Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, September 23, 1856, Image 3

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/^hoolf slionW tt nrli ns haf 0,11 T0 hi.avkiiv. *; -.1 the Richmond Enquirer ,- r jt e SSVcco 1 " mm**?* [>»*„. ,1 worthy of <>> c n»cnt.on ... Li»» ,wr woa id be weft fcr» to* |pOt ,C ' ‘ , u pon the observation once U V ion Ronnpartc. that by regu Ur >*!* . e ^id educate the nation k‘ fce *T°‘ ti he pleased. Our earliest '■#} ** n 1 ,u. deepest and moat lasting. Jt**** ,1. great care sin | • Youth to be imbued at first >** tat correct feelings on the vital pC* Their young and impres- ^ Cl ‘ U 'Sd not be tainted with the ' * 1IBUS . n( abolitionism, for such seed * fft ncy will assuredly bring forth r manhood. Nor is it alone P' :o3i fwe watch our schools with a ,nt ' .„.l keep them free from all anti th i, is merely a negative safe- the insidious attacks that are r'f'uDon our institutions require pod 7 reifor detence. We must not on- ,5I,; ‘ SU uto have schools wich are clear * e j2> influences and teachings; but I j»o make it incumbent upon all our • nf learning to inculcate daily kfCdiem Bgbt. doctrines, and to teach that slavery is by no means, (as 1 : f southerners assert) a necessary evil * w bo abolished ns soon as it can " be done, but that on tho contra- I Utir“ir which ought to bo perpet- which we ought to band down to peutenty. Utfccthatwo Hence it is of paramount should have tho right kind ""sad teachers. These things ought to , .tnded to, above ali our children I ' 0 longer be sent to the North to be j lit them be brought up at home FJL southern sentiments, and then we r rf iv upon it that the rising generation | ’ n p watchful guardians of our intcr- . ’ uJ Mlooa defenders of our rights. The Imw school and college in the South should IIdat slave society » tho common, nntu- 'biM ami normal state of society. Any ne short of this contains abolition in the for if it be not the rightful and natu- , w nn of society, it cannot last, and we Lild prepare for its gradual but ultimate fioou They should also teach that uo U form of society is, iu the general, right I .inedieut. There arc exceptional cases, a desert or mountainous countries, r tie small patches of fertile land are in- s:e to support a larger family than hus- bw „jf ( . W id children—such as Lapland, ^n, Norway, Switzerland, and parts of E-itch also as New England, and ro New York and Eastern Pcnnsylva- . wlicb, though admirably adapted for -carer, maunfacturcs and fishing, arc little Cd for farming or grazing. Freemen are [uiied in the former pursuits—slaves in the ter. lienee, negro slavery is found to be j bat form of slavery. lii.t our ichools should also teach ‘ hat slaves .ildbeof a different race or nation from misters; and the' wider tJje distinction i idler, as in such case tho slave is less apt [feci degraded, or wish to assert his freedom li quality. To teich such doctrines we must have lurhera teachers and Southern school books, i from the school that public opinion pro- d*. wd the schools should be set right. IXo teacher should bo employed in a private lily or public school at the South, who is l rrsdy to teach these doctrines. Parents, iwid visitors should look to this tiling. in Death-Knell «!' Black ltcpaib- liunum—Me great Democratic Dcuwnstra- imtlPhiiadetpkia—Fifty Thousand Free- Jr.ew is Independence Square—a TorcldiglJ |fVwwi» fire miles in length, and “ Kcep- if step to the Music of the Union.” i'he Pennsylvanian of Thursday morning |: contains a full and admirably prepared • u of the great democratic demonstration I Philadelphia, on the preceding day, in bon- U the anniversary of tho adoption of the -ral constitution. So far as numbers, uui- . and the outward manifestations | sincere and ardent attachment to the Union, i 'institution, and the time-honored princi- ■ of the democratic party arc concerned, it r be justly regarded as one of the most sig- demonstrations ever witnessed in Iphia or in any other city in the coun The number present in Independence we is estimated as high as fifty thousand ! tor,:...glit procession was five miles in FREE BARBECUE. Grand Democratic Hally at MOUNTAIN SPRING CHURCH, on the line of the Central Railroad about throe mile* below Griswoldville. on tins Flr .=r Sat- ritDAV t.w Octodeu next. H< n. A. H. .STEPHEN iton. ROB Eli 1 J O03IBS and Hon. Vt'.Vt. L VAN- CEV wtu address the people. They have promised to be present, and will certainly be there tf. Ilibb, Baldwin and othe ’>] in the h: Tpxi i to hear these people of Jones, Twig^ neighboring counties, turn out In fo, distinguished JStaU sinen. A Pine Banner will ho presented to the largest delegation. Other distin^dshod Orators will be present on the occasion. Amplo Accommodations will be provided lor till who may choose to come. The Ladies are especially invited to attend. Come One, Com,-All! Let there be a Grand Rally of the Democratic Masstsin behalf of BUCHANAN* AND BRECKINRIDGE, the Constitution and the L ’* ion - sept 23 Brookline, p e b. 5,1831. ? o Seth I,. Fotelc—ily Dear Sir—Having expo rienced results of a satisfactory character from the uso onVtsT.wtsBusAX ofWiloChekrt, in cases of severe colds, during the past two years. I am in duced to express the full faith I have iu its renova ting power. I was first induced to try this medicine ns an ex periment, about two years ago, in connection with tho strong recommendation of a friend, who was well nigli gone with consumption, and whoso relief from the use of it satisfied me of its great value in eases of colds and decline, and most clearly demon strating to my mind its great valuo ns a restorative, that only needs a fair trial to insure a grateful de monstration from the public. Your obedient servant, SAMl’EL A. WALKER. * None genuine unless signed L BUTTS on the wrapper. i6 Nature’s prescription for Fever nnd Ague. In tlio pharmacopa-ia of nature there are remedies for all inorganic diseases, but it requires research and scientific acumen to bring them to light.— Rhodes’ Fever nnd Ague Cure is an illustration in point. Previous-to its introduction active poisons were generally used to combat intermittent and re mittent fevers, and the remedy was worse than the disease; but this invaluable product of tho labora tory, perfected after yeare of study and experiment, baa annihilated the old and dangerous practice. It effects a enro with unexampled rapidity nnd with a completeness that precludes the fear of a relapse Instead of suppressing symptoms it extirpates the source of the complaint, and as a preventive is equal ly infallible. Extract of a letter received from Rev. B. C. Thomas, Tavoy. Messrs. P. Davis & Sos—Dear SirsTho Karens hero, have become acquainted with your medicine, and their demand for it is to me very surprising, have now by me orders for more than fifty bottles; I therefore wish you to send me a quantity, and I wiil pay you through the Treasurer of the Missions ry Union. There is no medicine which stands so high in the estimation of the Karens of these prov inces as your Pain Killer, and I feel willing to grati fy them, ns I entertain very high opinions of its worth. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son .