Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 12, 1858, Image 4

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■*“ 8 idled Mates Marshal Sale. ■\‘T TILL be sold before the Court House, luthe VV city of Macon, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, the fol *°T*ro fiui/ilrtiT’seres of land, more or less, number not known, well improved in the 8th district of Mua- rojteo county, attioining lands to Mr. West, Sr., James Johnsou and James Kamsey, it being the place whereon John W. Tlirelkeld now lives; levied bn as tlio property of John W. Threlkeid, to satisfy two fi fas from the sixth circuit court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, one in favor of Ely, Bowen and McCardell _vs. John W. Threlkeid, ana the other in favor of Griffin and Acken vs. John W. Threlkeid. Property pointed oat by Plaintiff’s Attorneys. DANIEL H. STEWART, dee 29 U. S, Marshal. Jones Postponed ShcriJrSalc. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in Clinton, Jones county, on the firs* Tuesday in February next, a negro Woman named Milly, about * • - - - —per color; Levied sued from Bibb Superior ■■■■■■ and Whittle nso of Lewis N. Whittle, vs. Eachacl Broach, Executrix of George Broach, Ac. dec 15 JAS. T. RENFROE, Sheriff.. ’ Administrator’s sale. B Y virtue of au order from tho Ordinary of Jones county, will bo sold onthe first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the Court House door in Clinton within the legal hours of sale, all the real estate of Edmond DuqcaDi doc. Term* on the day of sale. BRYANT DUNCAN. dec 15 Administratorwith tho will annexed. Exec a tor’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jones County, will be sold oa the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the Cour". House doar, in Clinton, the residua of the Laud and Negroes not already ad ministered upon, belonging to the estate of Reuben Roberts, Jr., deceased. Sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms on the day. LUKE ROBERTS, Surviving Exec'r of Reuben Roberts, deceased. deo 15 Georgia—Jon<-“ County. Monday, Oct. E, 1857. rn UE Court of Ordinary of said county met this 1 day agreeably to law. Present—Charles Ma cartbt, Ordinaiy. „ _ To the Honorable the Ordinary of smd County:—. The petition of Sarah Daniel. Administratrix on the estate of John Daniel, lateof Jones county, deceased respectfully showeth to the Court, that she has fully discharged tho duty assigned her ns such Admin istratrix, and therefore, petitions to the .court for discharge from her Administratrixship.. Sarah Daniil, Petitioner. On heariiig the above petition, It is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all persons concerned, be and they are hereby required, to show cause, if anX they have, on or boforo the first Monday in April next, why said Sarah Daniel should not be discharg- ed from said Administratrixship, and why letters dis missory should not be granted to her. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in one or more public gazettes of stud state, for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, 1 this 5th October, 1857. ■ oct 13 CHAS- MACARTHY, Ord. Gcorgia- T HE Court of Ordinary of day agreeably to law. I cartht, Ordinary. Jones Comity. Monday, August 3, 1857. f said county met this Present—Charles Ma- Admiuistrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the ordinary of Jones county, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the Court House door, in Hawk insville, one lot of Land containing two hundred two and a half acres. No. 25 In the 11th District, original ly Wilkinson, now Pulaski county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of William Har kins. late of said county of Jones deceased. Terms on tho day. ROB’T P. HARKINS, nov 10 Qualified Adm’r. rdinarv. To the Honorable the Ordinary of said county:— The petition of John Barfield, Administrator de bon is non, on the estate of James May, deceased, res pectfully showeth to the Court that he has fully dis charged the doty assigned him as such Administrator, and therefore petitions the Court fora discharge from his Administratorship. John Barfield, Adm’r. and Petitioner. On hearing the above petition, it is ordered that citation be issued, and that all persons concerned be and they are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in February next, why the said John Barfield should not be dis charged from said Administratorship, and why Let ters Dismissory should not be granted to him; and it is further ordered that this citation be published in some public Gazette of said State for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, this the 3d of August, 1857. aug 11 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord. Administrator’3 Sale ol Ncgroes. A GREEABLE to an Order of the Court of Ordina ry of Macon County, Ga., will bo sold t-o the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in February next, nt the Court House door, in the town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, Ga., between tbe usual hours of sale, all the ne-grocs belonging to the estate of Anderson J. Hollinshead, dec., consisting of Men, Women and Children—all likely and valuable. Sold for the pur pose of a division among the heirs of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale deo 15 ROBERT H. WRIGHT, Adm’r. de bonis non. Administrator's sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold before the Court House door, in Macon, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary, 1858, within the legal hours of sale, all that lot of land known as No. 81 in the -ith district, original-, ly Houston, now Bibb, except a reserve of two acres joining A. Chapman, Bngby and others. Also tlio north half of lot No. 41 in same district, joining Hughes, McManus and others, now occupied by Robert R. Gilbert. Also sixty acres, being part of lot No. 08, situated on the Federal road about two milts from Macon, known ns tic; residence of F. B. Brown and joining Woolfelk, Holt and others. Also one hundred and fitly acres, part of lot No. 109 in tho 3d districtof originally Houston, nowBibb, adjoining Mosely, Hall and others. Also nine acres, being part of fraction No. 7 in the Macon reserve joining Bowman, Jno.L. Jones and others—a good wood lot. Ail sold as part of the real estate of Randolph M. Gilbert, late of said county, dec., and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN L. GILBERT, ROB’T. R. GILBERT, dec 38 Adin'rs. of R. M. Gilbert. Geoi'gia—Jones county. Monday, August 3. 1857. T HE Court of Ordinary of said county met this day, agreeably to law. Present, Charles Ma- carthy, Ordinary. To the Honorable the Ordinary of raid county.