Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, March 09, 1858, Image 4

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ft Houston April Slieriir Sales U 'TLL bo sold before the Court House door la Perry, 1 louston county, on tho lir-t Tuesday la April next, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property. to-wit .- Lot of Land No. (ISO) one hundred and twen in the (Btb) Ninth District of said county, with all appurtouanoes and one acre of the southwest corner of lot No. 1179) one hundred and seventy nlne.m the same district with all the appurten*ces belonging to the same; All Levied on as the pioperty of Sam uei Gibbs to satUIV three fl fas flora Houston Smie rior Court, two in favor of Davis N. Austin, vs. Sam uel Gibbs, and one in favor of Stephen R. Smith vs, said Gibbs.* Property pointed out in said fi fas. Also, at the same time and place, about fifty lbs. of Tobacco, about one hundred lb*, of powdered Sugar, five thousand Cigars, various brands, twelve jars, bait gallon. Pickles, forty pint bottles Schnaps, sixteen quart bottles Scbna’ps, twenty quart bottles Wine Bitters, thirty-five bottles Wine, eixty bottles Monc-n gahalia Whiskey, sixteen 1 boxes Sardines, fifteen lbs Caudles, more or less, fifteen boxes Lobsters, eleven Decanters, one Looking Glass and onepsir counter Scslos; all levied on as the property of W. F. Lilly under a distress warrant for rent, in favor of Jamea A. Mi tier vs. said W. F. Lilly, property pointed out by the Plaintiff. Also, a! the same time and place, 1 two hors< S leasure Carriage, levied on as the property of Bo ert A. Crawford, to satisfy a distress warrant lor rent in favor of James J. Scarborough vs. Robert A. Crawford. J. F. SIKES, mar 3 Pep. Sheriff. Iloustou Sale for April. TTTII.L be sold before the Court Ho^e W Perry, Houston county, with n the legal hours of slle, on the first Tuesday in April next, one negro woman named Sophy, about 35years of age, Levied on as the property of Wm. W. Johnson, to satisfya fi fa from floustoii Superior Court, in favor of Dewit Bradshaw vs. Wm. W Johnson, and transferred to Needham T. Johnson and other fi fos in my hands Y#.s»idWm. W. Johnson. JOflRSaiTli, mar S Dep.-Sheriff. W 1 Jones County Sheriff Sale, TILL be sold in Clinton, before the CourtHouse door, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, vi* : Two negro girls, 8ealey, some twelve years old, Patience, ten years old, both of yellow complexion and very likely; Levied upon as the property of John A. Childs to satisfy three fi fas. two from Jones Superior Court and one from Jones Inferior Court, one in favor of Wm. A. Lane vs John A. Childs, one in favor of A. J. Middlehrooks vs John A. Childs, one In favor of W. S. Childs, J. W. Clark, Zachariah Eliott and J. L. Holland vs John A. Childs. Property pointed out by deiendant. Also at the same time and place, will he sold one negro man name Jack, about forty-five years old, ot dark'complexion, stout and likely, levied upon as the property of Thomas S. Alexander, to satisfy five fi fas. Three from Jones Superior Court, and two from Jones Inferior Court, one In favor of John H. Thomas, one in favor of II. B. Ridley, one in favor of Wm.C. Fleinister one in favor of John W.Uark, one in favor of F. &• Johnson vs wi<l Tiioa. S. Alex under, defendant. Property pointed out by defen dant. JAS. G. BARNES, Sheriff. IT. S. marshal’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door In the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in April next, bel ween the usual hours of sale the following property, vix: Five lots of land numbers 83,84,102,103 nnd 171 in the' 1th diatrfet of Pulaski county, containing 203’ acres each, more or less. Levied on as the property of Morris Pollock, to satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Cir cuit Court of the United States for the southern dis trict of Georgia, in favor of Carhart Brother 4 Co., vs. Thomas D. L. Ryan, Morris Pollock and Nor man McDuffie. DANIEL H. STEWAIIT, mar 2 U. 8. Marshal. Houston April Sale. W ILL be aold before the Court House door in Perry,'Houston County, on tho first Tuesday in April next between the legal hours of sale, that tract or parcel of land known as the Chain place, containing fivo acres more or less, adjoining the Town of Perry and Wm. Summerford, whereon E. M. liuley now resides; Levied upon as the property of John J. Glover to satisfy a fi fa from noustou Su perior Court, returnable to April Term, 1858. John M. Colbey vs John J. Glover and Elijah M. Huley. JOHN SMITH, fob 23 Deputy Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. ~p^Y virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold belore the Court llouso door in Blakefy, Early county, on tho first Toesday in April next, within the legal hoars of sale lot of laud No. three hundred and seventy-five, con taining two hundred and fifty acres more or less, in the 2Sih district of said county of Early belonging to the estate of John Cranford, Sen., late of Twiggs county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms rnado known on the day of sale. JAMES HAMMOCK, feb 93 Administrator. Executor’s Sale. B Y authority of the Ordinary of Houston county, I will sell to the highest biddi e lug. day in April next, before the Court House door in Perry, Nine acres of laud adjoining Fort Valley, it being a Pond, adjoining the lots of Mrs. Barron, and Pirsons and others, and sold as the property of Jas. A. Everett, deceased. Terms Cash. feb 9 MYLES L. GREEN, Ex'or. Adiuiuistrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the ordiuary of Twiggs county, will he sold before the Court House door of Dougherty county, in the town of Albany, on the first Tuesday' in April next, between the legal hours of sale one lot of land containing two hundred two and a half acres (202J) more or less, number thirty-four (31) in tho first (.1st) district of ongiually Lee uow Dougherty county. The shove land sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Benjamiu B. Smith, late c f Twiggs county, deceased. ROBERT K. PARKER, feb 16 Administrator. OTICE —Sixty days after date, application will be made to the Ordiuary of Crawford County for leave to sell a negro man named Anderson, be longing to the minors of Willis Boon, dec., for tho benefit of said minors. J. M. DAVIS, fob 2-1 Guardian. MACOX & H ESTERX RAIL ROAII Macon. Dec. 1-1, J857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE O N and after Friday, 18th Inst., the Trains wiJi be ran as follows: Leave Macon lam. arrive Atlanta 8 15 a.m. Leave Macon 1130 a. m. arrive Atlanta 5 20 p. m Leave Atlanta, lSnight, arrive Macon 7 15a. in. Leave Atlanta 12 p. m. arrive Macon 5 SO p. m. The night train will not be run on Sundays. The 1 A. M. train from Macon connect* with the otate Road for Chattanooga at 13 30, P. M., and Georr" Rond for Augns'a, at 10 A. M. Tho 11 30. A. J connects With the State Road, at 12 30, P. M., and tho Georgia Road at 12. „„ ALFRED L. TILER, Feb 23 Superintendent. Southwestern Railroad. SCHEDULE FOR PASSENGER TRAINS. L EAVE Macon nt 1 30, a m. and 11 30a.m. Arrive In Columbus 8 52, a. m. and 6 33 p. m. Leave Macon for Albany 1 30, a. m., Arrive In Albany 8 15, a. in. Leave Albany 3 45, p. m., Arrive in Macon 10 28, p. in. Accommodation Train leave Macon 7 12a. m.,(Tri weekly,) Arrive in Albany 3 37, p m. Leave Albany 7, a. m., (Tri-weekly,) Arrive in Macon, 3 34, p. m. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas- ville and Bainbridge, connect with regular Train at Albany. Passengers from Columbus and the Yv eat, for South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the 4 p. m. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Iri days the 55 min. after 1 a- m. Train at Columbus. _ Trains on South-western Road, connect with Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and Au- ^Fassengere for Atlanta and the North-West should take the evening tr.iin from Albany, and either train from Columbus to avoid detention. EP" First class Steamships leave Savannah on Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. Rare—Cabin passage 925, Steerage 68. GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt. mar 2 MRS. HOWLAND rs now opening FALL and WINTER- I MlhUNEBT. Consisting of all the Fashionable Styles*** of BONNETS, HEAD DRESSES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, CLOAKS AND BERAGES SILK EVENING DRESSES, CRINOLINES, WIRE BRAIDS, STELLA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash. Country Milliners supplied with bonnets by the Case or Dozen. All orders promptly attended to in Millinery or Dress Making.oct 27 M I LLINERY. M RS. AUDOIN would respectfully announce to i tho ladiesof Macon and surrounding coun- ties, that she has removed to her New Brick S&J Store, next door to the Mechanic’s Bank, on 2d-/ w ® r street, (her old stand) where she is now receiving and opening an entire new Stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS in her lino, consisting of STRAW, SILK AND VEL VET HATS, newest style. HEAD DRESS- M ES, of every design. CURLS AND ofevervdesign. CURLS A HAIR BRAIDS, EMBROI DERIES Of rich qualities. LACE SETTS of various pat terns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedions to mention. All of which will ho sold very reasonably to CASH customers. Thankful for past favors, she solicits a continu ance of the custom of her old friends nnd will study to deserve tho kind patronage ofall who may call and view her goods. oct 27—tf Fall and Winter Millinery. jy£RS. A. DAMOLIi has just returned from New York with a splendid and fashionable assort ment of the above named goods, consisting of Silk Velvet and Straw Hats, Plumes, Flowers, Ribons, Caps, Head Dresses, Point Lace Setts, Berthas, Embroideries, Cloaks ofall qualities, Long Shawls, Brooche Shawls, Chenille Shawls and Scarfs. A large lot of new styles Extension Skirts, Wh..le- bonenud other UOOPMfor SKIRTS. A lot of fine Robes with trimmings on the side and other Goods for Dresses, such as Canton Crape, Flounced Rohes, Ac. oct 13 ly NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Macharinc Bunkley, late of Upson oonnty, deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment or their dues will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection, and those having claims are notified to hand them in duly authenticated. jan 26 TERRELL BARKSDALE, Ad’mr. N OTICE—Sixty days after datejapplication will bu made to the Ordinary of Jones county fur -leave to (.sell lot No. 127, 4th section, 4th District formerly Cherokee, now Floyd, as Real Estate of Charles Hutchings, deceased. v RICHARD (H. HUTCHINGS, Adm'r. * January 35. 1858. Georgia—Jones County. W HEREAS, Joseph Stiles and Gabriel B. Ro berts apply to me for letters of Administra tion on the estate of Joseph G. Stiles, late of Jones .county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor8,to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in April next, to show cause, If any they have, why said Letter.i should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 29th day February, 1858. CHAS. MACARTUY, Ofd. mar a GcorKin—Houston County. B EFORE me. Arthur Watson, a Justice of the Peace for said County, personally appeared Wm. West, of said County, in the 68th year of his age, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that he is the .owner of a certain Land Warrant for 160 acres of Land, which was issued to him under the act of 3d of March, 1855. (Alex. G. Slapping, acting as bis agent in tho application for said warrant,) for milita ry services rendered by him as a private soldier, fur six months in the company of Edmund Hopson, Captain in the regiment of Georgia Militia com manded by Col. Few in the year 1814, in the war with G roat Britian; the said Welt having been draft ed in Washington County, Ga., in that year: that deponout does not remember the No. of’*•*„ ■£ r ^ , ' t ’ that deponent lost said land warrant in the K. "-De pot at Macon, Ga. sometime in December, 18_o7 ; that he never sold, assigned or parted with bis right to said * arrant, and deponent further swears that lie intends to apply to the commissioner of pensions, for n duplicate of said land warrant, so lost. his WILLIAM y, WEST, mark. Sworn to and subscribed befoge mo, this 22d Feb, 1858. ARTHUR WATSON, J. P. mar 2 D r Dyspepsia and Fits. » R. TRACY DELORME, the great curer of Con- sumption, was for several years so badly afflict- od by Dyspepsia that for a part of the time he was confined to his bed. He was eventually cured by a prescription furnished him by a young clairvoyant girl. This prescription, given by a mere child while . in i. state of trance, has cured every body who has taken It, never having failed once. It is equally as . sure in eases of Fits as of Dyspepsia. The ingre dients may he found in any drug atore. I will send - this valuable prescription to any person on the re- . ceipt of one stamp to pay postage. Address Dr. Tracy Delorme, Great enrer of Consumption, New York Post Office. "" ~ IJ ‘ mar 3 1m inside. NOVELTIES. F OR GENTLEMAN.