Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, February 09, 1858, Image 4

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LOUIS MFMARD, Late with M. D. Barne I F. II. BUKO HARD, i Late with Day &. Mau* MENARD & BURGHARL Watchmakers A Jewellers, W ILL open at thc-ir new store, Ralston's F Range, eoi icr of Cotton Avenue and ■: Cherry street, a! out tin- 1st of October, a beautiful and wel: selected assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, Musical Instruments, Fancy Goods, &c. t See, An examination of which, they would most respect fully solicit, feeling confident that they will °e able to offer everything in theirlino calculated to pieaso the taste of even the most fastidious. Repairing; of every description, executed in a manner that . guarantee satisfaction, by the best wo.kmcn in the '"’.They hone, by offering choice and elegant Goods and by strict attention to business, to merit a liber al share of public patronage. ge P - a ITnitod Suites Marshal's Sales. VT 7 ILL be sold before the Court House in the VV City of Macon, between the usual hours of sale,on tin* first Tuesday in .March next, the follow ing property vis: .... Lots of Land. Now U7, No. 151, and the North half of Lot No. 116, in the 16th District of originally Leo now Sumpter County, containing 50CJ acres moro or less, being the niece whereon Alexander M. Little now lives, well improved, lying on Jluckaleo Creek, about 1 mile* from Americas. Levied on as the property of Alexander M. Little, to satisfy a fi fa from the sixth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of John McCurdy vs. Alexander M. Little. Property poin ted out by the defendant. Sold for Specie. 1500 acres of Land more or less, in the 25 th District of Webster county near the town of Preston, numbers not known, it being the plMSO whereon Dr. Sion 15. Hawkins now lives, levied on as his property to sat- wSr a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Goorgia. in favor of llaviland Iiarrnl A Co., vs.Sion B. Hawkins and James F. Cato. Property pointed ont by Dr. Sion 11. Hawkins. Sold for Specie. One twO-story brick Store House and Lot, in tho town of Forsyth, fronting the Court House on the east side of tho PublioSquaro, and occupied bv Wil lis Wynne, and pointed ont by him, also the Lot in the Town of Forsyth on wfcicn stands tho two story Dwelling kitchen and other out houses now occupi ed by said Wynne. All levied on as tho property of Willis Wynne, to satisfy n fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of tho United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Robertson, Hudson and Pulliam vs. Willis Wynne and John H. Thomas. 16 Negroes, via: Hardy, a man about 50 years old : Mary his wife about 44 years old; Alford, about ac years old ; Allen, I * 1C years old; Julia, old ; Hardy, 8 years . . - - , man about 25 year* old, and his wifo Amanda, 20 I Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas years old; ana her two children, Tom, 3 years old, I v illo an( ] Bainbridge, connect with regular Train at and Mary Jane, 10 months old; Francis, n woman Albany. 27 years old; Isaiah, 26 years old, and Harris, 24 I Passengers from Columbus and the West, for years old. All levied on as*theproperty of Gilbert | South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the C. Carmichael to satisfy a fi fa from tho Sixth Circuit | 4 p . m. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- Conrt of the United States, for the Southern District I days tho 55 min. after 1 a. m Train at Columbus, of Georgia, in favor of Carhart, Brother & Co., vs. Trains on South western Road, connect with Gilbert C. Carmichael. Property pointed out by the Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and Au defendant Sold for Specie. ■ Lot of Land, number 131, one half of number 127, southwestern Uuilroatl. SCHEDULE FOB PASSENGER TRAINS L EAVE Macon at 1 30, am. and 1130a.m. Arrive in Colnmbus 8 52, a. m. and 6 33 p. m., Leave Macon for Albany 1 30, a. m.,Arrive in Albany 8 58, p. m. Leave Albany 3 40, p. m., Arrive in Mncon 10 28, Accommodation Train leave Macon 7, a. m., (Tri Arrivo in , about 22 years old; Ann, about weekly,) Arrive in Albany 4 55, p.m. 13years old ; Nancy. 10 years Leave Albany 5, a. m., (Tri-weekly.) 1 old; Nat 6 years old; Dory,a Macon, 1 40,p.m. and one half of Lot number 162, containing 405 acres, more or less, all in the 14th District of originally j Dooly, now Worth county, it being the place where on Benjamin T. Collier now lives, levied on as his property, to satisfy two fi fa’s from the Sixth District Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, one in favor of James R. Ingram, vs. Benjamin T. Collier and the other in favor of James R. Ingram vs. Benjamin T. Col lier, William R. Harris and William IV. Brown. | Property pointed ont by Ben. T. Collier. DANIEL 11. STEWART. U.S. Marshal. jan 26, United States Marshal’s Sale. gasta. Passengers for Atlanta and tho North-West should take the evening train from Albany, and either train from Columbus to avoid detention. tsr First class Steamships leave Savannah on Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. Fare—Cabin passage 625, Steerage 88. GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt nor 24 "VT 7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, ] Leave Macon 1 a. m. VV between tho legal hours of sale, before the 1 Leave Macon 1130 a. TT am.j, Ja am rtf 1 /' L a ^ .... 1 •• 1m 4l. .. mS4m .Cllf. I T Anv,n Atlanta 1 O nt A, MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD Macon. Dec. 14, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after Friday, 18th insk, the Trains .viJj be run os follows: Leave Macon lam. arrive Atlanta 8 15 a.m. in. arrive Atlanta 5 25 p.m. Leave Atlanta, 12night, arrive Macon 715a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 30 p. m. arrive Macon 6 20 p. m. ALFRED L. TYLER, dec 22 Superintendent. Court House door of Btub county, in the city of Ma con, one Honse and Lot in the city of Albany, coun ty of Dougherty, and State of Georgia, known as lot I No. 35 on Broad street in said city, and as the hotel and bar-room of George W. Crummey; Levied on os the property of George W. Crummey, by virtue of a fi fa from the sixth circuit court of the United States for the Southern district of Georgia, James C. Si llman and Son vs. George W. Crummey, property pointed ont by defendant and sold subject to the mortgage and lien on record in Dougherty county. DANIEL II. STEWART, C. S. Marshal, jan 26 Per. S. Atkinson, U. S. Pep. Marshal. Houston March Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in Perry, Houston county, on tho first Tuesday in March next, between the legal hours of sale, a House and Lot in the village of Henderson, in said county, containing acres more, or less; Levied on as the property of Jesse R. Horne to satisfy a fi fa. from the Houston Superior court in favor of Ro bert B. Brown, against said Jesse R. Horne and Wil liam M. Davis. JOHN SMITH, jan 26 Deputy Sheriff. Executor’s Sale. W ILLbesold onthofirstTnesday in March next,. before the Court Honse door in tho Town of I Leather If at Boxes, Umbrellas, Ac. Hawkinsville, between the 'legal hours of sale, the All of which will be sold at fair prions. Jobbers following lots of land lying in Pulaski county, to wit: I from Town or Country, con have their Stocks re Lots Nos. 78 A 148, in the fifth district of originally | plenished on favorable terms. Dooly now Pulaski county. Sold by the virtue of the I sep 29 Will of Henry Glover, late of Houston county, de ceased, for the benefit of his heirs. Terms on a credit until the first of December nexi, with approved security. F. A. HILL, T. P. GLOVER, > Ex’rs. dec 22 60d JOSEPH KEMP. HATS! HATS!