-—I find it necessa ry to address yon again, as my most sanguine ex* peetations have been more than realized. Tho call for your valuable medicine is increasing so very rapidly that I fear I shall soon be unable to keep pace with it. My object in writing now is to beg that on receipt of this you will kiudly despatch ano ther batch as ordered in my letter of Jnne last. I hope I will not be entirely ont before yonr last ship ment reaches me, of which, however, I have not yet heard from you. Yours sincerely, sept 23-2t J. L. CARRAU, Calcutta. Grey, Red or Rusty Hair, Dyed instantly to a beautiful nnd natural Brown or Black, without the least injnry to Hail or Skin, by WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. Fifteen Medal* and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been wade to ibe Hair of bis patrons of his famous Dye. It produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to injure in the least, however longit may be continued Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, N. Y. - ■ i N J Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Good Dealers. |3P* The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four side s of each box WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New York. All others are counterfeit. For sale in Macon by GEO. PAYNE, june 3-Cm His private charne- cr was witBout stain and without reproach. As a lender husband, a (levnted father and a constant friend, bis memory is embalmed in the hearts of those who knew him best. Truly a good man has fallen, and many will mourn his los*. RETIRED. ING sold our Stable interest—we have tired without a plenty. Therefore it becomes necessary, that what is due us should be paid. We are disposed to try 'Moral Suasion” for a while, if that will not do, we will try somo other suasion. We Will try to pay what we owe when presented. MASON & DIBBLE. N. Is. Wo can be found at the Washington Hall Stable. * Macon, Sept. 20,1856. sept 23 2m City papers copy 2 months. IRON, STEEL, WHOLESALE * RETAIL. 3SLA.TJTAJNTW EED, At the Old Standof E. B. Weed, nextto Lanier House, MACON, GA., Invites the Attention of MERC HASS, PLASrERS SMITHS To his large and complete assortment of IRON, &c. comprising Swedes Iron, ail size, Ploir8teeL 6 to 12J, Refined Iron, flat, round Cast A German Steel, Spring A Blister Steel, Nails mid Spikes, Tin Plato, Block Tin and Lead, Babbitt's Metal, Anvils nnd Vises, Smiths Bellows, Wagon Chains, Corn Mills. Cauldron Kettles, . Grindstones, Turning Laths. and square, English Iron, all sizes, Horse Shoe Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Oval and } Oval Iron, Sheet and Boiler Iron, Nail Rods, Horse Shoes, Mill Irons. Circular Saws 48] Belting, Mortising Machines, All of which are offered for sale at the lowest market rates. sept 23 LANDS IN THOMAS FOR SALE. I WILL sell a Plantation lying la the fourteenth district of Thomas county, containing between eight and nine hundred acres—two hundred and fifty of which is in cultivation. This place is convenient to Thoinasville, and is as good land as tliero is in tho county. Persons wishing to examine this place in my absence will please call on Wm. McLendon, Esq. sept 23-2m P. E. LOVE. HOUSTON COUNTY LANDS W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, within the legal hours of sale, the following lots of Laud, to-wit: Lot No. 191, in the 11th district ot Houston coun- NEW CLOTHING STORE, Cotton Avenue, One Door above W. W. PARKER’S, MACON. GA. A. M. Blackshear & co.j I NX ITE tho attention of their friends and the pub lic to their STOCK OF CLOTHING just receiv ed, all of which is eutireiy New, manufactured ex pressly for their business, under the inspection of A. M. Blackshear. with vvhn.-e experience in the Clothing Business (for several years with J. L. Jones A Co.) together with superior advantages for manu facturing enable them to furnish Clothing in every way adapted to the_ Macon market. It is their in tention to keep their assortment at nil times com plete, in everything pertaining to the Clothing Busi ness, of 5 |i.ntc.t Style, and Bent Mnnufocls-rc. They solicit examination of their goods and will endeavor to make it to the advantage of all who may favor them with their patronage. Their stock com prises in part, the following: jSartcuts, Raglans, Talmas anu Plain Over-Sacks of Cloth, Csssimere, Beaver, Mohair, Ac.; Black Cloth Dreis Frocks, Black and Colored Cloths, Sin gle Breasted Frocks; Business Coats, large variety. Hunting Coats, Ac.; Black Doeskin and Fancy Cas- 6 ' 1 ?.5 re c .,, nn * 3: . 5*®! 1 ' civet, Cashmere, Bl'k an< l I ty, containing 2021 acres ; the North half of lot No. „ J S-lk and ami various other styles of I lot, in the Uth district of flous.’on. county, contain i. ' ^°|; ars; Merino Shirts' and Drawers; ; n j. ioo acres. This Plantation contains :i021 acres i !r?,L -rll U m *. iTf v5, I strong Lime, Oak Laud, lying on tho Road leading avelers Rest, 12 miles Weit of Per- I creek; this place hits 150 acres of It, and it is in the highest state of cultivation; there is 73 acres of fresli Land that will average 1100 to 1300 lbs. of Cotton to tliu acre fences in good repair; with a good dwelling house with 8 rooms, corn house and good framed stables j with somo outhouses ; theroisasDieudid pencil and plumb orchard on tho place, and is well watered, having Hog Crawl creek miming through the Plan tation ; it waters every field with an everlasting stream of running water ; there is also running wa ter in the horse lot. This is the best Plantation to tbe number of acres on Hog Crawl creek, Houston county; dont take my word for it, but comenud look for yourself—I will tako great pleasure in showing the lands to any person. If you want to mnko Cot ton come and buy, you never will regret your pur I chase. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold lot No. 288, in the 14th district of Houston county, con- I taining 202) acres, and tho South-west comer of Jot No. 223, in the 14th district of Houston county, con taining 50 acres. This 50 acres lies joining the Ma con county plantation, 25 acres cleared and fresh, under good fence and in the best state of cultiva- 1 lion. No. 288 is Rich Pine Land being half mile South of the Macon county place, with 73 acres cleared land and in a high state of cultivation, under I good fence, A. Sold under an order of the Ordina ry of Macon county, ns the property of Elbert Wads I worth, deceased. Sold for the purpose of distribu tion among the heirs entitled to the same. JESSE D. W. WADSWORTH. Adm’r. of Elbert Wadsworth, deceased. sept 23 sop 23 A. M. B. A Co. SILKS & SILK ROBES AT PARKERS’. Carefully selected, within a few days, from tbe Very latest European Importations. MAGNIFICENT GOODS!! TIIE LADIES aro particularly invited to call and examine ou 1 present FALL &. WINTER STOCK. We have now some REMARKABLY BEAUTIFUL DEESS GOODS. Which we are happy at all times to exhibit IV. W. PARKER A CO. Carriage Materials. T HE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large nnd completo assortment of Carriage Materi als, which for variety, stylo and price cannot be sur passed in any city. Axles, all sizes. Collar A enam’d Leather. Oval nnd side Springs, Enam d Cloth, all colors, French end Springs Lining Nails witbJapan'd, Oak nnd hiekory Spokes. Brass, Silver and Ivory Hubsand Rims, Hickory Shafts, Whiflletrees, Running Parts, Buggy