Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, June 30, 1857, Image 1

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-..^forgiiiiTftfgvnpl) V" p^SBPH O^ISBY. price of this Paper will oer annum, if paid in udranrr, tSrt P0*£*2E£ £.fore the eipiration of tlio .^• n l h ,r lNeft «-> b * ^S!T Agent, T»o Dollar* ami a Half kSSr «? .a in every <••**. without exception, to l^^tdwmmisaions. ■TJiftwtsw . tklxorapb to new subscribers ,ritl1 c<u '*- l** * i,nt.< should be particular to direct in j-frVff'!? I,ill Macon, should so write. *****2* *W letters designed for the ^**lkce*, go directly to their place pf dcs- M i>5 I ? y*VY! Ds n a w-V ,1 b, 'I,. H !! © VOL. XXXI. MACON, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30. 185; NO. 40. [From tho Southern Sun. PETTICOATS. H POETIC PLAGIARY, nr s. se'vtos M«mn.t. ,m the otlier night. 1 ^ /n ‘^iohbair stand stinlght with fright ,jicJ a msvr | l&lfihrpw'upine quflT ^5!t petticoat* had grown v«»t sail monstrous sue, room for them Jb^ fonnsn-benesth the skit*. , . ,-,1 evrre creeping thing Wifi ip., .lowers bloomed no more, VSjln.1 tender herbs of Spring on the desert shore; V**. ' iM-ues of erinuUoe 1W»!?31,vrr nil like a funeral pail; 8t*JTr r0 M and ehnerless scene. Ivlin's warm rays could never fall. . towrioud enrlained peak, C i i«i»» stood with pallid race, .*Uhiz. weary, worn nud wesk— ^rfn« P of a smothering face. poor man! in vain— k ,u Tj t ,,rt sought that hallowed place; H* 1 .uirtV soon Med the plain, fjjUjfcdmound the mounUln’a base. -. vwrerew those spheres of white, •SKf reached the summit high, inward above the wretched wight, ^iTaowy banners In the sky. Lied o'er n precipice, lk"J* tor petticoats!" he cried, down the dark abyss —and died! I’K^v'Vor petticoat*—* &&M»y l»«h;2fgl I J* 1 — - r»ai Bsvsrd Taylor’s Letters from Lapland.] ' 4 Drive with Reindeer. i jfstr.1 mvself, took proper hold of the ' anJ awaited tho signnl to start. My . .. a strong, swift uni.nnl, who hud just ■ yj^irus Ludwig set off first; my deer settling leap, dashed around the cor- r ' •!(,, (muse, aud made down tho hill. I • >tor.tch the breath which had been jerked isc. ami to keep my balance, as the P-. naying front side to side, hounded over I wa« too late; a swift presentiment ,e catastrophe flashed across my mind, but wrkss to avert it. In another sec* Llieuwl myself rolling in tho loose snow, itbrpnl* liii'.tom upward beside me. The . f ko was attached to my arm, was stantl- Ck facing me. with an expression ofstu- iliiimriic (hot no sympathy) on his iaco. I <sp, shook myself, righted the pulk, and • need again. Off we went, like the y^jovn tlie hill, the snow llyiug in my (C j bliudiug me. My pulk made tre- Icaps, hounding from side to side. Jibe whirlwind suddenly anbsiding, .»i Bcdf off the toad, deep over-head ksaow, clioked and blinded, and with Jiaow-driftsin my pockets, sleeves and *. My beard and eyebrows become in- white solid mass, nud my face began p-jic, from its snow bath; but, on looking , I uw as white a heard suddenly emerge i drift, followed by the stout body of ei who was gathering himself up after lr_u shipwreck. . | It took a fresh start, I narrowly missing icroverturn, as we descended the slope •the house, but on reaching the level of i: aio, I found no difficulty in keeping t and began to enjoy tho exercise, fitr struck out, passed the others, and shu alouc on the track. In the gay ritilight, gliding noiselessly and swiftly like snow, with the low huts of Muonion- kialr scon in tho distance before me, I fanfint true experience in Lapland travel- it was delightfully novel and cxhilara- ;1 thought of “At raja,” and the song of _*u, my reindeer,” then IJyrant’s cLover,” and whatever else there is of poetry, and urged my deer with shouts, Paler once looked behind me until I had J the opposite slioro and reached the My companions were then nowhere pets. 1 waited some time before they pad, Braisted’s deer having become frac- aiadrun hack with him to the house. His d lice shone outfrom its white framo of I bir. as he shouted to me, “ There is noth- krpial to this except riding behind a right '.Men he drives to windward, with every itomiaiagthe boat, and the spray flying s par bows.” It six turned northward through the vil- b, thing around many sharp corners, but T> 1 tound comparatively easy work. But <? -ow I had taken in, which now began sklpiton fiucly, in spite of the falling which beat in our faces, .Von Bucb, in I/-XV through Lapland in 1807, speaks y..’-:,'aiska as “a village with an iuu, k-iry have silver spoons." We stopped kv which Mr. Wolley stated was the [JhaHiog, but it proved to be a more rc- lw»«uro on the side of the old inn. The AeJ at us with curiosity on limning* '■'Americans. They knew the name of church service for that occasion. Three maids of honor burnt their collection of novels and plays, and sent to the bookseller’s to buy each of them a Bible and Bishop Taylor’s ‘Holy Living and Dying.’ The run upon the bank was so prodigious that all hands was employ ed from morning to night m discounting notes and handing out specie. On Thursday con siderably more than 7,0fl0 kept mistresses were legally married in the f flC o of several congregations. And to er-wfli the whole fatco Sir Gilbert Heathcotc, head director of tho Bank, issued orders to all the fire officers in London requiring them *to keep n good look out and have a particular eye on the Bank of England.’ IEoxv the price of Bread is illauagcd IN I’AltlS. Every bag of wheat, flour or meal that comes to the city.must be brought to the hale au hie. or the grain hall. This is au immense area, enclos ed with a circular wall, and covered with a huge dome; so that it presents a vast unbroken hall of grand nud beautiful proportions, light ed from the top. Various stall-, with desks for offices of the clerks and employes. Ou Uie floor of this hall arc piled up, cobbouso fash ion, in large piles ten to twenty five feet high, the bags of grain, presenting to the visitor a striking pnuoruma of solid plenty. The city of Baris is surrounded by a wall, not for defence, as it is" comparatively slight, but simply for police, revenue, and other munic ipal purposes, one of which is the regulation of the bread market. Barriers, that is gates, witii police attendants and revenue officers form the ouly entrances to the city, except the river Seine, which also has it guards. Every bushel of wheat or gruin which is brought to the city for sale must be registered and stored at the grain hall, under heavy penalties. This regulation is rigidly cuforced, which is easy to do at the barriers, with so bulky au ar ticle ; especially as the bags must be uniform in size. From this register of the daily support, the government of the city know at at uuy hour just how many pounds or pecks of grain of any kind there are iu Paris. From accurate statis tics required to bo furnished, they know how much bread of all kiuds is consumed.— They arc therefore able to fix the weight and price ot loaves, each size aud shape of which lias its appropriate name, according to the ratio be tween supply and demand, allowing a fair and just profit to producers, traders and bakers, no more, and no less. This price, thus fairly graduated, at short intervals, is fully proclaim ed to the public, the dealers, the bakers, nud the police. The police ore authorized to drop in at- any time into any bakery, or bread shop, wherever bread is exposed for sale, and weigh the loaves. There is also a special inspecting officer ap pointed for the express purpose. 1 lis visits arc not stated, that lie may not have things got ready for exhibition instead of inspection, ac cording to the English and American method of doing such things. If the inspector iiud* the weight deficient, or the price of a particu- ticulnr kind of loaf too high for the grade, all bread in the shop is swept off at once, and dis- t ributed to the hospitals and other cl eemosynary establishments of the city. Thus ore the public protected against private cupidity speculating in the means of existence. Tlie Central America Treaty.—Itu- PORTANT. The London Post, organ of Lord Palmer ston, lias a rather significant article on Central American affairs, in which it doubts “whether the Clay ton-Bui wer convention can be reckon ed among existing things any more than the recently repudiated Dallas-Clarendon treaty.” On more than one occasion the articles in the Post have foreshadowed the policy of the Brit ish government with reference to Central A- merican affairs, and this one, in particular, merits attention. It also states that negotia tions are still in progress, and anticipates that Lord Napier will socceed in setting the ques tion to the satisfaction of both nations. It adds, however: The Queen, ns the sovereign of the mag nificent province of Canada, is the second pow er on the continent of North America, and in that capacity she has nu undoubted right to oppose, not only every possible enforcement of the Monroo doctrine, but that gradual ex tension of the curse of slavery which appears to he the suicidal and insane policy of a consul crable portion of the American people. The loss of the Bulwcr-Clayton convention, of the Honduras Convcutiou, and of tho Clarendon- Dallas treaty, wiil be amply compensated if England should no<% have the happiness to save Central America from the infliction of that domestic institution, equally abhorrent to tlie aws of God and man, which is the plague spot the dathnota hertditat—of the people of the United States. Arrival of t!:c Persia. Xrw York, June 23.—The steamship Persia has arrived, with Liverpool occouiits up to June Kith. The sales of Colton for the week reached 75,000 bales, of which Speculators took K5.000 and exporters 8,000 bales. The uews from the United States, by tho’Asia and the Arsgo caused an advance of id. The sales on Fri day were 7,000 bales. Speculators taking 1,000 and exporters LUOO bales. The Cotton mar ket generally, closed Arm. Breadstuff’s buoyant. Sugars firm, and all qualities had slightly advanced. Money Mar ket.—Consols quoted at Oil i a 03 exclusive of dividend, and the Money market slightly easier. The following are the Cotton quotations brought by the Persia. Fair Orleans 8 id; Middling Orleans 7 15-lOd; Fair Mobile 8 jd; Middling Mobile 7 id; Fair Uplands 8 id; Middling Uplands 7 l.‘ The total stock of Cotton in Liverpool, <>87,000 bales of which 527,000 arc American. Advicmxfiom Manchester are favorable, and all qualities of Manufactured goods bad slight ly advanced. Wheat buoyant, at an advance of 3J to -Id. Corn quiet ns the weuther was fair for crops, ltice heavy. Gi.'.nkiiai. L\ti:i.mgivck.—There has been a large and influential meeting of the business mid commercial men in Liverpool to take into consideration matters connected with the prob able great deficiency in the supply of cotton. In France the election excitcmcuts are increas ing. The Spanish Mexican question is still unsettled. Piirliamcutary matters are unim- portnut. This is a strong Catholic opposition. Tlie Great Eastern. There is now (says the Now York Express) a fair prospect that this steamer will make her first trip across the Atlantic to this port, not by the. way of Snudy Hook, but by l^ing Is land Souml. Well-iuforuied Sound pilots say that there is no risk ill calculating ou 35 feet at high water in the shallowest place. Should the Great Eastern come by this route she could stop at Morris’s wharf, the other side of Ilell Gate, which is now six hundred feet long, and could be easily extended so ns to accommodate her. The Journal of Commerce says: “If it is once admitted that the great ship can be brought into our port aud moored along side one of cur wharves, that would probably settle tho whole controversy. If the object of the visit were simply the carrying of freight aud passeugers, there could nothing be said iu favor .of any other port which would not apply to Now York. But when to this is added the large sum of money which might be realized by exhibiting the vessel as a curiosity in na val architecture, the advantages of this selec tion are incomparably greater than any otlier which could be made. Representations to this effect, and reliable information iu relation to the capacities of the