Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, February 16, 1858, Image 3

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I ^{,0 Island of Cuba. n rini! information respecting the extent, (yfc 30 nJ sources of the Island of Cuba, we t be iVashington Globe: (*t*. "J largest and most important of tho .'• lJ pfo'pda, * nd comm * D ds the entrance to ^ !*,tffiieo, whence It has been called the v West Indies. It Is about seven hun- < d"* ] eD gth and seventy in breadth, li*'. jriih its dependencies, 32,807 square a" 5 ?* nearly equal in extent to Great Bri . 10 ij delightful and very healthy, for ' i, « favorite resort for invalids : of the Grand Antilla, the chief J f '■ , cn t»ins running through the Island i iTcad. there has scarcely ever been fee,* 1 ! vView lines thick. The seasons are* . vlu d as summer and winter, bntas i ilio dry, though the periods at which ‘ a:i.i t iiJ are not very well defined. r "VVon« commonly begins in May but April, and occasionally not till June, j. Tcrv jVrtie, but, as in many other ..tries the people are too sluggish to ,o any groat extent. Tim chief agri- Ructions are sugar, coffee, tobacco,' j maize. The work on the plantations is • oscludvely by negroes, whose condi- '**owe than that of tho slaves in the . ... The whipping post is in constant instance of the great fertility of the - Vi M ites tlint in the district of Saguaia V&cria of land, which is nearly equal acres, has been known to produce . land eighty thousand pounds of the Muscovado sugar of that county, be* io four moderate sized hogsheads .ation is made up of Creoles and ne- im r forming about one-third. The their Spanish ancestors, are intclli- Ciolent; tiie negroes are not allowed to ' y j[, the island several excellent copper, ,, ,1 mines, which would be very produc er, worked. Small quantities of gold ' r'i.ave also been found. Since the in- ' , of bees, between sixty and seventy hor.ev ami wax have been importantar- V , r; „!r. Manufactures have been much is divided into several jurisdictions ], ecclesiastical and military. The civil consists of I"'® provinces, with two dis- •i.-lions entirely independent of each , supreme military chief of tho whole . the title of Gaptain General, being (ionernor of the one province only, . Christopher dela Havana; while the , S -o do Cuba, has a separate Govci- .. ia r-isViirs purely political or civil, is not t subject to the Captain General. Be- . i-huid is divided into three military di- " t hcfe chiefs take their orders from the • . hoilas been paid .to education by u ;:t, but very littio has been accorap- IS > there were 99,599 free cbil- ;-:.rm<l, between the age of five and i only one-tenth were sent to school. ; t jcs tii’ier as to the population of Cuba. ; to the census of 1827, which was, we V last taken, the population was 730,562. [he whin':- numbered 311,051; the free l oior, not negroes, -18,980. Tho num- , - was 2Sti,9 ;5, of whom 183,290 were i jr ,i'„'2 females. Since 1827, the pop- of course, greatly increased, as is shown of imports since then, and the con- ‘ Yes.’ * How long will it take you, and how much will it cost V ‘ I can do it in two or three hours, and it will cost forty dollars.’ * Do it.’ Within the given time the diamonds were substituted, and Mr. A returned to Har- olem. On his arrival he found the two broth ers and several New York bloods assembled, lie was greeted with alow whistle, and sundry and divers gyrations of the fingers were per formed by tho gentlemen present. ‘How about the ring V asked John. ‘A very pretty ring,’ said Mr. A , ‘ and a great bargain.’ 4 A great bargain." 'Yes, the stones arc diamonds.’ ‘ Diamonds!’ ‘Yes.’ * I’ll bet you & hundred dollars of it.’ ‘You know, perhaps V ‘No, but I don’t believe them to be diamonds and I’ll bet a hundred dollars of it!’ 1 Done! ‘ Done! The bet was taken by Mr. A on the one part and by the two brothers on the other. How shall we decide?’ asked the two broth ers. •We’ll leave it to any jeweler in New York, replied Mr. A . The party immediately set off for the city. On arriving at the jeweler’s the stones were pronounced diamonds. The brothers were not satisfied—they wished to go to another jeweler. It was agreed. ‘ Are these diamonds ?’ asked John at the next store. ‘I think they are, hut I cannot tell witbont filing them.’ * Ob,’ said John, ‘you must ask that gentle man : he is proprietor. Mr. A gave a ready consent. ‘Smash it to pieces, by Jove!’ said John The ring was filed. ‘First water diamonds, said the jeweler. ^ The mortification of the brothers was great. Not so much at the loss of their wager, but at the fact of their parting with a diamond ring on such cheap terms. When the money was paid, Mr. A told the brothers how he had turned the table upon them, and tbeir mortification was none the less at finding that the doers had been done. A witness in a liquor case recently gave the fol. lowing testimony: “Sal soda is ice and water, and some stuff squirted into it from a concern Don’t know whether it*is intoxicating or not It makes one feel good—feet lift easier.” From Liberia. We learn from the Baltimore Sun that the colonization ship, “Caroline Stephens,” which left Hampton Hoads on the 12tn of November last, fell in with the brig Hannah, from Mon rovia, bound to Sierra Leone, she not having found a market for her cargo in Monrovia.— No produce of any kind to be obtained, and no demand for provisions, and but little for goods for the native trade. This is rather bad news from the African paradise: and in strict . . confirmation of the advices which have been " - production of tlie island. It now I indirectly received from the same quarter for ul.iv, t° about 1,500,000. | some timo past . There can be ao tbat the inevitable destiny of the “Colony” is be ing fulfilled. In spite of the constant supply of aid and comfort from this country, civiliza tion in Liberia refuses to make any progress. .. of Cuba is excellent. Its situation, j;v of the toil, and the short distance— than thirty miles—from any points in : to the sea shore, all tend to give it rial prosperity; and, if the many in- drinking bad water, which is almost universally the causa of them, it operates as a sure preventive. The distressing effect upon the stomach, bowels and biadder, of traveler!, or new residents, and al persons unaccustomed to them, produced by the wa tere of nearly all our great inland rivers, like the Ohio, -Mississippi, and Alabama, and from the large quantity of decayed