Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, September 23, 1856, Image 4

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I. \ i ' t . v ** i The Belter World. There ia a where death casts not her >1ibtl« A Und when* ^ *ld eyed tiowers ne'er full asle< m Where oVr L.;•.•’» Ivre, no mure by limes baud Russian Crown Binmsmds. The Crown Treasury of the Czars at Mn*- I cow, contains precious, stums of considerable w Jones Sheriff Sale. •ILL he sold before the court l:,.u>. town Clinton, ou tin m, '1 u.-» I I!,e follov iusf proptrt r, to-wit: ’ ■ lnndf D1C v in Octc God's living music like a farm doth leap. There is a land where soul* responsive meet. Where, shonelesa, the triod pilgrim tindath rest, Wllsro h:i reposes, lost in reveries sweet. With his head pillowed ou an angel s bresst. Tnere is s holy land beyond the stars, By Jesus’ smiles illuminated, by seraphs wended. Which men may reach when this lile s passions* ware ’Twoen lofrv spirit and low dust are ended. I’V« dreamed of this bright land-, and when I awoke ( wore designated by the Persians by the names I sorrowed that it only was a dream— ror PIsHarfcIpIiin, Sew ForJx, ere. (V, e’ //■' b ■ v ■■ -i Steamship Bines. CABIN- i’AS-Ud - .n.-STEERAGE 88. 1IIE well-known fir t clnfc Sti ainships Kkvstoke Stats, Captain B Har- JSMsiaBh ;-u,t Qm-i.t-: a, i . pt.ria J. .1. Garvin, will T 1 her-after form a Wet k ly Line to Philadelphia,, sail- I consisting ■ f S. '% Stnnr, Crepe ntul Seajwli'.tm Bon- MRS S. AUDOUJN T> EGS leave to announce to the citizens of I ) Man.ii and eominunity st large, that she | > return! d from New York with a beautiful and careftdiv selected assortment ot I’tisiiiont’.blc Woods, Executor's Sate. in the ' VT ~ILL be sold on the lir-l Tutsdav in Pcci tnher | \ V' neat, before the court house door in the town | of Vienna in Dooly county, iu pur-u.inee of thqlast amount. The two moot considerable are dia- ' Two hundred and forty acres land, more or less. Will and Testament of Benjamin O.'liff late Of -aid monds, . ne of the size of a pigeon’s eggs rose- , ;>'» Frw \ cb P . a "‘ » d j piui "g 1 rounty. deceased, all that tract or parcel of laud, sit- . 't’l » ’ u .. ® , n n c i lands to Hiram \ insaud and Baldwin I.- mow aud listed. Iving and I mg in the lit distant ofosaid , , A- "n>i ,i , 1 ‘ " 4 , V r ‘• others flevied upon as the pro] rty of Otiarlea Paul county, known in the plan of -aid district as lot-nutn-1 ing Every Saturday, alternately, from Savannahand I n'ctt.Miu'/.’.ts, Embroideries, '<3Icier, l-Wr, Mourn the Orion, luc other nils the form ot nn tr- | to satisfy on u t.i, founded upon attachments i.-.-ucd j btrs one hundred aud twenty-four [1J4|, the half I charleston as follows: iig'Sets oflatost styles mid cm Jon.-, Superior Court, in favor of Lightfuot, |.of one hundred and thirty-two lit*], ami one linn- I 'X| 10 Keystone State will sail from Savannah the ° p- A.NCY ARTICLES dr#d and thirty-three 1133). Said land sold for the following” Sn turd jys—July 16th, August 2nd and . , B1 . n ,; f * «m ,jj which <-he offers low benefit of thohetrs and creditors of said deceased. | 16th, September 6th and SUth. Leaving Philadelphia | CASH’ Thankful ffw past^favors she still s.dicits hered to. regular prism, and is of the size ami aim tlte length of a little linger : it beats the name j '' of the Shah, and its liistory is as follow: i from.lone-i Nupi Kl.mltrs&Co. va Charles PanL Property points It formerly belonged to the Sopliis, and was one of two enormous diamonds which orna mented the throne of Xadir Shah, and which Also, at sume time and place, will be sold four tie- arm via: 11 i-rv a . - , .- ef ago, Aiubruus Ah! when the love links of life’s chain are broke, Man is less earth-bound tlinn the many deem. When the fci.-t dove hath left our waved-lathed ark' And Co multi back again to us no more. Wo h-aru to drift more fleetly o'er the dark Wastu of wild waters to tho Heavenly shore. The green spots in the deserts of this life Aru few and far between ; and bitter tears Frompr.,ud eyes fall unnoticed, mid the .-trite Man wagos witb nn uuconqucrablo years. . Head- wreathed with laurels or bright diadem*. May Aeho with hearts in all save sorrow poor; Heart's rich to-day in joy’s most precious gems, May stand to-morrow beggar’s at love's door. Tho folded wing may hide .wound that bleeds, A care lean smile conceal a cruel care— Tea God'.- ryes only, undeceived, rends The score t'records of a proud despair. I of "Son of the Sea” anil “Moon of the Moun- | tains.” When Nadir was assassinated his a bov 15 years of age, Milly It girl 14 years of Miles a boy four years of age, all the above ne groes very likely" levied upon as the property of Seth Towles tosatisfy four ti fas, otto issued from Jones Superior Court in favor of David P. Carson vs Seth Towles, and three from J ones Inferior Court were diwdcd among a few soluius, tt no cate satisfy divers Justice Court ti fit, issued from 447ib fully concealed them. An Armenian named district. Levied and returned tom,- by a constable. Sliafras, resided at that period at Bu--ora with sept 2 JAS. T. RENTBOK. Sh'tT. his two brothers. One day an Affghan came AUo< Q , , he , jme an( t place< ^ be go[d to him and offered for sale the J«irge difunondt I threo hundred acres'of land, n.ore or leas, lying on the ‘Moon of the Mountain,’ as well as an J thoOciiiuIgec ltiverinsaldcouuty t soldastbeprop emerald, a ruby of a fabulous size, a sapphire of the finest water, called by the Persians, the "Eye of Allah,” and a number of other stones, Also, on the Thursday following, will bo sold, at his t ( H . alternate Saturdays. late residence in Dooly County, all tile perishable I -m.- T- .. property of said deceased. Terms made tho day of sale. ZADOCTC OLLIFJ sept 16 ■ I ing Philadelphia the alternato Saturdays. Administrator's Salt’. In strength, speed and accommodations, these. J,ET I'S SEASON TOGETHER. T)Yan order from the Ordinary of Iiibb county, ships are fiUlyerjualt;. any running on the coast. JJ will be rold on tho first Tuesday in October I Inland 4mA-igation, 100 miles on Delaware Htverand ni-xt, before the court house door iu tuA county of | * ia J’ • twirntghts at sea. Bibb, two double Wagons aud Gearing, one single I FOR NIAG AHA PALLS, THE LAKES AND CANADA Wagou, ono lot of Id Iron, one trunk anil contents, belonging to Lyman Porter, deceased. Sold for the ] benefit of his creditor*. sept 16 CLAKRISSA DANIELS. Adm’x. sixty days after date application „ _ appl . . _ . will be made to the honorablo the Ordinary of erty of Joint L. Allen to satisfy 11 ti fa issued from Bibb count v, for leave to sell tho two stonr Dwcl- Jones Superior court in favor of Green A. Clower ling llotise'and Lot, situated iu the city ot Macon, vs John 1,. Allen, John W. Clark makers, and Jo- belonging to the estate-of Andrew J. Orr, late of said seph L HolUud as sscurity. | county, deceased. D. W. Oltlt, Adtn'r. sept 3 JAS. T. RENFROE. Sh’ff. sept 16 for tho whole of which he asked such a inodor- I ato sum, that Sliafras suspected they had not | Joites Sheriff Sale. been honestly come by, and told him to call I't'T7’ILL be sold before the court house door in the I TN the estate of Autv Wimbisli, late of Jones coun- a<*ain, ns he had not the inonev in the house. ' ' the town of lUiulou, Jones county, on the first ty, deceased, are notitted to present them to. the uu- • , r _-Tuesday in October next, between tho usual hours I dersigued, and persons indebted to tho estate of de- (inner OIl<lIl<» '* O I nr f.illmcinnr twi.n.irtv . I PPflttui nrft rofiiiiififfiH (n mflL'A i llllllffliil f j^OTlOK—All persons having claims against] From tho N. Y. Spirit of tho Time*. A Hoop Story. CHAPTER I. Tlte Affghan, fearing Sliafras was gotn_ with treachery towards hint left the place, and could not again be found, although the three , brothers made every search for him. Some . H _ . . . H I. |yc,r, Jfuevod,. A okto broil,er ,„ot..!