Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, May 04, 1858, Image 3

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tra iJ 3 of tbeir prison, should be inflam c ° nt , jjgegjcd; that the breathing should be- fi sbor tand dlfficuH; that the heart should be *?L t to unnatural palpitations, and no longer t |„ blood with regular and healthful vigor 'one tbe arteries; that youth’s joyous and active ‘ r(J rJUf t be prematurely abandoned ; and .that r? itself, perhaps, after years of suffering, should “\L from its beseigedand oppressed citadel, can " -;te no wonder. It is this tight lacing that makes foolishly admired waists—tapering downward. t every man who does not wish to marry con ■Option, carditis, or dyspepsia, beware of that •,uar-eaitl- Vo institution of lenrning should be devoid of ‘ j plants; they are tlic great purifiers oftho tniosphere, and of course are conducive to health. ^ oV cm it oxygen gas, the vital portion of the air, ... r -' n p the day, while at midnight they imbibe and Ycompose it, and retain the carbonic acid gas, ygl, destructive to the animal organism. By jjj „ t . sec how much they contribute to life and health- Lot them, therefore, be nursed and cult!- t .:< d, both for health and ornament. A Lady’ll i 0 ve of pleasure is a pretty sure index to her lov< 1he beautiful. When your daughter gets a little .•,•1; don’t go to cramming physic down her, but 1c; a .turc ulone, and in nine cases out often she will refect a cure. Do this, nnd take down that mod- vine chest, with your rhubarb andippccac, com- ,,3-ition, and number six, and throw it to the dogs ; i,. r as a general rule, the less you have to do will grilicine the better. If you desire a physically jtintifal daughter, exerciso your reason, and le ; tV,l be predicted upon common sense ; exercise ,if sentiment enunciated in the following lines, and ,*i will do well : " Lei no psssiou stir ; Wake all to reason, let hor reign alone.” An Appeal for mount Vernon. Editor Tilt graph : You will oblige the La* ,iies of Mount Vernon Association, by publish ing in full, by request of Regent: {in, following admirable appeal of the Ladies' of the Mount Vernon Association of the Union should gr •o the heart of every patriot of the land and ;-rouse w interest nnd zeal in a glorious cause. It is pro. " r to state that the "Southern Matron," in signing Ik* baptismal name to the document, yielded to the Aciudons of Mr. Everett nnd other friends : vol'N'i' VERNON, THE PROPERTY OF THE NATION. II is with feelings of the highest gratification we ugotmeo to the public, that the persevering efforts nfllie Ladies' Mount Vernon A-scciation of the I'nion. have been crowned with success oommonsu- their sacred aims ana lofty patriotism, and tt»t they have at last secured to the American peo- privilege of un king the Home and Grave of ivi'liiagton projwrly of the nation .' (in the failure oftho Mount Vernon bill in the (iroiTal Assembly of Virginia, we renewed our ove- tsttsto .Mr. Washington to sell the property to the nation. These overtures met with a favorable iRionse. and on tire Oth of April, a contract was by Jlr. Washington, which obligated him to iras.jfiT 'Mount Vernon to the Association, on its "in'jilinncc with the following terms, viz i Tile payment of two hundred thousand dollars, for m,i miiiurcd acres of land, including the mansion, •iiiU u.s landing place, and, above all, the tomb. " Eighteen thousand dollars to he paid on closing of ootraet, and tlie remainder of tho sum, in four :ends, payable in yearly instalments, with the per- mission.after jutymtul oj theJirst bond, to pay to .Mr. Wndiiuglon any amount of the balance due, in sums „l nut less than five thousand dollars, which sums „Ji tu- credited to the Association ; in this manner ItsHUing the interest. lilt title to the estate nnd possession to be given «»payment of tho principal nnd interest; and the privilege also granted ot obtaining possession, on twtv d tvs' notice, at any time the Association may r,,nfy In furnish the entire purchase money. The price asked for Mount Vernon by its proprie- i,r, and which has never varied, lias long been to the public,' nnd the Ladies of the Mount V.rmin Association, in offering to become its pur- rlsftrs, could not expect to acquire it upon other : r rms than those given as the ultimatum, to Congress nil to Virginia. i t! there is a concession made to the Association hr Mr. Washington, as to the extension of time; and sVery important promo, to save interest, which can h.-t be explained by tlie following letter addressed I,,ihe ltgal gentlemen who negotiated tho purchase .=behalf of the Association; Richmond, April 7, 1e58. Ilia.II. Maefartand, Etq.and Gen. A. A. Chap Union of the Democratic Members { How far the Conference Bill Is a OS TIIE ENGLISH COMPROMISE. Mr. Ritchie, of tlie Richmond Enquirer, writing LECOMPTOX CONCESSION. The following article from the Alexandria from Washington, on the 25th uit., announces a | (Va.) Sentinel, may throw some light on this thorough concentration of the Southern Democrat ic members of the House upon the English Com promise, and the certain success of the measure.— We clip his letter from the Enquirer of the 27th, as follows: Editorial Correspondence of the Enquirer* F. and 14th Street, ) Washington, April 23th, 1858. J I have only time to say, that I have heard with much gratification, and on very good authority, that Messrs. Quitman, of Mississippi, Shorter and Stall- worth, of Alabama, and Bonham, of Sonth Carolina proposition: The Proposition.—The proposition of the Conference Committee of the two houses is sim ply this : The schedule which accompanies the Lecompton Constitution, but is no part of it, demands a certain amount of the public lands in waiver of the right of the tates of Kansas to take the reminder. This demand is proposed by the committee to be greatly restricted ; the schedule thus amended to be then submitted to the people of Kansas—and contingent up- —who have hitherto hung fire—have determined to j on their acceptance of it, Kansas to be admit' approve the bill reported by the Conlerence Com mittee, and that to-morrow’s action will show that ted under the Lecompton Constitution. If umst.t.| ouu UPUiurrutr O • i.OXl will BDOW HKlt I *1 j , « , ., , « • the House will soon sanction the measure. No doubt do not accede 10 the terms proposed by is felt as to the affirmative action of the Senate. The 1 ’ 3 ' ‘ ’ public will rejoice that this vexatious question— with which the whole country is sick and tired—will shortly be adjusted, upon a basis that will meet the honorable wishes of the Democratic party, and tend to the harmonious ro.union of that great national or ganization for the Constitution and the Union. The Kansas imbroglio wiped away, Congress will go to work, and finish up its important business. Presi dent Buchanan will also be enabled to inaugurate other great measures of policy, which, after ail the difficulties and embarrassments, are destined to make this one of the grandest and most brilliant eras in the eventful history of our noble confedera cy—which may it live forpver! 