vegetable matter contained in them, in a state of solution, is well known as also that of tho waters of limestone regions, in producing Gravel, Calculi, and Stone in the Bladder The Ar omatic Scuiedax Schnapps is an absolute collec tive of those injurious properties of bad water, and consequently prevents the disease* which they oc casion. It is also found to be a cure and preventive of Fever and Ague, a complaint caused by tho con joint effect of vegetable malaria in the atmosphere and vegetable putrescences in‘the waters of those districts in which it principally prevails. The Abo- A Ministe r’® Testimony. INDIGESTION. Darnestowu, Tdontgoinery Co., Maryland, January 31st, 1857. I never felt the benefit of any medicine so much as from the bottle of Bcerhavc’s Holland Bitters I purchased last fall. I wish to know where I can get it, without fear of imposition. JOSEPH C. DELLETT. From a Druggists. Apollo, Armstrong Co- Pa., Dec. 15, 1856. Messrs. B. Page, Jr. Sc Co. Dear Sirs—I purchase! one dozen of your Boer have’s Holland Bitters, from your travelling agent, which has given great satisfaction in this section. Send me another dozen; for which I enclose the money. W. C. BOVARD. Caution BE CAREFUL TO ASK FOR BCERHAVE’3 HOLLAND BITTERS. MONEY for the MILLION 30,000 Dollars for 5 Dollars! Only 30,000Numbers: 15,600 Prizes more max ONE PRIZE to xvxrt NINE TICKET? One Ticket can draw TbrecPrizes Registered money Uelter* nt onr Risk. Capital Prize §30,000 Havana Plan of Single Numbers JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTE’Y BY AUTHORITY of tlie STATE of GEORGIA, CLASS JJ, DliA IKS MARCH. 1st, 1858, a CLASS KK, DRAWS APRIL loth, 1858, Public, at Macon, Ga., under the Sworn Superin tendence of E. C. Bulkley Sc J. Waterman, Esqrs. PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. Sold by A. A. MENAKI), FITZGERALD * NOT TINGHAM, GEO. PAYNE audE. L. STROHECK-1 ER A Co., Druggists, Macon, Ga. [42) From the New York Day Book. IIair Die is Vile Wash, but tho article that will I naturally restore the color of the hair, the changing A ek of I SCHEME. 1 Prize of. $30,000 l “ 10,000 5 000 2,500 2,000 1,000 1 500 1,250 n in oroner onuiHfiML » Arfili HrlnS ,„aI of which to gray, being an indication of alack or n in proper.quantities, as a diet drink, and proper secretions, is truly a valuable medicine.— at dinner, it is found, by uniform expen- Prof. Wood’s Hair Tonio. if the certificates of the 3 «• 500 5 •• 250 100 “ 100..... 10,000 too “ 50 5,000 3000 ** 15 45,000 Approximation Prizes 4 Prizes of 125 to $30,000 $500 MAfic Schiedam Schnapps is consequently in great I EF"Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the demand by persons travelling, or about to settle in those parts of the country, especially, as well as by Pittsburgh, Pa., and Druggists generally. many in every community where it has become known, on account of its various other remedial, properties. In all cases of a Dropsical tendency, it is general ly the only remedy required, when adopted in the early stages of the disease. In Dyspepsia maladies, when taken ~ especially ence, to be eminently efficacious in the most obsti- I leading minds over the Union do not falsify, is the note cases, when even the best of the osual reme- on, y safe remedy for baldness, dryness, premature dies have failed to iJTord more than temporary re- c S“* e of color, and the seve^l evidences of a lack r r .... . . . . c ru of secretions at the roots of the hair, which can be «ef. In cases of Flatulency, it is an immediate and found. Quack preparations abound and “hair tonics” invariable specific; and it may be administered in fill every corner grocery in the country. Avoid all diluted and proportionate quantities, even to young “hair tonics” uri.< ss known to be the preparation of nfants, in all those paroxysms of griping pain in the f? me whose £«L ebri, J’ has becomo world wide. ' P - oma ui guy* „ i Do not let anv nostrum vender experiment on your stomach and bowels to which they are especia’ly | hair. Touch nothing you have not good reason to | Whole Ticket* 5,Ualves 9,50,Quarter* 1,US subject, as well as in the colic of grown persons. Relieve is all that it purports to be. Prof Wood has Bank note3 5fB0Und Banks taken at par. Checks Its judicious adoption in connection with the prin severe lest on New York remitted for prizes, cipal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates are^efore^u/o/’foe valuoTf this hair restorative, I - Dr »? ril iS s of . *“*• ® Ia . sses ™ li bepublishedin its use, never fails to relieve the debility 'attendant from parties who have tried it. Use no other. ln» Caution.—Beware of worthless imitations as sev upon protracted chrome maladies, low temperament, erml ere aiready in the Market, called by different and exhausted vital energy, by whatever cause in-1 names. Use none unless the words (Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative. Depot St. Lonis Mo., and New York,) are blown in the bottle. Sold by all Drug gists and Patent Medicine Dealers. Also by ail Fancy and Toilet goods dealers in the United States and Canadas. jan 26 lm 50 40 25 15 10 ' 10,000 500 5,000 320 2,500 300 0,000 360 1,000 200 duced. These are facta to which many of tlie most eminent medical men, both in Europe and the Uni ted States, have born testimony, and which are co- roborated by their highest written authorities. Put up in quart and pint bottles, in cases of one dozen each, with my name on the bottle, cork, and foe-simile of my signature on the label. For sale by all the respectable Druggists and Grocers in the U. nited States. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, 82 Beaver Street, New Y’ork. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC The word Schiedam Schnapps, belongs exclusively to my medicinal beverage, all others is connterfer- and imposition on the public. UDOLPHO WOLFE nov24—3m 3,286 Prizes amounting to $115,130 | New York and New Orleans. Sunday papers, and Charleston and Savamah Dailies. Address Orders for Tiekets or Certificates of Pack- I ages of Tickets to ANDERSON Sc SON, Manager*, fob 16 Macon or Savannah. Ga. ir.iints now’imposcd upon its trade were I The negro does not discover much of that val- : would .-oon become one of the richest tlie lu.