Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, May 18, 1858, Image 4

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m From the Index Intemperance. Intemperance is the \ ilc-,1 ..ui.-r indulg.J bj mortal her.- below; No tongue can teR i<s helnousness. No pen portray cm- Jmlftt~ ho.-. It levels mankind with the biule Devoid of reason, thought, end love— It takes away exalted thought*, And make* him a* a demon move. ’Tis vain to try now to express The misery it causes here : Go ask that lonely widowed one, And she will tell you with a tear; Of purest love nipped in the bud, Of sorrow deep and bidden woes, Of nights of weeping, days of toil;— But greater tilings will He disclose, Upon that great, that awful day, When nations from their graves shall rise, In countless numbers to appear Before the Judge, beyond the skies. Ob ! who can hoar the piercing cries Barsting from millions sunk in grief, Caused by this monster base and viio, And never think to bring relief! CLURIO. Wintcrdalc, Dougherty co., Ga. IO Dollars. At Reduced Prices Jones Comify Sheritt'Sale. -t T 71 LI. be sold in Clinton, before the Court House YV door, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale the following property One iron grey Home and one buggy and harness, levied upon as iho property of John A. Childs, to sa tisfy one fi fa issued from Jones Superior Court in fa vor of T. F. Gibson A Co., vs John A. Childs. Pro perty pointed out by A. W. Gibson. Also nt the same time and place, will bo sold two hundred aud fifty acres of Land more or less^one I hundred acres adjoining Booker BuaaeU and Sam. I Hodge and others, and one hundred and arty acres ... ...• i. j.-.!-.-. Wild* POB CASH .'Ivr. stoVKS COMPLETE FRO. COOKING STOVE ROM TEN Dollars Upwards. OoSdS IX MY LINK OX THE MOST accommodating terms 13. .A.. WISE, may 11] CHicrry Ht, Jliicon, Cn Pugh’s Photograph An d FINE ART GALLERY TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON GEORGIA T>ICTUKES all styles and sixes from the MERO A 8COPIOK, MELA1NOTYPE, to LIVE SIZE living. My apparatus for making then Pictures i* from the best known Photograph Paint era, who with a Photograph Drawing, by rendering a Picture of the person, can have U done with neat uecs and dispatch and at a trifling expense. Secure the shadow e’retlie substance fade. Let nature copy that which nature made, may tl ROBERT FINDLAY, SK-, JAMES N. FINDLAY, CHRIS. D. FINDLAT. FINDLAYS’ STEAM EA’ OIjSAE MAMUFACTOKY, AND BRASS FOUNDRY River; levied upon an the property of Martha W. Sanders. Administratrix in her owu wrong of Thos. I. Sanders, deceased ; Levied upon by virtue of six fi fss issued from a Justice Court iu 360 District G. M. in favor of Burges, Goolsby. Holland ft Ridly and others, vs said Martha W. Sanders. Administratrix, Ac.. Levy made out and returned to me by John Y\. McGhee, a constable. apl 13 AND GENERAL. MACHINE SHOP, MACON. GEORGIA. milE Proprietors of this Establishment would re. jL spectftuly call the attention of those contem. plating the erection of Steam AIM*, for Searing and Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The superiority of the W ork has been, and will be, a suf ficient guarantee for nu extensive and increasing patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Tools, Patterns and Machinery, a fiord facilities for the expedition of work possessed by uo other estab lishment in the State. Our prices and terms will — M—PI ,, compare favorably with that of any first class Xortli- Milly, a woman, some 33 yeara old, of j ern Establishment. The following comprise a list of iny portion of which JAS. G. BARNES. Sheriff. Jones Count}' Slicrtll Sale. ■\T7TLL be aold before the Court House door, in YY the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following property, via: Two Negroes. Jack, a man of brown color, some 33 years old, Milly, a woman, some 33 years old. of bright copper color; also 53d acres ot Land, more or I Machinery, Ac; for any portion loss, adjoining lands to Bosi Catching* and others, I pleased to receive orders, via. rswsUBSsj'z SEn&Srass! a- jSSKr 7 — " interest being one undivi-1 CircttlflT SltWh, Mill JCRTinffi AIlll StODC8, of best quality for Corn and Wheat, Water ■ : we will be ave this Broach now lives, the aaid 1 m ded fifth part of all of said property belonging to George Broach to satisfy ono fl fa issued from Joues | Superior Court, in favor of George M. Logan A Co., vs. Robert M. Broach, translerred to Ovil G. Sparks, j Property pointed out by plaintiff s Attorney. In addition to the above stated case, I hav day levied the aforesaid fifa upon two nt vix.- Peter, a boy, abont seventeen years old, of complexion, and Henry some fourteen or sixteen vears ola, of black complexion, levied upon as the undivided interest of Rabert M. Broach it being one | undivided fourth part of said negroes, to satisfy the above stated fi fa. Property pointed out by plain tiff a Attorney. \VM. 8LOCUMB, apl SO Deputy Sheriff. Houston Slicrifl ’H Sales W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu June next, before the court house door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, within the Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, Public and Private Buildings, &c., of Wrought and Cast Ikon, very superior, embracing strength with beauty of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns for Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac., Gold Mining Machine ry, with Doable and Single acting Force and Lift Pomps of any required size, Shafting with Turned Pullies, from the smallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill . Screws and Bales, _ legal hours of | England'* Celebrated rclf-acting Car Coupling*, aud sale, the following property, viz : ... I other Rail Road Castings. AH work warranted to "And, No. (S55) two hundred and fifty-1 be equal to the best made elsewhere. R. FIXDLAY k SONS. Macon, Merab -tth, 1*37. mar 10 Notice. T HE firm of BRAY k CARHART having been dissolved, its business will be continued by CARHART k CURD, a partnership formed and du One lot of Landi No.'