— The petition of John Barfield, Administrator on the estate of Horatio May, deceased, respectfully show eth to the Court, that he has fully discharged the duty assigned him as such Administrator, and therefore petitions to the court for a discharge from his Ad ministratership. John Barfield, Petitioner. On hearing the above petition, It .is, ordered, that citation beissued, and that all persons.concerned •*» and they are hereby required, to show-cause, if they have, on or beforethe first Monday in Ft bruary next, why the said John Barfield should not be dis charged from said Administratorship, and why let ters dismissory should uot be granted to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in one or more public gazettes of said state, for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 3d August, 1857, aug 11 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordiuary of Twigga county, will be sold in the town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, on tho first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hours of sole, two lots of land, containing (202j) two hundred two and a hnlf acres, more or less, each.—Nos. forty-two and forty-throe iu the (2) second district originally Mus cogee now Macon Ccunty. Also at tlio same time, will bo sold in tho town of Americas, Sumter county, two lots of land, contain- and (16) district, and No. (377) dred and seventy-seven in the twenty-eighth (38) dis trict ot originally Lee, now Sumter county. Also at the same time, in the town of Perry, Hous ton county, three fractions near Durham's bluff, con ttuning in all four and three quarter acres, more less. Nos. 270, 280 aud 281 iu tlio fifth (5) district of Houston county. AH the above land sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of tho estate of Benjamin B. Smith, iate of Twiggs county, dereased.^^H deo 22 ROBERT K. PARKER. Ad’mr. Georgia, Jones County. Monday, Dec. 7,1857. T HE court of Ordiuary of said county met this day, agreeably to law. Present, Charles Ma- carthy. Ordinary. To the Honorable the Ordinary of Jones County.— The petition of William T. Woodall, one of tbe Ex ecutors of John Woodall, dec., showeth tin t he is desirous to be dismissed from his Executorship, and therefore petitions tho Court for a discharge from the same. WILLIAM T. WOODALL, Executor and Petitioner. On hearing the above petition, It is ordered, that citation bo issued, and that all persons concerned be and they are hereby required, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the 1st Monday in June next, why the said William T. Woodall as one of tho Executors of John Woodall, deo., should not be discharged, and why letters dismissory should not be granted to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in one or more public gazettes of said state, for the space of six months. A true extract from the minute’s of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of December, 1857, CHAS. MACARTHY. dec 15 Ordinary. Administratrix Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Jones County, will be sold on the first Tuesday iu February next, beforo the Court House door in Ce dnr Town, Polk County, lot No. 295 in the second district, -ith section, containing 40 acres. Sold os part of the real estate of William J.Cnrd, late of Jones county, deceased. Terms on the day. dec 22 ELIZABETH CAjjD, Ad’mx. Executor’s Sale. W ILL be sold on thofirst Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door in tbe Town ol Hawkjnsville, between tbe legal hours of sale, the following lots of land lying ia Pulaski county, to wit: Lots Nos. 78 A 148, in tho fifth district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county. SoM by the virtue of the Will of Henry Glover, Into of Houston county, de ceased, for the benefit of his heirs. Terms on a credit until the first of December nex}, with approved security. F. A. HILL. ) T. P. GLOVER, £ Ex’rs. P. 5 deo 32 60d JOSEPH KEMP. Executor’s Sale of Sixteen Negroes. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court Houso door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, between the usual hours of sale, sixteen ne, ’fi Uf i Hfr men, Girls, Boys and c tate of Louis Pollock, deceased, sold lor the pur pose of division among the heirs and legatees of said deceased. Terms mado known on the day of sale. JAMES G. POLLOCK, > , dec 22* ISAAC WOODARD. Jr. \ Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door in tbe townofCalboun, Gordon County, on the first Tuesday iu February next, by virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Crawford county, Lot of Land No. 53 in tho 25th district, 2d section of originally Cherokee now Gordon county. Terms on the day of this State, so that he cannot be served personally sale. Ordered, therelore, upon motion of Thomas H. Daw- JOHN D. McCOWEX, ) , ,, son, complainant’s Solicitor, that said Zachariah S. deo 22 O. T. MYRICK j A “ mrs ’ Sberrard be served by publication, at least, four months before the next term of this court, in the Georgia Telegraph, one of the public Gazettes in this State. A true extract from tho m'mutes of said Court, oct 27 ROBT. B. DAVIS. Clerk. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from tbe Ordinary of Put nam county, will be sold before the Court Uouse door, ia Marion, Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of aale, Lot of Land, No. 149 in tbe 7th district of Twiggs county.—Sold as the property of Wiley Abercrom bie, late of Putnam county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. O. F. ADAMS, Ad’mr. • jan 5 de bonis non. J^OTICB.—Sixty days after date, application ^ _ s, appl will be made to the Ordinary of Crawford Co, for leave to sell tlm land and negroes belonging to tho estate of W. W. Hammack, deo. deo 29 RAYMOND It. PARHAM, Admr. Georgia—Crawford County. W HEREAS, Benjamin Barnes, Administrator upon the estate of Littleton Barnes,deceased, applies tome for Letters of dismission from his said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to abew cause, if auy they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th day of December, 1857. JAS. J. RAY, Ord. dac 16 Georgia—Crawford county. W HEREAS, Samuel Bentley applies to me for letters of Guardianship, of the persons and property of John, Amanda ana Daniel W. Bentley, minor and oiphan children of Daniel W. Bent ley, lato of saidcounty, deceased These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office within tbe lime prescrib ed by law, to show causo, if any they bavo, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 7th De cember, 1857. JAMES J. RAY, deo 15 Ordinary. Georgia—Houston County. B EFORE me, Hamilton Harvey, one of tbe Jnsti- cesof tho Peace, in and for said county, William West, who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he has lost, in his pocket book, at the Macon Depot twelve or thirteen dollars in money. Geo. Plant's note for fifty dollars and his land warrant that w.