1 had the good fortune to-day to become acquaint ed with a fine specimen of the great West. I allude to Judge Ferguson, the delegate from Nebraska; a native of Albany, just six feet high, and striking in appearance. He has much more geniality of manner than is usual to a frontiersman. Above all, be is conservati ve in action, wise in principle, and true to the Constitution and Union. lie is, indeed, a noble specimen of the rising West. In bis room there was a Virginia mocking bird, with as clear and beautiful notes os I have ever heard from a warbler of the forest, and, at the feet of the Judge, reclined a splen did dog, cbiefiy Newfoundland, born in Nebr&ski It is a magnificent animal of extraordinary WacTty. I constitution. But , wc rc P eat that the constitu- I hear to-day, that a secret circular has just reach-1 tjon itself is not the question submitted, and Congress, then her admission as a State to be postponed. * This Is no submission, of the constitution, and the amendment to the schedule is a proper one. We see no difficulty therefore in agreeing to the proposition. With the constitution, Con gress has nothing to do,—that is a question for thepeople of Kansas. With the schedule, it is wholly different, for Congress is to be a party to the provisions which Mr. English proposes to amend. It is in fact a contract between the State of Kansas and the federal government, —and both parties have an equal right to be heard. This may be said, and it is all that can be said on the other side. The submission of the TVTo ++in o’ f "TVTo -f-f ivi O'- f f amended schedule to thepeople for their ratifi- JU-ttbbAllg 1 JU.ttbU.IIg . ! cation, affords incidentally, an opportunity to vote against the constitution. That is to say, by voting down that overture of Congress, they defeat admission under the Lecompton New Spring Goods. MEBCAWTIEE tornado M RS. AUDOUIX is now receivings BRIL- LIANT ASSORTMENT OF SPRING SA I AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of I ine French Crape and Straw BOX NETS, Hair and Braid BOXXETS, HATS and FLATS of all the newest and most improved Styles, both for Ladies’ and Misses’, Infants' and Bovs' Hats, BmB Embroideries, Mourning Sets, Dress Trimmings, Hair Braids of every variety. Fancy Hair Pins. Bri dal Wreaths, Head Dresses of everystyle and Fans. Also, a full assortment of Corsets, Extension, Wave, Steel, Spring and Slieleton Slsiirts. Also, a general assortment of FANCY ARTI CLES, all of which she offers LOW FOR CASH.— Ladies are especially invited to call and examine her Goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, she still solicits a share of patron age. may 4 ed the city, strongly urging the Black Republicans to oppose the admission of Minnesota as a State, upon the ground, that if the matter be postponed, they can succeed, through a new Legislature, in electing two Black Republican Senators, in place of the two now applying for admission here. Should not this fact, with the accumulation of so many others, in duce all conservative patriots to sustain the present safe and nblo administration, and give ne\r security and strength to onr blessed Union 7 W. F. R. (itN rt-F-MES—Iii the negotiations you haverecent- ,included with me, on behalf of the Laities’ Asso uan for the purchase of Mount Vernon, the pay- ;; of interest on the deferred instalments from the of the contract, while I retained possession of - property, was tlio only actions difficulty be .v’etn us. Having satisfied you that I could not yield this pdat, you finally conceded it. ' A, the contract is now closed, and I believe in a "iMaetory way to both parties, it affords mo pleas- -•c lo («v to you, that if tho Association meets its ments with me on tlio first of January 1859, ;-."i thinks proper to pay, nnd does pay tlio other do- mil instumeuts on or Lefore the 22dday of Feliru- . ns you inform me they will probably bo •:.i witling and nblo to do, it is my intention, in that ... to remit to tlie Association all the interest on U the deferred payments. . Thu 1 shall he willing to do, partly as an mauce- :t.) tbe Association to obtain possession of Mount Vr.-.. ,n «t an early day, but more particularly, as an „f m y appreciation of tlie motives that have irtutedtho Ladies’ Association in the case it lias M token. i Live ihe honor to he, gentlemen, With the highest respect, Your obedient servant, John A. Washington. liars than half a century has now elapsed Dace WusUngtun v alked uinong us—a half century of styled a ad ingratitude to his memory. Between the ta ti n pledges of Congress, and the apathy ot his aoihe relate, the remains of the father of his coup- sthave lain unhonored liy the mausoleum voted in how of a Nation’s grief, and his Home and dive, lett to the fate of privato property, and ncces- *.Wc to the public, only through tlie forbearance or eoarte.-v of its various private owners! E'ir and anon, a voice was heard to protest against utdicau ingratitude, for, ever and anon, the lie-art ■ this great na; ion seemed tu throb with the romern- htsre of Ids virtues nnd of his services, and the I-aicrs leg,lev lie bequeathed. Blit, during the >ttra itriiggles "of a young Republic, this voice was aiurtied, oml since America became a power on ♦ was either silenced by tbe din of party, nnd 'dioiul ,trite, or stilled by "tlie murmurs of Mam- - a.utnilil,,. generations, which knew him not, were ® •anger of forgetting and wholly departing from ***priueiples, which are the bulwark of our great- rts*, And those warning counsels which can alone onr Union in sulety. But that Providence ' -has so often iuterpoaed for onr rescue in tho - : »*st day* of the Republic, when the ship of State, master hand at tho helm, rocked to and fro •i l,i« mgiy wavesol sectional strife aud bitterness, "," 1 *’h tt teateaed to engulf it; bos stirred the heart “ 'aan to revive, through the rescuo of the sacred -' ••: the Father of his Country, that love lor his ; -' (Iambi ring, but not dead, which could bo poirrr/s/, in regenerating aud healing in- 1 > »ll was made to the women of the South, to gath- -ml his grave and become the Yestaisto keep tire a df patriotism. The motives were pure '-■•stemiuu* generous—but they failed! les, who signs of the times, know ye not wherefore 1 belonged not alone to the Ctouth ! Rcsnmptioii of Specie Payments. To-day all Banks in Georgia voluntarily resume specio payments, without waiting for coercion from . . any one, nnd without uvailing themselves of half | r * n 6 a Storm, tbe term allowed by the Act of the Legislature. Indeed, the only delay was in trying in vain to in duce tlie Banks of South Carolina to Join in this rea sonable, just and salutary measure. Those Banks bare offered no reasons for declining to join in the movement, and we offer none in their stead, except the following, taken from their own recent report in tho public papers, which ebons they would not, be cause they could not. Fivo Banks out of Charleston had a circulation of £1,473,000, aud only £148,000 of coin. And four Banks in Charleston had a circulation of £3,713,000 and only £251,000 of coin. Let the people of Georgia ponder theso facts, nnd remember, that all these Banks in Sonth Carolina have largely increased their circulation since their suspension, and that their day of resumption, if it ever come, is very tar in tbe future, or else they may be caught with a very undesirable currency in exchange for their cotton. Tho Banks of South Carolina have hitherto en joyed tho full confidence of the public, but they must not expect to live always upon their credit— they must either pay, or at least snow their ability to do it. What amount of time drafts they may hive to pay in New York, in addition to their immense circula tion, is not stated, hut it is known that many of their liabilities have been adjusted by such tempo rary devices, which do not pay, but only defer the payment to a certain day, nnd to another place. They propose to be preparing for a resumption at an early day, but if at the end of six months, with a plethora of coin in the country,, they are farther re moved from the ability, than when they suspended, we may judge that tbe period is not only very dis tant, but getting more remote.