Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 26, 1858, Image 4

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w I'lilted States Marslinl Sale "ILL be sold before the Court House, in the city of Maeon, batmen the usual hours o s*i<s on the first Tuesday in February next, the fol lowing property, Tilt Two hundred acres of land, moro or less, number not known, well Improved in the 8th district of Mus cogee county, adjoining lands to Mr. West, Sr., James Johnson and James Ramsey. it beingthe place whereon John A\’. Threlkeld now lives; levied on as the property of John W. Threlkeld, to satisfy two fi t> ■ tram the sixth circuit court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, one in favor of Ely, Bowen and McCardell vs. John W. Threlkeld, and tno other in favor of Griffin and Aeken vs. John VV. Threlkeld. Property pointed out by Plaintifl's Attorney*. DANIEL II. STEWART, dec 29 U. IS. Marshal. ■ Jones Postponed Slicriirsalc W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in Clinton, Jones county, on the firstTuesday in February next, a negro Woman named Miliy, about forty five yoars of age, of a copper color; Levied upon as the property of Rachael Broach, Executrix or George Broach, doc, to satisfy an execution is sued from Bibb Superior Court iit favor of Powers and Whittle use of Lewis N. Whittle, vs. Rachael Broach, Executrix of George Broach. Ac. deo 15 J AS. T. ItENFROE, Sheriff. B' Administrator’!* sale. > Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jones county, will bo told cuthe first Tuesday in Feb ruarr next, before the Court House door in Clinton within the legal hours of sale, »'d the real estate of Edmund Duucan, deo. Terms ontho day of sale. BRYANT DUNCAN, deo 15 Administrator with the will annexed, Execntor’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jones County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb- ruary next, before the Court House door, in Clinton tiie residue of the Land and Negroes not already ad ministered upon, belonging to the estate of Reuben Roberte, Jr, deceased. Bold for the purpose of distribution. Terms on the day. LUKE ROBERTS, Surviving Exec’r of Reuben Roberts, deceased. doc 15 Administrator's Male. B Y virtue of an order from the ordinary of Jones eonnty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the Court House door, in Ilawk- ins viile, one Jot of Land containing two hundred two and a half acres. No. 25 in thelttli District, original ly Wilkinson, now Pulaski county.. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of WilJiam Har kins, late of said county of Jones deceased. Terms on the day. ROU’T P. HARKINS, nor 10 Qualified Adm'r, Administrator's Sale oi Negroes. A GREEABLE to an Order of tha Court of Ordina ry of Macon County, Ga„ will bo sold to the highest bidder ou tho first Tuesday in February next, at ’he Court House door, in tho town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, On, between the usual hours of eaie, all the negroes belonging to the estate of Anderson J. IloUinshead, deo, consisting of Men, Women and Children— nil likely and valuable. Sold for the pur pose of a division among the heirs of suid estate. Terms made known on the day of sale dec 15 ROBERT H. WEIGHT, Adm'r. de bonis non. Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Coart of Ordinary of Bibb county, will bo sold before the Court .-louse door, in Macon, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary. 1856, within the legal hours of sale, all that lot of land known as No. 81 in the -tth district, original-, |y Houston, now Bibb, except a reserve of two acres joining A. Chapman, Hagby and others. Also the north half of lot No. 41 in same district. Joining Hughes, McManus and others, now occupied by Robert R. Gilbert. "Also sixty acres, being part of lot Na. 28, situated on the Federal road about two miles from Mscon, known as the residence of F. B. Brown and joining Woolfcik, Holt aud others. Also one hundred and fifty acres, part of lot No. 10!) in the 3<ldistrict of originally Houston,uowBibb, adjoining Most ly, Hall and others. also nine acres, being part of fraction No. 7 in the Mscon reserve joining Bowman, Jno. L. Jones and others—a good wood lot. All sold as part of the real estate of Randolph M. Gilbert, late of said county, dec, and for the benefit of tiie heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN L. GILBERT, ROBX li. GILBERT, deo 23 Adra’rs. of R. M. Gilbert. Georgia—Jones County. W HEREAS Moses Stripling, applies to me for letters of Guardianship on the person a property of Mary Catharine Emerson: Tnese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular those interested to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in March, to shew cause, if any thoy have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 11th day January, 1858. CHAS. .MACARTHY, Ord jan 19 Georgia.—Crawford County, W HEREAS, Samuel Bentley applies to me for letters of Administration on tho Estate John Bentlov, of said county, dee.: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec., to be and appear at my office within the time prescrib ed by law, and shew cause,if any they have, why said letters of Administration should not be granted said ^ (1; veil under my hand at office this 8th January igzg JAMES J. RAY, jar. 12 Ord. D entistry. TAKE CARE of YOUR TEETH n R. BLAISDELL from New York d/gs City, respectfully informs the {nv't Citisens of Macon and vicinity, that he has located himself permanently in this city, and has associated himself with Dr. II. Segar for tiie practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the spa- cious Rooms in Wasbinjjton Block, over the Hat Store of C. B. Stone, opposite the Lanier Honse, and fitted them up in a superior manner with all tho tno dem conveniences and improvements for the sue cessfal practice of their profession. ... We perform all operations upon the teeth in the highest style of the Art. We shall fill teeth with pore Gold, or such other Material as is approved of by the profession, aud wairant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it. We insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to naturo that tho most scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural ones: and we warrant them to give perfect satisfac tion, as well as answer all the purposes of Mastica tion, Articulation and Durability. We shall exercise great care in Extracting and Cleaning the teeth. We shall give special atten tion to the treatment of the diseases ot the Teeth and Gums, aud as far as may be, restore them to a healthy condition. Dr. Blaiadell has had! many years experience in the practice of his profession, besides being a Medi cal Graduate, and lie feels fully competent for the most difficult and intricate operations be may be call- ed upon to perform. Dr. Segar is too well known in this community to require any extended notice here. Suffice it to say; be