(C55) two hundred and fifty- five, containing 30S] acres, moroor less, lying In the Fifth District of Houston county; lovied on as the propertyof John Jackson, to satisfy two Justices’ court fi fa’s, in favor of John A. Sperry vs. John Jackson; issued from the Justices’ court of the 769th district. G. M. Levy made by James M. Jackson, Constable. , . . . . Also, at the tame time and place, will be sold, one | jy pnblished under the Act of the Legislature of the lot of Land in the Fifth District of Honston oonnty, I State of Georgia, authorizing the formation of Spe- mimber not known, adjoining lands of Stephen Cat-1 cial Copartnerships. telow, Allen Albritton and others, containing *0311 The old friends aud customers of llrav k Carhart, o. a. lochkank, acres, more or less: levied on as the property of | together with all new ones, are solicited to call at the Cullen Jackson, to satisfy one Justices’ court ti. fa., I old stand on Third street, where can always bo found from the 769th district, G, XL, in favor of John A. I a large and well selected Stock of Hardware aud Sperry vs. Cullen Jsckson. Levied on by James M. I Cutlery, consisting in part of Jackson, Constable. ■ RW-mi/l'c apl 30 JOHN L. HALSTEAD, Sheriff. Administrator's .Sale. T>Y virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Jones I ) County, will be sold before the Court House door of Floyd County, on the first Tuesday in June next. Lot No. one hundred and twenty-seven, fourth sec tion, fourth district. Sold ss real estate of Charles Hutchings, late of Jones county, deceased. Terms on the day. RICHARD II. HUTCHINGS. apl g7 Administrator. Administrator's Sale. 75 Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of I II Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court f House door in the town of Starksville, Lee county, on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, one lot of Land, viz : No. 3t in the first district of Loe county. &The above land sold fur the benefit of the heirs and I creditors of the estate of Benjamin B. Smith, late of | Twiggs oounty, deceased. ROBT. K. PARKER, apl so Administrator. iLuioaliuii _ . will be made to"the Honorable the Ordinary of Crawford County, for leave to sell all the real estate . belonging to Robert Howe, late of aaid comity of 1 ajj of which we are bound to sell at the lowest mar- Crawford, dec. This March 8th. 1*58. ket prices. CARHART k CURD. EGBERT P. DANIEL, I fob 10 WM.J. HOWE. „ _ | Executors of the last will of Rob* t. Howe, dec. | ImpTOVO YOHT StOCiC. Blacksmith's Tools, Carpenter's Tools, Machinist's Tools, Planter's Hardware. Builder's Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials, Mill Iron and Sates of every description Nails and Horse Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles. SRO& AND STEEL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of our own im portation, Refined Iron, Flat, Round and Square Iron, Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oval and Half 'Round Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, lye.. mur |6 i .- _ M OTICB.—Sixty day* afttw irteTappHeafion will I T noK <HAJY r !p i gTbif.^wfi?stand bemtde to thb Ordinary of Jasper oounty fori ^ jj acon . His aerviec* can now bo bad.Cl^C-V. leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the i f or thirty dollars the season, in advance, estate of William Barclay, late of said county, de-1 q>. N. MASON, censed. March 10th, 1859. ...... PGDIGnEK- Morgan Figure, bred by Solomon apl *0 ' WM.J ENKINS, Administrator^ I steele, Esq., one mile Irom Derby Line, Vermont. LL persons indebted to the estate of William I Foalded, June 17,1950, got by Royal Morgan, dam “ ■ *-*- * * J “ J — 1 '•- -»* — Piedmont Morgan, (the horse 1 Grand dam by Hawkins' original Justin Morgan. LEMUEL RICHMOND, A L liar -lay, late of Jasper county deceased, are I by Goss Morgan or Pie requested to make immediate payment, and all per-1 went by both names.; sons having demands against said estate will please I Morgan, and lie by the o i having di . Hp. hand them in properly attested ss the law directs. Man. 10, '59. WXL ■ apl 90 . JENKINS, Administrator. Secretary ofthe New England Morgan Horse As sociation. Derby Line, Vt., Aug. 1st 1856. T. N. MASON. Mess copy. mar S3 N "OTICK.—All persons indebted to Wiley Aber crombie, late of Putnam, Co., deceaaed, arero- nested tooomeforward and settle the same, and | ggxyxxToiQS gT.V©IL A.W&Y tliose having claims against said deceased, will pre sent them iu terms of the law. apl 13 O. F. ADAMS, Administrator de bonis non Notice to JDcbtors £3 Creditors GEORGIA, > All persons indebted to Joseph Bibb County. JG. Stiles, late of Jones County, dec., aro requested to make immediate payment to me. and all persons having claims ordemawU against said Joseph G. Stiles will please forthwith present ' them, duly proven to the undersigned for payment. GABRIEL. U. ROBERTS, apl 13 Adm'r of Joseph G. Stiles, dec. “ NOTICE. A T the next August term of the Court of Ordinary of Jones County, I shall apply to said Court tor leave to sell all the real and personal Estate and Ne groes belonging to the Estate of Joseph G. Stiles, of I Amalgam ” Each box bss a fac-simile of the Man- said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs I ufactnrer’s signature. and creditors of said Estate. For sale by Messrs. CARHART k CURD, Macon, GABRIEL B. ROBERTS, Ox. mar 83m II30 Administrator. v is. M. Jacobs’ Anti-Corrosive -A-IVC-A-L Gf-^-IVi: DEISTS- T HESE Pens will be fonnd, on trial, to bn supe- rior to Gold or Steel; possessing more of the action of the Quill than the Gold Pen, they will be preierred. Each Pen is as durable as eight or tea made from Steel; they will not spatter or cut the thiuest paper, S 'iding over a rough or smooth surface as frtely as e Quill, and will not injure ttie tint of Red Ink. nor affect the durability of Black; collecting none oi that sediment in the ink, which Steel Pens invariably do. PRICi:. Two Dollars per Gross. CAUTION.