—[Georgian. that the question submitted is an allowable and proper one. We think Mr. English and those who co-op erate with him deserve credit for the liberality and concilatory spirit they have manifested, A small chap on the street with a big hat on. Stranger sees him and cries out: “Hallo, hat, where are you going with that boy ?” The manufacturer of parasols speaks feel ingly in saying that “ the hight of impudence is the taking shelter in an umbrella store du- Parker’s CASH INDUCEMENTS. W E are offering, and intend to offer for a season, the most extraordinaryinducements to those desiring to purchase Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods, for the CASH. Our Stock is large and selected with the greatest care; and to CASH BUYERS, we wonld say, give ns a call, as we intend to make it to S our interest. The low figures at which we have ought onr second Spring Stock, enable ns to pro mise this with perfect confidence. may 4 W. W. PARKER & CO. T O those who find their Carpets rather worme for the season, we would say, call at PARKER’S, and you will find a most desirable article of MAT TING, all widths and at very low prices, may 4 Vi. W. PARKER & CO. ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ Bazaar of Fashion. WHERE a second instalment of Elegant Gems in all kind of Goods, are being opened at such, 8JIA8II DOWN PANIC PRICES as to create such an influx of trade ns heretofore un paralleled in Macon. If Novelty of design, Elegance of style. Durability of Fabric AND UN PARALLEL ED CHEAPNESS, constitute an inducement for trade and patronage, then their reputation is estab lished upon a firm and substantial basis. To enumerate what they have, would be an end less task, therefore, come, see and examine for your selves. Remember, their STORE ON COTTON AVENUE, MACON. GA. may 4 GRAND CONCERT BY MESSRS. S IOOO w orth of Parasols O F entire new design, comprising every shade and color, can be found at may 1 ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’. MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS! E VERY style of the above article, at prices to suit purchasers, can be obtained at may 4 ROSS. COLEMAN & ROSS’. Marseilles, Talmas and Gaps, r OR Misses at may ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’. HEALTH, GRACE AND BEAUTY, CONFERRED CPON THE LADIES BT WEARING ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ TV JEW EXPA.\SIO.\ SKIRT, WITH THE ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE. ' PATENTED April 14th, 1858, and first grand pre- X miuin awarded to the Manufacturers. Douglas A Sheerwood, and which has been decided by Medi cal men the most beneficial garmeuts ever introduc ed for ladies’ use, the weight being only twelve ounces. CALL AND SEE THEM AT may 4 ROSS. COLEMAN Sc. ROSS’. Coleman’s Plantation MILL H AS arrived, and is now on exhibition (fora few days only,) at JNO. KNIGHT'S Steam Sash and Blind Factory, Third-Street, back of Brown’s Hotel. This Mill acts as aperfqct SELF SHARPENER, and grinds with great ease and rapidity, Com in the ear. Shelled Com, Oats. Wheat or Rye. It makes a DBY GOODS CHEAP FOR THE MILLION AT ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’. | LADIES and GENTLEMEN of Macon and the sur rounding country, were you aware that we have just returned from New York with tho SECOND STOCK OF SPKING GOODS, very superior qualityof Flour, Grinding and Bolting I At a DISCOUNT OF THIRTY PER CENT., on all at the same time. The arrangement for Gnnding k ; ndg of 6oods , from prices twenty day9 back ? lp Cora and Cob, is snperior to that of any Mill ever Patented. The Grinding surfaces are cast separate from the Mill, so that they can be replaced (when worn out) at a very small cost. This mill has re ceived first Premiums at all Fairs where it has been exhibited, and has been pronounced by Millwrights J. M. KAHN, Optician, respectfully offers his I and practical Mechanics, to bo the perfection of * I m a mil. T. 1 ... thanks for the liberal patronage of the public extend ed to him daring his former stay in this City, assuring the public, at the same time, that he will do his best to merit their further pationageand satisfaction, may 4 Plantation Mills. It can be ran with the same power as a Cotton Gin, and will grind from five to fifteen bushels per hour, according to power and speed.— The best opportunity in the world to make a safe and profitable investment is now offered to persons wish ing to purchase State or County Rights for this ad mirable Mill. Price of Mill with sieve for sifting Cora Meal while grinding, £65. Price with Bolting Machine attached for making Family Flour, £85.— The Sieve or Bolting arrangement can be taken out in two minutes, when desired. All persons interest- “Thc best xvc have ever seen in Macon,” Is the testimony of all who have ever examined the beautiful PICTURES Pugh Sc Freeman are get ting up. The Oil Portraits from nature and Photo- . . . graphs, which Mr. Freeman has colored, have the I e< L * re respectfully invited to call and see the Mill in rich, strong, glowing tints of nature itself transferred »«’ ♦*'♦'“» —•*»—i— a„o„... to the immortal Canvas, as large as life, and so nat ural that you wonld think the person represented be fore you. Tbe Pictures will certainly be apprecia ted by all the lovers of art, and it will be a treat to any to call at the Gallery of these gentlemen, on Triangular Block, and linger awhile to study the beautiful works of a genuine and accomplished Artist If you want a Picture, call and have them take NOT. CALL, SEE ANDEXAMINE {for instance, we wish to show you our elegant fast colored Jaconet Muslins, at from 10 to 12| cents English Prints. 9 to 10 cents Gents. Linen Handkerchiefs, 18 to 20 cents Rich Silk Dresses, new styles, at £9.00 a pattern Handsome side Striped Dresses, 12 yard patterns and fast colors at St,25. Beautiful Mourning Muslins at from 10 to 12J cents, and in fact, every thing bought from Boston mer chants’ and assignees’ sale, so cheap as to astound even the JOBBERS of New York themselves.— These facts can be substantiated, by at ROSS, COLEMAN Sc ROSS’ Bazaar of Fashion, may 4 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. H.L.&S.A. SCHREINER’S 3VTu.sical Class, ASSISTED BY THE PRESBYTERION CHOIR AND GERMAN SINGING SOCIETY, IN ALL, FROM 40 TO 50 PERFORMERS IS RALLSXON’S hall, FRIDAY - , MAY 14th, 1858. Proceeds to a charitable object. %*City papers copy until 14th. LEA 80 PERRINS’ CELEBRATED Worcestershire Sauce, PRONOUNCED EXTRACT of a Letter from a CANNOISSEURS TOBETHE ‘ONLY GOOD SAUCE’ AND APPLICABLE EVERY VARIETY Medical Gentleman, AT MADRAS, TO IIIS BROTHER AT WORCESTER, May'5 “Tell LEA & PER RINS that t heir SAUCE is es teemed in India, and is, in my opinion, the most palatable as well as tbe most wholesome SAUCE that is made.” The only Me^al awarded by the Jury of tho New York Exhibition for foreign Sances, was obtained by LEA & PERRINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, the world wide fame of which having led to numerous imitations, purchasers are earnestly re quested to see that the names of ‘LEA Sc PERRINS' are impressed upon the Bottle and Stopper, and printed upon the labels. Sole Wholesale Agents forthe United States. JOHN DUNCAN Sr SONS, 405 Broadway, N. Y. _A stock always in store. Also, orders received for direct shipment from England. may 4 ly Fresh Medicines and Pure Drugs Macon Drug Store. E. L. STROHECKER & CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRIGGISTS, We are daily receiving large supplies from dim t IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS T HUS ensuring our customers choice Hi d pure ar tides. Our Chemicals are invariably purchased from Manufacturers, direct, enabling us to warrant them free from adulteration. We have now in store a select stock of Drills, IT3cdicine« t ClinnicalN, I’aiiiH, Oil*. Window Glnsn. JPafetit ITlfdicincr, Dvc .