Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, August 24, 1858, Image 4

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\ DLAYS' v:\r icntg ustju MAMFACTORy, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND <; laical JiALiiisE shop, ho town of Clinton, < tin first Tuesday ixt, the following pi in named MUly, som 6 forty yean old Gcoi^ia—Jot "HEKEAS James A-') ortv< I Bri . Slid In G. BAB1 n Bit . Whi order of etfi fa iherif lining «s on ns the prof Georgo Broael county Superior Cour tle.use of Lewis X. W ecutrix of George B Bibb Superior Court from Bibb Superior C july SO Administrator’s A OEESAHLK to an order of t XJL Inferior Court of Jasper cm Court of Ordinary, will bo sold, on tbn. cr ** in October next, in the tows of Jl«'»*ioello,.jasper county, all tije lands lying in said county, belonging to th<i estate of William Barclay, deceased, consist ing ot about four hundred acres, adjoinlm; taooa oi Joltu Wuatbersbee, James H. Roberta, \\ kins and otheip, near Oeniulgee river ; said fann consLta of about fifty of 'j‘ r8t '1° '}' * bottom land, about lialf in cultivation, also, » con siderable portion of fresh land, about two hundred aen<s of maid umbered land and n never failing aprimr ofgood water, and the farm it well watered, and in * high »*»*» of cultivation. Said landst sold for rbe benefit of tlio heirs and creditors of said do ceased. Terms maiio known on tbe day of sale, june 39-tda. VVM. JENKINS. Adm>. ' iixt'cmotV Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court Honso door in tho town of Knoxville, Crawford county, on tbe first Tuesday in October next. Tho plantation of Robert Howe, deceased, containing eight hun dred and fitty acres, be the same more or less, lying on Okchuipkee and Klkibntrhee, and near Flint Riv er. It is a desirable plantation, a comfortable dwol I ling House, good Smoke-house, Negro cabins, new Giu Houses and Screw, good Cribs, Stables, Ac., and on Okchumkee Creek, that runs through said land, there Is a apleudid waterfall, plenty of water for n Mill, Factory, or anything else. Tne land is tt-s good as any la middle, lower or upper Georgia, well adap ted to Corn. Wheat, Oats or Cotton. I'ersons wish log a good and comfortable place, are requested to examine the premises for themselves, before tho day of sale. The same can be sold privntely. if ap plied for, and on liberal terms—one-liali the 35th of December next, the other half tbe first day of Janu ary, I860. Possession given at the first payment at Christinas next, or before, if tho first payment is made. July 20 EGBERT P. DANIEL, > , WILLIAM J. HOWE. 5 ra : v ,ii under list 1858. ang 17. vhyi hand at CHAS. 10th day of HY, Ord. I To o : MAC!. Our Work: ■ms and Ala on of work GIA. of tbi t.for i Fcr Sale. extensiv Georgia—Crawford Comity. "f T^HKREAS Washington F. Viniug, A * taro favorably*with th lie, a suf- creasin id superior outfit of lery, afford facilities for •essed by no other estub- ir prices and term*-will t of any first class North I ern Establishment. The following comprise a list of Machiutiy, Ac; for anyportion of which we will bo W tor on the Estate of Jape Walton, makes ap- P'^d £ ^r tiv8 «*?» V *o a r„ , r , • plication for leave to sell the land belonging to said Steam Engines, Boilers, baw Mill Machinery Estate: . , Circular Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones,of United States’ Marshal Sale, \MfILL be sold, before the Courthouse door of II Bibb County, in the City of Macon, hetweeu the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, the following property, to-wit: Three hundred anil forty acres of land, lying nnd being in the thirteenth district of the county of Mil ler, and Stai e of Georgia, at(j oining the towu of Col quitt, iu aaid comity, and better known as tbe place on which A. F. Perry now resides, together with the improvements thereon, and the crop of Corn and Cot ton now about made- All levied on as tho property of A. F. Periy, to satisfy a ll. fa. from the Sixth Cir cuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, November Term, 1838, in favor of William Smith Brown, v». A. Frank Berry. July 86,1858. DANIEL H. STEWART, U. S Marshal, per S. ATKINSON, aug 3 Deputy U. S. Marshal. Jones Co. Postponed SlieriM* Sale W ’ILL be sold before the Courthouse door in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in September next, 1838, the following property to-wit: One Negro Girl named Averline, very likely. Le vied upon by virtue of four fi. fas. issued from 377’.b District, G.’M., two in favor of Wiley Peddy, one in favor of Robert M. McGhee, one in favor of Joseph N. Watts, all vs. Auderson S. Childs. Levied upon to satisfy said fi. tss., nnd levied upon as the proper ty of Anderson S. Childs Levy made and returned to mo by John W. McGehee, a Constable, aug 3 JAS. Q. BARNES, Sh’ff These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand, this July 19,1858. july 20 __ JAS. J. Ray, Ordinary. Georgia—Jones County. W HEREAS H. J. Marshall applies to tbe Hon orable, the Ordinnry of said county, for Let ters of Administration de bonis r.on cum test amen to annexe on the Estate ofWra. Marshall, late of said county, decessed: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all nnd singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be nnd appear at my office on 1st Monday in September next, to show cause, if nay they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 22d day of July, 1858. july27 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ordinary. Georgia—Jones County. W HEREAS, Robert P. Harkins applies to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of James W. Harkins, late of said county, deceased: | These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and taring, best quality for Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes. Iron Bailings, for Cemeteries, Public and Private Buildings, &c., or Wroubht and Cast Ieon, very superior, embracing strength with beauty, of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrnp Boilers, all sizes, Columns for Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac.. Gold Mining Machine ry, with Double and Single acting Force ‘ and Lift Pumps of any required size, Shafting with Turned Pollies, from the smallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws and Bales, England's Celebrated self-aitisg Car Couplings, and other Rail Rond Castings. All work warranted to be equal to the best made elsewhere. R. FINDLAY A SONS. Macon. March -»h, 1857, mar 10 Notice. rp BE firm of BRAY A CARHART having been T HE sub,--. rib<-r having permanently lo- 9—A eated at tie- II,,tel, will sell Ills late res- fssVfffl Hence, at present occupied by A. G. Butts. flilUfl Esq. Tbe lieu?e coutainssix rooms with aUuei-es-a- ry nut-buildings, a fine garden, with a variety of fruit tr'-es. sbrubberv. . For terms apply to ]■:. K. BROWN, Brown’s Hotel. ALSO, 'J be large and commodious Building on the corner ■ f Court lloii... .