Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, March 23, 1858, Image 4

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From tlio Philadelphia Saturday Courier. The Magnetic Telegraph. 11Y ltF.V. .TAKES GILBORNE LYONS, L.L. Along the smooth and slender wires The sleepless heralds run Fast as the clear and living rays Go streaming from the sun, Xo peals or flashes heard or seen Their wondrous flight betray, And yet their words are quickly felt In cities far away. Xor summer’s heat nor winter’s hail Can check their rapid course They meet unmov’d the fierce wind’s rage. The rough waves sweeping force ;— In tho long night of rain nnd wrath . As in the Maze of day, They rush with news of weal or wo To thousands far away. But faster still than tidings borne On that electric cord, Rise the pure thoughts of him who loves The Christian’s life and Lord— Of him who, taught in smiles and tears With fervent lips to pray, Maintains high converse here on earth With bright worlds far away. Ay 1 though nor outward wish is breath’d, Xor outward answer given, The sighing of that humble heart * Is known and felt in Heaven— Those long frail wires may bend and break, Those viewless heralds stray, But faith's least word shall reach the throne Of God, though far away. llou&ton April Sheriff Sales. W ir.L be sold before the Court House door in Berry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: Lot of Land No. (ISO) one hundred and twenty, in the (9th) Ninth District of said county, with all its appurtenances and one acre of the southwest corner of lot No. (179) one hundred and seventy nine, in the same district with all the appurtenances belonging to thn same; All Levied on as the property cf Sam uel Gibbs to satisfy three fi fas from Houston Supe rior Court, two in favor of Davis N. Austin, vs. Sam uel Gibbs, and one in favor of Stephen R. Smith vs. said Gibbs. Property pointed oot in said fi fas. Also, at the same time and place, abont fifty lbs. of Tobacco, about one hundred lbs. ol powdered Sugsr, five thousand Cigars, various brands, twelve jars, half gallon. Pickles, fortv pint bottles Schnaps, sixteen quart bottles Schnaps, twenty quart bottles Wine Bitters, thirty-five bottles Wine, sixty bottles Monon- gahalia Whiskey, sixteen 1 boxes Sardines, fifteen lbs. Candles, more or less, fifteen boxes Lobsters, eleven Decanters, one Looking Glass aud one pair counter Scales; all levied on aa the property of W. F. Lilly under a distress warrant for rent, in favor ot James A. Miiler vs. said W. F. Lilly, property pointed out bvtha Plaintiff. Also, at the same time and place, 1 two horse pleasure Carriage, levied on aa the property of Ro bert A. Crawford, to satisfy a distress warrant lor rent in favor of J. Scarborough vs. Robert A. Crawford. J. F. SIKES, mar 9 Dep. Sheriff. Houston Sale for April. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in Perry, Houston county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, one negro woman named Sophy, about 25 years of age; Levied on as the property of Wm. W. Johnson, to satisfy a li fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of De wit Bradshaw vs. Wm. w Johnson, and transferred to Needham T. Johnson and other fi fas in my hands v*. said Wm. W. Johnson. JOHN SMITH, mar 2 Dep. Sheriff. Jones Gouniy Sheriff Safe. W ILL be sold in Clinton, before the Court House door, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, vis : Two negro girls, Sealey, some twelve years old, Patience, ten yean old. both of yellow complexion and very likely; Levied upon ns tiie property of John A. Childs to satisfy three fi fas. two from Jones Superior Court and one from Jones Inferior Court, ouein favor of Wm. A. Lane vs John A. Childs, one in favor of A. J. Middiebrooks vs John A. Childs, one in favor of W. S. Childs, J. W. Clark, Zachnriah Eliott and J. L. Holland vs John A. Childs. Property pointed ont bv defendant. Also at the same time nnd place, will be sold one negro man name Jack, about forty-five years old, of dark complexion, stout and likely, levied upon as tho property of Thomas 8. Alexander, to satisfy five !i llu>. Three from Jones Superior Court, and two from Jones Inferior Court, one in favor of John H. Thomas, ono in favor of H. B. Ridley, one in favor of Wra.C. Flemister ono in favor of John W.Clark, one in favor of F. S. Johnson vs said Thos. 8. Alex ander, defendant. Property pointed ont by defen. dam. JAS. G. BARNES, Sheriff, mar 2 Georgia—Houston County. B EFORE me. Arthur Watson, a Justice of the Peace for said County, personally appeared West, of said County, in the <-8th yearofhis age.who beinff duly sworn, deposeth and saith that he is the owner of a certain Lan i Warrant for 160 acres ot Land, which was issued o .him under the act of d of March. 1855. (James G. Slappey, acting as his agent in the application lor said warrant,) for mihta- rv servicea rendered by him as a private soldie , for six months in the company of Edmund Hopson. Captain in (he regiment of Georgia Militia com manded hy Col. Few in the year 1814. jn tK with Great Britian; the said West having been dratt ed in Washington County, Ga., in that year; that deponent does not remember the No. ot said warrant; that deponent lost said land warrant in the Ji. R. De pot at Macon, Cia. sometime in December, 1857 that he never sold, assigned or parted with his right to said warrant, and deponent further swears that lie intends to apply to tho commissioner of pensions, for a duplicate of said land warrant, so lost. his WILLIAM X WEST, mark. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22d Feb. 1858. ARTHUR WATSON, J. P. mar 2 HOWLAND Jr MRS. TS now opening FALL nnd WINTER 1 9I1LLINERY Consisting of all the Fashionable Styles of BONNETS, HEADDRESSES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, CLOAKS AND BE RAGES SIUC EVENING DRESSES, CRINOLINES, WIRE BRAIDS. STELLA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash. Country Milliners supplied with bonnets by the Case or Dozen. All orders promptly attended to in Millinery or Dress Making. oct 27 MILLINERY. M RS. AUDOIN would respectfully annonnee to the ladiesof Macon nnd surrounding coun- aj— tics, that she has New Brick SEJ Store, next door to the Mechanic's Bank, on 2d-f'*^ r street, (her old stand) where she is now. receiving and opening an entire new Stock of .FASHIONABLE GOODS in her line, consisting of STRAW. SILK AND VEL VET IIATS, newest style. HEAD DRESS ES, of every design. CURLS AND HAIR BRAIDS, EMBROI- DEKIES Of rich qualities. LACE SETTS of various pat terns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedions to mention. All of which will be sold very reasonably to CASH customers. Thankful for past lavors. she solicits a continu ance of the custom of her old friends and will study to deserve the kind patronage ofall who may call and view her goods. oct 27—tf Fall and Winter Millinery. M RS. A. DAMOUR has just returned from New York with a splendid nnd fashionable assort ment of the above named goods, consisting of Silk Velvet and Straw Hats, Plumes, Flowers, Ribons, Caps. Head Dresses, Point Lace Setts, Berthas, Embroideries, Cloaks ofall qualities, Long Shawls, Brooche Shawls, Chenille Shawls nnd Scarfs. A large lot of new styles Extension Skirts, Whale bone nnd Other HOOPS for SKIRTS. A lot of fine Robes with trimmings on the side and other Goods for Dresses, such as Canton Crape, Fiounced Robes, &o. oct 13 ly L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s_ Drug Store. jan 6 Law Copartnership. I. L. HARRIS, CHAS. J. HARRIS, Milledgeville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. sep 15 Wm. K. deCraffenried, Attorney at Law, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s oct 27 A. J. ItUCABTHT, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, GA, XT 7"ILL practice in any of the Courts of the Macon VV or Southwestern circuit. mar 1C tf LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, P. Tract. Stubbs, llill A Tracy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Macon, Ga march 11 BOOTS AND SHOES. A T THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. No. 3, £jj Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington jB Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance ot til same. Wehlvo now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will he made, ol' all the different styles and patterns usually called for In a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our Etock, as vs are prepared to sell as lo as any house iu the city or State. |;i,j >; .MIX -V KIRI LAND. P> French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by ianG MIX 3c K1KTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—a large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-^* dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by jan 5 MIX & IvIRTLAXD. ISAAC HARDEMAN, Attorney at Law, CL IN TO N, G EOllGIA. july7 ly EUGENE L. HINES. Attorney at Law THOMASVILLE. GA. feb 1 Cm T. G. HOLT, Jr., Attorney at Law MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston’s new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert llall. aug 4 O. A. I.OCHKANE, JOHN LAMAR LOCHRANE A LAMAR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office by the Mechanic’s Bank. O FFICE hours from 8 to IS a. m. 2 to S p. in and also from 7 to 10 p. m. Will practice in all the counties in the Macon Cir cuit and in all the counties of Jones, Monroe and Co- iumbia and in the Supreme Court. jan 12 Cm SPEER A HUNTER, Attorneys at Law, MACON. GEORGIA. on Triangular Block, Comer of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. W E have associated as partners in the piactice of law in tho counties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 2 SAMUEL HUNTER. Dentistry. TAKE CARE of YOUR TEETH. |~^R. BLAISDELL from New York U. S. Marshal’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House doer in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in April next, lietweeu the usual honrs of sale the following property, vix: Five lots of land nurabera 83,84, 102,103 and 171 in the 4th district of Pulaski county, containing 202) acres each, more or less. Levied on as the property of Morris Pollock, to satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Cjr cuit Court of the United States for the sonthern dis trict of Georgia, in favor of Carhart Brother 3c Co., vs. Thornes ii. L. Ryan, .Morris Pollock and Nor- luiiu McDuffie. DANIEL H. STEWART, mar 2 • U. 8. Marshal. Houston April Sale W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, Houston County, on the first Tuesday in April next betweon the legal hours of sale, that tract or parcel of la ad known ns the Chain place, containing tivo acres more or less, adjoining the Town of Perry and Wm. Summerford, whereon E. M. Hulcy now resides ; Levied upon as the property of John J. Glover to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Su perior Court, returnable to April Term, 1858. John •il. Colbey vs John J. Glover and Elijah M. Hulcy. JOHN SMITH, feb 23 Deputy Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court House door in Blakely, Early county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale lot of land No. three hundred and seventy-five, con taining two hundred and fifty acres more or less, in the 28th district of said county of Early belonging to the estate of John Cranford, Sen, late of Twiggs couuty, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known ou the day of sale. JAMES HAMMOCK, feb 23 Administrator. Aduiiuistrator’s Sale. A GItKEABLY toan order of thoCrdinary of Craw- xV ford County, March term 1858, will be sold be fore the Court House door in the town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in May next, the following na med negroes, to wit: Epsoy, a woman, abont 36 years old, Felix, a boy, about 18 years old, Charles, a man, abont 21 years old ; Sold as the property of Wilborn W. Hammock lute of said couuty of Crawford, dec., for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms, one half due on the first day of December 1858, tho other half due on the first day of December 1859. —Purchasers giving note with approved securi ty. RAYMOND R.PAKKHAM, mar 9 Administrator. Executor's Sale. B Y authority of the Ordinary of Houston county, 1 will sell to the highest bidder on the first Tues day lu April next, before the Court House door in Perry, Nino acres of land adjoining Fort Valley, it beiug a Pond, adjoining the lots of Mrs. Barron, and Piraons and others, and sold as the property of Jas. A. Everett, deceased. Terms Cash. fob !• MYLES L. GREEN, Ex'or. Administrator's Sale. B WM Y virtue of an order of the ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court House door of Dougherty county, in the town of Albany, on the first Tuesday iu April next, between the legal hours of sale one lot of laud containing two hundred two and a half acres (202J) more or less, number thirty-four (34) in the first (1st) district of originally Lee now Dougherty county. The above laud sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Benjamin B. Smith, late of Twiggs county, deceased. ROBERT K. PARKER, feb 16 Administrator. XI OT1CC —Sixty days after date, application will 11 be made to the Ordinary of Crawford County for leave to sell a negro man named Anderson, be- Imiging to the minora of Willis Boon, dec., for the beuelil of said miuors. J. M. DAVIS, fub 24 Guardian. N OTICK—Sixty days after datejapplicntion will be made to tho Ordinary of Jones county for leave to .sell lot No. 127, 4th section, 4th District, formerly Cherokee, now Floyd, as Real Estate of Charles Hutchings, deceased. RICHARD -11. HUTCHINGS, Adm'r. January 23. 