—Fine Rich NECKTIES, I SCARFS, GLOVES. Marseilles SHIRTS, em- broldered Shirt BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, CANES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, SIIAWLS, Ac. • Call and examine them. N (aep 29) C. H. BAIRD- JEST KEUEIVEO. Ci K nnn Papers Oarlni Mee4a. J.UUU 3 bush. Kentucky RIiic Glnsa. A. A. MENARD, Druggist, r Stree feb24- tf Cherry Street. Prime Italian JTIacarony, i UCH as will oook well, and splendid cheese to go > with it, has just been received at feb 16 lm * H. HORNE'S Rest Layer KaisiB* and Figs, ^yTMounts per pound, are going^at^ fab 16 lm 11. HORNE. • NOTICE. O' Messrs. Dempsey A Kelly, of Macon, are my authorh- -1 agents to collect all my bills. Ac. jan M P. GALLAGHER. UNITED STATES HAILS. Post Office Department, February 1, 1839. PROPOSALS for conveying the mails of the United States from July 1,1838. to June 30,1859. outlie fol lowing routes in the State of Georgia, will he receiv ed at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 p. in., of March 31 next, to be decided by April 24 following: 6537 From Americas, by Danville, to Drayton, 21 miles and back twice a week. Leave Americus Tuesday and Friday at 0 a m ; Arrive at Drayton by 12 m; Leave Drayton Tuesday and Friday at 1 pm; Arrive at Americus by 8p m. 6538 From Athens, by Planter’s Stand, Fort Lnmar. Carnesville.Aquiiin,Parker’s Store, FairPiay S. C. and Townville, to Pendleton, 70 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Athens Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day nt 12 m; Arrive at Pendleton next days by 6 pm; Leave Pendleton Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 12 m; Arrive nt Athens next days by*6 p in. Proposals to run by different schedule will be considered 6339 From Clarksville, by Nacoochee, Mountain Scene, Hiawassee, N. C., and Peach Tree, to Murphey, 62 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Clarksviile Wednesday and Saturday at lpm; Arrive at Murphey next days by 6 p m; Leave Murphey Tuesday and Friday nt 6 ain; Arrive nt Clarksville next days by 12 m. 6540 From Covington, by Kocay Plains and Soaping Shoals, to Bersheba, 15 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Covington Tuesday and Friday at 12 m Arrive at Bershebaby 5 p m ; Leave Bersheba Tuesday and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Covington by 11 am. 6541 From Lumpkin, by Florence, to Glonnville, -, Ala., 26 miles and back, unco a week. Leave Lumpkin Tuesday at 8 a m; Arrive at Glennville by 4 p m ; Leave Glennville Wednesday at 8am; Arrive at Lumpkin by 4 p m. Bids for an additional trip per week will be con sidered. 6542 From Newnan to Weedowee, Ala., 43 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newnan 'JTmrsday at 7 a m ; Arrive nt Weedowee next day by 12 m ; Leave Weedowee Friday at 1 p m; , Arrive at Newnan next day by 6 p m. 6343 From Rocky Mount, by Holly, to Grantvillc, 18 miles and back twice a week. Leave Rocky Mount Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at Grantvillc; by 12 m; Leave Grantville Wednesday and Saturday nt lpm; , , Arrive at Rock mount by 5 p m. * 6544 From tho terminus of the Brunswick and Flor ida railroad, west of tho Satilla river, to the terminus of tho Savannah, Albany, and .Gulf railroad, west of the Altaraaha river. Bidders will state the distance, name interme- diate points, propose the amount nnd kind of service, lyid present a suitable schedule of departures and arrivals. Notes. Proposals must bo guarantied by two responsible persons, certified tons such by a postmaster or judge of a court of record. No pay will be made for trips not performed, nnd for each of such omissions not satisfactorily explain ed three times the pay of the trip may bo deducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break connex ion with depending mails, and not sefficiently excus ed, one fourth ofthc compensation for tho trip is sub ject to forfeiture- Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency he satisfactorily explained, for neglect ing to toko the mail from or into a post office; for suffering it to be injured, (destroyed, rqbbed, or lost; and for refusing, alterdemand, to convey tho mail as frequently us tho contractor runs, or is concerned in running, vehicles on the route. The Postmaster General may annual tho contract for disobeying lhe pist office laws or instruction* of tho department. He may alter theschedulc, and also order an increase of service by allowing therefor a pro rata increase on the contract pay. Ho may also curtail or discon tinue the service in whole or in part, at j ro rata de crease of pay, allowing one month's extra compensa tion on the amount of service dispensed with Bids LOUIS MENARD, Lute with M. D. Bi F. «. BCRGHARD, rithDay&Maussenet. MENARD & BURGHARD, Watchmakers & Jewellers, -vt TILL open at their new store, Ralston’s W Range, oorner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, about the 1st of October, ai beautiful and well selected assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, Musical Instrumemts, Fancy • Goods, &c., &c, An examination of which, they would most respect fully solicit, feeling' confident that they will he able to offer everything in their line calculated to please the taste of even the most fastidious. Repairing:. of every description, executed in a manner that will guarantee satisfaction, * '* ‘ ' “* in the South. , They hope, by offering choice aud elegant Goods and by strict attention to business, to merit a liber al share of public patronage, sep29 NOTICE. T.VROM this date we shall adopt as hear as possible I? the CASH SYSTEM—wo are compelled to do it. From this date all articles will be priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will only bo given to those who have paid us promptly) an addition will be made to the price named according to the time desired by the purchaser. ____ Jan 6 tf HARDEMAN * GRIFFIN. E HENRY ZHILIN. LEONARD W- HUN NEW FIRM. T HE undersigned, having purchased the interest of thelato firm of Fitzgerald A Nottingham, and having this day taken possession, will continue the Wholesale and Retail Drug: Business at the same stand under the name and style of Zeilln, Sunt cto Co. and solicit a continuance of the patronage of the old house. We intend to keep on lpind a thorough sss rtment of tho best articles the markets afford in the line ol Drugs, ©lorn*, Sledicincs, Points, Instruments, Oil, I’crfn lurry, Tarnishes, Dye Stalls • and a general stock of such goods as are found in first class Drugstores and hope by honest dealings, strict attention and obliging manners to merit ami receivo a large share of pnblic patronage. Jail. 1,1858. (jan 12 tf] Dissolution. T HE firm of Fitzgerald 5c Nottingham is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party is authorized to use the name of the firm in settle ments. • Tho Books, Notes and Accounts may be found nt the old stand now occupied by Messrs. Zeilin, Hunt 5c Co., who are also authorized to receive ail monies due us. All indebted are respectfully requested to come forward and settle. E. FITZGERALD, Jan. 1, 1858. [jan 12) C. B. NOTTINGHAM. ACard. H AVING disposed of our interest iu the Drug Business to Messrs. Zeilin, Hunt A Co., we re spectfully solicit for them a continuance of the pat ronage so kindly extended to us by those friends it has been our pleasure to make in the business. E. FITZGERALD, Jan. 1 [ja“ 1=1 C. B. NOTTINGHAM. ONWARD ! IS OUR MOTTO. rn HE increasing patronage and general satisfac- I tion of our customers convince us that our sys tem of business is a' good one, viz: Small Profits and Qnick Sales. We have now in store and shall receive by every Wm. K. deGrafTenried, Attorney .at Ziaw. MACON, GA? OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s <** 27 L. N. WHITTLE attorney at law, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne s Drug Store, j* nC LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill. P. Tract. Stubbs, Hill A Tracy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Macon, Ga march 11 ' T. G. HOET, Jr., Attorney at Law, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hi aug 4 tall. ISAAC HARDEMAN, Attomeyat Law. CLINT ON, G E ORGI A. july 7 ly' Law Copartnership. 