-t ten years tho interior of the . been much improved, and the means ii-iition increased by railroads, &c. The it! ever laid in the island, running from tlie most important of the sugar dis- constructcd by Alfred Crugor, of the ^Political Thermometer Rising. political thermometer at Washington he rising to an extraordinary height, singular to *eo that the generally cool the North are exploding in the most ■eating way. In the Senate debate Jay, Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, to “Jack” Calhoun, of Kansas, in t at all complimentary. 11 was the grst kind of denunciation, as follows: | Wilson, (opp.) of Mass.—As to John :, God never suffered to walk his green a man more richly deserving to die a • death and to leave a traitor’s name. . i combs, (lulai.) of Ga.—Tell him so to Wilson.—I would on auy proper occa- .;id would rather say ao to his face than . his back. I am not afraid of border ...•in. I can take care of myself; I’ll [itr.t any rate. it immortal Calhoun referred to by Mr. .• i). is now on his way from Kansas to ...tom and may be in Pennsylvania ave- [to-diy. ! is represented to be a cool, calm, but dc- - ! man; and it is not probable that he tv Mr. Wilson to hold him up to the }>t of the American people without call- :h.n to mi occount for it. Mr. Calhoun is - 1’uritaa stock, and has all the fire and i t'the Eastern Senator. Wilson was iy a shoc-uiaker, but eventually left : ;> and set up as a politician ; he is like military- man and a General. He is all • : -rv and anti-slavery from top to toe. We : informed ns to Calhoun’s original oc- - u. but have no doubt that he was brought -1 pious, religions, God-fearing way, in tf tLo-e quiet little cottages that dot the . i Massachusetts, in which Start, he was ; ; Ho is also a military man and a Gencr- ■ as much pluck nud pugnacity as Wil- ■ ■' they are well matched, being both t: men—both determined men—both ar- their own fortunes—both Generals ■ pts in the fightiug business. It is ve- tent that the language applied toCal- R by Wil son, was anything but gcntleman- i f proper, to say- nothing of the infringe- C! debate. If the speech of Sumner, Rfs ago, kicked up such a great rumpus >' -liiuigtou, this of Wilson’s ought to make tL: 1 cozen.-.V. Y. Herald. Diamond Cut Diamond: OR, THE DOERS DONE. ■•wry notable piece of ‘sharpo practice’ oc- ■ i ia New York a year or two ago, which ■tli re-publishing. At a hotel in Broad- Rious for the excellence of its liquors, • - ■ boy came in one evening with a very '•-coking ring, and wanted, to dispose of L "'ty one present examined the triuket, lew admired It. One, particularly, was ■; cs with it. trntcli do you ask for the ring?’ cn- -TtjsJ ihdividual. • c dollars,’^aid the boy. v- ST-tc you two ’dollars lor it.’ ■ very hard,’ the boy continued, ‘but I ' • 1 must take it.’ , Rory was paid, and the ring changed 7- Th. -■ purchaser of the ring went home, tetber saw the bauble, admired it, and price. ' m, Charley,’ said lie,'*I gave fivp dollars i?’» worth a great deal more; you shall - r "fur seven.’ ■* ” ar K<uu was struck, and the ring again ‘"5 l o hands. fallowing day Charles was out to Hnr- ‘ ’ Htcre 1-e saw a Mr. A , who also : exceedingly tickled with the ring, -• tA’-the-by, was a taking affair—showy, mig most capital, and much taste dis- .u-i 111 ’he whole formation. * >H you take for the ring?’ asked Mr. r'i'V 'l° n ’t particularly care about it,’ • Ii, 5 * you shall have it dog-cheap.’ ,'‘(nr much J’ fclWw dollars.’ nu S again changed hands. ti>t DCSt mornin S *he owner of this curious 4: *eu* to towu, and goiug into a fashion- elf y establishment asked its worth. , tL --h one dollar and a half, said the J'r. a r w «s thunderstruck. Recovering he said: take out the stones, which are, of c, sir,' uuert diamonds in tbeir place. V liable “equality” which he heard so much about in this Union, for some half a dozen men own nearly all the property in the conn try, and President Roberts is effectually under the thumb of one of them. He docs not ad vance much in intellectuality, for even the on ly newspaper published in tae Colony has been stopped for want of patronage; and the “Civilization” has not been extended to the surrounding tribes, for the native Africans laugh at them for their notions in reference to the holding of slaves. These are some of the facts tbat have “leaked out” in spite of the ef forts of the friends of the Colonization move ment, to suppress the truth and to make the black Colony appear as white as possible.— The history of tho negro shows that, while under the control of a superior intelligence, he is capable of an inferior degree of civilization, be relapses into barbarity when relieved of the restraint and left to bis own direction. They who know the nature of the African foretold the failure of the Colony, and recent eveiits have shown tbat their predictions were well founded—[Charleston Courier. Tlie Fracas in the House. We find the following in the Washington Globe’s report of the proceedings in the House of Representatives on Monday ; Mr. Keitt, by unanimous consent of the House, made a personal explanation. He as sumed all responsibility for the violation of the dignity and decorum of the House on Satur day morning. He, said, he was the aggressor, and he alone. He expressed his profound re gret for the occurrence. “Personal collisions, especially in a legisla tive body, were reprehensible, if possibly avoidable. He’could not say whether or not a blow was directed at him. He was not con scious of having received one. He wished to make to the House whatever reparation be could, by this expression of his regret for what bad occurred. Mr. Grow said tbat he had been taught in his vouth that fights among men were dis graceful. Yet the right of self-defence was dear to him. . On Saturday morning, for the first time m his life, he was engaged in a personal encoun ter, He expressed his regret at it3 occur rence, and tendered his apologies to the House.” From the Savannah Daily Georgian. Thoughts Suggested by the Early DEATH OF MRS. SOPHIE L. HAUPT. Death has been in our midst. His muffled tread » Again ha* passed adown the beaten way That leadeth from the chamber to the tomb. Awed by his *olemn mien, the human soul Forgets its coveting*, its jealousies It* panting* after earthly vanities. And contemplates the inevitable hour When it must p*ss the gateway of the grave, Hung with the funeral drapery, and stanu Naked before the awibl bar of God. Death hath been here, to gather from the earth His daily feast of thousands, and depart, Not with the benisons of stricken hearts. But followed by their sigh*, and groans, and tears. Alas! alas! such is the «te of map. Hope, like* mirage, flatters