-.s granted to him through the agency of Alexander Siappy.Xo. not recollected, Deponent says that he was entitled to said warrant for serving as a soldier under Capt, Edmond Hopson of Washington county iu the year 1814. Deponent forewarns all persons from trading for said land warrant, that ho never sold, assigned or voluntarily parted with his right to the warrant in question. his WILLIAM X WEST, mark. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2d Janu ary, 1858, HAMILTON HARVEY J. P. (L. S) T Aft OVERCuATSof every sty. and variety, *■ UUfor aala cheap by Eo WINSHIP. Georgia—Jones Count}’. Monday, Dee. 7, 1857.y T HE Court of Ordinary of said county met this da- ngreeably to law. Present—Charles Macar thy, Ordinary. To the Honorable the Ordinary of said county:— The petition of Alexander Martin, Administrator on the estate of Tilman D. Oxford, dee., respectfully showeth to the Court that he has fully discharged the duty assigned him as such administrator, and therefore petitions the Court for a dischago from his administratorship. ALEXANDER MARTIN, Administrator and Petitioner. On hearing tho above petition, it is ordered that citation be issued, aud that all persons concerned be and they are hcrebyrequiredtoshow cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in June next, why tho said Alexander Martin should not be discharged from said Administratorship, and why Letters Dismissory should not be granted to him; and it is farther ordered that this citation bo published in some public Gazette of said State for the space of six months. A true extract from tho minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of Dec., 1857. deo 15 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord. WATCHES, JEW *1IRV, Ac. 1857. F.ULS WIXTFh TRADE,1857, A NEW, LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK, K MBRACINO almost every article that CL can be called for in a first class Jew- jptjj dry establishment, just opened and for sale aUmJt on the most liberal Terms, by oct 27 E. S. JOHNSTON & Co. Repairing and engraving neatly and well done at short notice. Mulberry St, 3d doorabovo Lanier House, Macon, Ga. _ PIANO FOBTJBN Of the celebeated make of Chicker- Pll ing & Sons, and Nunns A Clark, at II < 9 R II Factory prices. Violins, Flutes, Guit ars, Accordeons, Flutenas, Hannonicaus, Ac. For sale on the best terms by oct 27 E.J. JOHNSTON A Co. CRUMMEY HOUSE, ALBANY, GA. T HE above Hotel in Albany, the present terminus of the Georgia and Florida Kail Hoad, is now open for the recei tion of THE TRAVELING PUBLIC, The bouse and furniture is entirely new, and can not be excelled by any Hotel in the State. The Proprietor is determined to make it The Best Hotel in South-western Georgia, and by strict attention to his Guests, intends merriting the public patronage. G. W. L’ltUIMKV, Albany, Nov 19, 1857. nov 24 3m Proprietor. Fancy and Staple Articles O F Gold, Silver, China, Glass, etc., carefully se lected for Bridal and other Presentations. Tho largest and neatest variety ever offered in this mar ket at [oct 27] E. J. JOHNSTON A Co. Ladies Work Boxes, W RITING DESKS, Cabas, Card Cases, Ganntlets, Riding AVhips, Satchels, Reticules, Baskets, Ac. A fine assortment on the best terms. OCt 27 E. J. JOHNSTON A Co. Pocket Cutlery, T) AZOKS nml STROPS, Pocket Books, Pur- JL\ ees, Canes, Playing cards Ac. at oct 27 E.J. JOHNSTON A Co. Double and Single Guns, P ISTOLS and Equipments, for sale at very low prices by E. J. JOHNSTON A Co. S USPENDED CURRENCY in goodstand ing taken at par by E. J. JOHNSTON A Co. Toy Tea Setts, D OLLS, Graces, Battledoors, Jumping Ropes, Tool Boxes, Building Blocks, ;New Games, Alphabets, Bows and Arrows, Ac., Ac. for sale by oct 27 E. J. JOHNSTON A Co. LOUIS MENARD, 1 F. H. BURGHARD, Late with M. D. B arnc-s./La te with Day A Maussenet. idENARD & BURGHARD, Watchmakers & Jewellers, TT7-ILL open at their new store, Ralston’s fiL VV Range, corner of Cotton Avenuo and pChS Cherry street, about tho 1st of October, a^^gt- beautiful and well selected assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, Musical Instrumemts, Fancy Goods, &c., &c, An examination of which, they would most respect fully solicit, feeling confident that they will be able L. HARRIS to offer everything in their line calculated to please 1 - the taste of even the most fastidious. Repairing, of every description, executed in a manner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best workmer in the Sonth. They hope, by offering choice and elegant Goods and by strict attention to business, to merit a liber al share of public patronage.sep 29 Win. K. cleGrafl'em-icd, Attorney at Law, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s oct 27 L. M. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. jan 6 ALEX. HI. SPEER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE on the Avenue, over the Store of Cater A Bowdre. july 23 lawcabd. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, P. Tracy. Stubbs, Hill & Tracy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Macon, Ga. march 11 E. WILSON BLOOM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 229 BROADWAY CORNER BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. References, in Macon: Messrs. E. A. A J. A. Nis- bet, Attorneys at Law; Dr. Robert Collins. sept 30-ly TU G. HOLT, Jr., .A.-i’fcoanaL©;^ £ffc Law, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall, aug 4 ISAAC HARDEMAN, set XuS/xtcr„ CLINT O N, G E OR G IA july 7 ly Law Copartnership. iRRIS, CHAS. J. HARRIS, Milledgeville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. sep 15 PATTEN, IIUTTON & CO., 2n Savannah, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., In Macon. R ENEW the tender of tlieir services to their Cor respondents and the Planters generally of Geor gia and Alabama, as Factors nml Commission fflorchltnU, and pledge their undivided personal attention to the business entrusted to them. Bagging, Rope and other Planters Supplies will be carefully purchased and forwarded, and liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, J. COLLINS, angll J. S. HUTTON. Paints, Oils, &c. Ac. The National White Lead and Zinc Company of New York, A RE prepared to offer a full and complete assort ment of White Lead, Zinc, Oils, Window Glass NEW BRIO STOKE. ALEX. A. MENARD, | RALSTON'S BUILDING, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA n AS fust received and is now opening a fresh stock of Drug", .UciUciiic Chemical,. tnMramenli, Painlx, Oils, VgST Dyr-htuff,, Perfumery, / 'A Patent ;?lc-«li- cinca, Pharmaceutical Preparations, ftc. My Drugs have been selected with strict refer ence to their purity and quality; they are fresh and may be fully relied on. [3F - Orders Faithfully Executed. .