1, CHAS. J. HAIil I. L. HARRIS Milledgeville, Ga sep 15 HARRIS, Thomasville, Ga. J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. jan 20 O. A. LOCH HANK, JOHN LAMAR. LOCHBANE Sc LABAH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office by tlie Mechanic’s Bank. O FFICE hours from 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to 0 p. m and also from 7 to 10 p m. Will practice in all the counties in tho Macon Cir cuit and in all the counties of Jones, Monroe and Co Inmbia and in the Supreme Court. jan 12 6m SEWARD & MANSELL. J. L. SEWARD. A. II. HANSELLl attorneys at law, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LI. claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ot Thomns, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWAjiD 5c HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 EUGENE L. MINES, " Attorney at Law, THOMASVILLE, GA. feb 1 Gm KIMBROUGH A BASS, Attorneys at Law, . STARKSVILLE, LEE CO., GA., W ILL practice in the courts of the South Wes tern circuit. All business entrusted to their care will he promptly and dilligently attended to. feb 2tf LAW NOTICE. , rjlUE undersigned offers his services in the prac- We have now in store amt shall receivo by every , . A1 , f , Stenmer from New York os handsome a stock of I - * v! u 7’ FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS as ever I J 1 " 1 tice of tho LAW in the several counties of the Macon District; also out of the District—in Jones, Munroe and Dougherty, and by special contract, in aoy county of the State. Office opened in the city of'Uncoil 1st of March ensuing. Until then my ad- | ABNERP. POWERS. has been brought to the city of Macon, which we are determined to sell ns cheap, if not CHEAPER than any other house in the trade; among which will bo found a splendid lot of VELVET Sc C'LOTII CLOAKS, TALMAS Side Striped Silk Robes and other Silks, French and English Merinoes. Plain and Figured DeLaiues, French, English and Ameri can Prints, Long aud Square Shawis, Cheneillo Shawls and Scarfs, Bonnet Ribhnns, French Collars and Sleeves, Bands, Jaconet & Swiss Edgings, Bed Blankets, Ne gro Blaukets and Ker seys, White and Bed Flan nels,Satinetts, Cassimeres, Ken tucky Jeans, Ladies Cloths, 5cc., Ta ble Damasks and Napkins, Bleached and Brown Sheetings nnd Shirting and man' other things too numerous to mention ; All of which will be sold rcry low: for rath. New York Store, Macon, sept 15 PENMAN 5c WATERMAN. MEDICAL CARD. DR. JAMES A. DA M O U R HAS resumed the practice of his profession, and permanently located in this city. He can be found at his office three doors below the Lanier House at AU Hours, unless professionally en gaged. Macon, June, 9 1856. DR. H. A. MATTAUER, H AVINGspent a portion of three successive years in this city, during which time he had limited his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and tho surrounding country, in aH the branches of his profession. Office on the Soul h-east corner of 3d id Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery, june 9 7 f) bicb Dr. I. M. Coinings FFERSliis Professional services as a Reform Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Macon. c« the MEPIfiAT. fSOLT.EGE- on Mnlherrv Office in the MEDICAL COLLEGE, on Mulberry Street, mar 24 Change of Schctlitle. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKETLINE IN CONNNECTION with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. fJlHE splendid and Fast Running GORDON, F. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects at Charleston with the train of tho North Eastern Rail Road going North; returning, leaveB Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 81 o’clock (after the-arrival of tho cars of the North Eastern It. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Sa\ aunab, Ga., and Wilmington, N, Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Re ad and its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to the agocts of this lino will ho forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE 5c CO., Ag’ts, Charleston, jan 19 ^ FLINT HOUSE. MACON, GA., F ORMERLY known as the Macon House, /V- on First street, opposite Patten, Col- jsssi lins 5c Co., has been recently fitted up with Its61 a large addition, for the accommodation of Boarders and the traveling public, who will find it to their in terest, if stopping a few tiays in Macon, to give ns a call and see lor themselves. Tho proprietor, thank ful for past favors, Hatters himself that by strict at tention to business, ho will receive his share of pub lic patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arriving at the depot will ask for its Represen tative. The table shall not be inferior to any iu the substantiate of life. ‘ Price of Board.: For a single meal 30 Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1,25 By the day.. 1,50 Single week 8,00 By the month (Board 5c Lodging)....20,00 feb 3 THOS II. FLINT,Proprietor. JBJriOAVisrs i-ujrr ujL orrosiTE the new rail road depot, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 MILLS HO USE CHARLESTON, S. C. Corner of Meeting: A Queen Sitrects. T HE undersigned having became associated with this House, takes great pleasure in reminding his friends that he will he glad to see them when ever they may have occasion to visit Charleston. He feels confident iu assuring them that the Mills House will in every respect bo equal to any Hotel in the United States. H. D. HARRIS, jan 19 2m BYINGTON’S HOTEL BROAD STREET, Altoany, Georgia. T HIS new nnd elegant Hotel is now open for the accommodation of the public. Persons visiting Albany will find at this House comfortable and neatly furnished rooms (fire places in each room) and a table that is unsurpassed by any other Hotel in the country. The subscriber, grateful to'the public for their li beral patronage for years past, respectfully solicits his old friends, and the pubiie generally, to call and see him in bis new quarters. The Stage Office for tho stages running to Bainbridge, Thomasville and Tallahassee is kept at this House. J. L. BYINGTON. dee 22 Albany, Ga. NEW DRUG STORE. ALEX. A. MENARD, RALSTON’S BUILDING, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA H AS just received and is cow opening a fresh stock of Drags, Medicine*, Chemicals, gaH Instruments, Paints, Oils, Tn D;e-8enffs, . Prr/famcry, Q Patent Midi- cines, Pharmncentical Preparations, See. My Drugs have been selected with strict refer ence to their purity and quality; they are fresh and may be