^tiiiN, Paint ISm'licn, InitruiiiGntM, White \Vn*li ASrsiftlirfl, Phnriunciiiicnl Prepnraliona. Aud Toilet Article*, together vrith the best assortment of INSTRU MENTS ever offered in this market. Planters, Phy siciann. and Merchants will consult their interest by examining our stock before purchasing. E. L. STROHECKER & Co., jan 12 Opposite Redding House, Macon, Ga. Flavoring: Extracts lor Pics, Jel lies, Ac. EXTRACTS of Peach, Extracts “ Vanilla, “ “ Pineapple, “ 11 Lemon, " “ Nutmegs. “ For sale at the Macon Drug Store, j-in 17 K. L STROHECKER 5: Co., of Altr.onds, Strawberry, Rose, Orange, Cellery, Potash. CjUPERIOR 1st sorts, always on hand O jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER & Co operation. For lurther particulars, see tbe Agent at place of Exhibition. may 4 House Furnishing Store FOR SALE. O WING to the continued had health, which I am now affiicted with, and but little prospects of a . final recovery, renders me unfit for business any Ion one, and if you are not pleased with it, u stall not ge r. I am therefore desirons of selling out to an ap- For Philadelphia, Jew York, Ac. FROM Savannah and Charleston. cost you a cent, April 7—tf Consumption can be cured. Sir James Clark, Physician to Queen Victoria, and ono of the most learned and skillful men of the age. in his “ Treatise” on Consumption, says,—" That Pulmonary Consumption admits of a cure, is no lon ger a matter of donbt; it has been clearly demon strated by the researches of Laennec and other modem Pathologists.” From the Southwestern News. Baptist Convention. This body commenced its session in this place on Thursday last, and adjourned at 3 o’clock Monday evening. The concourse of persons in the city during the sitting of the Convention was larger than we have seen at any former period. On Sabbath the Methodist and Baptist Churches were not able to bold tbe persons desiring to attend them. It was not under stood there would be preaching in tbe Presby terian Church; there was but a small congre gation there, though we do not think there was a better sermon preached in the city that day than was delivered by Mr. Henderson of Ala. in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. John E. Dawson of Columbus preached in the Metho dist and Rev. Devotie, of Columbus, in the Baptist Church. I he efforts of these di- The mere fact that such a disease is ever curable, attested by such unimpeachable authority, should I opening for some yonng man just starting in the proved purchaser on very moderate terms, my entire stock aud trade now kept in the Brick Store, next below the Mechanics' Bank consisting of a general stock of HOUSE FURNISHING supplies, such as STOVES, RANGES,GRATES; HOLLOW-WARE of the very best kind; TIN WARE of all kinds; COPPER, SHEET IRON, BRASS, LEAD, BLOCK TIN, and SHELF COODS, of the very best; CUT LERY, ot late importation; with ti mechanical bu siness attached, with my own workmen, who would be hired at the same time it desired; with the neces- saiy Machines and Tools, Patterns and many other things too tedious to mention. This is a business of THIRTY-ONE YEARS' operation, and is a first rate inspire hope, and re-animate fallen courage in the heart of every sufferer from this disease. The remedy which we offer has cured thousands- Wistars Balsam of Wild Cherry not only emanates from a regular physician, and is well tested iu all the complaints for which it is recommended. None gennine unless signed I. Butts on the wrap per. Seth W. Fowle Sc Co., 138 Washington Street, Bos ton, proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere For sale in Macon by E. L. STROHECKER and ZEILIN, HUNT* Co. [9] world. Will also be sold, if desired, 30 boxes ROOF ING TIN, 20 do. lc. do. 15 lx. do, and 5 do. 20 by 14, lx., suitable for customer's work; together with a I large supply of WIRE, all Nos., from 1 to 20, with all kinds of F I T TIN G suitable to the business.— Time will be given to an approved purchaser. Enquire of B. F. ClfEVv, Augusta, Ga. may 4 Ct A BOOK FOB THE MILLION. (JUST PUBLISHED.) A TREATISE ON FERMENTED LIQUORS, or the Art of Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying and Manufacturing Sugars, Wines, Spirits and all kinds of Liquors, including Cider and Vinegar, with Wood Cuts. This work, which has been favorably review ed by the New York Press, contains 1000 valuable [Frow the St. Louis Commercial List.] It does not dye, but gives life, health and beauty I directions in MedidneVi^Valto^,Tyrotecbuy““Ar° »the decaying, falling, and dead, restoring, as if by ,jfi c iai Gems, Gnano. Cosmetics, Artificial Gum Ara magic, that which was supposed to be irrecoverably bic, Artificial Gems, Bleaching of Shell Lac. Sealing Lict llaonu nssriv hsM nn.l AthnM noevlnivliito a»n I nr . t» ,. ■ n . . « CABIN PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA....£15 Excursion Tickets good for returning, up to January 1,1859, $35 Tickets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, furnished by the Agents at Charleston and Savannah £8 The well known first class side-wheel Steamships g Keystone State, CAPT. C. P. MARSHMAN, and State of G-eorgia, CAP P. J. J. GARVIN, Now form a Weekly Line for the North, leaving Charleston and Savannah on alternate Saturdays, as follows : The Keystone State, from Charleston, May 8th, 22d ; June 5th, 19th; July 3d, 17th, and 31st, &c., leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. The State of Georgia, from Savannah. May 1st 15th, 19th ; June 12th, 26th; July 10th and 24th, &c. leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. For safety and comfort, having superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route on Delaware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES & CANADA SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in 1G hours from Philadelphia.— Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, lor sale by the Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 822. Elmira, £21 to Canandaigua, S22. C. A. GREINER A CO., Agents at Savannah. T. S. Sc T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston, may 4 3m GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE A RETAIL UIUJG-GUIST And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON, GA. S happy to inform his friends, patrons and the public generally, that his Stock is now full and complete, which comprises every article that should be found in a First Class Drug and Chemical Store. Weekly arrival! of the Savannah Steamers ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in Geor- PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded at all hours with care and neatness. His stock consists in part of the following articles': Drugs, Chemicals aud illcdiciues, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modem styles, great variety, Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Iustruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use, Wines and Liquors for Medical use only, Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leat, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brashes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day. Comer Mulberry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 Garden Seeds ! Q A A A A Papers assorted Garden >eeds war- OU.UUU ranted the growth of 1857. Turnip seed hy the pound or paper. Peas and Beans by the paper or bushel. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co. Coughs aud Colds. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Stabler's Anodyne Expectorant, Wistar’s Balsam Wild Cherrv, Hoofland’s Syrup Tar, Hasting's Syrup Wood Naptha. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co. Morton’s Cough Syrup. T HE Proprietors still continno to manufacture this fa v.-rite n-m.-dv, v.-ueii.-l f.-r . m mv !n>me certificates. E. L. STKOHECKKR A Co. jan 12 Physicians’ P RESCRIPTIONS carelully compounded at all horns day or night. jan 12 E. L. STROHECKER A Co. DAY 8c. MAUSSENET, H AVING removed to their NEW STORE on Mul berry Street next door to E. J.. Strokccker Co., Where they will be pleased to see their old custo mers. They would say to all wishing goods in their lino, that they are now opening a splendid assort ment, which will be sold at the lowest prices. They intend giving their personal attention to WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the public in that capacity for 15 and 20 years, tbe pub lic are able to judge of their merits in that way. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at tho shortest notice and «’» the best possible manner, WATCHES, Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoddell WATCHES, for sale by sep 29 DAY A MAUSSENET. For Sale or Kent, T HE Dwelling House and Lot sitna- ed nearly opposite Dr. McDonald’s late residence, on Second Street, in Macon. The Dwelling contains Seven liooius besides a brick Basement, good Out Houses and a fine Well of Wa ter. The lot is well shaded, very healthy and quiet; and also convenient to the business portions of the city. Enquire of LANIER A ANDERSON. _ apl 13 THRESHING MACHINES: FAN MILLS. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRADLES, SCYTHE BLADES, GRASS BLADES, In store and will be sold very low. apl 20 CARHART A CURD. Day & Maiisenet, H AVE iust received a handsome assortment of LADLES and CUTLERY, HUNTING CASE WATCHES ot the best makers, which can be highly recommended. —ALSO— A handsome assortment of the latest styles of Jew elry. Silver Ware, Ac, Ac., Ac. We would call particular attention to our assort ment of FRENCH, MARBLE CLOCKS, which are of the latest styles and best finish. These Clocks run 2 and 3 weeks, and are all warranted. —also— A fine lot of GOLD PENS and GOLDSPECS, with PEBBLE GLASS, of the best quality, april 26 DAY A MAUSENET. Macon, Jan, 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances on cot- ton consigned to George Parsons & Co., Savannah, and agree to hold the cotton forty five to fifty days from date of shipments. ‘ISAAC SCOTT, jan 5 Bond* ol' the City of Savannah OR SALE BY E. BOND: may 12 F BOOK BINDING. J ACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every description of blank account books, and binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music aud Miscellaneous Books, clerks' record and docket books, with or without printed forms, and warrant- lost. Heads nearly bald and others nearly white are daily being changed to their pristine beanty, and faces covered with pimples are rendered as smooth as an infant’s and blushing as a rose, all by the use of Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative. CAUTION—Beware of worthless imitations, as several are already in the market, called be different names. Use none, unless the words (Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot, tit. Louis, Mo. and New York,) are blown in the bottle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. Also, by all Fancy and Toilet goods dealers in the United I States and Canadas. may 4 lm vines were highly lauded by their respective audiences. Several ministers of eminent abil ity from Georgia and other States, were in at tendance upon the convention. ■n e i> u xr„n „„„ i>ew xorK.i are mown in me Dome, ssoia oy an Prof. P. H. Jlell was chosen President Of Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. Also, by the Convention, J. F. Dagg Secretary. We 1 - p — 4 had not the opportunity of attending the con vention and consequently know but little of its proceedings. We were struck, as was every body else was, with the beauty, elegance and fashion of tlie female portion of tbe visitors on tbe occa sion. We have never seen so much beauty any where assembled unless it was in Charles ton. We were seriously apprehensive our town Wax,Cements, Pastes, Cleaning,Cleansing and Clearing Materials, Familv Soaps, Starch, I’ollsb, Co logne and other Perfumed Waters, Dentrifices, An tique Oils, Hair Dyes and Restorers, Solders and Silverings, Varnishes and Inks. Price £2, mailed free by tbe author. DR. L. FEUCHTWANGER, .Practical Chemist, 143 Maiden Lane, New York, may 4 2m ins Grand Jury Presentments. HOUSTON COUNTY. AE.ABAKIA. Houston Superior Court, April Term, 1858. Present—His Honor Henry G. Lamar, Jndge. We, the Grand Jury chosen and sworn, make the Weed’s Patent Sewing Machine. The Editor of tho Cleveland (Ohio) Piaindealer says: Sewing Machines are a subject of the greatest .... - ... - i. octal.,... o», tar.*, a., .f FKrsxSssrf every family in the land. With a view of purchas ing and of examining every kind, to find tbe best, we spent several days while in New York, in the min utest inspection of all kinds now in market, and our - . conclusions were in favor o c Weed's Patent, as the would bo inadequate to the accommodation of most reliable jjnehino to put in the hands ot every the large number of delegates and visitors. 1 Wc hope that none went away from the place dissatisfied. Wo regret the general joy of tbe occasion was marred by tbe sudden death of Mr. Ilarriil, a citizen and delegate from Webster county. Mr. Harrill was attacked on Friday and died at 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon. He was a man of most estimable character and his death will be lamented by a large circle of ac quaintances and friends where he lived. Wc also regret to learn that the venerable The Committee appointed to visit the Poor House believe that the location is well selected for health and convenience. But if it is the intention of the Inferior Court to keep up a farm in connection with it, we believe that the land is so poor that it will be come a dead expense, and if we are correctly inform ed as to the price paid for tbe land, it was purchased at exorbitant rates. ,,r 1250 Acres of Land FOR SALE. H AVING purchased Land in the West, and being determined to move there next Fall, lam now offering for sale, my valuable PLANTATION, con taining TWELVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE ACRES, in Monroe county, twenty miles from Macon on the Thomaston road, nr one mile south of Bank ston, adjoining the lands of C. W. Battle, Oliver Moran, and others. There are four hundred acres in the woods, the balance under good fence, and in a high state of cultivation. There is a good two story DWELLING, with six large rooms above, nnd three basement rooms, a store room and eight fire places, good frame negro houses, gin house and screw, cribs, I manufactory of the MATHERS, is on consignment barns and nvorv other neeessarv hnnsn Locality in the Telegraph Office,and will bt sold low for Cash, -r- - T . — . books, wun or wunout Jiime Lime I litn ft ed best quality paper. ■ UilUD > XJXXU.C, | ijp* Engineers’profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. -FROM