■squareand Mulberry .~i„ known .as !:;■■ City II ill, at present occupied by Tlionni I. Kil patrick. a - a Hut. :. 11*n< ts dd by tile i - ; ofM-pt-m- I r ie-xt. will be for rent. Also, two vaemr Luts ad joining Mr-. E. ]).Tracy’s on Magnolia Street; »l-o tbe Lots situated between College and Orange St., containing half an aero each, known as the Todd Lota. The=e lots aro near the Wesleyan Female College, are v ry desirable for dwellings. Also, two ■ ,r three Stores in East Macon for rent. Posses sion given on the first of October next. For terms apply to E. E. BROWN, aug 3— at Brown’s Hotel, Mac'xu Ga. Patten & Miller, (lath patten, hcttos & CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. 0. rATTEN... A. J. MlI.r.KIt. »ng3 Ten Degrees below Zero in •ja.TTa-TTJBT. HOT WEATHER DEFIED. Kahnweiler’s Patent Ventilating Oliair Has been awarded tho highest Premium at every Fair at which it has been exhibited. Advantages. 1. The air can be cooled to almost any degree of temperature. ■ 2. It is perfumed or impregnated wtth healtlifnl odors. 3. Tlioair is purified. 4. Unbealthful effluvia is condensed in the ice. . , 5. The air absorbs moisture from the ice, and tlms why said letters should not be granted.' .& Published under the Act of the Legislature of the becomes beneficial. Given under my band, this July 29th, 1858. I btnte^of Georgia, authorizing the formation of bpe-1 t ;. No extra power is required. CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord’y. I Copartnerships. 1 7. The cool nir can be introduced upon a sick bed, 1 The old friends and customers of Bray A Carhnrt, | g. it promotes both comfort and health. solicited to callat the I 9. It will doubtless prove of great benefit where contagions diseases are prevalent. 10. One can read or work without being subject to annoyances from flies or mosquitoes. 11. I would respectfully call the attention of Physi clans to this Apparatus for the inhalation of medics, ments. For sale by T. A G. WOOD. july 13 ■ Macon, Ga. singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, ' j “ r “ ot umiapakiaiu fiaymgbeen to be and appear at my office on the 1st Monday in 1 ore i/S"*"*!. will be continued by September next, to show cause, if any they have. new ones, lire f ? — — —■ I uiDviu 111 au S IXTY DAYS after date, application will be I together with all made to tbe Court of Ordinary of Houston conn- „ld stand on Third street, where can nlwavs be found j ty, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Lewis Pol- a large and well selected Stock of Hardware and lock, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of M * I ' 'he heirs and creditors of said deceased. JAMES G. POLLOCK, > Administrators, A ISAAC WOODARD, J Caeterormn. july 13 . S 3XTY DAY’S after date, application wilt be made to the Court of Ordinary of Houston coun ty, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Robert Smith, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs nnd creditors of said deceased, july 13 DAVID WALKER, Adin'r. Executor’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in October next, within ibe legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Oglethorpe, Macon county, a valuable plantation, os the property of Allen Wig giiu*. late of said county, deceased, lying on the Riv er Road, cue mile north of Lanier, well watered, well improved, and iu a fine state of cultivation, with about one hundred acres of vary rich swamp land.— This body of land consists of the following lots to wit; Lots Nos. 112,113 and 119. All lying and sit' nate in tbe 1st Dist- of Macon Co. mug 3—tds WM. A. WIGGINS. Ex*r. LAW NOTICE. T HE undersigned have associated themselves to gether iu the practice of Law, under the firm name of WARREN & GOODE. Their Office is at Perry, Ga They will attend reg ularly the Surorior Courts of tho Counties of Hous ton, Slaron, Bibb, Twiggs, Dooly and Crawford, of the Macon Circoit—Laurevs, Pulaski, Wilson nnd Lowndes of tbe Southern Circuit. Appling, Coffee, Ware, Pearce and Clinch, of the Brunswick Circuit. Sumter and Leo. of the South-western Circuit, and Upson of the Flint Circuit. ELI WARREN, CHAS. T. GOODE. Perry, Ga., Ang. 17, i858—«. PETER 8. HUMPHRIES, ATTORNEY AT L A W, ? PERRY, GA, WILL practice in all tho Coarts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta [aug 17—ly Houston September Slieriir Sale. W R ILL be sold before the Courthouse door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday iu September next, within tbe usual hours of sale, tbe following property to wit: One Negro boy named Peter about twelve years of age, ot (lark complexion. Levied on as tho prop erty of Charles K. Lunsford, to satisfy two fi. fas issued from a Justice Court hettT in and (or the 618th District, G. M., of Monroo county, in favor of Benjamiu F. Howard, aud transferred to A. S. Cal houn, vs, C. It Lunsford. Levy made and returned to me by K. Taylor, Constable, ang 3 J. F. SIKES. D. Sbff. . Executors,’ Sale. By virtue of an ord»r from the Honorahle Court of ordinary for the county of Upson, the uudersigned Executors of tbe last will and testament of Drury Gilbert, decessed, late of said county, will offer at public sale, before the court house in Upson county, on Tuesday the 3th day of October, being the first Tuesday iu said month, tbe Plantation whereon said Drury Gilbert, deceased, lately resided—the same being situate In said Upson county and containing 8lu acres of land, more or less, 70 or 80 acres cleared, with orchards, comfortable buildings, and other im provements thereon. Bold in pursuance ot the terms of the will of the late Drury Gilbert, testator. Terms and conditions of payment made known on the day of sale. THOMAS GILBERT, > aug 10 tds JACOB N. GOFF, S Lanier A Anderson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GA.. P RACTICE in tbo counties of tho Macon Circuit, and in tiie Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the Fedeval Courts at Savannah. Thev have also recently become the Agents 01 the following Insurance Companies; The Augusta lusuriturenud ItnnbiagCaiu- pnny of which W. M. D’ASTIgkac is President and C. F. McCat is Secretary. And tbe Alabama fire and ^riarlnku* ranee Company, Montgomery, of which T. H. Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 SPEER & HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. OJJ,n on Triangular Block, Corner »/Cherry Sheet and Cotton Avenue. W E have associated as partners iu the practice of law in the counties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, aud elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend tbe Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. * ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 3 SAMUEL HUNTER. Cutlery, consisting in part of Blacksmith's Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Machinist's Toots, Planter's Hardware. Builder's Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Buggy Materials^ Mill Iron and Haws of every description Xatls and Horse Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Springs and Axles. IRON A\D STEEL. 100 Tons of Swedes Iron of our own im portation, Refined Iron, Plat, Round and Square Iron, Common English Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Oral and Half Round Iron. Plow Steel, Cast Steel, German Steel, Blister. Sleel, Spring Steel, ifc. all of which we aro bound to s.'-ll at tho lowest mar ket prices. CARHART A CURD, fob 10 BOOK BINDING J ACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every description of blank account books, and binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music nnd ! Jltscettaneons Books, clerks’ record and docket books, with or without printed forms, and warrant ed best quality paper. Us*- Engineers’ profile paper made from the best English drawing to nDy length cr width. All orders frein the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue one door below Ross and Coleman's. apl 13 TmesjilNu MACHLNES, FA1V HILLS. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRADLES, SCYTHE BLADES, GRASS BLADES, In store and will be sold very low- ci apl 20 CARHART * CURD. DRY GOODS fAT WHOLESALE- [ ly developed. The stom- 1 ache is almost entirely Y? Sr- YU A 1) O ^ ^ I dependent on the heal- thy action of the Liver • -*-»• CV/ > T • 11 • -A Yv_y 1J O; for the proper perforin-1'w' unco of its functions; THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely from I S ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIV ER MEDICINES now before the public, that acta as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectu al than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on tbe stomach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplish- ingtwo purposes effectually, without any of tho pain ful feelings experienced in tbe operations of mos- Cathartics. It strengthens the system at tho same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mode rate doses, will strengthen and build it up with un usual rapidity. Tbe LIVER is one of • the principal regulators of the human body, and ayS 1 when it performs its inactions welbthepow- Mj ersoftbesystemarefnl- itom-; ‘i ache is almost entirely Are now receiving * A Large and well Selected Stock OF Foreigu aud l>ouir»tic Dry («oo«l« rOKTUE SPRING AND SUHHER TRADE, To which they invite the attention of Merchants, api 13 tmmm LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs & Hill, AT TOKNEYSAT LA YV, Macon, Ga. apl 20 Ex’rs. Executor’s Sale. \ XT ILL bo sold, on the 1st Tuesday in Nor. next, YV before the Court-House door in the city of Macon, the plantation belonging to the estate of Edmund Gilbert, deceased, late of Bibb County, if not sold privately before that time. This fartn lies on the road leading from Macon to Thouiaston, about eleven miles fromtbe city of Ma- con. and contains five hundred and sixty (S6Q) acres, more or b-ss of oak and hickory land, with about four hundred opened and in cultivation. On the premises are a good dwelling house, Kitchen, Gin llonse. Cotton Press, and ail necessary out buildings for snch a farm. The place lies well—is well supplied both with run ning and good well water. It is also convenient to Market, to Mills and to Churches. Any person wishing topnrchsse will do well to call snd examine this place. Mr. Josephus Gilbert, who lives on the place; will take pleasure in showing it to any one who may call to look at It. Ep* Terms on the day of sale. JOSEPHU3 GILBERT, ) - . . JULIU3 C. GILBERT, j I ' 3!ecutor * sept 17th tds Win. K. deGrtifrcnried, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanior House—above Damonr’s oet 27 L. W. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT L A YV, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. jan8 Law Copartnership. I. L. HARRIS,' CHAS. J. HARRIS, Millodgcvillc, Ga. Thotnasvillc, Ga. sep 15 Atifiiiiiislrator’s Sale. DY virtu* of an order of the Court of Ordinary of -L) Twiggs County, will beso.d before the Court House door, in Habersham County, on the First Tuesdsy in October next, between the legal hours of sale, Lot of Laud number ono hundred and thirty three, in the Thirteenth District of Habersham County. ALbO, on the samo day, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the town of Gainaville, in Hall County, one Lot of Lsud number one hundred and thirty liiue, (139) in the Ninth (9) District of Hall Countv. The above Land will be sold for the benedt of the heirs and eredltorsot tbe estate of Beqjamin B. Smith, late of Twigg* County, deceased. ROBERT K. PAR Aug, 17,18£8.—tds. i.EIt, Adm’r. A<liiiiuisii*:rtoi'’s Sale. W ILL ba sold on Saturday, the 28th day of Au gust, at 10 o'clock, A. 31., at the late residence of Joseph G. Stiles iu Jones co., several hundred bushels of wheat and corn. Also a lot of peach brandy. G. B. ROBERTS, Adm’r, 1 Estate S. G. Stiles. Executors’ Sale. Will be Sold before the Court Honse door in the town of Forsyth, Monroe County, on tho first Tues day in October next, the plantation belonging to NtlhuJnmhtesfi id County deo'd. The Place contains Fifteen Hundred Acres, more or less, with two Mills, ono an excellent Merchant Mill, the oilier a Saw Mill, 'i. » Plant <;i<>n Has four miles east ofCulluden in an exedlrnt neighborhood meat to Churches and Schools. About. eight hundred acres are cleared a high state 01 cui—about two bnndred acres rich ere, i The iApprovements consist of a two story Frame* Dwelling-, of sevi n_Ro good repair, with negro bouses and other out-bniidings sufficient to aehom- inedate a largVform. vi. (■ .