^| E3W aXz. A BE now receiving at their Fashionable Hat Store, under Ralston's New Concert Hall, Cher ry Street, Macon, a large and varied assortment of Goods in their line, consisting in part of the follow ing articles: FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHIONA- ble Black Beaver nats, extra French Felt Hats, Men’s Cashmorette, Men's Mandloea. Men's Drab Beavers, Men’s Silk Velvet Caps, Men’s Navy Caps, Extra, Ladies’ Riding Hats, extra fine, Otto Caps, extra. Boy’s Hats, Fine Cashmorette and Fine Black and Fur Hats. Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Caps, Cloth Caps from 50 eta., to 62 00. Also ** largo assortment of Plantation Goods, Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Put nam county, will be sold before the Coart Uouse door, in Marion, Twiggs county, on the first I. HENRY BEILIN. LEONARD W. HUN .’ NEW FIRM. fTIHE undersigned, having purchased the interest J. of thelate firm of Fitzgerald & Nottingham, and having this day taken possessiob, will continue the Wholesale and Retail Drug 1 Business at the same stand under the name and style of Zeilin, Sunt cb Co. Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of honse. and solicit a continuance of tho patronage of the old sale. Lot of Land, No. 149 in the 7th district of Twiggs county.—Sold as the property of Wiley Abercrom bie, late of Putnam county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. O. F. ADAMS, Ad’mr. jan 5 de bonis non. Administrator’s Sale. We intend to keep on hand a thorough ass •rtment of the best articles the markets afford in the line oi Drags, Glass, Medicines, Pnints, ■ nstrnnicnts, Oil, Perfumery, Varnishes, Dye Staffs Change cf Sclietlule. SAVANNAH AN D CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE IX COXXXECTIOX with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. rpIIE splendid and Fast Running COUDOIV, F. Barden, Commander, leavesSavnn- nali for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday Win. K. dcGraflenriCil, Attorney a t Law, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below I.anicr House—above | Damour’s net 27 JL. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert nail, over Payne s Drug [ Store. jan 6 ALEX. M. STEER, afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects at Charleston I A T T f) I? N F V AT LA W . with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road going A 1 I ORDLI A *. rx vv , — - - - MACON, GA. North: returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 01 c’-clock (after the arrival of tho cars of the North Eastern K. Rood.) nnd ar rives at tsavannah early the following mori:ings._ By this route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Go., nnd Wilmington, N. Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Road ana its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag't, Savannah. E. LAF1TTE A CO., Ag’ts, Charleston. jan 19 HOWLAND it MRS. TS now opening FALL and WINTER X niLLlAEBY. Consisting of all the Fashionable Styles* of BONNETS, HEAD DRESSES, FEATHENS, \ FLOWERS, CLOAKS AND BERAGES SILK EVENING DRESSES, CRINOLINES, WIRE BRAIDS, STELLA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable I terms for Cash. Country Milliners supplied with bonnets by the Case or Dozen. All orden promptly attended to in Millinery \ or Dress Making. oct 27 OFFICE on the Avenue; over the Store of Cater & Bowdre. - july 22 EAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, P. Tract. Stubbs, Hill & Tracy, AT TOR NE YS AT LA IV, Macon, Ga. march 11 T. G. HOLT, Jr„ A.tt02?Etey 31b£VX7V, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston’s new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. aug4 ISAAC HARDEMAN, Attorney ^vfc Xj£VS7£7"« CLINT ON, G EOllGIA. inly * ty Law Copartnership. I. L. HARRIS, CHAS. J. HARRIS, Milledgeville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga, sep 15 MILL! MERY. M RS. AUDOIN would respectfully announce to | the ladies of Macon and surrounding conn- tie», that she has removed to her New Brick vij Store, next door to the Mechanic’s Bank, on 2d-/*^v street, (her old stand) whero she is now receiving and opening an entire new Stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS _ in her line, consisting of STRAW.SILIi AND VEL VET HATS, newest style. HEAD DRESS ES, of every design. CURLS AND HAIR BRAIDS, EMBROI DERIES Of rich qualities. LACE SETTS of various pat terns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedioos to mention. All of which will be sold enr reasonably 10 CASH customers. Thankful for post favors, she solicits a continu ance of the custom of her old friends and will study to deserve the kind patronage ofall who may call and view her goods. Get 27—tf JL .35. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. jan 20 O. A. I.UCHRANE, JOHN LAMAR. LOCHBANE A EAMAR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office by the Mechanic's Bank. O FFICE hours from 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m and also from 7 to 10 p. m. Will practice in all tho counties in the Macon Cir cuit ana in all the counties of Jones, Monroe and Co lumbia and in the Supreme Court. jan 12 6m FLINT HOUSE. MAt'O.V, GA , y jrORMERLYknownastliri Macon House, ’ 011 First street, opposite Fatten, Col-fitsC lins A Co., has been recently fitted up with a largo addition, fortlie accommodation oflloard and the traveling public, who will find it to their in terest, if stopping a few days in Macon, to give us f call and see lor themselves. _ The proprietor, thank fui for past favors, flatters himself that by strict at tention to business, lie will receive his share of pub lie patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at tho above house, when arriving at the depot will ask for its Represen tative. The table shall not be inferior to any in the substantiate of