THE- “CHEWACLA LIME WORKS,” All orders from the conntry promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cottcn Avenue one door below Ross and Coleman's. apl 13 W E are now prepared to furnish any quantity == =— (from 1 to 500 bbls) of the above named ar- I J n pplCG f~lYI |\T Y' nplr tide, equal if not superior in quality to the best Rock- | vJlivwJxD WJ_L it O W J- Ul JY FOR SALE BY THE MANUFACTURERS’ BANK . equal if not superior in quality to land, at as low or lower figures than any Lime can be had in our market. Masons and contractors will find it to their inter est to call. C. CAMPBELL & SON, City papers copy. Agents. api 20 PRINTING INKS. A SMALL LOT OF BLACK AND COLORED PRINTING INKS, from the celebrated mar 2 "SOUTH-WESTE one throughout the State. We purchased one of ,he °P n:on tb “ * P°° r , j 1 ®"? well organized and c lurousu™ uo oiaic. .. e yureuaseu vuo ui pro p er i y mana( , e d, would diminish the expenses of them rad have used it some time, and our opinion is {Le county. Drovide amDle accommodation for the barns and every other necessary house. „ healthy, and convenient to church and sohool. AiloT' which. I will sell at one-third less than its real value, on terms to suit the purchaser. Also, CORN, FOD DER and STOCK of all sorts. Any one wishing to bny, will do well to give my place a look, before making a purchase. I, or my overseer, may be found on the place at any We are, at the same time, of I lime, who will take pleasure in showing the prem ises to any one. J. T. REDDING, may 4 apl 27 more than confirmed, for it does every kind of sew ing on cloth or leather, does its work strong, nice and rapidly, and has never been out of working or der since it came into our family, and it is so simple as seemingly impossible to get out of order or re- J iuire repairs more than an ordinnry person can per- orm. It is nicely ornamented and makes an orna- the county, provide ample accommodation for the poor, and do much to shield tax-payers against tbe imposition so common in the country At the same time we think it important to have a farm connect ed with it, or some profitable omploymont, as idle ness is not always conducive to health or morality, and if this be not done, it will, to some extent, be made an Asylum for the lazy and improvident. The Committee on the Public Records have exam- me 1 n }.‘“ ,h « { U i rD l‘ Ure of » parlor. It is very strong ined tho Books ofthe C i erks 0 f the Superior and In- and little liable to wear out. Its operation can be ferior Courts, and of the Ordinary's office, and find easily learned with the printed directions for a guide I them neatly and correctly kept and recommend the >n/4 iphan snvfainilv hoc InqnwiH ita non tvn arnanvn I ^ ... and when any family has leanred its use, we are sure Ordinary to have the Books iu his office which re- they will not live without it. It uses two threads. I quire it, rebound. We are also ofthe opinion that . , ■ f ]•_ , convention hv I ,bu ? mabl 1 n R stronger than if done by hand I tb e lending of the Books belonging to the county to with an accident during the Convention by Wltu one thread, besides making both sides of the betaken out of the Court House, is improper, and which he was severely hurt. work just alike. Those who need a Sewing Machine recommend to the different officers to have them re- Pebble Spectacles. M R. J. M. KAHN, OPTICIAN nnd OCULIST, will be iu ttiis City-again from the 4th of May, aud may be fraud in his Room iu Washington Hall Block, above Mr. Saulsbury’s Clothing Store, for a very short time, only, where those wishing to supply themselves with bis Celebrated improved CONCAVO CONVEX BRAZILIAN PEBBLES will find an ex cellent assortment. may 4 J. IS. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA o.A-iixriD'sr, JLOW FOR CASH. M ERCHANTS and others will be supplied with the best Macon made CANDY AT 16 CENTS PER POUND, by the box, for CASH, by J. H. ec W. S. ELLIS, npl 27 3m Cherry street Macon, Ga. Bibb County 'Fax Receiver’s Ap pointments.—Special Notice. T HE undersigned will attend at the following times and places, for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the current year: AT MARTIN HALL’S STORE, Cherry Street, On Wednesday and Thursday, April 28th and 29th. AT THE COURT HOUSE, Macon, During the session of the Court. Tax payers are earnestly requested to be more prompt in making tbeir returns. apl 27 PETER M. CURRY, Tax Receiver Bibb Co. These circumstances excepted, all puwi J&yOjS JopriK, 345 Broadway, New York. happily and agreeably Amkriccs, April 2Gth, 1858. Mr. Editor:—The Georgia Baptist Con- -CUtion which has just adjourned, instructed me to place in your hands acopy of the follow ing resolution, with a request that you will Sold by FREEMAN Sc ROBERTS, Macon Ga. apl 20 lm turned to where they belong, for county purposes. Believing that much depends upon the general in telligence of tbe people, we recommend the levying of a tax upon the County to fully provide for the education of the poor. We have reason to believe that the practice of buying and selling of votes daring high political ex citement has become of too frequent occurrence ~ iUILLi lUUiii DCiaiumN Luu*ui, Lta., \ a / | lyi r— q q A (V I w /s W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT W I IN L, DItANUY. comprising the following counties, Glynn, Q c BASKE’i S Heidsick & Co’s Champagne ■'iu tlio cull was made, and this time t"5 ft* Again it tailed !—and wherefore 1 ' ’ t given to a Slate; e State alone! “ Wedlock’s a saucy 1 sad, familiar state. Where folks are very apt to scold and hate; Love keeps a modest distance, is divine, Obliging, and says ev’ry thing that’s fine.” .. ‘ ' .and all the power leerclo "j 1 ‘luht’ gton belonged not to i "'♦i-k-d woman would be neither baffled or con- * ’♦'l; but she nuly triumphs when the common ; j>t fun he procured as a commou heritage, “‘I-'wtranged children of a common'iei, the * * tf wlioao memory will yet havothe power to re- '■ittaiui around liis hallowed sepulchre. . -ipfcstcd success has crowned her efforts. Onr '-stj ooii be saved, one and indissoluble forever— -' v« ims become.her guardian spirit. In the * r *dXovi-s of Mount Vernon, she wullearn those T’us-Vtiidi will never leavens without a Mary, to ‘• a »Vashington for her Country's hour of need. *-'nt- u-st(Kimen—the noble brotherhoodof Ma- ‘-Oul Fellows—patriots, one and nil, h ive come ' aptly V, tho aid of women! Ami ye, women of .'i rih tr.d of tho Sonth, of the East ami of tlio retrain not rally to the work? Will ye not F-He will another, which will gtre most and do ■Jtut W'riisy, on the twenty-second of r ebrua- '**• eUlRMd take possession of tho Homo aud i ii j™ Fun, win. loved us all, and thus make his .{.J “*Y. tile tin li iay also of Republican gratitude, 1Cc «nifraternal love! A.V.V I’AMLA Cunningham, cut Jloimt Vernon Ladies' Association. •vm 15tb, 1818. '■ Tike.i A R ."*»P r for Binrrliorn. Slagle hahdfnl of the inside bark of r.