« man at lingdad, who told Imn lie had, just upon as the property of Nancy May, to satisfy one SHORTEST Attn CHEAPEST ROUTE. The lines both connect at Philadelphia with the Great North .Western Hail Road .route, through tot Niagara Fills or Buffalo in 1C Hour* from Philadel phia. Through tickets, with the privilege cfstnp- I iing at Philadelphia and intc-rmcdiate*poiu(s, for sale >y the Agents iu Savannah and Charleston. Fare to Niagara or.RulTalo, 828; to Elmira, 826 -, to Canandaigua.’S27'. Agents at Philadelphia, HERON & MARTIN. Agents at Savannah, C. A. GREINER. Agents at Charleston, T. S- Jc T. G. BCDp. july 8-3m NACOH A WESTERN BAIL. ROAD of sale, tho following property, to-wit: One hundred and sixty acres of land, more or less, being the place whereon Nancy May now lives, ad joining lands to John Barefield and others, and four negroes, to-wit: Amanda and her three children ceased, are requested to make immediate payment. .. .. . Adtn’r. sept 16 BERRY E. LYNCH N OTICE—Sixty days after date application will bemnde to the Ordinary of Jones county, for NEW ARRANGEMENT. O N and after Monday, Jubd’16th,'there will be but one-daily Passenger Train each way over ■ _ _ . 1 property of Nancy May, to satisfy And I waited in the drawing-room, till I sold all his precious stones for 05,000 piasters fi fa, issued trom Jones Inferior Court, iu favor of thought my hair would grow grey before sh# I a "d « pa* r of voluble horses. Sholiru lmd Adn^dgnteofG*w»y>u^da. would appeal*. The carriage was at tho door; residence of the purchaser, who was a Jew, vivors o?HonUio May. ^rc * . *. « . I it was a bitter cold night; I could bear the j pointed out to him, aud he went to him and I Nancy May. James G. coachman swinging and slapping his arms to I °dcrcd him double the price he gave for them, * n s keep his hands warm. I wound up the musi- I hut was refused. Tito three brothers then Ati 1:1111 i*,tr;itor’s hale, cal box for excitement, and listened to its soul- I agreed to murder the Jew aud rob him of his T) Y' virtue of an order from the Honorable Court less jinglo for occupation; I had made the I purchase, which they did, and on the day fo1 ' I county, will be sold be- littlo J King Charles^ spaniel stand on his Mowing poisoned the Affghan, and threw both K„pe^ county.on theffM ta DecemW hind legs till he began to think that was his | l ‘ ie bodies into the river. A dispute soon at- j next, within the legal hours of sale, one thousand eavo to sell all the real estate of Amy Wimbisli, late I this Road. of said county, deceased. ' I The Train which now leaves Macon at 2 at m. and sept 16 BERRY E. LYNCH, Adm’r. | Atlanta at 3-30 p. m will be diseontinv’d. ’ Tlie morning Train from Atlanta and the evening N TOTICKis hereby given to Joseph Shelton, of l morning train trnm Atlanta anu tne t the State of Louisiana, and to all others whom Tr “ m from MaohnwiH he run as heretofore. normal position. I tried with my right hand ‘cr arose between the brothers as to the dms- and fifty acres of land, known m the place whereon jol” m Hammock, latuo* sMdcou.ity.deceased. to coax " Undo Ned” out of the piano—much lon of the spoil, which ternautad in Shafras | ™ r "- ’ BOLING G. MORRIS, to the chagrin of that grand instrument, whose «d ot Ins two brothers by poison, after a f wl ^J , bo ” 0(ld ! s rich anti well th^ J™* • Adm'r. de bonis non. mission was classical music. I beat a retreat I w htch he tied to Constantinople, and thence to I bered. The cleared land is all (with the exception I XTOTICE—Sixty days after date application wil from the realm of sweet sounds to that 0 f I Holland, where he made known the riches he | of twenty acres) in a high state of cultivation. Said | is be inadotothe " 1 Passengers leaving Chnttanopga and i>»ints on " " A tnight Crain will Savannah same to the estate of I evening. - . among I Passengers from Savannah and points on tho Cen- the distributors of said estate. ” ,r “ l K»»«Lby morning Train will arrive •? Atlanta sent 9 WILLIAM A. LANE. Admr. B »; m « eT * mll S nutl connect uamediately with Train 1 .1 of the W estern gi ^ and Nashville Passengers for Columbus, Americus and points on r. Property pointed out by it may concern, that I shall apply to the Ordinary of .u^V Rs^hvih. iES G W Vi{ NFS n Sh’ff * I Jasper ronnrv. State of Georgiii, ou tlie firet Monday I ^ e ." f sf ®r n * A?15? C a< T fhentjjht ^ U - bh ”• I in October ncit, for the appointment of divisors to | »^vein Macon 10.30 a. in. and m Savan divide the nogro property belonging to the « ‘ ' John Jackson, late of said county, deceased, VTOTIt’K—Sixty dsys after date application will I be made to the Ordinary of Jones county, for * .... leave to sell the Widows Dower 111 estate of | jjje South Western Roadwill arrive in Macon at 10 30 a. 111. and leave by South Western Train at Ordinary of Jones county p. m. [ Passengers from the South Western lioad will ar rive in Macou at ti n. m. and leavo by Macon Western Train at 3 p. m. Macou, June 17. EMERSON FOOTE, Snp’t. last th'htcuiu" to her riovfr Ioome^^to Buaiuu and in Vta introaoofd i *• that thd^ p l“-1 -v-otmt:—ISixty days after date an application ttss-±-st»fjst*ss S,*>t , arSa:HSitejBa tlie rustling of silks, and tharc, before me, [of Ihc Mountains only, just giving the lace, was Blanche smile, a consoling voice. V j by Shafras were—letters of nobitity, a life an- j other necessary out building. The location is healthy, 1 Simmons deceased " And did I keep him waiting 1 the dear “uity of 10,000 roubles, and 500,000 roubles, | the Plantation is well watered, society is good, aiid au „ 5 1 little Arthur! And did be grow fretful?” payable by equal instalments in ten years. ,bei,urc,1Mer wU1 doubt ' In the lexicon of politeness, which fate [Count Banin, who was then Minister, delayed Terras—A credit of twelvemonths for notes and lias ordained for a bright man of tho world, settlement of the bargain as long as posei- | good security. Half the amount of sale can be iu- tliere is no such word as fretful,” I answered. ble ’ and in tb c meantimi’. had the Armenian two years. WILLIAM A. LANE. Adm’r. . „ , - _ uswer for two Wl into such extrava mucies that befell into C or Lours—Bnhvftr garo tlie lesson. As I replied, | debt, and w hen the Minister found that he had dtr, an excellent lot of Pork and stock Hogs, a fine iny eyes fell on the ball costume of Blanche. | 110 lneails of paying what he owed he abruptly lot of Horses and Mules,.Cattle and Sheep The Pyramids of Egypt were evidently in- broke off the negotiation. Shafras, according “P 13 - tended to be represented by that dress, her t0 ‘be laws of the country, could not lcaveun- | Executor’s Sale. JOHN W. SIMMONS, Adm’r. head the apex, and the bottom of her skirt the |bis debts should be paid, and tho court |\'Y7'ILL lie sohlon tho tim Tuesday in November base 1 had to open my eyes wide to take in j^^^ Prepared to taked advantage1 of his n > 11 V , n S^.S^ 1 ^ Ii l e z^^m Knoxvilfo! | leave to sell tho real estate ot the full circumference—there was no end to embarassments, and intended that the dta- I Crawford amnty, within tlie legal hours of sale, one | of said county, deceased- o, know that lower hoop! monds should fall into his bands for a fourth I hundred and fifty acrea of land,'known as the Hatch ’Can she get out of the front door?” 1 i* 3 value. Shafras, however, discovered the ®r land, in tho second district of originally Houston thought I. " Granted ; yet, can she get into tra P ‘bat had been laid for him, and, disposing ^ ®J wford count y- JNO - W.DENT, Ex or. the carriaffo ? Hadn’t 1 better ride outside o{ 80m0 of ‘bo less valuable stones among bis - ? „ v wi h the driver ?” I mildly asked her this last countrymen, paid his debts, and disappeared. iVIAUUiN LI1 I 1 lxv.