Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, April 27, 1858, Image 3

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, ItolinvMl |r vAr, in Tin: wrong. neidcntin tho Virginian, reprcsentin - ’ft-ftton ns ready to accept a challenge,has * i lie's Illustrated paper to re-print the pertinent anecdote from Weems’ '?*'{Vi’ashington: , i** ,-74. Washington was stationed at At 1 ft? w j t h his regiment, the only one of the i 1 *". p f which he was colonel. There lmp- .«' n j' j, c at this time an election in the pH** 1 ' liu >mhcrs of the Assembly, and the 1C „ |,igh between Col. George Fairfax Kliacy* Washington was a warm t** 1 t fol, Fairfax, and a Mr. Payne head- s'i riends °f Mr. Elixey. A dispute ta- r iJicein the court house yard, Washing- I' -ft time not twenty-two years ot age, ;* i\ to his usual manner, became excited, ’ »li«t was still more uncommon, stud some- "i/iat offended Mr. Payne, whereupon r ,"itlegentleman,who, ‘thoughbut a cub raised his sturdy hickory, and by a *’!'! blow brought Washington to the ground. ^ ie-al of Washington’s officers being pres- r,b,; whipped out their irons in an instant, p ; \ as supposed there would be murder j, 1, To make bad worse, the members % regiment, hearing how their commander '* been treated, bolted out of the barracks, 1 -v man with his weapon, threatening ven- an those who dared to knock down laved Colonel. rjjj.ij) ly for Mr. Payne and his party ■ •liiagton recovered time enough to go out '.tft liis enraged soldiers, and after tbank- T ; beni for their expression of attachment, ; them that he was not hurt in the least, yggod them, as they loved him and their L to return to their barracks. As to ftngton himself, he went to his room, and , J;. on more reflection, that he had been 5". aggressor, he determined to make Mr. fc ts e honorable reparation by asking his par- t ie morrow. No sooner had he made noble resolution than he recovered his -Til calmness of manner, dressed himself ' fe a t to a ball, behaving as if nothing had . ,,-voed. fnext day he went to a tavern and wrote I “i !c note to Mr. Payne, requesting to see I ff \jr. Payne presumed the import of it | ."' f challenge for a duel, and repaired to the V . appointed for the meeting, expecting to _ >pa j r of pistols introduced. But conceive ; . Lrisc upon entering the chamber where I wV-biugtoH was, he discovered a decanter of 1 and glasses upon tho table, and upon his . tr ;„g Washington arose and in a very If, ily manner met him, and presented his uri string: .. \[ r- Payne, to err sometimes is nature, to ratify error is always glory. I find I was - V in the affair yesterday ; you have had, 1 skirt, some satisfaction, and if you think iff is sufficient, here’s my hand, let us be af. is.” It is only necessary to say, that | this time, Mij. Payne became one of if .-hiugton’s most enthusiastic admirers and • fall. If tin® conduct had not been deemed Washington to arise from magnanimity and r. f ro ji fear, then he could uot have become U immortal hero he is regarded in history. Kaiuosds.—We had the pleasure, a few as siuce. of an interview with Col. Sclilat- : Chief Engineer, and Mr. Wheeler, Presi ■•it efthe Brunswick & Florida Railroad, f . wc understand, are passing through this .: u. for the purpose of making settlements | ri contractors and others, preparatory to a il aid minute report of the affairs of that : my. at the meeting of tho Stockholders |:-a next. Such a report is desirable, and I* only step that can reinstate them in pub- ■nfidenee. The engineering corps of the amah. Albany 41 Gulf Road, left our town fjSjturdav the 10th inat., on their return -• to the initial point, and from all wo can . r of the experimental surveys, made by a, we have no doubt but the one passing jagh the northern part of Troupville, wil the one adopted by the Company. Should location of the road be any where in this li.aiiv, the line above the town will accom- : iitea large scope of county north of this, cAtiveen the two rivers, and will inconvc- i :re. no ono while the one south,and imme- .. .r at the confluence of the rivers, will ac- ,lute no one section move than the more : riem route, and will seriously incommode :: spville and its sources of trade and sup- Ihere is but about four hundred feet differ- tut ia the distance of the two lines. Troupville Watchman Remarkable Confession, Ac. I liev. J. \\\ iteld and brother, proprietors of .nl ut l’bilomath, Georgia, send a communi- Lrt 10 the Augusta Constitutionalist relative to l wdi from Louisiana, who recently died there, i jarticulars are as follows: Atlit 10th of March there came a young man Sr. Reid's school. With him be brought a let eg introduction from Mr. M. D. Wilcox, and re' ..Tiled that an entrance into tho school might bo Ml hint. Here lib continued his studies till a ;■"th of April, when lio was taken sick. Da- .'tlit 12th he was quite convalescent; but ton :: waing of the 13th an unyielding re-action 1 place, resulting in congestion of the lungs, : a which the poor youth breathed his last about ' -tt o'clock, M., Wednesday, the 14th. i -tort while previous to dissolution, bis raging ’irate gave the following confession: That • u:ui was Stephen Elliott Cawthorn, and his M* »a.-it Ringgold, Bienville Parish, Louisiana. s that place he fled last December, having - ted his hands in the mortal wound .of a fellow- 1 ; 'St, indicted with a knife. vents he had been sent to Georgia, by his pa- F*> with money and instructions to have him - to a good school, lie requested of Mr. Reid ■ ’die to his friends in Louisiana and tell them F death. T^r,. Reid in their card say: ’ t would say to the friends of the unfortunate •mof the slab, who, we learn, arc hotly pursu- M'ei:ng Cawthorn, beneath the flaming banner 'tehee, and with the instigating reward, of . that wre were totally ignorant of the crime -tieabove mentioned confession, and wquld by ; be the abettors in the accomplishment ■ w* foul a deed. , wlirn From tin- Augusta Dispatch. The Etownli manufacturing and MINING COMPANY Posture of Affairs in China. Front the London Times, March 05. A certain man went to a Dervish and pro- . _ posed three questions: First—“ Why do they Our ^proceedings ^in China give a result j sa y that God is omnipresent ?” I do not see •H'® ia any place—show me where he is. Among the pioneers in the development of strangely compounded of success and uulity. r o u the mineral, agricultural and manufacturing We have done a great deal, and have yet got I Second—Why*is a man punished for ”crime's, resources oi the South, Mark A. Cooper oc- almost everything to do. We have been vie- since whatever he