1858. N O TICK.—Sixty days after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Ordinary of Crawford County, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Robert Howe, late of said county of Crawford, dec. This March 8th, 1858. EGBERT P. DANIEL, WM. J. HOWE. Executors of the last will of Rob’t. Howe, dec. mar 16 Georgia-^Ionei Couuty. EAS. Joseph Stiles and Gabriel B. Ro- IH berts apply to me for letters of Administra tion on the t state of Joseph G. Stiles, late of Jones oounty, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors,to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in April next, I " w . hi - . if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 20th day i .r , 1858. CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord. mar 2 l'.ltl.s G r_; i P, Whiskey, .Mon-mgaii,-la and Bourbon Whiskey 150 11. \,-- Tobacco, for sale for cash by jan 26 ASHER AYRES- City, respectfully informs tho Citizens of Macon ana vicinity, that J he has located himself permanently in this city, and has associated himself with Dr. H. Segar for the practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the spa cious Rooms in Washington Block, over the Hat Store of C. B. Stone, opposite the Lanier House, and fitted them up iu a superior manner with all the mo dern conveniences and improvements for the suc cessful pnefieMfUMklNMiM.’ We perform all operations upon the teeth in the highest style of the Art. We shall fill teeth with pure Gold, or such other Material as is approved of by tho profession, and warrant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it Wo insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to nature that the moat scrutinizing ennnot detect them from the natural ones; and we warrant them to give perfect satisfac tion, as well as answer all the purposes of Mastica tion, Articulation and Durability. We shall exercise great care in Extracting and Cleaning the teeth. We shall give special atten tion to the treatment of the diseases of the Teeth and Gams, nnd as far as may be, restore them to a healthy condition. Dr. Blaisdell has had many years experience in the practice of his profession, besides being a Medi cal Graduate, and be feels fully competent for the most difficult and intricate operations he may be call ed upon to perform. Dr. Segar is too well known in this community to require any extended notice J ere. Suffice it to say; he will enter with renewed energy upon the practice of his chosen profession and no wantuf effort upon his part shall be waiting to se cure the full confidence (in future) of bis numerous patrons and the pablie generally. We respectfully solicit you to give us a calL Per sons in the Country can bo waited upon at their resi dences with promptness, if they desire, by addres sing us at Macou. Ga. Dr. Blaisdell is permitted to refer to the following Gentlemen, eminent in their profession: Drs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire. H. Stratton. John LovejSy, G. E. Hawes, S. A. Main, S. Parmlee, aud 31. L. Byrn of New York. Drs. Ball 3c Fitch, Drs. Howard and Porker, Drs, Tuckers, Drs. Cummings 3c Eastliam, Dr. D. K. Hitchcock, Dr. C. T. Jackson and Dr. Wm. Town send, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. DR. H. SEGAR 3c A. BLAISDELL, M, D. dec 29 The Milledgeville papers will copy the above zn- til forbid. The Chronicle 3cScntineI, and Constitu tionalist, Augusta, will copy one time. J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK. GA. W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. jail 20 LAW NOTICE. T IIE undersigned offers his services in the prac tice of tho LAW in the several counties of the 3Iacon District; also out of the District—in Jones, Munroe and Dougherty, and by special contract, in any county of the State. Office opened in the city of Macon 1st of March ensuing. Until then my ad dress is Albany, Ga. ABNER P. POWERS, jan 26* SEWARD A HANSELL. J. L. Si:WARD. A. H. HASSELL: ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD 3c HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 KIMBROUGH A BASS, Attorneys at Law, STARKSV1LLE. LEE CO., GA* W ILL practice in the courts of the South Wes tern circuit. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly and diiligently attended to. feb2tf TO PLANTERS & CAPITALISTS. K OR Sale 6000 acres of land in Baker county, sit uated mostly on or near the Stage Road from A1 bany to Thomasville, and distant from Albany 12 to 15 miles. They are in bodies of from 500 to 2250 acres, with improvements on each. The line of the projected Rail Road from Albany to Thomasville and Bainbridge passes through them. The Rail Road from Macon to Albany will be com pleted by the 1st October, which with a daily Stage to Thomasville, renders these Plantations now of easy access. Also, 1000 Acres in Early Connty— 1000 Acres in Miller County, 500 acres of which lying on Spring Creek are improved— 2000 Acres in Coiquit County, 1500 of which lying • on Little Ochlockonee River, are improved, this body contains 350 acres ot exceedingly rich Cane Hammock— 6000 Acres in Berrien County, of these there are two bodies of 1000 Acres each, and one of 2000 acres. This last named is on the Withlacoochy River, and within two miles of Nashville the Connty Site. Also, 25,000 Acres in Decatur county, in bodies mostly from 500 to 2500 acres—and several of these places of 750 and 1250 acres are improved. These lands are all situated in tho level lime-stone plains of the rich valley of the Flint nnd Chattahoo chee Rivers. They are now beginning to bo settled and put in cultivation, and are found to be as pro ductive as the lands higher up tlio valley in Baker and Dougherty counties. Tho U. S. Mail is carried in Steamers twice a week from llainbridge (tiie county site of Decatur) to the Bay-, and the customary rate of irieght 75 cents per bnfe, on Cotton. Planters desirous of obtaining fresh and fertile lnnds to cultivate*, and Capitalists, wishingto make a safe and profitable investment of their fundswould, do well to call and examine. Terms of sale will be made easy. Maps and a more detailed description, maybe