Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, April 27, 1858, Image 4

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I From the Index. How Sweet! How sweethow blest ’tirouldbe to find Some spirit, some congenial mind, To bless our moments, make us shine With brighter, purer light;— ’ So that our life would be but joy, And nothing e’er would us annoy, But pure ’twould be, without alloy, Free f rom corroding blight. How sweet on earth it is to spend, Some pleasant moments with a friend, Who consolation sweet can lend In every gloomy hour;— And comfort blest he can bestow On us, perhaps absorbed in, woe, Which then alone can truly shew Affection’s hallowed power. How sweet’twill be when life is o’er, To land upon that blissful shore, Where tempests never rage, nor roar, For peace has there its home : Where all the cvil9 of this life, Which in the world are ever rife, As discord, anguish, envy, strife, Can never, never come. How sweet amid the Angel throng Twill be to raise our raptured song, And then the accents glad prolong Before the great white throne— Till all those spirits in that place When we shall see Him face to face, Riled with God’s almighty grace, Shall catch the gladsome tone. How sweet to us it will be then, One long eternity to spend Where happiness shall never end, But always shall endure; Where we can ever sing His praise With blissful hearts in grateful lays, In all those bright, celestial ways, And live forever pure. W. J. C. Winterdale, Dougherty co., Ga., April 9, 1858. Jones County Sheriff Sale. W ILL be Mold in Clinton, before the Court House door, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale the following property One iron grey Horse and one buggy and harnoss, levied upon as tbeproperty of John A. Childs, to sa tisfy oue fi fa issued from Jones Superior Court in fa vor of T. F. Gibson A Co., vs John A. Childs. Pro perty pointed out by A. YV. Gibson. Also at the same time and place, will be sold two hundred and fifty acres of Land more or leie, one hundred acres adjoining Booker Bussell and Sam. Hodge and others, and one hundred and fifty acres of said laud adjoining lands to David Mitchell, Wiley Little and others—on the waters of the Ocmulgeo Hirer "levied npon as the property of Martha W. Sanders, Administratrix in her own wrong of Thos. F. Sanders, deceased ; Levied upon by virtue of six fi fas issued from a Justice Court in 360 Distriet G. M. in favor of Burses, Goolsby, Holland k Uidly and others, vs said Martha W. Sanders, Administratrix, Ac., Levy made out and returned to me by John W. McGhee, a constable. apl 13 JAS. G. BARNES, Sheriff. Administrator's Salt*. T) V virtue of im order of the Court ol Ordinary of l> Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court House door in the "town of Clarksville, Lee county, on the* tir.-t Tuesday in June next, between the ietrid hoars of sail*, oin* lot of Land, viz : No. 34 in the first district of Lee count v. The above land sold forth* benefit of tin; heirs and creditors of tin- estate of 11. smith, late of Twiggs county, deceased. KOB T. K. PARKEK, apl 20 Administrator N r ©TICK.—Sixty days after date appMcationw be made to the Ordinary of Crawford Con ?” for leave to sell a negro man named Anderson, oe- longing to the minors of Willis Boon. de<^. for t e benefit of said minors. J. M. fob 24 Guardian- \ o ril l:—Sixty dan sfiw date, application N will bo made to" the i{onorable lh.j Or£nar^of Crawford County, for leavotoseU Ml tho reM estate belonging to Robert Howe, late of said c Craw?or£ dec.^TM* ^^^’p^dAnIEL, WM.J. HOWE. Executors of tho last wiU of Bob’t. Howe, dec. mar 10 vfoTICE.—sixty days after date, application will JN be made to tho Ordinary of Jasper county for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to tne estate of William Barclay, late of said county, de- ce iled. March 10th, 1858. apl 20 WM.JENKINS, Administrator. A LL persons indebted to the estate of William Barclay, late of Jasper county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all per sons having demands against said estate will please hand them in properly attested m the law direcvS. Maa.10, '58. WM. JENKINS, Administrator, apl 20 '2523 Notice to Debtors & Creditors GEORGIA, ? AH parsons indebted to Joseph Bibb Cou.NTr.JG. Stiles, late of Jones County, dec., ore requested to make immediate payment tc mei and all personshaving claims or demands againsl said Joseph G. Stiles will please forthwith present them, duly proven to S^g5^JgSJ^ ,L apl 13 gabriel. wmmm ■ Adm’r of Joseph G. Stiles, dec. \7 ©TICK.—All persons iudebted to Wiley Aber- 1\| crumble, late of Putnam, Co, deceased, are re- uested to come forward and settle the same, and .hose having claims against said deceased, wiU pro sent them in terms of the law. ... apl 13 O. F. ADAMS, Administrator de bonia non NOTICE. A T the next August term of the Court of Ordinary of Jones County, I shall apply to said Court tor leave to seU all the real and personal Estate and he- groes belonging to the Estate of Joseph G. Stiles, of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. GABRIEL B. ROBERTS, april 20 Administrator. l’ostponcd site riff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: About fifty lbs. ot Tobacco, about one hundred lbs. of powdered Sugar, five thousand Cigars, various brands, twelve Jars, half gallon. Pickle?, forty pint bottles Schnaps, sixteen quart bottles Schnaps, twen ty quart bottles Wine Bitters, thirty-five bottles Wine, sixty bottles Monongahala Whiskey, sixteen 1 boxes Sardines, fifteen lbs. Candles, more or less, fifteen boxes Lobsters, eleven Decanters, one look ing glass and one pair counter Scales: all levied on as thu property of W. F. Lilly, under a distress war rant for rent, in favor of James A- Miller, vs. said \V. Lilly, property pointed out by the Plaintiff. apl 13 J. F. SIKES, Pep. Sheriff. Bibb Sheriff Sale. ’ILL be sold before the Court House door in the City of Macon, on the 1st Tuesday in M ay, 1858, within the legal hoars of sale, Two bales of Cotton, levied on by E. J. Tillinghast, constable for said county, as the property of Wm.M. Bateman, of Houston county, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Calvin G. Wheeler against said Bateman—property pointed out by said wheeler and levy returned by said Til- linghnst. Constable. W. R. BU3BEE, Dep.Sheriff. mar 23 _ '■'SHERIFF’S SALES. ' W ILL be sold before tho Court House Door, in Perry, Houston County, on the first Tuesday in May next, within tho legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, via: The Plantation known as the John Martin place, containing from eleven to twelve hundred acres, adjoining lands of Orin D. Tucker, John J. Gresham and others, situated in the llth District of said county of Houston; levied on as the property of Robert w. Scales, to satisfy a fi fa from Aiob superior Conn in favor of Thomas A. Harris vs. said Robert W. Scales. Levy made by A. Lee, former Sheriff. Also, two Mares, one black and one Sorrel, levied on as the property of Myrick