—Each Pen is stamped, “M. Jacobs’ Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, FANCY GOODS. Piano Fortes, Violins, guitars, © i) i<] Sj D jJ T L £ l!-I 7 9 Port Monies, tfcc W. :-.rc ofieriug our entirt* STOt.'Iv of the ah with an innnmeraKU variety of other new and desirable GOODS, of the best quali ty at LOWER A rRICES,for CASH, thanever before sold in this market, until the First day of March next. *0UR STOCK IS very large and well sc- letcd, and well worthy the attention of all those who wish FINE and GOOD GOOD&st EXCEEDINGLY LOW PKICES: X. B.—All those indebted to ns, will wore than suer oUiqe ns lu on early settlement. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Macon, January 20, 1858. MRS. F. DESSAU 1 0 NOW OPEMIVG r full assortment of most beautiful and recherche Grenadine aud Juavalie Barege Robe^-a-quille, Black .Spauish Mantles.Clonks aud Mantillas i»i French Lace, also a choice assort ment of mourning Goods, such as Dresses, Mar.tles Thread Lace Capes. Crape Collars and sleeves, &c. also travelling (Jo* s t ;p*iher with a full st >ck o Embroideries. iJibbon.-. Ores- trimmings and Goods in her line, and will bo happy to seo the Li di'^ ut hors tore; Tnani'nlar Bl«>* k, next to Bostic A Kvin’s Stop*. - LOUIS MENARD, f F. H. BUROHAUD. Latowith M. D. Barnes.;Late with Day&Maussenct, NEW sl'UlNG .111LLINEBY. lN<Trs. Howland r S new oiicniug .-i lari.-" and elegant stock of j PATTEK.Y liATrt. The Ladies are In- \ vited to call, ns she trust3 in ^ Style fuidL Price to please her Customers. apl c nvlilliiiery, O. 2YS:O^LS3E3 AT FORSYTH; GA., XTAVIXG received from New Y’ork an assortment xl of Fashionable Milliiicry and engaged a fashionable Milliner to assist her in the business, is prepared to furnish her friends and patrons with BOJVNBTS of itir.IC, I.ACii and kinsn A XX' m.tnJ.I \ n tlm latnal Yi.tV Yrtl*L« efvlo STRAW materia), iu the latest New York style. MENASD & BUErGHARD, I SIcatl Dresses, Sliaiwls, Hantlllas, Watchmakers & Jewellers, A share of the public patronage is respectfully TTTILL open at their new store, llalston’a jgL I solicited. Terms Cash. apl 6 ‘-‘t Chcm* street, about the 1st of October, as3^J?A S PR ING MILLINE R Y beautiful and well selected assortment of W/TRS. A DAMOUB, has just received a Watches, Clocks, Jowelry, Silver- 1VJL large supply of the above goods, and ware, Musical Insirumemts, Fancy ;“ k '*fS4V±S" 1 M """ Goods, &C., &c, _ Country Milliners will find it to tbeir advantage to An examination of which, they would most respect-1 gjve hera call and examine her stock L'Tore pur- follv soUcit, feeling confident that they will be able chasing elsewhere, as they can buy very low (PO R to o'uer everything in their line calculated to please CASH.) „ r ,, the taste of even the most fastidious. I Her goods are all NEW and FASHION ABLL K^iiiirinrr I consisting of all kinds aud qualities of Kihous, . , ... *,..*** ,, , ... I Flowers, Head Dresses, Caps, Bridal Wreaths, Laces, of every description, executed to »imniwr that will Beirthm ^ :md a large assortment of the indis guarantee Mtlstaction, b> the best workmen in the I p tMa y a Hoop Skirts, at all prices and qualities, al ln *T>u° . rr ■ i so llniss, Whalebone aud Rattans for Hoops. A They hope, by offering choice and elegant Goods ^ assorlment of Mantillas suitable for tlie sea- id by strict attention to business, to merit a liber-| ^ on Leghorn, Dunstable. Amazone and dark Flats for Misses and Children, English Straw, Lace, Chips, Neapolitans, Crape, and a large assortment of mourn bonnets. and by ttri - i "i pulilie patronage. sep39 Liiiiici' *V Amlt rsoii, ATTORNEYS A T L A W, MACON, GA., PRACTICE in tho counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe aud Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. They have also recently become the Agents ofthe following Insurance Companies: The Aaguta IiiMiirnnccnnd ISnnKing Coin- l>any of which \V. M. D’Astigsac is President and C. F. McCav is Secretary. Aud the Alnbnnia Fire aud JInriiie Insu- rnnee, Montgomery, of which T- II. Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at nsual rates, apl so mg t mar 30 J. II. KlUISOlll & Co. Manufacturers anh Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 32 CourUand. A* 39 Dev Streets; New York. J. H. Ransom, X ( A. P. Hansom, Dan’l Ransom. > < Darius W. Geer, W. A. Ransom, ) (Iiobt. H. Boyd. 1 LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs A Hill, ATTORNEYSAT L A W, Macon, Ga. apl 20 tention to business, he will receive his share of pub. lie patrouage. - I Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, TT ^th-t^of tlio'LVW^^riie several^counties 6 of the "henarrTying at the depot wSl ask for its Represen LAW NOTICE*. Macon District; also out of the District—iu Jones, Munroe and Dougherty, and by special contract, in any county of tlm State. Office opened in the city I of Macon 1st of March ensuing. Until then my ad-1 dress is Albauy, Ga. ABN ER P. POWERS, jan 26 H L. If. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. . Jan 6 tative. The table shall not be inferior to any in the substantiate of life. Price of BoarcL: Fora single meal so Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1.25 By the day 1,50 Single week 8,oo By the month (Board & Lodging)....20,00 feb 8 THOS H. FLINl. Proprietor. Law Copartnership. L L. HAERIS, CHAS. J* HARRIS, Milledgeville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. sep 15 Wm. K. xleGi’afleiirictl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s oct 27 JOHN LAMAR LOCIIKANE A LA.UAH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. OUicc by tlic Mechanic’s Bank. O FFICE hours from 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. and also tram 7 to 10 p m. Will practice in all the counties in the Macon Cir cuit anu in all the counties of Jones, Monroe and Co- lumliia and in the Supreme Court. jan 12 6m SJPEElt A 1IUNTEB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .MACON. GEORGIA. OJlux oh Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street j and Cotton Arcane. W E have associated as partners in the practice | of law in the counties of the Macon snd ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 2 SAMUEL HUNTER. LS VAC’S RESTAURANT. ON CHEERY STREET, A UNDER RALSTON’S NEW^}. CONCERT JIALL. LksimAico. H IS house is opened as a Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers and citi zens throughout the year. He will always be prepared to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to the season, such as New York, Savannah and Bruns wick OYSTERS, Fish, Shrimps and all kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. Choice Wines and Liquors, and a general assortment of Confoctionary always kept on hand, and purchasers generallr, can obtain all his articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUIT. Families will be supplied with .