£3 |y Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Medi cines put up with neatness and accuracy, it all hours of the dr.y or night. A large lot of Artificial Teeth received feb 24-tf reputation . . ular attention given to quality of articles manufac tured, with desire to fill all orders on most favorable tenn3 to customers, presents inducements to pur chasers not generally offered elsewhere. Orders addressed to tho undersigned will have prompt attention and meet imediate dispatch. r CHRISTAL A DONOHUE, aug 4 6m 226 Pearl Street New York. ii^o m=:2 P ^ i— 2 tr- 3 g . e S*© : Qo P © vt _ “ ed “ h s,Oo eSfsoCS ^iitl\> fsi^g zS -1S^ “ r— g§£fs KrsrSg, |2psO - l&Sgi ^ 9 § a =>s < 9‘S.oP— Houston Carriage Manufactory, JOSEPH TOOIiE, SON & CO., Having formed a co-partnership with MR. ISAAC WINTER, Who has been a practical coach maker for 19 years, in the Manufac turing cf all kinds of CARRIAGES, SUPERIOR COACHES, CHARR0TEE3, ROCKA WAYS, BUGGIES. 4-C. Having employed skillful and reliable workmen, all work put up under Mr. Winter’s personal atten tion. It is our intention to build work in Style, Neatness and Durability, And fully guarantee to give satisfaction; all we ask is a call and examination of our work, which we will sell low on Reasonable Terms. Also made to order, two, four and six hoise Iron or Wood. Axlcil Wagons, &c REPAIRING In the best and thorough style. JOSEPH TOOKE, WM. TOOKE, ISAAC WINTER. N. B. Carriage Shop Four and a half miles from Perry, direct road to Macon, twenty-five miles work shipped to any part of the United States. Agents for Sale of Work—Perry, J. Cook— Hawkinsville. S. M. Manning—also, they have a De pository in Columbns.may 12 LIYERY STABLE BUSINESS. GRIER MASTERSON. HAVING purchased the Extensive and Central L!T£RY 8XABI.ES, J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , BRUNSWICK, GA." ■Y^ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT Ware, Charlton SEWARD A. IIAIVSELL. J. L. SEIVAKD. A. H. HANSKLL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in tho counties ot MRS. HOWLAND I S now opening FALL and WINTER eg) nnuHBBY. J& Consisting of all the Fashionable Styles* of Long occupied by MASON Sc DIBBLE, Corner of Mulberry aud Third sts. Macon, with all the stock and equipments of the concern, are now prepared to accommodate tho public in the various branches ot | their business, on the most reasonable terms, For Casb only. 13 s * Carriages and other Vehicles always onhand for hire, with good horses and careful drivers. Also die Horses, for the useof Laaiesand Gentlemen. seotl6 Savannah and Charleston STEAMPACKETLINE T HE splendid Steamer GOIt. DON, F. Darden, Commander, leaves Savannah for Charleston eve ry Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 4 o’clock: returning, hmves Charleston ^ aftent ion. We shall practice in tho countiesot every Monday, Wednesday and Friday aftenioons at I qq, oma8 Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, ffieNorthEas°teraR ,n Koad aCh ** U f * Clinch - Ware. Decatur and Worth. Fare from Savannah to Wilmington, N. C. $11.00. No charge for meals or berths on board the Steamer. Through passengers and baggage transferred from the Steamer to the Depot in Charleston free of charge. Freights between Charleston aud Macon and all Stations on the Central Rail Road, and Stations on all roads connecting with that road, forwarded free of charge at Savannah. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE & CO., oct 20 CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c. The Subscriber is vow Receiving at his Clinch, Ware,'Decatur and Worth. SEWARD Sc HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 , Ag’ts, Charleston. Southwestern Railroad. H unter a ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, Macon, Ga., will practice in the coun ties of Bibb, Monroe. Crawford, Houston, Twiggs, Macon, Dooly and Worth. Office on Cherry Street in the new building of Freeman Sc Roberts. Macon, January 16, 1855—ly Will. J. Brown, Attorney at Law, Vienna, Dooly County, Ga. XTylLL practice in the counties of Houston, Dooly VV and Worth. All bnsiness entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. feb 19 MEDICAL CARD. DR. JAMES A. D A M O U R "HAS resumed the practice of his profession, and permanently located in this city, lie can be found at his office three doors below the Lauier House at All Hours, unless professionally en gaged. Macon, June, 9 1856. Georgia—Jones County. Monday, Dec, 7, 1857. T HE Court of Ordinary of said comity met this day, agreeably to law. Present, Charles Ma carths. Ordinary. To the Honorable, the Ordinary of said county.— Tho petition of James Godard, Executor and Admin istrator, caeterorum, of Simon Godard deceased, respectfully showeth to the Court, that ho has fully discharged the duty assigned him as such Executor and Administrator, and therefore petitions the Court for a discharge from the same. JAMES GODARD, Executor and Ad’mr. caeternrum and Petitionor. On hearing the above petition, it is ordered that citation be issued, and that all persons concerned, be' and they are hereby required, so show cause, if any Ibeyhave, onorbetoretbe 1st Monday in June next, why the said James Godard should not be dia- chargeil'from the same, and why letters Dismissory should not be granted to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in one or more public gazettes of said State for the space of six months. A true extract from the m'mutes of Jones Coart of Ordiuary, this Dec. 7th. 1857. dee 15 CHAS. MACARTHY. Ordinary, SCHEDULE E0R PASSENGER TRAINS. L EAVE Macon at 1 30, ajil and 11 30 a.m. Arrive in Columbus 8 52, a. m. and 6 33 p. in., Leave Macon for Albany 1 30, a. m., Arrive in Albany 8 58, m. Leave Albany 3 40, p. m., Arrive in Macon 10 28, m. Accommodation Train leave Macon 7, a. in., (Tri weekly.) Arrive in Albany 4 55, p. m. Leave Albany 5, a. m., (Tri-weekly,) Arrive in j Macon, 1 40, p. m. J&USS&&JZS2 3BS3&35S51 A* “■? -■*»«* —s*. !