does proceeds from God 1 ... - , — —— proceeds from God? tonous in every advance without apparently Man has no free will of God, and if he had pow- _ . Setting a step further on our way, and seem to er he could do everything for its own good, .and statesmanship might envy. To him prin- I have finished the war most fortunately without I Third—How can God punish Satan in hell cipally belongs the credit of building up the being any nearer the true objects of a peace, fire, since he is formed of that element 1 and Etowah .Manufacturing and Mining Company, I Nuthing could be smoother than the course of what impression can fire make on itself? comprising important works in connection with our immediate operations. We have taken The Dervish took up a large clod o:‘ the iron, wheat, coal and gold resources of up- Canton at the least possible cost, have escap- and struck him on the head with it per * ;upies a position which many who have distin gutshed themselves in the walks of literature such a Der- ... , „ at my head, which made my head ache. The Cady having sent for the Dervish, ask ed of him: ( _ JQ. _ “Why did you throw that clod of earth at iug mill makes from six to eight tons per day. j 1 ' s perfectly clear that Chinese exclusiveness his head, instead of answering his question? 2d. A Blast Furnace and Foundry, with all | is ; far as the general population of the em- | The Dervish replied: ed, a pure fa’ ’ chant Iron ; with a nail factory, spike machine, have found that the place can be occupied with- and all necessary apparatus for building and °ut the slightest embarrasment. If the Can fitting up, with shops, warehouses, operative tonese represent, as we have always assumed, houses, hotel, store, &c., attached. The roll- the most hostile and jealous class of Chinamen, are hollow ware, heavy machinery, and pig once forbidden town. There is not the smal the needful patterns, shops, office rooms, and P* re * 8 concerned, a pure fable. Oar people “The clod of earth was an answer to his operative bouses hereto attached. Its products are already quite at home m the streets of this speech. He says he has a pain in his head— let.him show that to me and I will make God And why does he cxibit a com- _ _ el Whatever I did was the sell, and wander and stare about the shops I act of God, and 1 did not strike without the ■I —! ^ — 'wi" 1 ■ ' he metal. lest disposition on the part of any native to visible to him lid. A Merchant Flouring Mill for Wheat, I insult or shun us. We come and go, buy and plaint against me ? Whatever I did was the with warehouse, cooper shop, hotel, and opera' " A J J 1 th connec tive houses therewith connected, making *from I entire impunity. The only chance of I 'rill of God. What power do I possess? And ” ’ is a compound of the earth, how can he trouble arises from our old enemy Yeh, who _ although a prisoner on board one of our ships, suffer from that element ? still exerts, it is thought, like some powerful 6th. A Coal Mine for the supply of fuel to I necromancer, an influence over those local of- “ 7° the rolling mill. 1,000 acres of timber and min- | finals who have so long lived in awe of his j 18 cral lands in Dade county. 150 to 200 barrels of flour per day. 4th. Two Grist Mills for Corn. 5th. Two Saw Mills for Lumber. All these operations arc, and have been, in successful movement for seven or eight years. The motive power is furnished by the Etow- ch v frown. This spell, however, will probably ou know Mr. Brown ?” “ Yes, my he not a very deserving man ?”— 1 es, he deserves a flogging, and if he ever soon be broken, and the ex-Governor will gall an ts you home again, I will give it to find his way as a captive to some British po- I ssession. This is the bright side of the picture; the him !” Exit wife, in a fright. Oxygenated Bitters. The following letter from a well known architect of Montreal, speaks volumes in favor of the Oxygen ated Bitters, as a medicine for those whose ocupa tions are of a sedentary nature. Montkkai., Nov. 2fi, 1854. Gentlemen.—I am happy to be able to send yon ray testimony in favor of the Oxygenated Bitters, and intended to have done it before this, hut have been prevented by professional engagements. I feel great pleasure in recommending it to all suf fering from imperfect digestion, sick-headache, acidi ty. or any derangement of the stomach, from which I have suffered very severely upwards of twenty years. From the recommendation of one of my friends I was induced to try one bottle, and find myself so much benefited by its use, that I do not think it ne cessary to continue it any further. You may use this as you think proper, and permit me to remain. Yours, very truly, JOHN ATKINSON. Seth W. Fowle &Co., 138 Washington Street, Bos ton, proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere For side in Macon by E. L. STROHECKER and ZEILIN.HUNT* Co. f8J Simple, yet eery useful. “ Chapman’s Elastic Anti-rattling Carriage Shaft Fastener "V °t Vulcanized India-rubber, will effectual- . y lu *d permanently prevent friction, thereby stopping all wear of the bolt, rattling noise, and ae- curetbe bolt from less. The subscriberyill put them on the vehicles of any ol his customers, ami if they wish, take them off and refund the cost any time in' ten days. We only invite a trial of its merits. t j‘[ PLANT " april 27 4t SOUTH-WESTERN It r, co ., A 1 -" 1355855^4 OFFICE, MACON, GA-, ) Apart, 23r.n, 1858. ) D ELEGATES to the Soutbtrn Commercial Con vention, which meets at Montgomery, Ala., on the 10th of May next, who pass over this "Road go ing thereto, will be charged ono full fare. Charles T. Pollard, Esq., President M. & W. P. Railroad, will furnish them free Tickets to return. GEO. W. ADAMS, april 27—2t . Superintendent. Tho boat arc have over seen in Itlncon,” Is tho testimony of all who have ever examined the beautiful Pictcbes Pugh & Freeman are get ting up. The Oil Portraits from nature and Photo- GEORGE PAYNE, Fresli Medicines and Pure Drugs Macon Drug Store. E. L. ST K. Oil E Civ EE & 00. DKlir.CISTt, tVIlOI.KN l I,i: A ItKT U Wo are duly receiving Urge anppH. from dire. I IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS ■customers choice and pnro »r ur Chemicals are invariably purchased from Manufacturers, direct, tumbling us to warrant them free from adulteration. \\’e have now in store a select stock of T hus ensor tides. Our Drug*, ClinnicnN Tied 5 Wi Dy« PaintM, OiU, k*alrnc tlHifim*, Paint IJrii*»h«‘«. W hin* Wnsii Bru**(ic*, al Prcpnrotlona. let Articles, t assortment of INSTRU- Stntrs, iiNtriiuicnts Phnruincul And T< together with the 1 M ENTS ever olTered in this market. Planters, Phy sicians, and Merchants will consult their interest by examining our stock before purchasing. E. L. STKOHEClvER & Co., jan 12 Opposite liedding House, Macon, Ga. A Curious^ Law.