will enter with renewed energy upon the practice of his chosen profession and no want of effort upon his part shall be wauting to se cure the full confidence (in future) of his numerous patrons and the public generally. We respectfully solicit you to rive us a call. Per sons in the Country can be waited upon at their resi dences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing us at Macon, Ga. Dr. Blaiadell is permitted to refer to the following Gentlemen, eminent in their profession: Drs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, H. Stratton. John ovejoy, G. E. Hawes, S. A. Main, S. Parmlee, and M. L. Bym of New York. Drs. Ball A Fitch, Drs. Howard and Parker, Drs, Tuckers, Drs. Cummings A Eistham, Dr. D. K. Hitchcock, Dr. C. T. Jackson and Dr. Wm. Town send, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. DR. H. SEGAR A A. BLAISDELL, M, D. dec 29 Tiie Millodgeville papers will copy the above un til forbid. The.Chronicle A Sentinel, and Constitu tionalist, Augusta, will copy one time. IS .ONWARD ! OTJU. MOTTO. Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, wiU be sold in the town of Oglethorpe, Mscon county, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hoars of sale, two lots of land, containing (202)) two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, each.—Nos. forty-two and forty-three in the (2) second district originally Mus cogee now Macon County. Also at the same time, will be sold in the town of Ameriou*. Sumter county, two lots of land, contain ing two hundred two and a half (202)} acres, each, more or less, via: No. one hundred and fifty-six (I5ti) in the sixteenth (16) district, and No. (277) two hun dred and seventy-seven iu the twenty-eighth (28) dis trict ot originally Lee, now Sumter county. Also at tho same time, in the town of Perry, Hous ton county, three fractions near Durham's bluff, con taining in all four and three quarter acres, more or h as. Nos. 270, 280 and 281 iu the fifth (5) district of Houston county. All the above land sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Benjamin B. Smith, late of Twigg* county, deceased. dec 22 ROBERT K. PARKER. Ad’mr. Administratrix Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Jones County, will be sold on the first Tuesday iu February next, before the Court House door iu Ce dar Town, Polk County, lot No. 295 in the second district, 4th section, containing 40 acres. Sold as part of the real estate of William J.Csrd, late of Jones county, deceased. Terms on the day. dec 22 ELIZABETH CAgD, Ad'mx. Executor’s Sale. W ILLba sold on thefimt Tuesday In March next, before tbo Court House door in the Town of Ilawkinsville, between the legal hours of sale, the following lots oflrnd lying in Pulaski county, to wit: Lots Nos. 78 & 148, in the fifth district of originally Dooly now Pnlaaki county. Sold by the virtue of the Will of Henry Glover, late of Houston county, de ceased, for the benefit of his heirs. Terms on a credit until the first of December next, with approved sewirity. F. A. HILL, > 'YP^G LOVER, > Ex’rs. T HE increasing patronage and general satisfac tion of our customers convince os that onr sys tem of business is a good one, vis: Small Profits and Quick Sales. We have now in store and sh*U receive by every Steamer from New York as handsome a stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS as ever lias been brought to the city of Macon, which we are determined to sell as cheat, if not CHEAPER than any other honse in the trade; among which will be found a splendid lot of VELVET & CLOTH CLOAKS,TAL3IAS Side Striped Silk Robes and other Silks, French and English Merinoes, Plain and Figured DeLaines, French, English and Ameri can Prints, Long and Square Shawls, Cheneille Shawls and Scarfs, Bonnet Ribbons, French Collars and Sleeves, Bands, Jaconet & Swiss Edgings, Bed Blankets, Ne gro Blankets and Ker seys, White and Red Flan nels, Satiuetts, Cassimeres, Ken tucky Jeans, Ladies Cloths, Ac., Ta ble Damasks and Napkins, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shirting and many other things too numerous to mention ; All of which will bo sold eery lourfor cash. New York Store, Macon,sept 15 DENMAN A WATERMAN. LOUIS MENARD, V. H. DL'RGHARD, Late with M.D. Barnes. LatowithDay&Maussenet nENARD & BURGHARD, Watchmakers & Jewellers, W ILL oj»-n at their new store, Ralston's J£§j Range, corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, about the 1st of October, asSfa, beautiful and well selected assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, Musical Iustrumemts, Fancy Goods, &c., &c, An examination of which, they would most respect fully solicit, feeling confident that they will be able to offer everything in their lino calculated to please tli.- of . voa t!i■■ mo-: f.i-:idh.u.-. Repairing', of every description, executed in a manner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best workmen in the in the South. They hope, by offering choice aud elegant Goods and by strict attention to business, to ment a liber al share of public patronage. sep 29^ Southwestern Railroad. SCHEDULE FOR PASSENGER TRAINS. L EAVE Macon at 1 30, a m. and 11 30a.m. Arrive in Columbus 8 52’ a. m. and 6 33 p. m.. Leave Macon for Albany 1 30, a. in.,Arrive in Albany 8 58, p. m. Leave Albany 3 40, p. m., Arrive in Macon 10 28, P m - Accommodation Train leave Macon 7, a. m., (Tri weekly,) Arrivo in Albany 4 55, p. m. Leave Albany 5, a. m., (Tri weekly.) Arrive in Macon, 1 40, p. m. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas- viUe and liiunbridgs, connect with regular Train at Albany. Passengers from Columbus and the West, for South western Georgia or Florida, should take the 4 p. m. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days the 55 min. after 1 a. m Train at Columbus. Trains on South-western Road, connect with Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and An- gusU, Passengers for Atlanta and the North-West should take the evening train from Albany, and cither train from Columbus to avoid detention. ESP* First class Steamships leave Savanuau on Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. Fare—Cabin passage 825, Steerage 88. GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt. nov 24 CRUMMEY HOUSE, ALBANY, GA. T il E-above Hotel in Albany, the present tetiptibas of the Jeergbi nml Florida Rail Road, is now- open for the reception of THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. The house and furniture is entirely new, and can not be excelled by any Hotel in tho State. The Proprietor is determined to make it The Rest Hotel in South-western Georgia, and by strict attention to his Guests, intends merriting the public patronage. Albany, Nov 19,1857, G. W. C1LUMMLY, nov 24 3m Proprietor. BRO'WISPS HOTEL OPPOSITE THE NE'V RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 Win. K. deGraflemied, Attorney &,'&> MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s oc * 27 L. w. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne s Drug Store. J" 116 ALEX. ill. SPEER, ATTORNEY AT LAW MACON, GA. OFFICE on the Avenue, over the Store of Cater & Bowdre. ) u) y 22 LAIV CARD. T P Stubbs, 15. Hill, P. Tract. Stubbs, Hill & Tracy, ATTORNE YS AT LA IV. Macon, Ga. march Its E. WILSON BLOOM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 229 BROADWAY CORNER BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. references, in Macon: Messrs. E. A, & J. A. Nis- bet, Attorneys at Law; Dr. Robert Collins, sept 30-ty MACON & WESTERN RAIL ROAD Macon. Dec. 14, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after Friday, 18th inst., the Trains .*i be run as follows: Leave Macon 1 a. m. arrive Atlanta 8 15 a.m. Leave Macon 11 30 a. m. arrive Atlanta 5 25 p.m. Leave Atlanta, 12n<ght, arrive Macon 7 15a. in. Leave Atlanta 12 30 p. m. arrive Macon 6 20 p. m. ALFRED L. TYLER, dec 22 Superintendent. T. G. HOLT, Jr., Attorney at IxfiATfr, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston’s new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. *ug 4 |HATS! HATS !^ 5HEAE3Hl^JSC»DBE:jar 16.'. <ac:«cs> A RE now receiving at their Fashionable Hat Store, under Ralston’s New Concert Hall, Clier- r Street, Macon, a large and varied assortment of ooda in their line, consisting in part of the follow ing articles: FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASIIIONA- ble Black Beaver Hats, extra French Felt Hats, Men's Casbmorette, Men’s Mnntilocs. Men’s Drab Beavers, Men’s Silk Velvet Caps, Men’s Navy Caps, Extra, Ladies’ Hiding Hats, extra fine, Otto Caps Fii extra. Boy’s Hats, 'ine Casbmorette and Fine Black and Fur Hats. Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Caps, Cloth Caps from 50 cts., to 82 00. Also a 1 large assortment of Plantation Goods, Leather llat Boxes, Umbrellas, Ac. All of which will be sold at fair prices. Jobbers from Town or Country, can have their Stocks re plenished on favorable terms, sep 29 la »• FINE CLOTHING. I N receipt of some stylish BLACK FROCK COATS, and shall continue to receive for two or three weeks, byureUy shopmen's from New York, desirable CLOTHING hade up toocr own ordsk, at reasonable prices for Cash. sept 29-tf C. II. BAIRD. Floyd House block, 3 doors from Carbart A Roff. dee 22 cod JOSEPH KEMP. Executor’s Stile of Sixteen Negroes. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, between the usual hours of sale, sixteen negroes, consisting of Men, Wo men, Girls, Boys and children belonging to the es tate (if Louis Pollock, deceased. Sold for the pur pose of division among the heira and legatees of said deceased. Terms made known on the dsy of sale. JAMES ft. POLLOCK, \ ExIrg TO TRAVELERS. ODD PAPER COLLARS, Standing and Byron, A\J\J just received and offered cheap. C. ft. BAIRD. I. HENRY ZEILIX. LEONARD W. HUNT NEW FIRM. T HE undersigned, having purchased the interest of thelate firm of Fitzgerald A Nottingham, and having this day taken possession, will continue the Wholesale ana Retail Drug Business at the same stand under the name and style of 55eilixi., Eluiit cfc Co. and solicit a continuance of the patronage of the old honse. Wc intend to keep on hand a thorough assortment of the best articles the markets afford in the line ot Drug*, Glau, JEcdicinex, Paints, Instrnmcnta, Oil, l’rrfnmcrj, Vurllishc*, »K fiiaff. and a general stock of such goods as are found in first class Drugstores and hope by honest dealings, stnet attention and obliging manners to merit and receive a large share of public patronage. Jan. 1,1858. [jan 12tfJ ISAAC HARDEMAN, Attorney at Law. CLINTON, GEORGIA. 1uly7 1y Law Copartnership. I. L. HARRIS, CHAS. J. HARRIS, Milledgeville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. sep 15 J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising tho following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. jan 20 O. A. LOCH RANK, JOHN LAMAR. LOCIIRANE & LAMAR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. OHicc by the Mechanic's Bank. O FFICE hours from 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m and also from 7 to 10 p m. Will practice in all the counties in tho Macon Cir cuit and in all the counties of Jones, Monroe and Co lumbia and in the Supreme Court. jan 12 Bin Dissolution. T IIE firm of Fitzgerald A Nottingham is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party is authorized to use the name of the firm in settle ments. The Books, Notes and Accounts may be found *1 the old stand now occupied by Messrs. Zeilin, Hunt A Co., who are also authorized to receive all monies due us. All indebted are respectfully requested to come forward and settle. E. FITZGERALD, Jan. 1. 1858. jjnn 12] C. B. NOTTINGHAM. A Card. H AVING disposed of onr interest in the Drug Business to Messrs. Zeilin, Hunt A Co., we re spectfully solicit for them a continuance of the pat ronage so kindly extended to us by those friends it has been our pleasure to make in the business. E FITZGERALD, Jan. 1 [jan 12) C. B. NOTTINGHAM SEWARD Ac MANSELL. J. L. SEWARD. A. H. HANSELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice iu the counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD A HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 H IT.VTEU Ac ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, Macon, Ga., will practice in the coun ties of Bibb, Monroe, Crawford, Houston, Twiggs, Macon, Dooly and Worth. Office on Cherry Street in the new building of Freeman A Roberts. Macon, January 16,1855—ly Win. J. Brown, Attorney at Law, Vienna, Dooly County, Ga. W ILL practice in thecouutieaof Houston,Dooly and Worth. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention.feb 19 MEDICAL CARD- DR. JAMES A. DA MO U R HAS resumed the practice of his profession.and permanently located in this city. He can be found at his office three doors below the Lanier House at All Hours, unless professionally en gaged. Maeon, Jane, 9 1856. PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., In Sitvnmiah, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., In Macon. TY ENE W tho tender of their services to their Cor- XV, respondents and the Planters generally of Geor gia and Alabama, as Factor/ 1 aud Commi«Hion Merchant*, and pledge their undivided personal attention to the business entrusted to them. Bagging, Rope and other Planters Supplies will be carefully purchased and forwarded, and liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, J. COLLINS, aug U J. S. HUTTON. ALEX. Faints, Oils, &c. Ac. The National White Lead and Zinc Company of New York, A RE prepared to offer a tail and complete assort ment of White Lead, Zinc, Oils, Window Glass and articles in the paint line generally, of prime quality and on most reasonablo terms. The well es tablished reputation ofthe company and the partic ular attention given to quality of articles manufac tured, with desire to fill all orders on most favorable terms to customers, presents inducements to pur chasers not generally offered elsewhore. Orders addressed to tho undersigned will have prompt attention and meet imediate dispatch. 