life. Price of SoarcL: For a single meal... 50 Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1.25 By the day L 50 Single week 2,°° By tho mouth (Board A Lodging)....20,00 fob 2 THOS H. FL1N r. Proprietor. HOTJBJL. OPPOSITE THE NEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 MILLS HOUSE CHARLESTON, S. C. Corner of Meeting; & Queen Streets T HE undersigned having became associated with this House, takes great pleasure in reminding his friends that he will be glad to see them when ever they muy havo occasion to visit Charleston. lie feels confident in assuring them that the Mills House will in every respect be equal to any Hotot in the United States. H. D. HARRIS, jan 19 2m Fall and Winter Millinery. M RS. A. DAMOUR has just returned from New York with a splendid and fashionable assort ment of the above named goods, consisting of Silk Velvet and Straw Hats, Plnmes, Flowers', Ribons, Caps, Head Dresses, | Point Lace Setts, Berthas, Embroideries, Cloaks ofall qualities, Long Shawls, Brooche Shawls, Chenille Shawls and Scarfs. A large lot of new styles Extension Skirts, Whale-! bone and other IIOOPMfor NKIKT8. A lot of | fine Robes with trimmings on the side and other Goods for Dresses, such as Canton Crape, Flounced Robes, See. oct 13 ly SEWARD A IIAiVSELL. 1. L. SEWARD. A. H. 11ANSELL: ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in tho counties ot Thomas, Lowmles, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD A IIANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 Samuel Hunter, Attorney at Xact-'E-sr, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE IS TRIANGULAR BLOCK, CORtfEll OF CHERRY sr. and cotton avenue ; Entraneeon the Avenue. W ILL practice in Bibb and surrounding coun ties and attend the Federal Courts at Sa vannah and Marietta. jan 26 EUGENE E. HIKES. Attorney at Law, THOMASVILLE, GA. feb 1 6m IS ONWARD ! OUE5. MOTTO. KIMBROUGH A BASS, Attorneys tat Law, STARKSVILLE, LEE CO., GA., reras .■fi.-sssssr massts JL tion of our customers convince ustunt our ays- 1 tem of business is a good one, via; K^o^^wmbo^don^e'fiV^mfMlIyinMarch 2 nd . a General stock of such goods as are fotmd in next, before the Court House door In DsLtur co„ Lot No. 25 in the 15th district originally Early, ; Decatur county. Sold as the real estate of Moses Taylor, late of Jones county, deceased. Terms on the day. JESSE C. SMITH, Ad’mr. jan 19 i st nct attention and obliging manners to merit and ow 1 receive a large share of public patronage Jan. 1,1858. jjanl2tf] Dissolution, T HE firm of Fitzgerald & Nottingham is this day dissolved by inutnal consent. Either party W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next • is authorized to use the name of the firm in settle- before the Court House door, in tho Town of , . Thoinaston, in said county. Eighty likely negroes, t The Books, Notes and Accounts may be found at with few exceptions, consisting of men, boys, fro- th« old stand now occupied by Messrs. Zeilin, Hunt men. girls amf children belonging to the estate of * Co., who are also authorized to receive all monies Mnrharino Bunkly, dec. Also the plantation of said dne !“• All indebted are respectfully reouMted to deceased, containing eight hundred and ten acres of come forward and settle. R. FITZGERALD, land more or less, ofwhich aboot fourhnndredkcrts I |j«>12j C. B. NOTTINGHAM, cleared land, the remainder excellent timber and good land, adjoining the lands of Thomas Rose, J»meiH. Stafford, A. J. White and others. | TTAVING disposed of our interest in tho Drug . months credit with interest from Xl Business to Messrs. Zeilin. Hunt A Co, wer£ date, if notpnni TERREL BARKS;DA?d? 0 \ n, ,~^ n " * s P ect f a ^y.® 0 **. c * f f° r them a cont inuance of the pat- jan 19 Georgia—Jones County. ■\T7HEREAS, Samantha Ellen Woodall applies V Y to me for Letters of Administration on tho estate of John M. Woodall, late of Jones County de ceased; These ore, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons, and singnlar, the kindred and creditors of said dee, to be and appear at myoffice within tho time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters sbonld not be granted. ronage so kindly extended to ns by those friends it has been our pleasure to moke in tho business. E. FITZGERALD, Jan. 1 (janlSj C. B. NOTTINGHAM ISAAC’S RESTAURANT. ON CHERRY STREET, UNDER RALSTON’S NEW CONCERTHALL. H IS house is opened as a Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers and dtl- ny said -Letters slionid not bo granted. I ~~ \ G iven under my hand at offico, this the 30th day of ^ronghout tho year. January, 1858. feb 8 CHAR. MACARTHY, Ord. Georgiu=-Joncs County. | "1V7TIEREA3, Sarah Williamson, applies to me i V J for letters of Administration, de bonis non, on the estato of Greonbery Williamson, deceased .- These-arc, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors,to bo and nppcnr at my office on or before tho 1st Monday in March next, to show causo, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. ■ m m m He will always bo prepared to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to tho season, such as New York, Savannah and Bruns- WICK OYSTERS, >sS®S& Fish, Shrimps and all kinds of Wild Gamo that can be obtained. Choice Wines and Eiqnors, and a general assortment of Confectionary always Small Profits and Quick Sales. Wo have now in store and shall receive by every Steamer from New York ns handsome a stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS ns ever has been brought to the city of Macon, which we are detxrwiked to sell as cheap, if not CHEAPER than any other honse in the trade; among which will be found a splendid lot of VELVET & CLOTn CLOAKS, T.tLJIAN Side Striped 8ilk Robes and other Silks, French and English Alerinoes, Plain and Figured DeLaines, French, English and Ameri can Prints, Long and Square Shawls, Cheneille Shawls and Scarfs, Bonnet Ribbons, French Collars and Sleeves, Bands, Jaconet & Swiss Edgings, Bed Blankets, Ne gro Blankets and Ker seys, White and Red Flan nels, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Ken tucky Jeans, Ladies Cloths, Ac., Ta ble Damasks and Napkins, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shirting and many other things too nnmerons to mention ; All of which will be sold very tow for cath. Nitw York Store, Macon,sept .15 DENMAN A WATERMAN. care will be promptly and dilligently attended to. feb2tf EAW NOTICE. FTUIE undersigned offers liis services in theprac- Munroe and Dougherty, and by special contract, in any county of tho State. Office opened in the city of'Macon 1st of March ensuing. Until then my ad dress is Albany, Ga. ABNER P. POWERS, jan 26 Win. J. Iiroivii, Attorney at Law, Vienna, Dooly County, Ga. W ILL practice in the counties of Houston,Dooly nnd Worth. AU