—In Hhode Island they, have a curious election law. It requires all the candidates’ n dark one—if the term be not too strong—can names for the Legislature to be printed in the same t, j soon be added. Although we have taken Can- | order on all the tickets, or the ticket which is not so ah river, which would also furnish ample wa ter power for the largest manufacturing town in New England. The iron ore is abundant, 0 , . , ,. . „„ and of the best quality, while wood, timber ton, wo have not, as far as can be discerned, t P o“mmoteth !■? f ^nr?v 0t ,. i ? tended and labor is cheap and abundant. made any progress towards a settlement of our {im p es ve^ convoment when a^oblorio^ nZTis Maj. Cooper is now building a rail road from I relations with the Chinese Government. Noth- I upon the ticket, the Western & Atlantic road to the rolling ing has been put in train for any definite issue, mills, a distance ol four miles. Two miles of nor can we distinctly see our way to any ne- the road is nearly completed. He is also build- gotiations at all. Whether the Court of Pekin ing a new blast furnace in sight of his flour has heard of the capture of Canton, or wheth- mill, and immediately on the railroad. The er the event will exert any influence upon its public has been made familiar with the obsta- decisions, we cannot tell. Excepting for a | 1 K ross - cles this indefatigable man has encountered single fact we have made no approach towards and overcome in bringing so extensive a busi- the attainment of our original purpose—viz, ness up to its present profitable condition. I the establishment of our commercial relations During the late pressure in money matters he on a becoming and satisfactory footing. The WHOLESALE & RETAIL DHUG-G-IST graphs, which Mr. Freeman has colored, have the I And Stnffi T,ipfin«?fid AnnfhAenrvr nch, strong, glowing tints of nature itself transferred btllO ArtUOnSDU .Ck(JUtHQCRry, to the immortal Canvas, as large as life, and so nat- ' Mi/intvi ' - A tinil that you would think the person represented be fore you. The Pictures will certainly be apprecia ted by all tho lovers ofart, and it will be a treat to . any to call at the Gallery of these gentlemen, on be found in a First Class Triangular Block, and linger awhile to study the ' nmwnml rtl beautiful works of a genuine and accomplished Artist It you want a Picture, call and have them take one, and if you are not pleased with it, u tWI not cost you a cent. April 7—tf. To Nervous Sufferers. , A retired Clergyman, restored to health in a few I PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS MACON, GA i S happy to inform his friends, patrons and the public generally, that his Stock is now full and complete, which comprises every article that should ndin < Drug and Chemical Store. Weekly arrival! of the Savannah Steamers ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any Drag Establishment in Geor- exception, it is true, is far from being unimpor tant. It consists in our occupation of the long here is no place in our whole country more I forbidden city—a proceeding which will gradu- admirably adapted for the successful prosecu- j ally demollish the old traditions of its Governors, tion of manufacturing enterprises of every kind j familiarize the Chinese with our wants and poli- has literally kept hit works in full blast, em ploying from 40(1 to COO bands. TJ and especially those requiring iron, cotton, wool, wood and cheap labor. The valley lands are fertile, and offer ample agricultural re Tomatoes. ■1 correspondent of the Genesee Farmer hi, mode of growing tomatoes. Ho for- ' > his plants irt a hot-bed or green house r P° ws them in pots until they are a foot or ■" niid a half high, turning them out about the h*4 w eck in May. He plants them three ' ‘part in rows. * When planted he drives a few stakes, six or eight feet apart, them about four feet high the whole ':”h of the rows and nailing a strip of wood ■ ; ?<he tops aud tying one Or two lower down : ‘'ties to make a trellis. The ground should V Jeep and made rich with manure and a guano mixed with the soil round P foot> We quote: “When they have *** sufficiently long to tie to the trellis, I ft i»o or three of the longest shoots and loosely to the trellis cutting away all H ’»»11 laterals which may grow on the main 1 let these main branches grow until ■: become in flower and set the first bunch ’^ t, when the top is punched out one leaf ft the bunch, the same as the first, and so on "ft rest, taking care to cut all the laterals tP way grow on the main branches down ft axils of the leaves, as often as they are ft*d, but leaving the leaves, entire. If • ft win be amply repaid absolutely aston- ft at the immense clusters of fine large ~atue« he win have. If planted in a favor- ' !; tuatio n they will ripen at least as earl/ J ft grown in any other way out of doora ftftcquently three days or a week earlier. 11 n pc they will hang louger ou the vines t ,i.—• Tfao gituation can hardly Deep light, loamy soils suit i, I cy, and generally improve our standing-ground s in any dealings with the Imperial authorities. . But, for the rest, everything still remains to sources to sustain a dense population.—No he done. Lord Elgin will probably proceed country on the map is better adapted to the to the North and open communications with growth of fruit, and especially to the vine. I ihe Celestial Court; but whether his overtures The scenery of the Etowah valley is attrae- w ill he received in any spirit promising a tive. We have spent days—when worn out definite result is more than we can venture to by overwork in town—in recreation among its I predict, wild hills and bounding streams; and have rr ' , ’'’ w The Selling Qualities of Bccrhave’s HOLLAND BITTERS. Quebec, Canada, June 20,1854. We have no doubt it will sell well here. Send ns Jons Mussos & Co. Montreal, Canada, July 1,1834. Send us 0 gross Bccrhave’s Holland Bitters. We want a medicine of this kind in onr market. John Birks & Co., Medical Hall. Saint Paul, Minnesota. There is quite a ready sale here for your Boa-have’s Holland Bitters. Wx. H. Wolf, Wellsburg, Va„ Nov. 1, 1856. Send me another box, 3 dozen, Bccrhave’s Holland Bitters. It is taking the lead here of all other Bit- tors. Wii. H. Kirkzr. York, Pa., Feb. 4,1857. Please send us, per express, 6 dozen Boahave’s Holland Bitters. We are entirely out. C. A. Morris & Co. Caution ! BE CAREFUL TO ASK FOR BCERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. days, alter many years of great nervous suffering, is anxious to make known the means of cure. Wil send (free) the prescription nsed. Direct the Rev. JOHN M. DAGNALL, No. 186, Fulton street, Brook- Iyn, N. Y. j au 26 3m Grant’s Patent Wire Braced Grain Cradles 5 and 6 Fingers, and warranted Blades. Silver Steel Scythe Blades. Snaths. Grass Hooks, Sickles, Rakes. Emery’s Celebrated Overshot Threshers. Brown’s Virginia Threshing Machines. Compounded at all hoars with care and neatness. His stock consists in part of the following articles: Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety, Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use, Wines and Liquors for Medical use only. Perfumery, Pomadesand Toilet Articles. Gold aud Silver Leat, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mulberry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 Flavoring Extracts for Pies, Jel lies, Ac. XTRACT.' of Peach, Extracts of Almonds, “ Vanilla, “ Sn.iw Derry, “ Pineapple. “ Kdset “ Lemon, “ Or.tnge, “ Nutmegs, Gallery, For sale at the Macon Drug Store, jan 17 E. L. STROlIECKEIl tt Co.. Potash. gUPERIOR 1st sorts, always on hand jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co Garden Seeds I Q A nnn Papers assorted Garden seeds war- ul/«UUU ranted the growth of 1857. Turnip seed "by the pound or paper. Peas and Beans by the paper or bushel. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co. Coughs and Colds. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Stabler’s Anodyne Expectorant, Wistar’s Balsam Wild Cherry, Hoofiand’s Syrup Tar, Hasting's Syrup Wood Naptha. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co. Morton’s Coii^h Syntp. T HE Proprietors still coutimie to manufacture thisfavoriteremedy, vouched for by many home certificates. E. L. STROIIECKfiR A Co. jan 12 Physicians’ P RESCRIPTIONS carelully compounded at all hours day or night. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co. There is another circumstance, too, which is I EF*So!d at Si per bottle, orsix bottles for 65, by the Grant’s Patent Fan Mills all sizes seen no region surpassed by it in all the at- I detracting materially from the advantages oth- NOL£PUOPI?/£7’Oi2N,BENJAMINPAGE, Jr Ip,. . n > rr t 1 F YPll tractions of pure air, salubrious climate and I erwise attaching to our position. Though we | & CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists 1 uilnton s warranted ran Aims fine water. We could write colqmns on the I have impressed the i Chinese with a wholesome Pittsburgh, Pa., and Druggists generally. Sold by A. A. MENARD, ZEILIN, HUNT A CO., Emery’s Rail Road Horse Powers. Sinclair’s Lever Horse Powers. For Sale or Rent, T HE Dwelling fllousc ami Xjot situa- crF-. r ^ ed nearly opposite Dr. McDonald’s late Hni( residence, on Second Street, in .Macon. The lUlllfll Dwelling contains Ncvrn Kooins besides a brick Basement, good Oat Houses and a fine Well of Wa ter. Tho lot is well shaded, very healthy and quiet; and also convenient to the business portions of the city. Enquire of LANIER A ANDERSON, apl 13 natural attractions and resources of this sec-1 s ^nse of our own superiority, and, as it ap tion, but our purpose was simply to call at- pears, with a considerable conviction of our I GEORGE PAYNE and E. L. STROHECKER aT,~i lor tjtj~ pi ntl ft tention to the extent and success of a Georgia j K°°fl intentions—though we have now oppor- | Co., Druggists, Macon, Ga. l S2 l I ft,, ft „ „ enterprise, and to throw onr mite in the scale tunities of almost unrestricted dealings with I m . - I Wire Cloth of all sizes. which we are too apt I them, and could establish, as far as Canton is ippreciatton from thoso t so truly great and noble I “^ r ® ed ’ j,® 1 0 i“ 7 on “Kjj* wTnrSlv IMacl.ineftTre a subject of t1Tgr“t I Self Sharpening Straw Cutters, tngtng out the boundless thero is still one point on which we_are sadly .... ... .... ^ , 1 * T of popular aj to withhold characters who are bringing resources which God has bestowed on our old Commonwealth. Weed’s Fatcut Sewing Machine. „ ,, The Editor of the Cleveland (Ohio) Plaindealer Corn ‘ Silel,ors ’ Coni Scenes ou the Ocean Floor. hopeless. We cannot converse with them. I Two centuries of commetnal intercourse, in cluding a long period of trade upon the most interest in this vicinity, as they affect the labor of | every family in the land. With a view of purchas ing and of examining every kind, to find the best, I Mill Picks, Mill Irons, &c., All of which are offered for sale at very low THRESHING MACHINES; 1 FAN MIL,US. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRADLES, SCYTHE BLADES, GRASS BLADES | In store aud will be sold verv low. apl 20 CAltHART A CURD. DAY So MALI3SENET, H AVING removed to thpir NEW .STORE on Mul berry Street next door to E. /.. Strohcckcr Co., Where they will bo pleased to see their old custo mers. They would say to all wishing goods in their line, that they are now opening a splendid assort ment, which will bo sold at the lowest prices. They intend giving their personal attention to WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the public in that capacity for 15 and 20 years, the pub lic arc able to judge of their merits in that way. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and in the best possible manner, WATCHES. Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Ho.Well MATCHES, for sale by sep 29 DAY A MAUSSENET. eluding a long period ot trade upon the most . , , ... , „ ’“ . , “ t,,, enormous scale. Lve not produced any suffic- ft 8 P ents <”ftal day. while m New York,.n the min- rates by - — • - - * * 1 uteat inspection of all kinds now m market, and our -*' 1 Besides the countless varieties of the fumrus the M ent Chinese scholars. A country . . p . no ' v m artet, and our Atom of the sea is overgrown with the curled, twice as populous as India, enjoying a.mono- r°“? apl 27 NATHAN WEED, Macon, Ga. bottom deep purple leaves of the sea-lettuce, with large d< rous lichens, and many-branched. hollow algtc. fall of life and motion in their rosy little bladders, thick ly set with evermovingtiny arms These plants " into (mother, i terlacing their long avenues; at one time thriving abundantly till poly of production in an article of the first necessity—a country with which we have con cluded treaties and established terms of peace, guage correspondent IUIILI HVCUUCaj IR UUD IIIUO U1UVIU2 liuumtillliv till I 7’ n .1 , . I 1 .1 Tt 1* 1 • the thicket teems impenetrable, then again leaving us tnere are only three English m- laige openings between wold and wold; where I terpreters available