-ditto Of Black Raw root—ditto of Dew- r root-boil them together in a gallon of a ’'ram the water through a coarse mus- 1,1,1 P ut into a pot, tind add to it one ,, Powdered ginger, an ounce of powdered Nl .t c, < ’ unC8 “f powdered cinnamon bark, and *rnd t ’to* quart; then add ono quart of French two pounds of Loaf Sugar. Keep it while boiling r.ud w it boU about fif- 11 : then strain into bottle* alld get j t away hi,,, * P'*c6. For a doso, if tho easels a bad one, U-. tablespoonful every three heurs until checked, and if not u bad cas v a ta- tat. !ul ,1,rc ® 0 day—morning uoon and * u infallible remedy for Diarrhoea, *r ‘“Is to effect • permanent cure. That publish it as au expression of the obligation un- James der which the citizens of Americus have laid ! w - G HANCOCK, all of Knoxville, Ga. us by their kind attention during the session of this body. Very Kespectfully Yours, ■ J. F. DAGG, Clerk of the G. B Convention. Resolved, That the thanks of this Conven tion arc due, and arc hereby tendered to the brethren of this Church and the citizens of ifinericus for the generous hospitality extended to the members of this Convention during its present anniversary; also to the Central. South- Western, Muscogee, Augusta & Wnynes- bore, Atlanta & West Point, and Western &-Atlantic Kail Road directors for passingour messengers at half price. J. F-D. S The Admission of iVctv States, There is no doubt but that the policy that MARRIED. In Knoxville, Ga., ®a 2oth ult., bv the Rev. I M wt ,u ^ ; n other counties, and ahhougb we imes Reeves, Miss PAULINE BROOKS, to Mr. I have reuuested the Solicitor to AW. Pros, one case. MACON COTTON MARKET. Jlsy 3.—Nothing doing in Cotton since Friday.— We omit quotations. Receipts light CCrTON STATEMENT. Receipts in April, t858 1,838 •• • 1857 581—Increase..-.1,257 Stock May li 1858 9,989 “ «* 1,1857.. 6,871—Decrease.-.3,118 Total Ree’ts to May l, 1858.58,118 -v. 1,1857.57,340—Decrease.. “"■V DISSOLUTION. I Daniel Adams, mHE firm of BEARDEN & FRANCISCO is Turner Smith, fa., R wise nigger, who, in speaking J/^PP'Pcss of married people, said: “Dat altogedder how dey enjoy demsel- . !J,„ A. nf Inin m il! l inn ot BJSAltUtN CC WUUU/iaW IS I Turner Smith has grown so rapidly on tho country Ot late | {Ji/wdissolved by mutual consent. R R. j Wm. M Haslam. years, 01 hastily admittmg new states into tlie Bearden is fully authorized to use the name ofthe I Thos. Stripling, Union, is an unwise and corrupt one. \\ e are I firm iu settlement.. R. R. BEARDEN, Austin M. Frederick, pleased to see that initiatory steps have been . IgS8 w ; B. M^NCiSCO, - ~j taken in Congress fonts abandonment, and jjsv 4—tf F ^ hope seriously that they may prove successful. I Gen Quitman, of Mississippi, has inaugurated the movement by drawing up a bill, though he YV"E wiff continne the ^ cttv*Sf Ma^u thus speaks of its provisions : The bill which Mr. Quitman endeavored to Bac0 n, Flour, Lard, com, Fcntucn., &c introduce in the House to-day sets forth that I aQd we desire the country ana cityitxde to call and have requested the Solicitor to AW, Pros, one case, where it was apparent that the offending party was ignorant of the Law, and deeply regretted his viola tion of it, at the same time we regard it as a dis grace to the elective franchise, and subversive of tbe freedom of tlie ballot-box, and that the seller of a vote commits as great a crime as the buyer, and should be as severely punished. In taking leave of His Honor, Judge Lamar, we tender to him our deepest sympathies for the heavy afflictions of his family, which makes it necessary for an adjournment of this term of the Court, to the first Monday in June, and the acknowledgement of this body for the prompt, able and courteous man ner in which be has discharged the arduous duties of bis office. And to T. W. Mont fort, Solicitor General, we offer onr thanks for the efficient nnd polite man ner in which he lias conducted the business of his office. We request the publication of onr Presentments in tho Journal Sc Messenger and Telegraph of Macon. EDMUND J. McGEHEE, Foreman. Samuel Gurr, Durham Bowen, Geo. S. Haslam, John Sullivan, Absalom Marshall, Boling G. Morris, Abram Bolton, Garrett Smith, Chas. D. Anderson, Jus. W. Hardison. Amos O’Pry, Jno. W. Woolfolk, Geo. W. Sturges, 'ihos. B. Rutherford, Jas. A.Tigner, April Term, 1858. On Motion of Solicitor General Montfort, it 13 or dered that the foregoing Presentments be published in pursuance ofthe request of the Grand Jury. A true extract from the Minutes of Houston Supe rior Court. WM. H. MILLER. April 30, 1858. Clerk S. C. H. C. it is unwise, impolitic and unjust to existing States to prematurely or hastily admit new States, thereby unduly stimulating the occu pation of distant vacant Territories by forced and unnatural migration for political, partisan and sectional purposes,producing strife and dis cord between different portions of the Union, and leading to corrupt political combinations in Congress. In order to correct these evils and give timely notice of tbe line of policy which will hereafter be pursued, the bill pro- examine our stock, as we feel confident that w& can make it to their interest to purchase of us. BEARDEN Sc GAINES, may 4—tf Successors to Bearden A Francisco. Bacon. on nnnLBS. A No. 1. Tennessee Bacon, well OU.UUU cured and trimmed, in store and for KUe b ? y BEARDEN & GAINES, may 4—tf Flour and Corn. SACKS first rate fresh ground Flour, differ- i. wv—— — r- - - , . - , 1 i v/vJ out brands, 75 Barrels Knoxville Gty Mil.s vides no new State shall be admitted into tlio Extra Fami]y F ] oar , equal to Hiram smith s or any Union until it is ascertained by a census taken other brands. 500 bushels of Cora, just received “ .epnnnrMc that the TerritO- nnd for sale at low figures. . „„.,™ by the authority of Congress that the Territo- 4 ryqsking admission contains a population sufh- - v ctenl forli Representative to Congress, nor un til the people have been authorized by Con gress to hold a Convention to frame a Consti tution aud present the same to Congress. J may 4 BEARDEN Sc GAINES. Feathers. 1 r\ r\ r\ LBS. Tennessee Live Geese Feathers, for 1 UUU solo by BEARDEN A GAINES. Houston SheriiT’s Sales. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in June next, before the couit house door, iu the town of l’«rry. Houston county, within tho legal hours of I sale, the following property, viz : One lot ol Land, No. (255) two hundred and fifty- five, containing 202j acres, moreor less, lying in the Fifth District of Houston county; levied on as tho propertyof John Jackson, to satisfy two Justices’ court ti fa’s, in favor of John A. Sperry vs. John Jatkson; issued from the Justices' court ofthe 769th ^strict, G. M. Levy made by James M. Jackson, Constable. JJso, at thesama time and place, will be sold, one lotof Land in the Fifth District of Houston county, nu°her not known, adjoining lands of Stephen Cas- tehw, Alien Albritton and others, containing 202J ac r;s, more or less: levied on as_ the property of Cule n Jackson, to satisfy one Justices’court fi'fa., f r qa the 7G9tb district, G, M., in favor of John A. Sp-rry vs. Cullen Jackson. Levied on by James M. jjukson, Constable. 30 JOHN L. HALSTEAD, Sheriff. Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. may 4 CJGrVTttAL BACK COURSE FOR BALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale, the CENTRAL RACE COURSE, located two miles and a half from the City of .Macon. It comprises about two hundred ncrcs of Land, is in excellent repair, and is provided with all the usual buildings and appurte nances of tbe Course. The location is pleasant and would make a healthy country residence; though the Proprietor would prefer that it should be sold to some individual or company, who would keep it up as a Race Course. It will he sold on reasonable terms. H. T. POWELL, Proprietor. Macon, Ga., April 28th. 1858. may 4 n C BASKETS Heidsick Sc Co’s Champagi iwv 25 j and j casks Cog. Brandy, varions brands 1 pipe veryJsuperior Ho-laud Gin 5 bbls Barren's Wine, a fine article 50 cans Claret Wine 50 bbls Rum and Gin 250 bhls Whiskey, varions brands 50 casks Porter. For sale by apl 29 ASHER AYRES. Caution. H AVING lost or mislaid a note to the amount of Eighty-seven dollars and some cents (tbe exact amonnt not recollected.)on Wm. J. Hammock priori pie and J. VV. Woodall, security, dated March 15th, 1858, due 25th December, 1858, and made payable to Simeon Tharp or bearer, 1 forewarn any and all OFFICE, MACON, GA., ) Apr.iL 23rd, 1858. j D ELEGATES to the Southern Commercial Con vention, which meets at Montgomery, Ala., on the 10th of May next, who pass over this Road go ing thereto, will be charged one full fare. Charles T. Pollard, Esq., President M Sc W. P. Railroad, will furnish them free Tickets to return. GEO. W. ADAMS, april 27—Qt Superintendent. Simple, yet very useful. “ Chapman’s Elastic Anti-rattling Carriage Shaft Fastener M ADE of Vulcanized India-rubber, will effectual ly and permanently prevent friction, thereby stopping all wear of the bolt, rattling noise, and se cure the bolt from loss. The subscriber will put them on the vehicles ot any of his customers, raid if they wish, take them off aud refund the cost any time in ten days. We only invite a trial of its merits. T. H. PLANT, april 27 4t Florida lands and Slaves For Sale. T HE lands consist of two large separate tracts in Jefferson County, a few miles south of the St. Au gustine road and within 10 miles of the Railroad; one is extensively cleared and now being planted in cotton and com, the other uncleared; only a few miles from the first. They both contain much fertile laud and the one settled has proved to be eminently healthful. From 50 to 80 slaves will be sold, with or without the land, the former would he preferred. An exten ded credit will be allowed on a large portion of the purchase money. For lurther particulars apply to the Editor of the Georgia Telegraph, Macon, Ga. * Augusta Constitutionalist, Charleston Courier and Richmond Enquirer please copy three times in their country issues and forward bills to this office. Floridn, mar 23. RISLEY'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUOHU, An invaluable remedy in all diseases of the Urinary Organs. JLity of this remedial preparation,from the fact'of its very general use, and the consequent supposition persons from trading for said Note as I am the right- C\-viq -v-i 4 -4-/~. XT oil TYT r\ O ful owner, having never traded it. Ul dillitu JJLdili, it U. (Ct. apl 27 3t SIMEON TIIARP. 1 Bacon, Feathers, Flour, OiJ, &c. TT ti scarce necessary to remark upon the popular- I •piIFTY THOUSAND pounds choice Tennessee that the people are well posted as regards its reme dial virtues. The proprietors would, however, take occasion to advert to the fact, that the formula for its preparation is the result of the combined euc-ves- tionp of several eminent Physicians, who, finding that in their practice they were daily in want of a preparation ofthe kind that could be relied upon, h- dopted tho formula by which th : s preparation is made and placed it in the hands of the proprietor. The preparation having had jhe test of years in its appli cation to disease, its remedial virtues are fully* es tablished and known to thousands in every section of tho country. In all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urethra it has proved itself, so far superior to every other preparation of the kind, that the demand very far exceeds that of any other “patent” preparation now in the market; for PAIN IN BACK AND LOINS; LEUCORRHOEA OR WHITES; GONORRHOEA AND GLEET; STRANGURY, DROPSY, GRAVEL; OBSTRUCTIONS, Ac., Ac., it is one of the most, if not the most reliable prepara tion now before the people ; so also, in all IMPROPER AND DEBILITATING DISCHARGES from the External Organs, which has proved the curse ana bane ofthe existence of so many thousands it is a remedy in which every reliance may be placed; for its curatative properties in theso diseased con ditions have been so lur established as not to admit even the possibility of a doubt. As a remedy for many diseases peculiar to Females stands pre-eminent above all others; and its cura tive effects in this class of diseases has perhaps serv ed more than any other, to give the preparation the ide spread popularity and notoriety that it now en- joys. For sale by Druggists throughout the country. Price £1.00. HARRAL, RISLEY A KITCHEN, Wholesale Druggists, 76 Barclay-St., New York, may 4 Qw Bacon, 25 hhd3. St. Louis Bacon, sacks Feathers, 350 sacks of choice Tennessee and Georgia Flour, 20 bbls. Tanner’s Oil, 10 casks Linseed Oil, 2 bbls. Castor Oil. 10 bbls. Lamp Oil, 5 bbls. Machine Oil, 5 bbls. Lara Oil, Also a large lot of No. 1, Extra and Pure Lead, A large lot of No. I Zinc. For sale on very accommodating terms b’ apl 13 modating terms by J. B. A W. A. ROSS. CARPETS ! P ERSONS who want Carpets can find the best stock in Macon at BOSTICK & KEIN. DRESS GOODS! J UST received an extensive assortment of elegant' Dre3.s Goods—new styles, apl 20 BOSTICK A KEIN. Lace Shawls! A SPLENDID stock iust opened, nnd at all prices, apl 20 BOSTICK & KEIN. Mackerel and Shad. O NE HUNDREDpackages Mackerel, ]0 “ Pickled Shad, Daily expected by apl 13 J. B. A W. A. ROSS. Plated and Hrittauia Castors. P LATED Tea and Table Spoons, BrittauniaTea I and Coffee Pots—and a general assortment of Table mid Pocket Cutlery, and House keeping Goods which I offer on reasonable and accommodating terms. apl 13 B. A \\ IM,. Stoves! Stoves! A T great bargains to close out remaining stock. B. A. WISE, apl 13 Cherry, Street, Macon Ga. Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. WOULD most respectfully inform tho citizens of Macon and surrounding country that I have a good stock of China Dinner and Tea setts and Gran ite Dinner and Tea Setts. English China Tea setts from €3 50 to SS 00 pr-r sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from £) 00 each to £30 00. Tea setts from 633 00 to 6100 00. Ice P.tchers, Ac , Ac. A fine lot Cnina Vases. Sever al setts fine French Glass. Bureau setis for tables. Fine Bohemian Colognes. Plated Putter and Su gar Dishes, Cigar Stands, Fluid Gas Lamps for standing, suspending, side and Billiard Lamps, Cam- phene Lamps, side and suspending, a common and tine article. Kerosene Lamps, common Lard Lamps, Brass Girandoles, Plated Knives and Forks,Tea and Table Spoons, common Black Tea P< ts. Brown Stone Tea Pots, Brown Spittoons, China Spittoons, China Toilet setts, common Toilet setts, a large an 1 well assorted stock of Glassware. I have about 10 J doz. common Tumblers for Merchants and 3j0 doz. Gob lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Granite and common Earthen ware. As I import my stock of Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc tions in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ac., I think I can sell here at New York prices and give my cus tomers satisfaction. Thankful for past patronage, I now presume to solicit the same in future. R. P. MeL VOY. As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers for Churches, it is probably best to let the world know that I have never made any profit out of anything fi r a Church, hence all orders lor Lamps for Churches should be sent atleastSorfi weeks before they need them, so as to enable me to get them from the Fac tory. I donot intend keeping stock on Inn d forthat trade, but will as heretofore get them out at Factory prices for Churches. R. p. Alt E. FLUID GAS~LAMPS7 X HAVE just received a lot consisting of Hand Lamps Parlor Lamps and Billiard Lanij/s. ry for me to say anything about thi Press of our city b ns said al 1 could suitable for running through Hou on the same principle as Gas. apl 27 upending Lump; Lamp, as th ay. It is ids or Factories R. P. McEVUi'.