1 CHR1STAL A DONOHUE, ang 4 6m 226 Pearl Street Now York. if'-do < iitisiH zn Pi 1 3 * 1 Sm O I ilsfmEg 2 r-. 3 s» <t> co (9 0'lct Op'S Is.srf'-cl 2.~»®* e-S-a J-COfr; e-Elt-L ft2 o°»b- A jg-O 3 Q-: -* S5 4 “* yH cr~n o.oij| 2." 2 ora MRS. HOWLAND S now opening FALL and WINTER MHiLUVERY. Consisting of all the Fashionable Styles of BONNETS, HEAD-DRESSES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, CLOAKS AND IU.RAGES SILK E VEXING DRESSES, C R1 NO L l NFS, WIRE BRAIDS. STELLA . SHAWLS AND SCARFS. All of which will be sold ot: tho most reasonable terms for Cash. Country Milliners supplied with bonnets by the Case or Dozen. All orders promptly attended to in Millinery or Dress Making. oet 27 NEW DRUG STORE. A. MENARD, RALSTON’S BUILDING, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA H AS just received and is now opening a fresh stock of Drags, JMiciacs, CheiiiicnlM, ffTf > Instruments, Paints, Oils, \ / Dyc-Stuffa, Perfumery, S Patent Medi cine*, Pkarinacciitical Preparation*, Ac. My Drugs have been selected with strict refer ence to their purity aud quality i they are fresh and may be fully relied on. (jp Orders Faithfully Executed. Cy Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Medi cines put up with neatness and accuracy, at all hours of the day or night. py A large lot of Artificial Teeth just received feb 24-tf ROBERT FINDLAY, FINDLAYS’ steam E3STGvi MAMFACT’om-^ IRON AND BRASS “oK AND | GENERAL MACHINE t> MACON. GEORGIA rplIE Proprietors of this t’..-*-■ I spect.ufly call the attminn*®'®! plating tho erection of SbmVM&fl Grinding, or for any other purnZ'J* j superiority of the Work has be? n „ »L ficient guarantee for an e*teaSi? 4 *®ka.'N patronage. Our Workshops »“s V ®. ia^L? *« I Houston Carriage Manufactory. JOSEPH TOOKE, SON & CO., Having formed a co-partnership with MB. ISAAC WINTER, Who has been a practical coach . maker for 19 years, in the Manttfac- j turiog of all kinds of CARRIAGES, SUPERIOR COACHES, CHARROTEES, ROCKA WAYS, BUGGIES, $C. Having employed skillful and reliable workmen, all work put up under Mr. Winter's personal atten tion. It is our intention to build work id Style, Neatness and Durability, And fully guarantee to give satisfaction; all we ask is a call aud examination of our work, which we will sell low on Reasonablo Terms. Also made to order, two, four and six horse Iron or Wood Axled Wagons, &c. REPAXBING In the best and thorough style. JOSEPH TOOKE, WM. TOOKE, ISAAC WINTER. 13P N. B. Carriage Shop Four and a half miles from Perry, direct road to Macon, twenty-five miles. py work shipped to any part of the United States. Agents for Sale of Work—Perry, J. Cook— Ilawkinsville, S. M. Ms re ing—also, thuy have a De pository in Columbus.may 19 rns and Machinery aft me uApuuuion of work posses^rf bcilhC 1 lishmcnt in the State. Our p^oa oth>'»| f»nmnnr#> fftvnroblv *t. , P**Ces anil I ‘pare favorably with that of ten»T % I - - Establishment. The Kfa? 6ttt Machinery, Ac ; for any portion of w)’, ? F rise pleased to receive orders, viz • ^ I Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill i, 1 Circular Saws, Mill Gearing Ma,o‘ d Vl best quality for Com andff'^Y Wheels, a great variety, & S sizes, Iron Railings, for fcar >«ll .p.ub,»ipaS&a«gSk OP Wrought and C«t t very superior. embrJY’ strength with beauty of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers .11.: ■ Stores, Churches, &c.,*c.,Gowfe ( ^t I ry, with Double and Cfo ,5?*®P and Lift Pumps of any renS*? Shafting with Turned the smallest size to uine fe’ir® •motor. Cotton Press Irouf'’ Cotton Screws, Aijii ' Screws and Rales England's Celebrated sc f-acting ct' r r , other Rail Road Casting*. AU v<,£ mpl “'R tj be equal to the best made- elsewhere Macon, March 4th, 1957. R. FINDLav 4 son ®ar!j LIVERY ST.iBLE BUSINESS. GRIER <V MASTERSON. HAVING purchased the Extensive and Central UVEBYSYABLES,. Long occupied by MASON & DIBBLE, Corner ot Mulberry and Third sts. Macon, with ah the stock and equipments of the concern, are now prepared to accommodate the public in tho various branches ot their business, on tho most reasonable terms, For Cash only. £37* Carriages and oilier Vehicles always on hand for hire, witli good horses and careful drivers. Also die Horsts, for the useol'Ladiesand Gentlemen, septl6 CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c. The Subscriber is note Receiving at bis CARRIAGE REPOSITORY doe 22 ISAAC WOODARD, Jr. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door in tho town of Calhoun, Gordon Count/, on the first Tuesday in February next, by virtue a(an order from the Ordinary of Crawford county, Lot of Land No, S3 in tho 25tli district, 2d section of originally Cherokee now Gordon county. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN D. McCOWKN, dec 22 O. T. MYRICK Ad'mrs Administrator's Sale. B Y virlno ot an order from bo Ordinary of Put nam cour-tv, will be so d before the Court Hnnae door, in Marion, Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in March next, witbi 1 tiie feg*l hours of sale. Lot of Land, No. 149 In the tth district of Twiggs county.—Sold as the property cf Wiley Abercrom bie, late of Putnam county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. O. F. ADAMS, Ad’mr. jan 6 do bonis non. Postponed Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, of Houston county, will bo sold at Perry, in said county, on tho first Tuesday in February next, lwtween the usual hours of sals, one Laud Warrant 9,223, calling for 120 acres, issued to John Perdow as the property ol the said John Perdow, late ot said county, deceased. JOHN SMITH, Ad’mr. jan 19 Administrator's Male. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jones county, will lie sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door in Decatur co., l.ot No. 25 in the 13tli district originally Early, now Decatur county. Hold as the real estate of Uoaes Taylor, late of Jones county, deceased. Terms on the day. JEsJSE C. SMITH,Ad’mr. jan 19 Administrator's Sale. "VT TILL be sold on the first Tuesday In March next V V before tbo Conrt House door, in tho Town of Tiiomaston, in said county. Eighty likely negroes, with few exceptions, consisting of men, boys, wo men, girls ana children belonging to the estate of Macharine Bunkly, deo. Also tho plantation ofaaid di-ceased, containing eight hundred and ten acres of land more or lets, of which about four hundred acres cleared land, the remainder excellent timber and good land, adjoining the lands of Thomas Rose, James H. Stafford, A. J. White and others. Terms.- Twelve months credit with interest from date, if not punctually paid, and rood personal secu rity. TERREL BARKSDALE. Ad’mr. Jan 19 NOVELTIES. F OR GENTLEMEN.