^1 House, Stabler (ini- nary, etc. "ft Peraona desirous of p e . h. -ing a pleasant and eve ry way convenient place, are invited to look at it DANIEL .1. JONES. WM. JONES, N. JONES aud JOHN JONES, a’ 1 !? to • jNffy Executors oixn Dai.-aiika. t.■ the Hole., it,:, oJ ‘A 1 > I ’(I.-'utter ilaie, application 1. - m ‘ !■ ;he Honorable the Ordinary of Crae ■ ( ,, , for leave i■> 1 ihe Land aud X■ o ■ ■■- belonging f . t llC* K-,1 Mte , 11 J, Jj 11 11. ,I.* v, 1 a11 • n I A. J. MACARTHY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY*, GA, V A 7 ILL practice in any of the Courts of the Maoon V V or Southwestern circuit. mar 16 tf J. B. HILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA.. W ILL practice in tbo BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising the following counties, Glynn. Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and CliarUnn, also McIntosh of tho Eastern. may -1 ISAAC HARDEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLINTON, GEORGIA. july 7 ly T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW. MACON, G A . O FFICE in Ralston's new block 011 Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. «<*K * i.h. SXWAUD. A. H IIAMILZ.. SEWARD & II AX SELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE. GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practicejn the counties 01 Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD A HANSELL. Thomas villa, Nov. 3rd, 1836. nov 4 ItlJIBIiOliGH A BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, STARKSVILLE, LEE CO., «A„ W ILL practice in the courts of tbe South Wes tern circuit. Ail business entrusted to their care will bo promptly and dilligentiy attended to. t’eb 2tf J. H, JBansoin ft Co. Manufacturers and Wmolejalf. Dzaleksin BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 1 : Cou, Hand ;;J Dry Streets, - ,, „ >’’”w Y( rk. H.Ransom, 1 (A. P. Ransom, < Darius W l Iu bf v Il Dau’l Hansom. W. A. Bsmsoo Ge< r Boyd. i)li. A. i'lJlU'J i lOAiGv ) £> 01 i !« i.\ 1 Medicine Ca- - - nnd sole. Macon, July 13—tf. -> \ r n i r a V L J 1. to a is^ocii. •mestic Practice for Lime, Lime, Lime, " FROM THE-— “CHEWACL A LIME WORKS, AhABAU.t. W E are now prepared to furnish any quantity (from 1 to 50U bbls) of the above named ar-. tide, equal if not superiorinqualilytothebest Rock-1 disease—effecting a rad ical cure, land, atas low oriowerfigurcs than any Lime can be f B I L L I O U3_AT-,(r^ TACKS aj had in onr market. |**’| ” ”**”""*” Masons and contractors will find it to their inter est to call. C. CAMPBELL’S; SON. City papers copy. Agents, apl 20 when tile stomach is at — fault, and the whole sys tem suffers in conse- ^—Jquence of one organ— the LIVE R—having L ' ceased to do its duty. For the disease of that 1 organ, one of the pro prietors has made it iiisj^p'study, in a practice of more than twenty years/^ to find some reraedy wherewith to counteract | themany derangements to which it is liable. To prove that this re- V—t medy is at last found, .. n y person troubled; with LIVER COM- PLAINT, in any of its forms, has bat to try a bottle, and conviction is certain. These Gums removej , i all morbid or bad mat ter frointhesystem.sup- Tn plying in their placea healthy flow of bile, and: invigorating the stom- ache, causing food to di ', . Igest well, PURIFYING THE BLOOD, giving 1 rH lone and health to tho whole machinery, re-: t moving the cause of the | TACKS are cured, and WHAT IS BETTER. I PREVENTED, by the occasional use of tlie f—^ LIVER INVIGOIiA- TOU. \/x\ One dose after eating ' Vis sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent ij the food from rising and souring. Only one dose taken vents NIGHT-MARE. ; - Only one dose taken irr. before retiring, pre- at night, loosens the AVOOH’b Premium Oallery III C ilTlSRKrVrfami t*trKD"erH visiting M*coiiBhould I , WU V ww uuao huawiiij / not fall to call and examine WOODS BEAU- b «wOs gently, and cures . TIFUL COLLECTION of PtCTUHKS. which are One dose oftwo ^ teaspoonfulls will al- taken at astonishing low prices, aud far SUPERIOR s A 1 C r K * fc to what can be had elsewhere, ns every ono can see. | ffl^a^ and mXes”’ diately relieves CUO Here can be obtained from the smallest AMBiiO- TYPEto tbe finest finished PORTRAIT, in OIL, PASTILE or WATER colors, asmaysalttbefancy: and recollect that this is the ONLY GALLERY where can be had all the above styles of Pictures.— Call and see, R. L. WOOD, july l.t-tf moves the cause of the perfec t cure, Only one (lose imme-, LIC, while , ^ Onedosooftenrepeat-lp*s ed is a sure euro for CHOLERA MORBUS.: -and a preventive of CHOLERA. !i 1 E3?* Only ono bottfe is needl'd to throw out of the system tiie effects! of medicine altera long sickness. rf) One bottle taken Y/z f o r JAUNDICE, moves all sallowness or unnatural c o 1 o r from the skin. - tOuq <!•>» en a short r-^ time before eating gives vigor to the appe- .tite, nnd makes food di gest well. ; ! ; One dose often repeat- ed cures CHRONIC DIAKRHCEA in its ... worst forms, while SUMMER and B OWEL M complaints yield almost to the first dose. ^ One or two doses cure r attacks by WORMS in children: there i « no UU surer, safer, speedier remedy in the world, ns 1 it Never Fails. JEy A few bottles Uy cures DROPSY*, by ex citing tbe absorbents. £\ i»g occupied bv them in this place, in connection I dip ^ vfor°F E V K k" , \’n D on Cotton and other Produce in store, and orders I 1,3 wouller1 " 1 virtues. JJ carefully filled. JONATHAN COLLESS. july 6—tf WATER WORKS HYDRAULIC RAMS. m HE subscribers are now prepared to furnish and JL put up in successful operation, HANSON'S PATENT Hydrauilic H.ains, IVttlcr Wheels, At. Any plant! r h »\ ing a stream of w •■ r .■? niiming spring on his place, can have his Dwellings, Out 11 and grounds applied with ■ liter in -" ii< i* - . quantities lor culinary pun. watering stock, h.