for our use in all China I smaller plants form a beautiful pink turf. There a I The consular and missionary services no doubt I ft 1 ™ muro lllau au ” r< ftfty P erso1 thousand hoes and tinges shine and glitter in each n bs 0 rhothers ht^ f0rm ’ ®ft “ lCe ! y orn '' mented aud makes changing light. In the indulgence of their luxurious a" 8 ®^ ot 2 s » but, as rar as regards t e pro ment to the furniture of a parlor. It is v< growth, the fungi especially seem to gratify every ceedings ot our force in those parts, we are an( j j ittIe u a ble to wear out. Its operation can he whim and freak. Creeping close to the ground, or literally compelled to blunder on it in the easily learned with the printed d!rections for a guido sending long stretched arms, crowned with waving dark with only such aids as these overworked and h n anv has learned its use we 8 SSMscholars can give. We have to communicate rll “1 most reliable Machine to pat in the hands oi every i one throughout the State. Wo purchased one of them »nd have used it some time, and our opinion is more than confirmed, for it does every kind of sew ing on cloth or leather, does its work strong, nice and rapidly, and has never been out of working der since it came into our family, and it is so simple as seemingly impossible to get out of order or re quire repairs more than an ordinary person can per- an orna- parlor. It is very strong Lime, Lime, Lime FROM THE-— “CHEW ACL A LIME WORKS, ALABAMA. W E are now prepared to furnish any quantity (from 1 to 500 bbls) of the above named ar ticle, equal if not superior in quality to the best Rock land, at as low or lower figures than any Lime can be bad in onr market. Masons and contractors will find it to their inter est to call. C. CAMPBELL A SON, City papers copy. Agents, apl 20 Tlic Celebrated Horse Monte B Y Wagoner, Dam Cub, (forany further information refer to Turf Register) will Lrramte jtisui, in o. &. i ““*« * ■ s . e “?° n at Bibbcountyo*, ? half of his time and the < r 'M pale-green sea-groves, where there is neither moon or star, or rise up nearer to the surface, to be tran l git constantly with wily and astute officials, to ar- they will not live without it. It uses two threads, thus making work stronger than if done by hand I seendenlv rich and gorgeous in brighest green, gold; I range points of difficulty without number, I with one tll re adi besides making both sides of the and purple. And throngd this dream like scene, play- an( j to maintain order in a populous city—all work in6t aI :[. e Those who need a Sewing \r«ehin« ing in all the colors of the rainbow, and deep under thro ..„ h the «„ PnC v of three internreters' Tie •» ft nTft dewing Machine the hollowy, briny ocean, there sail and chase each JTft. 008 " :? e a g enc y ot three interpreters. if-C I wdl do well to look at this. other merrily, gayly-painted mollusks, and bright I Chinese themselves are putting us to shame in I WHITNEY A LYON, proprietors, 345 Broadway other half at Clinton, Jones County, Ga. Four days in a place at S25 the season, to be paid within the season. II. C. CAFFEY, Macon, HENRY GANT, Clinton apl 20 tlst jnly Proprietors, shining fishes. Snails of every shape creep slowly tin the matter. With discernment far superior to I y ork> along iue stems, while huge, gray-haired seals hang I our own, they have detected the advantages with their enormous tuska on large tall trees There d „ r ; v „Lt„ f rrm , f no ;t;tv nf intercourse mil the I is the gigantic Dngong, the siren of the ancients, the denvaD ‘ e ,ro ft * ac !‘°t mtereotiwe, aaa side-long shark with liis leaden eyes, the thick hai. ed neccessity of studying tho language of their sen-leopard, and the sluggish turtle. Look how I customers. We had not been many days in Sold by FREEMAN A ROBERTS, Macon Ga. apl 20 lm From the Yankee Blade. What has improved you so in appearance?— Crockery, China, G-latssware, &=o. I WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of Macon and surrounding country that I have a good stock of China Dinner and Tea setts and Gran ite Dinner and Tea Setts. English China Tea setts from S3 50 to 68 00 per sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from S4 00 each to 630 00. Tea setts from S33 00 to 6100 00. Ice P.tchers, Ac.. Ac. A fine lot China Vases. Sever al setts fine French Glass. Bureau setts for tables. Fine Bohemian Colognes. Plated Butter and Su gar Dishes, Cigar Stauds, Fluid Gas Lamps for standing, suspending, side and Billiard Lamps, Cam- I SJillS ol* $25 at Wholesale ihene Lamps, side and suspending, a common and | me article. Kerosene Lamps, common Lard Lamps, I Brass birandoles, Plated Knives and Forks, Tea and drive each other from their rich pastures, how they seem to awaken in storms, rising like i beneath and snorting through the angry _ | r . haps they gaze peacetully in the unbroken cool ot l „ reeg 0 f intelligence, and are eminently prac- I grown twenty years younger, how is it ? A fact my assorted stock of Glassware. I have about 800 doz. the ocean s deep bed, when lo. a hungry shark tonirlit orommor on "similar I dear sir. I am using Wood’s Hair Restorative, common Tnmblers for Merchants and 300 doz. Gob- com- eyes sbine'ghost. au* -liki e with ad that grove • its classy tical. Macaws are taught grammer on similar J®* 1 s,r - 1 “ft. Wo< iu mat grot e , us glassy . , , ■ ■ , , , Why, my dear friend, you wore a scratch a year ago, , 8heeD ’ and ftu- P r,nc, P les - b “t lhe principles, barbaric as they and ^ 0 ftyou have a splendid head of black their prey. The sea dog first becomes “ware of his may b e , yield at least this result,—that a Chi- what miracle are you indebted ? Professor 1 dreadfulenemy.andseeksrefuge.n the thickest re- make an Englishman understand the miracle man, his tonic did it. Iamtold,] cess of the fungus forest In an 'n.antthe whole “ ftft % 0 - 4 so tlft time Dast ; ndee( l that the nervous headache you were once t scene changes, lhe oyster closes its shel with a ® 8 meamn ? . -Tor some time P 3 ? 1 ’ lnaee “> w ith has left you ? l'essir, by the aid of Wood’s clasp, and throws itself into the deep below; t|ie these sagacious and hardheaded Asiatics have Hair Restorative. Such is the language all over tnrtfe conceals head and feet under her unpenetra- I found a way of their own to that interchange I the country, and there ia no fiction or imagination hie armor, and sinka s-owly downward; the piavful Q £ y winch we, with our superior means, about it, reader. Wood’s Hair Beatoraf fish disappear in the branches of the maroeystls, lob- , t r .:,;. .. Tliev comDound- honest “ nd tmly medicinal, as well as seie sters hide under the thick, clumsily sbapen roots, and took notrouOie to tacilttate. 