business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. feb 19 MEDICAL CARD- DR. JAMES A. DAMOUR HAS resumed the practice of hte profession, and permanently located in tins city. He can be found at hte office three doors below the Lanier Honse at AU Hours, unless professionally en gaged. Macon, June, 91856. BYINGTON’S HOTEL BROAD STREET, .A.X'ito£123.37%, Greorgiei T HIS new and elegant Hotel is now open for tho accommodation of the pubUc. Persons visiting Albany will find at this House comfortable and neatly furnished rooms (fire places in each room) nnd a table that is unsurpassed by any other Hotel in the country. The subscriber, grateful to tho public for their 11 heral patronage for years past, respectfully solicits hte old friends, and the pubUc generally, to call and see him in his new quarters. The Stage OlHcc for tho stages running to Bainbridge, Thomasville and Tallahassee is kept at this House. J. L. BYINGTON. dec 22 Albany, Ga. CRUMMEY HOUSE, ALBANY, GA. T HE above Hotel in Albany, the present terminus of the Georgia and Florida Rail Road, is now open for the reception of THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. The house and furniture is entirely new, and can not be excelled by any Hotel in the State. The Proprietor is determined to make it TIte Best Hotel in South-western Gcorgin, and by strict attention to his Guests, intends merriting the public patronage. Albany, Nov 19, 1857. G. W. CItUMMEY, nov 24 3m Proprietor. Watches, Jewelry, Silver 'WS7'£j,3co, FANCY GOODS. Piano Fortes, Violins, QUIN 8, ©WTILERY Port Monies, c&c. We are offering our entire STOCK of tho above, with an innumerable variety of other new and desirable GOODS, jgL of the best quafi- ty at LOWER PIECES,for CASH, thatiSHsoi&IeTer before sold in this market, until the 1 tico of the LAW in the soverai counties of the "S7K T’C't" rJovT rtf 'IhTom'h nnvf Macon District; also out of the District—in Jones, XlXbL Uctj AUCtiOH lit/All. OUR STOCK IS very large and well se- llcted, and well worthy the attention of all those who wish FINE and GOOD G O 0 D S, at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES: N. B.—Alt those indebted to ns, will more than ever oblige ns bi/ an early settlement. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Macon, January 20, 185S. NEW OPENING OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, I DR. H. A. MATT AUER, H AVING spent a portion of three successive years iu this city, during which time he has limited his practico almost exclusively to Surgery, now re spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in ail the branches of hisprofession. Office on tho South-east corner of 3d auu Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery, juno 9 Dr. I. HI, Comings O FFERS hte Professional services as a Reform Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Macon. Goods, consisting I Office in the MEDIAL COLLEGE, on Mulberry mar 24 Triangular Block, comer of Cotton Avenue and Second Street. Come all and share in the Bargains I am Offering T HE subscriber is just opening a rich and splen did Stock of Fall and winter i partly in Black and Col’d, Plain and figured Silks, Satin Bayadire and Droguet Checked Silks. Gros de Na-1 DR G. McSONALI) pies and Satins. French and English Merinos, Worst-1 “ * tye> NTTWT ed Plaide, all Wool do Laines, and a large variety] - r - r7 .™ rTT ,_ i,:» of others, Poplins, Paramattors, Alapacas, Dncals I f® r ; ''jJP n and Cashmeres, Velvet and cloth Cloaks, Talmas, V V mstant, continues the pract.ce in alhts branch Albions aiid Velvet Alvins, a splendid variety of | iKnSfcS Shawls, the celebrated Stella Shawls and Scarfs, one of tho richest variety of Embroideries, ever brought to this city, an unsuipassed rich variety of Ribbon Trimmings and velvet Trimmings, English, French nnd American prints, Cashmeres, Doeskins, Flan nel, a large assortment of Domestics, Blankets and Kerseys, Linen Damasks, French Counterpanes, and •n glass boxes with mctolic covers, will be found for sale at his office, on Second Street. May, 1857 Dr. Frederick Gsu-ke, SURGEON DENTIST W OULD inform the citizens of HOUSTON and adjoiniog Counties, that lie has permanent- a large variety of other articles too numerous to I ty i ocate d in PERKY, and offers his professional mention, all of which will be sold at the cheapest I seivices totho people iu that vicinity. A practice of cash prices. ... , ..I sixteen years in the principal cities of Europe and No exertion shall be spared to give perfect satis-1 America, enables him to givo satisfaction in every faction to all who want goods at cheap rates. branch of hia profusion. I solicit a call from city and country buyers, and to I Persons at a distance can procure his services by price the several articles they require before buying | g i v j„g hira notice. Prices reasonable. IJentistry. TAKE CARE of YOUR TEETH. D R. BLAISDELL from New York City, respectfully informs the Citizens of Macon and vicinity, that lie has located himself permanently in this city, and has associated himself with Dr. H. Segar for the practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the spa cious Rooms in Washington Block, over the Hat Store of C. B. Stone, opposite the Lanier House, and fitted them up in n superior manner with all the mo dern conveniences and improvements for the suc cessful practice of their profession. We perform all operations upon the teeth in the highest style of the Art. We shall fill teeth with pure Gold, or such other Material as is approved of by the profession, and warrant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it. We insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to nature that the most scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural ones; and we warrant them to give perfect satisfac tion, as well ns answer all the purposes of Mastica tion, Articulation and Durability! We shall exercise great care in Extracting and Cleaning the teeth. We shall give special atten tion to the treatment of tho diseases of the Teeth and Gums, and as far as may be, restore them to a healthy condition. Dr. liluisdell has had many years experience in the practice of his profession, besides being a Medi cal Graduato, and he feels fully competent for the most difficult and intricate operations he may he call ed upon to perform. Dr. Segar is too well known in this community to require any extended notice here NEW DRUG STORE. ALEX. A. MENARD, RALSTON'S BUILDING, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA H AS just received and is now opening a fresh stock of Drugs, Chemical*, Paints, Oil Perfumer;; a gg PZcdicincf*, KaiUfjnmenli) Dyr-Mtnffn, Patent IT&cdi- PliarioBCcutical PrrjiaratioHSy &c. My Drugs have been selected with strict refer ence to their purity and quality; they are fresh