Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, August 03, 1858, Image 3

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News Summary. Later froui Europe IV Steamship Hamraoi Tuesday. She sailed o ,.,.1 hriuRS Londou papet i, >• iTih. .p,.. latest acaounta from London report no chang*. . , ht , rt tea for money, or in the value of Console. ‘V ibis arrival we have obtained some few items . .ne.-al ne'VS. h id commenced between the Mussel- ia arrived in Now York Sunday .the 18th of July of Saturday alternoon, T H .'tiHtiw. in-n ** I It ivahf of Bosnia. The “Er.iguc of united Southerners."-A meeting to act this new organization on foot was held in Montgomery, Alabama, week before last, in Estelle Hall, under the auspices of Col. Yancey. The Con- federation -ays:-there were some eighty to one hundred present, mostly attracted by cariosity, we anppose, for when turners to the League were called- everybody left the room, except some dozen or fif teen, who, we are told, put their names down. Bah CO.HFOBT FOR THE AGED. The Montreal Transcript- speaking of Wist art . '7d Cherry, June 19,says,—"We believe i i. to bf generally recognized as a useful medicine by - medical men, and we can state, with perfect truth | and sincerity, that in one case with which we are i more particularly acquainted—that of a gentleman ' a ‘ l ea5t eighty years of age, residing a few miles from oiiirini w™........ . „, clt T> nr “d who is troubled at times with an KK y - Thf De ’ r0lt l,0 '' rd of edu ' ; asthmatic*! complaint—the most decided relief is cation, who must be n 1 ZSSSXSSL£ r t ,hG8ea, ; f 'r ‘ atTha aTdTrnc^ pcrt^lof me whicb^e ' . y w f.® * l ^" V, . DK . yc “ nke ‘ I rived may be considered an -in mswerable proof was reported at Warsaw tmt there would aoou ; across her lap. The left hand is op lifted, having a I of its t-nurul uprising iu Turkey. virtues.” Look out for imitations. ,,< right guns. ^ jll Itrmnin in «l«c I’nilrtl State.—Profef- AfRaasi* stt at rest all doubt* as to the per , stout leathern strap in tho act of descending upon , ,u rl um.„ uu , Tl „. Russian. have beet. beaten by-the Circa.- j thejounker afor«aid. whoso mouth is wide open j None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS oa tho wrap. lt5 . with a loss of one thousand eight huudred men j trom which issues the motto of the seal "Strike, but | per. V be.r me.” The motto should read “Strike, and hear me.” A Hard Not for Prcntirr.—From tho subjoin- y of his residence in this country. At the ' od jen dh esprit it may be inferred that the Boston , ,1 of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, held at ! Post i« not very friendly to the editor of the Louis- j ZHILIN, HUNT* L\>. ville Journal: • Prentice has tried how aptly and well lie Could rattle bis jokes on poor Monsieur Belly! But an older French gentleman seems the more fit And natural butt of Prentice’s wit, cJmbridge. Mass., last week, the great naturalist tllil railed out for a speech. In the course of his re- a irS.s lie announced that "be regarded himself no •re as a Europeanwhereupon the enthusiastic j a ,i much pleased Bostonians leaped to their feet as . .. man, and interrupted the speech by cheeriog -i a ociferoualy. When this tumult subsided, tne r-„ir.aor resumed with a declaration that he de nned to remain in America, "if for no other reason ,;,in to show that science here could be free from the ::1 mmels of routino." Vire-Prc.»idcnt KrccUcm idgc, — We learn r ,.m the papers that this gentleman addressed a miss meeting of the Democracy of Kentucky, at liuTodsburg, oathe I6th ult. Among other things. Jr llreckenridge took occasion to “define his posi . on tho Kansas question, as presented to Con- j,,...* at tho last session—a point about which there hmbeen much uncertainty in tho public mind. He ironed himself as decidedly coinciding with the president, who, he alleges, “recommended the wisest insures for the proper and peaceful adjustment of .^difficulties.'' Columbus iu n Vinnnrinl Fix.—The Supreme four! has just reudered a decision that places the „ aid city of Columbus in an awkward predicament. By * vote of the people, the city subscribed to a nn-iderable amount ofetock in the Girard and Ope ilk* Railroads. Bonds were issued and sold and the w n eeds applied to the payment of the instalments y they became due. These bonds are, of course, rininc interest; and in order to meet the payments, f, City Council passed an ordinance taxing the cit- ,i-to the extent of the amount required annually. Seaborn Jones and others demurred to this tax, , 5 d » case having been made up with the City Coun- r;i. flic Superior Court decided that the tax was legal ial should he paid. The decision being osrried up, •> Supreme Court, at its late session in Macon, over- nod the judgment below, deciding, it Is understood, that tii*' City Council had no legal authority to levy , ipedal tax for railroad purposes. This decision iisves the City of Colmnbus without the means for <111121110 interest on her bonds, ns well as without a legal right in her corporate authorities to raise thrB. TIh- question is : what is to be done to protect the credit of the city and save tho bond-holders harm- ’ Wo confess that it is a knotty one, and most 3, nh of solution, unless the legislature can bo iraiRht to interfere by a special act. The Enqnirer . t ints against repudiation, be the difficulty of tho I ;»i what it ratty.—[Sav. Rep. (Isr Tradrwilh I’nbn.—The following speaks ; fail self: What ire tup of Cuba per annum. 0 U‘l tons of sugar, value of •33.034,991 I gallons of molasses >,MJ boxes of 1,003 each, cigars... >1,901 gallons of honey : • tuns of Cuba tobacco Ji.«ri-i]aneons imports [ per. Sold by Agents every where. Seth W. Fovvle A Co., Boston, Proprietors.— Sold by their agents every where. For sale in Macon by E. L. STROHECKER and 1311 Weakness ol Hie stomach mid 1 n- getf ion.—Another Great Curt ejected by Barium's Holland Billers. The wife of Pieter De Witte, living in Holland sv~».._nMii..i, -i . Town, Sheboygan couuty, Wisconsin, suffered much h or. ^wys Old Hunk, whose tongue there s no curb , from W(«. of the Stomach and Indigeslion.- _rj ,.D r. , , „ She had been under a physician’s care for some time, “Ilasn t Prentice, for years, been a butt of Old Dour bnt fIie dise)ue Mem J, t ' bjffla eveu bis gkL1 . she W#r ; i ^ unt F aaTnn.irr.miv . ^ Lands for Sale. T WILl bfrll one or both of my PLAXTA- IT I O X S in Dooly county, $] miles below Mon tezuma, on Flint Kiver. One contains 1,873 ACHES of LAND—dme 500 acres open, ami in a high stnte of cultivation. Gomi Frmned NEGRO HOUSES and GIN HOUSE; other improvements good. The other eootains sonm 2 227 acres of land, about j 900 acres open, and in a high state of cultivation, I good framed Negro Houses and Dwelling House, other buildings t;ood, and an excellent little \VA- j TER If1LL. to do the grinding for both Plantations. J There is tome 10c0 acres of CANE and SWAMP j LANDS, some TWO to THREE HUNDRhD I ACRES open, and in a high statu of cultivation.'