Ivey, to satisfy one fi fa from Jones Superior Court, in favor of James G. Barnes, administrator, vs. Myrick Ivy and Henry Christian. Also, one hundred acres of land, more or less, in the 5th District, of Honston, adjoining lands of R. E. Storey, B. D. White and others ; known os the Thomas Brown place on which the Defendant now lives ; levied on as the property of Pleasant Powell, to satisfy one fi fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of Robert Lundy, vs. Pleasant Powell. Also, two hundred and sixty acres of land, known by Nos. o and 10 in the 12th District of eaid County, and knowu as the Bents Place. Levied on as the prop erly of W. G. Powell, to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Superior Court in favor of Lunsford Pitts vs, Wm. G. Poirell. JOHN L. HALSTEAD, Sheriff. mar 30. Georgia—Houston Comity. B EFORE me, Arthur Watson, a Justice of the Peace for said County, personally appeared Wm. West, of said County, in the 68th year of his age, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that ho is the owncrof a certain Land Warrant for 160 acres of Land, which was issued to him under the acl of 3d of March. 1855.(Alexander G. Slappey, acting as his agent in the application for said warrant,) for milita ry services rendered by him ss a private soldier, for six months in the company of Edmund Hopson, Captain in the regiment of Georgia Militia com manded by Col. Few in tho year 1814, in the war with Great Britian; the said West having been draft ed in Washington County, Ga., in tbst year; that deponent does not remember the No. of said warrant; that deponent lost said land warrant in the K. K. De- pot at Macon, Ga. sometime in December, 1837 that he never sold, assigned or parted with his right to said warrant, and deponent further swears that lie intends to apply to the commissioner of pensions, for duplicate of aaid land warrant, so lost. his WILLIAM X WEST, mark. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22d Feb, 1858. ARTHUR WATSON, J. P. Dissolution. T HE firm of C A It II ART A BRAT was dissolved on the 1st January, 1857, by mutual consent. Either of the Partners are authorized to settle up the old business of the oonoern. All iudebted, will please call and settle ot an early date, as it is desirable to close it up immediately. W. H. BRAY, fob 10 W.D. CAUHART. Notice. LOUIS MKNJRD, I F. H. BCROH1BD, | Late with M. D. Barnes (Late with Day A Maussenet, niENARD & BURGHARD, Watchmakers <k Jewellers, W ILL open at their new store, Ralston Range, corner of Cotton Avenue an Cherry street, about the 1st of October, a, beautiful and well selected assortment of rplIE firm of BRAY A CARHART having been Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ly published under the Act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, authorizing the formation of Spe cial Copartnerships. The old friends and customers of Brav 4 Carhart, together with aU new ones, are solicited to caUat the old stand on Third street, where can always be found a large and well selected Stock of Hardware and Cutlery, consisting in part of Blacksmith’s Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Machinist’s Tools, Planter’s Hardware. Builder’s Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials, Mill Iron and Saws of every description Nails and Horse Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles, IRON AND STEEL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of our own im portation, Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Iron, Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oval and Half Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, $«., all of which we are bo und to sell at the lowest mar ket prices. CARHART k CURD, fob 10 ware, Musical Instrument^ Fancy Goods, See., &c, An examination of which, they would most respect fully solicit, feeling confident that they will be able to offer everything in theirline calculated to please the taste of oven the most fastidious. Kcpairiiig, of every description, executed in a manner tbat wUl DM ‘ ’ Change of Schedule. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE [IN CONNXE'CTIOX with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. mHE splendid and Fast Running GORDON F. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o'clock and connects at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Kail Road fro in; SPRING MILLINERY M RS. A DAMOUR ‘ Iirs just received a large supply of she above goods, and JfSP will receive an additional lot every other week during the seasoSi. Country Milliners will find it to their advantage to give her a call and examine her stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they can buy very low (FOB CASH.) Her goods are all NEW and FASHIONABLE, consisting of all kinds and qualities of Ribons, Flowers, Head Dresses,Caps, Bridal Wreaths, Laces, Bertha Capes, and a large assortment of the indis- ble Hoop Skirts, at all prices and qualities, al- Whalebone and Rattans for Hoops. A pens so Brass, guarantee satisfaction, by tho best workmen in the i ts to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N. in the South. " I CaroUna. They hope, by offering choice and elegant Goods I Having a through freight arrangement with the and by strict attention to business, to merit a liber- the Central Rail Road and its connections, all freights al share of public patronage. sop ~'J | between Charleston and the interior of Georgia c_om 1 signed to.tlio agents of this lino will he forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. North: returnin'-, leaves Charleston every Monday | general assortment of Mantillas suitable for the sea and Fridau ni-ht at 81 o’clock (after the arrival son. Leghorn, Dunstable. Amazone andl dark tbits of the cars of the North Eastern R. Road.) and ar- for Misses and Children, English straw, Lace, Chips, rives at Savannah early the following mornings. Neapolitans, Crape, and a large assortment of mourn- By this route Passengers can obtain through tick- mg bonnets "•*’ " ,n THE LIVER jan 19 E. LAFITTE k CO., Ag’ts, Charleston. Southwestern Railroad. Watches, Jewelry, Silver W" are, FANCY GOODS. Piano Fortes, Violins, guitars, (SS M ©ODTlLti^Yj, Port Monies, cfcc. We are offering our entire STOCK of the above, with an innumerable variety of other new and desirable GOODS, JSf of the best quali ty at LOWER fcCN I>RICES,for CASH, tbanelbfltcvcr before sold in this market, until the 1 Hail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas-I First dayOf MarCh next. | Cambridge, connect mtoregateTryin* | <3 3, SCHEDULE FOR PASSENGER TRAINS. L EAVE Macon at 1 30, a m. and 11 30a.m. Arrive in Columbus 8 52, a. in. and 6 33 p. m. Leave Macon for Albany 1 30, a. m.,Arrive in Albany 8 15, a. m. Leave Albany 3 45, p. m., Arrive in Macon 10 28, p. m. Accommodation Train leave Macon 7 12 a. m.,(Tri weekly,) Arrive in Albany 3 37, p. m. Leave Albany 7, a. m., (Tri-weekly,) Arrive in Macon, 3 34, p. m. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas- MRS, F. DESSAU I S NOW OPENING a full assortment of most beautiful and recherche Grenadino and Juavalle Barege Robes-a-^iuille, Black Spanish Mantles,Cloaks and Mantillas of French Lace, also a choice assort ment of mourning Goods, such as Dresses, Mantles, Thread Lace Capes, Crape Collars and Sleeves, Ate., also travelling Goods together with a full stock of Embroideries, Ribbons, Dress trimmings, and all Goods in her line, and will be happy to see the La dies at her store ; Triangular Block, next to Bostick k Kein’s Store. mar 23 [1STJEW SPRmG- MILLINERY. 2Xd!rs. Howland I S now opening a large and elegant stock of j PATTERN HATS. The Ladies are in- S | vited to call, as she trusts in J* Style and Price I to please her Customers. apl C ROBERT FINDLAY, SR., JAMES S. FINDLAY, CHRIS. D. FINDLAY. FINDLAYS’ STEAM EjSTG-HSTE MANUFACTORY, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND GENERAL MACHINE SHOP, MACON. GEORGIA. T HE Proprietors of this Establishment would re spectfully call the attention of those contem plating the erection of Steam Mills, for Saving and Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The superiority of the Work has been, and will be, a snf- OtJR STOCK IS very large and well se- lcted, and well worthy the attention of all those who wish FINE and GOOD G 0 0 D S, at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES: N. B.—AU those indebted to ns, trill more than ever obliqe us by an early settlement. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Macon, January 20, 1858. PIANO-FORTES. N OW Receiving some of the most SPLENDID PIANO FORTES ever offered for sale in Macon, from the _ celebrated Factories of J. C. Chickeriag and Nunn 5c Clark, warranted superior to any othermade in the United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown k Co’s. Factory; The above instruments are a feast to one’s eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. We Passengers from Columbus and the West, for South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the t p. n. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- I days the 55 min. after 1 a. m. Train at Columbus. _ Trains on South-western Road, connect with Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and Au gusta Passengers for Atlanta and the North-West should | take the evening train from Albany, and either train from Columbus to avoid detention. I3P* First class Steamships leave Savannah on Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. Fare—Cabin passage 825; Steerage S8. GEO. W. ADAMS, Snpt. mar 2 MACON & WESTERN RAUL ROAR AT FORSYTH, GA., H AVING received from New York an assortment of Fashionable Millinery and engaged a fashionable Milliner to assist her in the business, is prepared to furnish her friends and patrons With BONNETS of SILK, LACE and STB AW materia], in the latest New York style. ALSO Head Dresses, Shawls, Mantillas, kc., kc. A sharo ot the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Terms Cash. apt 6 at Macon. Dec. 14, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after Friday be run as follows: Leave Macon 1 a. m. arrive Atlanta 8 15 a.m. , , uuwmi, -— .—— -.-i Leave Macon 11 30a. m. arrive Atlanta 5 20 p.m. the expedition of work possessed by no other estab-1 ijijjd made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, I Leave Atlanta, 12 night, arrive Macon715a. m. bailment in the State. Our prices and terms will j Tamborins, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, I Leave Atlanta 12 p. m. arrive Macon 5 40 p. m. compare favorably with that of any first class North- and a var i e ty of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept iu 1 “ ‘ ~ Establishment. The following comprise a list of ourlIne _ G '' uitar and violin Strings, Sheet Musio for ot which we will be | p; an0 and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. I L L I N E M ILS. AUDOIN would respectfully announce to the ladies of Macon and surrounding coun- yj , Lanier & Anderson, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, MACON. GA., P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Cironit, mid in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. Thev have also recently become the Agents of the following Insurance Companies; The Augusta Insurance and Banking Coni pnny of which W. M. D'A.ntiossc is President and C. F. McCat is Secretary. And the Alabama Eire and .TIarine Iiinn- rnnee Company, Montgomery, of which T. H, Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 LAW CARD. T. P. Stobbs, B. Hill, Stubbs & Hill, A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW, Macon, Ga. apl 20 Houston May Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, Honston county, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit; One negro boy named Thaddeus, about twelve yean of age, and the Merchant Mills on Mossy creek, shout five miles from Fort Valley, extensively known as Crawford’s Sltoa Mills, with three hundred and fifty acres of land attaohed, nnmbersjnot recollected, lint will be made known on the day ot sale; all levied on as the property of Robert A. Crawford and Harsh J. Crawford, to satisfy three fi fas from Harris Supe rior Court, one in favor of McKinley, Darden and Dnffee, vs. Robert A. Crawford and Sarah J. Craw ford, one in favor of John Drakeford k Son, vs. Robert A. Crawford and Sarah J. Crawford, one in favor of Frank M. Reese for oflicers of Court, vs. Robert A. Crawford, and one from Houston superior Court in favor of A. M. Allen vs. Robert A. Craw ford, sod one tax fl fa for the vear 1857, against Ro bert A. Crawford, property pointed out by plain ' Attorneys. J. F SIKES, Dep.Sheriff. mar 30 Aoucs County Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following property, vi*: Two Negroes. Jack, a man ot brown color, some 33 yean old, Milly.awoman, some 33 yean old, of bright copper color;' also 528 acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands to Boas Catcliings and others, on the road leading from Clinton to Macon, (about 6 mile s from Macon) the place whereon Hamilton Broach now lives, the said interest being one undivi ded fifth psrt. of aU of said property belonging to Geeru. Broach to .-ntisfy one fi la issued from Jones Superior Court, in favor of George M. Logan k Co., vs. Robert M. Broach, translerred to Qvil G. Sparks. Property pointed out by plaintiffs Attorney. In addition to the above stated case, I nave this day levied the aforesaid fifs upon two negro boys, vis.- Poter, a boy, about seventeen years old, of black complexion, and Henry some fourteen or sixteen years olflr, of black complexion, levied upon os the undivided Interest of Rabert M. Broach it being one undivided fourth part of aaid negroes, to satisfy the above stated fi fa. Property pemted out by plain tiff’s Attorney. WM. SLOCUMB, apl so Deputy Sheriff. LAW NOTICE T HE undersigned offers bis services in tho prac tice of the LAW in the several counties of the Macon District; also out of the District—in Jones, Muoroe and Dougherty, and by special contract, in any county of the State. Office opened in the city of Macon 1st of March ensuing. Until then my ad dress is Albany, Ga. ABNER P. POWERS, jan 26 L. I. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. jan 6 Law Copartnership. I. L. HARRIS, CHAS. J- HARRIS, Milledgeville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. sep 15 Wm. K. dcGraffcnricd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s oct ~ 7 A. J. MACARTJOY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GA, ■it TILL practice in any of the Courts of tlieMacon VY or Southwestern circuit. mar 16 tf ISAAC HARDEMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA. inlyTiy EUGENE L. HINES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMASVILLE. GA. feb 1 Cm T. G. HOLYy Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. }, O FFICE in Ralston’s new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. *n»< O. A. LOCHRABK, JOHN LAMAR COCHRANE & LAMAR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. . Office by the Mechanic's Bank. O FFICE hours from 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. and niao from 7 to 10 p. m. WiU practice in all the counties in tho Macon Cir cuit and in all the counties of Jones, Monroe and Co- lumbia and in the Supreme Court. jan 12 6m ' Administrators Sale. T) Y virtue of an order from th6 Court of Ordinary X> ofT - House door iu the legal howu ....... next, the following lots of Land, via : Lots number five hundred and six (906) and five hundrod and fifty- one (551), in the second (-j district of Appling coun ty, containing in all nine nundrod and ninety (990) acres more or less. ... The abovo land sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Benjamin B. Smith, late of 1’iviggs county, dec. ROBERTK. PARKER, mar 33 Administrator. SPEER & HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. Qftee on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. W E have associated as partners in the practice of law in the connties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by epe- cUd contract—also will attend tho Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. .. ALEX. M. 8PEEB, mar 2 SAMUEL nUNTER. Machinery, &c ; tor any portion of which we trill be pleased to receive orders, viz: Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill M achinery Circular Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best quality for Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, Public and Private Buildings, See., of Wrought and Cast Ieon, very superior, embracing strength with beauty of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrnp Boilers, all sizes, Columns for Stores, Churches, «Vc., Ac., Gold Mining Machine ry, with Double and Single acting Force and Lift Pumps of any required size, Shafting with Turned Puflies, from the smallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws and Bales, England's Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and other Rail Road Castings. All work warranted to be equal to the best made elsewhere. R. FINDLAY A SONS. Macon, March 4tb, 1857. mar 10 T 1 Copartnership Notice. HE Subscriber has this day associated irith him HH in business.his sons JAMES N. A C. E*. FIND LAY. The name and style of the FIRM will here after be K. FINDLAY A SONS, and tho Business ns heretofore that of a First Class Engineering Es tablishment ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon March 4th 1857. marlO— Watches, jrcivelrv ““d Knncy Goods Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles,) Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles Silver Spoons andForks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated CakeBaskets, Castors, Wait ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. Clocks and Watches repair! at short notice. Give us a call at c i ton Avenue, Union Building. nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. BOOTS AND SHOES. A TTHE SIGNOFTHE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and I TZ>‘p> r’vTU would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th j W V V same. Wehave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. surrounding ties, that she has removed to her New Brick Store, next door to the Mechanic’s Bank, on 2d N and after Friday, 18th inst., the Trains will I street, (her old stand) where she is now receiving -an 1 and opening aa entire new Stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS in her line, consisting of STRAW, SILK AND VEL VET HATS, newest style. HEAD DRESS ES, of every design. CURLS AND HAIR BRAIDS, EMBROI DERIES Of rich qualities. LAUE SETTS of various pat terns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedions to mention. AU of which will bo sold very reasonably to CASH customers. Thankful for past favors, she solicits a continu ance of the custom of her old friends and willstudy to deservo the kind patronage ofali who may call and view her goods. oct 27—tf The night train will not bo run on Sundavs. The I A.M. train from Macon connects with the State Road for Chattanooga at 12 30. P. M., and Geort Road for Augnsta, at 10 A. M. The 11 30, A. J connects with the State Road, at 12 30, P. M., and the Georgia Road at 12. ALFRED L. TYLER, feb 23 Superintendent. GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER SIOPSE, T HE subscriber will open the abovo Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation our old stand, Cot- j of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo 1 mers. This House is now offered as inferior to no other First Class Hotel in the South, and from it? central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accommodations to Families and Transient persons. The public may expect from thi? House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i. any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, mar 2 Late of the Floyd House. HOTEL. OPPOSITE THE NEW BAIL BOAS DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 J. II. Bausom & Go. MANUFACTl’RKRS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 32 Courtland fy 39 Dey Streets, New York. J. H. Ransom, ) (A. P. Ransom, Dan’l Ransom. > < Darius W. Geer, W. A. Ransom, J(. Robt. H. Boyd. Improve ‘Sour Stock. rpHE thorough bred MORGAN HORSE. I 310 KG Aft FIGURE, will stand, at Macon. His services can now be had for thirty dollars the season, in advance. T. N. MASON. prepared by dr. Sanford Compounded entirely from G-TJjNlTS. TS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE iv., I ER MEDICINES now before the ^Vt acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder. anH Up ~ tint al than any other medicine known I?T® #Fe «u- a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, aetino s not 01 >lr Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on th? 1 . 