and may be fully relied on. [y Order* Faithfully Executed. JF\ ty Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Medi cines put up with neatness and accuracy, at all hours of the day or night. A large lot of Artificial Teeth just received feb 24-tf Houston Carriage Manufactory. JOSEPH TOOKE, SON & CO., * Having formed a co-partnership with MR. ISAAC "WINTER, Who has been a practical coach . / maker for 19 years, in tho Manufac- fsSSV-j-igK turiug of ail kinds of v 7 v > CARRIAGES, SUPERIOR COACHES, CHARR0TEES, ROCKA WAYS,BUGGIES, $ C. Having employed skillful and reliable workmen, all work put up under Mr. Winter’s personal atten • tion. It is our intention to build work in Style, Neatness and Durability, And fully guarantee to givo satisfiction; all we ask is a call and examination of our work, which we will sell low on Reasonable Terms. Also made to order, two, four and six horso Iron or Wood Axled Wagons, Ac. REPAIRING In the best thorough ^ TO()KK * WM. TOOKE, ISAAC WINTER. N. B. Carriage Shop Four and a half miles from Perry, direct road to Macon, twenty-five miles. |3>. work shipped to any part of the United States. Agents for Sale or Wont:—Perry, J. Cook— Hawkinsville, S. M. Manning—also, they have a De pository in Columbus.tnay 13 LIVERY ST-AJBLE BUSIHES§. GRIER <V MASTERSON. HAVING purchased the Extensive and Central I,1VEKYSTABI,ES, Long occupied by MASON Jc DIBBLE, Corner of Mulberry and Third sts. Macon, with nil tho stock and equipments of the concern, are now prepared to accommodate the public in the various brandies oi their business, on the most reasonable terms, For Cash only. Carriages and other Vehicles always on hand for hire, with good horses and careful drivers. Also die Hor3es, for the useof Ladiesand Gentlemen. sept!6 STEAJVE OTA K UFACTojjv IRON AND BRASS FoKtu, AND AU1 U GENERAL OTACElINp MACON. GEORGIA &Il0,> ’ T HE Proprietors of this - spectfuily call ; he attention ^* » 0B u r plating the erection of Steam Mfflw Gmuling, or for any Other superiority of tho Work has-been S » S' 1 * ficient guarantee for an extcnsK-A 11 patronage. Our Workshops an ds * n ? foenJfi' Tools, Patterns and Machinery, oS®; the expedition cf work possessed d fat 'ilili(, /' ltehmentin the State. Our pri C ef n0o, W. ! f compare favorably with that ofS?**?' 1 PrmsV ern Establishment. Tho 7 ® r “t clii-. v *i3 CAKKIAGES, HARNESS, &c. The Subscriber is note Receiving at his CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ON CONSIGNMENT, A N extensive stock of CARRIAGES of the vari ous styles in use. They have been selected with great care by II. C. McKEE, who is aeknowl- ed one of tho best judges.and buyers of work in the Northern market. The Stock will be constantly replenished, and consist of the latest and most fashionable styles of VEHICLES, combining Elrgancc with I.ightncHs nnd Strength. Built by J. M. Quinby A Co., Mott A Co., Brews ter A Son, VV. Dunlap, Hedenburg A Little. G. A D. Cook A Co., L. II. Goodwin and other reliable man ufacturers. I3P Persons wishing the very best work on the most favorable terms, (will do well to examine this Stock before purchasing. T. H. PLANT, feb 10 QUINBY’S Brattleboro Buggies. A BEAUTIFUL article, and for neatness, light ness and Strength unequaled by anything of the kind in the market. For sale oy sep 8 T. H. PLANT. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ an tty re- _D ceiving fine and fashionable BERLIN COACHES some plain and others most beauti fully finished. They arc built by the best makers at the North under the direction ot Mr. H. C. McKee for this establishment; and adapted to our roads with perch, right track, Ac.—Can be recommended and warranted with confidence. Being on three eliptic springs the motion is pleasant, and they are a light, strong, comfortable and convenant family carriag; • are fast superseding the old style or C spring coach. They sell at from 8450 to 8600, and in fact are offered at a small advance from the man nfactnrer’s prices, for cash or good notes. june 23 T. H. PLANT. . . tt,J 'fiil'k bteam Engine, Boilers, Saw Min n, , ' Circular Saws, Mill Gearing \ni t acli 0cn best quality for Com anclWheatvv^' Yt heels, a great variety, fiin o " a( er sizes, Iron Bailings, for fVn,~\ ear ’ Public and Private Buildfo® 61 , 6 "^’ of Wrought and CasAv^’ very superior embracing''’ strength with beauri- - of Design. / Sugar Milte and Syrup Boilers, all R i, t0 „ , Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac.. Gold Mnf*' , ry ’ j U £.P’A uble and Si ngle and Lift Pumps 0 f any f«t* Shafting with Turned pE V the smallest size to nine feet’iv ameter, Cotton Press Irons ‘ Cotton Screws, Rj|] ’ ,, , „ . Screws and Ba] cs England's Celebrated self-actins Cn- r , other Hail Road Castings. AU work he equal to the best made elsewhere WMnUi Wlc Macon, March 4th, 1857.^ ^ 4 S().\ s Copurl uership fl OUril 13 T HE Subscriber has this day assnei,?®T ir. business, his sons JAMES v LAY. The name and style of the PIfiii’ D ; Fli k siVKa^c. Qiru^ Hayden & Woodwar ‘ m& LIVERY STABLE elsewhere, nov 10 ELIAS EINSTEIN, mar24—ly Given under my hand at office, this thollth day of I kept on hand, and purchasers generally, can obtain January, 1858. •jan 19 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord. all hte articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUIT. Familios will bo suppliod with , OYSTERS and FRUIT PIES, nnd othcrflR* (e) . ... .... . ... » 1 dishes at any honr. Nyi / property of Mary Catharmo Emerson: Parties, Balls, Ac., will be promptly ^ ■uSd£^^12S^ d n^ 8SPPW * Unnd at ,he causo, if any they have, why saitTiaitteiashould not J 2£3r > Savannah and Brunswick Georgia—Jones County. W HEREAS Moses Stripling, applies to mo for I letters of Guardianship on the person and J. II. Hansom & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, I 32 Courtland Se 39 Dey Streets, New York. J. H. Ransom, 1 f A. P. Ransom, I Dan’l Ransom. > < Darius VV. Geer, W, A. Ransom, j j, Robt. H. Boyd. OYSTERS by the quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur chasers. oct 13 be granted. Given under my hand at office this llth day of January, 1858. CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord. Jan 19 . Georgia—Crawford County. VY7HKHEAS, Samuel Bentley applies to mo for j VV letters of Administration on tho Estate of John Bentloy, of sold county, dec.: These ore therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec., to be and appear at my offico within tho time prescrib- „ _ 0<1 by Iaw, and shew oaase,ifany they havo, why said I XL respondents and tho Planters generally ofGeor- letters of Administration should not bo granted said I gia and Alabama, as Samuel Bentley. I Factora and Commission Merclmnn, Given under my hand at office this 8th January I nnd pledge their undivided personal