*TJCilv I 1 thought. | Agents were sent after him, who had even or- At Executor’s Sale. Macon, Bibb Ictober next, cushions; then I can stand np.” * | Astrachan, renewed offers were made to him, |said rii^ronTwhich there a*re four^^HreH?ngs. raU " e ° f " Kind-hearted Blanche,” thought I, “what ) but he refused to enter into any negotiations | Also, two half acre lots, Nos five and six, in square sacrifices you make for ono you love." | unless the baig lin should be settled at Smyrna. 121. of said city. I eutered the carriage first. It was not I Catherine accepted, anti became the possessor I f ” rt y »^ on whlc b L» gallant, but then, she insisted upon it! Then of the diamond Jor letters of nobility, COJ.OOO Also n'juif acro |f )t on bridge street, in square she came in—how I can’t tell, but she did. roubles, and 170,000 paper roubles, making | three, on whion there is a two story dwelling, lately Then Standing up like a llippodroinc girl in together about two and ahalf millions of francs, occupied by George Douglass. Sold as the proper- h„ cMt mJ koUi,,- £ tbc „4,. „ Uhrfr«,,uot bm s «blc.or i ,„m to bi, mm- started oft to attend Madame JRavencourt’s | tr y’ where he would have had to give account | j UU0 24 CHAS. F. CARDEN. Ex’or. grand ball. of two homicides and two fratricides, fixed Administrator's Male. CHAPTER u. himself at Astrachan, where he married a -xtt-ill be sold before the court house door, in It was a full house; how it would have | countrywoman of Ins. and had seven daughters. I \ V Clinton, Jones county, on the fimt Tuesday in | nf HamiitnnA Laid ier'’'lat« 4f «*Til gladdened the heart of a prima donna at a dol-1 ^ nc °‘ bis sons-in-law poisoned him tor the December next,within the legal hoursofsal*, all the ] 0 JLuty. deceased- JOHN laidler, Adm r fi ^ ! ¥• *bare of bis property, C ° Unty bel ° DB,Ug ‘° ^ 1 Chaaitc of Schedule ou tho Soutirvvestcrn Itallroud. OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS HAILS. O N and after Sunday, February 3d, 1850, two dai ly trains between Macmi and” Columbus, and one between Macon and Americas. will be made to the” Ordinary of Jones county-1 7 It? 1 * 2 ?m'L 3 ; arriveat ,.vu !a ...It .11 lit A tifilnrmm. In *1ia Ml.ln I COlUmbllS St l.lo A. *J. tltld 10.30 P. M.J leUVO Co- nimbus at 4,15 A. M. and 1 30 I*. M.; arrive at Macon at 10.54 A. M. and 7.40 P. M.;leavo hlacon at 2 A. M.; — arrive at Americus at 6.40 A. M.Heave Atni rioue 2.90 N OTICK.—Sixty days after date application p M.; arrive at JLicon at 7.40 P.M.; making acom will be made to the Ordinary of Houston conn- pfote conhection between Montgomery, Ala., an Au ty, for leave to sell the laud belonging to John Pool, gust,,, Kingsville, Wilmiugton and Charleston: also, late of said county, deceased. - ••• ’ with Central Railroad trains to Savannah. Milledge- july 29 D. w. TAI LOR, Adm r. | vitle and Eatonton. and with Macon and Western trains^to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knox made to the Ordinary of Jones county, for | villo, Tenn. leave to sell tlie real estate of Elizabeth H. White, I At Colnmbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad to Eufaula, Ala.; connecting daily at Americas with sug 12 ' JOSEPH C. WHITE. Adm’r. | four-horse Post Coaches to Tallahassee, Albany, XT OTICK—Sixty” days aftw date applicafion will ^Tnmnkin v k .! y fo;ie^e^ d .el?*lnh^rLd f ncPr^ r LSp H »^ *” Peny. Haynesville. Hawkfo^Sfe ^ld to the toUto of Nathan Fowler dccea^Nl lateotsai^ Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for Americus nnd points “IVTTl ? l.^!!Tu .t i b e‘«w Fort Valley should take the 12.15 P. M train 2Sw y a'7d h h?ttoriSylfflS5 P nn f froln Savannah and the 5 I*. M. train from Augusta, ceased. ZKPBJUQAH A. FOWLER, ,n ” void detention “ Mar ' ,m! f,,r ” ,,,r r auglS JOUN B. | train fromSavaunah or Augusta. Passyngers leav N OTICK—Sixty days after date appplication will be made to the Ordinary of Jones county for leave to sell all the land belonging to tho estate of Piety Simmons, deceased, ang 5 JOHN W. SIMMONS. Ex’or. ing Americus at 2.20 I*. M. will reach Columbus at XT OTICK—Sixty days after date application will I 10 30 P. M. same night. il be made to the Ordinary of Jones couutv, for | Passengers from Columbus and the West for A- leave to sell alt the real and personal estate of Henry [ inericus. South Western Georgia or Florida, should W. Dorsey, late of said county, deceased. I take the 1.30 P. M. train at Columbus, sleep at Fort mug 12 FRANCIS S. JOHNSON, Adm’r. | Valiev, aud reach Americus at 6.40 A. M. next uor- leave to sell the real estate ot’Tabltha K^rgUL [ and ^ l, ar d aj-s. andforPl.ila- ate of said county, deceased. ** oxi Wednesdays. Passage, in the Cabin, 820 aug 12 JOSEPH C. WHITE, Adm’r. | ^^om Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 •* “ Columbus, “ 10 00 “ Americus, . “ 8 8a GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t Macon, January 30tli, 1856.feb 5 OTICK—Sixty day* after date application will | N OTICK—Sixty days afterdate’applioatiou will be made to the honorable Ordinary of Houston I county, for leavo to sell the land and negroes belong- lar a head. Throngh the crush of human bo- | =ake of possessing bis _ _ iugs 1 swept onward with Blanche; once, on- fhe immense fortune which the murderer bad ly, I thought it was all up with the whale- | acquired (from ten to twelve millions) was bones, but we got through, a little bent, but divided, aud soon all spent, by bis suc- still cltistic. Occasionally a passer by would uessors, and several of tbc grandchildren of Ltp the skirts round till 1 saw those daintily Shafras arc now living at Astri.chan In abject ittussc tiny feet, and her figure looked like a | “ lia ery. (Galingnani’s Messenger, dinner-bell er.t in two; but the wave swept | ” on, and the pyramid was a pyramid. 1,1 t,ie 6 ood old ‘>mes of Kentucky, when “Will you waltz ?” I said to her as the | substantial justice was administered in a log cabin, after a very free and easy manner, a suit was brought to recover certuin moneys jinth 3 WASHINGTON KELLY. Adm’r. N OTICK—Two mouths after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Houston coun- v w." ,u. n I ty, for leave to sell the real estate of George S. liiley. Y virtue of an order from the Honorable the Or- | of „ ;d count y, deceased. sept 2 JNO. M- GILES, Adm’r. 13 dinary of Jones comity, will be sold before the court house door in Clinton, Jones eonnty, on the first Tuesday in .November next, all the real estate belonging to Oliver Morton, late of Jones county, | deceased. JAMES GODDARD, i B „ juuelo OLIVER II MORTON, j*- 10 ”’ N OTICE—All persons indebted to the estate of Henrv W. Dorsey, lato ot said county, deceas- HATCHES, Oiainomls, Pear!, Cameo, Mosaic .Swiss Pniatiug* anil other Kinds of JEWE L Ii r, or Tilt LATEST STYLES iKO BEST QUALITY. - S ILVER and Silver Plated Ware, Oil jg, ] Painting, Fancy Goods for presents and K l many other purposts. Gas Fixtures, Guns HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. Wlay are we .sick I DRIBS. J. IT. cfc w. s. ELTt Keeps constantly on hand, a L'meral'" ~ meat of DRUGS -l XI) l/yn l c CHERRY >h:kkt.