*•«•». Albany. Passengers from Columbns and tbe West, for DR. H. A. MATTAUER, TTAVING spent a portion of three successive years 1 10 Q°3er\ e me Kina I! in this city, during which time he has limited and view her goods. spectfuUy offers his services tothe citizens of Macon | Fall and Winter Millinery. SILK EVENING DRESSES, CRINOLINES, WIRE BRAIDS, STELLA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash. Country Milliners supplied with bonnets by the Case or Dozen. All orders promptly attended to in Millinery ■ Dress Making. • oct 27 M ILLINERY. M RS. AUDOIN would respectfully announce to the ladiesof Macon and surrounding coun- ties, that she has removed to her New Brick SELj Store, next door to the Mechanic's Bank, ori 2d>^w street, (her old stand) where she is new receiving and opening an entire new Stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS in her line, consisting of STRAW, SILK AND VEL VET HATS, newest style. HEAD DRESS ES, of every design. CURLSAND HAIR BRAIDS, EMBROI- • DEKIES Of rich qualities. LACE SETTS of various pat terns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedions to mention. All of which will be sold | verv reasonably to CASH customers. Thankful for past lavors, slio solicits a continu ance of tbe custom of her old friends and willstudv to deserve the kind patronage ofali who may call * ‘ ’ Oft 27—tf CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ON CONSIGNMENT, A N extensive stock of CARRIAGES of the vari ous styles in use. They have been selected with great care by H. C. McKEE, who is acknowl- ed one of the best judges and buyers of work in the Northern market. The Stock will be constantly replenished, and consist of the latest and most fashionable styles of VEHICLES, combining Elegance with Lightness and Strength. Built by J. M. Qainby Sc Co., Mott Sc Co., Brews ter Sc Son, W. Duulap. Hedenburg & Little, G. Sc D. Cook Sc Co., L. H. Goodwin and other reliable man ufacturers. {S’* Persons wishing the very best work on the most favorable terms, iwill do well to examine this Stock before purchasing. T. H. PLANT, feb 10 QUUVBFS Brattieboro Buggies, A BEAUTIFUL article, and for neatness, light- ness and Strength unequaled by anything of the kind in the market. For sale by sep 8 findlays moN and ®4 ss *$£! general Bucaijj MACON, georct rPHE Proprietors of this E st 7vJ A ’ 1 apectftOly call the ^e^ bIl8h ««a* plating the erection of Grinding, or for any other for superiority of the Work hw& e ficient guarantee for an exte n ?’ and »ilH ' patronage. Our Workshop?^® "ri Li' Pools, Patterns and Maet,ii L a ' t, Pfri 0 ;;( the expedition of work po.,eAla*? Prd lishment in the State. Our 7.-- y 110 ' compare favorably with that nfl Ccs *®4 w" ern Establishment. The fol W “ y £r « <S Machinery, Sec ; for any Port pleased to receive ordwTS? W Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw , ' Circular Saws, Mill Gearins- best quality for CornT/^K YV.heels, a great variety, <5^ \ sizes, Iron Railings, for fv Ge,r ’li o u P bl wT d Priva ‘ e BuiI te Ti * of Wrought and GW?’ Y very superior, strength with beaut > oi JJesifm J Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers In • Stores, Churehei, *l,&e. Gol] v’ 2 ’ ^ ry - y t K D ?, nb!e and aEresS? and Lift Pumps of tnv , tY Shafting with Turned ftfc ! the smallest sue to nine' Wiv E ameter, Cotton P r Dl ' Cotton Screws, if£jj Us ’ „ , Screws and H.-iJ England s Celebratedsclf-acline c^ „ other Rail Road Castings A?i „ {Y* - be equal to the best made elsewh^o '‘Y Macon, March 4th, 1857? ^ J Nf JLAY A j Copartncrsiiia Xn,; ^ rriHE Subscriber has this d"y n °? Ce ’ * >u business, his sonsJAJdEsxTr^l LAY. Tho name and style of rY-h after be R. FINDLAY * so as heretofore that of a First ClL r tabhshment- Macon March 4th 1857.^ t ’ UBE W-UXbLj DissolutioiP mHE firm of CARHART ABKAY., , A on tho 1st January IS57 * u i;s!-v to Either of the Partners are authoru^? 11 ,* old business of the concern. Allh^f®' 1 call and settle at an early date , W close it up immediately. w b J i ' 1 ' feb 10 7 T. H. PLANT. B £RL(N8.—The subscriber is constantly re ceiving fine and fashionable BERLIN COACHES some plain and others most beauti fully finished. They are built by the best makers at the North under the direction ot Mr. H C. McKee for this establishment; and adapted to our roads with perch, right track, &c.—Can be recommended and warranted with confidence. Being on three eliptic springs tbe motion is pleasant, and they are a light, strong, comfortable and eonvenant family m es of I TV/TRS. A. DAMOUlt has just returned from New I earring - arc fast superseding the old style or C his profession. Office on the Month-east corner of3d I ill York with a spitndul and fashionable assort- | spring coach. They sell at from $450 to $800, and Notice, T HE firm of .BRAY & Carhart 1 dissolved, its business will ; > CARHART & CURD.a ly published under the Act ofthe^;^ 1 old stand on Third street, iheJ/SZ ^ a large and well selected aSttfnSg Cutlery, consisting in part of • 1 Blacksmith's Tools, Carpenter's. Tools, Machinist's Tods, Planter's Hardware. Builder's Hardware, Carriage Trimmings. Buggy Materials Mill Iron and Saws of every <W<r~ Aails and Horse Shoes, ' ' Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles, IRON AND STEEL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of oar 01 portation, Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Iron. Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Ovdl and Half Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, ^r., all of which we are bound to sell at the bran ket prices. C’AUHAKT i Ctl feb 10 ■gia 4 p. m. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days the 55 min. afterl a. m Train at Columbus. Trains on Sonth-western Road, connect with Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and Au gusta. Passengers for Atlanta and the North-West should take the evening train from Albany, and either train from Columbus to avoid detention. (V First class Steamships leave Savannau on Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. Fare—Cabin passage $25, Steerage $8. GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt. nov 24 and Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery, juno 9 Dr. I. ill. Comings O FFERS bis Professional survices as a Reform Physician and Surgeon tothe citizens of Macon. Office in the MEDICAL COLLEGE, on Mulberry Street, mar 24 iu fact are offered at a small advance from the man ul’acturer’s prices, for cash or good notes. june23 T. H. PLANT. DR. Robes, Ac. oct 13 ly Iff ACON * WESTERN RAIL ROAD Macon. Dec. 14, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after Friday, 18th inst., the Trains be run as follows: Leave Macon 1 a. m. arrive Atlanta 8 t5 a.m. Leave Macon 1130 a. m. arrive Atlanta 5 25 p. m. Leave Atlanta, 12night, arrive Macon 7 15a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 30 p. m. arrive Macon 6 20 p. n ALFRED L. TYLER, dec 23 Superintendent. HATS! HATS! g. McDonald DENTIST. W ITH Dr. Van Geisen, his very competent as sistant, continues the practice in all its branch es. His old and very popular form of Tooth Paste oi glass boxes with inetahe covers, will be found for sale at bis office, on Second Street. May, 1857 FJXZGEBAUD & NOTTINGHAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Drags, Medicine*, Chemicals, \g Dye 8tnlfs, Perfumery, Ha Fancy Articles, SHOP FURNITURE, X’aiuta, Oils, Varnishes, Glnss-vrnrc, , . , - - „ . . _ , .. . I onces lower than yon ever bought them. I Surgical Inslrumcnts, Garden 8ccds - / ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. E. FITZGERALD, M. D. C. B. NOTTINGHAM, M. D. 13 Jar | ROSS, COLEMAN <$• ROSS inent of the above named goods, consisting of Silk Velvet and Straw Hats, Plumes, Flowers, Ribons, Caps, Head Dresses, Point Lace Setts, Berthas, Embroideries, - Cloaks ofali qualities, Long Shawls, Brooche Shawls, Chenille Shawls and Scarfs. A large lot of new styles Extension Skirts, Whale bone and other UOOP8 for SKIRTS. A lot of line Robes with trimmings on tho side and other ^ _ Goods for Dresses, such as Canton Crape, Flounced I Hall Stable and lot nnd furnished the same with To Country ms: . A N early call is respectful iy solicited from you as we can sell you a great many goods as cheap as they can be purcaascd iu auy market South of New | York. Six months is given with approved credit. Call I and see for yourselves. ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. To the Planters of Georgia. Remember that you will do well to call and exam ine our Blankets before purchasing. Every style at Hayden & Woodward. J-gjSAlE & LIVERY STABLE^ H AVING purchased tho commodious stable and large lot attached known as the Washington good safe Horses, and new as well as tasty Vehicles, they are in readiness to furnish their friends and the public generally with good Horses, Buggies, Car riages Ac., in complete order at the shortest notice, FOR CASH, AND CASH ONLY. They are dbtermined to give satisfaction, if strict attention to business, and reasonable terms will en at)le them to do so. Horses fed and kept by tho day, week, or month. I Drove stock also accommodated at reasonable prices Mulberry street, next to Lottery Office, Macon Ga. ISAAC HAYDEN, jane2 J. II. WOODARD. BOOTS AND SHOES ^TTHE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and W 4 In Dooly Superior Court. ROUT. C. SMITH, Bill for discove vs. ZACHARIAH L. SHERRABD, WM. H. BYItUM, Adm’r. of SETII KELLAM and WM. A andJNO. B. ROSS. ( ry. Relief and Injunction. Georgia—Houston County. MARY ANN GIBBS, ) State of Georgia. vs. > Libel for Divorce in JOHN GIBBS. J Houston buperior Court. T appearing to the Court, from the return of the . sheriffin tho above case, that the defendant is not to bo found iu the said State of Georgia; It is ordered that he be served with a copy of tbe libel in the above case by the publication of this order,_ onco a month lor four months before the next term of Houston Superior Court, in one of the Publio Gazettes of tbe City of Macon. HENRY G. LAMAR, Judge Macon Circuit. A true extract from the minutes of Houston Su perior Court. WM. H. MILLER, dec 22 lam for 4m. Clerk. Mart Ann|Uibbs, Complainant, Bill lor Discover,y vs. Relief and Injunc- John Gibbs, residing out of tbe tion inHoustonSu- State of Georgia, and Geo. S. perior Court, llasiam, of the County ol Hous ton, in said State, Defendants, j ■ GEORGIA. 7 Iu Chambers, BIBB CQUNTY. J Dec. 14th, 1857. IT is ordereiPknd adjudged by tbe Court, that ser vice of the above bill be perfected on John Gibbs, one of the defendants, by publication of this rule, in one of the public gazettes of the city of Macon iu this State, once amontb, for four months. Given under my hand and seal on the day and year above written H. G. LAMAR, (L. S.) Judge of tbe Macon Circuit. A true extract from the minutes of the Houston Superior Court, this Seventeenth day of December, 1857. WILLIAM H. MILLER, dec 22 la m 4m. Clerk. PULASKI COUNTY PLANTA lions For Sale. W E offer for sole our plantations lying in Pulas ki county, containing about three thousand acres which is divided into three settlements, each place well improved, with good dwellings aud all ne cessary out buildings. These plantations he seven miles above Ilawkiusville and two and a half miles from tho Ocmulgse river. All the stock can be bought with the plantations. All those wishing bar gains would do well io call early. Terms to suit purchasers; for further information apply to the un dersigned, who reside on the premises. . sep 32 J. C. & 1. F. McCOKMICK. WANTED. AM still buying Militaiy bounty Land Warrants, and will always give the highest cash price. Macon Ga-july 281y G. J. BLAKE JUST UECLTVED. O c AAA PtpwaOardcBSead*. ^D-UUU :( bush.Kentncky Blue Glfsc. A. A. MENARD, Druggist, febsj. tf Cherry Street. eMz. ffll A RE now receiving at their Fashionable Hat Store, under Ralston's New Concert Hall, Cher-1 , i n( ,-. ol i ry Street, Macon, a large and varied assortment of | . Goods in their line, consisting in part of the follow- ing articles: FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHIONA ble Black Beaver Hats, extra French Felt Hats, Men's Cashmorette, Men’s Mnntitoes. Men’s Drab Beavers, Men’s Silk Velvet Caps, Men’s Navy Caps, Extra, Ladies Hiding Hats, extra fine, Otto Caps, extra. Boy’s Hats, Fine Cashmorette and Fine Black and F n r Hats. Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Caps.^V Cloth Caps from 50 cts., to $2 00. ’Also largo assortment of Plantation Goods, >• Leather Hat Boxes, Umbrellas, Ac. A1I of which wUl be sold at fair prices. Jobbers from Town or Country, can have their Stocks re plenished on favorable terms, sep 29 Dr. Frederick Garke, SURGEON DENTIST, OULD inform the citizens of HOUSTON and I Cheap Goods. M^^piiltRY^ifnd^ t offers° his 3 Drofessional Pron/1 n-r>A Tr-n-n-vancAa-nd-aA ] mosu y O 1 our own manuiacrure, to wnicn WCeKiy GrandandUnprecedentedAttrac-^to in the principal cities of Europe and | tion at | and patterns usuaUy called for in a shoe store, and ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ BAZAAR OF FASHION” where everything can be found in the shape of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, at prices so uniformly low as to excite the ad miration of the purchaser, and insure to tho seller large and speedy sales. Come and look, no charge for showing goods, as we wish to verify our asser tions. sep 22 s.xteen years in the principal cities of Europe America, enables him to give satisfaction in every branch of his profession. Persons at a distance can procure Ids services by giving him notice. Prices reasonable. mar24—ly large BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly would invite those wishing to purchase, to caU and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, jan 6 MIX * KIRTLAND. J. II. Ransom & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers m BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER ANr FINDINGS, 32 Courtland &• 39 Dey Streets, New York. 1 J. H. Ransom, ) (A. P. Ransom, Dan’l Ransom. > J Darius W. Geer, W. A. Ransom, ) (. Robt. H. Boyd PREMIUM PICTURES. WOOD’S New Photographic Palace of Art fSSSdpSt&SS TS now open in Washington Block corner of Mol-! I S now open in Washington I berry and Second streets, opposite tho Lanier I LAWliEiNCE \V. WALL, BUILDER. B RICK MASONRY in all it* BRANCHES. He is now permanently located in Macon, Ga. All orders in his'line promptly attended to. Address ~ sep 15 THE BLISS OF MARRIAGE; I THE WAY TO THE ALTAR, Matrimony Made easy, - | O r, H o w to Win a'Lover! 