— j loins Col. JohnS. Thomas and William Drumright, ; and of course is good. Call and examino for yourself. My Overseer will show the place at any time I will sell it low. With ibe PLACES, I will sell COHN, FODDER, OATS, STOCK HUGS and CATTLE. Gritlin Ga., July 31 \V. W. CHAPMAN. aug 3 .Messenger copy For Philadelphia. New Fork. dtc. FRO St Savannah and Charleston. Interesting IVcivs from Nicaragua.—New Yoke, July 31.—Tho steamship Granada, from Grey- purchased some HOLLAND BITTERS at our office, which has given tone to her stomach; her appetite and strength are returning, and we firmly believe town, has arrived with dates from that port to tho | that this is another great cure effected by your mod 30th July. Among the passeugers is Maximo Jerez, in the place of Yrissari, as Minister to this oouutry from Nicaragua. He brings the Cass-Yrissari treaty as modified and ratified by Nicaragua; also the complete negotations fur the transit route with Van derbilt. Nicaragua is much excited at the rumors of anoth er invasion by Gen. Walk-r. Martinos has placed Castillo in a state of defense. —Constitutionalist. Humored I, muling of African. — Savannah, July 31.—It is ruinbred here, and perhaps onlyaru ■nor, that the bank E. A. Rawlins has landed fonr hnn. dred and fitly Africans somewhere on the coast Ibid. New York, July 31—'The Cotton Market is very | C A RTETTN GST Floor Oil Clotlis, IIVr^TTIX^TGrS, RUGS AND MATS!! A LARGE Stock, and a great variety of styles of the above Goods, just received, which will be sold at far lower figures, and give purchasers a se lection from the best stock ever offered in Macon.— ALSO, SATIN, DeLAINE, DAMASK, LACE and MUSLIN, WINDOW CURTAINS, W1N D O W S H A D E S. GILT CORNICES and BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their own interest by ex amining my stock before buying. aug 3-tf B. F. ROSS. Important to Planters! icine. We have still to record many wonderful cures ef fected by tbia remedy, but must wait another oppor tunity. One thing you cao rely upuo, what we have published are from persons much respected iu our commuuity, and are literally true. J. QDINTCS, Ed. Sheboygan Nieuwsbode, Sheboygan, Wis. ! lilt A Monmouth paper says, “ in another column will i INGERSOLL HOOP ! be iound the certificate of our fellow townsman ; James W. Davidson, Esq., to Prof. Wood. This is , another of the numerous instances where it has | changed gray hair to raven ringlets, and bald scalps ; to waving locks. Let any who stand in need of this I valuable remedy give it a lair trial.’’ 1 CAUTIOS—Beware of worthless imitations, as CABIN PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA.... Excursion Ticket* good for returning, up to January 1.1859, Tickets from' Phi ad, Iphia to Niagara Falla, furnished by the Agents at Charleston and Savannah, — .. — SS The well known first class side-wheel Steamships Keystone State, CAPT. C. P. MAHSHMAN, and State of G-oorgia, CAPi. J. .1. GARVIN, Now form a Weekly Line for the North, leaving Charleston and Savannah on alternate Sntnrdnj as follows: The Keystone State, from Charleston, Augnst 14 08th ; Sep't. 11th, 95th : Oct. 9tli. and 33d., &C-, leav i> g Philadelphia the alternate Saturd <ys. Tile State of Georgia, from Savannah. August 7th, 91st. -Vpt. 4th. 18t,; Oct. 2d, 16th ami 33th, tec. leaving Phi'adelphia the alternate Saturdays. For safety and comfort, haviog superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are nnt surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route ou Delaware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES & CANADA SHORTEST ASD CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in Hi hours from Philadelphia — Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, tor Bale by the Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 822. Elmira, 821 , to Canandaigua, 822. C. A. GitEINER & CO.. Agents at Savannah. T. S. & T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston, aug 3 3m GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE .V RETAIL druggist And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON, GA. I S happy to inform his friends, patrons and th- L public generally, that hi. S:„ i. « -,v ;,<<i . complete, which comprises every article that ehoulc be found in a i- irst Class Bi tiif ami Chemical Store. Weekly arrival i of the Savannah riteam-r» ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE G<>OD.8, which are bought with gieatattention to purity, am- sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in Geor gia. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTION.. Compounded at -ill hours with care and ueatoes. Ili* stock consists in part of the following articles Driigii, cltLwuiculs aittl Medicines- Dyes. Paints. Oi's and Colors, Glassware. Syringes, modern styles, great variety. Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soap.. Fiue Starch and lieletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use, (.Vines and Liquors for Medical use only, Perfumery, t'nmadesand Toiiet Articles. Gold and Silver Leat, Goldaud riu-foiland Artifice Teeth. II.iR, Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, nilPOLl.a great article for cleaning Metal an Glass, Grafss and Garden Seed, tnd all the patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mulberry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon apl 21 ’resb .tlcdicuics Macon E. L. STl irtlOLKNAIiE n w 3-5-1 /->< JL>X th-' 'HECKE iiml I*tii « Q4 store. & co. ICC! 4. I* MPORTERS AND J1ANU ' p HUS ensuring our customers c L tides. Our Chemicals are invi rom Manufacturers, direct, < ;reki ng us l PnialB, i <N. I'ntrnt mnlicino !*nin> Kra-hc, ** White Wnsh Urnshrs, dull. Flour, firm, and sales of 16,500 barrels. Wheat I ® eVer * 1 ar * 1 * ,re * d y in th « mar , ket - ca “ ed b y different 'names. Use none, unless the words (Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot, 8t. Louis, Mo. and dull, sales GO,000 bushels. Corn activo. Naval Stores dull. Three Days I.sitcr from Fnropc. ARRIVAL OF THE VANDERBILT. Nnw York, Aug. 1.—The steamship Vanderbilt has arrived at this port, with* Liverpool dates to the 21st lust. marked The sales of Cotton it Liverpool, for three days a- mounted to 19,000 bales of which speculators and ex porters each took 1,400. Prices were unchanged and ibe market dosed quiet and steady. General Markets.—Breadstfl'us and provisions were dull. Tne weather was favorable to the crop*. Flour dull and nominally unchanged. Wheat quiet and steady; buyers were demanding a reduction Corn was quiet. Rosin dull at 4s to 4s. 3. Turpen tine dull. Sugar quiet. Manchester.