harbor, have already been forwarded to the company owning the Great Eastern, and i»c may soon look for the intel ligence that the prow of this monster of the deep will be turned in this direction upon her first trip across the Atlantic.” JNO. U. ROSS. TO, A. ROSS. J. 13. & AY A. ROSS, mtOLBIUlM A RETAIL DRY GOODS AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, MACON, GA., H AVE on hand, anil ore now receiving, in their large neie Store. On the Corner of Xrcond Sc Chrrrr Streets One of tho most EXTENSIVE STOCKS of new and seasonable goods ever offered in tlie State. Our Stock, besides a large and scurrnt ji«*ort- uirnt of (I U OC fill KS, embraces an extensive variety of SHOES, HATS, HARD ANI) WOODEN WARE, CARPETINGS, and Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Onr extended acquaintance, and long experience in trade, afford us tue most ample facilities for pro curing our goods on tho most reasonable terms, au curing our goods on the most reasonable terms, am agreement so far as it can legally be dona, before adapting our Stock to the wants of tho public, amfl i,| 1H j a y „f 5a j 0> purchasing ns wo do.IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Tho subscriber or tho overseeron tlie nlnre. will and usually for the CASH, we can afford them fo our customers at corresponding LOW PRICES. While we cordially invite the public generally, to avail themselves of our AMPLE STOCK, from which to make thfir purchases for their personal tennis, we would also specially turtle Wholesale Purchasers to inspect our goods, and hear our prices, before purchasing, or sending their orders elsewhere, for we feel confident we can offer as great inducements ns any House in CAROLINA or GEORGIA, and we are determined to do it. Try us and See. apl 7 3m J. B. & W. A. ROSS. Tragic “Doings” of Eovc. \Yc stated the other day that Mr. Ganz, an engraver of Rochester committed suicide last week, by tbroiHng hiinselfjjeforc a locomotive, anil that letters were found on his person stat ing that the act was in consequence of disap pointment in lovo. When the letters were discovered, the lady referred to by them was taken sick, ami continued to fail until yester day, when she died. The Rochester Union says she (Alary Rohr) was about 21 years of age, and of prepossessing appearance. Ganz had fallen violently In love and had been re jected. He was a man of peculiar sensibilities, and was little calculated to meet reverses with fortitude. More than once he plotted self-de struction before he accomplished it. The un fortunate girl appears to be somewhat like him in this particular, although she did not resort to violence. She gave way to regret and self- accusation until she became maniac, and died. • Troy fXew York) Budget. Why is a hungry boy looking at a pudding iu a cook’s window, like a wild horse ? Be cause he would lie all the better for a bit in his mouth. . . but did not seem to know exactly, Increase of Ocean hlcaiacrs. »iug the house, we had to descend the The increase of ocean steamers navigating b*ak of the river. I put out my feet to the Atlantic has recently been so great that it r’tbjpalk, and thereby plowed a cataract is manifest some of the fines arc destined to I 1 *""* into my face, completely blind- lose money. The York Journal of Commerce Hie pulk gave a flying leap from the publishes n list of the steamers now engaged fi”' pitch, flung me out, and tho deer, iu fhc trade between Europe and America, PJ*snke for home, dragged mo by the which embraces some fourteen different lines, T«‘bout twenty yards before I could ar- and which make no less than . r i8i> trips pir Jj” 3- . This w:u the worst upset of all,! annum. The steamer Clyde, running between r^trom pleasant, although the tempera- Quebec and Glasgow, and several other irreg- P*iu>nlv tern. I reached home again ular or transient steamers, are not included PJfwtber mishap, flushed, excited, soak- in this list. The aggregate is quite sufficient r ^ molted show, and confident of my to allow a calculation of upwards of five stcam- drive reindeer with a little more ship departures per week from America to Europe, and an equal number from Europe to j America. Soon, no donbt, we shall have a rufous Effects of the Appear- I J ,ily Jmc frame each side of the Atlantic,— 1 A.\'o: or A COMET IN 1713. the larger portion of which will arrive at and P«ojbcdy i, on the nui rive in regard depart from New York. The German steani- r&weUnd as all tort* of idens are era are commonly doing n good passenger busi- P r »«g»rd to it. we giro tho following new, and a heavy freight is carried by the |>’*«sh gleaned from an old paper; Havre and some of tho Liverpool liners; but it * T«r 1712 Mr.Wbuhm. having cal- >« evident that the'amouiit of business offering return of a cornet which was to is quite inadequate to tho maintenance of so a Pl>e trance on Wednesday, the 14th large and expensive a steam fleet, in addition 7*« five minutes after five in the to the sailing fleet, with which they arc in di- S*ve notice to the public according-1 rcct competition. The Journal of Commerce, Paying ntlditioxs. that a total dis- from which we glean felli ,c fire was to take place i. : , j following. The reputation Mr. ‘‘ n J maintained in England, alu * a philosopher, left little . . wuhtlie populace of the truth of k' iier ous events took place. A tie - Pmons in ami about Loudon seiz- LxTjP* B "d boats they could lay r 'j* la 'I, 10 Thames, very rationally ■ ike" ,,, CI “ *■!*<* eonflagation took ’ aJT “ c t * ,c ,n08 t safety on the Vet n w!*o had neglected fami- ifciUj| l<!r l'‘ an f*vqyears, informed A* Un,i Tf* h* 8 determination to re- j *if. , . Practice the same evening, petoY*. ,1 "S '"gaged a bail at her P* ,i kosbaud to put it off till . i ® omc t appeared or not. Kmdti, 5t ¥ ^.'“mediately fell to five kkC.W's'on i and the captain !'*1 his powder into the ■fcexta-, R might not bp endangered. •ro'rdia “‘"S' however, the comet np- on th» £,.V ho prediction, and be- Men*!!. was universal that the haiuK About this l‘*r» terriHr atld twcuty-tbrec clergy- to Lambetli# it was *‘»4oZ2 a .; hort Prayer might be e “i them being none iu the the above facts, very just ly remarks; “IIow this strife for (lie mastery of the ocean will cventnate, is left for the future to determine."