-macoy M ERCHANTS, Physicians and pl.V?^’ supplied with fresh and g( nnine art;' tock of Landretli's fresh G?»^ lowest prices, « holetale price?. Also, a '-/ /. v '■ -.t the fob 12 *adr» -lU l L, cure, or AnliH : na ; equally certain as a Prcre ■ - Vo ■—Proofs .'—HaJ It lias been.the lot of the human race to be weigh ed down by disease aud suffering. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS are specisllv adapted to the relief of the the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of ullclimes, aged, Sexes, and const: tutious, Professor Holloway personally superintends the manufacture of his medicines in tlie United States, and offers them to a free mid enlightened people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. 'i’liesc PilEs purify the Blood. These famous Pills are expressly combined to op erate ou the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin and the bowels, correcting any de rangement in their functions, purifying the blood, tho very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all Us forms. Dyspepsia, ami Liver Coaiplaiats Nearly half the human race have taken theso Pills It has been proved in all parts of the world, that no thing has been found equal to them incases of dis orders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach coin plaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, howcverinueh deranged, and when all other means have failed. General Debility, III HealtSi. Many of the most despotic Governments hare opened their Custom Houses to the iutroduction of these Pills, that they may become tlie medicine of tho musses. Learned Colleges admit that this med icine is tho best remedy ever known for persons 'or delicate health, or where the system has been im paired, as its invigorating properties never tail to afford relief. Female Complaints. No Eemale, young or old, should bo without his celebrated medicine. It correct and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to children of nil ages, and for any comnlaiut; consequently no family should be without it- Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following Diseases: Asthma Bowel Complaints Coughs Colds Chest Diseases Costiveness Dyspepsia Diarrhica Dropsy Debility Fever and Ague Female Complaints Headaches Indigestion Influenza Inflammation Inward Weakness Liver Complaints Lowness of Spirits Piles Stoue aud Gravel Secondary Symptoms Venereal” Affections enereal Affections Worms of all kinds Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollo- wav, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, Loudon, and by all respectable Diug-ists and Deal- ersof Medicine throughout the Untied States, and the civilized world, in boxes^pt 25-cents, 62) cents, and 61 each. 13“There is considerable saving by taking the largor sizes. N. B. Directions for tlie guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. oct l GEANGER’S MAGIC CORN, COBB AND MEAL MILL 4* i£ IYV » i lCU YI Ulls And unparalleled success of ]}T;n VElt AND A CUE cure, t Malaria ; cure. for Twelve Years I*ROVIDEUCE, Juntxn Having been informed of the illneu ,; worthy .woman, who has not been iVeeir Ague a month at a time for the last ta-elr “*»! supplied her gratuitously with Rhodes’ p re *'tl Ague Cure. She took in all four bottles JLlJftiu pletely restored her to health and •tren«A C “ < Xj four months has now elapsed, there is U o * tli - doubt the permanency ol the cure. ur *4tti I am also aware of many other eases in has been used aud have never known it C. A. P. -MASON, AoMhi.' , 70 Bottles Perform 70 Ci/r« ^ ConsTaxtile, Mich., Sept s/,x James A. Rhodes, Esq.—Dear Sir:—IjC 1 ® 5 . sent an order to Ames ic Holliday for gross of yonr Fever aud Ague Cure. It li,,4?.‘‘Ul Hot Cakes, and I have only two bottles »”?'(I One reason it has sold is because when 11,,,. , HI of a case of Ague or Chill Fever, I have sent ^1 tie and told them to try it nnd if it did not they were not obliged to pay for it, and t all satisfied. I had one case of Chill Fever»i“'l it run fourdnj'S, but the non enineto seen,.—H»| well satisfied. Trulv yonra Sfh aj V. ■■■§, Valnable Swamp JLand for Sale, music sounded. I cabin, after a very free and easy manner, a I vr^ILL be sold at private sale, 670 acres of choice ’Oh, no! I never waltz now.’’ suit was brought to recover certuin moneys V \ River Lauds, situated about two miles below But we ‘did’ a nuadrille—very easily. On- which it was .alleged plaiutiff had been de- |}>e ri'7 of xiacon—about 200 of whicli are under cul- hui.iu uiu U .juiiuriiiL very canny, uo . . , , , tivatiou. bold under authority of (ho last will and ly two step*, aud the ligurc was complete; an , ‘ au { < ; <1 b .v tut mgcmous operation known as testameut of Job Taylor, deceased. awkward step from the gentleman vis-a-vis, rigging. In the course of the trial, june 24 3m CllAS. F. CARDEN. Ex’or. and rip went the lady’s skirts, hoops, etc. ;| plabitift s counsel who happened to be an‘ex- | IC.iilrottd Stock for Sale, then came apologies, retreat to the dressing- [ P cr ‘>’ undertook to cnliglitcn the Court as to |-y-ixECUTOR’S SALE.—Will bo sold at the court ‘ ° ... . P l«L* * J. * tl..* I J * ^ ing claims against said estate will render them to : Hp” u SfT fc lt - v l!?- r “’A brk Boxes, M riling dnlv niitlii-nTw-nt.-.l. Within tho timo nresrrihod Utsks - G“ Prays,Military Goods, Surveyors Com- rootn—repairs impossible—had to send for the j b c m °dus operandi of the performance. house in th« city of Macon, on tho first Tuesday Administrator’* Male. A G REE ABLY loan order of the Honorable the | tV. Oruinary of Crawford, (July term, 1856,) will be [ sold before the court bouse door at Knoxville, on hand in min a, and poured consolation into her | -I-ben may it please the court, the defend- heart—rode home before 11 o’clock. Oh, hor- ant , P ,a ctng the cups on Ins knee thus, began r0r6 ; shifting them so, offering to bet that my client ctiirTt’R tit could not tell under which cup was the little, . . ... , . t c 1 nil* 1 i t -11 L inker <— thereby mav it nlease the [ 1,1 Oc,ob,:r "“*• * u ,be lBn,, » b,: ’ In a few days Blanche and I will be mar- J** 1 ‘ 1< : an, , q, “rf*®"’ 11 P leas ® “ 1L longing to tho estate of Green L. Mills, deceased, riel. Hoop, liurrah ! The wedding ring—jj Court, this hall with the intention of de- Mate of said county. Sold for the benefit of thu estate, wish it was some other shape, it reminds me fauitling , n y client of ‘lie sum thus waggered. Terms made known on day of sale. . ps—now lies on the table. Anri For lnttmce, when I raise the cup so, your imy to uky an BATEMAN, Adm r. ed, having claims against said me. duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. FRANCIS S. JOHNSON, Adm’r. aug 12 Georgia—Crawford County. W HEREAS, Stephens. Wright, Administrator on tho estate of James BeeUnd, lato of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office within the time pre- i, if any they have, granted. . ,.