—Advices from Manchester are fav orable. Sales were slow, but prices were unaltered. Consols were quoted 95j. London, Wednesday noon—Tho Money Market i* a shade weaker. Consols are unchanged. General Intelligence. The frigate Niagara was spoke off Cspe Clear, and j the Agamemnon off Kinsoll, on the 18th. New York,) are blown in tlie bottle. Sold by all Druggists aud Patent Medicine Dealers. Also, by all Fancy and Toilet goods dealers in tho United States and Canadas. 16 july in IRON COTTON TIE. I N all the heaviest Cotton regions of the great South West, the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK, with the common lloop Iron Rnnd, has soperse ded every other method of securing the Cotton Bile. Time and space would fail us to give the numerous certificates of Cotton Planters, Brokers, Warehouse men, Insurers, Compressors aid Shippers, showing beyond a doubt, that the days of Hope binding are j numbered, and the immense advantages of the j Hoop Lock and Irou Tie. Their econ my i wherever tried, has been conceded in these points: 1. They save twenty to thirty dollars coat DIED. In this city, on the 26th ult., of Brain Fever. Para , _ nxllka. only daughter of Jno. and Elizabeth Knight, *“ haling ninterinl on every one hundred in the eleventh year of her age. She was a child of ■*«*• ‘ 2. The fastening is much more expeditiously ap plied, nnd much more convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton from the bale. 4. It ia nn almost absolu te aecnrity against Tire. Fire applied to bales thus hound, as showu by actual experiment, will smoulder without flame, twenty hours without spreading, aud allowiug plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 5 It iu mi absolutely arenre fastening. Jn actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound w-re pitched down forty test perpendi ular iroin a house-top, upon a brick pavement, without CORRECTED WEEKLT BT ATKES, WINGFIELD A CO. Total purchases for 18.77 $45,143,101 IVhat ire sell per annum. Urd In the value of. i>p-rs' ware and lumber. M-au. butter and cheese Lour, 22.293 barrels !iii»n corn mo wheat) raniitnre and carriages....... r manufactures tzi-rican gold and silver •r exports of domeslie growth $1,257,832 2,060.282 445.218 972,567 126,258 641.256 ies.644 1,167,264 398,534 2,974,769 T <1 sales of domestic growth 69,379,582 Tin- above summary leaves a balance against the .-.«i States in tho yearly trade with the Island of -. five million six hundred and eighty-threo tliou* irilve hundred and nineteen dollars. Thr Inst breaking of the Cubic.—ceounts srtbe India state that the final brenk in tlie Atlan- 1-!< graphic cable occurred juat below the atern ■■Agamemnon," after 146 miles of it had been «i -mt by that vessel. The cause of the breaking i tnknown, the strain upon It at the time being quite suppression of the slave trade. Turkey has sent a general officer to Jeddah intrus ted with power of life nnd death. England at France were concerting measures against Jeddah. transactions in the murket. The Great Eastern steamer is again in difficulties, and there was a prospect of her being sold into the bands of another company. The Cotton Supply Association are about making another movement. Two Dnya I.ntrr. Cape Race, Ang. 1.—Advices have been receiv- unnsunl Intelligence and beauty, and the brightest hopes of her parents clustered around her; hot alter n few days’ illness the chill hand of death was laid upon her, causing darkness and gloom in the house hold so lately cheered and enlivened by her pres ence. It is hard indeed to reconcile ourselves to sueh afflictions; hut let ns remember that “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketk away,” aud it is our duty to how to his Holy will Io Irwinton. Ga., on Sunday the 25th inst., after an illness of six days. Mrs. Rebecca M. Cochran, con sort of lion. A. E. Cochran, of Brunswick. Geo., in her 3lst year hhe was a member of the Presbyteri- ! an Church aud died, ss she had lived, inhupuofa < perceptible effect, happy immortality oeyond the grave. * o. it is perfectly *imple.aDd requir*. no machinery i- - - ———-——. ' at alt iu tiie application. Auy coiinnou hoop irou of WTAfrt’V PRtrr« r’XTWKlcrvi’lp ' proper width and thickness, '(which is about j inch <T1 ALt>.1 l .(ILLS l/UKiicov ■ • wide, and a scant sixteenth of one thick.) and of any requisite length to suit the bale, is taken iu the hand, one end passed through the opening, from the under side, of one end ot the under part ot the lock to the length of about one inch, and then bent over the end of (h i 1 >ck. The other end ol the hoop is then passed round the bale and drawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the Iock, aud then bent iu the same manner as the other. The button is theu turue I hack to its place over tln-m, aud the hoop is fast ou the hale, aud the hale may Uu moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller com pass than rope—thereby rendering it easier to han dle, and cheapeniug freight. These facts and a Wantages are certified to by leading Warehouse men. Planters, Shippers and Bro kers in testiuioui .ls too uumerous to be cited or spec ified in this advertisement, li. Montgomery, the leading Broker, and Buyers, after ihe most satisfac tory experience aud tests, uuite in the following a- greement, w Inch will leave no doubt ou these points: SCHEDULE UN THE South-Western R. R. OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MAILS. Tico Daily Trains between Macon Sf Columbus. ON AND AFTER JULY 29lh, Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p m. Leave Columbus 4.00 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 9 50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. Daily between Macon, Albany and Dawson: Leavo Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 5.25 a. m. Arrive at Dawson 6 00 Leave Albany 3 U0 p. m. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m. Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. Tri-Weekly. Down: Monday, Wednesday and Friday—Up: Tues day. Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m, Arrive at Dawson 5 20 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 a. m. Leave Dawson . Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p. in. Trains to C--luinhus form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama and Augusta, Khigsville, Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Uoac 1 es run from Albany to Tallahassee, Baiubridge, Th imasville, ice., daily ; also, tri-week ly from Dawson to< uthbeit. Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley tt Perry, Havnesville aud Hawkiusville, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, Ga. Passeugers for points below Fort Valley, should Macon, Jan. 