01 tiu -‘ and bowels to carry off that matter thus. ® s ^°®*eh mg two purposes effectually, withoit anvVf^P 11 *- ful feelings experienced in the operations Cathartics. It strengthens the svst-m ,, , k of m '*- time that it purges it; and when taken drill t * u ®« rate doses, will strengthen and build it • a,od6 - usual rapidity. “P with im. The LIVER is one of *!thenf4a«i«.i of the human body, and ^ when i t tunctions well, the pow- I f l eraeftK., J .. ,iriTl ^ its ly developed. Thestom- M,acUe isalmn? awpftl1 ' dependent on the heal- thy action of,&$!** for the proper perform-^ ance of its ®.. lr « when the stomach is at _ ! fault, and the^ C ! lon *' tem suffers in conse-U-J queneeof oiel J«- the LI V E II havingjt'jceased to dT^' For the disease of that j organ, one of th pnetors has made it Ms An study in a nL - P r °- morethantwenty^rs^jfodnd^^ £th J liver 1 efctf all morbid or badn,,, P'ying m their pW , •nngorating thHl gest well, p I'KIppjS tone, and health to TACKS are enr#^ SiSSA-S before retiring, pre . ■COSTlVEsS 13 tbe te : ft H wherewith to counteract to which it is liable. To prove that this re- UU any person troubled! PLAINT, in any of its bottle, and conviction These Gums remove] ter fromthesystem, sup- rk healthy flow of bile, andi\»/ ache, causing food to di-1, , THE BLOOD, giving H whole machinery, re-q disease—effecting a rad- BILLIOUS AT-K" WHAT IS BETTER.i r occasional use of the TOR. One dose after eatmg the stomach and prevent souring. Only one dose taken vents NIGHT MARE. , Only one dose taken fVj bowels gently, and cures! p-j : COSTIVENESS* One dose of two!_ _ tea6poonfulla ,,';n , ways relieve S I C K- M, HEADACHE 31 Oce *--**’- - moves perfect cure. Only one dose imme- diately relieve, rim LIC, while \ M CIi0 ' One dose often repeat- W ed is a sure CHOLEH A MORBUS.' ; a n d CHOLERA. J ESP Only one bottle M is needed to throw of the system the effects' of medicine afh-r, sickness. rfv C5* One bottle taken *J^if o r JAUNDICE, moves all sallowness or unnatural c o 1 orfr,n fOne dose taken a short, kk time bofore euh. Rivesjr to the appe-, tite, and makes food One dose often repeat-1H ed cures CHRO'ic DIARRHOEA in its _ worst forms ' SUMMER and BOWEL (j 1 complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cure r attacks by WORMs in children: there is no li surer, safer, am-ediw remedy in the world, a? : n.«_ c lAt~ A f e w bottles citing the absorbents. We take pleasure injt I recommendini; this me dicine as a preventive J for FEVER A\n AGUE, CHILL FE-]^^ : VEH,andailFEVERS of a BILLIOUS TYPE-Ll.R operates with cer tainty, and thousands, rr : are wilting to testily to relieve SIC K-'nn; HEADACHE ‘ **■ i bottle takenfor M.fcttalo obstruction re ; the cause of the'i (disease, and make.. cure for preventive of t Neverfitils,' ties \-y cures DKOrSY, S ’- ■ e ml 1 r tive; J for FE- <f VE PE.j^ mds; its wonderful virtues. !(ji All wlionsc it are giving their nuauimoni testimony in its favor. Mix water in the month with the In- vigornlor, and swallow both together THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ISA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY,and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from tbe B OOTS.—A fuU assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both, soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low’by jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. TO PLANTERS & CAPITALISTS , JHwJL ^ OR Sale 8000 acres of land in Baker county, sit- of Gfcnta and boy8 Rubbera. Also, La 1 F They are in bodies of from 500 to 2250 acres, with improvements on each. The line of the projected Rail Road from Albany to ThomasvUle and Uainbridge passes through them. The Rail Road from Macon to Albany will J«n P LANTATION BROGANSl- the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever offered in this market. Men’s double me com-1 soled peg and nailed black and rassetts; do. heavy pleted by the 1st October, which with a daily Stage single »<>led black and russetts; do. boys and youths to Thomasville, renders these Plantations now of easy I black and russetts, all of winch we are access. I low. jan 6 MIX & KIRTLA.ND. Also, rj OOTS AND SHOES.—Men s, Bo; 1000 Acres in Early County— JD Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots 1000 Acres in Miller County, 500 acres of which Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last- lying on Spring Creek are improved— I ing Gaiters. Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call 2000 Acres in Colqnit County, 1500 of which lying I Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam- on Little Ochlockonee River, are improved, this elled Brogans; Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California body contains 350 acres of exceedingly rich Cane I kip Brogans, a large assortment. U I O ATI’ FLINT HOUSE. MACON, GA, F ORMERLY known as the Macon Honse, A— on First street, opposite Patten, Col- JaaVj tins A Co., has been recently fitted up with 1 B s 31 a large addition, for the accommodation of Boarders and the traveling public, who will find it to their in terest, if stopping a few days in Macon, to give ns a call and see lor themselves. The proprietor, thank ful for past favors, flatters himself that by strict at tention to business, he will receive his sharo of pub lic patronage. ’assengers wishing to stop'at the above house, ;n arriving at the depot will ask for its Kepresen- I tativo. The table shall not be inferior to any in the | substantials of life. Price ojfZBoebarca.: For a single meal 50 Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1.25 By the day., 1,50 Single week. 8,00 By the month (Board A Lodging)..-.20,00 fob 2 THOS II FLIN l”Proprietor. PEDIGREE—Morgan Figure, bred by Solomon 1 “ft ° L ’.? aytp “ la . t0 a c0 ““'.'“ Ht ? d : Steele, Esq., one mile from Derby Line. Vermont. • ache ’ al1 of wh,ch ” i, Jt m M ~ Foalded, June 17, 1850, got by Royal Morgan, dam by Goss Morgan or Piedmont Morgan, (the horse went by both names.) Grand dam by Hawkins’ Morgan, and he by the original Justin Morgan. LEMUEL RICHMOND, Secretary of the New England Morgan Horse As- I sociation. I Derby Line, Vt., Aug. 1st 1856. T. N. MASON, Mess copy. mar 23 are the result of a DISEASED LIVER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. SANFORD A CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, X.Y\ Wholesale Agents : BARNES A PARK, New York ; T. W. DYOTT A SONS, Philadelphia; L. S. BURR, A CO., Boston; H. H. HAY A CO., Portland; JOHN D. PARK, Cincinnatii; GAYLORD A HAMMOND, Clev-lmd: FAHNESTOCK k DAVIS, Chicago; 0. J. WOOD A CO., St. Louis ; GEORGE KEYSER, Pittsburgh; PRf MlilM rA’Mmre 3. S. HANCE, Baltimore, and retailed by all Drag r ft £ IVl I U IVI tO. | gists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by ZF.1LLV, nated mostly on or near the Stage Road from Al I mhher Shoes of Goodvear’s bany to Thomasville, and distant from Albany 12 to celeb^Sd patent. Just received and for sale low by I I H " FREEKA * * CO., Manufacturers of V-,,.. =.u I j*n 5 P MIX A KIRTLAND. | "rho ^htoMol kiSl aJinThe I O F ne.Candies of every description, would res- pectfuUy inform the public that they are now ready gists, i HUNT k CO., Macon, Ga. SS furnished with every thing in the way BYINGTON’S HOTEL BROAD STREET, Albany, G-corgia. uiiy