— „ - _, — - - September Cth, I spectfullv invited to call and look through our stock, RAY, Ord. I even if they do not design purchasing. H iy Wntoh work and Jewelry, promptly attended passes, Laud (fiiains, Mathematical Instruments, Water Colors, Walking Caiies, Cabasassorted, Toys, Games, Dolls, &c„ Ac., all of which y(e Will sell on the best Terms. PIANO FORTES Of Chickering A Sous, Nunns A Clark, and A. 1(. Gale A Co’s Manufacture, ■ _ _ all of which will ' bo sold at Factory E ricoandTully Warranted; Piano Stools, Bay State, uglish, French, nnd India Rubber Covers; Guit ars. Violins, Flutes. Accordeons, Ac., of the finest and best qualities. Our customers and tho public generally, are re- Gi'orgiit-Jont’S County'. ■■■ . . aptly i to and warranted. ■ E. J. JOflNSTON A CO. Mulberry St., 3d doot above Lamer House, Macon, Ga; nov. 6 W HEREAS, John Barfield applies to me for Letters of Administration ou the estate of Horatio May, late of said county, deceased I These are, therefore, to citonnd admonish all pec- smisconcerned or interested to be and appear at tny offiee bn or before the first Monday in October J ever offered fur sale in -Macon, from Hie mXO-FORTES. N OW Receiving some of the moat ■ SPLENDID PIANO FORTESj I next, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. * Given under uiy hand at office, this the 25th of Au- | gust, 1856. CHAS. MACARTIIY, Ord. aug 26 Georgia—Jones County. so much of hoop. , . Ji u that cart load of whalebone I saw going into honor 8U PP°. sl:s ‘ ' at >’ ou sce ‘ he , ball. Atlininislratrii’s Sale. her homo one day last week Suppose I see! tut irrupted the judge, who Ta', ori Ivrqrtne Ordinary of Chatham county, will tier noiiso one uav last wtek ft ... . „ a d 1> be sold before the court house door iu Macon. Blanche,” said I, “ is there an umbrella ®*°* e y J™** tue putoruiance, ana was sure ou f lret Tuesday in October next, the following factory near you ?” reminds me that the bri- ‘‘ ia ‘ be had detected the ball as oncof the cups I negroes, to wit: Clarissa a woman, nnd her three dal dresses are being built. "” a ? accidentally raised, ‘Why any denied [ children Mary, Auu and Irwin; belonging to the cs-1 VttHKREAS, John Barfield applies to me for I Thatiiave a tifo forflmi ^oods Blanche has not been to church for three foo1 «“ s . cc where .t ts, and bet ou it, and he A ' fev IvnbIowN -Vdm’x Utters of Administration de Luis non on the Onhan.l.Prince McKerns', best article of the months—owing to the niirrowne-s of the news sure t0 ,T,n ‘ There ain’t no defraudm thar. | J—i ... BKUWN.Admx, estate of James May, late of said county, deceased: , n!u | u ; Guitars ‘ montus o«tug to me narrowness ot the pews | Honor wou](1 Kk(J t0 g0 a y Administrator’s Sale. «°, <> J t , 0 T d •I« , pnfab all-per. T amb“h.s! on it, insinuated the counsel. [ ”T>Y virtue of an order from the Honorable the | i and a variety orBrass Iu.sirumentrfoiBahds,' kept , Copit of Ordinary of Taylor county, will be | | ourliue. .tfuitar and Violin Strings. Sheet Musi?for celebrated Factories of J. C. Chiokorfug and Nunn A Clark, warranted superior to any othermado in the Upited States. Also, two HARPS from J.-F. Brown A Co’s. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one’s eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any and the width of her hoops CHAPTER IV I sit down in my arm-chair, and wonder if such tilings can be p0"ible, and if what was, was right. Aud I’ve come to the conclusion that everything is that is. My wedding-day! “Now, old boy!" I soliloquised, "you can only go through this operation once in your life—three or four times at tho outside. Just raise the window. ' ' ' "8^^' To Planters and Stockfeeclers. ITrK are now prepared to offer a perfect Mill for V \ grinding corn and cob for stock feed or liomi- :> 1 fi r the table. The superiority of this Mill overall o’.iters, consists in the following facts, viz: The simplicity of its construction, the addition of Friction Roller?, which prevent the cones from coming in contact and wearing each other, thereby securing durability, also that the outer instead of the inner shell revolves, thus requiring half the power of other Mills. No 1 Will grind from J to 5 bushels per hour. Nq. 2 from 5 to 10. No. 3 from 10 to 15. They ary furnished ready for use, guarantied free from defects and to perform as above. For sale by BRAY A CARHART. At tlieir Hardware Store, 3d st., Macon, Ga. apl 22 - - AK'A'II 5JR’S PATENT Air-Tsglir, Mrlf-Mcnling C:tu„ mid JTars. J^*OR SSrescrviug FRUITS,”] V.EGETAHIiES, Ao. FULL directions for Preserving accom pany each eau. For Sale bv the Agent, B. A. WISE, Cherry Street, Macon- June 10,1856. and sec if then; are any unusual operations disappeared ,0* ? ' r 1"»■> "'”1 !.«"’•« I id ESS,’a.'SSTILS £SViK£ I 'ISST^T-"W ! the rhino. It’s under the middle cup. first Tuesday in Octoliernext, lot of land No. 196. in 1 B “ onlanot “« fframed. | c . aw I’ll go a V on that, said the Foreman of the | *h« third district of Taylor, county, as the property- jury. ‘And I, and I, joined in the jurors one of I,,,n * a l5tepheMjato ofsaidcounty. deewised after the other, until each one had iu vested his ^ > ' 1 Adm r. pile. Executor’s Sale. Up ! said his Honor. JY Y virtue of tbc hut Will aud Testament of F. G. Up it was, but the ‘little joker’ had myste > grante Given under my hand at office, this the 25th of Au- | gust, 1856. CHAS. MACARTIIY, Ord. aug 26 "ICE! ICEMlCEJir Colbert, late of Bibb county, deceased, will be j I Wati-bn, Jnrrlrt and Fancy Roods Spieudid Gold and Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen npd Ladies patterns. Gold Cliaips, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold mid Silver Spectneles Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Waft- variety of Fancy at short notice. Give us a cal! at our old stand, Cot ! ton Avenue, Union Building. nov 2 J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. E VER grateful to our friends for past favors, we I again inform them that we are as anxious and I L . rs und 'Caudlo 'Sticks—aud t.i - , . - J sold on the first Tuesday la November next, before I will make as great a sacrifice to serve them, as ever I Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bairs. Pouches Judge_and jury were | the court house door in the city of Macon, within [ We never have been, uor wo never expect to be run j Flasks, Pistols, Ae. ” ' nUtion whereon de-1 off the track. Wo are daily receiving largo quauti- Clocks and Watches repaired, ami warranted, ; counties of Btbb I ties of | at short notice. Give us a calf at f.dacou, situated TpTJ* YVestera Railroad, | -LV^AAi, Nature is uuaiisniciduA. There will be a row ‘ b 's honor adjourned the court, and stood for immediately on tin Road leading from Macou to | and will sell it as low as any House in Georgia, and fin v smiipwlipru IM I drinks all roundt in consideration of bciD£T ‘let | I^omMton; containing, according totbo title deeds, I #J»pjttoany part of the Mate, Our new House at I Iiew ]L>ootS nntl tO-ilHj, somewhere. , ofl 5 - from h.s Z-er b twelve hundred and «£ty seven acres, of which five the Passenger Depot, affords us great facilities Iu A TTHESIGN OFIHF, BIG BOOT, No. 3, -Prophetic words! \\ e were to be married I uu 1101,1 1113 a ° t - r ’ bundn il aro woodland, tho remainder is in a sue- packing^and saves our customers expense of Pray-1 Cotton Avenne, opposite Washington in church, en grand ten ue, at ten o’clock iu TT , I cessful state of cultivation. Tho improvements con-1 "pe- We have a mau present at the arrival of every I Hall, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would _ . the morning. The hour came, carriages, ‘ 11 Hebrews i.n Kussia have had irapor- ?ist of a good dwelUug bouse and all the necessary train, aud all orders will be despatched by return return their thanks for the very liberal nnd long con- v.