500,000 COPIES ALREADY ISSUED. I 1 VOL. OF 200 PAGES 32 mo. PRICE $1. | Printed on the finest paper and Illustrated in in the first style ofart. 20tli edition ready. JT teaches how to make ladies or gentlemen wii JgOOTS.—A fuU assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and j waterproof, of various kinds and quaUties, both soled and pegged. Just recciveaand forsale low’by jan 6 MIX & KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La- SZT-tCiii I dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by jan S MIX & KIRTLAND. P LANTATION BROGANS.-Now instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, wc have ever offered in this market. Men’s double spied peg and naUed black and mssctt3; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; uo. boys and youths i Jk? affections of as many of the opposite sex as I black and russetts, aU of which we are selling very their hearts may desire: and the plan is so simple, iow .. jan 6 MIX & KIRTLAND. and yet so captivating, that all may be married lr- I Uouse. PHOTOGRAPHS Taken from Daguerreotypes of Deceased Persona j January at To the Public. fJIHE subscriber in order to reduce his stock of Clothing will sell from now until the first of and painted true to nature, by Mr. Beruff, the cele brated Artist. 3ELoca.TL2.ooc3. Prices. His stock is large and entirely new, and embraces everything usually kept in a First Class Clothing Store. He invites the public to give him a call ano examine for themselves. E. WINSUIP. nov 24 yet so captivating, tnat alt may respectivo of age appcaranceorposition; and it can be arranged with such ease and delicacy, that detec tion is impossible. It gives a remedy for unrequited love. It gives you instructions for beautifying the per son. How to have a handsome face and bands. How to remove tan and freckles. A lecture on love, or private advice to married La dies and Gentlemen. A complete code of Gallantry and Etiquette, with love letters in abnndance. This is decidely tbe most fasinnting, interesting, B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men s, Hoys and Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots;' Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment, jan 6 MIX Sc KIRTLAND. Ambrotypcs and Daguerreotypes in Wood's best style, at reasonable Prices. Recol lect that WOOD TOOK THREE PREMIUMS at the last State Fair, over all competition, for the best Pictures. CaU and tee them and get the best Like- Wood’s New Gallery is fitted up in Magnificent I DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE! tificial social system which i Style, expressly for the business, and lias a Northern I Pillltv crWTUft At A r>TTT\TT?Q I prevents a union of hearts, and Sky Light which is the only true Light for a picture. ' — 2 ot, ft in u JUitunioLo. I iMinplbm its hnnniness .nd. Persons wishing to wile away an hour will find this a pleasant resort and pass the time agreeably in examining the thousands of Beautiful Pictures which are on exhibition. deo 1 tf The 810 anti $15 Single and agency for the sale of these machines for this ISAAC’S RESTAURANT. ON CHERRY STREET, o. UNDER RALSTON’S NEWLdgSu CONCERT HALL. tLdAAsrA. H IS house is opened as a Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers and citi zens throughout the year. He will always be prepured to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to the season, such at city and State, can bo secured on libetal terms by a personal application to the subscribers, 8. E. Corner, 6th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. No one need apply without capital sufficientto con duct the business properly and who cannot briDg re ference as to reliability and capability. and reaUy useful and practical work on Courtship Matrimony, and tho delights of Married life that has ever been issued from tho American press. The ar- ’ ‘ch in so many instances . . and sacrifices to conven tionrlism the happiness and even the lives of thou sands of tho young aud hopeful of botli sexes, is PIAiVO-FORTES. ■\TOW Receiving some of the most i\ SPLENDID PIANO FORTES 9ver offered for sale in Macon, from the _ _ celebrated Factories of J. C. Checkering and Nunn A Clark, warranted superior to any other made in thG United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown & Co's. Factory. Tho above instruments are a feast to one’s eyes to look at, and tho tone completely captivating. We L shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any thoroughly analysed and exposed. Every one who I that have a tasto for fino goods contemplates marriage and wishes for an infallible | Onhand, Pritce Melodians, best article of the guide in the selection of a partner for life, should I kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, purchase this great text book of connubial felicity. I Tamborins, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, All that is necessary for you to do, is to write a let-1 and a vnriety ofBrass Instruments for Bands, kept in ifrir 1 ? »f> ®, as i ,0S3lb ? e > inclosiug ONE ourlino. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for We positively assert that theso machines for all DOLLAR and write th^irne with .kX* , ^ rlme ’ and Viohn Strings, Shi I BOe.RONDOUT, Publisher & Author, I Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; " „ ,, r, r, ,Trrr,,ri?