lniorm tne public that they i to fill all orders for goods in their line. Their can dies took the premium at the last Fair of the State Agricultural Society, and are warranted to be of the best quality. PARTIES of Plain ami Ornaiucnfctl Cakes, and personal attention wiU be given to the prepara- tionof the Table for such occasions, when required. i fi'" AU orders from the country, accompanied with the CASH shall receive prompt attention, ■■fob 9 TAKE CAKE of YOUK TESTE D R. BLAISDELL from New York City, respectfuHy informs the . N- Citizens of Macon and vicinity, that < *HJY fYr he has located himself permanently in this city, anil has associated himself with Dr. H. Segsr for the practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the sp»- cious Rooms in Washington Block, ever the Hit Store of C. B. Stone, opposite the Lanier House, ml fitted them up in a superior manner with ill the mo dern conveniences and improvements for the suc cessful practice of their profession. jan 6 Hammock— 6000 Acres in Berrien County, of these there are two bodies of 1000 Acres each, and one of 2000 acres. This last named is on the Withlacoochy River, and within two miles of NashviUe the County Site. Also. 25,000 Acres in Decatur county, in bodies mostly from 500 to 2500 acres—and several of these places of 750 and 1250 acres are improved. These lands are all situated in the level lime-stone I plain* of the rich valley of the Flint and Chattahoo ns-nvrsr-ca chee Rivers. They are now beginning to be settled I GAKKUib-tj), and put in cultivation, and are found to be as pro- | llul ductive as tho lands higher up the vaUey in Baker and Dougherty counties. The U. S. MaU is carried in Steamers twice a week from Bainbridge (the county site of Decatur) to the Bav, and the customary rate of irieght 75 cents per bafe, on Cotton. Planters desirous of obtaining fresh and fertile lands to cultivate, and Capitalists, wishing to make a safe and profitable investment of their fundswould, do weU to call and examine. Terms' of sale will be made easy. Maps and a more detailed description, may be had by calling at tbe offices of JAS. K. BUTTS, at Macon, or GEO. W. GARMANY, Savannah. Sept. 8. 1857. MIX A I rri HIS new and elegant Hotel is now open for the ffirq -vy-i /-<<—. cri T7’dvi t^tq *T7* I We perform all operations upon the teeth is tie KIRTLAND. 1 accommodation of the public. DcimpieS^Ven AX Way. highest styeof theArt o . I Persons visiting Albany wiU find at this House A DESIDERATUM. I YVe shaU fill teeth with pure Gold, or such otaer Houston Carriage Manufactory, comfortable and neatly furnished rooms (fire places Wf To OnTno’ A -n tre\ Matcrial » approved of by the profession, ud TftSFPII TftftliE t;n\ rft. I in each room) and a table that is unsurpassed by Aii. O CtbU Uw liliui uUlIUSi • C warrant them to stand the test of years, or not chirga J DSLi-ill j , ’ any other Hotel in the country. Att/TA *r. rt— a tyr S»BTSTS for “• We insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in tti Having formed a co-partner-hip with The subscriber, grateful to the public for their li- I rra-iur-uin d .... - , . . , , ” best manner, and so true to nature that the most MR ISAAC WINTER. I beral patronage for' years past, respectfully solicits I Pens wiH be found, on trial, to bo supo- scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural LISA. IVEUAD W AXU XXiJA, | to C Jl and Anoro Gold or Steel; possessing more of the ones . and we warrant them to give perfect satisfac- •• - ■ P K £l 1 «ction of the Quill tlian the Gold Pen, they will he tioni a3 we u a9 an9we r all the purposes of Mastiw- prelerred. _ . . tion, Articulation and Durability. Each Pen is as durable as eight or ten made from | We shall exercise groat care in Extracting «d Who has been a practical coach maker for 19 year*, in the Manufac turing of aU kinds of , SUPERIOR COACHES, CHARROTEES, UROCKA 1VA YS, BUGGIES, fyC. Having employed skiUful and reliable workmen, all work put up under Mr. Winter’s personal atten tion. It is our intention to buUd work in Style, Neatness and Bin-ability, And fuUy guarantee to give satisfaction r all we ask is a call and examination of our work, which we wiU sell low on Reasonable Terms. Also made to order, two, four and six horse Iron or Wood Axled Wagons, &c. REPAIRING In the best and thorough style. JOSEPH TOOKE, WM. TOOKE. ISAAC WINTER. any other Hotel in the country. The subscriber, grateful to the public for their li- I beral i ‘ “ his i see him in his new quarters. The Stage Office [ for the stages running to Bainbridge, Thomasville and Tallahassee is kept at this House. J. L. BYINGTON. dec 22 Albany, Ga. ISAAC’S RESTAURANT, ON CHERRY STREET, fx UNDER RALSTON’S NEV.«^\ CONCERTHALL. H IS house is opened as a Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers and citi zens throughont the year. He will always be prepared to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to the season, such as New York, Savannah and Bruns WICK OYSTERS, M 1 LADIES’ RETREAT. BS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSICIAN, 168, Thompson, near Bleecker Street, N. York attends females during their confinement, and treats .... all diseases peculiar to her sex. She has eomraodi- | pository in Columbus. ous rooms forthe accommodation of her patrons, and a patent apparatus to assist nature. A female a pill, safe and sure remedy for aU obstructions, sent by mail with full directions on receipt of $2. She has also a sure remedy forpyles, and a valuable invigo rating cordial. nov24—ly Fish, Shrimps aud all EP* work shipped to any part of the United States. kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. Aoents for Sals or YYtoRK—Perry, J. Cook— 1 — • HawkinsviUe, S. 51. Manning—also, they have a De- Stoel ; they will not spatter or cut the thinest paper, I Cleaning‘the'’teeth?° We shall give special atten- gliding over a rough or smooth surface as freely as tion to the treatment of the diseases of th*Teeth the Quill, and will not injure tne tint of Red Ink. nor and GamSi and M far as may be _ restore them to» affect the durability of Black; collecting none oi I healthy condition. that sediment in the ink, which Steel Pens invariably Dr . ’'Blaisdell has had many years experience in d0 ' I the practice of his profession, besides being a McCi S°*L a ? pe - r ^f 033 ' j r ^ . cal Graduate, and he feels fully competent for tie , 4'ACTIOft.