- r .iln„,r with Ii U’n want t?, ,a ut concessions iiitulc to tliem by the iniperi- outhouses of every description in a finostato of re- tram. Our ^ I tinned natronuge extended to them, nnd would most triena. along Wttli it. WC went up to ^r..L „r _lt.u I prfr. SODA respectfully sofioit a contimtnnee of the same. We very desirable situation for a Fountain is in full blast. Lookout for that cooling, [ have now in store a large assortment of BOOTS Person wishing to examine the sparkling Beverage! All orders will be filled nt short AJv ' D SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to in .l*v of sale, will call upon Mr. m ,ticu as we have boxes mado expressly for shipping I which weekly additions will be made, of all the dif- > found en tho premises purposes. C. A. L'L’LS A sSON. ” MMM rimrsday following, the I iuay eo-5m le sold ou the above men- I perty belonging to | Notice. inena, icc., along witu it. wc went up to TV n ., ir w the A,arch. Wc d,’.seeded, walked up to the “ Jecree of the 5th of June, which provides ‘ ^’ u attogethOT n door—side iloor—\ cry lturrovv—bride couldn’t | . medical men nnd all otheis of tins persu- residence, aud any p gasped itated and vulgar. “ ."ir-r-r!” said Blanche, “ such language at such a time!” Wo re-entered the charringe, ditto the friends their’s returned to the bride’s house and then 1, Arthur O’Bandyleggs, received a formal dismissal. I got the sack. my, and henceforth a Jewish medical student the estate of deceased, consisting of mules, cattle, mO our City Gustomers that want ICE; if they immediately on passing an examination will | bogs, sheep, plantation tools aud various other arti- [ J. want ICE ‘ " * . * ° .... . . . I p1i« f/wt ttolimw (ft mr.idi/in I .st fereat styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe [ store, aud would invite thoso wishing to purchase, to | call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell -i low as any house in tho city or State. MIX A KURTLAND. N M, A .Roriiiug Thought. more, uo more will 1 n-sigti b *o warm and aoft, To trouble trout with hook ami line. That wil im; spring aloft. With lark4 appointments one may fix To greet tin* dawning skies, lint bang tin- getting up at six For fi Ci that will nut i i<c.— llood. The New York Sub-treasort.—The statement of the operations at the New York sob-treasury show the total receipts in August to have beeu cA,075.03d, of which no less than 5,915,773 was from customs duties alone, which is about one million in excess of the duties in August, lf-'>.’). .September opens with a bal ance on band of :«'!»,7»1,573, against .*8,312,- OS’J at the commencement of August. 1 *uij.aDELi’iiia, Sept. 17th.—The Demo cratic part v of this city celebrated to-day, the amiivcisary of the tidojition of the Federal (.’on-diiution. TJic scene was one of uiijmr- ullcled excitement and enthusiasm. The city i- crowded with delegates from a distance receive an appointment. The irksome restric tions imposed upon tho Jews with regard to their residence in St. Petersburg and Moscow have been repealed by the present Emperor; ull Jewish trades—people and merchants vis iting Moscow were compelled to reside in tbc Ghetto, where the accommodation is very in- | cles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. I | Terms of sale on the day. 1 THOS. M. GRIFFIN, A. G. FOSTER, sept 16 , ‘. delivered they can have it done by | hail an’ SON. giving notice, and as cheap, if not cheaper, tlinn nuy *•! Ex’ors. Administrator's Male. T) Y virtue of an order from tho Ordinary of Hous- ^ . . - , _ i JL) ton county, will bo sold before the court house utlieicnt; they arc now to be permitted to I in the town of Perry in said county, on tho first e?ide where the}’ please in the town. On tb# | Tueidiy ln November next, within tho legal hours other hand, the Grand Duke Constantine has lately excluded all Jew.-, from the naval ser vice of the State ; in ltut-?iu strange to say, a large portion of the coasting trade, more par ticularly the conduct of floats of timber from the interior to the cotist, is in the hands of Jews ; so that a very considerable number ol Jews is to be found among the seafaring as well as the agricultural populatiou of ltussia. House in Macon, may SO-Sen Messenger copy five months. WOOD r S BEAUTIFUL A.\D CELEBRATED -AM33 KOTYPES ho is able I if suit the i A RE now-all tiie rnge. Ily a neir pj<> X2L to put them up Colored or Plain,a of sale, three hundred and seventeen (317) acres of taste of the.sitt land, more or leas, couslsting of lot Lot No. seven Also in cases that show both sides at the same | (7) In the N E. comer of lot No. 247, in the lOth | time, giving the advantage of two Pictures at once. 1 district, and fifty-seven and onc-hslf acres in North ity.'kn _ _ to the cetute of Joan Woodward, late of said county I deceased, and to be sold as such for the purpose of | fj 111 distribution. Terms on the day of sale. 1 ,ntse lt< WILLtA.M 8. .MOORE, AMBROTYPF.S Inserted in Lockets, Bresst Pin oct 12 n OOTS.—A fitll assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and wnterproof, ofvarioos kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just receivedand for sale low by jxt 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. TYOOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Hoy* and-Atej JJ Youth’s fiuo calf and kip peg’ll Boots ; «£S pt -o Men's stout kip limiting and mud Boots; (fonts last- ing Gaiters, Monteroy, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, hoys' and youths', patent and enam elled Brogans; M m’s, boys’ nnd youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment. oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. 1 5 UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment XV of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-Ht^SMS dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’: Inserted in Lockets, Bresst Pins, Kings. Ac. This celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by is som. thing that lias been long sought after aud oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND found. In fact Pictures are taken at r .~AN’TatiomItimtzs vc sept 16 Idm'r de bonis non. Adiniuisiralor’s Sale. ScARITV OF FOOD IN Sl’AIN—The f ood \^ILL be-old on Thur.- Uv the 3-tb day of Oc- , - , . .. TT tuber next, at the lato rejuu.nro ol Andrew question is producing much alarm in Spaip.—|j.Orr,inlhe city of Macou. all the H.msohold and 1 lie government has made purchases of corn in France, where prices arc lower. The mu nicipality of Valladolid has presented an ad dress to the Queen in which it is stated that the capital of old Castile, which is the centre of production aud commerce for grain, linds itself entirely destitute. Kitchen Furniture, ona new Piano, one good twi Horse Carriage aud Hamc.-s complete, urn- Two Horse Wagon and Harness, all belonging to tho e- tato of Andrew J. Orr, late of Bibb county, deceased, sept 16 |). \V Oltlt. Adm’r. s in all N/yV* i«oVii to the Art. After [ p^^TtONBROGANS-Xowinstoro establishment it i- unnecessary to say [ best ass^tment of Negro Shoes, we«^^ the bu rntv iml liavo iyCT .