—Fine Rich NECK TIES, SCARFS. GLOVES. Marseille* SHIRTS, em broidered Shirt BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, CANES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, SHAWLS, Ac. Cali and examine them, (sep 29) C. H. BAIRD. NEW OPENING OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, Triangular Black, comer of Cotton Avenue and Second Street. Come all and share in the Bargains I am Offering . T HE subscriber Is just opening a rich and spleu-1 (VA-yy Pnnf.nrrrrm’hin PaiaCO Ox Art did Stock of FrJland Winter Goods, consisting j s now open in Washington Block corner of Mul- P Bl« y ck n audCoI’.i, Plain and figured Silks, Satin I “ d Second s,reeta ’ °P p08 ' lt ° ,he Lauier Bayadire and Droguet Checked Silks, Gros de Na- ni iAT/5^n A ni IP pies and Satins. French and English Merinos, Worst- p' H U 1 U O KAr tl O ^j£ e ’ oi ^°. 01Lain .? 8 ’ * nd ,* ,ar K° variety I Take n from Daguerreotypes of Deceased Persons of others, 1 oplins, Parainattors, Alapacas, Ducab I j painted true to nature, by Mr. Beruff, the cele- aud Cashmeres, Velvet and cloth Cloaks, Talmas, J Albion* and Velvet Alvins, a splendid variety of I u ‘ L ' s ' Shawls, the celebrated Stella Shawls and Scarfs, one Ambrolypes and Daguerreotypes of the richest variety of Embroideries, ever brought in Wood’s best style, at reasonable Prices, ltesol- to this city, an unsurpassed rich variety of Ribbon I Joct that WOOD TOOK T11HEE PREMIUMS at PREMIUM PICTURES. ■woozd’s; DB. H. A. MATTAUEB, H AVINGspeut a portion of three successive yoars in this city, during which time he has limited his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re spectfully offers hU services to the citizens of Macon ‘ and tho surrounding country, iu all the branches of hisprofession. Office on the South-east corner of 3d and Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery, june 9* M 1 L LINER Y. M RS. AUDOIN would respectfully announce to the ladiesof Macon and surrounding coun- ties, that she has removed toiler Now Brick SSa Store, next door to tiie Mechanic's Bank, on 2d fy* street, (her old stand) where she is now receivin and opening'nn entire new Stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS in her line, consisting of STRAW, SILK AND VEL VET HATS, newest style. HEAD DRESS ES, of every design. CURLS AND HA IK BRA IDS, EMBROI DERIES Of rich qualities. LACE SETTS of various pat terns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedions to mention. AH of which will ho sold ery reasonably to CASH customers. Thankful for paat favors, she solicits a continu ance of the custom of her old friends and will study to deserve the kind patronage ofaii who may cal! and view her goods. oct 27—tf Fall and Winter Millinery.. M RS. A. DAMOUR has just returned from New York with a splendid and fashionable assort ment of tho above named goods, consisting of Silk Velvet and Straw Hats, Plumes, Flowers, Ribons, Caps, Head Dresses ; Point Lace Setts, llerinas. Embroideries, Cloaks ofaii qualities, Long Shawls, Brooche Shawls, Chenille Shawls and Scarfs. A large lot of new styles Extension Skirts, Whale bone and other UOOteS for 8K1BTM. A lot of tine Robes with trimmings on the side and other Goods for Dresses, such as Canton Crape, Flounced Rohes, Ac. oet 13 ly Dr. I. ill. Comings O FFERS bis Professional services as a Reform Physician and Surgeon to the citizen* of Macon. Office in tiie MEDICAL COLLEGE, ou Mulberry Street, mar 24 db. g. McDonald DENTIST. W ITH Dr. Van Gcisen, his very competent as sistant, continues the practice in nil its branch es. His old and very popularform of Tooth Paste in glass boxes with metalic covers, will be found for sale at his office, on Second Street. May, 1857 ty ■ Trimmings ar.d velvet Trimmings, English, French and American prints, Cashmeres, Doeskins, Flan nel, a large assortment of Domestics, Blankets and I Kerseys, Linen Damasks, French Counterpanes, and a large variety of other articles too nninerous to mention, all of which will be sold at tho cheapest j cash prices. No exertion shall he spared to givo perfect satis faction to ail who want goods at cheap rates. I solicit a call from city and country buyers, and to I price the several articles they require before buying elsewhere. ELIAS EINSTEIN, nov 10 the last State Fair, over all competition, for the best Pictures. Call and tee them aud get the best Like ness yon ever had. Wood’s New Gallery is fitted.up in Magnificent Style, expressly for the business, ana has a Northern Sky Light which is the only true Light for a picture. Persons wishing to wild away an hoar will find this a pleasant resort and pass the time agreeably in examining the thousands of Beautiful Pictures which are on exhibition. dec 1 tf ISAACS RESTAURANT ON CHERRY STREET, UNDER RALSTON’S NEW CONCERT HALL. DeGratb's BLEOTHIC OIL , This celebrated remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, I TXIS house is opened as a Permanent Establish Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Eruptions, Sprains, Hums, I ment, to provide meals to travelers and citi Felons, Ac., is manufactured only by Prof. Charles *«“* throughout the year. DeGratb everywhere knownasthe original discover-1 He will always be prepared to furnish his guests or, at his old establishment in Philadelphia. I with- every variety of eatables suited to the season, The sale of this Great Remedy has been unprcce-1 suc h as dented, Jastyearalone,over8133000worthw*ssold, NOW York, SavaMiall and Bruns and wherever it is known there it is used. Purcell. I nvc ,„,, no Ladd A Co., of Richmond, bought last year over 81,1 _W!LK O10IM8, 200 worth; Barnes A Park of New Yi worth; Seth S. Hauce D. Park, of Cincinnati, 81,070 worth, and other large Druggists all over the Uniti 4 States. >«S2S> Hsk Shrimps and all -• *•— 1 kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. Choice Wines ami JLhjuors, and a general assortment of Confectionary always kept ou hand, and purchasers generally, can obtain aU bis articles at reasonable rates. Jmggisti Baltimore, Md., Dec. 3d, 1858, Prof. DcGrath. Dear Sir:—Please send ms per Steampacket 8400 worth your Electric Oil, the last lot is all sold except 2 bottles and the demand is on the increase—this makes over 85,000 of your Electric Oil, I havo sold daring the past 17 months. SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street. I Parties, Balls, Ac., will be promptly Hero is another from tho wealthiest Drug House I furnished with Suppers in elegant style, and at the Also FRUIT. Families will be supplied with —r- OYSTERS and FRUIT i’lES, and other dishes at any hour. Parties, Balls, Ac., will he prom; supply of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN ilied with Georgia—Jones County. WTllBBEAH, Sarah Williamson, applies to ] v v for letters of Administration, de bonis non, the Petite of Greonbary Williamson, deceased: I liese ar«, therefore, to cite anil admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors, to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday la March noxt. to show cause, if any theyhave, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office, this tho llth d-ty of January, 1(158. CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord jail 19 \’oti < n.