to deceive; And, its career ofjoy or sorrow passed. Tho heart, like murmurs from the ocean shell, Give* but the echo of its iormerlife. , . . And she is gone, the young, the fair, the loved, _ The earthly idol of a mother'* heart, To enter on her glorious destiny. Yes! missioned offlerGod, she c*mo to earth • To twine her chords of love about our hearts And gently draw them with her back to heaven. Mysterious are thy ways, oh God of love . And could wo draw aside tho mystic veil That shrouds thy purpose from us, we might see llow every providence is blent with love. Rocked with the keenest miseries of disease. She boro her sufferings with Christian meekness, And when the host of sorrow pressed her hard. Like a crushed flower, her soul dispensed more richly The holy graces which adorned her life. They hid her in the shadow of the tomb, Whose brief career thus fraught with purity, Had gained so many hearts; ajealou* God Reclaimed her angel spirit hence to heaven, And yet, there came a murmur from the grave: “She is not dead, but sleepeth,’’ and a prayer That he to whom her flitting spirit said, “Meet me in heaven,” may heed that gentle bidding And consecrate his future year* to God, q. r. a. T. Alcohol as a Medicine. PHYSICIANS OF THE UNITED STATES wolfe’s celebrated Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, A Medicinal Diet Drink, of eminently salutary qualities, manufactured by himself exclusively, nt hi* factory at Schiedam, in Holland. It is made from the best Barley that can bo select ed in Europe, with the esseuco of an aromatic Ital ian berry of acknowledged and extraordinary medi cinal properties. It has long since acquired a high er reputation, both in Europe and America, than any other diuretic beverage. In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism, in Obstructions Of tka Bladder and Kidneys, and in general Debili ty. its effects are prompt, decided, and invariably re liable. And it is not only a remedy for these mahi- dies, but, in all cases in which they are produced by TAPE WORM CUBED BY Dr.IK’JLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge New Y’ork, August 2,1652, X3T A certain lady in this city testifies that after tuing Dr. M’Lano’s Vermifuge, prepared by Flem ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., she passed a tape worm tec inches long; and has no hesitation in recom mending it to persons who are afflicted v ith worms, as, in her opinion, it far excels every other remedy now in use. The name of the lady, and further par ticulars, can be learned by callir.g on Mrs. Hardie, Manhattan place, or E. L. Theall, Lmggiit, corner of Rutger and Monroe streets. ^Jjp'JPurcbasers will be carefnl to ask for DR M’- LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufac tured by Fleming Brifc., of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M’- Lane’s genuine Vermifuge, also bis celebrated Liver Pflls, can now be had at all resjiectable drug stores. None genuine without the signature of FLEMING BROS. For sale by E. L. STROHECKER Sc CO., FITZ GERALD & NOTTINGHAM, J. H. * W. S. EL LIS and GEORGE PAYNE, Druggists, Macon, and also by one agent in every Southern town. 148] To Nervous Sufferers. A retired Clergyman, restored to health in n. few days, after many years of great nervous suffering, is anxious to make known the means of cure. Will send (free) the prescription used. Direct the Rev. J OHN M. DAGNALL, No. 186, Falton street. Brook- yn, N. Y. jan 26 3m MARRIED. On the 3d inst, in Crawford county,Ga.,by the Rev. Smith Davenport, William H. Fnckiing of Taylor county, Ga., to Caroline E. Walker, daughter of C. II. and Caroline E. Walker of Crawford county, Ga. DIED, At tho residence of Rev. William Littlejohn, in Assumption Parish, Louisiana, on the 15th of Jan uary, Mrs. MARY ANN SMITH, relict of the late Gen. William G. Smith, of this city. A large circle of friends in this city and in other places, have been saddened by the intelligence here announced. I heir sorrow is alleviated by tho confidence which may be entertained, of her preparation for a departure from this life, and a happy exchange of its cares and sor rows for tho rest of heaven. Mrs. Smith was a member of the Presbyterian Church in this city, and while her health permitted, was active in all its benevolent enterprises. Her UNITED STATES MAIES. Post Office Department, February I, 1858. PROPOSALS for conveying the mails of the United States from July 1,1858. to June 30,1859. on the fol lowing routes in the State of Georgia, will be receiv ed at the Contract Office of this Department until 3. p. m., of March 31 next, to be decided by April 24 following: 6537 From Americas, by Danville, to Drayton, 21 miles and back twice a week. Leave Americus Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Drayton by 12 m; Leave Drayton Tuesday and Friday at 1 pm; Arrive at Americus by 8p in. 6538 FromAthens, by Planters Stand, Fort . Lamar, Carnesvillc, Aquilla, Parker's Store, Fair Play S. C. and Townville, to Pendleton, 70 miles and back, throe times a week. Leave Athens Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 12m; Arrive at Pendleton next days by 6 pm; Leave Pendleton Monday, Wednesday, and Frb day at 12 m; Arrive nt Athens next days by 6 p m. Proposals to run by different schedule will bo considered 6539 From Clarksville, by Nacoocbee, Mountain Scene, Hiawassee, N. C., and Peach Tree, to Murphey, 62 miles and back, twice ajweek. Leave Clarksviile Wednesday and Saturday at 1 pul; Arrive at Murphey next days by 6 p m: Leave Murphey Tuesday and Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Clarksville next days by 12 m. 6540 From Covingtoo.byKockyPJains and Snaping Shoals, to Bersheba, 15 miles and back, twice a week. ; Leave Covington Tuesday and Friday at 12 m Arrive at Bersheba by 5 p m; Leave Bersheba Tuesday and Friday atOsm; Arrive at Covington by 11 a m. 6541 From,' Lumpkin, by Florenco, to Giennville, Ala.', 26 miles pnd back, once a week. Leave Lumpkin Tuesday at 8 a m; Arrive at Glernyille bv 4 p m ; Leave Giennville Wednesday at 8 am; Arrive at Lumpkin by 4 p m. Bids for an additional trip per week will be con sidered. 