Bodys A Seats, Dash Frames A Props, Dash Rail A Moulding, Plated Arm Rests, Plated Collars, Sent Sticks, Wheels in sets, Hollow Angers, Spoke Trimmers, Apron Hooks aud Rings, Hub'Shaves. Ac, Patent dash Leather, sept 23 NATHAN WEED, Macon. Ga. Ill-ails, Seaming Cord, Carriage and Fire Bolts, Brass and Silver Bands, Oil Cloth A Carpeting, Malleable Castings,* Axle Clips, Plated Ornaments. Wrought Nnts A Washers, Tire Iron, all sizes. Oval and j Oval Iron, Tiie Benders, ('imp and other Tacks, Signs! Signs!! N EATLY paimed in every variety of stvle. Plain and Fancy House PAINTING, GRAINING, MARBLING, PAPER HANGING. Ac In price or quality of work, lam prepared to compete with any ono. Fresh specimens of work to be seen at Paint Shop under Little's Drug Store. All orders trom the country punctually attended to. HENRY LOVI. sept 23 The ocea v ainaii says : Iced, a proud and riori- : ar city. ' r in them iti* spirit mi M 4oSonstral long be tiiL'iiuilrablein the an- A- a whole, it was infinitely ubers who participated in it lii’ested, to any popular po- "ii owe witnessed in Phila- *- i - from all portions of the [Jitry pour, i into the city by thousands, nnd « u early hour until late at night its -U exhibited untutal bustle and activity. V‘ delegations were present from New Maryland’ Delaware, New Jersey, and IY* eastern counties of Pennsylvania. [•R to early hour iu the afternoon a dense [ ‘of people had assembled in Independence 'i-arr, ana eloquent speaking uninterrupted- , continued an *tl a late hourat night. Mean* U* '. u evening, an immense torch-light Mttuion, miles in extent, with innumerable JS-riand transparencies, bands of music, ' ( *'lf*W the streets, and everywhere ex- wildest enthusiasm, weeting, indeed, was the glorious spccta- f - An immense army of freemen, majestic L tnT, noible, firmlyresolving to march under 1° toeonsecrated aud revolutionary- banner* , P .tfatatain inviolate the constitution and ■ nion, nnd beat back to their lairs the foes •faction* leagued aguiust us. •Another instance of Tape Worm Cured by last's Celebrated Vermifuge, pre- '-’’•<7 Fleming Bros. rj. „. N *' v York, October 15,1838. •T-Riu is to certify that I was troubled with a than sue months. I tried »11 tho •• readies for this dreadful affliction, hut with- S »ble to destroy It. I got ono of Dr. M’- r ' ’ " : in * CJ , which contained notices of sever- fnrtl *h*t had been performed by his 4 ennifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros. Lu Jr. ,0 ‘ry >t: and immediately purchased a , ' ;r | 1 tepk according to directions ; and y --a.-, I discharged one largo tape worm, more than » y lr d, borides a number of rfs ' MRS. M. SCOTT, No."?0 Cannon Street Lavu^II* 501 * CMrttnX to auk for DR. <tw*A S v ELEi,RATEU VERMIFUGE, manc- Utlbtr !. BROS of Pittsburgh, Pa. y , 'innifogesin comparison are worthless, y. ® * Rouu me Vermifuge, also his celobrat- now be had at all respectable hone genuine without the signaluic of FLEMING BROS. E. L. STROHECKKR A CO., FITZ- ffi'KWTJNoUAM. J.H. a W S. EL- JJeKMWEPAVNE, Druggists. Macon, and e agent in every Southern town. [27] i, fur Fills, the most powerful Rente- I L’i affecting the int^tine.-.-Thes, " mJo* 1 * 1 ’®** without hesitation hi »><• "no of the meet t ■ * i r?? UM!eknown » ‘hey act a° <R - ^ 1 that it U Impo&si bio an °ntachor bowels can re*I^t their 8< " ,<y ,hormu ' hIy j" 133 1,1 hi.. ^ removing all trace*i alsilt '- UUf k»b!o fact, that these PHI ■restore the patient to health even 1 "'■ -J lias been used unsuc AS* Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. There never has been a discovery mado in Mate ria Medica, whereby pain can be so quickly allayed and where parts in a high stato of inllamination can be so rapidly reduced to their natural state, nor where wounds and sores can be so thoroughly nnd rapidly healed, nnd decayed parts restored without either scar or defect, than with Dai.let's Magicat. Pain Extractor. In Cuts, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises—casualties to which children are constantly subject—the action of the genuine Dalikt’s Pain Extractor, is ever tiie same 1 How much Pain and Suffering may not thus be prevented ! Moreover, Life itself is often de pendent upon Laving at hand the Genuine Dailey Extractor, and for particulars of which I respect fully refer to my printed pamphlets, for tbe troth of which I hold myself responsible. No case of Burns nnd Scald, no matter how severe, has ever yet, in any ono instance, resisted tbe all- powerful. pnin-subuuing and healing qualities of the Dailey's Pain Extractor. No Pain Extractor is Genuine unless tho box has upon it a Steel Plate Engroved Label with the sig natures of C. V- CLICKENER A CO., proprietors and HENRY DALLEY, manufacturer. Price 23 cents per box. &T All orders should be addressed to C. V. Cli tk- ener A Co.. 81 Barclay street, New York. For salo by all Druggists and Medicino Dealers throngbont tho Unitea States. DIED, Tn this city, on the 9th inst.. of Billions Cholic Mr. ALEXANDER -McGREGOR. aged about GG years. He was among the earliest settlers of this city, and erected tho first framed building west of tho Oemnigee, nnd the first bridge over that river. Through life, was one of the best, and most industri- mechanic* of the city. OBITUARY. At tiie residence of her Father, Mr. Jam** L. Hart, in Leon county. Flu., on tiie28th inst^Mrs. SARAH A„ wife of C. Everette Johnson, in the-2«h year of her ago. Surrounded as was the subject of this no tice by all that makes life attractive, enshrined m the nlfections of loving hearts, and the idol of tho family circle—at a time, too, when existence wore a new charm, and the golden portals oflife were open wide before her—came tho noiseless messenger.— Stricken in the bloom of youth, leaving parents, hus band nnd brothers to mourn tho loss ot her they lov ed so well. To those afflicted parents wo tender the sympathies of our community. • Tiie attainments, aiui.ihle disposition and high moral endowments of tli© (Iccciisf'il Iirv© endwiredher to nil Tfboknew^lier. With nn intellect highly cultivated, » disposition nihl and affectionate nnd nil tho graces a finished (location confers, how could it bo otherwise than that she should be dearly loved amt deeply lament ed. Her distinguishing cliaractcristic wus moral pu- ritv. However we might be struck with her powers ij varied acquirements, wo wore still more im pressed with the stainless purity of her moral senti ments. Sho was kind in every feeling, generous m ry impulse. But in tho domestic circle bar mlln- o was most deepiv felt. Society nnd friends, will mourn ‘their loss, but there is a gloomier vacancy at the fireside ofa home once lighted by her smile. In tiit‘ tender relation* of the family shb was all that a husband or brother could desire, ora parent love. It was her study to relieve every care and lighten ov- ry burden that might darken them pathway to tho grave. How weUslH succeeded in this beautiful part their past lovo and present grief wiUnmp'ytcs- tifv. They leaned upon her as the gentlo and pliant luvof their declining years, and amid the d.