-autilVing and Invigorating his gi ounds, Ac. The above machines aro tiittplu in construction, and are not liable toget out of or'or, and require no expense to itet-p them constantly working. For further particulars, address the snb3eribers, who will always ho ready to answer any communi cations. Tiie above machines are warranted to give satisfaction. THOMAS, OLIVER A DOUGLASS, 143 Broughton Street. Savannah, Ga. july 27—8w* , - ... Valuable Plantations for Sale. it BRIBING to move iny pir.nting interest ££' \f west, I offer for saletwo valuable PLAX- IX.1 TATION3. Ouo situated in Macon county within three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western Rail Road, containing 2,405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvements, and be tween thirteen and fourteen hundred acres in culti vation, a considerable portion of which is fresh land. The other plantation is situated in the 14th District of Lee, on Flint River, at the mouth of Chocketfi- chikee Creek, and contains 2,474 acres of Land, about two-thirds of which is Oak and Hickory land of the best quality, and tbe remainder good Pine Land, with about thirteen hundred acres m cultiva tion, nearly all of which is fresh land, and as produc tive OS any land in South-Western Georgia, and is finely watered, and substantially improved. My over seers will show these places to any one wishing to examine them. My terms will he liberal and pay ments easy. For further particulars, address the undersigned at Macon. N. BASS. T. C. NISBET F0IMR1 MD HMD SHOP, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Georsi X o p to wel 1% Ware, GOOD july 27—If Watches, (SIjL’AXOX* FANCY Piano Fortes, Violins, gXi-T"T*Tr* /5k.*g=JLg3- ©yirilmr Pori IVjL'OA^.ios, dsc. YYc are offering our entire STOCK of the above, with an innumerable variety of other new and desirable GOODS, f. of the best quali ty nt LOWER PRICES, for CASH, tlmniSiSStcver before sold in this market, until the First day of March next OUR STOCK IS very large and well se- Ieted, and well worthy the attention of all those who wish FIXE and GOOD G 0 0 D S, at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PlilOES N. B.—All those indebted to ns, will more than ever oblige ns bo an early settlement. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Macon, January 26, 1858. P1AKO-FORTES. ATOW Receiving some of the most-; IN SPLENDID PIANO FORTESB ever offered for sale in Macon, from the U celebrated Factories of J. C. Chiokering and Nunn 5c Clark, warranted superior to any othermade in the United States. Also, two HARPS tram J. F. Brown A Co’s, factory. Tho above instruments are a feast to one's eyes to look at, and the tone completely Captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for fine goods. ' On hand, Prince Melodians, best article of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tamborins, Bugles, Cierionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept in oarline. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. Winches, Jfcvrrlry cuil Z’nucy Goode Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen aud Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles,^ Gold Pens, and Peucils, Gold and Silver Speet; Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Wait ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. S’* Clocks and Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give ns a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenue, Union Building, nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. BOOTS AND SHOES. A T THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, jB Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington jS Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers *d r d would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large-assortment of BOOTS ASD SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, jan « MIX A KIRTLAND © VO C’J - j-;.*—c- ‘-•i-sagr- w ,T- - .. s-4 O ^ xi *~ £ -S O-S Ciiaiiii'C of S<'!l(‘<li5lt\ SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE IN C0XNNECTI0N with tl;o CENTRAL nnd North Eastern Rail Roads. rpHE splendid and Fast Running ■*. Xm GOttUOK, F. Harden, Commander, leaves Savan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects nt Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road going North; returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night nt 8j o’clock (after tho arrival of tho cars'of the North Ea-ternR. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings: By this route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N. Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Itoadand its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO., Ag’ts, Charleston. jan 19 LOUIS MKNAKI), F. H. BURGHARD. Late with M. D. Barnes.jLate with Day AMaussenet, MENARD & BUBGHAKD, Watchmakers & Jewellers, W ILL open at their new store, Ralston’s £§L Range, corner of Cotton Avenue ami Cherry street, about the 1st of October. beautiful and well selected assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, Musical Instrumemts, Fancy Goods, &.c., &c, An examination of which, they would most respect fully solicit, feeling confident that they will be able to offer everything in theirline calculated to please the taste of even the most fastidious. XSc pairing*, of every description, executed in a manner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best workmen in the in the South. They hope, by offering choice and elegant Goods and by strict attention to business, to merit a liber al shareof public patronage^ _ sep 29 _ BROWJSPS HOTEL. OPPOSITE THE «EW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. K. K. BROWN. Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 * , ; | GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LAMER HOUSE T IIE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Costo mere. This House is now offered as inferior to m other First Class Hotel in the South, and from it? central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accommodations to Families and Transient persons. The public may expect from this House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i any other hotel. 15. F. DENSE, mar 2 Late of the Floyd House. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine ttf French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and Jfo waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and lor sale low'by jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. 