had by calling at the offices of JAS. R. BUTTS, st Slacon, or GEO. W. GARMANY,Savannah. Sept. 8, 1857. Dr. I. M. Coinings O FFERS bis Professional services os a Reform Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Macon. Office in the MEDICAL COLLEGE, on Mulberry Street, mar 24 MEDICAL CARD. DR. JAMES A. DAMOUR HAS resumed the practice of bis profession, and permanently located in this city. Ho can be found at his office three doors below the Lanier House at All Hours, unless professionally en gaged. Macon, June, 9 1856. DR. H. A. MATTATJEK, H AVIN G spent a portion of three successive years in this city, during which time he has limited liis practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in all the branches of his profession. Office on the South-east corner of 3d and Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery, jane 9* dr. g. McDonald DENTIST. W ITH Dr. Van GeUen, his very competent as- sistant, continues the practice in all its branch es. His old and very popular form of Tooth Paste m glass boxes with intulic covers, will bo found for sale at his office, on Sqf-ond Street. May. 1857 J. H. Ransom A Go. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, PULASKI COUNTY PLANTA- lions For Sale. FATE offer for sale our plantations lying in Pulas- » T ki county, containing about tliree thousand acres which is divided into three settlements, each place well improved, with good dwellings and all ne cessary out buildings. These plantations lie seven miles above Uawkinsville and two Rnd a half miles from the' Ocmulgee river. Ail the stock can he bought with the plantations. All those wishing bar gains would do well to call early. Terms to suit purchasers; for further information apply to the on- ' rsigned, who reside on the premises. sep 32 J. <’. A T. F. Ml COU.MICK. Plantation For Sale. rnHE Plantation near Americus formerly owned jL hyT L. Holt—containing 607 acres, it is fine ly situated, in go id state of repair, with the necessa ry buildings, Ac. Terms.—One-third cash, one-third one year, one-third two years, with interest. Ap ply to T. M. Furlow, Americus or to the undersigned at Macon. JAMES W. GRIFFIN. 3Iacon, Dec. 4 tf LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 32 Courtland 39 Dey Streets, New York. J. H. Ransom, ) f A. P. Ransom, Dan’l Ransom. > < Darius W. Geer, W. A. Ransom, j( Robt. H. Boyd. WEST’S PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT ROOFING. T HE subscriber having the right for the state of Georgia, would call the attention of the pnblic to the above named Roofing, it being the only pat ent granted that secures the use-of Rubber and other elastic ingredients which will resist the changes of our climate and will unite the qualities of incombus tibility, durability and cheapness. This roofing will be warranted in every particular and is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs, oct 13 W. J. McELROY. PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., In Savannah, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., In Macon. R ENEW the tender of tlieir services to their Cor respondents and the Planters generally of Geor gia nnd Alabama, as Factor* nnd Comtninxion Mrrrhnnt., and pledge their undivided personal attention to the business entrusted to them. Bagging, Rope and other Planters Supplies will be carefully purchased and forwarded, aud liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN. J. COLLINS, aug 11 J.S. HUTTON. P LANTATION BKOGANS.-Novr instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we' have ever offered in this market. Men's double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. lieav single soled black and russetts ; do. hoys and youths black and russetts, all of which wo are selling very low. jan 6 JIIX 5c KIRTLAND. ■QOOTS AND SHOES.—Men s, Bovs and JJ Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera aud ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents.boys’ and youths’ patent and.enam- elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ and youths' California kip Brogans, a large assortment. jan 6 31IX 3c KIRTLAND. PIANO-FORTES. AT03V Receiving some of the most.—ogfa- IN SPLENDID PIANO FORTES S«jpg- sver offered for sale in Macon, from tho u U W _ celebrated Factories of J. C. Chickering and Nunn Sc Clark, warranted superior to any other made In the United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brow" 3c Co’s. Factory. The above instruments aro a feast to one s eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for fine goods. On hand, Prince Melodians, best article of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tamborins, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept in our line. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Musio for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, 3cc. tValcbrs, Jewelry and Fancy Gooala, Splendid Gold and Silver 3VATCIIES; i Gentlemen and Ladies patterns. Gold Chains, & Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles. Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles Silver Spoons andForks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Kings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Wait ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, 3cc. [y Clocks and Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give ns a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenue, Union Building. nov 2 J. A. 3c S. S. VIRGIN. Houston Carriage Manufactory, JOSEPH TOOKE, SON & CO., Having formed a co-partnership with MR. ISAAC WINTER, Who has been a practical coach maker for 19 years, in the Manufac turing of ail kinds of CARRIAGES, SUPERIOR COACHES, CHARR0TEES, ROCKAWAYS,BUGGIES, .S C. Having employed skillful and reliable workmen, ail work put np under Mr. Winter’s personal atten tion. It is <tar intention to build work in Style, Neatness and Durability, And fully guarantee to give satisfaction; all we ask is a call and examination of our work, which we will sell low on Reasonable Terms. Also made to order, two, four and six horse Iron or Wood Axled Wagons, &c REPAIRING In the best and thorough style. JOSEPH TOOKE, WM. TOOKE, ISAAC WINTER. 13?