-sola tion that now lies around them there will be much of consolation in the remembrance of her .unwearied care to smooth tho downhill oflife to their tottering steps. But in her Christian « »f rer consolation l io r the full assurance ot d when summoned to , w.omi " She !o the city” without ci rulii had lit up the a n its lonely lengths ring i.V She lie Some li ctly up- fully a of » well spent life g« tho reward of the righteous, ■walk in white because of passed "through the gates uso of fear. The lamp of dark valley.” aud she heard tiie footfalls of her accom- . ^ace to her ashes, for ■d a gentlo life, lest sho should break o of friendship or some chord of love, nd the cneri.-fo I rights of others dear, e entwined htnolf around the heart* ined the highest friendship of tho good ].|i|p nrhich illumed .ho path of Ido „ IdodV, n the pathway to the grave. Her virtue* won her all of private lov Her kindness all of public praise. hud in Galveston, Texas, on the 2d inst.. Col M. B..Mi:NAKD-a pioneer of Texas and theMourn er , f (l ilveston City. He was well and favorably km'wn l,y many in tins community. an;l m his own State no i.ian was more highly esteemed lu ud t i - hight^eU^^^ridh and a skillful finaneeer who < ‘ 0T f J the interest* v> hi* countrymen, lus deeds are ro A I 'r i- Pai>cr Hangings. A S I am quitting this branch of business, I am now selling Paper 12 yards in a roll and 21 in ches wide, at the same price as others ask for the same quality of .paper, 9 yards long and 18 inches wide, being some 30 per cent below market rates, considering the difference in size of rolls- sept 53 HENRY LOVI. WOOD LOT FOR SALE, NEAR MACON, C ONTAINING 101 j acres, bciug one-half of a full Lot Wood Land, owned jointly by Judge T. G. Holt, and A. J. A D. W. Orr. Appiv to D.W.ORR. September, 23rd, 1856. ct MACON COUNTY LANDS. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before the coart house door in tho town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, within tho legal hours of sale, the following tracts and lots of land to-wit; Lot No. 16, iu the 15th district of originally Hous ton now Macou county, containing 202j acres, and the South part of lot No. 27, in tho 15th district of originally Houston now Macon county, containing 110 acres. This Plantation contains 312} acres of strong Oak Lands, lying 8 miles East of Montezuma, on Ilorseheail creek; there is 2G0 acres of cleared land on the placo and in a high state of cultivation, and well watered, every field ia well watered by Horsehend creek ; the creek runs centrally through the Plantation; fences in good repair, Ac. There is a tolerable good dwelling house on the place, wjtb 7 negro houses, good gin house and screw, with plenty of corn cribs and stables, end all necessary out b'uildings that are necessary on a farm; with good peach and plumb orchards, and the best well of Water in Macon county. . Sold under an order of the Ordinary of Macon county, as the property of El bert Wadsworth, deceased. Sold for tho purpose of distribution among the several heirs entitled to the same. JESSE D. W. WADSWORTH, Adm’r of Elbert Wadsworth, deceased. sept 23 GREENE 8o PULASKI LOTTERY- GREGORY A MAURY,Manaoirs. Class No. 229—To be drawn in Savannah, Wednes (lav, Sept 24th. 1856. i prize of 88,060—1 prize of 84.000. Ac. 1 lekels 82.80, shares in proportion Class No. 230—To be drawn Thursday, Sept-25.1856 I prize of 8 500—1 prizes of H,000, Ac.—Tickets 8f2, shores in proportion. Cla>- No. 831 —To be drawn Friday, September 2Cth, l~5o. 1 prize Of -511,104—5prizes of $2,000, Ac. Tickets *2 50,shares in proportion. Class No. 832—To he drawn Saturday, Sept. 27th 1 prize of 55,000—1 prizes of 51,000, Ac. Ticket: $1, shares in proportion. Extra Class No. li—To bo drawn Saturday. Sept 27.1856—1 prize of 867,097—2 do. 830,000—Ticket: 820, shares in proportion. Claes No. 933—To be drawn Monday, Sept. 29. 1856 1 prize of 812,072—2 prizes of 52,000, Ac. Tickets 52 50, shares in proportion. Cla.-s No. 234—To be drawn Tuesday,_Scpt. 30th, 1836—1 prize of 54,094—4 prizes ol 8750, Ac.— Tickets 81, shares in proportion. For sale at Shiver.-.' Lucky Ofiicc, Floyd House Buildings. WM. SHIVERS, Jr., Agt. Orders from tho country promptly attended to aud drawings forwarded by mail. Drawn numbers, Greene 4’ Pulaski Lottery: Class No. 221—7, 1, 40, 5, 45, 43, 64, 49, 41, 35, 11, 46. 222— 28, 58, 3, 39, GO, 7, 47, 51, 76, 9, 4, 33, 44, 41: 223— 70,1, 26, 54, 52, 53, 27, 40, 45, 02, 29, GO, 55. 204—78, 77, 51, 53, 6, 50, 38, 14,19, G3, 20, 52. 56. sept 23 ♦Jttorgia—CTaivtoid Count) , W HEREAS, Jacob Lowe, Administrator on tbe estate of Allen Marshal, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Administra torship : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular those interested, to be and appear at my of fice within the time pesoribed by law, to show cause, if any tlioy have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand at office, this 16th day of September, 1856. " JAMES J. RAY, Ord. sept 23 PLANTATION FOR SALE. T IIE well known PLANTATION belonging to the estate of G. H. Jordan, deceased, situated in Twiggs county on the Ocmuigeo river, twenty-eight GEORGE PAYNE, DRUGGIST AND STATE LICENSED APOTHECARY. Wholesale and Retail Deed - in none but Getir wine and reliable Medicines; Prescrip tions compounded icith care, and every article warranted as genuine and pure. The few ar ticles mentioned below compose a portion of my Stock, Opposite Washington Halt, Macon, Ga., April 24/.' 1855. Qflfl GALLONS best Burning Fluid, gJUU 200 gallons Sperm and Train Oil 200 gallons Linseed and Castor Oil 30 boxes best Oswego Starch and best Corn Starch 300 lbs. Sulphuric, Nitric and Muriatic Acid 1 gross Preston A Merrill* best Yeast Powders 100 ounces Sulphate aud Valerianate of Quinine 20 ounces Sulphate, Acetate,* Muriate ai:.d \ aleri- anate Morphine 300 gallons pure Alcohol 100 lbs. Spirits of Hartshorn 200 Sweeoish Leeches 2 doz. Mechanical Leeches 1000 Artificial Teeth dozen Conundrum Wheels and Files 100 gallons Copal and Japan Varnish 100 gallons spirits Turpentine 100 lbs. Medicinal Extracts 20oibs. Super Carkounic Simla and Sal Seda 100 lbs Cream of Tartar and 20 lbs. Saits of Tartar 20 lbs Blue mass, 20 lbs. Quicksilver, 20 Ibs.Calomel 15lbs. Chloroform, 2 gross Seidlitz Powders 1 gross fresh Congress Water, 500 lbs. Brimstone, 2001 bs. Blue Stone 20 lbs. Sulphuric Ether, 10 lbs. Donovans Solution 5 ounces Bebeerine, 20 ounces Tannin 5 ounces Sactucarium, Instruments, in great vari ety, Chemicals, Dye Woods, Drugs, Perfume ry, Pomades, Essential Oils Extracts, Soaps, Garden Meeds, in great variety, in fact, every thing that should be found in a real Drug and Chem ical Store, apl 24 DAY & MAUSSENET, W OULD call attention of their friends aud the public to their new stock of GOODM justreceived,consisting of IVa/ih dik, es of every description to suit all customers, and Chains, Seals nnd Keys to match. A fine assort- ntentoi'JE WEI.KV, Hreast Fills, and Ear King: iu sets orsingle; Finger Rings of all kinds and pri ces; Gold Specks, Bracelets, Necklaces, Crosses and Lockets. Also, a fine assortment of 8IM KR . WAKE, consisting of Forks. Sprains,Napkin Kin miles below Macon, four miles below Tarversville, Butter Knives, Salt, Mustard and Sugar Spoons, and two miles from Buzzard Roost landing on the I Pitchers, aud a largo assortment of Cups, ranging in Ocmuigeo. It contains fourteen hundred and fif teen acres, about eight hundred cleared and in culti vation. It is one of the best Plantations for Corn and Cotton in the State as the growing crops will attest, and has unsurpassed advantages for raising Stock. Corn, Fodder, Cotton, Stock, Plantation Tools, Ac., will be sold if desired witii the place. Mr. Hicksen Lee, on the premises, will show it to persons wishing to purchase. Possession given on the first of January next. Terms—One-third cash, on delivery, balance one and two years, with interest for approved paper.— Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Ex’or. Augusta, July 26, 1856. sept 9 price from eight to forty dollars. The above articles will lie neatly engraved without extra charge. I*I,.4TKD WAKE, viz Castor.-, Tea Sets, Cups, Forks aud Spoons, and their usual stock of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all of the above will be sold low for CASH, as our motto is "a nim ble sixpence is worth two dull shillings.” Particularattention paid to WATCH and JEW ELRY REPAIRING. Being experienced workmen, and paying particular attention to that branchthetn- selves, they hope to give good satisfaction, oct 16 - DAY ic MAUSSENET. A Valuable Plantation, Mills and NEGROES FOR SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale bis Plantation, ly ing on both sides of Flint River, in Macon and Dooly counties, containing nearly 4,000 acres of land, several hundred of which are superior ltiver Bot toms. There are between 8 and 900 acres (including 123 acres of valuable River Bottoms,) in cultivation; more than two-thirds of which have been cleared within the last six years, and is now in a condition to yield heavy crops. The improvements consist of a large, commodious, new dwelling house, framed negro honses with brick chimneys, situated upon a high, dry ridge, remote from the miasma of tho River swamp. A Grist and Baw Mill in operation; both put up in good style, and have a fair run of custom, which might be great Iy increased, with a little exertion. Taking the size of the Plantation—its conveni eucies— running water in every field—facility of rais ing stock of all kinds—its proximity to market, the Montezuma depot on the Southwestern Railroad be FITZGEBALD dc NOTTINGHAM, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS IK Drugs, Medicine*, Chemicals, rar Djc Stuffs, Perfumery, /» Fancy Articles, SHOP FURNITURE, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, Glass-ware, Surgical Instruments, Garden Seeds, E. FITZGERALD, M. D. C. B. NOTTINGHAM, M. D. DOV 13 ly LIVERY STABLE BUSINESS. GRIER Sf MASTERSON. HAVING purchased the r fV Extensive and Central Jjt* LIVERY STABLES, L.1/ DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT, 01 L,&c 1 $56. MACON DRUG STORE 1836. SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. T HE Proprietor in rendering thanks for the liber al patronage bestowed, would assure his friend* that no exertion shall be wanting to merit tiie con tinuance ofiheir favors. His connection with di rect IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS. is such, that ho is enabled to furnish RELIABLE -irtii les as low as any dealer South. My Chemicals arc invariably purchased from Manufacturers di rect, thus enabling me to warrant them from from adulteration. I am now receiving aud opening a full and select stock of Krugs, Perfumery, Glaaa, Chemicals, Paint* and Cater*, Medicines, Dye Stuff*, Ftiucy A Toilet Articles, Pniut nnd Ynrnish Rrushe*, together with the best assortment of INSTRU MENTS ever offered in this market. Planters. Phy sicians, and Merchants will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing. E. L. STKOHECKER, mart Opposite Redding House, Macon, Ga. GAJKDEN SEED! GARDE! SEED!! r A AAA PAPERS of Garden, warranted growth OUjUUU of last year (1855), jast received. Or ders from the trade will be supplied at liberal prices, for cash. E. L. STROHECKKR. mar 4 Fiuvoiiug Extracts lor Pies, Jel» lies, Ac. EXTRACTS of Peach, Extracts of Almonds, V Vanilla, “ Strawberry, “ Pineapple, “ Rose, “ Lemon, “ Orange, “ Nutmegs, “ Cellery, For sale at tbe Macon Drug Store. npi 29 E. L. STROHECKER. Pure Senna Figs. V MOST palatable and certain remedy for Consti pation and Habitual Costiveness, Ac., just opened at E. L. STROHECKER’S. apl 29 DiiUTiHca, Dysentery imrt Summer Complaints. rpHE following remedies always on band at the Macon Drug Store.- Bernard's Diarrhtea -Medicine Bryant's Cholera Medicine, Georgia “ “ Diarrhoea Killer, Jacob’s Cordial, Stabler’*Diarrhoea Cordial. apl 29 E. L. STROHECKER. Quinine. on A OUNCES direct from Manufacturer, for OUU sale at the lowest prices at the Macon Drug Store. E. L. STROHECKER. mar 4 Teas! Teas! T HE subscribers still continue to furnish their customers with the delightful Teas that have given such universal satisfaction. mar4 E. L. STROHECKER & CO. Olive Oil. A SUPERIOR article for Table use, just received by E. L. STROHECKER. mar 4 Potash. S UPERIOR 1st sorts, always onhaniL mar 4 E. L. STROHECKER. Jarvis’ Adjuster. PERFECT set for sale by apl 8 E. L. STROHECKER. Balm of :i Thousand Flowers. A FRESH supply just received at the Macon Drug Store. E. L. STROHECKER. apl 8 Long occupied by MASON tc DIBBLE, Corner of Mulberry and Third sts. Macon, with all the stock , . aud equipments of the concern, aro now prepared to iug within a mile of tb© Gin ilouse—its hcaltii t as I accominodat© the public in the various branches of their business, on the most reasonable terms, For Cash ouly, UP* Carriages and other Vehicles always on hand for hire, with good horses and careful drivers. Also Saddle Horses, for the uso of Ladies and Gentlemen sept 16 MAMMOTH SCHEME !! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! "IT THY be without Money ? when it ia jnst as easy V V for any one to be around with a pocket full as not, if they only think so. I have got a new arti cle, from which from five to twenty dollar* a day can be made, either by male or female. It is highly re spectable business, and an article which is wanted I in every family in tbe United States. Enclose me two dollars bv mail, at my risk, and I will forward by return mall a Circular, with full instructions in tho art. The business is very easy. Try it, if you are out of employment, and yon will never regret it; fur it will be better for you to pay the above snm, and insure a good business, than to pay twenty-five cents fur a spurious advertisement. This is no bum- bag. Try it ! Try it! Try it! Address your let ters to DWIGHT MONROE, New York, sept 23 3m CAPITAL PRIZE $50,000! ALABAMA LOTTERY! [ACTUOKIZKD Itv THK STATE OF ALAUA3IA.] SOUTHERN 3®ilitnnj Slrntanj totfmj! Class H—To be drawn in tbe City of Montgomery, Alabama, in public, on F RIDAY, October 10,1856, on tho PVAX OP SINGLE NUMBERS ! Employment for 1,000 Persons. W ANTED. IMMEDIATELY, AGENTS In eve ry county of the United States to engage in the sale of the best book ever sold by subscription, entitled “CHAIN* OF SACKED WONDERS; or, A Connected View of Scripture Scenes and Inci dents from the Creation to the end of the last Epoch; by the Rev. S. A. Lalta, A. 31. M. D.” Containing 700 large octavo pages. Subscription Price in Mus lin 62.50—Morocco 83.25. In this work aro present ed tbe most sublime and imposing scenes of the Bi ble, furnishing a connected view of the most thril ling Sacred Wonders of the World. A sample copy will bo mailed, (post paid) on receipt of retail prices. A cirenlur, with contents and Terms to Agents will bo forwarded by addressing D. BULISON, 32 South Third Street, Philadelphia. N. B.