fully relied on. iy Orders Faithfully Executed. -API Eg*-* Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Medi cines put up with neatness and accuracy, at all hours of the day or night. E3P A large lot of Artideinl Teeth just received feb 24-tf Houston Carriage Manufactory. JOSEPH TOOKE, SON & CO., Having formed a co-partnership with MB. ISAAC WINTER, Who has been a practical coach maker for 19 years, iii the Manufac turing of all kinds of CARRIAGES, SUPERIOR COACHES, CHAREOTEES, ROCK A WAYS, BUGGIES, <$-C. Having employed skillful and reliable workmen, all work put up under Mr. Winter’s personal atten tion. It is our intention to build work in Style, Neatness and Durability, And fully guarantee to give satisfaction; all we ask is a coll aud examination of our work, which we will sell low on Reasonable Terms. Also made to order, two, four and six horse Iron or Wood Axled Wagons, Ac. REPAIRING In the best and thorough style. JOSEPH TOOKE, WM. TOOKE, ISAAC WINTER. N. B. Carriage Shop Four and a half miles from Perry, direct road to Macon, twenty-five miles. 13*' work skipped to any part of the United States. Agents for Salk of Work—Perry, J. Cook— Hawkinsville, S. M. Manning—also, they have a De pository in Columbus. may 12 LIYERY STABLE BUSINESS. GRIER MASTERSON. HAVING purchased the Extensive and Central LIYERY STABLES,; Long occupied by MASON & DIBBLE, Corner ot Mulberry and Third sts. Macon, with all tho stock and equipments of the concern, are now prepared to accommodate the public In the various branches ot their business, on the most reasonable terms, For Cash only. ISF* Carriages and other Vehicles always on hand for hire, with good horses and careful drivers. Also die Horses, for the useof Ladiesand Gentlemen, septic •. . FOBERT FINDLAY, BA. FINDLAYq STEAM EjMoW GENERAL MACHINE MACON, GEORGIA rpHE Proprietors of this 1 spcctfuily call the Tr , plating tho erection of SUam [&**>■ Ulfl s« Grinding, or for any other 6V '" 1 *. Lrnnamg, or lor any other'n.™ Sc., Bnff priority of the Work hasbe™,'. 0 , fioient guarantee for an exttrsi’v.^ " UI l* . patronage. Our Workshops and ® iEd To ols, Patterns and Machiuc-rv noM' rici ' the expedition of work S '! ^ « bailment iu the State. Our : ? n ° Mb., Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mai x, ' Circular Saws, Mill Gearing,' M; best onahtv for Pn™ ‘ Sion, • best quality for Corn and ivi ,, ““ a Wheat, Wheels, a great variety, Gin r sizes, Iron Railings, for tv Public and Private ^ ’• ° F Wrought and Cast very superior, embracing’ strength with beauty 5 of Desurn. Sugar Mills andSyrup Boilers, all s j 2 ,, , Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac.. Gold Mu? 1 ry, with_ Double and Sin -l,. ‘ and Lift Pumps of any raon^f hfti • Shafting wifh Turned P® the smallest size to ni„ e ameter Cotton Cotton facrews, Rju ' ■ , „ _ Screws and Bale* England’s Celebrated selfacting Cal n other Kail Road Castings. All ,im,? 03 *i-> bo equal to the best made elscnhw? Wsr ^-thPj Macon, March 4th, 1857* * I * s ^ J LAy 4^^ fcarjj €opartucrslii|> Soli' r pHE Subscriber has this day ™ fi u. business, Ins ,ons JAMESX* is a ay 1 • LAY. The nameand'stvfotf'ffit'PiU; 1 ' after belt. FINDLAY * SONS *® bat as heretofore that of a lurst Cta\, r ! tc -1 , tablUhment RO HI-ijt' r l. Macon March 4th 1857 mtric, * CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &C. 'i'ue Subscriber is noto Receiving at his Dissolution. T HE firm of CARHART 5c BRAT „ , on the 1st January lgj; 1 Either of the Partners are autko*jLdf„ CfJ -old business of tho concern. All hLi? .**"' •'"'- * call and settle at an early u’ate, es’itis 1 ' >l< Mite a ^ Vl ■ D. CARHaEj it up immediately, feb 10 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY HATS! HATS! IBBE J3E3NBT A RE now receiving at their Fashionable Hat Store, under Ralston's New Concert Hall, Cher ry Street, Macon, a large and varied assortment of Goods in their line, consisting iu part of lhe follow- articles : FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHIONA- blo Black Beaver Ilats, extra French Felt Ilats, Men’s Cashmorette, Men’s Mantiloes. Men’s Drab Beavers, Men’s Silk Velvet Caps, Men’s Navy Caps, Extra, Ladies’ Hiding Hats, extra fine, Otto Caps, extra, Boy’s Hats, Fine Cashmorette and Fine Black and Fur Hats. Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Caps.^-V, NEW OPENING OF DR. g. McDonald dentist FALL & WINTER GOODS, ^7^7ITH Dr. Van Gcisen, his very competent as- Is. k Triangular Black, corner of Cotton Avenue and Second Street. Come all and share is the Bargains I am Offering T HE subscriber is just openiug a rich and splen did Stack of Falland WT ' ~ sistant, continues the practice in ail its branch His old and very popularform of Tooth Paste in glass boxes with metalio covers, will be found for sale at his office, on Second Street. May, 1857 Cloth Caps from 50 cts., to 82 00. Also large assortment of Plantation Goods, Leather Hat Boxes, Umbrellas,&c. All of which will be sold at fair prices. Jobbers from Town or Country, can have their Stocks re plenished on favorable terms. sep 20 did Stock of Faff and Winter Goods, consisting partly in Black and Col’d, Plain nnd figured Silks, Satin Bayadiro nnd Droguet Checked Silks, Gros de Na ples and Satins. French nnd English Merinos, Worst- Dr. FredcricK Garkc, SURGEON DENTIST "Y^OULD inform the citizens of HOUSTON aud adjoining Counties, that he Inis permauent- P UI -J l w, il l ,,p. Il n w. V ,;.|V ly located in PERKY, and offers his professional iJothers7 PopHns! Parmnattors. Alnpaeas, I)uc«U seirlces to the people in that vicinity. A practice of and Cashmeres, Velvet and cloth Cloaks, Talmas, U'^een years ... the principal cities of Europe and Aibionsand Velvet Alvins, a splendid variety of I America,enables him to gi\ a satisfaction in every Shawls, the celebrated Stella Shawls and Scarfs, one ^ra u ch of his profession. . . of the richest variety of Embroideries, ever brought .Persons at a distance can procure his services by to this city, an unsmpassed ricli variety of Ribbon K lva! ” notice. I rices ruasonab.e. Trimmings and velvet Trimmings, English, French I mar. i ly and American prints, Cashmeres, Doeskins, Flan nel, a large assortment of Domestics, Blankets and Kerseys, Linen Damasks, French Counterpanes, and a large vnricty of other a rticles too numerous to mention, all of which will bo sold at tho cheapest cash prices. No exertion shall he spared to give perfect satis faction to all who want goods at cheap rates. I solicit a call from city and country buyers, and to J. H. Ransom, ) ice the several articles they require before buying Dau’l ltansom. > tewhere. * ELIAS EINSTEIN, W, A. Ransom, ) price elsewhere, nov 10 J. H. Ransom A Co, Makutacturers a.nd Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 32 Courtland -V 39 Dey Streets, New York. ( A. P. Ransom, < Darius W. Geer, I ltobt. II. Boyd. ISAAC’S RESTAURANT. ON CHERRY STREET, UNDER RALSTON’S NEW CONCERT HALL. ■ H IS house is opened as a Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers and citi zens throughout the yeifr. He will always be prepared to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to the season, such as New York, Savannah and Bruns WICK OYSTERS, Fish, Shrimps and kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. Choice Wines and JLiqnors, and a general assortment of Confectionary always kept on hand, and purchasers generally, can obta all his articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of DOMESTIC nnd FOREIGN FRUIT. ON CONSIGNMENT, A N extensive stock of CARRIAGES of the vari ous styles iu use. They have been selected with great care by H. C. McKEE, who is acknowl- ed one of tho best j udges and buyers of work iu the Northern market. Tho Stock will be constantly replenished, and consist of the latest and most fashionable styles of VEHICLES, combining • Elegance with Lightness and Strength. Bnilt by J. M. Quinby 5c Co.