* N. B. Carriage Shop Four and a half miles from Perry, direct road to Macon, twenty-five miles. BP* work shipped to any part of the United States. Agents for Sale of Work—Perry, J. Cook— n&wkinsville, S. 31. Manning—also, they have a De- positoryin Columbus.may 12 CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Ac. The Subscriber is note Receiving at hit CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ON CONSIGNMENT, A N extensive stock of CARRIAGES of the vari ons styles in use. They have been selected with great care by H. C. McKEE, who is acknowl- ed one of the best j udges and buyers of work in the Northern market. The Stock will be constantly replenished, and consist of the latest and most fashionable styles of VEHICLES, combining KIcgaucc with I.ightnca* nnd Strength. Built by J. 31. Quinby & Co., Mott 5c Co., Brews ter 3c Son, W. Dunlap, Hedenburg 3c Little. G. 3c D. Cook it Co., L. II. Goodwin and other reliable man ufacturers. CP- Persons wishing the very best work_ on the most favorable terms. Swill do well to examine this Stock before purchasing. T. H. PLANT, feb 10 (lUINRY’S Brattleboro Buggies, A BEAUTIFUL article, and for neatness, light ness and Strength unequaled by anything of the kind in the market. For sale by sep 8 • T. H. PLANT DERhlNS.— 1 The subscriber ia constantly re- If ceiviug fine and fashionable BERLIN COACHES some plain and others most beauti fully finished. They are built by the best makers at the North under the direction ot 3Ir. II C. McKee for this establishment; and adapted t j our roads with perch, right track, 3cc.—Can be recommended and warranted with confidence. Being on three eliptic springs the motion is pleasant, and they are a light, strong, comfortable and convenant family carriag' - are fast superseding the old style or C spring coach. They sell at from 8450 to 8800, and in fact are offered at a small advance from the man nfacturer’s prices, for cash or good notes. jane 23 T. H. PLANT. Hayden & Woodward. ■ I & LIVERY STABLE^ H AVING purchased tlio commodious stable nnd largo lot attached known as tho Washington Hall Stable and lot and furnished the same with good safe Horses, and new as well as tasty Vehicles, they are in readiness to furnish their friends and the public generally with good Horses, Buggies, Car riages tec.,in complete order at the shortest notice, FOR CASH, AND CASH ONLY. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict attention to business, and reasonable terms will en able them to do so. Horses fed and kept by tho day, week, or month. Drove stock also accommodated at reasonable prices Mulberry street, next to Lottery Office, Macon Ga. ISAAC HAYDEN, jane2 J. H. WOODARD. JAMES K. FINDLAT, . FINDLAT. FINDLAYS’ STEAM EISTGrllSTE MANUFACTORY, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND GENERAL MACHINE SHOP, MACON. GEORGIA. T IIE Proprietors of this Establishment would re spectfully call the attention of those contem plating the erection of Steam Mills, for Saicing and Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The superiority of the Work has been, and will he, a suf ficient guarantee for an extensive and increasing patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Tools, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities for tho expedition of work possessed by no other estab lishment in the State. Our prices and terms will compare favorably with that of any first class North ern Establishment. Tiie following comprise a list of Machinery, Ac; for any portion Ot which we trill be pleased to receivo orders, viz: Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery Circular Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best quality for Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, ail sizes, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, Public aud Private Buildings, &c., 1 of Wrought and Cast Ieon, very superior, embracing strength with beauty of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns for Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac., Gold Mining Machine ry, with Double and Single acting Force and Lift Pumps of any required size,. Shafting with Turned Pullies, from tliesmallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws and Bales, England's Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and other Rail Road Castings. All work warranted to be equal to tho best made elsewhere. K. FINDLAY 3c SONS. Macon, March 4tb, 1857. mar 10 Copartnership Notice. T HE Subscriber has this day associated with him in business, his sons JAMES N. 3c C.D. FIND LAY. The name and style of the FIRM will here after he R. FINDLAY 3c SONS, and the Busine as heretofore that of a First Class Engineering Es tablishment ROBERT FINDLAY Macon March 4th 1857. marlO— Change of Schedule SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKETLINE |IN CONNNECTION with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. HE splendid and Fast Running T CORDON, F. Barden, Commander,leavesSavan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road goin; North; returning, leaves Charleston every Monda. and Friday night at 8{ o’clock (after tho arrival of the cars of the North Eastern R. Road.) and rives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Kail Road anil its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE 3c CO., Ag’ts, Charleston jan 19 Dissolution. T HE firm of CARHART 3c BRAY was dissolved on the 1st January, 1857, by mutual consent. Either of the Partners are authorized to settle up the old business of the concern. All indebted, willplease call and settle at an early date, as it is desirable close it up immediately. W. H. BRAY, feb 10 W. D. CARHART. ’ Notice. T HE firm of BRAY 3c CARHART having been dissolved, its business will be continued by CARHART 3c CURD, a partnership formed and du ly published under the Act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, authorizing the formation of Spe cial Copartnerships. The old friends and customers of Bray 3c Carhart, together with nil new ones, are solicited to cailat the old stand on Third street, where can always be found a large and well selected Stock of Hardware and Cutlery, consisting in part of Blacksmith’s Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Machinist’s Tools, Planter’s Hardware. Builder’s Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials, Mill Iron and Saws of every description, Nails and Horse Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles. IRON AND STEEL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of our own im portation, Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Iron, Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oval and Half Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, 8fc„ all of which we are bound to sell at the lowest mar ket prices. CARHART 3c CURD, feb 10 / NATHAN WEED MPORTER AND DEALER IN HARDWARE, Cutlery, Iron, Steel &c,, O FFERS for sale one of the largest and most com plete assortments of IIARDWAKK ever offered in this State comprising’ Bn r