administrator, with the will annexed. strongly recommend themi to *jgJcK ' (Signed) * “ Pjrija, I ^J KOKGiA, __— 11 urQ mary. i rjIXTY days after date, application will be made y BIBB COUNTY”.—Whereas, John O to tlie honorable Ordinary of Bibb county, Heath npplies to me for Letters of Admiuis- for leave to sell all the Real Estate of William tration on the estate of A. O. Heath, late of said I Morrissy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and comity, deceased: creditors of said deceased. These nre, therefore, to cite and admonish all and jan 17 <). a. LOCHRANE. Adm’r. cases * singular, tho persons concerned, to be ami apjiear at my office witldn tlie time cause, if any they hav be granted, jan 31 The Pills should be used . . put in most of the follow»g«*g(MT Bad Legs. Chilblains, Bums, Cancers. Humous. ,^»n4 quitocs and Sand Hies, ^11, ,,hsnti»-'*s Coco-hay, Chiego-foot, I bale Paints and OH. K Ann WHITE LEAD; tJ.UUU 5,000 lbs. Blake’s fire-proof Paint, KAA II. T.incoml Oil Vam ..I. 1 juno I said county deceased, dec 27 E. L. STROHECKER, Admr. - ,,, strand, mear Temple l>*r, respectable Druggists * DjM - ,• out the British Empire, aud tha • Till Ware Jlfauufactory. 500 galls. Linseed Oil. For sale liv CARIIART * BOFF. Sperm, Whale, machine Oils. GALLS. Pure Sperm Oil; 5,oo galls, bleach- 7)UU ed Whale Oil; 10 barrels Nlaeliiue Oil. In store and for sale by CARHART A ROFF. june 15 TTAA*] -H. won out the lint i.-ii r.mpire, ,. j, etc*. in pots at 371 cents, 87 HH 8 by tlie principal Dnig *>f". Messrs. A. B. fit D. SAN Dr^ - Tliere is a consoler** L>1 ' - (> the CHI1IRV STREKT—MACON’, GA. 'AYTNG now engaged good, prompt and faithful i ■orkmcii, I am prepared to do all kinds of I larger I TIN WORK in tho city or country, in tho best N. B.—Dir«—r’jv: | manner, and on tlie most reasonable terms. every disorder are «ffixeatc , JyCDL ' All orders for Tin Work, or Goods in my line, For sale by " ''; V, Vi ei 'KK I*-' 1 ' I will he promptly attended to. Ga„ and by E. L. i lltOi* nor 1 * B. A. WISE. ] may 3 J'Paii Ti 4