6542 From Newnan io Weedowee, Ala., 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newnan Thursday at 7 a m; Arrive at Weedowee next day by 12 m; Leave Weedowee Friday at 1 pm; Arrive at Newnan next day by 6 p m. 6543 From Rocky Mount, by Holly, to Grantville, 18 miles and back twice a week. Leave Rocky Mount Wednesday and Saturday at 8 am; Arrive at Grantville by 12 m; Leave Grantville Wednesday and Saturday at lpm; Arrive at Rock mount by 5 p m. 6544 From the terminus of the Brans wick and Flor- T he golden prize. THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE THE GOLDEN PRIZE Illustrated ! Illustrated!! The New York weekly GOLDEN PRIZE is one of the largest and best literary papers of the day. An Imperial Quarto containing eight pages, or forty columns of entertaining original matter: and elegant- y Illustrated every week. A GIFT WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO $500 00 IN GOLD WILL BE PRESENTED TO EACH SUBSCRIBER IMMEDIATELY ON THE RE CEIPT OF THE SUBSCRIPTION MONEY'. TERMS; / One copy for one year $2 00, and 1 gift. One copy for two years 3 50, and 2 gifts. One copy for three years 5 00, and 3 gifts. One copy for five years 8 00, and 5 gifts. AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year $5 00, and 3 gifts. Five copies one year. -— 8 00, and 5 gifts. Ten'copies one year 15 00, and 10 gifts. Twenty-one copies one year..30 00, and 21 gifts. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following lists.— 2 Packagesof gold, containing....$500,00, each 5 do do do .... 200 00, each, 10 do do do .... 100 00, each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 00, each. 50 do 60 00, each. 100 do ... 50 00. each 300 Ladies Gold Watches 35 00, each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches.. 30 00, each. 500 Silver Watches 10 00 to 25 00, each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 00 to 30 00, each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shu t Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety ofother articles, worth from 50 cents to $15, 00 each. . . Immediately on receipt of the subscription money the subscriber’s name will be entered upon our sub scription book opposite a number, and the gift cor responding with that number will be forwarded,with in one week, to the subscriber, by mail or express, postpaid. GEORGE PAYNE, ! Macon’ jw Store WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL lflCU/UH XJl lig MljUiC. E>3aUG^aiST' And State Licensed Apothecary, I MACON, GA S happy to inform Iris friends, patrons and the — public generally, that his Stock is now full and complete, which comprises every article that should be found in a First Class Drug- and Chemical Store. Weekly arrival 1 of the Savannah Steamers ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in Geor- gia. PHYSICIANS' PRESCSIPTIONS Compounded at all hours with care and neatness. His stock consists in part of the following articles: Drug's, Chemicals aud Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety, Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use. Wines and Liquors for Medical use only. Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leat, Goldand Tin-foilaniAxtificial Teeth, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mulberry street and, Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 DAY 80 MAUSSFNET, H A VING removed to their NE .7STORE on Mul berry Street next door to E. L. Stroheekcr Co., Where they will b'o pleased to see their old ensto- mejs. They would say to all wishing goods in their line, that they aro now opening a splendid assort ment, which will be sold at the lotccst prices. They intend giving their personal attention to WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the joblic in that capacity for ISnnd 20 years, the pub- are able to judge of their merits in that way. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and in the best possible manner, WATCHES, Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoddell WATCHES, for sale by sep 29 DAY Sc MAUSSENET. S WISS Anchor and Lupine WATCHES, Gold cases, as low as $25 each, for sale by sep 29 DAY Sc MAUSSENET. T HE celebrated American WATCHES, sale by [sep 2D| DAY Sc MAUSSENET. D IAMONDS, Opal, Ruby, Garnet, Topaze, Pearl and solid gold finger rings of all styles and prices sep 09 for sale by DAY Sc MAUSSENET. E. L. STROHECKER & CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DR1HCINTS We are daily receiving largo (applies from direc t IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, r 11HUS ensuring onr customers choice and pure nr A tides. Our Chemicals are invariably purchased from Manufacturers, direct, enabling us to warrant them free from adulteration. We have c aw in store a select stock of Drugs, IKtcdicinc*, Cheiiwcalx, Pr.iulH, Oil*, Window Clou, s'utcnt Medicine* DyeSluft*, Paint Brw.xbes, Inalruments, White WalkISralkM. l'hnrnincnticnl Preparations, - And TDilct Article*, together with the best assortment 0/ INSTRU MENTS ever offered in this market. Planters. Phy sicians, and Merchants will consult their Interest by examining our stock before purchasing. E. L. STROHECKER Sc Co., jan 12 Opposite Redding House, Mucon, Ga. Flavoring Extracts tor Pios, Jel lies, &c. EXTRACTS of Peach, Extracts of Almonds, “ Vanilla, “ Strawberry. “ Pineapple, “ Rcae, “ Lemon, “ Orange, « Nutmegs, “ Cellery, For sale at the Macon Drug Store, jan 1? E. L. STROHECKER &Co„ PotasI:. £iUPERIOR 1st sorts, always on head. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER &. Co Oardcn Seeds! OA AAA Papers assorted Garden seeds war- OUjLMJU ranted the growth of 1857. Turnip seed,"by the pound or paper, the paper or t jan 12 I’eas and Beans by E. L. STROHECKER Sc Co, Coughs aud Colds. » Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Stabler’s Anodyne Expectorant, Wistar’s Balsam Wild Cherry, Hooffand’s Syrup Tar, Hosting's Syrup Wood Naptha. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER * Co. Morton’s Cough Syrup. T HE Proprietors still oontinuo to manufacture this favorite remedy, vouched for by many home certificates. E. L. STROHECKER & Co. jan 12 A LARGE assortment of Fob, Vest, Chataiain and Guard chains of all styles and prices, sep 29 for sale by DAY Sc MAUSSENET. A LARGE assortment of silver and plated war a sep 29 for sale by DAY Sc MAUSSENET. M USICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins, Flutes, Flogeolettes, Guitars, Banjoes,Tamborines,Bass Violins, Accordeons, best Italian Strings, &e., Sec., sep 29 for sale by DAY & MAUSSENET. LARGE assortment of Geo. VVostenholme’s ixl for sale by DAY & MAUSSENET. A CSJTLIillY, sep 29 A LARGE assortment of Fancy Goods, Toys. 4* sep 29 for sale by DAY Sc MAUSSENET. V7 sep 29 DAY Sc MAUSSE /eT. ida railroad, west of the Satilla riv er. to the ..