—Baltimore Patriot. IIow land sells In Ireland It is thought by some that good land in the old States sells at enormously high prices when it brings from $50 to §1011 per acre. When compared, however, with tho price paid in the old country—England andlrolai.d f r instance —the scliiug value of our lands would seem to ho moderate enough. The Shenandoah (A a.) Tenth Legion has been furnished with a state ment, by .Mr. Daniel Flaherty, at Powell’s Fort, of several sales, of land, in the county Kerry, in tho South of Ireland, furnished him bv a friend living there. A farin’ containing 40 acres was fold for £850; one ol 80 acres for £6,010; one of 9D acres for £<5,300; one of (50 acres for the sum of £0,200; and anoth er of 40 acres for £2,001) i one of 130 acres for £31,200. An Euglisll pound is about §4 87|.’ Terrific Mail Storm, WvsmvuTON, Juno "22.—A terrific hail storm occurred here yesterday. Many of the stones were n> largo ns hen » .‘ ,rea damage was done to vegetation and vvmdows, and the loss ou the latter will probably amount to lift ecu or twenty thousand dollttrs* Commencement. A S tlie time is approaching {of friends to part, the 1‘npils of tho varinns Colleges nini Seminaries n-ho are inquiring where they can get the best unit cheapest Likenesses to exchange with their friends, are informed that Pugh’s Gallery is THE Place, Tlie large business of this G.dleiv lenders it so that bn can nfford Pictures as cheap 'ns any Gallery in the State. His Photographs ou paper, which ex cel the most accurate engraving, amt which can be bnnnd in book form, he will make fur Schools, that wast A lakok MMii mi, at tlie greatly rediicsd price of only uOcts. each, which is coo pur cent, less than what is charged for a single one. Schools at a distance that want a large number, he will visit or send some one fully competent to do the work -, also, a specimen will be sent to any school that desires it. Persons visiting Macon during com mencement or at Any time are invited to call and ex amine specimens of nil the various styles taken. Rooms corner Triangular Block. jnne 1C Farmers’ & Mech’s’ Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. N. W. Corner ot 2d & Walnut Streets, PUil.ADEIiPIIIA. fpiIE following Statement exhibits the business L and condition ot the Company to November 1st, 1S5C: Premiums received on Marine and In land Risks to Nov. 1st, 18M 8214,084.60 Fire Premiums 170,796.61 Interests on Loans. 8,074.47 Total Receipts 8400,185.68 Paul Marine Losses 864,437.04 Fire Losses ... 39,737,89 Expenses, Salaries and Com missions 45,489.00 Reinsurance, Return Premi ums aud Agency Charges. 97,474.68 8177,198.61 Balance remaining with Company *223,057.07 The assets of tho Company are as follows s 1’liila.eity anil county bonds 4 16,848.10 > Railroad bonds 11,000.00 > Cost Price First Mortgages.real estate 143,500.00 j Stocks, Collaterals, on call. 32,400.00 Girard aud Consolidation Bank Stock 5,925.00 Deposited with Dnncan, Sherman 5c Co., N. Yotk.. 30,000.00 Deferred payments on Stock not yet duo... 97,700.00 Notes for Marine Premiums 108,080.59 Due from Agents, secured by Bonds 35,376.18 Premiums on Policies re cently issued, and debts due the Company 96,470.38 Balance in Banks 16,456.71 — S593.057.07 The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of fifteen per cent., payable on demand, at the office of the Company. Hon. THOS. B. FLORENCE, Pres’t. Enw/nn R. Hemhoi.d, Sec'ry. Risks Liken in this Company bv ROBERT SMITH, Jr., Agent. Next door to Lanier House, Macon, Ga. dec 16 ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! EVERYBODY LIKE!) IT. E VKU gratafnl fo onr numWtnwfricinlS and COS- tomers for their liberal patronage for the last fifteen yusis, we would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. They know that we have always furnished them ; faithful, by night or day, and as low as any other house ever engaged in tb'e business, and we now say that we are Belter prepared than ever, ASU WILL DELIVER ICE IN SAVANNAH. On board of tho cars, packed in Barrel, Hogshead or bulk, directed to any point above or belo w Ma con, or we WILL SELL IN MACON, IN ANY QUANTITY, OR SHIP IT INTO THE COUNTRY. AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN SAVANNAH OR MACON. Please call and see us, next door to Stato Bsnk, or send vour orders for any goods and they will bn faith fully filled. C. A. ELLS A SON. mnr 94—tf Valuable Plantation IN HOUSTON COUNTY, ft® For A —j.- . i»i \ A/"ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Hi VV November next, at the Court House tli.ur in tho town of Perry, Houston county, Ga., under an or der of the Honorably Ordinary of Twiggs county, that Valuable Plantation belonging to the estate of Frederick H- Tarver, deceased, lying on tho Ocinul- geo river iu Honstou county, opposite the Buzzard Roost Ferry, containing about Thirty-six Hundred Acres; hnvabout eleven hundred acres cleared, pro portion of which is fresh and all under a good fence The improvements are good r there are about twen ty negro houses. Overseer’s house, two gin houses and screws, and large burneribs, and other buildings, all nearly new. I consider the plantation and lands to be ono of the best, if not’tba very ( best in the country, all things considered.