—,Si\;y days after data, application ' i" m el, •„> tie-Ordinary d Cram, r d ( ,,. sell the land ami negroes bdonirinir to fW.W.Haroinaek.dec. Raymond h. PARHAM.Admr. for leave t tl T nn “VKR COATS „f , V1, fc vVlfor sale cheap by stye and varit Iv WIN5HIP in the great West, Cincinnati, Nov. 3d, 1856, Prof. DeGrath. Dear Sir:—Please send me 13 Gross Small size No. 1, 8 Gross medium No. 2, and 2 Gross Large No. 3 and draw on me for the amount as before. JOHN D. PARK. Another. Indianapolis, Oct. 25th, 1856. Prof. DeGrath. Forward mo per express, 8300 worth your Elec tric Oii assorted sizes, on your nsnal terms. ROBERT BKOWNINO. In fact the demand considering the time since the article has been discovered, has Been unprecedented and is now beyond all precedent. Caution.—lie careful to ask for and get DeGratb’s Electric Oil, os worthless imitations abound. There aro numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation that my article has acquired. The public must beware. They are worthless. Sold by J. II. * W. S. ELLIS, Druggists, Macon Ga. jan 12 lm shortest notice. £3?* Savannah and Brunswick OVSTJEKS \ by the quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur Lasers. oct 13 Plantation For Sale. rriHE Plantation near Americns formerly owned X by TL. Holt—containing 607 acres. It is fine ly situated, in good state of repair, with thenecessa- . ry buildings, Ac. Terms.—One-third cash, one-third one yoar, one-third two years, with interest. Ap. ply to T.M. Furioir, Americns or to the undersigned at Macon. JAMES W. GB1FFIN. ■ Macon, Dec. 4 tf NEW FALL GOODS AT PARK-BITS. NOTICE. Sontli Western Rail Road Company, ) Macon, Ga., Jan. 1st 1858. S T nEaiinual election for President and live Direc tors of this Company will beheld at their office in this city oil Thursday llth February next. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, Sec. ATreas. Jan 5 til feb. NOTICE. TAROM this date we shall adopt as near as possible _ I slo- CASH ,Vl'.s'77.'.!/— iv,- aro < ■,,: 11;, i -111 •, l to do W E are receiving by every titomio-r additions lo I it. From this date aU articles will be priced as cash, our stock, which will lie the largest and most [ Where credits are given (which will only bo given to those who have paid us promptly) an addition 11 be made to the price named according to the magnificent, that we have ever exhibited. Wo can already ofier unusual indnements to our friends, who wish to make EASY FALL PURCHAS ES. W. W. PARKER A- CD. ang 25 time desired by tlie, purchaser. Jan * tf HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. Mii|»<>i-ior Iris,li Polutocs. gA BARRELS large yellow Irish Potatoes fai store .JU and for sale by M’CALLIK A JONES, “ov 24 Cotton Avenuo JUST 1CECF1VFD. ODD ^ ll l" ra llardra Srnl«. x5t)iUuU 3 bush. Kentucky ISlue Glnu*, A. A. MENARD, Druggist, feb24- tf Cherry Street.,j / Or. Frederick Garkc, SURGEON DENTIST W OULD inform the citizens of HOUSTON and adjoining Counties, that he has permanent ly located in PERRY, and oilers his professional sei vicos to the people in that vicinity. A practice of sixteen years in the principal cities of Europe and America, enables him to give satisfaction in every branch of hisprofession. Persons at a distance can procure his services by giving him notice. Prices reasonable. mar24—ly 3. II. Ransom & Co. MANUrXCTDRXBS AND WHOI.KSAT.K DCAUERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 32 Courtland 4- 39 Dey Streets, New York. J. H. Ransom, I (A. P. Ransom, Dan’l Ransom. > < Darias W. Geer, W. A. Ransom, ) j Kobt. H. Boyd. LAW HENCE W- WA LL, BUILDER. B RICK MASONRY in nil It* RRANCHES. He is now permanently located in .Macon, Ga. All orders in his line promptly attended to. Address through Post Office. sep 15 To Country A NJeariy call is respectfully solicited from you as jTJl we can sell yon a great many goods as cheap as they can be purchased in any market South of New York. Six months is given with approved ciedit. Call and see for yourselves. ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. To flic Planters of Georgia. Remember that you will do well to call and exam ine our Blanket* before purchasing. Every style at prices lower than yon ever bought them. ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. ROSS, COLEMAN «$• ROSS Havo just opened five cases of Prints, six cases of Bleached Homspuns, at prices so low as to defy comparison—Don’t fait to price them if you want Cheap Goods. Grand and Unprecedented Attrac- TION AT ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ BAZAAlt OF VASHIOJK” where everything can be found in the shape of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, at prices so uniformly low as to excite the ad miration of the purchaser, aud insure to tho seller large and,speedy sales. Come and look, no charge for showing goods, as wo wish to verify our asser tions. sep 22 To the Public, rpHE subscriber in order to reduce his stock of X Clothing will sell from now until the first of January at Hod-ticed. Prices. His stock is largo and entirely new, and embraces everything usually kept in a First Class Clothing Store. He invites the public to give him a call and examine for themselves. E. WTN8HIP. nov 24 The $10 anil $15 Single and DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. I A N agency for the sale of these machines for this city and State, can be secured on libeial terms by* personal application to the subscribers, 8. E, Corner, 6th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia No one need apply without capital sufficient to con duet tho business properly and who cannot bring re ference as to reliability and capability. We positively assert that these machine* for all purposes of family sewing, arc in every respect su- periorto any sewing machine In Market, (no matter at what prices they may be sold at,) aud wherever they are offered for sale must command a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON A GOODELL Ug 14. _____ _ LADIES' RETREAT. RS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSICIAN, 168, _ Thompson, near Bloocker Street, N. York attends females during their confinement, and treats all diseases peculiar to her sex. Shelias commodi ous rooms for the accommodation of her patrons, and a patent apparatus to assist naturo. A female a pill, safe and sure remedy for all obstructions, sent by mail with full directions on receipt of $2. She has also a sure remedy for pylcs, and a valuable invigo rating, cordial. nov24—ly M 1 HEMOVA.L. HE subscriber has removed to tho corner store ., in “Washington Illock,’' (new Building) or in other words, “Tho old Washington Hall Corner,” “hero ho will bo pleased to sue his friends and cus- mers as usual. ov 24 J. BOARDM*N. 