°“«-* re « in tius market. Men’s double durability of his Pictures. ' soled pegand[nailed black and russetts; do. heavy All w<>’have to say is oil in want of a Fine Picture rnssertst do. boys and youths call and you sliall be satisfied. Rooms ill Triiingu-^?”*^“ tmt^russens, t.ll 1 ir Block. Instruction.- given in the Art. mins i eight y< lniu-h, as thousands can testify j tine 10 low. oict 13 rhieh we are selling very MIX A’KIRTLAND. C | ALF SKIN AND SOLE LE ATM E R.-Ou haud vory superlor lot of French Gulf Skins, with Li Oak and Hemlock sole Leather Enough Said.”—A gentleman once wrote to a lailv whom he had offended by Ins dila toriness, and who, for a long time, had re- AiiJ vi.-itui’a. Gov; Johnson, of Ga^ address- | fused (o speak to him. His letter was ear ed tho vast multitude for two hours, in which - nest in supplication for forgiveness. It eon- lie gave a history of the Constitution, and vin- eluded with—“Out- word front your lips will dicuted shivery. A procession was formed, und marched to Independence Square, which was hrilliautly illuminated and there was a line display of flre-works. make me happy. When and where will you speak it/” licr answer was—“Next Wednes day, at the altar.” To which he scut the fol lowing reply—will be there!” Administrator's Sale. TY Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of 1/ .In::, - c .iintv. „i!| ],.■ b.-fori tin- r..urt house door ol mia county, on tiio first Tuesday in Jnmuiry next, fifteen n,.gross h,-longing to the estate of Tow),-?, lat.-of -iii. 1 ,-out.ty, d.-rt iscd Sold t--r tli.- lo-iii-lit of the heirs and ereiiitors of said estate Terms ou the day. ; mpt It JOSEPH L HOLLAND, Adm r. Fifty Dollars Reward. ^■^■^■^^Mlbsoriber at Perry. Hims-T7in^rm?^r!ll!!PWWWWWWWHWWB|| , V ^' U °"« 0 . n .] v; s .' !T l“ ,h . d „ a , y < * f J‘ nu * r y 8b?e Thread, will aiood assortmeut of uItTp^ 21 or-2 years | BootTrnea and shoe finishing. Just revived and fm sale by MIX A KIRTLAND. Administrator's Male. 4 GREEABLY loan order of Jones C.mrtofOr- i\_ diniry, will In-sold bi f ire the court house door In Clinton, on the fir.-t Taesilay iu December lo-xt, the real estate of Jame- II. Jackson, lute of said countv, deceased. Terms ou the day sept 16 STEPHENf . ^ACKSON. Adtn'r. 1 age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches big .of a light ginger bread color, and round nyoa, and when frightened shows the whites very much, lie was formerly own- ed by a Mr..Griffin of Columbus, ami It ving ke pt horses for hiinon the St ig* lin-, und has relatives in Macon, also at the plantation ., f Mr. Whittl- i i M-ii roecounty. He is well known about Bartlesville, Oglethorpe nnd Americus. I will pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for bis arrest aud lodgment iu any Jail,go'that I mayget him. JOHN R. COOK. Peiry, Ga., April 22.18.-.6. tf Goshen Biill«‘i\ llackerel and \tnis on KK( '.S and Buckets be-t quality of Butter, —< U lit) Packug - No. 1, Q and 3 Mackerel, -'00 Kegs Nails, for sale bv spl l ASKER AIRES. I oct 12 Mfiliial Life Insnrauce Company O F NEW YORK, F. S. WINSTON. I’r'-ident Isaac Abbott, Secretary. -Applications rei eiv- ed by T. R. BLOOM, .1 sept 13 dETN A goat- \ INSURANCE COY Mueoii Agency. TXrKXDIXG to be nb<» • t tor >• u\-- iim^, Pol'oi I <•! I • ur.u | i-y ii:- ; - ,\ . :. . ,. o;nii to mntUritv before my return, u ':!! . ttended to 1 Mr. C. M. I» lUard, woo ay ill, on receipt of tb j pnir am, furnish CerthiCsitcs of Itt ie- .v. ! ig^icd by me. joly 3 tf JAMES REA, Agent: dr. g. McDonald, DEXTIST, TtTQQLBl agaiu Uiank the ejtizens V V of Maebn and vicinity for their fWSfcviiSEgL kind jiatrouage. v| -UjO^ T f While he keeps fully posted on the reputed im provements of tho day, he cannot recommend or adopt all that is new. As to tho Gutta lY-rcha work which is attracting some attention, he will simply say to those of his patrons who wish to test its mer its for temporary purposes, that they will he accom modated. But for durability auil comfort he would recommend for permanent full sets, in preference to all others, his present stylo of single gum' Teeth, on gold plate with gold linings and rims, so substantial ly put together that ho will warrant them, if requir ed, for twenty five years. Ho has recently adopted a plan (based upon his own experiments) ’of saving Teeth witli, exposed nerves, witliout destroying tlie nurvo, thereby preserving the vitality and color of the tooth, and which has proved astonishingly suc cessful. ■ may 13 sixth day well satisfied. 24 Bottles rerjurm2lcm t m ^ Mouse, Uu. 8ept. 24.H0 Mn. .1 ames A. Rhodes.—Dear Sir:—The 1' “Ague Cure” yon sent ns has all been sold »nd I|! ted a large demand for more; to meet have ordered from your general agent at tv *' J D. Verrington. Its sale will only be vqtuiuff: the number of Fever and Ague cases u”.vj these cases may bo few, yet have a bottle Cure for.overy case. \Ve remain respectfull* „ ™ l AC., RIGHARDSAALLVv-' 1 19 Bottles Perform 19 Cures. Letter from a Postmaster. Maxwell, Delaware Go., Ohio, Aug. u js« Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir—Your medidsTx, met with tho most favorable success in this o^i 1 borhood. I have about five bottles left. 1*: to them at first, • if no cure uo pay,' although I* 1 not authorized by you to do so ; but I took the sponsibility on myself. But not a bottle has ccuu back, and as I am almost out of the article, IS you would forward me one gross of the bottle, a I you see proper to do so, and i will be punctual h I •payment. I inclose fifteen dollars on the raeditfo I I have received, for which please send me arete,,' I Ship tho Cure to me as soon as you can—th«, 1 never has beeu as much Chills and Fever mom; I lived in the State, as at present. Yours, Ac ‘ [ RICHARD MARTIN, p v I 21 Bottles Perform 21 Cures. Pine Run, Michigan, July a:, igj$ I Dr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir—Yonr Cure forth, I Fever and Ague has thus far performed wondm It has not failed in one instance to perform a q^'' and permanent cure. Some who have been truubl«i! with the distressing disease have been enfin), cured by using only one bottle of the Cure. PlaC : send us’iminejiately four dozen, as we have hr- J three bottles remaining. Truly yours, LATHIiOP A MCLEAR | Cure /or Panama Fever. PncvtOERCE, Sept. 2S, 185J. Mr. James A. Rhodes—Having been entitelj j cured by your remedy, I take pleasure iu assutig t you of tlie benefit it has been to mo. I w»* firsti? | tacked by chills and fever on tho Isthmus of Pm-1 mn, several montlis since, and in spite of the dift- I cut remedies aud 'treatment I adopted, my hethh I grew worse until I commenced the me of you I Fever and Ague Cure. Since that time I have ud I had a single chill, anil am non* In the enjoyment if | good health, Wishing your medicine the succto! that it merits, m I remain, truly yours THOMAS G. ANDREWS, j I. O. O. F. In another column of to-days’ paper will be fotuii | i advertisement for “ Rhodes’ Fever and Apa I Cure.” We are not in the habit of puffing nudi-j vines, but desire to say, for the benefit of the afflict-1 cd, that VVm. X. Rowe, -Merchant, Sharpsburg, trU I lias it for sale) informs us that .he has sold seven! I dozen bottles, and in cveiy cnse it has effectedi) cure. This proves tlie medicine to be good, and*, take pleasure iu bringing it before the notice of da public.