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances on cot I ton consigned to George Parsons & Co., Savannah j and agree to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty day j from date of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT, jan 5 __ Notice to Shippers. fimmajiias FIT HE South We.-tern Rail Rond is now completi L and iu operation to Brown's Station and Daw- | son , Passenger Trains passing over it conn -ct with A1 i bany Train daily. F-eight Trains, at present, be- j tween Macon and Dawson, tri weekly Rate of Freight between Savannah Augusta, Macon, »nd I other points, and Brown’s and Dawson, will be th- same as between those places and Albany. All Goods for Cuthbert aud places west of Daw eon, should be shippe-l to Dawson. GEO W. ADAMS, Superintendent. South Western R. K . Macon, July 12, 1858. july 20 WATER WORKS HYDRAULIC RAMS. rp HE subscribers are now prepared to furnish and JL put up in successful operation, HANSON’S PATENT Hydraulic Kams, Water Wheels, Ac. hem free friim adulteration. We hi < select stock of Jriigi, Chemicals, IVinilow 4-iln Dye Ntu(To, I n scram ci Phurnincnliciil IPrrpni- Anil Toilet Article*, ??. e *h?T with rhe best assortment -I INSTRt • I ENTS over offered in this market PJnnti r* Phi -cinn*. and Merchant-, will consul! their interest Ly rambling our st- .-fe !,ef,, r . pnreheaing. B. T, KTROHFCKFR .V Co., ian 12 Opposite Rert-U,,;. Hons., Oa. Flavoring Extracts for Pics, Jet* lies.. Ac. ■ XTUACTSof Pe.-.el- Extracts iff A lo -mds, “ Vanilla, “ Srr«« nerry *• Pineapple, “ R.-se, “ Lemon. ” Orange, “ Nutmegs, “ Cellery, For sale at tlie Macon Drugstore, j n 17 E. L STROit Ff’KEl’ A Do.. Poiasit. t UPERIOR tat sorts, alwave -in hand ^ jan 12 E, L. -iTUOUK- KFR A Co Buchii that is Buchu ! 1 5ITK u dersigned have for years mnnnfacfnred an Extract ot Buchu for the use of Physicians, -id can recommend to all necessitated to use this ledicine, their preparation as'heing f .r superior nd more reliable than ihe puffed quack nostrums Insignated a* Extracts of Buchu. most of which con- aiu no Buchu whatever. Try it. iniie 29 K. L SrROHKCKER & CO. Giirilcu Seeds ! >A aaa Papers assorted Garden -eeils war- ■jUjUiHr r ioted tho growth of 1657. Turnip .eed by the pound nr paper. Peas nnd Beans by he paper or bushel. J in 12 E L STROHECKER * Co. Coughs and Cohls. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Stabler’s Anodyne Expectorant, Wistaria Balsam Wild Cherry. Hoofiand’s Syrnp Tar, Hastings Syrup Wood Naptha Janjt2 K. L. STROHECKER Sc Co. PiD’sicians’ P rescriptions oareiuiiy compounded at &11 hours day or night. ian 12 K L STROHECKER A Co. Morion’s Coitgii syrup, HE Proprietors still ci.utinue to manufacture f this favorite remedy, vouched for by many home certificates. E. L. STROHECKEII. A Co. jan 12 \ i T 1 A i i Any planter having a stream of w iter or running take the Day Trains from Augusta aud riaviiiinah to J spring ou his place, can have hD Dwellings. Out j .. * ,i c'..-ei. I Houses .nd m-ounds flUDnlied wilh water in snflicienl which speculators and exporters took Market closed dull. Consols were quoted at 95J to 95J. ,500. The AMERICAN LIBERTY. In tlie last volume of RaudaH’s Life of Jef ferson the following anecdote is given as re latcd by Mr. Jefferson : Whilst tlie question ot Independence was before Congress, it bad its meetings near a live ry stable. Its membets wore short breeches Intrrc.liuR from Cnil ml Amrrirn. Xttv York, July 28.—The Times' Panama corres- ■odriicc contains the substance of Gen. Cass’ letters Mirtlnez. on the subject of the refusal of Martinez | ii;a the Yritsari treaty. Gon Cass accuse* Mar- ■. of an attempt to insult this government, by was this annoyance, and to so great nn impa tience did it arouse the sufferers, that it hast ened, if it did not aid, iu inducing them to 'Mpiditig tlm treaty after his pledge to Mr Lamar. I promptly affix their signatures to tho great C**s demands a return of the treaty as it was ! document which gave birth to an empire re public. The anecdote I had from Mr. Jefferson, at Monticello, who seemed to enjoy it very much, as well as to give credit to the influence of the flies. He told it with much glee, and seemed ! to retain a vivid recollection of the severity of ' an attack, from which tho only relief was sign- ; iug the paper and flying from the scene. , _ j .[It frallinippcrs had been about, instead of <n»n." -The Paris correspondent of tho North ' flies, the 4th of July would have coine on the bfcr.i-M, in a recent letter, says.- i 3d.] *i•- Emperor lias certainly ‘aged’ very rap in' tho Assembly of Nicaragua, and gives j that in regard to the rights of American citi- j ’ iu N’ii-amgnn, this government will not submit j »y arbitrary action by Nicaragua, as that gov- ’ tn-ut urns devoid of adequate tribunals. -- Cabinet nt Washington have no other re- lui to decide the matter by sending the prop- ur«] f„rre to both sides of the Isthmus. 'lorn., Krali Ibe Ill-nil thru Wrnn Ibr BAGGING—Kentucky -i^iy< Sjnone. India >yt 1 17 ® 18 Roll w rs 15 9 16 1 BALE ROPE—Kentucky... t’ th 9 » 91 Northern.... t> lb ■& 91 1BEEESWAX fib 20 a 22 CANDLES—Sperm Pith 46 a 50 Star fit 22 a 28 Tallow t> lb 16 a i8j Patent.. t> lb 60 a 00 i COFFEE—Rio ¥ lb iu a 13. Java t* lb 17 a 19 Lnguira— ¥ lb 14 a is I COHN ¥ bl 65 a 75 Meal ¥ b! 65 ft 75 | FEATHERS *’ lb 45 a 50 FISH—Mackerel No. 1 i’ hi 17 00 a 18 00 “ No. 2 ¥ bl 16 00 a 17 00 •• No. 3 *» hi 18 50 2 13 00 FLOUR—Superfine ¥ bl A 50 a 5 00 Extra ¥ b 5 00 a 5 25 Family 1* 1.1 5 50 d 6 00 GUNPOWDER Pkg 6 25 a 6 50 IRON—English i> lb 3j a 4 Swedes ¥ lb 5} a 6» Sheet—............ ¥ ffi 8 7 lime 4> 1,1 2 00 a 2 25 j MOLASSES #> tt’l 33 a 35 SYRUP u'l 45 a 50 NAILS *>kg A 4J OILS—Linseed ... t’g’i 1 00 1 10 Train t’g’i 55 S . 60 Sperm Pgi 1 60 v 1 75 Imitation Sperm ¥g’t 1 25 tt i 50 Winter Bles il Whale ¥ gl 1 12j 125 Lard ¥ g 1 1 15 1 23 PROVISIONS ¥ 1 Beef—Mess ¥ ffi Mi ti 15 Prime ¥ ffi Bacon—Hams ¥ ffi 10 »j 12 Sides t* ffi 11 » 11} Shoulders ¥ ffi 8 *| 9 Pork—Mess hi JO 00 00 00 Prime ¥ bl UO 00 00 0G Lard ¥ ffi n i 1 lj !2| Butter—Goshen ffi 2e M 32 Country ¥ ffi 20 H 23 Cheese ¥ lb 12i i\ 15 i SALT ¥ *k 1 25 hi SHOT ¥ l*E 2 15 s 2 25 WHISKEY—Rectified ¥ K'* 28 j 33 Pike's k 1 G '| 33 Mouongahela... 6* X * 60 G 2 25 SPIRITS TURPENTINE.... !’ X * 65 c 1 7ft SUGAR—Brown ? ib 9 d >! 11 Clarified I> lb 11 S 121 Crushed t* lb U i RICE i’ tb 4*1 ft ! 5 ' TALLOW 1 f ffi 1 8*1 a i 9 HIDE-* P ffi 10 » 11 We, the undersigned. Cotton Brokers and Buyers, of Montgomery, Ala.', agree and give notice that »ve will pay full prices for Iron Bound Cotton, if fasten ed with the IXGEIisOLl. UOOI* LOCK, nl though we are aware that it will weign l j lbs. more per bale than ltope-tied Cotton. HARRIS A JOHNSTON. C. V. FOSTER, J. S. BYINGl’ON. M. A. CHlhHOLM From Savannah, we copy the lollmving engage- avoid detention in Macon. For other poiuts take ei ther Traill. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York, on Wednesdays and S-turdaya. Passage the Cabiii 81.', Steerage 66 Through Tickets can be procured from Kail Rond Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and .Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery 826; Columbus $23; Albany 824 25. GEO. W. ADAMS, aug3 Snn-ri- t-- * MACOS&WESTliitA iiainno-.^ U N an J .Iter Thursday, 17th July, the Trains ,»n be ran as follows: Leave Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 A. M. Leave M.tcon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 P. M. houses and grounds supplied with water in sufficient quantities for culinary purposes, watering stock, beautifying and invigorating his grounds. Ac. Tiie above machines are simple iu construction, and are not liable to get out < f order, and require no expense to keep them constantly working. For further particulars, address the subscribers, who will always be ready to answer any communi cations. The above machines are warranted to give saiisiaction THOMAS, OLIVER & DOUGLASS. 145 Broughton Street, Savannah. Ga. july 27—8w* Plumbing! Plumbing!! T HE subscribers are prepared to furnish or fit up Hotels, Dwellings, See., on the most uiq ruv- I ed principles, and in style second to none iu the Uni ted States. Hot and Cold Water Work*. sm-Ji as Baths, Boilers, Ranges, Marble top Wash Stands. Water Closets, Hydrants, Fountains, Ac., Ac. Best Leave Atlanta at 10 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 of reference given. A. .\l. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 P. M. The night train will not be ruu on Sundays. The 13 night train from Macon connects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga. Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis, at 12 15 P. M., with Georgia tt. K for Augusta, at 10 A. M., and Atlanta A West Point tt. R. at 10.15 A M. The 10 A. M. train from Macon, connects with the G- orgia K. R at 12 A. M„ aud Atlanta A West Virginia and Tennessee I fTHralSTn !h« THO.IAS OLIVER A DOUGLASS, 145 Broughton St., Savannah, Oa. july 27—3t Valuable Plantations for Sale. r\B$lRING to move my planting interest l J west, 1 offer f.,r sale two valuable PLAN’- *T S TATIONd. One situated iu Mai-ou couuty «i.m . three miles of Winchester, ou the South W-stern j -t Rail Road, containing 2,405 acres ot level O ik and ; L/llfiCKS OH 'N V QVk" Hickory Land, with good improvements, and be- i ~ " ’ “* tween thirteen and fourteen hundred acres in culti- Day & Mausenet, H AVE just received a. handsome astk-itmeht of LADIES’ and Gentlemen’s HUN LING CASE WATCHES ot the best makers, whichcau be highly recommeiid'-d. —ALSO— A handsome assortment of the latest styles of Jew elry, .silver Ware, Ac , Ac.. Ac. Wo would call particular attention to our assort ! inentof FRE.YCTI, MARBLE CLOCKS, ! which are of the latest stjles and best finish 'these I Clocks run 2 anil 3 weeks, and ate all warranted. —At.»0— | A tine lot of GOLD PEN’S and GOLDSPECS, with } PEBBLE GLASS, of the best quality. «l>iil 26 DAY A MAUSENET- : DAY Se, MAU SENET, H AVING removed to their NEWS TORE o« M„t- lerry Street iii .ee dour to E. /.. Strnhei krr Co., Where they will he pleased to see their -dd custo mers. They would say to all wishing goods in their line, that they are now opening a sp/rudiit assort ment, which will bo sold nt the Zaire./ pnres. They intend giving their per.* attention to WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the public ill that cap icity for I3ami 2d years, the pub lic are able to judge of tit—ir merits in. tl/it wav. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at t o- -hortert urn ice and >n the fast /uatsiUe manner, IVaTUiIKS, Magic and Hunting Cases, Geld and Silver Hmidell Wit Tl’sl SOS, for sale by ae|i 29 1> \ V UTSKgNET. FOR SALE BY THUS . . ua,,iiiMii, i»e imp; me luiiiniiu^ wikuk*: : ,, , . r , -- 1 meut made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. ' York tor $32 00. , ,, , , ... 175 - Lamar- * | Further inform it ion may be had in relation to this - 1 unwar - I ,- ., . i oir..^ Savannah. July D2d, 1838. Messrs Freeman A Roberts, Macon, Ga. Gent..—1 have agreed with Mr. Beattie, Agent for Ingersoll’s Hoop Lock, that I will compress Irou bound Cottou, Listened with said Lock, upon the same terms as Rope tied C-dton. This arrangement to last for one season and longer, unless I give notice of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, Ac, C. A. L. LAMAR. The Georgia Irou Lock Company, cninprisiug the undersigned, respectfully invite the attention of all engaged in Cotton grou iug, or the Cotton trade, to this interesting and impor ant sub ject. To the Cotton planters, particularly, they be lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter est and value, and either of them will be glad to fur nish any further information, or particular applica tion may be made to the Secretary. T. A. HARRIS, FREEMAN A ROBERTS I he other plantation is situa.ed iu tliellih District of Lee, on Flint ttiver, at the mouth of Cimckei ti cliikee Creek, and contains 2,474 acres of Liutl- about two-third* ot which is Oak and Hickory Jaml of the best qua ity, and the remainder good Pi.,e Land, with about thirteen hundred acres iu culiiva tion, nearly all of which is fresh laud, and as produc- _ rive as auy laud in South-Western Georgia, and is Route, on application to the General Ticket Office, I tiuely watered, aud substanti illy improved. >iy over Rail Road, makes this the myst pleasant aud direct route to the Virgi3aia Springs, Through TicKetd to which may he hud at Atlanta* lor $-26 25, including Stage fare, 87 00 and to New MAN UFACTlillEIiS’ BAN K J. F WINTER, DUNLAP A HARRIS, I .Macon, Aug. 3,1658. T. A. HARRIS, Secretary. Cutloii JlSli’liOf. FOB SALE, aug 3 ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent For Sale. I cnsibly during the last four or five months m opportunity of observing him very closely • r day, as ho walked up and down on the arm Minister of VVnrtemburg, a much taller man -.-elf. Louis Napoleon looked like a little. Honorable Conduct. It will be remembered by our readers that Air. Albert Sumner, of Newport, (Ii. I.,) his wife and child, some time since, were ship wrecked and all undoubtedly perished. By >: hump-backed and decaying old man. | presumption of law, the wife and child f” ’ ~ died first, and the husband became entitled to the property. Airs. S. was a daughter of the ;»tc Walter Channiug, of this city, nnd enjoy ed the income of a large estate. Under these circumstances, more titan $30,000 became le- •r certainly, by general consent, the whole jraljy vested in the late Mr. Sumner, and through ■i Li* administration since 16th of January, . |,j, n came to his mother and tistcr and his two brothers—Charles Sumner, our Senator, and George Sumner, Esq. The estate was admin istered upon by Mr- George Sumner, and. with the consent of all these heirs, the whole property which the deceased had from his wife, las been surrendered to her relations. It jives us great pleasure to record an act so tonorablc to the parties, and prompted by so ■ than 50 years of age. His step was alow "W-, amt without elasticity, and bis whole ■- ‘seined breakiu.q down with tho terrible weight fopotwibility of despotic rule. Tojndgefrom : 1 nts his mind appears to be breaking down a ' ■*»* a mi-stake.” Jilin* t .rsnr Hnnuibnl, giving an account - • ■ » voyage, says : “AH de passengers was now , and if dnt wasn't enough, de Captain give '• r ‘ f<* the ship to heave too, and she hove to.” 1 'lainmoili Uotd Vein.