—, terminus of the Savannah, Albany, and Gulf All communications should be addressed railroad, west of the Altamaha river. 1 nizmneT * no Bidders will state the distance, name intense diate points, propose the amount and kind of service, and present a suitable schedule of departures and arrivals. Notes. to BECKET Sc CO. 48 and 49 Moffat Building, 335 Broadway New York Specimen copies sent tree. Agents wanted, feb 16 ly lam »» 4SS OCU* u • a* ” . *, |• a I UUIOUUOi VqlUULU tv health failing, fihe sought to arrest the decline by a I c f a court of record, change of climate and a tnal of the Sugar House at- - ihere. Uwas not, however, God's will that i fe Proposals must bo goarantied by two responsible persons, certified to as such by a postmaster or judge Georgia—Jones County. Monday, Feb. 1,1858. T HE Court of Ordinary of said county met this day agreeably to law, Present—Charles Macau mosphere. No pay will be made for trips not performed, and I thy, Ordinary, for each of such omissions not satisfactorily explain-1 _To the Honorable the_Ord\nary of said county:— trust in her Saviour. In the last letter ever penned I one foQ r tfj ©f the compensation for the trip is sub* I assigned him as such administrator, and therefore by her, addressed to a relative in this city a few days - ect to f or f e j tl ,re. Fines will be imposed, unless the petitions the Court for a discharge[from!bulaummu- before her death, she writes: “My only hope is in I delinquency be satisfactorily explained, for neglect- I tratorship, BYBANT DUNC AN, the enduring mercy of the Lord. I hope my God t a to the mail from or into a post office; fori Ad mr. and Petitioner, has not allowed me to deceive myself in taking his I gu fferingit to be injured, Ides troy ed, robbed, or lost; I On hearing the above petition, it is ordered that promises homo to myself. —— I give my child-1 anc j f or refusing, alter demand, to convey the mail as I citation be issued, and that a*l persons concerned be ren to God and to you. My lot has been thrown I f re q Uen tiy *£ the contractor runs, or is concerned in and they are hereby required to show cause, it any amonsrst the kindest of friends, and they have done I running, vehicles on the route. The Postmaster J they have, on or before the 1st Monday in August It is gratifying to her many friends to know, that 0 f gerv , ce by allowing therefor a pro rata increase in her last Bufferings she was thus sustained by the I cn , be contract pay. He may also curtail or discon- Christian sympathy and kindness °, those among I tj aue tbe service in whole or in part, at pro rata de- whom she was thrown, and by an unshaken faith in 1 crease of pay, allowing one month’s extra compensa- Christ, her Redeemer. MACON PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ASHER AYERS. BAGGING—Kentucky... India Roll BALE ROPE—Kentucky. Northern.. BEEESWAX CANDLES—Sperm Star Tallow Patent COFFEE—Rio Java. Laguira CORN Meal FEATHERS FISH—Mackerel No. 1 •• No. 2 No. 3 FLOUR—Superfine Extra Family.. GUNPOWDER IRON—English Swedes Sheet LIME MOLASSES SYRUP NAILS OILS—Linseed Train Sperm Imitation Sperm fir. F n> fill fib F lb F lb Fib F lb Fib F bi Fbl filb Fbl Fbl Fbl Fbl Fbl Fbl F,kg F lb Fib F lb Fbl E*’ 1 F si Fke Fg’l Fg’J WinterBlea’d Whale Fig 18 40 25 16 60 11 16j 14 60 75 45 16 50 la 00 10 00 5 50 6 00 7 50 6 25 31 Si 8 2 00 28 37] 4 1 00 55 1 75 fig’l 1 25 1 1 12] 15 Lard f g 1 PROVISIONS Fi . B»r—Mess F ® Prime F K Bacon—Hams F IB 11 ® Sides F K 11 ® Shoulders......... f It 10 Pork—Meaa F bl 00 00 Prime F bl oo oo Lard £16 11 Butter—Goshen F IB 30 Country F IB 20 Cheese £ tb ii] WHISKEY—Rectified £gl 28 » l’ike’a £ S] » Monongahela... F g 1 SPIRITS TURPENTINE.... Fg’l SUGAR—Brown £ ® Clarified £ JB Crashed £ ® RICE £ * TALLOW £ » HIDES F IB 60 65 9 10 12jj 2j® 9 |® 8 IS 15 12 11 2<* 50 28 18f 00 12 17j 15 65 80 50 18 00 14 00 12 00 6 00 7 50 8 00 6 50 4 6i tion on the amount of service dispensed with. ” Bid. should be addressed to the “Second Assistant Post master General,” superscribed “Proposals for "mail ] service. State of .” For forms of proposal, &c., and other Information see this advertisement in pamphlet from, and also 1 tho general advertisement of routes in the State, da ted January 12 1855, at the principal post offices. Aaron v. brown. Postmaster General. PHOTOGRAPHS. 'vV ood’s B EAUTIFUL Life Size Photographs are becom ing very popular, and the low price at which ho is taking them is astonishing. Call and see them at liis new Gallery, corner second street, Washington Block, feb 1G Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court II door ofDongherty county, in the town of Albnny, lei ry should not he granted to mm; and it is further ordered that this citation be published in some public Gazette of the State for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of tho Jones Court of Ordinary, this 1st day of February, 1858. CHAS. MACARTHY, feb 19 6m Ordinary. Dividend No. 12. South-Western Rail Boad Co., > Macon, Ga., Feb. 11th, 1858. J T HE Board of Directors have this day declared Dividend of Four Dollars, ($4 00) per share on the capital stock ot the Company from the earnings of the Road for the six months ending 31st January. Payable on and alter the 15th inst. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their divi dends at the Central Rail Road Bank. By order of | the Board. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, feb 19 lm • Secretary Sc Treasurer, AH Agree that at II. Horne’s T HE best assortment of the best cakes can be had at all times. feb 16 lm county, will be sold before the Coart House jfDongherty county, in the townof Albany, on the first Tuesday in April next, between tho legal I hoars of sale one lot of land containing two hundred two and a hnlf acres (202J) more or less, number thirty-four (34) in the first (1st) district of originally Lee now Dougherty county. The above land sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of the estate of Benjamin B. Smith, late of | Twiggs county, deceased. ROBERT K. PARKER, feb 16 Administrator. 4 UI $10 0 0 REWARD ! 