attention to the * 8 • ln JAMES J. RAY, I business entrusted to them. J*** 19 Ord. I Bagging, Rope and other Planters Supplies will ‘ bo carefully purchased nnd forwarded, and liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, J. COLLINS, *ngll J. S. HUTTON. PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., In Savannah, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., In OTacon. T3 ENEVV tho tender of their services to their Cor- A LL petsons indebted to the estate of Macharine IJL BunlJey, late of Upson county, deceased, are requested to come forward and mako payment or their dues will be placed in the hands of an officer for ooiieotton, and those having claims aro notified to hand them in duly authenticated. ■ | jan 26 TERRELL BARKSDALE, Ad’mr. Plantation For Sale. T HE Plantation near Americus formerly owned _ byT. L. Holt—containing607acres. Itisfino- ATOTtCK—Sixty days after datejapplication will I *7 *kuated. j n good stato of repair, with the necessa- iN be made to the Ordinary of Jonas county for I *7 buildings, Ac. Terms.—Ono-third cash, one-third leave to (sell lot No.'127, Uh section, 4lh District, °co year, one-third two years, with interesL Ap- formerly Cherokee, now Floyd, as Real Estato of I l.M. huriow, Americus or to the undersigned Charles Hutchings, doceased. at Macon. JAMES VV. GItIFFIN. LAWRENCE W WALL, BUILDER. B RICK MASONRY in nil its mSAiVCUES Ho is now permanently located in Macon, Ga. AJi orders in his line promptly attended to. Address through Post Office. sep 15 DeGratli’s ELECTRIC OIL. This celebrated remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Ertfptions, Sprains, Burns, Felons, «Scc., is manufactured only by Prof, diaries DeGrath everywhere known as tho original discover er, at his old establishment in Philadelphia. The sale of this Great Remedy has been unprece dented, last year alone, over 8135,000 worth was sold, and wherever it is known there it is used. Purcell, Ladd be Co., of Richmond, bought last year over 81, 200 worth; Barnes A Park of Now York. 82,000 worth; Seth S. 1'ance of Baltimore, over 84,000; J. D. Park, of Cincinnati, 61,000 worth, and other large Druggists ail over the United States. Head and do likewise all Dealers and Druggists. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 3d, 1856. Prof. DeGrath. Dear Sir.-—Please send me per Steampncket 9100 worth your Electric Oil, the last lot is all sold Except 2 bottles and the demand is on the increase—this makes over 85,000 of your Electric Oil, I havo sold during the post 17 months. SETH S. IIANCK, 108 Baltimore street*. Here is another from the wealthiest Drug Uouso in the great West. Cincinnati, Nov. 3d, 1856. Prof. DeGrath. Dear Sir:—Please send tho 12 Gross Small size No. I, 6 Gross medium No. 2, and 3 Gross Large No. 3 and draw on me for the amount ns before. JOHN D. PARK. Another. Indianapolis, Oct. 25tb, 1856. Forwardnw rmr'expreis, 8300 worth your Elec-1 pnthe jiaestpaper and Illustrated in trie Oil assorted sizes, on your nsnal terms. I in the first style oj art. ~0th edition ready. ROBERT BROWNING. TT teaches how to make ladies or gentlemen win In fact tho demand considering the time since the I X the affections of as many of the opposite sox ns article has boon discovered, has been unprecedented I their hearts may desire: aud the plan is so simple, and is now beyond oil precedent. I and yet so captivating, that ail may he married lr- C’autio.v.—Be careful to ask for and get DeGrnth’s I respective of nge nppearanceor position; and it can Elcctrio Oi), as worthless imitation* abound. I be arranged with such ease and delicacy, that detec- There aro numerous imitations sprung up on the I tion is impossible, reputation that my article has acquired. The public | It gives a remedy for unrequited love.. T HE subscriber has removed to tho conier store in “Washington Block,” (new Building) or in other words, “Tho old Washington Hall Corner,” whero ho will be pleased to seo his friends and cus tomers as usual. nov 24 J. M. BOARDMAN. TEE THE BLISS OF MARRIAGE; WAY TO THE ALTAR, Matrimony Made easy, Or, II o xv to Win a E o v c r! 500,000 COPIES ALREADY ISSUED. 1 VOI,. OF 300 PAGEN 33mo. PRICE SI. RICHARD pi. HUTCHINGS, Adm’r. January 85, 1858. Macon, Doc. 4 tf N H 4ITICE.—Sixty days after date, application ■ | will bo made to the Ordiuary of Crawford Co. for leave to sell the land and negroes belongin ' to the estate of W. VV. Hammock, dec. dec 09 1L MttTICE. South VVestem Rail Road Company, 7 T __ ... Macon, (Jn., Jnn. 1st 1858. ( nE annual election for President and five Diroc- tor* of this Company will ho held at their offico in tTn< 4*itv nn Tliw^lnv mK ......... *. ATreas. {.VYMONDIL PARHAM, Admr. in ^O/T Tlic $10 and $15 Single and Jan 5 til fotx DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE * — rA “U; Y SEWiso machines. M“- A ni?v Kt * 6 f° r J «*ttends females during their conlinement, And treats ifvk £$*££ Mcnrodon hbeial terms all diseases p^aliar to her sex. She baa commodi- Corner, 6th ,u.d A-. h St^ete, nSuSjjSj^ 8 ' E ' ‘ oua rooms r,,rUl0 accommodation ofher patrons, and No one need apply without capital sufficient to con- dart tho business properly and who cannot bring re ference OS to reliability and capability. Wo positively assert that these machines for all purposes of family sewing, are in every respect su- periorto any sewing machine in Market, (no matter at what prices they may ho sold at,) and wherever Ho y ore offered for sale must command u readv and unlimited demand. JOHNSON A GOODKLL ug 18, Thurston K. Elooin, VW'ILL continue the Knriorngc nnd Cenamia. v v sioa, „( jvjacos, Qsokoi*. fortlie accommodation ofher patrons, nnd a patent apparatus to a»stet nature. A female a pill, *afo and sure remedy for nil obstructions, sent by mail with lull directions on receipt of 8'-’. She baa also a sure remedy forpyles, and a valuable invigo rating cordial. nov24—ly NOTICE. rriROM this date we shall adopt as near as possible X the CASH SYSTJ-.M—we are compelled to do it. From this date all articles will he priced as cash.. Where [credits are given (which will only he given t.o_ those who iiavo paid us promptly) ail nddition will be made to tilt* price named according to I In: '■ un» desired by the purchaser. Jan U tf HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. must beware. The y are worthless. Sold by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Druggists, Macon Ga. jan 12 lm NEW FALL GOODS AT T=» A ■H.TCBIH >«. W E are receiving by every Steamer additions to our stock, which will be the largest and most It gives you instructions for beautifying tho per son. How to have a handsome face and hands. How to remove tan and freckles. A lecture on love, or private advice to married La dies aud Gentlemen. A complete code of Gallantry and Etiquette, with love letters in abundance. This is decidely the most fasinating, interesting, ■ th.t \*n hnva ever I and really useful and practical work on Courtship V^t^adVofler unusual inducement, to our *“*■"*“* 2?