—In a former issue * f’-uiansd that some rare specimens of quarts • ; <u been picked up on a fraction below Bear ’ L-rd. Sinee then, we are pleased to say, the | 1Jce a sense of justice and equity.—Boston - h- vii located, and a wonderful vein it L 1— J 'f\anseript. Offering stock very light. There is a good demand j AT MACON GAS WORKS, O non *CS««1** *>f LIME, for Agricultu- /^jUUUral purposes. Farmers who have Low Laud, will find it to ba a splendid Fertilizer GT Come aud try it. It can be had very cheap, aug 3— 3t COTTON STATEMENT. Wc are indebted to Mr. Bloom for the following: Accrsr 1, 1858. Stock August 1, 1857,... .2,007 “ “ 1, 1858,... .1,197 Decrease... .810 Receipts in July, 1858,.... 606 “ “ 1857,.... 39 Increase....567 Total Rect’s to Aug. 1st, 1858,.60,040 “ “ “ 1st, 1857,-57,719 Inc...2,821 EVANS, HAERISS & CO., Factors & Commission Merchants, j BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., ENEVV the teuder of their services to the Plan- 1l tera of Georgia and the adjoining States, aud will continue to sell Cotton at FtrTT cents per bale. Orders for Bagging. Rope, and other supplies, filled promptly and at the lowest market rat s, and liberal advances made when desired, ou Cotton in store. Wx M. D’Antionac, I Wm K. Evans, Geo. W EvaKS, j Hoot. Y. Hakkiss. Savannah, July 20.18-’8. aug 3—6m' Cotton Circular. rpnE updersigned, Isaac C. West, having b»en ,L appointed by the Cotton Planter's Convention, Agent for the purpose of receiving,^hipping and selling Cotton, (as Planters may order!) for the cit ies of Savannah and Charleston, has formed a co partnership with Mr. James Godfrey, of Savannah. The business will be conducted tinder the firm and style of West Grod-frey. The services of the Firm are now offered to Plan ters. Cotton will be sold at flfly cents per bate, a* authorized by the Convention, and other produce at the customary rates. The personal attention of the copartners will be given to this business. The firm pledges itself to observe strictly the di , rectiuns of tue Convention, and in no instance to en- ! ter into speculations, or be concerned in pun-ha- . sing Cotton ; tlieir’s will be expressly a commission 1 business. The firm will be prepared to make liberal advan- ’** Ve been a resident of this county formally '■ ’111! witnessed the development of Pigeon ’Cilhnun, and more recently the Findlay Se Co ' N |*i: a)), i n „„ r opinion, fall short of the splendor -- i-’hlit-s „f the one just discovered. Tho vein -* fraction owned by Boling W. Field, of this ’’.''.and is being operated upon by himself in con- with Mr. Gregory, the discoverer. We vis- _ mine on Monday last, and for nd it in the 'bv Cliestertee river, imbedded in hard trap or r k- in order to work it more effectually, a ’** constructed, and wedgea, cold chisels, hammers were the only tools employed, " ‘ ! »told hearing quartz is confined to a width : 'fright iiu-hes, out interspersed with gold for •• : -5v nijih of fonr feet While there a dis- ■' ten to twelve feet of the vein was made j could distinctly see the whole length of ; Copy of Note By the 25th day nlI December next, we or either of j cfeg on H j| p r< Id uce store, and to furnish suolTsup- US promise toie/ snut^ I owell or Bearer, iwo : M Plniitwra nuv renuire. on term? A Goon Retort.—Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, : Hundred and Twenty five DuUara. for valuereodv : *' pi 8 al “ t 9 era “'wffipronmt^lmirinforesw'hy of Georgia, wan once running for Congress : od. wLLIS^ WRIGHT. ,• lbe Cotton, when packed, entirely with with an opponent of unusually large stature, i •** 5 °_°- anti on the stump one day the discussion be- j came exceedingly warm. Whereupon the ! large man said, contemptuously, of and to | Stephens, who is exceedingly small and frail: 1 plies as Planters may require, on reasonable terms. mote their interests by covering packed, entirely with bagging; ordering it not to bo cut, and placiug their brand or mark distinctly ou each bale. ISAAC C. WEST. JAMES E. GODFREY. August 3d. 1858 1 a m ft. P. £.—The Convention holds its next session iu the W. L. BURGAY. January 9th, 1858. Georgia—Houston County* OERSONALLY came before me, tt. E. Story, one ;phens, WHO is exceedingly amau aim mu.! i ot tbo Jnsticesor the Peace, in and for said ] .*■ " •Why, I could button your cars back, and , con nty. Peasant IJoweU. who being dtUy swornde^ | ^ ,“ g tlmt Li the tfotton^rowiug swallow you whole, sir!” To which canm- i poaetl. Rndsatlh. tiathehasetl.erlost ormiriaid the . ti nhould be represented, in the Convention bul remari Stevens annihilatingly retorted, | day I •**>».»time. ••and if you did, sir, you would then have : 0 f July, 1858. I f _ ._ (ton „A„ »rnr ]» JJ. STORY, J. P- his PLEASANT X POWELL, ang 3—3t*mark. rrt HE subscriber having permanently lo- 1 cated at the H,-tel, will sell hi* late res- Utst Hence, at present occupied by A. G. Butt*. |i*II Esq. The House contain* MX rooms with all nee. * ry out-buildings, a fine garden, with a variety ol liuit | trees, shrubbery, Sec. For terms apply to E. K BROWN, Brown's Hotel. ALSO, The large and commodious Building on the corner of Court House Square and -Uuibe.ry rit., known as the City Hall, at present occupie i by TumnasJ. ICil- E atrick, as a Hotel. If nutsuid by the 1st ofrieptem- er next, will be for rent. Also, two vacant Lots ad joining Mrs. E. D. Tracy's on Magnolia Si reel; also the Lots situated between College and Orange St., containing half an acre each, known as the Todd Lots. These lots are near the Wesleyan Female College, and are very desirable for dwellings. Also, two or three Stores in East Macon for rent. Pesset- sion given on the first of October next. For terms a, ply to L E BROWN, aug 3— at Brown's Hot, I M-con. 14 seers will show tlt^se places to any one wishiug to examine them. Mv terms uill be liberal and pay ments easy For further particulars, address the undersigned at Macon. N. BABB, july 27—tf MEDICAL NOTICE Dr. James Mercer Green, M AS leuioved ili* residence to ihe house lately occupied by Judge A. I’. POWERS, on the u*per end of Poplar Street. Office on Cotton Ave nue, opposite lower corner of Triangular Block, july 2o—3t LEA &, PERRINS’ CELEBRATED Worcestershire Sauce. PRONuUNcED -nr— > CANN0ISSEUP.S I TOBETHE ONLY GOOD SAUCE' ANL> APPLICABLE TO EVERY VARIETY LEGAL FORMS. H I X E S’ uew Edition of “LEGAL FORMS,” for sale by the single copy or quantity. Any one wishing a copy by mail can heve it sent hv enclosing the subscriber ihe price of the Bunk, (Two Dollars and Fifty Cents.) and six three cent I pn-tatre stamps. J. Mi BOAKDMAN. july 20 Patten & Miller, (latk patten, hcttos & co.