3 UBBEU SHOES.—A large assortment . .Y, of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by jan S MIX A KIRTLAND. DENTISTRY. DRS. SUGAR & BLAISDELL. Dentists, OFFICE IX WASHINGTON BLOCK, | Opposite tbe Lanier House. We warrant all our work to be of the flist Class. And Charge a reasonable Price only. GIVE IJS A CALL. DR. II. SEGEIt. A. BLAISDELL, M. D may 11 JTonacliaii OoHins, (Lnta Pflttcn, Collins Sc Co.) W ILL continue the Wnrc House umlC-oiu*! million RuuIih kn nt th« Fire Proof Bnild- [ ; llicil* lliifi All who n*c if nrc girin Ic.HlisMoiiy in if» favor. ar Mix ivafcr in the mouth wifli the lii- r2sjorntor, nml iwsllovr bolli lo*j<*fliur. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ISA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and their patrons can be accommodated with any stylo I £ s,lR *ly working cures, almost too great to beUeve. of work pertaining to the Profession. I It cures as if by magie, even tbo first dose giving Those wishing a CHIMP 1ST VIM: of work will I burifc fi', »nd seldom more than one bottle is required meet with as much favor hero as they will elsewhere. I Cllru B ?y kind of LIV Ell Complaint, from the Drs. McDonald and Van Giesen, ZDentis-ts. O FFICE in Second Story of Washington Block, on Second street, opposite Concert Hall, where I Tooth Powders, Past, Washes, Toothache Drops, Brushes. Ac... tor asle. ■mar231y KOHLS A AT BROTHERS, IMPORTERS OF DRT: r .3 AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, CHENILLE, BERLIN ZEPHIR WOOL. GOLD and SILVER STARS, LACES, Ac. •IS .5iitin Sti-ect !Vrw York, june-2m. Hew Crockery Store. rnllE Ijidics and Gentlemen of Ylacon nml ml- L joining counties are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of CHINA, GLA33 and CROCKERY WARE, next door to Mrs. Dessau's on ’ecoud street. I intend to keep at all times a good tock of Goods, aud will sell them as low as they can a bought anywhere in the city. A liberal share of atrouaga is respectfully solicited. may 25—tf '■• R. H. HUTCHINGS. .33 ST Sd.i.t’aiav r;o. Table and Tea Spoons, Berry die?. Ac., .Vc. Ivory llaudfi le Cutlery, H. C. Silver Leve •al hfiruMili, Land Chains, K. J. JOHNSTON A CO. the worst Jaundice or Dysyepsia to a common Head- aoht, alt of which aro tiie result of a DISEASED LIVER. PUtCB OXF.DOM.AR PER f.OTTLF. ! SANFORD A CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, N. Y*. Wholeaalo Aucnlt* : BARNES A PARK, New York ; T. W. DYOTT A SONS, Philadelphia; L. S BUHR, A CO., Boston; II. II. HAY A CO., Portland; JOHN D. PARK. Cincinnati!; GAYLORD A HAMMOND, Cleveland; : ’ II.Vi-Mtt.’K ■■■ DAVIS. ( IJ,-ago ; (). J. WOOD A CO. St. Louis GEORGE KBYsKR, Pittsbargh; S. S. I1ANCE, Baltimore, and retailed by all Drug ged?. Sold Wtolteld and Retail by ZEILUi, HUNT A CO.. Maoon, Ga. mar 10 12m 3LANTATIONBROGANS.-Now instore JL the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we' have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are selling very low. jan 0 .MIX A KIRTLAND. B OOTS AND SHOES-Men s, Boys and ... Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots Men’s stout kip hunting und mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment. Jan 6 MIX A KIRTLAND. Tbs 4,’rc:i ' Age, nm Boils— OILVER F O Sc lated and Steel Tal Wavhes; M.ithemat Opj iv\ JB JtiAIMliiitL? o VAHILTY STOIli: CO ; TON .vVilNCE. C. H. Fr,(,i: m, and Ross. Cole and R,,,„. O ivellii ■sale anil retail; a large Baskets ye. For sale . JOHNSTON A CO. Mackerel and Shad. :E HUNDREDpach.i^ea .MaekMsl, 10 •• Pickled Shad, ly expectvd by J. 1!. A W. A. BOBS. / ' ROCK HR Y’, U AR I I‘ I. Greinii Fr.ic-zera GL WARE, kinds, It, F PUNISHING rriaeratore. Ice repair,d; \in icd 1 ,-.s I lllliilullv Doha; e 25lh ilnu nm III,i Company, ■n, June22, ls5s cli M ■d in, In pay r- ! to ira lo fur r my.-i-lf, an,I r 15oarer, of ir.-d anil Fif- 85fi, amt duo lousiilc ..ition led, I am de- polled by I. . ,, , Ac. JAMES W. HARDISON. 1 \V it u A b tllo 1,„S la -1 medical Iliicuvcry oflli Ayer’s t’litlinrlic 1'ills. They don’t help complaints, but they cure th One Box has cured tho Dyspepsia. _ Three Boxes have cured the worst ts.- Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured the Erysipelas. One Box always cures the Jaunuic Three Boxes suro to cure the syste often less than 0110 does it. Two Boxes have completely cured the worstul cere on the legs. Small doses si hiom fail to cur Ono dose cures the hexdach stomach. Strong dotes often repeated from the body. They should be given to chile more or less afflicted with this s As a gentle physic they have no equal. () ■.■ box cures d< rungement Of tho Mver. Haifa box cures n Cold. Th< y purify tho blood, nnd thus strike at the foun (lotion or every disease. a dinner Pill th, r.- is not tlw-ir equal In the ISAAC’S KESTAUKAJXT. OX CHERRY STREET; a UNDER RALSTON’S NEW CONCERT ItALL. H IS house is opened as ai Permanent Establish ment, to provide meals to travelers and citi sens throughout the year. He will always be prepared to furnish his guests with every variety of eatables suited to the season, such ns New York, Savannah and Brims WICK OYSTERS, Fish, Shrimps and all kinds of Wild Game that can be obtained. Choice Wines and Liquors, and a general assortment of Confectionary always kept on hand, and purchasers generally, can obtain all bis articles at reasonable rates. Also a supply of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUIT. Families will be supplied with ^ ^. OYSTERS and FRUIT PIES, andotherK ’N (9) dish s at any hour. \ / ' Parties, Balls, Ac., will be promptly furnished with Suppers in elegant stvle, and at the shortest notice. Savannah and Brunswick OYSTERS bv the quart, gallon or larger quantities, to suit pur chasers. oet 13 FLINT HOUSE. JHACOIT, r.A, F ORMERLY known as the Macon House, on First street, opposite Patten, Col- jFTs lins A Co., has been recently fitted np will, Iril a large addition, for the accommodation of Boar, and the traveling public, who will find it to their in terest, if stopping a few days in Macon, to give us a call and see tor themselves. The proprietor, thank ful for past favors, flatters himself that by strict at tention to business, he will receive his share of pub lie patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arri viog at tbe depot will ask for its Represen tative. The table shaH not be inferior to any in the Bubstantials of life. Pi'icc of* T3oa tc»c3L s For a single meal 50 Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1,25 By the day 1,50 Single week 8,00 By the month (Board A Lodging)... .20,00 feb 2 THOS II. FLIN1’, Proprietor. Embroideries f! Embroideries !!! J UST received from the latest importations 500 Swiss and Jac. Collars from 25c. to 84 each, loopr. •• '•* Sleeves from 50c. to 84 “ SOsctts of Swissand Jaconet Collars and Sleeves from 75c. to 80 apiece. 