—Persons sending me their address, I will mail, post paid, a full descriptive catalogue of my books, ana with instructions to operate that will en able them to make from 830 to 8100 per month. The list comprises over 100 New and Popular Book* among which will bo found somo of the best selling subscription Books in America. Address a* above, sept 23-4t SAMUEL SWAN, Manager; 30,000 TICKETS ONLY!! Prizes Amounting to 200,00 0. Will be distributed according to tbe following UNRIVALLED SCIIE.3IE ! ! 1 Prize of 830,000 is 850,000 !!■ i l too 125 the Doctors bills will show for tho last six years- productiveness, Ac., Ac.—all make it questionable whether any Plantation in South Western Georgia oilers greater inducements to persons wishin, purchase. With or without tho Plantation will be sold 72 likely slaves, most of them young, and amongst them a good Carpenter, a Plantation Blacksmith and good Cooks—stock of all kinds, wagons, carts, farming utensils—corn, fodder, wheat, oats, rye, Ac. Having fully mado up his mind to discontinue J Banting, persons wishing to embark in this kind of I the exercises of his School will be resumed on the ntsiness, would do well to give this Plantation a first Monday in September. Terms—Fifty dollars a thorough examination, as the subscriber will sell it year—one half in advance at the beginning of each much lower than tho same quality of lands are sell | term. july29-toctl ing at in the neighborhood ; and upon terms which can but prove satisfactory to tbe purchaser. For further information address tho undersigned at Mon tezuma, Ga. JAMES W. ARMSTRONG. P. S. The Plantation could be easily divided, an would be, to suit purchasers. J. W. A. sept 9 SELECT SCHOOL. B UI. POLHILL respectfully informs his for- * mer patrons and the citizens of Macon, that Granger's Patent Corn aud Cobb AND MEAL MILL. CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD! Notice. T HE Proprietors of the Mill, for Georgia, Ala bama and Florida, hereby notify all concerned, that, as the above Challenge lias been published for TF yon want a beautiful ornament for yonr Parlor I Four Months, without acceptance from any quarter, I ’ *-v • t> i it ;f» n. .11 I tli a an m n ia nnw tritliilrunm sio tn itiniir tiirt.’54*r PY. LOOK HERE! JL or Drawing Room, and one that will tell of you long after you have passed from these low grounds of sorrow, go at once to Pugh’s Anibrotypc Gallery, And secure one of his large size everlasting pictures, and have it pat in one of those nice Gilt FrameB or splendid Union Cases that lie hnsjust received. Pugh’s Pictures arc acknowledged by all who have examined them to bo unsurpassed for beanty and excellence, oil who get one of him are sure to come when they want another. Instructions given in tbe Art. sept 16 the same is now withdrawn, as to incur turtaer ex penso of advertising seems useless. This Mill will, however, at all times, be prepared to meet, on any equal terms, its competitors from whatever quarter coining. sept 9 3t 80 200 300 20,000 is 20,000 20,000 is 20,000 10,000 is. 10,000 10,000 is 10,000 5,000 is . .... 5,000 2,500 is 5,000 # M 1,000 is ..... 2,000 500 is .... 10,000 300 IS 15,000 200 is .... 15,000 100 is .... 10,000 60 is .... 7,500 .OXIMATION PRIZES. 8400 approx to S50.000 prize are $1,600 300 “ 20,000 “ are 1,200 250 •• 20,000 “ are 1,000 200 •• 10,000 “ are 800 173 •• 10,000 “ aro 700 150 5,000 “ are 600 60 2,500 “ nro ’480 40 “ 1,000 •• are 320 33 500 “ are 2,800 25 “ 300 “ aro 5,000 20 ** 200 “ aro 6,000 1,000 prizes amounting to-. .........8200,000 Ticket* $IO—Halve* $3—Quarter* S3 30 ty The Alabama and Georgia Lotteries, as chan nets for investment, present inducements over any known scheme. The experience the public have had of the management of these Lotteries, the large Administrator’s Sale. I amount of Prizes sold, tiie promptness witii which N pursuance of an order of tho Honorable the they have been paid, are the best guarantees that Court of Ordinary of Worth county, will bo sold they will always be conducted in tho most honorable the first Tuesday in December next, before the manner. court house door in the town of Isabella. Worth | PLAN OF THE LOTTERY, county, one half oflots ofLandnumber90,91 and 40 and one hundred ami sixty five acres of lot No. 39, nnd fractional lots 92, 93 and 94, containing in all 1325} acres—it being tho undivided iuterest of An drew J . Shine, late of said county deceased. All in | p Cr jntendence of two sworn Commissioners, tho ljjth district of orginally Dooly now \\ ortli coun- 'pj ie Numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with Terms made known on the day ot sale. I *i x- i ..«c.(r.c^. ..2 . „ SAMUEL P. JONES. Admr- SARAH V. SHINE,Adm’x. There aro 30,000 Tickets numbered from 1 to 30,- OOO. There aro 380 full Prizes and 620 Approxima tions—making in nil 1000 Prizes. rI Tiie drawing takes place iu public, under the su- Kcrscys, Osnaburgs, Shirting:, and Janes. m BALES Kerseys all kinds. 20 Bales Osnaburgs. 7 do Shirting. sept 16 5 do Janes. HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. Bed aud Negro Blankets. 1 aa PAIR Extra Bed Blankets. 1UU 300 Pair Negro do 20 Dozen Negro Wool Hats, sept 16 " HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. LAND FOR SALE. I N Pulaski county, on tbe Oc.mulgce river, 3 miles South of Hatrkiusrille. Fiv* Hu.vdrf.d Acres, of which 300are Under culti vation—the River bounds the West side with a bold bluff. There are not more than 50 acres of swamp on the River, abouuding in valhable Cypress and Oak timber. Tho Plantation is under a good fence nnd watered by two never failing streams running through it.— There is Dwelling House, negro and other out houses (all frame), under good repair, a new gin house and screw, and wells of pure water. Also, One Thousand Acres in Clinch county.— Prices moderate and terms liberal. The owner con templates removing to Texas in January. Also, Lands iu Cherokee. Enquire of J. W. Caruthers on the Plantation, or t ninipv n a htuv sept 16 J. HENRY OAKLEY* Hawkinsville, Ga. REFORM MEDICAL COLLEGE. MACON. G-A. T HE Eighteenth Annual Course of Lectures in this Institution, will commence on the first Monday in November next, and close on the first day of March following. Having received two en dowments from tho Stato of Georgia, it is iu pos- Storc to Kent. T HE Brick Store on Cherry Street next to B. A. Wise. Apply to N. WEED, sept 9 Bryant’s Cholera Remedy. P REPARED from the original receipt by Da. E L. STROHECKER. Planters and Travellers should possess a bottle of this admirable remedy. A liberal discount made to .Merchants and Druggists. For sale by apl 8 E. L. STROHECKER. BOOK BINDING. J BARNES has removed his BinUery to No. 10 • Cotton Arenne, over J. J. A S. P. Richard’s Bookstore, where he is prepared to manufacture to order JSlnnk Account Book* of every descrip tion from the best Linen paper. Periodicals, Law and Music Books bound in the most approved manner. apl 1-tf BOOK BINDING. rriHE undersigned is prepared to manufacture all X kinds of RECORD AND ACCOUNT BOOKS of the best material and in tbe most approved style. To attend to all orders for COUNTING HOUSES, in getting up Bill Heads, Checks, Notes, Ac., Ac.