-, Mott 5c Co., Brews- (er 5c Son, W. Dunlap, Hedenburg 5c Little, G. D. Cook 5c Co., L. H. Goodwin and other reliable man ufacturers. Ifif* Persons wishing the very best work on the most favorable terms, .will do well to examine this Stock before purchasing. T. H. PLANT, feb 10 QUIXBY’S Brattleboro Buggies, A BEAUTIFUL article, and for neatness, light ness and Strength uuequaJed by anything of the*kind in the market. For sale by sep 8 J T. H. PLANT B 1 EBLINS.—The subscriber is constantly re-, ceiving fine and fashionable BERLIN COACHES some plain and others most beauti fully finished. They are built by tho best makers at tho North under the direction of Mr. II C. McKee for this establishment; and adapted to our roads with perch, right track, 5cc.—Can be recommended nnd warranted with confidence. Being on three eliptic springs the motion is pleasant, and they are a light, strong, comfortable and convenaut family earring' • are fast superseding tho old sfyle or V spring coach. They sell at from 8450 to 8800, and in fact are offered at a small advance from the man ufaeturer’s prices, for cash or good notes. june 23 T. H. PLANT. Notice. mllE firm of BRAY 5c CARHART h-™, - JL dissolved, its business will be ’ l -' CARHART 5c CURD, a partnership fom?', l ? ly published under the Act of the LHAwf' gsssrac*^** »«..■§ 'The old friends and customers of Bm A r together with all new ones, are solid* J; ■ T ’ old stand on Third street, where car «hr„- i ;• a large and well selected Stock of iE'd*.V “i Cutlery, consisting in part ot Blacksmith’s Tools, Carpenter's Tools, Machinist’s Tools, Planter’s Hardware. Builder’s Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Mat.rials. Mill Iron and Sates of every desem iw Nails and Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles, IROiV MD STEEL. 100 Tons oj Sv:edcs Iron of our otrnij. portation, Refined Iron, . Putt, Round and Square Iron, Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oval and Half Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, all of which we are bound to sell at the lowest a> ket prices. CARHART k Ci?.D. feb 10 Hayden & Woodward. & LIYERY STABLE * JJAVING purchased tho commodious stable and all Families will bo supplied with JfJ— NEW FALL GOODS AT PAH-K-KH’S. W E are receiving by every Steamer addi our stock, which will be the largest and most magnificent, that we havo ever exhibited. We can already offer unusual inducements to our friends, who wish to make EASY FALL PURCHAS ES. W. W. PARKER 5c CO. aug 23 WALL, LAWKENCE W BUILDER. RICK MASONRY in nil its BRANCHES He is now permanently located in Macon, Ga. E are receiving by e very Steamer additions to I All orders in his liue promptly attended to. Address ■Mf ’ 1 ‘ 1 * J ‘ 1 through Post Office sep 15 B 1 should be addressed to tho “Second Assistant Post master General,’' superscribed “Proposals for mail service, State of For forms of proposal, 5cc., and other imformatiou see this advertisement in pamphlet from, and also the general advertisement of routes in the State, da ted January 12 1855, at the principal post offices. AARON V. BfcOYVN, Postmaster General. LADIES’ RETREAT. M RS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSICIAN, 168, Thompson, near Bleecker Street, N. York attends females daring their confinement, and treats. | all diseases peculiar to her sex. She bos commodi ous rooms fertile accommodation of her patrons, aud a patent apparatus to assist nature. A ft-male a pill, safe and sure remedy for all obstructions, sent by mail with full directions on receipt of <2. She has also a sure remedy for pylcs, and a valuable invigo rating cordial. nov24—ly H.EMOVAL. T HE subscriber has removed to the corner atore iu “Washington Block,” (new Building) or in other words, “The old Washington Hall Corner,” where he will he pleased to see liis friends and f us- tomers as usual. nov 24 • J. SI. BOARDMAN. OYSTERS and FRUIT PIES, and other dishes at any hour. Parties, Balls, 3cc., will be promptly furnished witli Suppers in elegant style, and at tho | shortest notice. jCst 5 Savannah and Brunswick . OYSTERS by tho quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur cui *' ' ■ ' ■ CHRISTMAS GIFTS ,^T Boardman’s Book Store, u large assortment seasonable articles selected for the Holidays, such as Dentistry. TAKE CARE of YOUR TEETE U. BLAISDELL from New York D City, respectfully informs (he Citizens of Macon and vicinity, that vt L-Q'1rirTF mm FINE CLOTHING. he has located himself permanently in this city, and has associated himself with Dr. 11. Segar tor tho practice ofDentistry, and they have taken the sp Illustrated Editions of the Poets Byron, Moore, Shakespeare, Thompson, Campbell, Goldsmith, Burns,Bryant.Longfellow, Herbert,Gray and Kebles’ Christian year. World noted Women, Republican Court, Court of Napoleon, Women of the Bible, Illustrated life of Luther, Grays Elegy, Deserted Village, Eve of St. Agues, Ancient Mariner, Gertrude of Wyoming, Fann er’s Boy, Country Life, Illustrated Parables, Irving's Works, Waverley Novels aud a t« m i m .m m JL COATS, and shall continue to receivo for two or I fitted them up in u superior manner with ail the rno- tliree weeks, by weekly shipment from New York, I dern conveniences nnd improvements for tho sue desirable CLOTHING Manx ur TO oon own order, | cessful practice of their profes: ORDER, at reasonablo prices for Cash. sept 29-tf C. H. BAIRD. Floyd House block, 3 doors from Carhart Jc Roff. nnd Games, Tivoli’s Gammon Boards, Chess- Men, Dominoes, Papeteries, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Porcelain Slates and lots of other things, dec 22 tf J. M. BOARDMAN. - . P — — — —-—■ — | cious Rooms in Washington Block, over tho Hat i. , 5 T n , , N receipt of some stylish BLACK FROCK I Storo ofC. B. Stone, opposite the Lanier House, ami I LirgC assortment oi Juvenile Hooks. A new r .... - ■ 1 - • 1 Edition of tire Kolia Books, Setts of pleasure Books, Also Conversation Cards cessful practice of their profession. Wo perform all operations upon tho teeth in tho highest style of the Art. We shall fill teeth with pure Gold, or such other Material as is approved of by tho profession, and warrant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it. We insert Teeth on lino Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to nature that the most scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural ones; and we warrant them t# give perfect satisfac tion, as well as answer all tlfo purposes of Mastica tion, Articulation and Durability. We shall exorcise great care in Extracting and Cleaning tho teeth. We shall give special atton-' TO TRAVELERS. 