1 Hey compouna paration and wiu do ^ this . Try it and the yonng walrus alone turns boldly round, and fa-led a dialect which they could master and wc I areno t correct, ces the intruder with bis sharp pointed teuth. The I could comprehend, and the jargon, which has 1 I certainly the merit of utility, is exclusively lets for Merohants, also a large stock of Granite and common Earthen ware. As I import my stock of Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc tions in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ac., I think I can sell here at New York prices and give my cus tomers satisfaction. Furniture, Furniture, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. H. P. BEGRMF, 87 BOWEDY, (Wholesale Ware House, and 464 PEARL St. (Kctnil 8lorc,) NEW YORK. Prices ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND BLACK WALNUT Parlor Furniture^ In Brocetelle, Delaine and Plush. Cane Seat and Common Furniture in great variety, Also, Enamelled Chamber Furniture, in sets from 622 to 6100. Spring, Curled Hair, Moss and Whalebone Matresses, Also. Feather Beds and Bedding, Patent Premium Sofa Bedsteads, and Patent Self Rocking Cradles. Dealers will find at the above stores the largest and best assortment of any establishment in New solicit the same in future. R. P. McEVOY. As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers lor Churches, it is probably best to let the world know that I have never made any profit out of anything for a Church, hence all orders for Lamps for Churches Caution.—Beware of worthless imitations as sev- I should be sent at least 5 or 6 weeks before they need spre- ifwe Thankful for past patronage, I now presume to York, and can buy either at wholesale or retail r...— t, t, • cheaper than at any other house in the city. apl 20 3m commences; both seek the forest; their fins become entangled in the closely interwoven branches last the more agile shark sneoeeds in wonnding adversary’s side. Despairing of life, the bleeding hT^lf I with a va, “ft re “i v f 1 f.«i eral are already in the Market, called by different stamped them, so as to enable me to get them from the Fac tory. I donot intend keeping stock on hand forthat ’ but will as heretofore get them out at Factory for Churches. R. P. McE. ‘•Ovltlt ■ Goinnpy, ^ best," *to <ld ft n WM “n elegant writer, but the follow- ‘Gift "'*b | *v° r «d lady," wai decidedly more 'Wm 'ft 111 **'® than the lady conld hare been : At.j ft a J *be dark on thy soft baud I hong, Wu... tempting syren in thy tongue, 11,1 Nlu-ftf' "bat darts what anguish 1 endured! i ai w .‘“s candle entered I was cured." 'iijj, 1 *bl give a decidely sharp reply to this sort ft, *" 11 “ten make friends: day was abusing the se to vex. 4tr w zy."Nt« out sought to enthrall; ( tt i.“‘ nd bun,’ says Rate. • 'tis a family whim ; ?Ut k,?Hreed so exactly with him “*▼« ironld marry at all r ” iQff ■ WWW the shark, who greedily devours him.—Putnam's Magazine. How to Open Oysters Talk of opening oysters,” said old Hurri cane, “why nothing’s easier if you only know how.” "And how’s how ?” inquired Starlight. “Scotch snuff.” answered old Hurricane, very sententiously, ‘tSeotch snuffl bring a little ever so near their noses, and they’ll sneeze their lids off.” “I know a genius,” observod Mister Karl “ who had a better plan. He spreads the bi valves in a circle, seats himself in the center, and begins spinning a yarn. Sometimes its an. adventure in Mexico—sometimes a legend of bis loves—sometimes a marvellous stock transaction. As he proceeds the “ natives ” get interested—and one by one gape with as tonishment at the tremendous and direful whoppers which are poured forth; and as they gape my friend whips ’em opt, peppers ’em and swallows’em.” •‘That’ll do;’’ said Starlight with i. long sigh, “ I wish wc had a bushel of tho bivalves here now—they’d open easy.” Superior Court, For Hancock county was held last week.— But little of interest transpired. The trial of John Sanders was put off again, owing to the absence of important council. Judge Thomas of Elbert was suddenly called home on Mon day night to see his wife reported as extreme ly ill. He arrived several hours after her death as we were informed. The case of the State against Mrs. Hudson, for the murder of John Bass, was also put off —the Judge very properly, as we think, rais ing the bail from $800 to 1200 for her appear ance at the next term of court. Central Georgian. There is a most encouraging prospect at this time for an abundant fruit year an i early garden vegeta, bles. The cold change of last week passed off with- out sufficient frost to do any injury. Some of our farmers fear that at the next full moon we may have frost. Wo have known it later than the 27th of April. The spring thus tar has been one of the best we remember. Cotton planting is pretty much tbrongh with in this county.—Central Georgian. A N*w Bank in Virginia.—Tho bill creating the Bank of the Commonwealth, to be located at Rich mond. has passed both Houses of the Virginia Legis lature, with a minimum capital ot 6200,000, and a maximum capital of 62.000,000 The independent banks are authorized to subscribe twenty per cent, oftbe capital to this new bank, which is intended to be the clearing-house of the independent banks. It is based upon a deposit of State stocks. A.n editor out West says that if “ tune is money,” lie is willing to change a little for the hard.” u I gists and Patent Medicine Dealers. Also byall._ _ - Fancy and Toilet goods dealers in the United States p [_(J | VIA V Wlfll Kllglisllinen mill ( jlinaini'tl talk and Canadas. — 1 « Liberal Reward. R UNAWAY from the subscriber in Macon, about the 1st inst., a negro man named NAT, about twenty-five years old, weighing about 130 pounds, black, quick in his motions, left handed, rather long face, spare, about five feet 8 or 9 inches in height— was my carriage driver. Had plenty of money, well I i id cloth- selves. together in the ordinary way the ingenuity and the adaptability are wholly on the side of the barbarian. They have qualified themselves in apl 6 lm MARRIED. . . In this city, by Rev. H. L. Breck, on Thursday pftftof our cRv has si their fashion for dealing with us, whereas we, evening, 22d inst.. MR. WM. M. TOWNSEND ? - have done next to and MISS MATTIE A., daughter of Elijah Bond, 1 dressed and several changes with him, bei i A M*P ^ I in s< 4c “** 8 ''*n O . A Liberal Reward will bo paid for his apprehen T HAVE just received a lot of the above Lamps I sion and delivery to tne, or his lodgment in some se- A consisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps, | cure place so that I can get him again. - ■ - j.p. lamar. Parlor Lamps and Billiard Lamps. ' ... . [tt , with all our pretensions, nothing towards improving our communications Lsq., all ot Macon. "Thotekipa.;bj,our oorrapoutol ■»«*« ««*«*» CURRENT, of the ofljcial system of intercourse between ourselves and the Chinese accords exactly with | CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ASHER AYERS. business of such mediation,with its neoessary linguistic skill, Is confined to a small knot of functionaries, these officials are alwavs under temptation to magnify the difficulties of the case, to and attach an undue and injurious importance to the usages with which they ate brought into contact. Uur representatives in China, though confessedly upright and able men, have placed themselves almost inevitably on the ground of the Chinese tbemselvef. They are a match for Mandarins, but not pioneers for tho peo ple. Everything shows us that in our relations with this singular country we had better throw ourselves as treely as possible upon the instinc tive good sense of the population at large. If the Mandarins could but be instructed by the Imperial Court to abstain from any hostile agitation against us, our merchants and tra ders would soon feel their way into the coun try, establish some common form of speech, and ascertain by the best of all evidence what the Chinese are likely to accept besides sjlver, in exchange for their silk and teas. It seems that the local authorities still possess the pow er, by some means or other,of irritating the na tives against strangers; but apart from this species of hostility we have little danger to fear. From all that has been ascertained we shall find in the Chinese a class of customers ex ceedingly willing, but remarkably sharp.— They will not buy what they don’t want, nor will they give any extravagant price for what thoy do, "in this sense, at any rate, they arc no barbarians. They will not barter silk or jewels for bcatls and hatchets ; thoy thorough ly understand bargaining, and arc as likely to take as good a measure of us as we take of them. On these terms, however—which are not bad ones—they are quite prepared to deal, and, as it is a case where we must needs buy, we hud better see what tve can sell. At pres- two conditions appear to be wanting to our success,—the assent of the Imperial Court to our designs, and a knowledge oftbe Chint tongue. The first of these may be difficult attainment, but the second is easily within our reach, and should be realized without delay. BAGGING—Kentucky .. India p!yc 15 1 Roll P:re 14 I BALE ROTE—Kentucky... P 15 11 Northern.... r rt 10 1 BEEESYVAX Pi 15 20 CANDLES—Sperm P 15 40 P IB 4>I6 16 Patent Pits 60 COFFEE—Itio P 15 11 J ava P:1B 16 Pitt 14 CftRW 7 P|bl 65 Heall. V\b\ 75 FEATHERS P 15 45 FISH—Mackerel No. 1 Pibl 16 50 « No. 2 P bl 14 00 « No. 3 P'bl 12 50 FLOUR—Superfine P bl 5 50 Family Pbl 7 00 P kg 6 25 IRON—English P 15 3- Swedes P 15 5; Sheet P 15 8 LIME P bl 2 00 MOLASSES P g’l 33 SYKUP P g’l 45 NAILS P kg 4 OILS—Linseed. ...m* P g’l l 00 Train £ g’l 55 Sperm K «'! 1 75 Imitation Sperm Pgi 1 25 WinterBlea’d Whale pgi 1 12} Lard pgi 1 15 PROVISIONS p. - Beef—Mess. p IB 12} Prime..... p IB Bacon—Hams p lb ii Sides p it, a Shoulders p 15 p )0 00 Prime ........ p bl 00 00 Lard. p 15 111 Butter—Goshen p lb 2? Country p 15 20 Chkkix V lb 12} SALT p >?k 1 25 SHOT. p bg 2 15 WHISKEY’—Rectified p S 23 Pike’s p g 1 Monongahela... p S 1 60 SPIRITS TURPENTINE.... p 65 SUGAR—Brown V tB 9 :• ib 10 Crushed P16 12} RICE Pilb ■ti TALLOW PI15 8 HIDES P lb IQ It is nnnecessa- about this Lamp, as the I conld say. It is also 1 suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on tbe same principle as Gas. R.P. McEVOY". apl 27 PRINTING INKS A SMALL LOT OF BLACK AND COLORED PRINTING INKS, from the celebrated | manufactory of the MATHERS, is on consignment in the Telegraph Office,and will be sold low for Cash. apl 27 OA.3XT DY, LOW FOR CASH. 7 I llTERCUANTS and others will be supplied with r? I 1V1 the best Macon made CANDY AT 16 CENTS I8 i ' 00 Macon, Ga., April 20th, 1858. none. 16j 15 12 11 50 12} IT 15} L 70 80 50 18 00 14 50 13 00 6 00 6 50 7 50 6 50 4 61 2 25 35 50 GO 2 00 aj i so I 1 25 1 25 PER POUND, by the box, for CASH, by J. II. x \V. S. ELLIS, ' One - - — apl 27 am Cherry street. Macon, Ga. ESCAPED A MOTTLED CANARY"—a fine singer—escaped from the Dwelling of tho Editor of tho Tele- _ I graph last Tuesday. Any information respecting I w( j r ‘k progresses, the Bird, will be thankfully received. apl 27 | accep t or reject a j Bibb County Tax Receiver’s Ap pointments.—Special Notice. T HE undersigned will attend at the following times and places, for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the current year: AT MARTIN HALL’S STORE, Cherry Street. On Wednesday and Thursday, April 28th and 29th. AT THE COURT HOUSE, Macon, Daring the session of the Coart. Tax payers are earnestly requested to ho mor e prompt in making their returns. apl 27 PETER M. CURRY, Notice to Contractors. Georgia Academy for the Blind ^^AT MACON. S EALED proposals will be received by the Trus tees of the above Institution, from this date un til the 30th inst, for the erection of a building for the use of the pupils of the Academy at this place, as contemplated by the Act ofthe last Legislature, mak- g an appropriation for that purpose. The proposals may include the entire construction of the building, embracing all the work aud materials —the work separately, audthe materials separately, or any branch of tho work—Stone, Wood, Brick, Plumber s and Painter’s—witli Gas, Water ami Heat- Pipes, and Furnaces complete, he plans and specifications of the building may be seen at the office of N. C. M unroe. Proposals embracing the entire construction and matermls will be preferred. Bond with approved security will be required for the faithful perlormance of the contracts. Bidders are requested to name their securities in tlicir bids. Payments will be made from time to time as the ork progresses. The trustees reserve the right to accept or reject any or all nroposals. JAS. MERCER GREEN, President, apl 20 2w Valuable Plantation for Sale- I AM now offering for sale my plantation in Jones County, seven miles abovo Macon, on tbe Oc mulgee River, containing 1200 acres of laud.—At taclied to the place Is 300 acres Swamp lands, (river bottom). Terms one audtwo years’ credit. Any one wishing to purchase valuable Lands, will do well to call and examine tbe above as I am determined to sell. ROB’T. LUNDY. J3^Georgia Citizen please copy. apl 20 Tax Receiver Bibb Co. 15 ®,00 00 ® ,00 00 12} 10 12} i Esquire,” at the end of a man’s name, is like a curl in a pig’s tail—more for ornament [ day—tbe weather wet and inclement, than use. Macon Cotton Market. MACON, Monday, April 26.