Iron, Swedish, Common English and Refined of all sizes. HORSE SHOE Nail Rods, Hoop, Band, Sheet Boiler, Oval, ) Oval, $ Round and Angle Iron. STEED, Hammered PlowSteel4 to 14 inch wide Cast, German, Spring and Blister Steel. NAILS, Cat, Wrought, Spikes, Brads 3cc. PLOW Chains, Hames, Lines, Wagon Chains. PLOWS for 1 and 2 horse, Sub-Soil and others. HOES, Sam. W. Collins. andScovd’s Cast Steel, Brades’ Patent, Brades’ Georgia, Brades’ Grubbing, Bradley’s Cast Steel Grub bing Hoes, nnd 3Iattocks. CORN SIf ELLERS ofall kinds 7 to 15 dollars. CORN 3III.ES, Iron and Steel, for hand or power. STRAW CUTTERS, of the most approved kinds. R I, ACICS3I IT SI’S TOOLS, Anvils, Bellows, Vises, Hammers Screw Plates, Tongs 3cc. CARPENTER’S TOOLS, Saws, Planes, Au gers, Squ a res, . Chisels, Braces 3c Bits, Levels, Gua- ges 3cc. MASON’S TOOI.S,Trowels, Sand Screens, 3cc. CURRIER’S TOOLS of all kinds in use. GARDENING TOOLS, Hoes, Rakes, Prun ing Saws, Knives, S cissors, Hedge Shears 3cc. RUELDER’S HAMMERS, Locks, Hinges, Screws 3cc.,5te. MILI, SAWS, 3Iill Cranks, Mill Picks, Mill Saw Files, Mill Dogs, Stirrup Irons Ac. HOUSEKEEPING Hardware ofall kinds. 3Pla.nt.ers and Otliers Will find it to their interest to call and examine Thurston B. Bloom, W ILL continue the Fnctorngc and Commit ■ion Ruainma at Macon, Gkokgia. ang 8 LADIES’ RETREAT. M RS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSICIAN, 168, Thompson, near Bieecker Street, N. York attends females during their confinement, and treats all diseases peculiar to her sex. She has commodi ous rooms fortho accommodation of her patrons, aud u patent apparatus to as.-i.-t nature. A female a pill, safe and sure remedy for all obstructions, sent by mail with full directions on receipt of $2. She has also a sure remedy for pyles, and a valuable invigo rating cordial. uov24—ly rNROM this date NOTICE. : shall adopt as near as possible the CASH SYSTEM-—we are compelled to do From this date all articles will he priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will only be given to those who have paid us promptly) an addition rill be made to the priee mimed aocording to the time desired by the purchaser. Jan 6 tf HARDEMAN Sc GRIFFIN. H.EMOVAL. rp HE subscriber has removed to the corner store 1_ in “Washington Block,'’ (new Building) or in other words, “Tht old Washington Hall Corner/' where he will be pleased to see his friends and cus tomers as usual. nov 34 J. M. BOARD MAN. Tiie $10 and $13 Single nnd DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. A N agency for the sale of these machines for this city and State, can ho secured on libeial terms hy A personal application to the subscribers, S. E. Corner, Cth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. No one need apply without capital sufiicienttocon duct the business properly and who cannot bring re ferenco as to reliability and capability. Wo positively assert that these machines for all purposes of family sewing, are in every respect su perior to any sewing machine in 3Iarket, (no matter at what prices they may bo sold at,) aud wherever they are offered for sale must command a ready aud unlimited demand. JOHNSON 3c GOODELL Ug 18. HENRY HORNE’S Conferlionarr, Frail Htore, Cakr and Pas. •*T Bakery—3Iacok, Geokoia, one door below the State Bank. M anufacturer oftim tmest French pastr7 and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Segars, Tobacco, Ac., Wholesale and Retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms :—Pocitwcly Oath—no Credit given. jan 30—ly | JLJL V JjIBYST A.13jLJb£ BUSINESS. GRIER 4- MASTERSON. HAVING purchased the *yl . Extensive nnd Central MVKHV NTABLKS. LI Long occupied hy MASON A DIBBLE, Corner oi Mulberry and Third Bts. Macon, with all the stock and equipments of the concern, are now prepared to accommodate the public in the various branches ot their business, on the most reasonable terms, For Cash only. CrF Carriages and other Vehicles always on hand for hire, with good horses and careful drivers. Also die Horses, for tho useof Ladiesand Gentlemen. septI6 ISAAC'S RESTAURANT, ON CHERRY STREET, UNDER RALSTON’S NE'W.-rffpTX CONCERT HALL. UlftHiftiiU. H IS house is opened as a Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers ana citi zens throughout the year. He will always be prepared to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to the season, such as New York, Savannah and Brans- WICK OYSTERS, Fish, Shrimps and all kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. Choice Wines and Liquors, and a general assortment of Confectionary always kept on hand, and purchasers generally, can obtain all his articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUIT. Families will bo supplied with OYSTERS and FRUIT PIES, and other . dishes at any hour. Parties, Balls, 3cc., will be promptly furnished with Suppers in elegant style, and at the shortest notice. Savannah and Brunswick OYSTERS by the quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur chasers. oct 13 50 KTEGROESj I HAVE now on hand, nnd for side, about 50 likely negroes, for which I will take the bills of the Manufacturers’ Bank or anv other current bills. oct 20 Wilson* o. hardy. SWEDES IRON. Direct Importation. OO-l non fOUND-S Swedes Iron assorted, all sizes from j to 12 inches, just re ceived per BARK HARLEQUIN from Stockholm, and Planters and others who wish to buy the GENUINE ARTICLE in place of what is generally sold as Swedes Iron, can now do so at greatly reduced prices. jan 46 NATHAN WEED. Macon, Ga. Southwestern Railroad. SCHEDULE FOE PASSENGER TRAINS. L EAVE Macon at 1 30, a m. and 11 30a.m. Arriv in Columbus 8 52, a.m. and 6 33 p. in. Leav Macon for Albany 1 30, a. m.,Arrive in Albany 8 a. m. Leave Albany 3 45, p. m., Arrive in Macon 10 p. m. Accommodation Train leave Macon 7 12 a. m.,(Tri weekly,) Arrive in Albany 3 37, p. m. Leave Albany 7, a. m., (Tri-weekly,) Arrive Macon, 3 34, p. m. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas villa and Bainbridge, connect with regular Train at Albany. Passengers from Columbus and the West, for South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the 4 p. m. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days the 55 min. afterl a. m. Train at Columbus. _ Trains on South-western Road, connect with Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and Au gusta - . Passengers for Atlanta and the North-West should take the evening train from Albany, and either train from Columbus to avoid detention. Of* First class Steamships leave Savannah Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. FiU—Cabin passage S25, Steerage S8. GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt, mar 2 MACON dc WESTERN 1M1LKOAB Macon. Dec. 14, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after Friday, 18th inst., the Trains will bo run as follows: Leave Macon 1 a. m. arrive Atlanta 8 15 a.m. Leave Macon 11 30 a. m. arrive Atlanta 5 20 p.m Leave Atlanta, 12night, arrive Macon 715a. in. Leave Atlanta 12 p. m. arrive Macon 5 40 p. m. The night train will not be run on Sundavs. The 1 A. M. train from Macon connects with the State Road for Chattanooga at 12 30, P. M., and Georgia Road for Augusta, at 10 A. M. The 11 30, A. M., connects witii the State Road, at 12 30, P. M., and the Georgia Road at 12. ALFRED L. TYLER, feb 23 Superintendent. GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE TIIE LANIER HOUSE T HE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo mers. This House is now offered as inferior to in- other First Class Hotel in the South, and from it? central location.’its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accommodations to Families and Transient persons. The pnblic may expect from this House, all the luxuries and comforts to he found i' any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, * mar 2 Late of the Floyd House. BEOWN’S HOTEL OPPOSITE THE SEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E.BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train. Hpl IS FLINT HOUSE. MACON, GA., F ORMERLY known as the Macon House, f—- on First street, opposite Patten, Col- faTs lins 3c Co., has been recently fitted up with l 3 *I a large addition, for the accommodation of Boarders and the traveling public, who will find it to their in terest, if stopping a few days in Macon, to give us £ call and see tor themselves. The proprietor, thank ful for past favors, flatters himself that by strict at- can be found in the shape of Fancy aod Staple Dir tention to business, he will receive his share of pub- Goods, at pricessouniformlylowastoeicitetheid lie patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arriving at the depot will ask for its Represen tative. The table shall not be inferior to any in the substantial of life. Price ofBoard.: For a single meal a 50 Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1.25 By the day. 1,50 Single week 8,00 Bv the month (Board 3c Lodging)....20,00 feb'2 THOS II. FLINT, Proprietor. MILLS HOUSE CHARLESTON, S. C. Corner of Meeting' A Queen Streets, T HE undersigned having became associated with this House, takes great pleasure in reminding his friends that he will bo glad to seo them when ever they may have occasion to visit Charleston, He feels confident in assuring them that the Mills House will in every respect he equal to any Hotel in fit a TTmf C 4 n 4 r, . T T I a AY A T4 T) T V the United States, jan 19 2m H. D. HARRIS. BYINGTON’S HOTEL BROAD STREET, Albany, G-eorgia. T HIS new and elegant Hotel is now open for the accommodation of the public. Persons visiting Albany will find at this House comfortable and neatly furnished rooms (fire places in each room) and a table that is unsurpassed by any other Hotel in the country. The subscriber, grateful to the public for their li beral patronage for years past, respectfully solicits his old friends, and the public generally, to call and see him in his new quarters. The Stage Office for the stages running to Bainbridge, Thomasville and Tallahassee is kept at this House. J. L. BYINGTON. dec 22 Albany, Ga. TO MERCHANTS AND Hou selteepe r s. HAVE a heavy stock of goods on hand, nnd I X will sell fer Casli at New York prices for 2 or 3 months. My stock comprises a good assortment of Dinner and Tea setts, White and Gilt China, do. Granite all sizes ofsetts. Granite Ware open to pack from, for merchants, Common Ware do.; a large lot of Gob lets. Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, 3cc. Castors, Plated and Brittanin Ware, Table Cutlery. Also, 35 Crates assorted Granite and Common Ware. 55 Crates assorted Common Ware. “ “ Granite to bo hero in January, 1858. R. P. McEVOY. jan 6 ly To Planters. AU —AT— No WEED’S HARDWARE STORE. CUT NAILS, best Boonton make...... 3|cts. SWEDES IKONassorted j to 12 inch, common sizes at Sets BEST PLOW STEFL, assorted, all widths, 3J to 14 inch at 7 cts. PLOW TRACES from 40to SO cts. per pair. 'YT/’T?' Li' P\ING Hoes ofScovii’s, VV .LiJLiJLr Collin’s and Brades Patent 6Jto7) dol lars dozen. CORN SIIELLEItS 7 to 8 dol lars each, and all other Hardware equally low. mar 9 Clioico Grroceries JUST RECEIVED. Of) HHDS. New crop N. O. Sugar, /h\J 100 bids. Refined Sugar, 23 Bids. New Crop N. O. Syrup, 100 Boxes Cream Cheese, 25 Kegs and Tubs Goshen Butter, 100 Packages New Crop Raisins, For salo at very low figures for cash. Citv papers copy. J. B. 5c W. A. ROSS, dec. 22 tf WANTED. I AM still buying Military bounty Land Warrant and will always give the highest cash price. Macon Ga. july 28ty G. J. BLAKE NOVELTIES. F OR, GENTLEMKN.—Fine Rich NECKTIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, Marseilles SHIRTS, em broidered Shirt BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, CANES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, SHAWLS, Ac. Call and examine them, (sep 29) C. H. BAIRD- JUST RECEIVED. Qr AAn Papers 4Sardpn Sccil*. 3 bush. Kentucky Hluc Glnu, A. A. MENARD. Druggist, feb24- tf Cherry Street. Bacon, Flour Ac. f)0 Q Q Q DBS. no w Bacon, Hog round, up. 6,000 lbs, salted Pork ready to li ang 150 sacks Superfine Flour. 75 “ family Flour. 20 lihds New crop Molases, for sale for cash by jan 26 ASIIER AYRES. LOUIS MESird, Late with M. D. Barnes.jLato wUhV>»l C *w HARD , MENARD & BURGHaR Watchmakers & JewdleF^' W ILLopen at their new stor- p i . Range, corner of Cotton Av,», ° U r ' f Cherry street, about the 1st of On i" aod ¥• beautiful aud well selected , October^ ssortm 1 A Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Sii ware. Musical Instrument r,’,5 2r ' Goods, &c, & c , 11C J An examination of which, thev _ fully solicit, feeling confident that thnatti?F*t- to offer everything in theirliue caleulit^^^li tho taste of oven the most fastidim- - 31; Pies*. Repairing;” 8 * of every description, executed iu a mau nr .,v guarantee satistaction, by the best in the South. °«niea They hope, by offering choice and „ and hy strict attention to business KWt Go&i- al share of public patronage. ’ 0 fflent 4 liter Watches, Jewels- SSxl-YT-ex* Wapp FANCY GOoBs Piano Fortes, Violins g-uitahs ’ ©tyJTLg^Y IftEoixios, cL 1 Wo are offering our entire STOCK ofth v CASH, tiutiCbixSovcr befo« sold in tLis market, until the First day of March n S xf OUR STOCK IS AU very large and well«. lcted, and well worthy the attention of all those who wiA FINE and GOOD G001K . EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRim.- N. B.—All those indebted to n*. till ., , ’ ever oblige u* by an early settlement. ' ° Tt t i<kk E. J. JOHNSTON i on Macon, January 26, 1858. w - J|HATS! HATS!* A RE now receiving at their Store, under Ralston’s New Conceit Hil n *' ry Street, Macon, a large and varied ateon*^ Goods in their line, consisting in part of the ing articles: FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHION ble Black Beaver Hats, extra French Felt h,. Men’s Cashmorette, Men’s Mantiloes. yw '’ Drab Beavers, Men’s Silk Velvet Ciia " Men’s Navy Caps, Extra, Ladies' Riding Hats, extra fine, Otto Caps, extra, Boy’s Hats, Fine Cashmorette and Fine Black and Fur flats. a Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Cts, Cloth Caps from 50 cts., to $2 oo. Also 16} large assortment of Plantation Good. L Leather Hat Boxes, Umbrellas, Ac. N All of which will be sold at fair prices. Jobbihs from Town or Country, can have their Stocks» plenished on favorable terms, sep 29 To Country A N early call is respectfully solicited fromvoiui’ we can sell you a great many goods asch'eipii they can be purchased in any market Sooth of Net York. Six months is given with approved credit Cal, and see for yourselves. ROSS, COLEMAN A BOSS. To the Planters of Georgia. Remember that you will do well to call and enc ine our Blankets before purchasing. Everystjiea prices lower than you ever bought them. BOSS, COLEMAN A BOSS. ROSS, COLEMAN &• ROSS Have just opened five cases of Prints, six cat: of Bleached Homspuns, at prices ao low ti to drlf comparison—Don’t fail to price them if you tut Cheap Goods. Grand and Unprecedented Attrac- TION AT ROSS, COLEMAN k ROSS’ “BAZAAR OF FASHION” whereeverytiiag Goods, at prices so uniformly low 1 miration of the purchaser, and insure to theselkr large and speedy sales. Come and look, no charge for showing goods, as we wish to verify onr bssc tions. sep 22 ONWARD! XS3 OUH. MOTTO, T HE increasing patronage and genenl ntiSc /t’.on of our customers convince usthitocr? tern of business is a good one, via: Small Profits and Quick Sales. We, have now in store aud shall receive byrrsy Steamer from New York as handsome J Cod : FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS u eur has been brought to the city of Macon, whici are determined to sell as cheap, if oot CHEAK5 than any other house in the trade; among riB will he found a splendid lot of VELVET & CLOTft CLOAKS,TAWD SideStriped Silk Robes and other Silks, Frewl and English Merinoes. Plain and Figured De Lames, French, English and Ameri can Prints, Long and Square Shawls, Cheneille Shawls and Scarfs, Bonnet Ribbons, French Collars and Sleeves, Bands, Jaconet A Swiss Edgings, Bed Blankets, Ne gro Blankets and Ker seys, White and Red Flan- nels'Satinetts, Cassimeres, Ken tucky Jeans, Ladies Cloths, Ac, Ta ble Damasks and Napkins, Bleached and Brown Sheetings nnd shirting andinuj other things too numerous to mention; Ail of win™ will be sold very lotc for catk. New York Stork, Macon, sept 15 DENMAN A WATERHA> _ NEW FALL GOODS AT \T7E are receiving by every steamer auu- V V our stock, which will be the magnificent, that we have ever exhibited. can already offer unusual inducement:) s, who wish to make EASY FALL PLBOA W. W. PARKEH * O'. We friends, ES. aug 25 ■ , ~ NEW OPENING OF ALL & WINTER Triangular Block, comer of Cotton AW-' Second Street. Come all and share ia tho Bargains I sa u . . rnHE subscribers just opening a rick «•“ . .. did Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. 00-- partly in . omi. s«a Black and Col’d, Plain and fimred bU» Bayadire and Droguet Checked Silks. . u- 0 nt- pies and Satins, French and English Jf’*® vjr ; t iy ed Plaide, all Wool de Laincs,and* •*.j p.,^, of others, Poplins, Paramattors, Al*pF and Cashmeres, Velvet aud cloth uoa Albionsand Velvet Alvins, a Shawls, the celebrated Stella Shawls an - of the richest variety of Embroidcne?.« , to this city, an unsurpassed rich vane: Trimmings and velvet Trimmings, Mo > p,. and American prints, Cashmeres, BO , j nel, a large assortment of Domestics. Kerseys, Linen Damasks, French Lou , 3 a large variety of other articles too mention, all of which will be sold af cash prices. .. . . ^ect »*' No exertion shall he spared to faction to all who want goods at cheap " uJW I solicit a call from city aart country L re b B ;i< price tho several articles they require elsewhere- j-jaad nov 10 A u Sliirts, Shirts. rf\ DOZ. Linen Bosom and Marst-iles Shirts, for OU sale cheap by ' E. WIN8HIP, nov 84 For Kale. rnwo new dwelling Houses lately finished, one X built of brick and tho other of wood, pleasantly situated near the South Western Depot aud conve ment to the business part of the city. The lot has an excellent well of water thereon and all in good con dition, which will be sold cheap, or rented low, if not sold soon. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. jan 12 tf JOHN BOWMAN. Superior Irish Potatoes. g-rv BARRELS OU aud for nov 24 PAPER DOLLS! PAPER DOLLS! T Boardmaa’a “Washington Block" building a large assortment of PAPER UOIilLM. mar9 J. M. lSOAKDMAN. PHOTOGRAPHS. CALL AT Wood’s PREMIUM GALLERY and see his splendid PORTRAITS. LOW PRICES and Fine Pictures Prevail at this Gallery. mar 16 Whisky, Rum, Ac. 1 A A BBLS. Georgia Planter’s Whisky, 1UU 50“ Pikes’ Magnolia 50 “ CapeJesamine “ 10 “ Poplar log distilled “ 75 “ Rum and Gin. 160 Boxes Tobacco, various brand-', For sale hy ASHER AYRES, mar 16 LIME A T 10 cents per bushel, good as a fertilizer. Charcoal at 4 cents per bushel, good tor Cook- JLS large yellow Irish Potatoes in store I * n K> Blacksmiths, 5cc., iu quantities to suit purchas- saleby M’CALLIE 3c JONES. ers. Enquire of WM. TAYLOR, Supt. Cotton Avenue I mar 8 lm at the Gas orks. e: winsihip S offering his entiro stock of WA w ,s GENT'S FURNISHING GOODb ^ liC CASH, lie wishes to close out to his new Spring Stock. j Shirts. I-ti Host*. cr\ DOZ Linen and Marseilles Bosom OU -0 doz. English i Dose, b itre d Lia 30 “ Whito and colored nor Handkerchiefs. vc.3:r- Suspenders, Collars, Crave >• ‘ AC COST FOX feb 2 FINE CLOTH^G WoC k three weeks, by weekly skipmi * 0 srv ’ ' desirable CLOTHING mode uf J° oL at reasonable prices for Cash. sept 29-tf ' , r.rhart Floyd House block, 3 doors ironi L-“-" - ' TO TRAVEI-EBS. aAA TAPER COLLARS, sunduv•’ JUu just received and offered cheig Taltf 11 Suspended Bank Notes r AT PAR. IN EXCHANGE FOR G OOD Floyd House Block, three doors tre‘ u ^,. Roff. " rbariV Diaries for