'i'liurstou 1C. Kloom, yi^TLL continue the Facinragc aud C'oimuio aug8 ■ ion Bnaiues* at Macon, Gkokuia. THE BLlsS OF MARRIAGE; THE WAY TO THE ALTAR, Matrimony Made easy, O r, How to \V in a lover! 500,000 COPIES ALREADY ISSUED. VOX,. OF 200 PAGES 33 mo. PRICE Si. Printed on the finestpaper and Illustrated in in the first style ofart. 20 th edition ready. T teaches how to make ladies or gentlemen win tile affections of as many of tho opposite sex as their lioaits may desire: and tho plan is so simple, and yet so captivating, that all may be niarriea ir respective of age appearance or position; and it can be arranged with such case and delicacy, that detec tion is impossible. It gives a remedy for unrequited iovc. It gives you instructions for boautifying the por- son. How to have a handsome face and hands. Howto remove tan and freckles. A lecture on love, or privato advice to married La dies and Gentlemen. A complete code of Gallantry and Etiquette, with iovo letters in abundance. This is decidely the most fasinating, interesting, and really useful and practical work on Courtship .Matrimony, anil the delights of Married life that has ever been issued from tile American press. The ar tificial social system which in so many instances prevents a union of hearts, and sacrifices to convan tionrlism the happiness and even tho lives of thou sands of the young aud hopeful of both sexes, is thoroughly analysed and exposed. Every one who contemplates marriage and wishes for an infallible guide in tho selection of a partner for life, should purchase this great text book of connubial felicity, All that is necessary for you to do, is to write a let ter, in as few words as possible, inching ONE DOLLAR, and write the name with tho Post Oflieo County and State and direct to PBOF.RONDOUT, Publisher A Author, „ 200 Broadway NoW York City. R. M. DEWITT, 1C2 Nassab St. N. Y., is Wholesale Agent. nov 24 ly* ON CONSIGNMENT, A N extensive stock of CARRIAGES of the vari ous styles in nse. They have been selected with great care by II. C. McKEE, who is acknowl- ed one of the best judges and buyers of work in the Northern market. The Stock will be constantly replenished, and consist of the latest and most fashionable styles of VEHICLES, combining Elegance with Ijightiics* nml Strength. Built by J. M. Quinby A Co., Mott A Co., Brews ter A Son, W. Dunlap, Hedenburg A Little, G. A D. Cook A Co., L. H. Goodwin and other reliable man ufacturers. £3** Persons wishing tho rery best work on the most favorable terms, twill do well to examine this Stock before purchasing. T. H. PLANT, feb 10 QUHBFS Brattleboro Buggies. A BEAUTIFUL article, and for neatness, light ness and Strength unequaled by anything of the kind in the market. For sale by sep'8 T. H. PLANT. B EKI.INM.—The subscriber is constantly re ceiving fine and fashionable BERLIN COACHES some plain and others most beauti fully finished. They are built by the best makers at the North under the direction of Mr. K. C. McKee for this establishment; and adapted to our roads with perch, right track, Ac.—Can be recommended and warranted with confidence. Being on three eliptic springs the motion is pleasant, and they are a light, strong, comfortable and convenant family carriag - aro fast superseding tho old style or C spring coach. They sell at from 8450 to 8800, and j in fact are offered at a small advance from the man 1 ufacturer’s prices, for cash or good notes. june 23 X. II. PLANT. Copartnership 'Son,., - rpilE Subscriber has this day ■ I in business, his sons JAMES v LAY. The name and stvle of the after belt. FINDLAY’fcS0NS „?^^S as heretofore that of a First Slat, P Macon March tth 1657. kobebt^' DissoIutionT~'''~~~'- T HE firm of CARHART A BBAY, on the 1st January, 1857 ] lv m „, Either of the Partners are anthems* old business of the concern. Ailing call and settle at an earlv date close it up immediately. ' \v. H.BBAy 0 ®' t "' l ° — ■ W-I).CAnn ttl Notice. T HE firm of BHAYACABIIART l, dissolved, its business will beVjSSN The old friends and customers of B«v t, ru I together with all new ones, ar. : RoiieitdiJ.Jn 1 ' I old stand on Third street, where a large and well selected Shock of Hardu^l Cutlery, consisting in part of wu * *4| Blacksmith's Tools, Carpenter's Tools, Machinist's Tools, Planter's Hardware, Builder’s Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials, Mill Iron and Saws of every descnotal Nails and Horse Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles, IRON AND STS3EL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron (fourom»| portation, Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Inn, Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oval and Half Round Iron, Plow Sieel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, Ip., all of which we are bound to sell at the love* b| ket prices. CARRAKTiUEii | feb 10 B. A. WISE Hayden & Woodward. froSALE & LIVERY STABLE H AVING purchased the commodious stable and large lot attached known as tho Washington Hail Stablo and lot and furnished the same with good safe Horses, and new as wellas tasty Vehicles, they are in readiness to furnish their friends and tlie’public generally with good Horses, Buggies, Car riages Ac., in complete order at the shortest notice, FOR CASH, AN© CASH ONLY. They aro determined to give satisfaction, if strict attention to business, aud reasonable terms will en able them to do so. Horses fed and kept by the day, week, or month. Drove stock alsoaccoinmodated at reasonable prices Mulberry street, next to Lottery Office, Macon Ga. ISAAC HAYDEN, june2 J. II. WOODARD. BOOTS AND SHOES. ^TTJIESIGNOFTHE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks lor the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now iu store a hrge assortment of HOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will bo made, of all the different styles and patterns usuajly called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to pnrcliSbie, to call and examine our stock, na we are prepared to sell as low as any house iu the city or State, jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both , 3oled and pegged. Just receivedand for sale low by jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—a large assortment of Gents Rnd boys Rubbers. Also, La-1® dies slipper aud sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by jan 3 MIX A KIRTLAND. PLANTATION RUOGANS.-Now instoro X tho best assortment of Negro Shoes, wc* have ever offered in this market. Men’s double spied peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts ; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which wo are selling very low. jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. J^OOTS AND SHOES.