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JUISSOLUTlOff. T he Copsptuership of Pye 5c (Infer, in the Black smith business, is dissolved by mutua. consent. Persons indebted to the concern will make pay ment tothe subscriber, who is aloue autuorizeu to settle up the business. A PYE. The business will hereafter he carried on by July 20th, 1838. A. PYE. savannah, ga. G. PATTEN., aug 3 . .A. J. MILLER. $100 Reward. T wenty dollars reward will be paid to any one who will apprehend and confine in any safe Jail in the State, that 1 may get him. my boy, JOHN, who rauawny from mo the 23d of De cember last. He has a bright yellow complexion, (not 4 mulatto.) is about 5 feet 11 inches high, about 33 years old—rather slender in form. He is suppo sed to be loitering in the neighborhood of the planta tion of the late G. W. Haim-s. in Houston couu'y.— Macon Flour Mills. New Flour. ITTE would inform the citizens and dealers of V V .Macon, also dealers at a distance, that we are I now fully at work on E.Y 1 li.VU'l ••fa Letter from a Xsdical a I 51a Die as. TO IIIS 8KOTBKB AT Wd«CESTKn,.\lav'5 ‘I’eil LEA A PER RINS th..r rbeir GAUGE is big..., es teemed ::i India, and is. ill my •qiiuiiiu.lite must paJa ta hie as , well as the most or ntsH. - wholesome BAUCE that is made.” The only Me^al aw.anted by the Jury of the New York Exhibition tor foreign Sauces, w ns obtained ny LEA & PERRINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAL'Cjv the world wide fame of which iinvh g led In numerous imitations, purchasers are earn, *ltv re quested to see that the uainesot ‘LE \ St PERRINS are impressed upon the Bottle and Stopper, and printed upon the labels. Sole Wholesale Agents forthe United States JOHM HUSOANSOMS, 405 Broadway, N. \. A stock always in store. A'so, orders received for direct shipment from England inay 4 ly Ten Degrees below 2ero iu J&.TJ G-UST. HOT WEATHER DEFIED. Kahnweiler’s Patent Ventilating Chair Has been awarded the highest Premium at every Fair at which it bus been exhibited. Advantages. NEW WHEAT, Manufacturing daily our best brands of Flour, which j we are selling at unusually low prices. We also have, aud intend to keep constantly, a good supply of our best Fresh Ground Meal and Grits- | We propose to keep our Meal aud Flour at a uni- I form price, and not speculate on tho scarcity of either I article iu our market. • ■ .... ... . i To dealers we would say, send us yourorders which > — --- EIGHTY DOLLARS in addition will be paid tor j wilt be tilted promptly, at our wholesale prices, and ■ becomes beneficial, evidence sufficient to convict any one o: the offence I g e t u good article to sell your customers. <•'. No extra power is required. of harboring him. _ m | To families we would say, if you want good sweet, ' 1 K “ fresh ground Flonr, Meal and Grits, to make youi bread, send to tho MILL, or ask for them where you make your purchases. 1. The air can he cooled to almost 'any degree of temperature. 2. It is perfumed or impregnated wttli healthful odors. 3. The sir is purified. 4. Cnhealtbfu] effl ivin is condensed in the ice. . The air absorb* moisture from the ice. and thus Id?* Address tne at New Agency, Taylor county, fresh ground Flonr, Meal and Grits, to make vour Ga. SAM’L P. CURBIN’, >• ■ -- - ------ 1 aug 3-tf n.ore brains in your stomach, than you ever tnd in your head!” The laughter which fol ic-wed, effectually dissipated the ill-humor which was gaining ground. WEED’S PATENT SEWING MACHINE is be- !' '*Mrii at""*• veral'foot ciUtance. Iu fine? it is j fore us. We havjs examined it and tried it on vari- ' ; 'riuv of gold niines —Dahlouega Signal, Ju- oils kinds of work, and for ouce confess ourselves } astonished tbnt so simple a piece of mechanism will Production for 18 ST.- The production j «»• The complaint against Sewing Machines gene- c 11 in Australia for ihe past year is set down by raily. has been that they very easily get out of oreer* •I EreiRi. millions uud become useless to the purchaser. But here is , ’English authorities at one hundred millions I Aid become The production in other countries is es- .u, exception, for there U, to all appearance, nothing K »* follows:-Cali forri.4, $65,000.0u0; Bosnia to get out of repair. And we wonder again, so simple "''•’ru *2(1,000.000; other parts of the world, $15. j a thing will sew such a beautuul. straight, even and t total 8100,0011,000. * | fit m seam, that never can be rivaled, cither in beau- L .**'•* Bnnk«.—The weekly statement of the ty or strength, by any ’ l, n lt-uks footed up last Wednesday as follows; ' '* ■*" ,in 832.298,850 A.*- di*ctiUDt* 56,602,500 8,943.000 6,268,700 8,658,000 81,456,500 6,887,000 •Twelve w 1 Xtic 47rcntc*l ttlcilical Dixrorrrjr oflli is Ayer’s Cnthnrtic Pitta. They don’t help complaints, hut they cure them. One Box has cured the Dyspepsia. Three Boxes have cured the worst cases of Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured the Erysipelas. One Box always cures tie Jauuilice. Three Boxes sure to eure the system from Boils— often less than one does it. Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ul- UnitC4i Slates’ Marshal Sale. ILL be sold, before the Courthous^ door of . . Bibb County, in tho City of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next. the following property, to-wit: Three hundred and forty acres of land, lying and beiug in the thirteenth district of the county of Mil- cer3 on the legs. ler, and State of Georgia, adjoining the town of Col- , Smal doses seldom fail to cure th- Piles quitt, in said connty, and better kuown as the place on which A. F. 1’erry now resides, together with tne improvements thereon, and the crop of Corn and Cot j too now about made- All levied on as the property j of A. F. Peny, tosatisfyafi. fa. from the Sixth «'ir- ■ cuit Court of Ihe Uniu d States, for tho Southern District of Georgia. November Term. 1838, iu favor One dose cures the headache arising from a foul stomach Strong doses often repeated expel every worm from the body. They should be given to children, who are always more or less afflicted with this scourge. As a gentle physic they have no equ it. For Sale. r OFFER for sale my PLANTATION in Houston ct ® P* r }°°, lb9 . f , r , Lcounty, containing uine hundred *ud eleven acres | ^ eanin ^ 8 * a ^ 80 £° 0< * Stock feed of land, more or less, good Overseer’s House, and 1 ” out-houses—good Gin House and Screw, and Plan tation otherwise in good repair. Bnid Plantation join* the lands of the Estate ol Dr. Charles Thomp son. Abner Burnain, Daniel Watkins and others 'those wishing to purchase a good Plantation, will will do well to call and examine the place. I ERMB made to suit the purchasers, aua 3 —tf ANDERSON COMER. We have on hand a good supply of our mixed Bran and Short*, excellent Cow feed, which we sell at 60 at 15 eta. per bu*hel. Broken Wheat, nice for feeding Chickens, 40 cts. per bushel. JAS. A. KNIGHT, july 20 Agent. Executor’s Sale. A Rare Chance ! WHO WANTS TO MAKE MONEY 1 J WILL di-pose of the right to manufacture and vv ILL be sold, on the fir.