110 I T 60 2 00 1 50 1 25 1 23 ZEILII, HUNT & €0, Successors to Fitzgerald & Nottingham, Corner of fid and Cherry Streets, Ulncon, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE & COMPLETE STOCK or DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS DYES, PERFUMERY - , Ac. 15 W ILL be paid for the apprehension and delivery to the Jailor of Lee county, Georgia, of THOMAS THOMAS, under sentence of death for the murder of Joseph S. Cross. The said Thomas broke jail on the night of the 7th February 1038. He is between 21 and 22 years of age, and weighs about 150 ponnds, and about 5 foot six inches high, of light complexion,hazel eyes, bite teeth, left ni Particular attention paid to supplying PLANTATIONS & PHYSICIANS with article* of UNDOUBTED PUBITY. Macon, Feb. 9, 1858. Garden Seeds! I light hair, fine white teeth, left . 10] 00 00 2 25 33 12] 13 5 10 Macon Cotton Market. Mosdat, Feb. 15,1858.—The Niagara’s news failed to meet anticipations of buyers and there, is a deci ded disposition to hold off. Market quiet very lit tle doing. We quote extremes 10 to 11]. his thumbs disfigured very much, occasioned by a bone-falon. WJI. G. CROSS, Adm’r. City papers and Columbus Times copy 1 time and forward bills. leb 16 2F CONFECTIONARIES. A FRESH lot of that extra nice cocoanut candy, I on hand at H. HORNE’S, feb 16 lm Prime Italian Macarouy, CjUCIf as will cook well, and splendid cheese to go O with it. has just been received at feb 16 lm H. HORNE'S A Fresh supply of Apples, O RANGES, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Fine Apples, Bananas, can be had at reasonable prices at fob 16 lm II. HORNE’S. Rest Layer Raisins and Figs, A T 25 cents per pound, are going at feb 16 lm H. HORNE’S. lu the Line ot Preserves H HORNE offers Fears, Quinces, Peaches, Cher- • ries. Blaeberries. Orange, Ginger, etc, un- suroassed in the style of make.fob 16 lm A LARGE FRESH AND VARIED ASSORT ment just received and for sale by ■ " ’fob 9) ZEILIN, HUNT Sc CO. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF STARCH AND Indigo, for sale by fob 9) ZEILIN, HUNT & CO- PREMIUM CANDIES. C HAS. H. FREEMAN Sc CO., Manufacturers of Fine Candies of every description, would res pectfully inform the public that they are now ready to fiil all orders for goods in their line. Their can dies took the premium at the last Fair of the State Agricultural Society and are warranted to be of the fnrnished with every thing in the way Plain and Ornamented Cakes, and personal attention will be given to tlie prepara tion of the Table for such occasions, when required. All orders from tho country, accompanied with the CASH shall receive prompt attention, feb 9 best quality. ARTIES of Rridal Cakes. TJVvncn fnr T,p.n«tfl.l T F you wish to be supplied with a Cake fit to eat,. Splendid Store House lor . j _L and to please the eye with tho newest style of 1 Improvements. f ^NE of the Ston s in Denham's Granite ^ ront | tr ; mm ; n „ Pa jj unew-c n—•— I *im ; feb 16 lm ( ) Building is still under no rent engagements, and is offered on lease to agood tenant in theDry or I Fancy Goods Business, for which it is one o: the best .-tand's in town, and can be fitted up to suit the oc cupant. Apply to J..C. Denham, Eatontoa. Ga., or to T. 17 Stubbs, Esq., Macon. Possession given on the 1st of April. f:n 16 . HORNE’S Confectionary. Fiue While Mercer Potatoes. "VIEW Northern Pig Hams, large smoked Tongues, it Northern Cabbages, received this day, and for sale at reduced prices at H. HORNE'S. A Rare Ciiauce I S now offered to any one wishing to engage in the Ambrotype Business, as the Subscribers offer for sale a complete sett of Ambrotype apparatus with PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS. Included with tho out fit is a No. 1 extra ] Sized Camera aud all late Price of out fit with Instructions 8 loo. Those in want of a Bargain will address P.-O. Box 36, Sandersvillc, Ga. jan 26 HOLLIFIELD 6c BRO. feb 16 lm Wanted nY a young Man, a Situation to do any kind of I I writing. Good.reforence given. Address jan 26 ' A.B. C. Macon, Ga. GEORGIA Mastic Roofing oro PROPRIETORS OF RUSSELL’S PATENT P^ire &p 'Wa/ter IProof MASTIC ROOFING ON CANVAS HAVING purchased the right to use and sell the above &00FING for several SOUTHERN STATES, we are now prepared to do ROOFING or SELL RIGHTS to use the same. This roofing is adapted to new or old BUILDINGS, steep or flat roofs and can be put over Plank or old le Ay shingles,Tin or Iron Roofs ; it costs about half tho price and is much better than Tin—is not affected by heat or cold and is impervious to wa ter ; it is fire proof, and it is tho best roofing ev er invented for STEAMBOAT DECKS, Hail Road Oars, Bridges, &c. Ac. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction. Fof further information apply to FREEMAN Sc ROBERTS, or janl9 tf A. P. CHERRY. Medical Electricity. W. R. MASSEY, M. B.,‘ —OF— Baltimore, IR/SIaL., W ILL give special attention for the cure of Chronic Diseases, some of which are as fol lows: Nrrrons Affection*, generally. Constitutional Debility; Chorea or St. Vitos 1 Dance; Neuralgia, Rheumatism, of all Grades. Paralysi*, general and local; Spinal Affections, including Curvatures and Distortions. Contracted I.iuib* anil Muscles ; some cases of Deafness. In short, many of those diseases which have hith erto, baffled the Curative powers of Medicine, when given in any other way. through the Medium of Elec tricity. Rooms in Floyd House from 8 o’clock, a. m. to 9 p.m. jan26tf BLACKSMITH’S ANVILS Of any Size, Vises of all Qualities, Bellows 26 to 40 inch, Hand and Sledge Rammers, Screw Plates of aH Sizes, * If AV and Files. Tongs, Batteries, Cast Steel, Borax, Shoeing’ Anils and Hammers, FOR SALE BY ieb9 N ATHAN WEED, Macon, Ga Notice to Contractors, Georgia Academy for the Blind, AT MACON. S EALED proposals will be received by tho Trus tees of the above institution from this date nntil March 1st, for the erection of a building for the use of the pupils of the Academy at this place, as con templated by the act of the last Legislature, making an appropriation for that purpose. The proposals may include the entire construction of the bnilding, embracing all the work and materi als : the work separately: the materials separately or any branch of the work, Stone, Wood, Brick, Plumbcr.s and Painter’s. Plans and specifications of the building may be seen at the office of N. C. Munroc. Bond and approved security will be required for the faithful performance of the contracts. Payments will be made from time to time as the work progresses. The Trustee* reserve tho right accept orreject any or all proposals. “ - HUBERT A. SMITH, City papers copy twice. Secretary, feb 9 2t Paitnenbip Dissolved. rnllE partnership heretofore existing between the 1 und.