^"*§£* h “ friends, who wish to -okiiEASYFALLPURClIAS- nL'ZcL " ' I prevents a union of hearts, and sacrifices to conven — a r ; . ■ — I tionrlism the happiness and even the lives ofthou- Supcnor lkjsll FotlltOCS. Isandsofthe young and hopeful of both sexes, is cf\ BARRELS large yellow Irish Potatoes in store I thoroughly analysed and exposed. Every one who OU and for sale by " M’CALLIE A JOXES. I contemplates niarriago and wishes for an infallible nov 24 Cotton Avenue | guide in the selection of n partner .for life, should purchase this great text book of connubial felicity. CllOlCC Grroccrico JUST RECEIVED. g\f\ IIHDS. New crop N. O. Sugar, >oU loo bids. Refined Sugar, 25 ilbte. New Crop N. O. Syrup, 100 Boxes Cream Cheosc, 25 Kegs nnd Tubs Goshen Butter, 100 Packages New Crop Raisins, For sale at very low figures for cash. Citv papers copy. J. B. A VV. A. ROSS, dec 22 tf All that is necessary for you to do, js to write a let ter, in os few words as possible, inclosing ONE DOLLAR, and write tho name with the Post Office County and State and direct to PBOF.KONDOUT, Publisher A Author, 200 Broadway New York City. R.M. DEWITT, 162 Nassau St. N. Y., is Wholesale Agent. nov 24 ly^ Mliirls, Slitrts. r-r\ DOZ.Linen Bosom!and Marueiles Shirts, fori t)U sale cheap by K. WINSlilP nov 24 Valentines* 1 NEW nnd largo assortment of Valentines just received. All ord er» from the country prompt ly attended to. J. M. BOARDMAN. feb 2 Suffice it to say; he will enter with renewed energy same, upon the practice of hte chosen profession and no want of effort upon his part shall’ be wanting to se cure the full confidence (in future) of his numerous patrons and the public generally. We respectfully solicit you to give us a call. Per sons in the Country can be waited upon at their resi dences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing us at Macon, Ga. Dr. Blaisdell is permitted to refer to the following Gentlemen, eminent in their profession: Drs, E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, H. Stratton. John Lovejoy, G. E. Hawes, S. A. Main, S. Parmlec, and M. L. Byrn of New York. Dfs. Ball A Fitch, Drs. Howard and Parker, Drs, Tuckers, Drs. Cummings A Eastham, Dr. D. K. Hitchcock, Dr. C. T. Jackson and Dr. Wm. Town send, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. DR. II. SEGAR A A. BLAISDELL, M, D. dec 29 The Milledgeville papers will copy the above un til forbid. The Chromclo A Sentinel, and Constitu tionalist, Augusta, will copy one time. To Country MDE2KC3 JEaC^SkJ«r r DHr , a®. A N early call is respectful ly solicited from you as we can sell you a great many goods as cheap ns they can be purchased in any market South of No’ York. Six months is given with approved ciedit. Call and see for vourselves. ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. To the Planters of Georgia. Remember that you will do well to call and exam ine our Blankets before purchasing. Every style at prices lower than you ever bought them. ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. ROSS, COLEMAN ROSS Have just opened five cases of Prints, six cases of Bleached llomspuns, at prices so low as to defy comparison—Don’t fail to price them if you want Cheap Goods. Grand and Unprecedented Attrac- TION AT ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ “BAZAAR OF FASHION” where everything can bo found in tho slmpo of Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods, at prices so uniformly low as to excite tho ad miration of the purchaser, and insure to tho seller largo and speedy soles. Como and look, no charge for showing goods, as wo wish to verify our asser tions. sep 22 1TAVING purchased the commodious stable and El large lot attached known as the Washington Hall Stable and lot and furnished the same with good safe Horses, and new as well as tasty Vehicles, they art in readiness to furnish their friends and the public generally with good Horses, Buggies, Car riages Ac., in complete order at the shortest notice, FOB CASH, AND CASH OSLY. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict attention to business, and reasonable terms will en able them to do so. Horses fed and kept by tho day, week, or month Drove stock also accommodated at reasonable prices Mulberry street, next to Lottery Office, Macon Ga. ISAAC HAYDEN, june2 J. H. WOODARD. BOOTS AND SHOES. J A T THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th Wehave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to. call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any honse in the city or State, jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. Dissolution. T HE firm of CARHART A BRAY to, - on the 1st January, 1857, by Either of the Partners are a!rtho.-ii«io. . .*®»tt old business of the concern. All indebted'‘f” 1 ' call and settle at an early date as it close it up immediately. IVB&'h rob.. Notice. T HE firm of BRAY A CARHART . dissolved, its business ariHbe CARHART A CURD, a partnerdifo ly published under the Act ofthfSeriffij* State of Georgia, authorizing the £ cial Copartnerships. 0 0 ' The old friends and customers of Br.n-.s- r together with ail new ones, are *oUcit«Lto«iw old stand on Third street, where can always u f" 4 ' a large and well selected Stock of Cutlery, consisting in part of 1,1 r Blacksmith's Tools, Carpenter's Tools, Machinist's Tools, Planter's Hardware. Builder's Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials, Mill Iron ana Saws of every desem-tn. Nails and Horse Shoes, f Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles, IKON AND STEEL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of our own®. portation, Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Iron. Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oval and Half Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, | German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, <$r., all of which we are bound to sell at the lowed vs ket prices. CARHART 4 OTh feb 10 B. A. WISE IS NOW RECEIVING HTS FALL STOCE Or ® T O VES| • and B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof.of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-' dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’; celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by jan S . MIX A KIRTLAND. P LANTATION BROGAN S.-Now in store the beat assortment of Negro Shoes, we' have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black nnd russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts ; do. hoys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are selling very low. jan G MIX A KIRTLAND. T) OOTS AND SHOES.