9 qo PAPER COLLARS, Standing and Byron, just received and offered cheap.. BAIIiD. PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., In Savannah, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., In Macon. R ENEW the tender of their services to their Cor respondents and the Planters generally of Geor gia nnd Alabama, as Factors and Commission Merchants, nnd pledge their undivided personal attention to the business entrusted to them. vviars patent GALVANIC CEMENT ROOFING rpHE subscriber having tho rigid for tho state of A Georgia, would call tho attention of the public, to tho above named Roofing, it being tho only pat ent granted that sec'ures the use of Rubber and other e la-tic ingredients which will resist the changes of our climate and will unite the qualities of incombus viinuuDg tlie teetli. vve sball give special atton-* J Dkihty, durability and cheapness. This roofing will tion to tlie treatment of tho diseases of tho Teeth I warranted in every particular and is particularly 1 and Gums, and as far as may be, restore them to a J “^“I'ted for covering old shingles^nd on rmd.s. healthy condition. Dr. Blaisdcll has had many years experience in UT 'PVT'fi.T AfCDT? T 4VP pad cit li the practice of his profession, besides being a Medi- •"AUh V JhlV RblvL LUi J! Uxv OiLLiJli. pal Graduate, nnd he fuels fully competent for lhe | glTUATED about two miles from tho business fully competent Bffii most difficult aud intricate operations he may bo cnll- od upon to perform. Dr. Segar is too well luiowu in part of tiio eity, all enclosed, very healthy--a d frame dwelling, mid a number of excellent Bm?rino- U 'Ho l io*and*other Planters Sunnlies will I community to require aitv extended notice here. I fruit trees. The place is well suited for a vegetable . r.rr?‘„n’vn,“m,1 nml fnrwsrdJ. Hhl™! I Suffice it to say; he will enter with renewed energy I Garden. Terns liberal. For particulars, apply to be caremily purchased aud forwarded, and liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, J. COLLINS, aug 11 J. S. HUTTON. TO MERCHANTS AND EEousolieepers. I HAVE a heavy stock of goods on hand, and I will sell for Cash at New York prices for 2 or 3 months. My Btock comprises a good assortment of Dinner and Tea setts. White andGilt China, do. Granite all sixes ofsetts. Granite Ware open to pack from, for merchants, Common Ware do.; a large lot of Gob lets, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Ac. Castors, Plated and Brittania Ware, Table Cutlery. Also, 35 Crates assorted Granite and Common Wore. 55 Crates assorted Common Ware. 30 •• « Granite to be here in January, 1638, JL. K. P. McEVOY. jan 6 ly Olioioe Groceries JUST RECEIVED. g\f\ HHDS. New crop N. O. Sugar, 100 bbls. Refined Sugar, 25 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Syrup, * 100 Boxes Cream Cheese, 25 Kegs and Tubs Goshen Butter, 100 Packages New Crop Raisins, For sale at very low figures for cash. Citv papers copy. J. B. A W. A. ROSS, dec 2*2 tf say; ne will enter witli renewed energy npun tho practice of his chosen professiou and no want of effort upon his part shall bo wanting to eo- enre tho full confidence (in future) of his numerous patrons and the public generally. We respoctfully solicit you to give us a call. Per sons iu the 1 Country can bo waited upon at their resi dences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing ns at Macon, Ga. Dr. J. JOSEPH 11QDGE3, Agt., Telegraph Ollice. PULASKI COUNTY PLANT Ac tions For Sale. W E offer for sale our plantations lying in Pulas ki county,_ containing about three thousand ... , ’’-cres which is divided into three settlements, each from tho. Ocmulgee river. All the Block can be bought with tho plantations. All those gaius would do well to call early. Terms to suit purchasers; for further information apply to the un dersigned, who reside on tho premises. sep 32 J. C. A T. F. McCORMICK. Gentlemen, eminent in their profession Drs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, II. Stratton. John Lovejgr, G. E. IIawes, S. A. Main, S. Parmlee, and i of New York. Tbc $10 aud $13 Single aud DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. agency, for the sale of these machines for this | Drs. Ball A Fitch, Drs. Howard and Parker, Drs, Tuckers, Drs. Cummings A Eastlmm, Dr. D. lv. Hitchcock, Dr. C. T. Jackson uud Dr. Wm. Town send, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. DR. H. SEGAR A A. BLAISDELL, M, D. dec 29 The Milledgeville papers will copy tho above uu- I torbld. Tim (llirtuilftln SontSni.l nml I'nnaiUH Superior Irish Potatoes. BARRELS largo yellow Irish Potatoes in store O 0 aud for sale by M’CALLIE A JONES. Cotton Avenue Thurston K. Bloom, W ILL continue the Factorage nnd Commis sion Business at Macon, Georgia. aug 8 .. . , uicoD ,u, wlo , ^Sentinel, aud Constitu- city and State, can bo secured on libetr.l terms Lonalift. Augusta, will copy one time. by a personal application'to the subscribers, S. E. Plantation For Sale. Corner, 6th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. mHE Plantation near Americus formerly owned No one need apply without capital suffidentto con- 1 by T L. Holt-contaimng 607 acres. It is fine- bn " S fe ' ly Rood state of repair, with the necessa- I Bacon, Flour & C We Du&itivelv fumnrt Hint for oil I building** Ac. Turing.—One-third cash, one-third I OA C\r\C\ LiBS. new Bacon, Ho«p ronnd, they are offered for sale must command a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON A GOODELL UR 18- \ 5a j dec22 Diaries for 18o8 at BOARDMAN’S. Valeutiues. A NEW and large assortment of Valentines just received. Ali orders from’he country prompt I ‘J attended to. j. jj. jiuARDMaN. feb 2 75 “ family Flour. 20 hlids New crop Molases, for sale for cash by jan 26 ASHER AYRES. Ail Agree that at 11. Rome’s fjl HE best assortment of the best cakes can he had at all times. feb 16 lm large lot attached known as tho Washington Hall Stable and lot nnd furnished the seme with good safe Horses, and new as well as tasty Vehicles, they are in readiness to furnish their friends and the public generally with good Horses, Buggies, Car riages 5co., in complete order at the shortest notice, FOR CASH, AND CASH ONLY. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict attention to business, and reasonable terms will en able them to do so. Horses fed and kept by tho day, week, or month. Drove stock also accommodated at reasonable prices Mulberry street, next to Lottery Office, Macon Ga. ISAAC HAYDEN, june 2 J. H. WO ODAKD. BOOTS AND SHOES. A tthe sign oftiie BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchaso, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. To Country NHBCJSEd 1EB. <EC2 JEHC^BkJairr* , S. A N early call is respectfully solicited from j«a S JL we can sell you a great many goodmeieja they can be purchased in any market Sj’niofVi York. Six months is given with approved credit. CJ and see for yourselves. ROSS, CCLEMASi ilOSi To the Planters of Georgia. Remember that you will do well to call udon ine our Blankets before purchasing. Ertrysivli J prices lower than you over bought them. KOS8, COLE31 AX IK ROSS, COLEMAN ROSS of Prints, sbt as Have just opened five cases II of Bleached Homspuns, at prices'so low as to it:j comparison—Don't fail to price then if yoand Cheap Goods. Grand and Unprecedented Attac* ROSS, COLEMAN & LOSS' “BAZAAR OF FASHION” where erfljttt can be found in the shape of Fancy awi Stardr lit Goods, at prices so uniformly low as to ex.-> tte J- miration of the purchaser, and insure to the s*j« large aud speedy sales. Come and look, u- 1 chap for showing goods, as we wish to verify ersitf tlons.. •• JgOOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ tine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof,ofvarious kinds and qualities, both soled aud pegged. Just received and for sale low by jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment. - “ of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-' dios slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’ celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by jan 3 MIX A KIRTLAND. pLANTATION BROGANS.-Now instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we 1 have ever offered in. this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and voutli' black and russetts, all of which we are selling very low. jan 6 MIX 5c KIRTLAND. j^OpiS AND SHOES.—Men s, Boys nnd - . >y. Youth’s fine calf and kip peg’d Boots; Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots ; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, onera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths' patent and e elled^Brogans; Men’s, boys’ and youths’ Calif enam - California kip Brogans, a large assortment, jan 6 MIX & KIRTLAND. PIANO-FORTES. N OW Receiving some of the most SPLENDID PIANO FORTES sver offered for sale iu Macon, from the _ celebrated Factories of J. O. Chickering and Nunn A Clark, warranted superior to any other made iu tho United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown A Co’s. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one’s oyes to look at, aud the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show theso instruments to nny havo a taste for fine goods. On band, Prince Melodians, best arlicle of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Aceordeons, Tamborius, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, aud n variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept in our line. Guitar aud Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. AVnlchcs, Jewelry nnd Fancy Gooffs Splendid Gold aud Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles. Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Coke Baskets, Castors, Wait en. and. Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ao. C?" Clocks and Watches repaired, aud warranted, short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenuo, Union Building, nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. HENRY HORNE’S TO PLANTERS & CAPITIM F OR Sale 8000 acres of land in Baker ccM’y' j' uatei l mostly' on or near tlie Stage Ho?,- 1 mail rhomasvUle, and distant from Altai? i-2 uated bany to Tkomasviil .15 miles. They are in bodic-s of from 500 to2230acres, trxl improvements on each. ,, The lino of tho projected Rail Road from LWj to Thomasville and Bainbridgcpnsses tiroKC’-.* The Rail Road from Macon to Albany viilKt 1 ’ pleted bytbe 1st October, which with a oiflyf- 1 - to Thomasville, renders these Plantationsnovcm^ access'. Also, 1000 Acres in Early County— ,.. 1000 Acres in Miller Count r, 5S0_acres 0t * lying on Spring Creek are improved— lug ou spring vyreea are iui[uo>i>‘ ,., , •, 2000 Acres in Colquit County, 1300 of which . i Little Oc-hloebonee River, are_ uwiw**' body contains 330 acres ot exceedingly nca Hammock— ,. , 6000 Acres in Berrien County, oftliM®^^ mi This last named is oil the Withlscoocb? h-™ r > within two miles of Nashville the Const? saw Also, y 23,000 Acres in Decatur county, in home* from 500 to 2500 acres—and several o: tee of 750 and 1250 acr< s arc- improved. plains cheo Rivers, lmynreaun “n-; ... and put iu cultivation, and are foami w ductive as the lands higher np the va..e. • and Dougherty eountii s. • P , lrt A Tho U. S. Mail is carried iubteamewnfo ■ from Bainbridge (tho county site of Dees Bay, and tlw customary rate of bale, on Cotton.. , . , ■ ,„t i'.'J Planters desirous of obtaining . e ,\ ' jutd lands t« cultivate, and Capita i>f?.w.?'jr ^ L , safe audproStable investment cf ■ do well to call and examine Terms of sale will be i . • . '. Maps and a moredetailed description- ail by calling at the offices of '-; aeoa ..- Sept. 8, 1837. —r—‘ Suspended Bank Kotes ■ AT' PAR, IN EXCHANGE FOR G OOff by ! • 1 Fioyd llouso Block, three doors *’ t -° ^ o.> Roff. Job Friating: Office cateu st jflcivsonviiiu, h kh’ ■ *, n( i , ness is a fine one; tlie Office is ia g Tl> advertiser desires to dispose” account of the recent death of his pa* )n ;j, e oi-'" ness. Value of tiio gtablishmout_is> • „ of which, tilhe will be allowed, v- it J; y tL -.p^by, W’ . .... iAit-rto J-• ry to parties at the North. jie ^ r pj{'g\y, Confnctionnry, Fruit Store, Cube nnd Pas try Bakery—Macon, Gkorgi a, one dodr below the State Bank. JIANUFACTURER oftho hnest I'rench Pastri At A and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrup3, Nuts, ars, Tobacco, Ac., Wholesale and Retail. eg: C< Macon, G.t., or address dec 22 Jacksonville ^ E. WINSHjP.,, «tock ot LUy 'ountry Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms :—Positively Cash—no Credit given. jan 30—ly I S offering his entire stock ot t Celt £ GENT'S FURNISHING CASH. - He wishes to close out to his new Spring Stock. . _____ rVSSu Shirts, 1-2 Hose, Ae^^tC gr\ DOZ Linen and jrarseillesBosoul OU 89 doz. English J Hose, , ,...,i..r,.d L- Ctl SO Bir2ESC3-S2.C>ESSs HAVE now on band, and for sale, about 50 likely negroes, for which I will take the bills of the' Manufacturers’ Bank cr any other caiTent bill*. OCt 80 WILSON C. HARDY. I 80 doz. English j Hose, hnr j,ged 30 « White and colored bora.r Handkerchiefs. Ae _ Suspenders, dollars. Cravats, * •' At COST FOR CASil. gjqy febS! Shirts, Sturts* shirt i. « trr\ DOZ. Linen Bosom.aad OU sal,, cheap by L '