—Men s, Boys and , DOTS Youth’s lino calf and kip peg’d Boots;« Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Roots; Gents last ing Gaiters. Monterey, opera and tics, and fine call IS NOW. RECEIVING BIS FALL STOCl St STOVEIS and HOUSE FURNISHING HARDFAE consistikq or One Hundred and Fifty Cookis; STOVES. One hundred Box, Parlor and Office Stovii Twenty select and choice patterns of Gntetif* made expressly for wood. Ten tons of Hollow-ware, assorted. Fifty Boxes Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire. ZiK,k A GAUGE EOT OF 4 IIOICE AW4 Itclpatterns of Waiters. ' Forty Silver Plated Cas tors at from 4 to 15 dollars each. Fifty dozen plated Tea A Table Spoons on genuine Albata. Twenty-five dozen Table and Desert Forks on genu ine Albata. Fifty steak and Oyster dishes, Tea and Caffw Urns. Three dozen CamDhine Lamps, 15 doz. Camphine iWa. Twenty doz. No. 1 Brooms. Weed Ware of every description. Well back ets, Wheels, Rope and Chain of eyetjw_ scription. 150 pair of assorted and-iroai o PAIR SHOVELS A.VD TONGS. 5ILVEK W® BRASS, BRITTANIA, IRON A JAPA5E)Ci& STICKS, EARTHEN BRXTTAStA, 1P.0S IN 1 Spittoons, Hair Whitewash, Shoe, PaintA® every kind of Brushes, Dusters, Math, te coa Dippers, Ac. Knivesand rwks« the best quality, Pocket cutlery, sW and house-keeping Hardware, Beat cutters Sausage staffers,Ac. u* 5 Fixtures, Brittania aud Glass lamps, Lanterns, and al most anything kept in my line. Having se lected my stock in person and buying tinder tho most favorable ad vantages I a m pre- . pared To Sell Goods at Very Low Fn* a::d would be pleased to have the pa ■ call and examine my a I still continue to manufacture al-’ ^ have on hand a large assortment, to wai the attention of wholesale purchasers. ULC l/inw—- . . B. A. WISE,rh«£'\ sep 39 auuiuci , Ojictn 1V11U UVO) til I (A Itiio UAil I “V- X _ ~r~Tr 11.'41 Brogans; Gents, boys' aud youths’ patent and enam- I rii/ \ ijt i vrjnij n o p ft 1 BIT A IJjiJ died Brogans: Men’s, hoys’ and youths’ California IU JuLANIMlO A l/Al-U-d 1 ' 1 kip Brogans, a largo assortment, jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. PIANO-FORTES. N OW Receiving some of the most SPLENDID PIANO FORTES WEST’S PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT HOOFING. T HE subscriber having tho right for the state of Georgia, would call the attention of tho public to the above named Roofing, it being the only pat ent granted that secures the use of Rubber and other ola-tio ingredients which will resist the changes of our climate and will unite tho qualities of incombus tibility, durability and cheapness. This roofing will be warranted in every particular and is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs, oct 13 W. J. McELROY. Olioice G-rooeries JUST RECEIVED. O r, HHDS. New crop N. O. Sugar, U 100 bbls. Refined Sugar, 25 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Syrup, 100 Boxes Cream Cheese, 25 Kegs and Tubs Goshen Butter, 100 Packages New Crop Raisins, For sale at very low figures for cash. Citv papers copy. J. R. & W. A. ROSS, doe 22 tf Siiiris, Slurs g-rv DOZ. Linen Bosom and Mai " U sale cheap by nov 24 -seiles Shirts, for E. WINS HEP. F OIt Sale 8000 acres of land uated mostly on or near the Stage i*r bany to Thomasville, and distant from - 15 miles. . 0 .T- a SC oa They are iu bodies of from 500 to ... , „ , . „ , rt . t „ . improvements on each. ,, qiVf aver offered for sale m Macon, from the 1/ U & U If I fhe lino of the projected Ra i So* 11 celebrated lactones of J. C. Chiekoriug and Nunn I to Thomasville andilaiebriJg'ipass^i^i.,* A Clark, warranted superior to any other made in the | Tho Rail Road from Macon to AMjMJ Lmted States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brovm pleted bythe 1st October, which with * Co’s. Factory. t0 Thomasville, renders these Plantation* 0 iho above instruments aro a feast to one’s eyes to | access, look at, and the tone completely captivating. We | ’ AiSO) shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any . . ■ , ~ that havo a taste for fino goods. | 1°°° Acres in Lany c ^ u . ^ acres of On hand, Prince Melodious, best article of the I, J°°0 Acres m kind mnde : Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, I fy ,n B oa Spring Creek.are i P u .500 ofwbicb-J Tamborius, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, I 2000 Acrea ra Cffiquit County, _ imptoyf*— and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept in I on Littlo Ochlockonee i{1 '^ ’ ^aiagly riek ^ our Une. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Musio for ■ h°d v contains 350 acres ot Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. \Vntchr«, Jewelry and Fancy Good*. Splendid Gold and Silver AVATCHES; Gentlemen and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, Brooches, Kings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, .vi r - — body contains 350 acres Hammock— ( u tlx 1 *') 6000 Acres in Be^en Connty^^^ two This Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, AVait- ers aud Caudle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags; Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. E®’* Clocks and AVatches repaired, and warranted, I choo Rivers. Thoy aro now short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot- I and put in cultivation, aud ductfre as the lands higher up — and Dougherty counties. c (Mm erstwi«* * Tho U. S. .Mail is earned *“Dseattf !v from Baiubridge (the county si ..., t 7510*' tli« /»iKfnmnrV Wt0 Ol R n , iSbodiS Ofiooo^crra o^Mnd^eoi- ibis last named i3 on the rfrnunty S* within two miles of Nashville vhe County A. 1.0, bodies V , 25,000 Acres in Decatur county, m t)lCSt pl>8 from 500 to 2500 acres— and several of 750 and 1230 acres are uni? These lands are all situated 1. _ plains of the rich valley of tkojfhn ^ oh no Rivrors. Thov aro now boginumj w, at short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenue, Union Building, nov 3 J. A. A 8. S. VIRGIN. i the vslleJ w HENRY HORNE'S Confection:) rr, Fruit Store, Cnke and I*n«. *ry Bnliery—Macon, Georgia, one door below -- _ ..... . the State Bank. ATANUFACTUREIt ofthe finest French Pastrv ILL and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, AVarranted Im- ortedAVines and Brandies, Cordials, Syruns, Nuts, iegars, Tobacco, Ac., AVholesale and Retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. AVkddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections nnd Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonablo terms. N. B.—Terms :—Positively Cash.—no Credit given. jan 30—ly HAVE now on hand, and for sale, about negroes, for which I will take the bills of the Manufacturers’ Bank or any other current hills, oct 20 WILSON C. HARDY, Bay, and the customary rate bale, on Cotton. . . f re .,h 'Vo Planters desirous of obtainiiig > . ;j jto lands to cultivate, and Capita-)*■*> .' safe and profitable investment ct do well to call and examine- J Terms of sale will bo made caniy-- Maps and a more detailed desertpn"a by calling at ^ GEO. AY. GAH.MA m > ^ Suspended Bank Notes - ^ j yt pj r» IX EXCHANGE FORGOOT^p. I ‘ • freta C--V Floyd House Block, three doe.s Roff. ■bhBpI