500 yds. Swiss and Jaconet Edging, from 12c. to 81 23 per yard. 200 yds. Swiss “ Insertion *• 81 00 per yd. 100 Embroidered Lincnlidkfs. from25c. to 810. 30 Embroidered Swiss Dresses of the very la test designs. 200 Swiss, Jaconet and Nainsook Bands, from 25c. to 85 00. 20 Embroidered Skirts, and aii other articles usually found under tho head of Embroideries. Tho nbovo Goods were bought at the recent large Auction Sales in New York, and bought at such re markable low prices, that I am enabled to sell them at 50 per cent, less than actual value. 13** Ladies please call nnd satisfy yourselves of the fact, at the Store of ELIAS EINSTEIN, july 13 Cor. 2d St. A Cot. Av. Triangular Block. Georgia Citizen and State Press copy. ■ the Pile i arising xpel a foul ery Iwnys rid. S*J;ilor Sale. pJEING desirous of moving to tho West, I now JL) offer my entire settlement of land for sale, 7 miles Southwest of Macon, near tho Perry Road. The place contains 850 acres, about 100 cleared and iu a tine_ State of cultivation. On it there is a good framed dwelling with 9 rooms, good new framed Gin house nnd Screw, negro Cabins, Cribs and Stables and Blacksmith Shop, aud all necessary outbuild ings, and 2 good wells of water, „>;d plantation well watered with branches, nml a iiue Orchard, all of which I will sell to suit the times. STEPI IEN WOODWARB. july 20—2,n mew Film. \ \T E will roiitinne the PRODUCE.and COM.M IS * v SION business iu the city of Macon, at the stand formerly occupied by ,15. iraen A Francis co. On hand at all times, a general ..took of Pro duce, such as It,non, flour, Lard, Corn, I'mliinv, Ac.. and we desire tbo country and city trade to call and examine our stock, as we feel confident that we can make it to their Inter, stto purchase of us. BEARDEN A GAINES, may t—*f Success ,,-s to Bearden A Francisco Gutiiiii, Lime, Pltisicri Ac. ■ r- Sacks Peruvian Gnanck 1 / .) 50 bids. Land Plaster. 200 bbls.Thom;,.-toil Lime. HENRY HORNE’S ContVclionnrv, Fruit .Store,Cake and Pas try iSnltcrr—-M.ico.v, Geoeoja, one doorbelow the State Bank. M anufacturer ofthe finest fuf.nch Pastrt and OltNAMENTAL Cakks, and Dealers in Fine Candies. Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Sugars, Tobacco, Ac., Wholesale and Retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections aud Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms:—Positively Cash—no Credit given. jan 30—ly Savannah Medical T HE sixth annus.I course 0 f 7 -„ stitution will commence or - 5 a • SSWSSKv -CZi: R- D. ARXOLU M* l i,*lT.> V ■ practice of Medicine * *™tes: rj; P. M. KOLLOCK. M D. p r ,,, - ' 7| Diseases ot Women and Chilrir W. G. BULLOCH, V' b ?’, 11 Practice of Surgery ’ i’ri:;■ J. G. HOWARD,'JLD-Pr J URIAH HARRIS It n . / A:: " - ,-L 15. READ. M. «f PhS ical Jurisprudence. - r n v Al C iw; d.-'t v v* ATT :“ r *P t •*,«&«! o] .W,.J.WEST.M.D.. Adjnnctp 4 « S < J AS. K. GODFREY, M.d n natorny. • '^enjonstnj, • twice a week; at the siJSSSh ^ members 0 t me Faculty or the sl?™' ~ College, upon a large numb».„A* lm «li M-s, both medical and surgical ^ U T,rirt vcf e At, Ob'tetrical Ward is «k„ „ which students may have access 6 n the lVofe.sors of this branch inS-m2?P*4 desectiug rooms wiU be open^l^?>i; S ■ ment ot the season, and remab so, sA 001 ^-' the lectures. u *99lfilthe^U The condition which aee„, „ ful donation ofthe last Leei«Lt,F, ,lut ' s *he U, nah Medical College, wilffi^^ with by tho Faculty, viz: thatonl cos,? each Co I1S re.ssionJ District ceive a gratuitous education ia fi^ Applications for such position IhSAWwi. the Dean, on or before the <h«tafiS>»^ companitd with good recommcadara! 1 ^”^, character. Demou8trator‘s Ticket Fees for entire Course x For further particulars annlv fi, Oglethorpe Medical CoUeoT SAVANNAH, G\ ue s®’ rnllE FOURTH Annual , 1 will commence on Aondsy the st ^ her and continue until the first weli;. i? cf ®a- Preliminary Lectures will be de&veife: StiSssr- T-sStta These Lectures are free to all StncW FACl’LTi- H. L. BYRD, A. X u n ftofcssor cf the Principles and ftaJuv; pf P HOLMES STEELE, II n Professor of Obstetrics and DisMsJ, and Children. m nf "• - A. W. GRIGGS, M. D Professor of the Principle! andPnmi,, . gery. l ll “ : ' V. H. TALIAFERRO M n Profersor of Materio Medica and uZ, , prudence. ’ ™ J,r » F. F. COLZE1*. M. D Professor of Chemistry and Pharmarr W.T.FEAY, M. D ’ Emeritas Professor of Chemistry. CFI ARGILS. Fees for the full Course “ “ Demonstrator, _ “ “ Matriculation, (paid onlv oncci “ “ City Hospital, (optionary).. “ “ Diploma, Students may take the tickets of one or iui- tbe Conrees, aDd pay proportionately. One a,... will be received from each CoagrefeinmJ a,’ in the State free of charge as heretofore. The Dissecting Rooms wiU be opened upa organization of the Class, and kept well nw with good material during the session, clinique at the College will be opened on the 14 j October, and is free totheClass. The City H.-#- Ticket will be famished by the Faenlty ;>J charge, to such full Course Students ns miv'dre. Thus offering to them, in addition totheioar. tions of their own professors, all the adrinu,, which the physicians of that institution ire cau of affording. It has been falsely stated that onr school u ts grading,” but we think the following ftulememci sufficient to settle that question. Thenmnberon,, triculantsin the Oglethorpe Medical College forth. Collegiate year of 1837-8, was 37, and ll gndur.- while tbe respective numbers for the ssmepnisii; the Savannah Medical College, were iNiut ltd Good Board can be procured in the city,XL- S3 50 to 85 per week. For further information call upon, or uddtta H. L. BYRD, M. D„ Ire No. iC Broughton St., opposite the Marshall Eta, aug 30—3t Family Carriage; T nE subscriber would invite s P e 'olft!