—v OYSTEUS and FRUIT PIES, snd otherlflf a) dishes at any hour. Parties, Balls, &c., will be promptly **' furnished with Suppers in elegant style, and nt the shortest notice. £5^ Savannah and Brunswick OYSTERS by the quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur J. U. MILL,JEIC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA, W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT I comprising the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and ■ d, also McIntosh of the Eastern. may-I NOTICE. I /ROM this date we shall adopt os near as possible C the CA SH SYSTEAf—we are compelled to do it. From this date allarticles will be priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will only be given to those who have paid us promptly) an addition will bo made to the price named according to the time desired by the purchaser. h Jan 6 tf HARDEMAN k GRIFFIN. A. J. MACAUTI1Y, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GA, ILL practice in any of the Courta of tho Macon or Sonthwestern circuit mar 16tf ISAAC HARDEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA, july 7 ly EUGENE L. HINES. ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMASVILLE. GA. feb 1 Cm T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, | first dour above entrance to Concert Hall, angt B. A. WISE, Cherry Sired, illacoii, Ga. HAS JUST RECEIVED, P LATED and Brittani* Double Wall Ice Fttcli- I ern, MESSER’S Celebrated live Minute Icc Cretins Vreexern. ARTHUR’S Earthen and Glass Self Sealing Fruit aud Preserve Jam. Canary and Mocking Bird I'ugra. XVnlct* Cooler* uud Itcfrigcratora. A complete assortment of l>u >:crs, Stroom* and Brii«ir*, on the best of terms. Untiling Tuba uud Nhowrr Bntlia. apl 13 For sale by B. A. WISE. The Celebrated Siorse Monte T) Y Wagoner, Dam Cnb, (for any further D information refer to Turf Register) will FLINT HOUSE. SIAC'OIV, «A, F ORMERLY known as the Mncon House, A- •• on First street, opposite Patten, Col- (isit tins & Co., has been recently fitted up with l 5 Hi a large addition, for the accommodation of Boarders w'po'fA nnWRT* comoWntsVieid almost and the traveling public, who wifi find_it to their in- *" L , O P } One or two doses cure T~ attacks by WORMS in children: there is no.surer, safer, speedier THE LEVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED EY DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely from GfUMS, rS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIY J. ER MEDICINES now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectu al than any other medicine known. It i* notonl. a Cathartic,-but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject Uamorbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carrv off that matter, thus accomplish ingtwo purposes effectually, without any of the pain ful feelings experienced in tho operations of mos Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mode rate doses, will strengthen and build it up with un usual rapidity. The LIVER is one of, • ;the principal regulators of the human body, and <0 when it performs its functions well, the pow- Mi era ofthe system are ful ly developed. Thostom- rHjache is almost entirely dependent on the heal-;/^, thy action of the Liver for the proper perform-j'^'iance of its functions; when the stomach is at — ] fault, and tho wholesys tem suffers in conse- l—I quence of one organ— the LIVE R—having L ‘Iceased to do its duty. For the disease of that j’ of the pro prietors has made it hisstudy, in a practice of more than twenty years,) ^(1 to find some remedy wherewith to counteract j dho mauy derangements to which it is liable. | A®) Toprovt: that this re-iM-ijmedy is at last found, any penon troubled! with LIVEll COM PLAINT, in any of itsVforms, has but to try a bottle, and conviction i* certain. Theso Gum* remove) .fall morbid or had mat ter from the system, sup-; T'K; plying in their place a healthy flow of bile, an.l W) invigorating thestom-, causing food to di-1. . gest well, PURIFYING THE BLOOD, giving P"! ,ono auJ health to tho whole machinery, re ). moving thocause ofthe disease—effec ting a r«d 'K , ical cure. BILLIOUS AT- \r TACKS are cured, asd WHAT IS BETTER. I | PREVENTED, by the occasional use of the f-y LI VEB 1NVIGOBA TOR. - Xll One dose after eating :r~i is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent ij | the food Irom rising and souring. !< - Only one dose taken! j before retiring, pre vents NIGHT MARE. I J Only oue dose taken fr ** night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures , COSTIVENESS far One dose of two _ I teaspoonfnlls will al ways relieve SICK-1 [ti HEADACHE. One bottle taken for Pp:female obstruction re moves tbo cause of the!: 'disease, and makes perfect cure. Only one dose imine- diaiely relieves CUO L1C, while I. . Onodoseoften repeat-ip") ed is a sure cure for CHOLERA MORBUS. _ a n d a preventive of CHOLERA. li 1! Only one bottle is needed to throw out of thesystem the effects) of medicine after a long sickness. rF One bottle taken f o r JAUNDICE, re- movesall sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. r Oue dose taken a short pH before eat in gives vigor to the appe- _ a tite, and mokes food di gest well. ; HP One dose often repeat- P“i cd cures CHRONIC DIARRFfEAin i t s^. worst forms, while remedy in tho world, as' E?" A few bottles citing the absorbents. We take pleasure in dicine as a preventive Never Fails, cures DROPSY, by ex- recommending this me for FEVER AND r !