—> He will have ready in a few days a Portable Lawyer’* Docket Book, which the Profession will find of great service in methodizing their cases. Magazines, .Music, and all other works bound in cheap and substantial bindings. DAVID ROSS, Book-binder, Cor. Third and Cherry Streets, over Geo. T. Rogers A Son, Macon, Ga. apl 29 LiMBEK WAN l ED. T HE subscriber will furnish the whole of the ma chinery, (either new or second hand) fora first- rate Steam Saw 3Iill, aud take Lumber in payment for same. None need apply who will not give un doubted security for the faithful performance of their part of the contract. ROBERT FINDLAY. Messenger copy aug 26 Offices to Kent. T HE Office on Second street now occupied by W. S. Williford: also tiie one next door now occii pied by Doctors Boon A Hammond. Rooms to Rent. session of a splendid College Edifice, with Apparat-1 „ Two fine large Rooms over the Manufacturer s in, Preparations, Specimens and Facilities, and a I Rank; also Room over Doctors Boon A Hammond. those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel. _ , _ . , Tho first 380 Prizes, similarly printed and encir- I also offer atpricatt salc. lt being one-halt c i e d.and placed in nnother wheel, of the nhove Lands. All of which lies in a body. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is having upwards of 500 acres cleared, about 300 acres drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same offirst rate river hammock, an excellent log dwel- t j m en Prize is drawn from the other wheel. Tho ling, negro and other out buildings, gin house and I Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exliib- scrow, good well of water, and a plenty of running it e d to tho audience, and registered by the Conimis- wmter and very little waste land. Ihoso lvi.-hing I aioner, the Prize being placed against the number Hospital for Clinical Instruction, under tho direc tion of the Faculty. Cadavers procured from New York and other cities. FACULTY. L. BANKSTON, K. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology and Materia Medica. J. T. COXE, M.D., Professor of Principles and Prac tice of Medicine ami Therapeutics. M. S. THOMSON, M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children I. N. LOOMIS, A. JL, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry, Botany, Pharmacy and Microscopy. I. M. COMINGS, A. 31., 31. D., Professor of Anato my and Surgery. O. A. LOCHRANE, Esq., 31. D., Professor of Medi cal Jurisprudence. Comparative Anatomy and Comparative Physiology. TER3IS, Entire fees for tickets to Lectures ....8100 Matriculation (once only) Anatomical Ticket..... 10 Payable invariably in cash in advance, at the open ing of tbe session. Graduation fee, payable before examination, 825. For particulars address any member of tbe Facul ty, Macon, Gu.July 29 Apply to sept 9-lm N. WEED. To Rent. T HE Store on Cotton Avenue lately occupied by R. Curd; also the Brick Store adjoining, occu uied by E Graves. Enqurc of J. B. A W. A. ROSS or sept 9-3t THOMAS L. ROSS. Journal A 3Iessenger copy 3 times. such a place would do well to examine for them selves. Mr. II. Nichols who will be fuund on the place, will show the premises to any person wisiiing I.>purchase. For further particulars, address the subscriber at Drayton, Ga. SAM’L P. JONES. gept 23 til* A<liiiiuistrator’s Sale. ' TY virtue of an order passed by tbe Honorable Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on tho 1st Tnesdnv in November next, before tbe court bouse door in said conntv, within the legal hours of sale, all tho property, both real and person al. of Thomas Gibson, late of said connty, deceased, viz: Lots No. 7 and 8, in square 15, of tbe city of Macon, with improvements thereon; Wharf Lots Nos. 2t, 22 and 23, in city of 3Iacou, and improve- nts—each oftiic above five Lots containing } an ncrL —j,* r t of lot No. 3, in square 18, in city ot' Ma con, nnd improvement, tbo same fronting about 65 feet on Mulberry street, running back 210 feet tu tiie alley. Also 26} acres, part of Lot No. 356, in (lie 13tli district of Bibb county; together with a lot of furniture nnd oilier articles. Sold ns tbo property said Gibson, deceased, and for the benefit of Ilfs editors and heirs. Turns of Sale—Personal property cash; real es- te one third cash, one-third January 1st, 1656, aud e third six months from day of sale. Kept 23 31A It IA JkL’O WELL. Adm’x. II. w Notice* 7TIEREAS, on tho fourth day of December, 5, tile undersigned gave a promissory note to Thomas Hardy, Adminil!rater 011 the estate of John M. Piper, late of Troup comity, Ga., deceased, for one hundred and ten dollars, and signed as se- Curity by Wilbon Jeeks; and as tbo consideration has tailed for which said note was given, I am deter mined not to pay said note unless compelled to do so by law, and hereby warn all person* from trading for said note of baud. WILLIAM BUCKABY. sept 23-3t [prawn. This operation is repeated until all tho Prizes are drawn out. ArruoxiMATio.v Prizes—The two proceeding and the two sncceding Numbers to those drawing the first 38U Prizes will be entitled to toe 620 Approxima tion Prizes, according to the Scheme. In Ordering Tickets, enclose the money to our ad dress lortbe Ticket* ordered, on receipt of which thev will be forwarded by first mail. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be for warded to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will ploase write their signatures plain nnd give their I’o.-t Oflieo, Count)- and State. Ltf Remember that every Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. jy All Prizes of 81,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the drawing—other Prizes at the usual time of thirty days. AH communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets should be sent iu early. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either oflieo. Orders for Tickets can lie addressed either to S. SWAN A cc>.. Atlanta, Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. sept 23 SAVANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE. T HE regular Course of Lectures in this Institu tion, will commence on tho first 3IONDAY in November next, and be continued for four Months. It. D. Arnold, M. D.—Prof. Theory and Practice of Medicino. P. M. Kollock, M. D.—Prof. Obstetrics aud Dis eases of Woman and Children. W. G. Bulloch, M D.—Prof. Principles arid Prac tice of Surgery. J. G. Howard, M. D.—Prof, of Anatomy. E. H. Martin, M. D.—Prof. Institutes of Medi cine. J. B. Read, M. D.—Prof. Mat-Medica and Med. Jurisprudence. Joseph Jones, M. D.—Prot. of Medical Chemistry. Jos. J. West, M. D.—Demonstrator of Anatomy. J. G. Howard, 31. D.