#i eial attention to his, stock ofS^£^5 CARRIAGES AND HARXKSRW ^ where may be found Family Carriages fromtl- - ebrated Manufacturers, Baldwin A Thomis, 111 Quinby A Co., aDd others, surpassing those isi old by Carriage Dealers. They eonsiu of the Latest si 11 <il most l-’.-i-fiiocablr kill,, combining elegance with lightness indstrenjtl.a are choice jobs, selected and bought “al the lo*--' figure,” by C. II. McKee for this estabihawt-] We are confident that there is inoresatiifittioil-| all parties interested in selling the higbestgradr work, and are now offering it on the mod urn ble terms. A call from those in want of Canute is respectfully solicited. T. H. PUH ang 10—4t Ayers, Wingfield & Co,, HAVE JUST RECEIVED r, A BALES heavy Sonny Bagging. .UU25 « light 200 Coils Missouri Rope, 50 “ Jute ” 100.000 lbs. Bacon, 25 Hlids. Porto Rico and N. 0. Sugar, 100 Bbls. A B and C Sugars, 20 bbls Cits’" and Powder,. '! Sugars, 200 Sacks Rio Coffee, 20 “ Whitened Govenimen; 50 IIluls. Molasses, 20 Bbls. New Orleans Syrup, 800 Backs Salt, 200 Bbls. Liquors—various bramb 100 Cases of Liquors in Glass. 40 Baskets Champagne Wine, 25 Cases Claret wine, Soap, Candles, Pickles, Ac., ,■ Osnaburgs, Yarns, Bro. Sbirtmgs^1 aud all other goods usually kept m tbeGnap | in ess. - augfi)-’® Macon, August, 1858. PREMIUM CANDIES. /"'I HAS- H. FREEMAN A CO., Manufacturers of Ks Fine Candies of every description, would res pectfully inform the public that thev are now ready to fill all orders for goods in their line. Their can dies took tiie premium at tne last Fair of the State Agricultural Society and aro warranted to be of the best quality. PARTIES furnished with every thing in tho way of I’ittin ami Oviiaicieiitcil Cakes, and personal attention will bo given to tho prepara tion nt' the Tablo for such occasions, when required. L5** All orders from the country, accompanied with tho CASH shall receive prompt attention, feb 9 WEST’S PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT ROOFING. mHE subscriber having tho right for the state of 1. Georgia, would call the attention of the public to tho above named Roofing, it being the only pat ent granted that secures the uso of Rubber ami other elaatic ingredients which will resist the changes of our climate and will unite the qualities of incombus- ibility, durability and cheapness: This roofing will be warranted in every particular and is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roofs, oct 13 W. J. McELBOY. . MKETIKS! Floor Oil CJlotIiSi| JVT.A. T TIN G-S. ( . RUGS AND MATS!., \ LARGE Stock, and a great vanvtv ot - v ^ I JxAn above Goods, just received. wM*. llt I sold at far lower figures, and give purr ■-.__ lection from the best stock ever oneie, Al*®' SATIN. DeLAiNE, ' LACE and MIISLIh- , WIM'O W < rRTAl» WINDGW SHADER, GILT CORNI 1 -*-- * I BANDS in great variety. -....-wt bv ■' I Purchasers will consult their own W** 1 ’ •mining my stock before buying. p g(iS: ang 3—tf Lightning Conductors np HE Subscriber having loretedaty.f*'*^ I ing conatantly in reoSptofJtbe^ WANTED. AM sill buying Military bounty Land Warrantui and will always give the highest cash price', d C. I. ;„lv ’-I V a. 3. BLAKE 100 'i'll ■are pi c-ly table, and oacoompfish an uimccomitablonn; pared bv DR. J. V. AYER, l’ract II. Mas-', and sold by all Druggist divine throughout tiii- seotitoi. in d. > no harm, nt of good. i Chemist, nd dealers Lump Cab-in l’o bbls alel.e bale C. ash by al 1! ASH Kit AYltK 30,000 salt* by may *1—it' KtlCOII. A X». 1. Temu*stit*<i lJacon, Wf-li •0 Hint triinnifd, in store and fur BEAKDiSN A O A INKS. 700 en Flour nml Corn. SACKS first rate fresh ground Flour, uitVer- nt brands, 75 Barrels Knoxville City 51111s Extra Family FI >ur, eijuiil to Hiram Smith's or any other brands. 500 bushels of Corn, just received and for sale at low figures, may 4 jBEARDEN A GAINES. Lands for Sale. VTI Isis soli one nr both of my P L A X T A r IQ X S in Dooly county, wiiles below Mon tezuina, oil Flint Hiver. One contains 1,873 ACRE? >f LAND— me S00 acres open, and in a high statt * ill ti vat inn. <;.•.»«! Framed NEGRO IlOUSEi: nd G1S HOUSE ; other improvements ^ood. The other contains some l'/J-j? aerosol land, about >00 acre*s op i n, and in a ldjjh state of cultivation, iVameti. Ne-ro Houses and Dwelling Bouse, r b lildinps u r ood- and an excellent little WA FER MILL, to do tho grinding for both Plantations. Hiere is some 1000 acres of CANE and SWAMP LANDS, some TWO to THREE HUNDRED YCRE3 open, and in a high state of cultivation.— ns Col. .John S. Thomas aud William Druinrighf, and of course is good. Call and examine for yourself. My Overseer will show tin* place at any time. I will s< 11 it low. With tin* PLACES, r will st-11 CORN, FODDER, OATS, STOCK HODS nnd CATTLE. Urithn, Ga., July 31 \V. W. CHAPMAN, aug 3 Messenger copv. "VlENNiA MATCHES, rnHE mid.r.rigned his now on hand and is oiler 1 ing A. .11. I'»lliik’» genuine Vienna .flaiciics for sale at 82,75 per gross, aug 10 tf JOIT.Y A. NELSON. East Macon, Ga. mop ^ Ccndnctorenow r.-'.i.-ctfuHy aimmiiic.' to ii;- 1’ " ■ tie di prepared to fill all orders,^® I most perfect manner, not ouly tke pWre I lives of all, (np Lightning- juW* j ed, lares size; durability, ana. t0 j aro combined: being at the same **® y^ vl «i*w I struction. tho liabilitvtoderaiige® 0 Addrfts* at The foftowiag if BsspwtfnUy mU W-. th-::mle«lXB d, haviog tv I Church to tha public, confidently - e t ] them as being gotten up upon aeisnSM v ficient and durable. , Mn" c O. L. Smith, Prcsidfnt Female College .. .1 oii:< 15. AmES, Builder, D 15. WooDBl i f. Architect. . . r i,,, r0 b, W» Rttre II. R. Reks Rector of Christ C inn ■ S ::m ’ DISSOLUTtOR- SCIgC o d I rpllE Finn of liEAKI , ‘- N i \ ‘,‘V7 I L this day dissolved . j . I Bearden Is fully anthorixeJ R ogABl^- firm in settlement. W. B. V^ Macon, Ga., Apriif, 1858. H. L. Me ^ May 4—tf New Steam Saw Wijt I TTAYING started a Steam T.L County, about seven mil; lrom Je^ m l'erry to Maret’. -.n furnish Mill, having to ll* roads leading fr selves, that wo ■ her than any otbei Timber, and good Sawyers. . \ U> will f 11 Bills trom Maoon. t and the am rour.ding country^- lOthrir| intend to g- u th. r Mills, or the times will admit rant Lumber will, no doubt, find it > give us their hills, ns w tion if uo3?ible. , Address Perry. Houston •mnnt ■ ».MA' ■ )iIA=- JOHN H.T JOHN .4- Tbo Journal AAIessenger^opj^J^—r-jT Lost—A Canary Bid;;. , T he finder will be rewards july 27 ” c :* c i“MP^