“!|Z in> • dicine as a preventive! jlfor F E v c ll A A u AGUE, CHI L L FE- VEH, andaU FEVERS ofaBILLlOUS TYPE. jit operates with cer tainty, and thousands j r ^ 'are willing to testify to its wonderful Virtues. \(Jj All xvfconse It are firing their unanimous tvatiinouy in ita favor. {y Mix water in tbc tuouth with the la vigorator, nml awallow both together. ■THE LIVER INVIG0KAT0R ISA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the the worst Jaundice or Dysyepsia to a common Head ache, all of which are the result of a DISEASED LIVER. PltlCE O.NF. DOLI.A.I PER EOTTLF. SAXFORD k CO., Proprietors, 3X5 Broadway, N. Y. XVhoIcnlc Agents : BARNES k PARK, Now York ; T. W. DYOTT & SONS, Philadelphia; L. S. BURR, k CO., Boston; H. II. HAY & CO.. Portland; JOHN D. PARK. Cincinnatti; GAYLORD ft HAMMOND, Cleveland; FAHNESTOCK ft DAVIS, Chicago; O. J. WOOD ft CO., St. Lonis ; GEORGE KEYSER, Pittsburgh; S. S. HANCE. Baltimore, and retailed by all Drug gists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by ZEIL1N, IUNT ft CO., Macon, Ga. mar 16 12m PIAKO-FOKTES. N OW Receiving some of the most. SPLENDID PIANO FORTES) aver offered for sale in Macon, from the | I celebrated Factories of J. C. Chickering and Nunn ft Clark, warranted superior to any othermade in the United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown Co’s. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one's eyes to look at, and the tone-completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for fine goods. On hand, Prince Melodians, best article of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tamborius, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety ot Brass Instruments for Bauds, kept in ourline. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction B»oks, &c. tValchez, Jewelry aud Fancy Gooda* Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; ' I Gentlemen and Ladies patterns. Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles,; Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Wait ers and Caudle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, &c. Clocks uud Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give us a call at our old stand. Cot ton Avenue, Union Building, nov 2 J. A. ft S. S. VIRGIN. For Philadelphia, Hfetv York, &c. FROM Savannah and Charleston. CABIN PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA... Excursion Tickets good lor returning, up to January l, isa;* g-i.r> Tickets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, furnislied by the Agents ut Charleston and Savannah, The well known first class side-wheel Steam-hips t IS.eysto53.e Sp-fcci-fcG, CAPT. C. P. MARSHUAX, and Ci±‘ Georgia, CAP!. J. J. GARVIN, Now form a Weekly Line for the North, leaving Charleston ami Savannah on alternate ffatnrilnyx, as follows : The Keystone State, from Charleston, May 3th, 22d ; June 5th, 1 Dtli; July 3d, 17th, and 31st, ftc-, leavirg Philadelphia the alternate Saturday*. Tho State of Georgia, from Savannah. May 1st* 15th, 19tli; June 12th, 28th; July 10th and 24th, ftc. leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. For safety and comfort, having superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route on Delaware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES & CANADA SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in Hi hours from Philadelphia.— Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping nt Philadelphia and intermediate points, tor sale by tho Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 322. Elmira, €21 to Canandaigua, 822. C. A. GREINER ft CO., Agents at Savannah. T. S. ft T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston, may 4 3m ■ | Change of Schctiale. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE IN COXXXECTIOX with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads, rp HE splendid and Fast Running GORDON, F. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects at Charleston witli the train of tho North Eastern Rail Road going North; returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8] c’rtock (after the arrival of tho cars of tho North Eastern It. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings. _ By tills route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N. Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with tho the Central Rail Road and its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgiacon- signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag't, Savaunah. E. LAFITTE ft CO., Ag’ts, Charleston. jan 19 MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD Macon. Dec. 14, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after Friday, 18th iust., the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Macon 1 a. m. arrive Atlanta 8 15 a.m. Leave Macon 11 30 a. m. arrive Atlanta 3 20 p.m. Leave Atlanta, 12night, arrive Macon 7 15a. in. Leave Atlanta 12 p. in. arrive Macon 5 40 p. m. The night train will not be run on Sundavs. The 1 A. M. train from Macon connects with the State Road for Chattanooga at 12 30, P. M., and Georgia Road for Augusta, at 10 A. M. The 11 30, A. M., connects witli the State Road, at 12 30, P. M., and the Georgia Road at 12. ALFRED L. TYLER, feb 23 Superintendent. FANCY DRY COOT.- beactii ul. dust CrOOrq Brought to this market, but lik„ «. ^ ba. when the novelties and ( ’ ’ Present Stock are c ; u ' : ' i a r excla n, that the and that the YOUXr* to'; 1 Dry Goods^uShha B ICA BOSTICK & Kl - r - Is justly entitled to be called for i ashton in Middle Georgia." LAD QCJBj- Having purchased from Um MB CASH *{£"** Wo cm. sell many style, of * If, At Prices that will nif 888 ^ andean exhibit» v , ri < H* NEW STYLE Rn^ Head Quarters f or iSr and supply themselves with the Sfl iOa, cheapest >tK<>, ’P r E DRESS goods in Macon, and don’t fail to look J AND Kuomt^Ltc, LACS nV5C^.X^r riT XVhich at this time are ALL Trip apl 20 ! all the bade 1 ®! SometMngtoTKs 1858. THE MOST Srm Bsr Fancy and Staple Dry g^i rruiEm spiiiig siiusnn7»r' t O. and Summer Stock forl959. 