—Dean of tho Faculty. sept2.3tn LAND FOR SALE. T HE subscriber offers for salo 403 Acres of fine farming land iu Sumpter county, eight miles South of Americus, on Muckaleo Creek, near tho Railroad, adjoining the lands of Mr. Roberts, 3Iceks and others. For farther information call on Cant. A. C. Cutts or \\\ L. Johnson, Americus, Ga., or the subscriber five miles West of Macon. I will also sell 206 Acres of choice farming land in Bibb county, on Ecbaconnee Creek, adjoining tin- lands of 3Ir. Green Wilder and others, about 100 Acres cleared and in cultivation, sept 16 D. W. BRASSWELL. Americus News copy tf City Tax. T HE Books are now open for tho collection of City Tax at tiie Treasurer’s Cilice, who will be In attendance to receive the same from 9 to 12 o'clock, A. M., every day (Sundays excepted) until the 10th day of October, A. R. FEEEMAN, Treat Macon, Sept. 15, 1850.sept 1 GEORGIA LOTTERY! [AUTHORIZED DY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. Class 19—To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Ga., in public, ou SATURDAY, September 27,1856, on tho HAVANA PI,AN. Purchasers iu buying one odd number and one even number whole Ticket are guaranteed to draw "!8. Halves nnd QuarterTickets in proportion, with bailees of obtaining the larger Prizes, which are a hundred per cent, better for the purchaser than any other Lottery in existence- SA3IUEL SWAN & CO., Managers. Prizes Amounting to ^204,000 Wiil be distributed according to the following Bril liant Scheme. 30,000 NUMBERS—15,185 PRIZES !! 1 Prize of ...$40,000 is $40,000 1 Prize of......... ... 10,000 is 20,000 1 i’rize of-—.... ... 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prize of. 5,000 is 5,000 1 Prize of......*... ,.. 2,000 is 2,000 1 Prize of ... 1,000 is J,000 1 Prize of. ... 1,000 is ..... 1,000 10 Prizes of....... ... 200 are 2,000 100 Prizes of. ... 100 are 10,000 4 Prizes of $200 Approx, to $40,000 Prize, are 4Piizesof 100 Approx, to 10,000 Prize, are 4 Prizes of 75 Approx, to 10,000 Prize, are 4 Prizes of CO Approx, to 5,coo Prize, *re 4 Prizes of 50 Approx, to 4 Prizes of 40 Approx, to 4 Prizes of 25 Approx, to 40 Prizes of 2o Approx, to 2,000 Prize, are 1,000 Prize, are 1,000 Prize, are 200 Prize, are 800 400 300 240 200 ICO 100 800 15,000 Prizes of 8 nre .................120,000 A<lmini*tr»toi''s Sale. "DY virtue of an order from tbe Ordinary of Wul- JL* ton county, will bo sold before tho Court House Door, in Vienna Dooly county on the first Tuesday in November next, lvot of Land No. 247 in tbe 16th District of Dooly county. Sold a.s the property of Joshua Sewell deceased, for the benefit of bis heirs aud creditors. sept 23 WM. SEWELL Admr. S IXTY days after date applications will be made to the Ordinary of Jones county, for leave to sell the real estate ot Dauiel Morris late of said county, deceased. MARY S. MORRIS Admix. CAKY W. MORRIS Admr. PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., In Savannah, FATTEN, COLLINS & CO., Ill Macon* KNEW the tender of their services to their Cor- IX respondents and the Planters generally of Geer- | gin and Alabama, as Fnrtorx nml C'omniin»io!i .flcrchniit*, nnd pledge their undivided personal attention to the | business entrusted to them. Bagging, Rope and other Planters Supplies will be carefully purchased and forwarded, aud liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, J. COLLINS, aug 26 J. S. HUTTON. "PLANTATION FOR SALE. OR 600 (as suits the purchaser,) acres Oak OUU and Hickory Land, 1| miles from Macon, about half in cultivation, the balance woodland aud | well timbered ; lying on the Road leading from Ma- conto Clinton ; good Dwelling with 8 Rooms, good I Negro Houses, (Jin House, Cribs, .Stables, Ac. good location for a House of Entertainment. Payment to suit the purchaser. sept 2 T. J. TOWNSEND. FOKKENT. T HE Store now occupied by Courson & Stubble field on Cherry street, also the Store and up stairs occupied by Daly A Fitzgerald, and the Store, Dwelling and Yard occupied by A. Ayers, on Third street; also, 2 Stores under the Floyd Ilouse next to T.C. Dempsey; also the Store occupied by John Masset under the Floyd House in Mulberry street; several Dwellings and Rooms up stairs on Cherry and Third streets ; several Dwellings with Gardens below the Railroad, formerly the Floyd House Car den; 3 Dwellings on Walnut street in Bentonville; also 3 Rooms up-stairs north corner of Triangular Block now occupied by Seger A Pettie, Dentists.— Possession given 1st October. Appiv to D. DEMPSEY, sept 16-3t or THOS. C. DEMPSEY. Journal & Messenger copy 3 times. BACOY!BACON! f 7f\ AAA Clear Sides, f U*UUU 10,000 lbs. Shoulders, 8,000 lbs. Hums, 100 Bbis. Stuarts A & B Sugar, 10 Hhds. St. Croix “ 2 Cases Loaf 200 Sacks superior Rio Coffee, 10 do “Old Government” Java Coffee, ]0 do Laguyra Coffee, 200 do Superfine Flour, 120 do Extra Family FI ur, 200 Boxes Sperm aud Admantiuo Candles, loo Bids.Tennessee and Ohio Whiskey, 3 Brandy, Wines and Cigars, for sal. ept 1C HARDEMAN & (JBIFFIN. BLANKS for sule at this office. Paints, Oils,. Glass, Pent)', Ac. 10,000 ^5 SiSzin, 7 300 Gallons Linseed Oil. 10 Bids. Tanners’ Oil. 10 do Whale and Elephant Oil. 3 do Sperm Oil. 100 Boxes assorted Window Class. 2 Bids- Putty and all the articles used by Painters, Glaziers, Ac. sept 16 HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN. 15,185 Prizes, amounting to $204,000 Tickcia 810—Halve* $5—Quarter* 62 50* PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. There are30,000 Tickets numbered from l to 30,000. There are 15,185 Prizes amounting to $204,400. The drawing takes place in public under the su perintendence of two sworn Commissioners. ThoNumbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those numbers on the Tickets, printed on separate ips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel. The first 117 Prizes, similarly printed and encir- led, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from tho other wheel. The number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the au dience, nnd registered by the Commissioners, the Prize being placed against the number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. Approximation Prizes.—The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the fir><t 117 Prizes will he entitled to the 68 Approxima tion Prizes, according to the Scheme. The 15000 Prizes of $8 are determined by the number which draws the $40,000 Prize—if that num ber should be an odd number, then every odd n«m- ber ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to $8; if an even number, then every even number ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to in addition to any other Prize which may be drawn. All those tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are even —all those ending with 1,3, 5, 7, are odd. E3F Remember that every Prize is drawn, end payable in full without deduction. tjr" All Prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the drawing All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to purchasers im mediately after the drawing. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets at either Office. CSivht Inducement to Clubs. As ono half iff the Tickets are guaranteed to draw we will M-ll Certificates of Packages of loTicket# (odd and even numbers,) at the’following rates— All that the 10 Tickets draw over the amount guar- anteed accrues to the purchaser. Certificate of Package of ] • • W ulc Tickets $60 30 Address orders for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack- g(.s of Tickets, either to S SWAN A CO., Atlanta, Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomeiy, Ala. aug V6 UtVLLLIAU HOUSE ASD LOT FOR SALE OR RENT. Ml HE two story Dwelling House lately occupied A by Andrew J. Orr, deceased^ Possession given muietfiately. sept 16 3t D. W. ORR, Adm’r.