—Men s, Boys and X) Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots;' Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots ; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ nnd youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogans, a largo assortment, jan C MIX A KIRTLAND. imi WEST’S PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT ROOFING. T HE subscriber having the right for tho state of Georgia, would call the attention of the public to the above named Roofing, it being tho only pat ent granted that secures the use of Rubber and other elastic ingredients which will resist the changes of oureliinatoand will unite tho qualities of incombus tibility, durability and cheapness; This roofing will bo warranted in every particular and is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs, oct 13 W. J. McELROY. PULASKI COUNTY PLANTA- tions For Sale. n 7E offer for salo our plantations lying in Pulas ki county, containing about tlireo thousand acres which is divided into tlireo settlements, each place well improved, with good dwellings and all ne cessary out buildings. These plantations lie seven miles above Hawkinsville and two and a Half miles from tho Ocmulgeo river. AH tho stock can ha bought with tho plantations. All those wishing bar gains would do well to. call early. Terms to suit purchasers; for fuyliei information apply to the un dersigned, \vie> reside on tile premises. sep :i2 e . A T. F. Ml OOKMICK. Diaries for 1858 dec22 at BOARD XIAN'S. PIANO-FORTES. N OW Receiving some of the most SPLENDID PIANO FORTES sver offered for sale in Macon, from the _ eelehrated Factories of J. C. Chickering and Nunn A Clark, warranted superior to any othermade iu the Umted States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown A Co's. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one’s eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that havo a taste for fine goods. On hand, Prince Melodians, best article of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tamhorins, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept in our line. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. XVntchcs, Jewelry nml Fancy Good Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen nnd Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles,; Gold Pens, ana Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectac Silver Spoons andForks, silver, ivoryand wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Wait ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bag3, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. fy Clocks and Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenue, Union Building, nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. od*» iM. ectacles HENRY HORNE’S Confcctionnrr, Fruit Wtore,Cnltc ami Pas try Buttery—Macor, Georgia, one door below tho Stato Bank. Af ANUFACTURElt of the finest French Pastrj IVX and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Scgars, Tobacco, Ac., Wholesale aud Retail. Country Merchants suppli.-d at the lowest r ates, Wedding3 and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac , at reasonable terms. tf. 11.—Terms:—Positively Cash—no Credit given. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWM | C0NS1S1INS OF One Hundred and Fifty Cootie j STOVES. One hundred Box, Parlor and Office Stor« Twenty select and choice patterns of Grtl«,ii-' I made expressly for wood. * Ten tons of Hollow-ware, assorted. Fifty Boxes Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, Ziae,L'. A LARGE LOT OF CHOICE AM *1 led patterns of Waiters. Forty Silver Plated Cas tors at from 4 to 15 dollars each. Fifty dozen plated Tea A Table Spoons on genuine Albata. Twenty-five dozen Table and Desert Forks on genu ine Albata. Fifty steak and Oyster dishes, Tea and Coffee Urns. Three dozen Camphine Lamps, 15 doz. Camphine shades. Twenty doz. No. l Brooms. Wood Ware of every description. Weil back ets, Wheels, Rope nnd Chain of every de^ Scription. 150 pair of assorted and iron! rAiu shovels and toxcs. surra It® BRASS. BBITTANIA, IKON A JAPAlDIClDBj STICKS, EARTHEN BRITTANU, 1B0X if" *■' Spittoons, Hair Whitewash, Shoe, PaintA* 3 every kind of Brushes, Dusters, MatteiC; coa Dippers, Ac. Knives and f orks-'* the best quality, Pocket cutlery, seen and house keeping Hardware, Meat cutters Sausage stutters, he. Gas Fixtures, Brittania and Glass lamps, Lanterns, and al most anything kept in my line. Having se lected my stock in person and buying under tiie most favorable ad vantages 1 a iu pre pared , , To SeU Goods at Very LowPn^i and wonld ho pleased to have the pn lf I call and examine my stock. __ ^1 I still continue to manufacture Tl- N , r 1 have on hand a large assortment, to win the attention of wholesale purchasers’ *■*■«*«& Tlfpm'IlEsTCAPIffl^H F OR Sale 8000 acres of land in '' j fojaJi uated mostly on or nhar tho StageK . _ i; „ biiny to Thomasville, and distant from Tb'oy are in bodies of from 500 to 2-’ >J ,cr improvements on each. , f „,, n \1W The line of the projected Bail ®” fhroq) *4 to Thomasville and BainDniigc- Tho Kail Road from Macon to Alban) « . Dieted bythe 1st October, which wi * » to Thomasville, renders these Plantations n to Thomasville, renders access. Also, r 30' 1NTES03E5.0^:.’^= I HAVE now on hand, and for sale, about 5u likely nogro*% for which I will take the bills ol the Manufacturers’ Bank or any other oniTent oil Is oot 20 WILSON C. HARDY. 1000 Acres in Early County— - p( *# 1000 Acres in Miller Conuty, M *c lying on Spring Creek are im P rv .^7fwhich W 1 2000 Acres in Colquit County, D® SL roVt J> on Little Ochlockonee l‘ l ' er > jJLinaljr rich t;r body contains 350 acres of exceeding) Hammock— . - „nhesa tb^ 6000 Acres in Berrien Cotmty.Q' two bodies of 1000 Acres iy Rivet, This last named is on the Wtthiacwwy gte . within two miles of Nashville the ‘^ ,SO ’ ntv in bodies 25,003 Acres in Decatur county (lie #pli p froni 500 to 2500 acres—and sok-eral of 750 and 1250 acres are improve^- , ijme-st' These lauds aro all situated- >» C plains of tho rich valley ; n ’mngto be^ cbee Rivers. They are now J<g |tol**^ and put in-cultivation, and . v4 il e y:n •“* ductive as the lands higher up , and Dougherty counties. o f -„ m ers twice s'*. The U. S. Mail is carried iu Steamer from Bainbridge (the county site of Bav, and the customary rate ot bale, on Cotton. ,.r. f re sli *#“ 'li Planters desirous of obtainMn lands to cultivate, and Capitalists, safe nnd profitable investment oi tne do well to civil and examine- , Terms of Rile will ho made easy. Maps and a more detailed descrij by .calling at the J ° / ^ t f B oTT8, at GEO. IV. GARMANIi, Sept, 8, 1857. Suspended Bank Notes ■ r AT PAR, ■ n< . IN EXCHANGE FQKG<W^, ’ trO 0j t Floyd House Block, tim e -