0tte IbtirS-y The CHEAPEST STOCK h t have broughtoutandofthe 'WjJ Very latest and most Fa,hi,.,,., NEW SPliINGClOfei E. WINSHIp TS now receiving a Urge and entire . JL oi Bpring »nd 8»b«bCuS|Sa* Wl tn wIiLL L .“‘Will Furnishing Good,, to which k, tention ofthe public. "** !l dt, Farntshing Goods. Linen Bosom Shirts, Lisle Thread and Cotton Undershirt, Linen and Jeang Draws, Cravats, Suspenders and Gloves Silk, Lisle Thread and English Cotton Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchitl. ’ Just received at & WINSHIT< SoutSiweslersi Kallroad. ■ • SCHEDULE FOR PASSENGER TRAINS. L EAVE Macon at 1 30, a in. and 11 30a.m. Arrive in Columbus 8 5*2, a. m. and 6 33 p. m. Leave Macon for Albany I 30, a. m.,Arrive in Albany 8 15, a. m. Leave Albany 3 45, p. m„ Arrive in Macon 10 28, p in. Accommodation Train leave Macon 7 12 a. m.,(Tri- weekly.) Arrive in Albany 3 37, p m. Leave Albany 7, a. m., (Tri-weekly,) Arrive in Macon, 3 34, p. m. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas ville and Bainbridge, connect with regular Train at Albany. Passengers from Columbus and the West, for South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the 4 p. m. Train, or, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days the 55 min. afterl a. m. Train at Columbus. Trains on South-western Road, connect with Trains of Central Railroad to Savannah and Au- DRY GOODS' AT WHOLESALE- J. B. & W. A. ROSSI Are now receiving » A Large and well Selected fa OF— Foreign and Dome,tic DryGMfc FOR THC SPRING AND SUMMER TPdtt To which they invite the attention of Mercia apl 13 Passengers for Atlanta and the North-West shonld take the evening train from Albany, and either train from Columbus to avoid detention. S3T First class Steamships leave Savannah on Wednesdays and Saturdays for New York. Fark—Cabin passage $25, Steerage €8. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sapt. BBWWHOTEL. OPPOSITE THE NEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 ill ERG AN TILFTOBSH ROSS, COLEMAN & E J Bazaar of Fashion! WHERE a second instalment of Elegut all kind of Goods, are being openelrtKi | SMASH COOT PANIC PBKH as to create such an influx of trad.' u herds paralleled in Macon. IfNovelty ofdaigiE of style. Durability of Fabric AND tHfPAU ED CHEAPNESS, constitute u rated! trade and patronage, then their repuuticna a| lished upon a firm and substantial btsk To enumerate what they have, waddlei: i less task, therefore, come, see and exusiu h selves. Remember, their STOBE0XC' AVENUE, MACON, GA. r §1000 worth of Fa mi I O F entire new design, comprising ereryiaJ color, can be found at f may 4 ROSS, COLEHlXii *J BOOTS AND SHOES. ^TTHE SIGN OFTHE BIG BOOT, No. 3, make a season at Macon, Bibb County Ga.. half of his time and tho other half at Clinton, Jones County, Ga. Four days iu a place at $25 the season to be paid within the season. H. C. CAFFEY, Macon, HENRY GANT, Cliuton, apl 20 tlst jnly Proprietors. Flnriria T ands and Slaves ^ IV11U M CANDIES. r ioriaa IjailUS auu. OiavCO | r^HAS. H. FREEMAN ft CO., Manufacturers of O Fine Candies of every description, would res pectfully inform the public that they are now ready ill orders for goods in their Jii ”* lE^or Sale, rp HE lands conzLt of two large separate tracts in 1 Jefferson County, a few miles south of the St. Au u'■•'lino road and within 10 mites of tho Railroad; one is extensively cleared and now being planted in cotton and corn, the other uncleared: only a few miles from the first. They both contain much fertile land and (he one settled has proved to be eminently healthful. to fill all orders for goods in their line. Their can dies took the premium at the last Fair of the State Agricultural Society and are warranted to be of the beat qnalitv. PARTIES furnished with every thing iu the way of Plain ami Ornamented Cakes, From 50 to 80 slaves will be sold, with or without I and personsl attention will be given to the prepara- ths tend, the former would be preferred. An txlen-1 tion of the Table for sttcli occasions, when required. Jed credit will be allowed on a large portion of the | ( j** All orders from the country, accompanied purchase money. For further particulars apply to with the CASH shall receive prompt attention, the Editor of the Georgia Telegraph, Maoon, Ga. | fob 9 Augusta ConztitutionalLt, Charleston Courier 381 and ftlebmond Enquirer please copy three times in their country issue.* and forward bills to this office. Florida, mar 23. FLUID GAS LAMPS T HAVE just received a lot of the abovo Lamps J. consisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps, l’arior Lamp* and Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessa ry for mo to *ay anythiug about this Lamp, as the l're.-s of our city has said all I could say. It is alto suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on the same* principle as Gas. R. P. McEVOY. WINE, BRANDY, &,C. O r BAtiKETBHrldsiok ft Co’s Champagne 4/0 ‘.'5 ! and ] casks Cog. Brandy, various brands l pipe very'suparlor Holland Gin 5 hl,l. Harrell's Wine, a fine article camOUret Wine .'•u bbls Rum and Gin 250 hi').-, Whiskey, various brand- 50 casks Porter. For sale by apl 2" ASHER AYRES. PHOTOGRAPHS AT WOOD’S PREMIUM GALLERY. ■you can obtain those beautiful Colored Photo X graphs at Lower Prices than anywhere else in the South, ranging from $35 upwards including frame. Painted in Oil, Pitslilc or Water Colors. If yon want a good Picture, don't tail to call. Mr'. BERUFF. PORTRAIT PAINTER, can nl ways bo found at Wood’s, and will Point Portraits from Life if desired. *" .se call and examine our spt-eime: .. Ambro types. Dngnerreotypos, ft c., at very low price-s pi 13 • JUST ItECElVUlt. O tr fsn/Y Papers Garden Need* 40.UUU 3 bush Uciitnrhy Bl: Lace SPLENDID stoc Shawls! fobOl if Gln», MENARD, Druggist, Cluirry Street. stopened, -mil at all price; BOSTICK ft KK1.V. 1000 sal may 4 w eallicrs. LBS. Tennessee Live Geese Feather.". Inr by BEARDEN ft GAINES ID "ST, LOW FOR GASH. M ERCHANTS and others will be supplied with tho best Macon made CANDY AT 10 CENTS PER P' JL'ND, by the box, for CASH, by J. 11. * \V. S. ELLIS, a pl 27 3m Cherry street, Macon, Ua. J.L. SKWAltD. A. H HAHSILL. SEWARD A 1IA1VSEEL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair. Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD ft HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 KIMBROUGH A* BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, STARKSVILLE, LEE CO.. GA., W ILL practice in the courts of the Sonth Wes tern circuit. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly and dilligently attended to. feb2tf SPRUNG STOCK OF Dr. I. HI, Comings O FFERS bit Professional services as a Reform] Physician and Surgeon to tho citizens of Macon. Office In the MEDICAL COLLEGE, on Mulberry I Street, mar 24 MEDICAL CARD* HR. JAMES A. D AM O UR \ HAS resumed the practice of his profession, and permanently located in this city, lie can be fonnd at liis office three doors below the | Lanier House at All Hours, unless professionally eit- aged. Macon, June. 9 185n. Drs. McDonald and Van Gieson, ID elitists. O FFICE in Second Story of Washington Block, on Second street, oppoAto Concert Hall, where their patrons can bo accommodated with any style of work pertaining to tho Profession. Those wishing a CHEAP STYLE of work will meet with as much favor hero as they will elsewhere. Tooth Powders, Past, Washes, Toothache Drop*, Brushes, ftc.. for sale. mar 23 ly BELDEN &, CO. A RE now offering a Splendid Stock of Goods in their line, consisting of the fol lowing:— Spring Silk Hats. Black Cassimere Hats. Pearl “ •• Soft Felt “ “ Men’s Blue, Brown and Black Si Ik and Velvet caps. Linen and Grass Check Hats. Panama (Extra Fine) “ East India (new article) •• Extra Leghorns and FloridAS. BOYS’ Straw Caps, Fancy Leghorns aud East In dia (Fine.) Youths' Leghorn, cheap and fine. Straw Goods for Children, from 20 cents to $3.00. Men's and Boys’ Palm Leaf Hats, by the dozen. These Goods are all of the latest variety and style, and will be sold cheap. . apr 9 * DR. H. A. MATTATJER, n AVINGspcutnportion of tlireesnccessivoyears in this city, during which time he hRS limited his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in all the branches of Iiisprofer-ion. Office on the South-east corner of 3d d Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres' uew Grocery, jnne 9 Guana, Litue, Plaster, Ac. 1 e. Sacks Peruvian Guano, X 4 0 50 bbls. Laud Plaster, 200 bbls.Tliomastou Lime, 100 “ Lump “ 75 “ Calcined Plaster, 500 bushels Hair, 100 bbls. Iioundale Cement. For lie low i nr Cash by ASHER AYRES. »pl 13 WANTED, AM Still buying Military bounty Land Warrautm ami will always give the highest cash price. Macou Ga. july 291 v O. J. BLAKE. HATS ! HATS!! SPSINC- STOCK, tr tou want a fine FASHIONABLE ILVT call at STONE'S 1UT STORE, Opposite Lanier House. His Youth * nml Children Hats can not be surpass ed in any market. You can find every quality of I.rghoriiM mid SlrnwH from IO cents up to dol lars. lie would particularly call attention to his superior stock of Gents French Felt Hats fur Sommer, which for beauty of SHAPE aud COL OR can not be surpassed. He Is receiving direct from the North tho very Latent and Best Styles, of all kinds, colors and prices. Osull guild. See—No Trouble TO SHOW GOODS. apl 20 Bacon, Feathers, Flour, Oil, &c. IAIFTY THOUSAND pounds choice Tcnuessee JL Bacon, SSTihds. St. Louis Bacon, 25 sacks Feathers, 350 sacks of choice Tennessee nml Georgia Flour, *-'" bbl-. Tanner's Oil, 10 casks Linseed Oil, -'bbls. Castor Oil. 10 bbl*. Lamp Oil, 5 bbls. .Machine Oil, 5 bbis. Laetl Oil, Al«u a large lot of No. I, Extra aud Pure Lead, A largo lot of No. 1 Zinc. For sal* on very accommodating terms by apl 13 J. B. ft W. A. ROSS. Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and loug continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AiYD SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, jan 6 MIX ft KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both -i soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by ian 6 MIX ft KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-' dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent Just received and for sale low by jan S MIX ft KIRTLAND. P LANTATION BUOGANS.-Now instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we' have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts ; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are selling very low. jan 0 .MIX ft KIRTLAND. B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men s, Boys and Yonth’s fine calf and kip peg’d Boots Men’s stout kip hunting and muuBoots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment, jan 6 -MIX ft KIRTLAND. GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE EASIER MOUSE. T HE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo mers. This House is now offered as inferior to ni other First Class Hotel in the South, and from it? central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements aud accommodations to Families anu Transient persons. The public may expect from thu House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i. any other hotel. B. F. DENSE. mar 2 Late of the Floyd House. New Spring’ Goods. rnllE undersigned is now prepared to exhibit a full JL assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, compris ing all of the latest styles in Rich Side Stripe Silks, black and colored. “ Bayadere Barnges. “ Fancy Brocade Silks. “ Side Stripe “ “ Flowered Robes “ Grenadine “ “ Side Stripe Lawns and Cambrics. “ “ “ Barage de Laines. “ Bayadere “ “ French and English Lawns, Cambrics and Jaconets. “ “ Brilliants. “ “ Prints, Gingham, ftc., ftc. Also a new stock of white Goods, in Embroidered and plain Swisscs, Jaconets, Cambric, Mulls, Nain sooks, ftc., ftc. \V bite aud printed Marseilles or Piques, a very choice selection in Embroideries such as Collars, Sleeves, Setts in Collars and Sleeves, Cambric and Swiss Bands, Dimity .Bands, Jaconet and Swiss edgings and insertions ; a great many of these articles were urebased by me at the recent- auction sales in New 'ork aud will be sold nt one half the value. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsi I shall receive now goods with ever St New York. ELIAS EINSTEIN, Trangular Block, cor. of 2d st. and cotton nv. MANTILLAS.' iVAJVlUUK E VERY style ofthe above article Upri-i; purchasers, can be obtained at may 4 ROSS, C0LEM.LV i K)iJ Marseilles, Talmas andnM F OR Misses at may ROSS, COLEM-LV tjgl HEALTH, GRACE AND BFJtrl COSFEHREI> CFOS THE LIDItJ W WIOSi| ROSS, COLEMAN & R05II NEW EXPANSION flUq WITH THE ADJUSTABLE BOTL P ATENTED April 14th, 1«5«, Mdfntfmi miam awarded to the Manaftclirtr* ft Sheerwood, and which has been da*w»f-VI cal men the most beneficial garment, ed for ladies’ use, the weight beiapw! ounces. CALL AND SEE THEM AT may 4 ROSS, COtSKUUf® from PATTEN, HUTTON & CO., Iu Savannnh, AND PATTEN, COLLINS & CO., £11 Macoti. R ENEW the tender of their services to their Cor respondents and thePlantcrs generally of Geor gia and Alabama, as Fnctorx aud Commission merchant*, and pledge their undivided personal attention to the business entrusted to them. Bagging, Ko->o and other Planters Supplies will be carefully purchased and forwarded, and liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, J. COLLINS, augll J.S. HUTTON. IIEIVRY HORNE’S Confcriiounrv. Fruit Si«rc,Cakc nml I'liN- try Hu kerf—Macos, Geokgia, one door below the State Bank. ATANUFACTURERofthe bnestFrench Pastrt J.V.L and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Caudles, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Sugars, Tobacco, ftc., Wholesale and Retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, ftc.. at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms:—Positively Co*h—no Credit given. pin 30—lv Valuable Plantation lor Salo- T AM now offering for sale my plantation in Jone s X County, seven miles above -Macon, on tho Oc- rnalgee River, containing 1200 acres of land.—At tached to the place is 3uu acres Swamp lauds, (river bottom). Terms one and tiro yeKra* credit. Any om* wishing to purchase valuable Lands, will do well to call and examine tbe above as 1 am letermined to sell. ROB’T. LUNDY. SS^GhiOrgia Citizen please copy. apl 30 Furniture, Furniture, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ES. I*. DBfiRAAF, 87 BOIViiBY, (WfaoIrAnle Ware SaoiiK?,) nml *S(J 4 PJR.VZSIi St. (Retail Store,) NEW YORK. Bills of §25 at Wholesale Prices ROSEWOOD, MAllOGANT AND BLACK WALNUT Parlor Furniture, In Brocetelle, Delaine and Plush. Cane Seat and Common Furniture in great variety, Also, Enamelled Chamber Furniture, in sets from $22to$100. Spring, Curled Hair, Moss and Whalebone Matresses. Also, Feather Beds and Bedding, Patent Premium Sofa Bedsteads, and Patent Sell Rocking Cradles. Dealers will find at the above stores the largest and beBt assortment of any establishment in New- York, and can buy either nt wholesale or retail cheaper than at any other house in the city, apl 20 3m - WEST’S PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT ISOOFIIVG. rrt HE subscriber having the right for the state of X Georgia, would call the attention of the public to the above named Roofing, it being the only pat ent granted that secures the use of Rubber and other ela-tic ingredients which will resist the changes of our climate and will unite the qualities of incombus tibility, durability and cheapness. This roofiiig will be warranted in every particular aqd is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs, oct 13 W. J. McELROY. ISAAC HAYDEN J. THOS. WOODWARD. Sale and Livery Stable. TTAYDEN ft WOODWARD are now irl Tt . ■ ,.-r " ^ azi prepared to furniMi their friends and tho public generally, with good safe Horse*, and new ns well as tasty Buggies, Carriages, ftc., in complete order nt the short' -t notice. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict personal attention to business and reasonable Cnsti Prices will enable them to do so. * - 1 ’ Horse* fed oml kept by the day, week or oulb. Drove Stock also accommodated at rea- liable pric: s. Mulberry Street, next to ^Lottery Otliee, Macon, Ga. apl DRY GOODS CHEAP FOR THEYILLI£| E0SS, COLEMANS BOS LADIES and GENTLEMEN of Mu* ^7.1 rounding country, were you I “TSSStSSTSSSSr „l SPRING GOOKI At a DISCOUNT OF THIRTY 1. from prices twartJflJ’EM BEE AND EXAMINE we wish to show you our elegart »» ■ Jaconet Muslins, at from 10 to 1-1 ffcc I English Prints. 9 to 10 cents - , 3 Gents. Linen Handkerchiefs, 18 to - ■ Rich Silk Dresses, new styles, stSB Handsome side Striped Dresses * - • j fast colors at $ 1,20. 1010 1: A Beautiful Mourning Muslins st jW® ul and in fact, every 6 thing chants’ and assignees’ sale, so even the JOBBERS of ugi- These facts can be substantiated,^ ROSS, COLEMAN* 1 . , fSazowc! - ■ *. CottonAvwH-?^*! *&\ may 4 TJERSONS who want I X stock in Macou at CARPETS! Carpi ts can find the best BOSTICK ft KEIN. TT7E are offering, andintendto^ ?c£ YV the mostextraordinaryind" desiring to purchase Staple and r - Dry Goofo .* for the CASH. the greatest care; *“.4 Mweiatf®*'* 1 ’!? would say, give us acall, »s ^ w jjich , your interest. The low ea »b!e«*-1 bought our secondSpna^otocKi ^ ,| nise thi: may — „ Matting! and you will find » n3< ’ st _ prices- ( i TING, all widtlis and ?&$&}'■ may 4 EJ—-—f-. New Bpri^S j AND SUMMER _ - rt GOO Consisting of NETS. Hair and BraM BO Wgl FLATS of all the newest and both for Ladies' and Misses Dr4 y .... j Embroideries, Mourning p»ncy ' j Hair Braids <*0**1 tf&to dal Wrmtbt,HradDressesote Also, a fall assortment 01 C« rse >f st-,-!. Spring and l gilS-elctoB. , & : W. : I A :■ <■, a " CLES, all of which she offers u ^ . Ladies are i-jx* ■' 1 '> : her Gcods beioropurcba^iBg, * &**'>' «0ie still soil'' lor past lavors, a ge. GOOD5 DRESS JUST received au ex y.-^ - . .. J Dress Goods—new *tjie« ogT iflk* 1 apl 29