—Odd FclUnr, Boonsloro, Mi., Sept. 4. CAUTION. Since the announcement of the new principlet» which the composition and singular success of nr “Antidote to Malaria,” is owing, several active aid unprincipled quacks have forthwith made thetine claims iu favor of their poisonous nostrums, tin were before destitute of nuy but the usual whoiessk laudation that accompanies disgusting quackery. i notice one firm who manufactures a pill, have taken one of my general circulars, prefaced it with the cry of “An Antidote to Malaria found at last.'' substituted the name of their nostrum for my Medi cine nnd then, with brazen impudence, end their pamphlet with the exclamation, “ Let the proprietor of any other medicine say as much if he dares!” Against such swindlers it is impossible to do mon than warn the public in general terras; any mm definite notice would only bring them into the noto- riety they aspire to. There is tills consolation, hov- ever, that they can deceive few but the most ignor ant—their only chance for success being to steal the language and belongings of respectability, which, like the lion's skin, always proves to be merely t temporary disguise. Beyond the following statements, therefore, th* I public must protect itself: Premising that I make no claim which I snppoit by my own assertion alone, I am constantly publish- | ing proofs from well-known and dbinterestedpir ties in every part of tho Union. Pirst.—I claim to offer to the public a homua medicine, and its innocence I'establish beyond qat*- tion by the certificate of chemical analvsis givenhy tin- <-:uiin nt L'lii ini.-t, Dr. .I.ino-- R. 4'!ii 11■ n. >' ■ York, a copy of which I attach to eve:y bottle of I the “ Cure and how great a- blessing to’ tha world I such a remedy must be, all the victims to Fever . I Ague medicines that tire yet alive can iippm:-.:.- | better than words can express. j Second.—I claim that, ns an “ Antidote to Mail ria.” it is mot only an absolute Preventive of ail diseases caused by a poisonous and foul atmosj lien. | such as Fever and Ague, or. Chill Fever, Duml 1 Ague, and other Intermittent ami Remittent fevi-rs: Bilious Fevers, accompanied by Typhoid s : : - toms: Typhoid Fever; Y< flow Fever, t-i ip »: ■ Jail F.-ver. Getn-ml !ii’,i:Night Sweats, :u:d li!e forms of diseaso; but that it is the natural, um-rrisg andunlaiiing cure for them. This I iestaUo!i i.-' the unsolicitetl and voluntary testimony, nkiebl frequently publish, both ot individuals who hart used it, aud particularly that of respectable dt tlen who have sold it. The’ letters tlmt 1 ilaily receive and constantly publish, from druggists and merchant* in every part of the United States, stating that they have sold from two dozen, to one or more grots, aud that “every bottle has effected a cure,” thertty creating a demand for more, constitute evident* that cannot honestly be disputed or denied. I neither have or show any hostility to other ague medicines or tlieir proprietors, believing that evert medicine should stand oa Ms own merit. Allthstj protest against is, that unprincipled knaves shorn make use of uiy language, and assume the principles I maintain, in order to luinoso their secret nostril in upon the sick nnd dying, tor the sake of a fcwplecu " GEORGE PAYNE, E. L. STROIIEKER, and J- It. A XV. S. KLUS, Macon: D. N. Austin, Fort Valley. Jas'. A. Rhodes, Providence, R- 1. *<** Proprietor. febl2-ly_ .'-A'.-AT.’-C53 D. Cm HODGK1.YS & SOX, O FFERS tho PubHo ono of the best selected stocks of Goons in their llne’ever brought to this market, consisting of DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, FISHUVO APPARATUS, And tfpsrfitiy Kquipim-nis of every description tooether CVTLCRT. « U.KI V.t GANKH, Ac A few doors beiow the Lanier lie use, Macon, Ga, tyn ppairin^ carefully nttt ndcil to. nov 6 sYAUiis, IBnrrliniiSE null (gmmnissiDB MACON, OA W ILL continue to give prompt attentionTTVYW. rt til. ir S-'ii-e ;» l oot Wiirhon-e. onVaafial the corner of 3d aud Poplar streets, to all bn-®**— sinees committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors; and a renewed pledge of foithfnhr -s to all their friends and custom ers, they hope to receive their full share of public patronage. Liberal advances mado on Cbttou nnd other pro duce when required. £y*PUnter’s Family Store*, also. D igging, Rope, 4c. furnished at tho lowest market rates. O. G.SrARKS. Tuns. IIaude.m in. ug7—tf it !•:: iCK! ICK! r>ER*>OXS wishing ICE loft at their rcsiden A please leave their names at our Store. We will furnish ICE as low as any ho: Con—delivered every morning*. W e beg leave to return our thanks to the citizens of Macou for the amount of patronage be stowed upon u.-, and hope that, by strict attention to the IV ants of our Customers, wo will merit a con- iiitiartce of their favor-. Although there are Strong ff.irt ■ made to run. us off the track, we beg h ave to -- :tr.- nur patrons Hint they can rel v upon us os long ' •» luii hi mir lorkrr or u spoke in our wheel. ^TKDIIEX CLAKIv CO., 2 doors n’n »vc* Strohocker’s Drun Store. ;e will in Mu- e|j KI'C «/U fomily use, ...: C\V Lj';ii" Lillet. prime^ L-ut Lard, neatly put up fo. For sale hy C CAMPBELL A SON. BEAUTY AAD ECONOMY C0MBlF£D fTVHE subscriber respectfully informs the Lailif’ A aud Geutleuien arriving in Macon, that he a** made extensive improvements in DYEING AA D SCOURIA’G, rn keeping pace with the increasing facilities ofth* Business, and would shv to them, that he is prepareil to Reno, ate Clothing of every description in most Beautiful nnd Durahlo Stj’ie; such as Woolfs Cloths nnd other descriptions of t ieutlemen's Weir ing Apparel, Silks, Cottons,Shawls and Mantillas" 1 every class for the Ladies. White Crape Shawlssre Blenched and Dyed to order. Carpels and Kaj 1 idealised in a nmuner nnsaipassable. >i l .fo Due 11 ' 1 ■Satins, Merinos, Alpacu.s Hosiery, Hats, BonijetS Cloaks, Over Coats, etc., I)yed in « style unsuijisss- ed iu any respect by any similar e.-fablishuicutiuta* country" ' . Gentlemen and Ladies sending Goods to ‘bis kj*’ tnblishmept will please havq them labelled, "t 111 their directions accompanying. A good assortment of fine trimmings for coa.-. pr nts nnd vests slwsj* on hand. . House located West of Spalding's New .ojf Branch Store, known bv thu name of tlio “OLD > 1*' GIN1A DYE HOUSE/’ _ , AM Goods must be paid for at the Shop before uo- iivenr. JOHN C. CUKTls- •;•*> Goods sent by Hrritdcu's Express, from parts of the country will meet with prompt dtj® 1 ' nd be forwarded accordingly. apl 29-ty_ Scientific Books. rpo be bad ;ft BOARDMAN'S. J. S.oitt s I’raetical Cotton Spinner and MW®. 11 ® im. r. lii-inga compre!:i'ii.-i\ e -v-t- i.i of c:ih r- 1 . f Mill Machinery; Henck’a Field Boos for Engineers; Kugiaeera Pocket Table Book. 7 rlbner; II.-,.swell's Pocket Table Book; TcmpH’ ton’s Msthanics Pocket Companion: Trautwin* ® Curves and Embankments; Bantei! Catechi.-m ot 1 - Steam Engine; Treatise on ;i Box of Instrotm j-’ l’ainter. Guilder, ami Yamishcrs Companioi; • ’ Dyor and Colour makers Companion; Applet '" - Dictionary of Mechanics; Brands Encyclopedia, o> Sid.-m Lit. t-itiiri- nnd Art; Ew h-iiik- ID mid Mechanics: Phvsjcal Geography of the f’?' Dano’6 Mim-ralogy; Shepard’s MineralpK)'; --J**!. ivil Engineering; Arts of Tanning ami Currymc . Morfit: Overman on Mi-bdlurgyi Overman on j 1 "’.' Overman on Practical MinertuogV Assavingand • Ill-sides many others not usually loimd me iiuarv Book stores, all at reasonable prices, oct l j. M BOAR OMAN•_ Bacou Sides. ioo,aoo^^:^m^w^- ders, now receiving and in store, for sale by ept 2 McCALLIK* JONEN