—The land is rich, well watered, and has a (food outlet for stock. We would prefer, and expect to make a private The subscriber or tho overseeron the place, will with pleasure show the lands to any one wishing to seu tliom, and wo advise all such* as wish to buy a good plantation to look at the premises. Also, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, at the Court House in Twiggs county, un derail order of the same, the plantation belonging to tlie estate of Frederick R. Tarver, deceased, ly ing in Twiggs county,'dppostts the one in Houston CO. above described, and includes tile Buzznrd Roost Ferry, containing about Twelvo Hundred Acres. Times of payment will be given for the sale of tho ro plantations. To be sold for a division. HENRY RUNN, Ex r., jnne 2 6ni of Fred. Tarver, dec’d For Fluiadclpliia, New YorK, Ac, Savannah A- Charleston Steamship Lines. CABIN PASSAGE 820, STEERAGE 88. T HE well-known first class Steamships Keystonk St ate,Captain C P. Marsh man; State of Georgia, Captain J. J. Garvin, will hereafter form a Weekly Line to Philadelphia, sail ing Every Saturday, alternately, from Savannah and Charleston as follows; Soiling tJnjs. Keystone State from Sa- vauuah the following Saturdays: July 4 th & 18th, August 1st, 15th & 29th, September 12th & S6th, October loth & 24th, November 7th & 21st, December 5th St 19th, leaving Philadelphia tlie alternate Saturdays. State o f Georgia from Charleston the following Saturdays : July lltb St 25th, August 8th St 22nd, September 5th St 19th, October 3d. 17th St 31st, November 14th St 2eth, December 12th & 26tli, leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. Iu strength, speed and accommodations, these ships are fully equal to any running on tho coast. Inland navigation, 100 miles on Delaware River and Bay; two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES AND CANADA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE. The lines botii oonueet at Philadelphia with the Great North Western Rail Rond route, througli to Niagara Falls or Buffalo iu 18 hours from Philadel phia. Through tickets, witii the privilege of stop- ling at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for Bale ■y tho Agents in Savannah and Charleston. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 828; to Elmira, 826; to Cauandaigtia, 827. Agent at Philadelphia, A. HERON, Jr. Agent atSavanuab, C- A. GREINER. Agents at Charleston, T. S- Sc T. G. BUDD. june23 NEW RESTAURANT! OYSTER SALOON. rveemy, — Keenan, Jas LOYD, Jas V L>tle, J L> Lowe, Wm II Lane, Chas W Leonard, Jas Lockett, Abner 2 Lovett, Michael Lord, Henry Lamar, mrs Martha Lytle. R Y Lane, H M Lee, Reuben Little St Co, T J Lamar, M B McDonald, m juuc30 •\Vii 1 .ams,'t-»c, Ziafy' Winders, Marshal Wall, C D Williams, J B Whiddeu, T L' Wallace, Wm 2 Winn, miss Maria Williams, J D Wilkinson, Carter Walsh, Philip Williams, Thomas Weakiev, Geo D • Wilkes, Rev J U Wright, inrs Jenuio E YOUNGLLOOD, C H Yorke, Wm 2 E. L. STROHECKEIt. P. M. JAMES 14. FINDLAY, JLAT. FINDLAYS’ STEA3I i-:israi]srE MAWUFAC TO IS Y, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND GENERAL MACHINE SHOP, MACON, GEORGIA. rplIE Proprietors of this Establishtner^ would re £ spectfnlly call the attention of those c-onteni plating the erection of Steam Mills, tor Satcing aud Grinding, or for any oilier purpose w hatever. The superiority of the vVork has been, and will be, a suf ficient guarantee for an exteusive’ and increasing patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Toola, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities for the expedition of work possessed by no other estab lishment in the Stato. Our prices , and terms will compare favorably witii that of any first class North ern Establishment. Tlie following comprise a list of Machinery, <cc ; for any portion of which wo will be leased to receive orders, .viz iteam Engines,' Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Circular Saws, Mill Gearing. Mill Stones, of best quality for Coru and Wheat, Water Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, Public and Private Buildings, &c., of Wrought a.nd Cast Ikon, very superior, embracing strength with beauty • of Design. Sngar Mills and Symp Boilers, all sizes, Columns for Stores, Churches, Ac , Ac., Gold Mining Machine ry, with Double and Single acting Force and Lift Pumps of any required size, Shafting with Turned Puilies, from the smallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws and Bales, England’s Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and other llail Road Castings. Ail work warranted to he equal to the best mndo elsewhere. It'. FINDLAY St SONS. Macon, March 4th, 1837. mar 10 Cojiartncrsiiip Notice. T IIE Subscriber lias this day associated with him in business, bis sons JAMES N. AC. I) FIND LAY. The name and stylo of tho FIRM will here after bolt. FINDLAY"* SONS, and the Business as heretofore that of a First Class Enginceting Es tablishment | ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon March 4th 1857. uiurlO— Dissolution. T HE firm of CARHART Sc BRAY was dissolved ou the 1st January, 1837, by mutual consent. Either of the Partners are authorized to settle up the old business of the concern. AU indebted, will please call and settle at nn early date, as it is desirable to close it up immediately. W. H. BRAY, feb 10 XV. D. CARHART. Notice. ‘ rpHE firm of BllAY A CAItllAUT having been JL dissolved, its business will lie continued by CARHART A CURD, a partnership formed and du- V published under the Act of the Legislature of tlie itate of Georgiit, authorizing the formation of Spe cial Copartnerships. The old friends and customers of Bray A Carhart, together witii all new ones, are solicited to railat the old stand on Third street, where can always bo found a largo and well selected Stock of Hardware and Cutler}-, consisting in part of Blacksmith’s Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Machinist’s Tools, Planter’s Hardware. Builder's Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials, Mill Iron and Saws of every description. Nails and Ilorse Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Ancs, iROi\ AIV15 STEESj. Advertisements at the regular charge will be (me Dollar per square of 10 lines or /[>,, for the first in- •rtiou, and Fifty Cents for each subsequent i.iser- tion. All advertisements imaspecified ns to tune will be published until forbid and charged acenrd- - -iTi-ARY Notice- not exceeding ten lines, wil. be published gratis ; but cash at tlie rate of One Do!