—Each Pen is stamped, M. Jacobs most difficult and intricate operations he mij be rail- i Amalgam. Each box has a fac simile of the Man- I <*} Hpon to perform. jj r . Seaar istoo ireUkaotnun ufacturer s signature. ^ I this community to require any extended notice here- F or sale by Messrs. CARHART k CURD, Macon, I g a fgee it to say; he vviU enter with renewed energy (jta ‘ mRT 23 I upon the practice of his chosen profession and to want of effort upon his part shall be wanting to se cure the fuU confidence (in future) of his muneroai patrons and the public generally. We respectfuHy solicit you to give us a cslL rer- sons in the Country can bo waited upon at ttorrea- dences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing us at Macon, Ga. . Dr. BlaisdeU i3 permitted to refer to the following Whisky, lCum, &c. 1 00 Georgia^Planter’s Whisky, may 12 CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Arc. The Subscriber is now Receiving at his ! CARRIAGE REPOSITORY i J. Si. DULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. XT TILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT VV comprising the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Chariton, also McIntosh of the Eaatem. jan 20 A ( Administrator's Stile. G REEABLY to an ordtr of thtOrdinary of Craw ford County, March term 1858, will be sold be- iore the Court House door in tho town of KnoxvUle, aa the tir.-t Tuesday in 5Iny next, the following na- med negroes, to wit lipiey, a woman, about IG years old, l'elix, a boy, about 1? yeura old, Charles, a man, shot t 21 yc-ars old > Id as tlie property of Wllbotn YV. Hammock Jh:<i ot -aid county of Crawford, dec, for the benefit ofthe heirs and ereditor?. Terms, one half duo on tlit first day of December r the other half due on the first day of December 1 Purchaser* giving note with approved sc-curi- tv lt.Yl’MOND K PARK HAH ’ nl , r o Administrator. dtc -J Diaries for 1858 atBOARDMAN.3 J. L. SEWARD. A. H. HANSKLL. SEWARD & IIAJiSELL. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to u* will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the connties ot Thoms*, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD * HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 KirtIBROUGII ~cV BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, STARKSVILLB, LEE CO., GA., W ILL practice In the courts of the South Wes tern circuit. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly and dilligcntly attended to. feb2tf ' Dr. I. M, Cosiiisigs O FFERS liis Professional service* as a Reform l’livsieiau and Surgi -n totlie eiti/.. us of .Macon. Office In titeAIEDICAL COLLEGE, on Mulberry Street. 1 j PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., In Savannaii, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., Xu Macon. R ENEW the tender of their services to their Cor respondents and the Planters generally of Geor gia and Alabama, as Farloi-H imd Commission .llorclinnt*, and pledge their nndivided personal attention to the business entrusted to them. . Bagging, Rope and other Planters Supplies will be carefuUy purchased and forwarded, and liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, I - <iUIIVBY’S The SiXO ntsil S15 Single and ErQ-ttlobOFO TYGTTT5T T? ipnDP flTi’PTi T?lVrDTD'D A BEAUTIFUL article, and for neatness, light- UUULLti J. JHlLfiiJLU Xilfli ilUj J /J. ness and Strength unequaled by anything of, the kind in the market. For sale by sep 8 T. H. PLANT. ON CONSIGNMENT, A N extensive stock of CARRIAGES of tho vari ous styles in use. They have been selected SS&SthKftSavannah and Brunswick Northern market. Choice Wines and .Liquors, and a general assortment R kept on hand, and purchasers all his articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of D05IESTIC and FOREIGN FRUIT. Families will be supplied with OYSTERS and FRUIT PIES, and other^j dishes at any hour. Parties, Balls, Ac., wiU be promt „ furnished with Suppers in elegant stylo,"and at the -t notice.MMHHEl Pikes’ Magnolia au Cape Jesamine 10 “ Poplar log distilled “ 75 “ Rum and Gin. 160 Boxes Tobacco, various brands, For sale by ASHER AYRES, and Liquors, I mar 1C ; — I Urs - Datcer, B. JT. Maguire, it. Btratuu. . of Confoctionary always Splendid StOl’O HoilSG for LeaS0- j l?vrn o^ifo^York’ A ' MiUn ’ S ‘ ^ ^ |ere generally, can obtain | / i.NE of the Stores in Denham s Granite Front “ & Fiteh Dm'Howard and Parker, Dm V/ Building is still under no rent engagements, I n,= 15,' Vnsihum Dr. D. F- and is offered on lease to a good tenant in the Dry or i„ ’i. lyL n m . n d Dr YVm Toire - Fancy Goods Business, fortvhichit is oneofthe test | *** ^ stands in town, and can be fitted up to suit tho oc- Gentlemen, eminent in their profession.- Drs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, H. Stratton. Join The Stock will be constantly replenished; and consist of the latest and most .fashionable styles of VEHICLES, combining Elrgnncc with Lightness nml Strength. Built by J. M. Quinby k Co., Mott k Co., Brews ter * Son, W. Dunlap. Hedenburg k Little, G. k D. Cook k Co., L. II. Goodwin and other reUable man ufacturers. OYSTERS by tho quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur chasers. oct 13 Drs. McDonald and Van Giesen, IDeirtists. O FFICE in ^ ™ml Story iff Wu-hingtnn Uhn-k, on Second street, opposite Concert Ha” on Second street, opposite Concert Hall, where Egr* 1 Persons wishing the very best work on the I their patron* eto hh acdominodated with any style most favorable terms, &ill do well to examine this ° f ™ rk ptfa’o-oKtotheProfess.on. Stock before purchasing. T. H. PLANT. Thoso wishing a CHEAP STILE of work will - - -- 8 8 meet with as much favor here as they will elsewhere. Tooth Powders, Past, YVashes, Toothache Drops, I from Ai/e if desired Brushes, kc., for sale. oiw ... * d up ipant. Apply to J. C. Denham, Eatonton, Ga., or j to T. P. Stubbs, Esq., Macon. Possession given on the 1st of April. feb 16 PHOTOGRAPHS WOOD’S PREMIUM GALLERY. "\7"OU can obtain those beautiful Colored Photo- J- graph* at Lower Prices than anywhere else in the South, ranging from 823 upwards including frame. Painted in . 1 Oil, Faslilc or Water Colors. If you want a good Picture, don't fail to call. Mr. BEKUFF, PORTRAIT PAINTER, can al ways be found at YVood’s, and will Paint Portraits \ send, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. _ DR. H.SEGAR Jc A. BLAISDELL M, D. dec 29 The Milledgeville papers will copy the *hj>ve “ ' til forbid: Idle Chronicle JcSentinel, andtoa? 1 -i tionalist, Augusta, will copy one time. — NEW BOOKS T Boardman’s “YY’ashington Block” Tbuildicg, Parton’slifo of Burr, Beatrice Cenci, Bayard Taylor’s “Northern Travel, AVuite Lies, by Reads, Gny Livingstone, Bench and Bar of Georgia, by Miller, Life of Gen. BlaCkshear, “ 21st VoL Ga. Reporto, kc., Ac. v 9 J. M. BOARDMAN. A mar 23 ly FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. A N agency for the sale of these machines for this I city and State, can be secured on libeial terms by a personal application to the subscribers, S. E. ] Corner, 6th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. No one noed apply without capital sniBcicntto con duct tbe business properly and who cannot bring re-1 ference as to reliability and capability. We positively assert that these machines for all purposes of family sewing, are in every respect su- penorto any sewing machine in Market, (no matter at what price* they may be sold at,) and wherever they aute offered for sale must command a ready and [ unlimited demand. JOHNSON £ GOODELL ug 18. ' • • TJEBLIftrt —The subscriber is constantly ro- AJ ceiving fine and fashionable BERLIN COACHES some plain and others most beauti fully finished. They are built by the best makers at the North under the direction of Sir. H. C. -MoKee DR. H. A. MATTAUER, H A VINGspcut a portion of three successive years in this city, during which timo he has limited his practioe almost exclusively to Surgery, now're spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in all thu branches of hisprofession. Office on the South-east corner of 3d id Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery, june 9 for this establishment; and adapted to»our roads, I _ , with perch, right track, Ac.