—Very little doing to- We quote ex tremes to to 12c. WINE. BRANDY, &.C. c BASKETS Heidsick Jc Co’s. Champagne. 4,0 25 } and 1 casks Cog. Brandy, various brands I pipe veryjsnperior Holland Gin 5 bbls Barren’s Wine, a fine article 50 cans Claret Wine 50 bbls Rum and Gin 250 bbls Whiskey, various brands 50 casks Porter. For sale by apl 29 ■ ASHER AYRES. Caution. H AVING lost or mislaid a note to the amount of Eighty-seven dollars and some cents (the exact amount not recollected,)on Win. J. Hammock princi ple and J. W. Woodall, security, dated March 15th, 1858, due 25th December, 1858, andmade payable to Simeon Tharp or bearer, I forewarn any "and all persons from trading for said Noteas I am tbe right ful owner, having never traded it. apl 27 3t SIMEON THAItP. Admiuistrator’s Kale. B Y virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Jones County, will be sold before the Court House door 1 of Floyd County, ou the first Tuesday in June next, Lot No. one hundred and twenty-seven, fourth sec tion, fourth district. Sold as real estate of Charles ilutchings, late of Jones county, deceased. Terms [ on the day. RICHARD H. HUTCHINGS, apl 27 Administrator. B. A. WISE, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga HAS JUST RECEIVED, ■pLATED and Brittania Double Wall Icc IStch- i'ive Minute Ico Cream Fruit cw. MESSER’S Celebrated Freezers. ARTHUR’S Earthen and Glass Self Scalin mill Fresorre Jnrs. Canary and Hooking Bird Cnjses. Water Coolers and Refrigerator*. A complete assortment of J>n*ter*, Rrooms and RriiNihes, on the best of terms. Ilnthiiig Titl»» and Sho^rrv Hath*. apl 13 For sale by 13. A. WISE. CARPETS! P ERSONS who want Carpets can find the best stock in Macon at BOSTICK tc KEIN. dress goods J UST received au extensive assortment of elegant Dress Goods—new styles, apl 20 BOSTICK tt KEIN. Lace Shawls! A SPLENDID stock just opened, and Rt all prices, apl 29 . BOSTICK A KEIN. Day & Mausenet, H AVE just received a handsome assortment of LADLES and CUTLERY, HUNTING CASE WATCHES i)t tbe best makers, which can be highly recommended. —also— A handsome assortment of the latest styles of Jew elry. Silver Ware, Ac, Ac., Ac. Wo would call particular attention to our assort ment nf FRENGII, MARBLE CJLOCHS, which are of the latest styles and best finish. These Clocks ran 2 and 3 weeks, and are all warranted. —also— A fine lot of GOLD PENS and 4IOLDSPECS, with PEBBLE GLASS, of tho beet quality, april 20 DAY & MAUSENET. Lea, cte Perrins’ CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED CANN0ISSEURS TOBETHE ‘ONLY GOOD SAUCE’ AND APPLICABLE EXTRACT of a Letter from a Medical Gentleman, AT MADRAS, TO Ills BnOTUKB AT WoKCKSTKit.May’5 “Tell LEA A-PER RINS that their SAUCE is big„.^ es teemed in India, and Is, in my opinion, the EVERY VARIETY’Mags?-j most palatable as RprfftyJ well as the most of dish. MggjjjS} wholesome SAUCE —that is made.’’ The only Medal awarded by tho Jury of the New York Exhibition for foreign Sauces, was obtained by LEA & PERKINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, the world wide fame of which having led to numerous imitations, purchasers are earnestly re quested to see that the names of ‘LEA 4 PERRINS’ are impressed upon tho Bottle and Stopper, and printed upon tho labels. Sole Wholesale Agents for the United States. JOHN OUNCANSONS, 405 Broadway, N. Y. A stock always in store. Also, orders received for direct shipment from England. may 5 ly MaCo.v, Jan. 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances ou cot ton consigned to George Parsons & Co., Savannah, and agree to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty days from date of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT. ■ jan F Itoiui* oi' the Cilj OR SALE BY E. BOND: may 12 BOOK BINDING. ACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every description of blank account books, and binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ record and docket books,with or without printed forms, and warrant ed best quality paper. Eg* Engineers' profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office ou Cotton Avenue one door below Ross and Coleman's. apl'13 THE BLACK PEINCE, T ^BIIIS well known, and high blooded Horse, w ill be kept the present sea- -ft" son at Fort Valley, and at Knoxville. He LI r > formerly belonged to Wm. Long, ot Bibb, and u well known as being of tbe best stock and most powerful muscles of any breed of Horses in the Country. II<> baa given entire satisfaction, and the subscriber':! bov. Mack, can always he found to attend to custo mers- M. L. GREEN, Fort Valley, mar 16 6w Houston county, Ga. Checks on New York FOR SALE BY THE MANUFACTURERS’ BANK Bacon, Feathers, Flour, Oil, &c. TUFTY THOUSAND pounds choice Tennessee . Bacon, 25 hhds. St. Louis Bacon, 25 sacks Feathers, 350 sacks of choice Tennessee and Georgia Flour, 20 bbls. Tanner’s Oil, 10 casks Linseed Oil, 2 bbls. Castor Oil. 10 bbls. Lamp Oil, 5 bbls. Machine Oil, 5 bbls. Lard Oil, Also a large lot of No. X, Extra and Pure Lead, A large lot of No. I Zinc. For sale on very accommodating terms by apl 13 J. B. tc W. A. ROSS. Florida Lands and Slaves IVor Sale. T HE lands consist of two large separate tracts in Jefferson County, a few miles south of tho et. Au gnstino road and within 10 miles of the Railroad; one is extensively cleared and now being planted in cotton andcorn, theotber uncleared; only afew miles from the first. Tliev both contain much fertile land and the one settled has proved to be eminently healthful. ... , From 50 to 80 slaves will be sold, with or without the land, tbe former would be preferred. An exten ded credit will be allowed on a large portion of the purchase money. For further particulars apply to the Editor of the Georgia Telegraph, Macon, Ga. Augusta Constitutionalist, Charleston Courier copy three times in their country issues and forward bills to this office. Florida, mar 23. Mackerel and Sliad. NE HUNDRED packages Mackerel, 10 “ Pickled Shad, Daily expected hv -J. B. A W. A ROSS, apl 13 o Plated and JBrittamn Castors. ~)LATED Tea and Table Spoons, BrittanciH Tea and Coffee Pots—and a general assortment of bleand Pocket Cutlery, and House-keep* 11 " Good- hich I offer on reasonable un«I accommodating- •Hns. apl 13 B. A, WISH. A Stoves ! Stores T greatjbargalns t apl 13 close out remaining stock. 13. A. WISE, Cherry, Street, Macon Ga. Diaries for 1858 at BOARDMANS.