-rsigned in the practice of law, under the firm of MILLER & HALL, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Their joiut attention will be given •ill nrovious engagements of the firm nntil finally ,‘sed STEPHEN F. MILLER, SAMUEL IIALL. Physicians’ P RESCRIPTIONS caretuliy compounded at all hours day or night. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER Sc Co. Xjo<ix efc PorriK-s’ CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED EXTRACT of a Letter from a Medical Gentleman, AT MADRAS, TO U1S BROTHER AT WORCESTER, May'5 “Tell LEA &PER- tS'EStsSl RINS that their ygr-’j SAUCE is highly es- teemed in India,'and is, in my opinion, the EVERY VARIETY! | most palatable as well a s t h e most wholesome SAUCE that is made.” —BT— CANNOISSEURS TOBETHE ‘ONLY GOOD SAUCE’ AND APPLICABLE TO or DISH. The only Medal awarded by tho Jury of the New York Exhibition for foreign Sauces, was obtained by LEA Sc PERRINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, the world wide fame of which having led to numerous imitations, purchasers are earnestly re quested to see that the names of ‘LEA & PERRINS' are impressed upon the Bottle and Stopper, and printed upon the labels. Sole Wholesale Agents for the United States. JOHN DUNCAN $ SONS, 405 Broadway, N. Y. A stock always in store. Also, orders received for direct shipment from England. may 5 ly Bonds of the City of Savannah JpOR SALE BY E. BOND: may 12 Macon, Jan. 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances ou cot ton consigned to George Parsons Sc Co., Savannah, and agree to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty days from date of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT, jan 5 Flowers, shrubs, Boots, FRUIT TREES, &c., &c., BYRMTOST. A PURDIGON informs the ladies and . • amateurs of fine Flowers, that he isvi^S. now in Macon, and will remain a few days. with a fine collection of Rose Bushes, comprising all tho finest and newest variety of Tea, China, Mess ' and]Bourbons Roses, also a fine lot of Double Ca- melias, Double White and others in bloom. A large assortment of choice Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Ever- blooming Carnations, Bulbous Roots, Flower Seeds, Garden Seeds, and hundreds of fine Plants and Shrub bery too numerous to mention. Apply at the Store lately occupied by J. J. & S. I’. Richards, Cotton Avenu9 feb 2 NEW AND SUPERIOR SPECTACLES. Important to nil uutTeriucc from defective sight, arising either from age or oliicV Causes. M R. J. M. KAHN, late of Paris and London, wish ing to call the attention of the inhabitants of this City, to an inspection of his large stock of BRAZILIAN -PEBBLES, Ground upon the most approved and unerring prin ciples. Lamentable and irretrievable are the effects caused by the use of improper spectacles, yet unfor tunately tne natural anxiety to be properly snited, instead of inducing the public to apply at once to skilful and experienced Opticians, too often renders them the unsuspecting dupes of pretenders. The attention Mr. K. has paid to the nature and ihysiology of tho eye, joined with the pr-.ctico ho las had in this department of science, renders him capable, upon examination and inspection of the eye, to give the greatest assistance that art can accom plish, in renovating and restoring the natural bright ness of visionary sensation, which has been injured by the usa of defective or improper Glasses, or by ly known cause. Mr. K. would also respectfully call the attention of c public, to an inspection of his large assortment of Stereoscopic Views. Among the latest inven tions of Optica, there is nothing more instructive or amusing than the COSMORAMIC STEREOSCOPE. The Stereoscope Views are impressions from Na ture, representing tho finest Sceneries, Cities and Monuments, which, viewed through the instrument, show these objects in bold relief, actually as they are, and those are the best models for Artists, give the best idea of Foreign Countries and make the finest parlor ornaments. Mr. K. may be found in Wnthingion it lode, rooms over S.-iulsbury’s Store for a few days on ly, with a fine and large assortment of Pebble Spec tacles, and Eye Glasses, set in Gold, Silver andtiteel Frames. fob 2 For Sale, AAA AA OF South Western Rail Road O-I^sUUU UU 7 per cent. Bonds and $15,- ooo 00 of Sonth Western Rail Road Stoelr. PERSONS wishing to invest funds securely, and still be able to realize at almost any time, in case of necessity, can do it on the most favorable terms in the above, by applying to L C. PLANT, jan 19 5- At Macon, Ga. For Sale. T WO new dwelling Houses lately finished, one built of brick and the other of wood, pleasantly situated near the South Western Depot, and conve nient to’the business part of the city. The lot has an excellent well of water thereon and all in good con dition, which will be sold cbeap, or rented low, if not sold soon. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. jan 12 tf JOHN BOWMAN. STILL CHEAPER! Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and Shorts, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE Macon ZEMCiXlrs, Also the best of unity Superfine and Fine Flour, IT rHICH is offered to city and country dealers at VV lower prices than ever sold in this market. All orders f rom dealers in the city or at a distance promptly filled aud satisfaction guaranteed. ry We have reduced the price of our cow and other stock feed, so as to come within the reach of all. fSP Bran and Shorts nixed 4 bushels to the 100 lbs. 75 cents per hundred lbs. . • ty Bran alone 5 Bushels to the. 100 lbs. 70 cents er 100 lbs., if 1000 lbs. are taken at a time of either ran or Bran and Shorts, 5 cents less per hundred. fob 9 James knight, Ag*t. DANCING SCHOOL. M R. JOHNSON will open his dancing class in Macon, at Powell’s Hall, on Thursday, January th, at 7 o’clock, P. M., for Gentlemen, and Saturday morning 9th, for Ladies, Misse s and Masters. AU in terested are requested to attend on those occasions, deo 29 tf losed. fob 9 4t NOVELTIES. ,-OR GENTLEMEN.—Fine Rich NECKTIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, Marseilles SHIRTS, em broidered Shirt BOSOMS. SUSPENDERS, CANES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, SHAWLS, Ac. Call and examine them, (sep 29) C. H. BAIR -q 20.000 Bacon, Flour LBS. new Bacon, II 6,000 lbs, salted I up. 150 sacks Superfine Flour. 75 “ family Flour. 20 hhdsXew'crop lloln.-r.- ,ian 20 for sale for casli bv ASHER AYRES ry C BBLS Georgia Planters Whiskey, / t) 50 “ Pikes’ Magnolia “ 50 “ Monongahela and Bourbon Whiskey 150 Boxes Tobacco, for sale fur cash by j a n 26 ASHER AYRES.