—Can be recommended A N assortment of Lose WoodjvritjmgJJesks,. and warranted with confidence. Being on threo I Tx. igl and warranted with confidence. Being otv 4hN* eliptic springs tbe motion is pleasant, and they are a light, strong, comfortable and convenant family carring - ■ are fast superseding tho old stylo or C spring coach. They sell at from 8450 to 8800, and in fret are offered at a small advance from the man ufacturer’s prices, for cash or good notes. june 23 T. H. PLANT. sept 8 For sale by J. M. BOARDMAN. HENRY HORNE’S Coufcciionnrr, Frail Mtorc, Cnkc mid Pn« try Knhcry—Macoh, Geomia, one door below | PULASKI COUNTY ,f ANUFACTURER ofthe finest Fren ch Pastry 1VJL asd Ouunmti Cakkp, and Dealers in Fine Candies. Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials. Syrups, Nuts, Sejnir-g Tobacco, Ac., YYHiolesaloaud Retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms:—Positively Cash—no Credit given. PLANTA- F1JNE CLOTHING. TN receipt of some stylish BLACK FROCK JL COATS, and shall continue to receive for two or three weeks, by weekly rhipmen s from New York, desirable CLOTHING made up toocr own order, at reasonable prices for Cash. sept 29—11 C. II. BAIRD. Floyd House block, 3 doors from Carhart A Roff. W E offer for sale our plantations lying in Pulas- | Suspended Bank Notes Taken ki county, containing about three thousii"-' 1 * — — - — acres which is divided into three settlements, er place well improved, with good dwellings and all ne cessary out buildings. These plantations lio seyen jan 30—ly miles abovo Hawkinsvillo and two and a half miles from tho_ Ocmulgee river. All tho stock can be bought with the plantations. All those wishing bar gains would do well to call early. Terms to suit AT PAR, IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, by C. II. IIAIRD, Floyd IIouso Block, three doors from Carhurt.y Ron*. oot 20 HEIMOVAL. Please call and examine our specimens. Ambro- typec, Daguerreotypes, &c., at very low pricc-s apl 13 To Merchants an«8 Coitsuittcis. W E are offering for sale tho following articles: 25 cases Prints, 30 cases Ginghams, 25 bales leking. 1000 pieces Fancy Printed Muslins, tho lateststyles, 500 i Linens, all quality, 2000 doz. Hosiery, 120 bales Osnaburgs, Oil bales Brown Domestics, 100 bales Yarns, with about every other articlo in the Dry Good line, 200 gases Shoes and Boots, 100 4 “ Hats, YVitli a largo and well selected stock of ready made clothiug A11 of which we will sell on as good terms as any house in Georgia or Carolina. ap! 13 J. B. A W. A. ROSS. NOTICE. ■piROM this date we shaH adopt as near ss Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Mo lasses, Candy, &c. f) r HIIDS. New Orleans Sugar, AjO 150 sacks Cofleo, of choice quality, 50 Bbls. Syrup, 75 hhds. Molasses, 110 Boxes Candy, 1200 sacks Salt, l bbl. Nutmegs, too boxes Tobacco, 200,000 Cigars. For sale low by aid 13 J. B. A W. A. ROSS. tho CASHS YS TEM— we are comp I iu From this date aU articles will be pneed t- YVhere credits are given (which will only -h*' Sh to those who have paid'us promptly) ,;, e | wiH bemado to the price named according time desired by the purchaser. ■Tan 0 tf HARDEMAN A GRlFjE^- NOVELTIES- ip « 17'OR, GENTLEMfcEs’.—Fine Rich 5.ELK i* Jt 1 SCARFS. GLOVES. Marseilles bW^ broidered Shirt BOSOMS, SUSPENDEK-t 4( , CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, SHAYYL- Call and examine them, (sep 29) L. »• —— i’i:mt:itiou For Sale- rp HE Plantation near Americus formerly i byT L. Holt-containing 607 acres- a . ly situated, in good state of repair, wtta t ry buildings, Ac. Terms.—One-third t. Ap- one year, one-third two years, nde raci!i» ply to T. A Furlow, Americus or to th u ^ IF(l - 1 y. at Macon. JAMEn> YV. Macon, Dec. 4 tf -——' —“ WANTED. ^ [■ AM still buying Military boun.y nan ' I. and will always give the highest ca- „? A gg Macon Ga. inly 38 ly ■ f JUST RECEIVED- owned t is fint- SUNDRIES; MEDICAL CARD- DR. J A M E S A. D A MO U R HAS r, .-.unicd tbe practice of his profession,and permanent 1 v located in this city, llecan be found at "ilia office three doors below the Earner House at AU Hours, unle.--, professionally en gaged. Macon, June, 91856; WESTS PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT ROOFING. rp HE subscriber having tho right for the state of _L Georgia, would call the attention of the publio to the above named Roofing, it being the only pat ent granted that secures the uso of Robber and other ela-tio ingredients which will ri-M.-t the changes of mir Miniate and will unite tho qualities "i incombus tibility, durability ami cheapness. This roofingwill be warranted in every particular and is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs, oct 13 W.J. McELROY. purchasers; for further information apply to the un dersigned, who reside on tho promises. sep 32 J. C. A T. F. McCORMICK. For Sale. T YVO new dwelling Houses latoly finished, on* built of brick and tho other of wood, pleasantly situnted near tho South Western Depot, and conve nieut to the business part of the citv. The lot has an excellent well of water thereon and all in good con Hit imi, which will he sold cheap, or rented low, it not sold soon. F’or forth er particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. jan 12 tf JOHN BOWMAN. HE subscriber has removed to tho corner store J'pWO HUNDRED Doz. Georgia Buckets, 75 box X es No. 1 Soap. Sardines, 100 boxes Carbonate Soda, I iu “Washington Block,” (new Building) or in other words, “The old Washington HaH Corner,” where ho will bo pleased to see Ins friends and cus tomers as usual. J. M. BOARDMAN Dissolution oi" Copurlnerslilp. T HE firm of Dempsey ami Kelly was this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by D. Dempsey, jr , who is alone authorized to collect the dues to said firm, aud is to pay all its liabilities. D. DEMPSEY, Jr. (15)23 10 i 50 boxes Starch, 100 bags shot, 10 chests Tea, 50 kegs Powder, 100 boxes Adamantine Candles, 1500 lbs. Bar Lead, 30 “ Sperm “ 25 cases Pickles, Just received and for sale by apl 13 J. B. A YV. A. ROSS_ TO TRAVELERS. PAPER COLLARS, Standing and Byron, just received and Offered chea '25,000 rasasgtrr I fob24- tf rhHTO- c , PAPES DOLLS! PAMS DOi-r; A 1 T Boardman s “YY aslmigton Im>« j,g. large assortment of v.\V ®‘ K d.'IA£l- 200 cheap. ^ C. H. BAIRD. 20.000 Dticoii, Flour « t LBS. new Bacon, Hog t 0 ooo It's, salted Pork up. 150 tacks Superfine Flour. 75 “ family Flour. i. i.v 20 hhds New crop Molases, for jan 26