- iar for every ten manuscript ines exceeding that number, must accompany all longer notices, or they will be cut short. .r w, B M -'-'l Eh?”TIio Telzgraph goes to press at 3 o’clock, Monday Evenings. Advertise rs will oblige by hand - ingin their favors, ns early as Saturday, if possible PRESS GOODS. LOW PRICES. TN order to close out our stork of Summer Dress s. Goods, embracing every vsri- ry, we propose sel ling them at COST for CASH until 25;h day July next. Persons in search of handsome Dress floods will find the best assortment in tlie City by < ;,liiug on us, aud at Si, icsly New Y os-la Cost. Our object i , to sell entirely out in that line, so ns to be prepared for an ENTIRE NEW SUPPLY, which will bo ready for inspection early in Septem ber. BOSTICK St KEIN. June 23nd, ; 1857. r. .-!g8.-. City papers copy. i?Iew Spring Goods. R OSS, COLEMAN k ROSS have just opened the (second new Stock of SPRING GOODS This season, embracing BEUAGE ROUES from 83 to 825. ORGANDIE ROBES from $6 to 813. MANTILLAS, LACE and GIMPUERE from 83 to 823.' Worth of Embroideries,. in Collars, Sleeves and Cambric Trimmings. On all the above goods we promise you a deduc- tioe ot 2(1 per cent on previous prices as our Stock is large and must be sola. 'Call early. No charge for showing goods. apl 21 PARKER’S USTEW GOODS, FOR Till! S^H.XJJTG- TRADE. W E are uow receiving a splendid assortment of most desirable FRENCH, ENGLISH, GER MAN, SWISS and AMERICAN GOODS, of the very latest Importation. BOBB8, BARERIE ROSE8, UBE.VADIXB ROBES, OISfiAXQV MI/MLIPf SOUKS, JACONET JIUSLIN JtOSSEs», EUGENIE SILK ROBES, .HORNING DRESSES, TOIEE 1)> AS5K StUBBS, IMTOKHLY MEWa A full assortment of HishoiTs best BLACK SILIfS, MANTILLAS. * Chantilly Lace Points and Mantillas. The Ladies will, we think, derive great pleasure from an examination of our entirely NEW STOCK of FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, which is unusually attractive. W e Have a great niauv NOVELTIES, both BRILLIANT and BEAU TIFUL, unnecessary to mention. Call and we will repay yju for tlie time spent, by showing the largest aud mart beautiful ijlock of Staple * Fancy Dry Goods * which we have ever Imd the pleasure of exhibiting to the Ladies of Macon and surrounding country, apl 14 W. W. PARKER A CO. Valuable Plantation for SALE. -O KING desirous of removing a portion of my i)((3lrr 0(er( , 0 „ n „„ 0 i e „, D planting interest VV est. 1 ■•“"“X» of which we are bound to sell at the lowest J *L Te . :?.* ?et prices. CARHART A CUR 3.000 -^.03=5JEI.'S of Flint River Lands for Sale. T HE undersigned being desirous of winding up their business offer for sale oii anything to suit purchasers, a valuable settlement of Ouc Tliousatid Acres of I.and. lying on tlie West side o( Flint River, ten mil's north of Oglethorpe, aud ten miles south of Reynolds. 200 acres of this settlement is number one pine laud, tho balance. 800 Acres, entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be inundated by the River than any lands on said River in Maeon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to *0 bushels of corn ptr acre, and from 1500 to 200Ulbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state at cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in Soutli-western Goorgia. Ap ply to COOK A MONTFORT, juno 23 tf at Oglcthorpo- BOOTS AND SHOES A t the sign oftue big boot, no. 3, i; Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington J ' Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers -AW would return their thauks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of til same. Wehave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles aud patterns usually'Called for in a shoe'store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we ore prepared to s61I as low as any house in tho city or State. . jsi. 6 MIX k KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A foil assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kiuds aud qualities, botii soled aud pegged. Just received and for sale low by ia» 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’; celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by janS MIX k KIRTLAND. COMMISSION AND Auctioaccri»M Busiacss. T HE undersigned has located in this city-for the purpose of carrving on a general Commission aud Auctioneering business. Ho will buy and sell at auction, any kind of goods, or produue, that may bo entrusted to him. Also buy and sell negroes, and will be prepared at all times to make liberal ad vances on the samo. Office in the lower story of the McUaln House. NEWNAN McUAlN. IScfcrcuccs: P LANTATION BKOG ANS.-Now iu store I. tho best assortment of Negro Shoes, wo' liave ever offered in this market Men’s double soled p'g and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are selling very low. jane MIX A KIRTLAND. B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and Youth’s fino calf and kip peg’d Boots i 1 Men’s stout kip huuting and muu Booti; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths' patent snd enam elled Brogans; Men’s, boys' and youths' California kip Brogans, a large assortment. Jan 6 MIX k KIRTLAND T. M. Furlow, J. J. Scarborough. W. A. Hawkins, W. W1 Barlow, IIkkut G. Lamar, Thomas Ross, J. W. Lathrof A Co., Martin J. C’RAwroRu, John A. Tucker, E. 1’oxdkr, • Hon. Lott Wakrkn, Nei.son Tint, Americus, Jan. 27, 1857. Ground Peas. Americus, Macon, Savannah, Columbus, Lumpkin. Thomasville, Albany, -A BUSHELS Ground Peas, for sale by 250 may 26 ASHER AYRERS. Bacon, tRiggm^) Rope, Ac. in - CASKS Bacon. IdsO 2J Brls. Leaf Lard, 50 Bales Gunny Bagging, !00 Cuts Kichsrason Rope, lop. “ Various Brands, 500 lbs. Twine, 75 hbls. Clarififnl Syrup, 20 Ilbds. Brown Sugar, 30 Hkcb. Molasses, 25 ilbls. No. 1 Syrup, 125 Boxes Tobacco, various brands and prices, 59 Bait-- shifting, Sheeting and Osnaburgs, 20 11 Yarns, for sale liv June 23 ASHER, AYERS* A Companion for Dr. Kane’s Arctic EXPLORATIONS. THE N~ORT H PACFIC Surveying and Exploring EXPEDITION; OB My Last Cruise; WTTERF. WE WENT AND WHAT WE SAW, 3jr fjiciil. A IV. Jlnbcrotinni, U. M. Nnry. A Narrative of Personal Adventures of tho Author and his companions, during a late scientific voyage o The United States North Paciib Surveying and Ex PL0RING EXPEDITION To the Malay and Loo-Cboo Islands, the Coasts of China. Formosa, Japan, Knm^clmtki, Siberia and the mouth of the Arnoor River. Splendidly illustrated with numerous wood and stkki. Engravings representing tho Customs of the almost Unknown tribes and Nations visited by THE EXPEDITION. And other events of general interest, which fell un der the observattou of the author. One Volume Octavo. Price $3,50, upon tlie receipt of which the work will be sent by mail, pre paid. J. P. LIPPINCOTT & CO., rurLisiiERs, *20 North fourth street, Philadelphia .may26 6t ^ GREATBARGAIN OL- "i?