-t Tuesday in October at 65.00 per qt. bottle, next, within the legal hon-s of sale, before I of its efficacy tmm _ sell (to either State,) my Remedies for Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Fits, etc.. Sec. This Medicine sell* e. I have plenty of evidenco highly respectable citizens of the Court House door in Oglethorpe, Macon county, Georgia and Florida. I would form a partnership a valuable plantation, as the property of Allen IVig gins, late of said county, deceased.jying on the Riv er Road, one mile north of Lanier, well watered, well improved, and in a fine state of cultivation, witli ab.-ut one hundred acres of Very rich swamp land.— This body of land consists of the following lots to wit: Lots Nos. 112, 113 and 119. All lying and sit uate in the 1st Dist of Macon Co. aug 3—tds WM A. WIGGINS. Ex’r. an ne nvateo. enne in ota - of William Smith Brown, re A. Frank IVrry. July One linx cures derangement of the Liver, work done in tho ordinary i ^ DANIEL H. STEWART, Haifa box cores a Cold. I*. 1101 from other banks.. U dn * !o other banka -... "migralio >1 |o Ti ! n m ’ a hti. 5 ',' I,h 1 ’■W*. '* t ‘ dl Baptists recently left New York on LtRill-T U!<l “P<>n » large body of land near £ **®n., purchased for them by agents pre ® v *r. Several entire churches came their pastors. way. It sews well on the finest muslin or tho coars ; e«t and hardest cloth, doing every kind of work which families require, and is also adapted to .-hoe j ahg and saddle manufacturers; uae. as we have seen some verv elegant specimen- ot work done on leather, that not only handsome bnt strong. VVehavonever VY7 ’ ■ jewing Macnine before, or one \\ commend to our reader.-, who U. S Marshal, per 8. ATKIN eON, Deputy U. S. Marshal. was i juno Co. l*osipi»ue<i SiicntT Stile. ~f I LL be -old before the Con thno*. door in the town of Clint- n, on the first Tuesday in Member m-xt, 1838, the following property to-wit: They purify tho blood, and thus strike at the foun dation ot every disease. As a dinner Pill there is not their equal in the woi Id. They are purely vegetable, and can do no harm, but do accomplish an unaccountable amount of good Prepared by DK. J. C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers Georgia—Jones County. W HEREAS, Robert P. Harkins applies to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of James W. llarkins. late of said couuty, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office on the 1st Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this July 29;li 183*. aug 3 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord’y. Houston September Sliertil' Sale. W ILL be sold before tiie Courthouse door in Perry, Houston county, on tlie first Tuesday in September next, within the usual huurs of sale, tho following property to wit : One Negro boy named Peter about twelve years Bold by FREEMAN Se ROBERTS, Macon Ga. july 87 lm to me by John w. McGehee, a Constable. aug 3 JAS. G. BARNES, Sh’ff. with .ny respectable man of good business qualifica tions, and a cash capital of 8500. For evidence of my character, &<•„ i can refer to every respectable business man in Clinton, La, they all kno;v me well For particular.*, apply to the Editor ot the Tele graph. • J. M. STOKES, jane 15-2m. WOOD’S Premium Grallery 11 , •ITBZBlYrtaml stranger* visiting M >0011 should V j not fail to call and examine W OOD B BEAU TIFUL COLLECTION of PICTURES, which are taken at astonishing low prices aud farSUPEHIOU to what can be had elsewhere, ms every one can see. Here can be obtained tr-im tii-“ -m-illest A.MBKO- TYPE to the finest finished PORTRAIT, in OIL. PASTILE or WATER colors, asmaysai the fancy; and recollect that thi- is the O N L 1 QALLEBi where can be had all the above styl-s of Pictures.— Call and see, H- L. WOOD, julv 13-tf For Sale. V GOOD se -oud band B I i. 1. I A H t> T .4- It 1. li , by SAMUEL MORGAN, july 27—3c Clinton. Ga. The cool air can be introduced upon a sick bed. 8. It promotes both comfort and heal h. 9. It wi;l doubtless prove of great benefit where contagious disease* are prevalent. 10. One can read or work wifi oat being subject to annoyances from flie* or mosquitoes 11. 1 would respectfully call the attention .if Physi cians to this Apparatus tor the inhalation of medica ments. For sate by T. & O. WOOD, july 13 Macon, Ga. BOOK BINDING; J ACKSON BARNES tnanuiaciures to order every description of blank account hooks, amt binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, .liusicand Miscellaneous Bonks, clerks’ record and Docket books, with or without printer smuts, and warrant ed best quality paper. Engineer’ profile paper made from the best Euglish drawing to any length or width. All orders from ihe country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue one door below Ross and Uolem-in’s. apl 13 printing Inks. A SMALL LOT OKHLtCK ANDCULOHRD PKIMTING INKS, from the celebrated manufactory of the MATHERS, Is on cuusigh i.ei.t in theTelegrapli Office,aud will hi sold low for Gath, apl 27 New Steam Saw Mill. H AVING startedarjteam Saw Mill in Houston County, about -eveu miles from Perry, near the ' r ads leading from Perr> to Macon, we flatter our selves, that we can furnish us good if not better Lum- her than any other Mill, having the best of Pine Timber, nmi good Sawyers. tVe will fill Bills fr>-m Macon, Fort Valley. Perry and the surrounding country, upon i;s good leiins us Other Mill*, or the limes wid admit of. who want Lumber will, no doubt, find it ti, ihvir iui>n -t to give us their hills, as we intend to give katisfac* tion if pos-iblo. Address Peiry, Houston coiiutv. Ga. John li. 1 HOMA.A f 15 tf *| oc Messenger copy tf. Lost—A Canary Bird. rp HE finder will he rewarded on retun ing it to 1 ju july 27 C. WANTED TO RENT. A commodious dwelling iu .Macon. Inquire at the Georgia Telegraph office. tP.te Hunk rpiIH D veiling Ap .rtill-lit- ;;i t- ■ > Building, wit* he rented toa r -i.utuhle b. -n. .-. aLSO Several comtortablH Dwelling* on College llill,— irom 1st October nex:—all in good repair, july 20—tf J. U. R. WASHINGTON