°,^ 0a ^ ray Y ‘i r . k C ^ y ’. Gentlemen and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, R. M. DE WIT 1', 162 Nassau St. N. Y., is | Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles., IVholesale Agent. Gold Pens, ana Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles nov 24 lyi I Silver Spoons andForks, silver, ivory and wood Nap- —vn,. v i- k!a Ki “gs, silver plated CakoBaskets, Castors, Waft- 'Lais PAii—M J ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy GALVAMC CEMENT ROOFING. | Goods, Shot Guns, Rides, Game Bags, Pouches purposes of family sewing, aro in every respect _ M periorto any sewing machine in Market, (no matter nt what prices they may bo sold at,) and wherever they are offered for sale must command a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON Sc GOODELL Ug 18. LADIES’ RETREAT. New York, Savannah and Bruns- M i:s ' Thompson? n^mlwk^nel^York u . . WICK OYSTERS, I attends females during their confinement, and treats Up 1IE subscriber having the right for the state of I Flasks, Pistols, &o. ‘ * db” ^ . JL Georgia, would call the attention of the public I Hr Clo-ks and Watches repaired, and warranted, he above named Roofing, it being tlio only pat-1 “t short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot- . rr J* m BL r ._, granted that secures the use of Rubber and other * TT " .,,wi r ; I «nfe and sure remedy for all obstructions, sent bv elastic ingredients which will resist the changes of l/lluicc mills •llltt LiqitOl S, I mail with full directions on receipt of $2. She has I our climate and will unite the qualities of incombus- and a general assortment of Confectionary always I also a sure remedy for pyles, and a valuable invigo- I tibility, durability and cheapness. This roofing will ke))t on hand, and purchasers generally, can obtain | rating cordial. bo warranted in every particular and is particularly nov24—ly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs Pioh CJhrimno „_a ii I all diseases peculiar to her sex. She has commodi-I -L Gea .. y.. JT Jotlj UUiiui^lo illlu. tUI I otis rooms forthe accommodation of her patrons, nnd 11° the above named Roofing, it being the only pat- kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. I a patent apparatus to assist nature. A female a pill, ent granted that secures Ihe use of Rubbe ' ' ton Avenue, Union Building, novg J. A. Sc S. S. VIRGIN. all hia articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUIT. Families will be supplied with OYSTERS and FRUIT PIES, nnd other. \ dishes nt any hour. ■ Parties, Bails, See., will be promptly , REMOVAL. m HE subscriber has removed to tho corner store _L iu “Washington Block,” (now Building) or in other words, “Tho old Washington Hall Corner,” . , r-j , i where he will bo pleased to see his friends and cus- iarmshed with Suppers in elegant style, and at the tomera as usual. oct 13 W. J. McELROY. 20 shortest notice. £3®^ Savannah and Brunswick OYSTERS -/ tho quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur chasers. P ct 13 J. M. BOARDMAN. Superior lrisli Potatoes. JTA BARRELS largo yellow Irish Potatoes in store O U arid for sale by Jl’CALLIE A JONES. ’ Cotton Avenue IIAVK on hau-1 n l.irgv hit ol cheap but strong . clothing for servant’s wear that I will dispose oi I at very low rates. E. WINUHIP. Messenger, Citizen Sc Index copy. hoy 21 Claoice Groceries JUST RECEIVED. HMDS. New crop N. O. Sugar, 100 bbls. Refined Sugar, 25 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Syrup, 100 Boxes Cream Cheese, 25 lvegs and Tabs Goshen Butter, 100 Packages New Crop Raisins, For sale at very low figures for cash. Citv papers copy. ' J. B. & W. A. ROSS, dec 22 tf Tli iirs to a R. Bloom, W ILL continuo tho Factornge and Couiini«> •ion Business at Macon, Georgia. aug 8 Shirts, Shins. rfi DOZ. Linen Bosom and Marseiles -Shirts, for O \J sale cheap by nov 24 E. WINSUIP. HENRY IIOUNE’S Confectionary, Fruit Storo, Cake nnd l»ns- try Bnkcry—Macos, Georgia, one door below _ . the State Bank. TV/T UFACTURER of the finest Frinch Pastrt LtA and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, begars, Tobacco, Ac., IVholesale aid Retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Moats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms:—Positively Cash—no Credit given. jan 30—ly B. A. WISE IS NOW RECEIVING HIS FAIL STOW» STOVE! ana HOUSE FURNISHING HABD1 CONSISTING OF One Hundred and Fifty STOVES. One hundred Box, Parlor and Office Siora Twenty select and choice patterns of Cteiil made expressly for wood Ten toes of Hollow-ware, assorted. Fifty Boxes Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire. La A LARGE ItOT OF CHOICE AH lect patterns of Waiters. Forty Silver Plated Cas tors at from 4 tol5dallarseach. Fifty dozen plated Tea Sc Table Spoons ongenuine Albata. Tweuty-fivedozeu Table and Desert Forks on genu ine Albata. Fifty steak ml Oyster dishes, Tea and Ce flee Urns. Three dozen Canpl-ipe Lamps, 15 do:. Campliine nice. Twenty doz. No. 1 Brooms. Woof Ware of every description Well !*“' cts, Wheels, Rope and Chain of erej^ scription. 150pairof a^ortedandirou; PAIR SHOVELS AND TONGS. SILVEE till BRASS, BRITTANIA, IB0N& JAPJSBJ® STICKS, EARTHEN BR1TTAML lBO? " Spittoons, Hair Whitewash, Shoe. every kind of Brushes, Dusters, MitBA* coa Dippers, A c. Knives and l o»“ the best quality, Pocket rrtiert, and house-keepbg Hardware, aw cutters Sausago staffers, Ae. bn Fixtures, Brittania and Gins lamps, Lanterns, and al most anything kepi m my line. Havii: se lected my stcoA in person and baying under tbe most favorable ad vantage I am pre pared To Sell Goods at Very Low and wonld be pleased to have the pne* call and examine my stoea. I still continne to manufacture 11N :■ J have on hand a large assortment, to * the attention of wholesale pure #?mTMTG3ITffiE T'OR Sale 8000 acres of lwd i uated mostly on or near the fitagp bany to Thomasville, and distant f i 1 "They 8 arc in bodies of from mto%‘ sC,c! * improvements on each. „ _ , ^ The line of the projected tun -* ( . os , to Thomasville aud Bainbndge passes i Jb( , The Rail Road from Macon to Atoauj ^ plated by the 1st October, which “ jg,, to Thomasville, renders these Plan-a Also, 1000 Acres in Early County— rfdl 1000 Acres iu Miller County, « j lying on Spring Creek are impr» ( 2(100 Acres iu Colqnit County, 1- rri l on Little Ochlockonee ll ‘ver, ndi body contains 350 acres of exce o • I Hammock— _ .ftkgetis'J 6000 Acres in Berrien County, o ^ two bodies oflOOO Acreseacn. ana. j ( -j This last named is oa the dM SJSf 9* I within two miles of Nashville tbe Cou j Also, . 25,000 Acres in Decatur cot “?‘£i I ”f from 500 to 2500 acres—and sei ere 1 of 750 and 1250acres are impf These lands are aU«tu*»d in. ^ (M plains of the rich valley ot Rivera. They are now w and put in cultivation, and are R ductive as the lands higher up tee • I and Dougherty counties- _ erst *itt s ’l The U. S. Mini is earned in b from Bainbridge (the county - - ^.,1; 75 Bav, and the customary rate o bafe, on Cotton. „;„; 0 sr fresh Planters desirous ?*wfchWkVl lands to cultivate, and CapitAhs'’ . ;r safe and profitable investment o | do well to call and examine- Terms of sale will bo ®*^ e ,®*fi’ I ,tioft **• Mans and a more detailed descnp« by calling at the offfcesM 50 I HAVE now onhand, and for .-ale. about oO likely negroes, for which I will take tho bills of the Manufacturers’ Bank or any other oorrent bills, oct 20. WILSON C. HARDY. omces oi Sept. 8, 1857. Suspended Bank ^ AT PAR j# IN EXCHANGE FlHI <-> \ ,, : - by L - * • L '-’ : - I Floyd House Block, three deers in' [ Koff.