-JiJXYEia. ■pv ESI RING to remove from tho State I .1 1/ -1 ,-t <-i't.-r:n-, tin- il<*tc! jiTiM in Americas^ called the J* ; lllfl M c B AIN HOUSE, Formerly known as tho HILLS’ HOUSE. Tho establishment has been thoroughly repaired, and is well furnished in every part. Any one wishing to go into tli*. hotel businSM, will find this a first rate op portunity. I will demonstrate to him that it will pay well. Addro.-s the Mibscriber at Americus. may 19 tf N. McBAIN. 10 Citjjpapers copy. lab 24 1IARDEJUX A GRIFFIN, J Hickory laud, situated on tho lino of Macon and f rJUfn •‘ Houston counties, three inilt-s east of Winchester, , . qUi.mKies. * — s—I* 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of our own im portation. Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Iron Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oral and Half Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, fye. ' ' ‘ * * vest mar- CURD, feb 10 WATCHES, Diamonds, Pearl, Cameo,' Mosaic 8iri*» JL’niiiSxsiKM nnd oilier liiutU of JEWELRY, OF THE LATEST STTLES AND BEST qUALITT. S ILVER aud Silver Plated Ware, Oil fl | Painting, Fancy Goods for presents and A many other purposes. Gas Fixtures, Guns Hxc.Ae. and Equipments, Colt’s aud other Pistols, Fine cut lery, Daguerreotype Stock, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Tea Trays, Military Goods, Surveyors Com passes, Land Chains, Mathematical Instruments. Water Colors, Walking Canes, Cabas assorted. Toys, Gaines, Dolls, Ac., Ac., all of which we will sell on the best Terms. PIANO FORTES o Of Cbickering A Sons, Nunns k Clark, and A. II. Gale A Co’s Manufacture, U 3 kl j u all of which will be sold at Factory price and fully Warranted; Piano Stools, Bay Slate, Englt-h, French, and India Rubber Covers; Guit ars. Violins, Flutes Accordeons, Ac., of tho finest ami best qualities. Our customers and the public generally, are re spectfully invited to call and look through our stock, even if tuey do not design purchasing. Watch work and Jewelry, promptly attended to and warranted. E. J. JOHNSTON k CO. Mulberry St., 3d door above Lanier House, Macon, Ga. ' nov. 6 PIANO-FOKTES. N OW Receiving some of the most SPLENDID PIANO FORTES aver offered for tale in Macon, from the _ celebrated Factories of J. C. Cbickering aud Nunn A Clark, warranted superior to any other made in tlie United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown A Co’s. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one’s eyes to look at, aud tho tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for fine goods. Ou hand, Prince Melodians, best article of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tambnrins. Bugles, Clsriouctts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety ofBrnss Instruments for Bands, kept in onrline. Gnitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. Winches, Jewelry nud J-'m»cy Goods. Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; R Gentlemen and Ladies patterns. Gold Chnins, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles,dSissiU Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles Silver Spoons andForks, silver, ivory-and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Wait ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Gnus, ItiUcs, Game Bags, Pouches. Flasks, Pistols, Ac. [y Clocks and Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenue, Union Building, nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. JAS. MASSEY'S PORTABLE & DURABLE Cotton Screxi "]t t"K. JAMES MASSEY having erected ope of his iti Colton Screws at the Ware-Honse of Messrs. Adams A Reynold’s, in city of Macon, and which can be seen at any time by Planters, and having witnessed its operation in packing cotton into S<*UAUE BALES, we cheerfully rftommend to, and call the attention of Planters to this machine. Tho undersigned are of the npininu that it combines, iu its construction and application of principle, advantages that no other Press or Screw posse.-a. The power of tho screw can be increased to any reasonable extent. We saw 527 pounds packed into one bale hy live hands, in qnick time. It is framed of the most one frame and screw will last, and can be kept in good woikingorder a life time. It msv be attached to the Gin House; ten feet sqnnro is ad the space required to place it in. Three Hands can framo, raise and put the whole together in three days, the same hands can take it down, and pat the screw and all fixtures in a wagon in three hours. JAS, W. KNOTT, ADAMS k REYNOLDS, D. 11. ROGERS, XV. G. A JNO. S. UOGE, THOS T. WYO'HE, W.D. RAINEY, T. BAGBY, CALVIN G. WHEELER. Macon, May 21.1857. may 26 6m LARGE SALES AT •ft’IIE NEW YORK STORE. 15 PER CENT SAVED BY BUYING GOODS FOR CASH. N OW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Wo have ono of the largest' and most complete stocks of GOODS in Macon. Consisting in part of ,500 yards of those beautiful Muslins, at 12) cents worth 20 cts. 100 patterns Jaconet, at 20 and 25 cents. Large iot Organdies new selliug very low, 300 yaads more of that Irish Linen at 25 cents, worth 40. —ALSO— Organdie Holies, Kavcs'e ?£ol>cs, SPLENDID SILKS & SILK ROBES, Mantillas, Collars, Sleeves, Embroider ies, Hamlk'is, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Shirtings and Sheetings, Table Linens'^ Towels, Nap kins, Yankee Notions, and in fact every tiling usually kept in a Fancy Dry Goods Store. All of which will be sold very low for CASH. Wo invite tho LADIES porticularly to come and see for themselves. . DENMAN A WATERMAN. Macon, April 7, 1857. NEW SPRING GOODS. T HE subscriber having returned from the North, is now prepared to exhibit to the citizens of Macon, and the surrounding country. The largest, cheapest, and best stock of DRY GOODS, ever offered in this market. Having pur chased a great portion of iny stock at the large auc tion sales iu New Yotk, ana in many instances, less than the Goods cost to import, 1 am confident that 1 can offer inducements to purchasers, heretofore unprecedented. My steel-, in part, consists of the following goods: Organdie, Barago and Tissue Robes, Priuted Organdy Muslin, Printed Jaconets aud Cambries; • Plain Colored Cambrics anti Brillianties, Light colored fancy .Silks of tho very latest importa tions and newest styles. A large lot of French and Swiss EMBROIDE RIES. Fine setts of Collar* and Sleeves, in Thread' aud Valencies, Laces, with a general assortment of other SPRING GOODS, received by latest Steamers. Call and examine my stock at the Triangular Block. Corner Cotton Avenue A 2d Street, march 17 ELIAS EINSTEIN. Miicou CstriTaBC Depository, Kelt io F.nilier House, illncon, Ou. GEORGE and ROBERT SMITH, ANI’FACTUKERS and Deahra in CAUKI- . AGES. Hockaways, Buggies, Jersey Wagons. iIaroes3, Whips, Ladies and Geuts Sole Leather Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags, lint Cases and Bonnet Boxes, Baby Carriages, a very nico article, with two and four wheels. We also receive regular supplies of the genuine Brattleboro’ Buggies, manufactured expressly for ns by Asa Miller. Repairing of every description neatly and prompt- executed. Carriages of any desired pattern built to order on short nntico. Wo respectfully solicit a call fromour fricmls.ani! tlio public generally, as wo are determined to sell low for Cash, and on the most reasonable terms, to responsible parties. Macon Ga., February 10^1857. ly dr. g. McDonald DENTIST. W ITH Dr. Van Geisen, his very competent as sistant, contium-s the practice in all its branrh- 53. His old and very popular form of Tooth Paste n glass boxes witii metalio covers, will lie found for ■lie at his office. (Hi Second Street. May, 1-57. Lillie, CemeuI, Ar. non BBLS. Lime; 75 Uhls. Cement; 73 Ilbls. OGU75 Bbls, Calcined Plaster; 500 Bushels Plas tering Hair, for sale by ASHER AYRES, inur 84 * CROCKERY! CROCKERY!! ry . CRaTEsus idot common A Urauite worth 866 IO 73 “ Granite •860 50 50 “ “ Common 841 50 10 •• •• O O fluted WO Shape,851 00 30 “ “ Granite and common, The above assortment of goods will leave Liver pool in June for Savannah, and to be delivered there in July nr August.—They are well assorted for Merchants. Tho quality is good and pricesns cheap as iu New York. I wish to engage thorn out befor they arrive. 1 now liave a heavy stock of Crockery, C Ii i n a , Stiver Plated WAKE, TA ULE G UTLEll Y and tho best stock of WAITERS I haveeverhad. All oftvhich will bo sold low FOR CASH or 6 months good note. H. 1*. McEVOY. may 26 TTAgTFOHD FIBE INritUKANCK CO., Jti Haktpord, Cu.v.v—Establi-htd iu 1810. Fire risks on Cotton, and Produce ia Store, merchandise store ileuses, dwellings, and furniture, churches, Ac., iu the above old and well established Company, ta kes at the usual rates by E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent j»n 18 forth* city of Macon. Bibb so. WHEAT FANS, GRAIN CRADLES, . REAP HOOKS, SCYTHE BLADES & SHAFTS* THRESHING MACHINES, STRAW CUTTERS, BOLTING CLOTHS, WIRE CLOTHS, For Sale by NATHAN" "WEED. B A WISE. IS NOW RECEIVING BBFKIGliK A T O SC ri ICE PITCHERS, ICE CREAM CHURNS, FEATHERED * PEAFOWL FLY IIRUSHES, Dusters, Brooms & Brushes. SILVER PLATED TEA AND TABLE KNIVES, CASTORS (V WAITERS, FORKS, TEA AND TABLE SPOON8,* Traveling a n <1 Market Baskets, BA TUI AG TUBS AND BATH1XG APPARATUS, COOKING, IRONING STOVES and FURNACES. TINNED, ENAMELED & BRASS PRESERVING kettles.' Cookie-' utensils of every description, PLAIN and JAPAN ED TIN WARE, all of which Will be soldon the most reasonable Terms. m.-.r :il IV A. WISE. SA.LE. A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY! ! ’ fp O persons wishing to jnteriuto a pn asnnt and JL profitable business, the subscriber is prepared to offer extraordinary inducements. Owing to ill- health, and a desire to win J up Us outstanding busi- | ness he offers for sate, at a great sargain, his ri-maiu- I ing stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY' GOODS, which is in tine order, well suttee to this market, and ns desirable as any stock of DRY' GOODS in tho Southern Country. .\ wV- ' Tlie purchaser will have the advantago of a storo room, well adapted !•> tlio Dry Goods business, tho best location in the city, n fine run of trade, both in tho city and country. Tho Store House, of two stories commodious nndsptendidly constructed, will be leas ed or rented at a liberal rate for any length of time from one to live years He will als" sell at a reason able discount, his-notes and open accounts, ami lend his influence and assistance in ; . - • 1<■ "I Gomis and collection of debts. To ti industrious and thorough going person, this is a rate opportunity to rnuke a profitable investment, and such a person u 111 do well to call soon at his store in Triangular Block, Street, generally known as the store of Bostick k Joints. F Macon,M irch If!};. 1857. I D. N. JOHNS. Jour, k Mess, please copy- marl? FOR Y order ofthe City Co. tied of Maeon, ^ the " * r for Committee ou Fire Department A HOOK A LADDER TRUCK, and equipments, and a FIRE ENGINE, all complete and iu good Older. Apply to F. S. BLOOM, may 19 Chairman of the Fire Committee, TWIGGS COUNTY LAND r p I r:: 1 J ' • ' selling liis poa- J. fu sions iu Twiirv^ county, offers lor s iK* his plantHtious conUiaiin^ V-c >;.• !• $ mon* oriels, lyiu£ on rho roH«l lea> ini; In i 31.- rion to Wilburn furry, four miles from M tiiou .1; 1 twenty miles from Ma con, and two miles from thdOontemplaied route of tlm Muconnnd Brunswick railroad, ubt at goo acr* > clear* cd and int?ood ropair. Un-mis ou tho premises a "uod dwelling house, a new :'•Mine jiu louse nud screw mid a:', li c< -nrv < at li i^s, also two £o»*d wells r, one for stock mid the other for family use. Anv one ni>iiin^- .1 pi •-•uit Jo.- ition will do well to C.'ill mol oxmuiiD' the place. Terms six dollars per acre in payments. S. N. BECKOXk Journal *.v Messenger copy till forbid. June 23 tf