The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, September 28, 1888, Image 4

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ym•: IN AND AROUND TOWN. subscription only £1.00 Friday Sep’t. 28,1888. O. A. Clinton. Editor anil Pub. JCgPSee legal advertisements. fCgsT’We arc nowise responsible for the views of our correspon dents. SEND US THE NEWS. wo want the people in cverv portion of the county to send us tho news, we will furnish you Nvith stamps, paper and envelopes and send all regular cor respondents a < opy of the. paper free. Send us every item that will be of value to anyone in or around here, we will greatly appriciate any and all lielp you can give ns. In writing send vour conlnuuiications so we can get them by Tuesday, CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist—Rev. H, L. Embry, Pastor. Preaching 1st Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday School , ft a. m. T. F. Garrison Sup't. i’raver meeting Wednesday night. Baptist—Dr. I. G. Woolsey Pas tor. Preaching 3rd Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday School 9 a. m. J. W. Grayham Supt. Prayer meeting Sunday night. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk—A. E. Stokes, Fayette ville, Georgia. Ordinary—D. M. Franklin, Fayetteville. Georgia. Sheriff—/. W. Brown, Fayette ville, Georgia. Dept’y Sheriff—W. N. Hender son, Fayetteville, Georgia. Tax Receiver—F. N. P'arr, Flat Creek, Georgia. Tax Collector—J. H. Williford, Flat Creek, Georgia. Treasurer—L. C. Ellison, P'lat Creek, Georgia. Surveyor—W. H. Prichard, Brooks Station, Georgia, Coroner—A. Jones, Brooks Station. Georgia. County School Commissioner— W. T. Glower, Flat Creek, Ga, DOST OFFICE. /. V. Kitchens post master.. L. A. Perdue As’t. post master Up mail closes at 4 30. Down mail closes at 8 30. KNIGHTS' OF HONOR. Good weather for cotton. Did you see the delegate? Cotton is coming in rapidly. We hive had nice weather for the Association, The plastering on the Court House has commenced. The /ournal man is here to day in interest of his paper. Our merchants will pay more for cotton than you ^an get any*, wfure, Mr. R. F. Ellis, who has been q 1 ite sick for some time is able to be up. Quite a r umber of our citizens attended the Association at Shoals Creek Sunday. When ;cu sell ycnr cotton don’t lorgetto settle your account at the drugstore. /jstice Court to day, no litiga- cd cases tried for the want of some place at which to hold court. Dr. Cantrell and his estimable wife will return to their home in Fair burn the first of next week. Misses Kate Derrick and Willie Brown, of Hampton, were the gnests of Miss Clyde Barnett. The Dome of the tower on court house is assuming shape and will greatly add to the appearance of the putire town. We have on hand a large lot of Will Blalock says he is a cand - date for—matrimony. Some excellent sermons were preached here thi veck. I Jiyarme-r are gathering peas The Association was well attend-1 and c.otton, 1.0M BROGDON. quiet this.week. ed, and passed of. very pleasantly. Dr. Claridy vill preach gfaEben- ezer tomorrow night andwunday, Miss Tump JByington of Jones- boro is visiting Miss Minnie Brown Miss Nora Couch visited relatives here this week and attended the Association. /. A. Little and W. C. Edwards of Hampton was over to attend the Association. Mr. Charles Tinsley, of Love lace Ga., visited his sister, Mrs. H’ L. Embry last Saturday. Mr. W. B. Edwa’ds has moved his family to Fayetteville where he will make his home in the futnre An entertainment was given last night at the residenc of Mr L. F. Blalock complimentary to Miss Luln Belle Towns of Senoia. There was alarge number of united guests pressnt and all were highly entertained and enjoyed them selves very much. The plaviug and singing of Miss Towns was ex ceptionally fine and demonstrated thoroughly that the praise hereto- bestowed upon this accomplished young lady was merited. Among the others who entertaine d the as sembly with music were Misses , , ... ... j Nannie McCollum, Kittie Hudson anti wagons wipch we will o( Jonesboro> Li g ie Xolbcrt pf sell cheaper than any where else-1 Vi |, a Rica, and M.s. Cantrell ol Turnipsekd -V Garrison. We want five hundred bales of cotton next week. So does the cotton buyers. Bring it here and get the top of the market. The Ordinary has been testing scales all this week; next week he will issue marriage licenses if re ports arc true and the weather is cooler. Miss Lizzie Tolbert, of Villa Rica, has be*n visiting Mrs. M. R. Burkhalter this week. They both leave to-morrow much to the regret of their friends. Roasted Coffee, Soap, Vinegar Cheese, Rice, Grits, Cider, Lem ons fine Cigars and Tobacco, Pea- Fairburn. All acquitted them selves nicely and were generously appreciated. Refreshments were handed around and those present enjoyed in full measure the liosui- tali ty of Mrs. L F B.'alockan 1 Mr*. RoXi Blalock. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce mysel a candidate for Tax Receiver sub ject to whatever direction the exs ecutive committee may ,see fit to order to nominate candidates. MILES BROWN. I' iss Mattie Edmondson is vis- itiiTg Miss Emma and Ella Ed mondson. If you have a horse sick or lame bring him to Dr- Vineyard, one mile of Brogdon, he will cute him Miss Minnie Wilkins was at Brogdon Thursday. Dr. /ohn Foster was in our town Sunday. Col. J. J. Hartley has been catching lots of fish and killing squirrels by the dozen. There is a chance for a good school teacher to get a large school at Hopeful. Among the many visitors in and around Brogdon was one lit tle stranger at Tom Milams a few days ago, it is a girl. Tom is luck}. Mr. W’m brother of /ohn Coleman, died at the resi dence of /ohn Coleman, Wednes day night at eleven o’clock. He was attacked with paralysis about six o’clock. His kindred has our sympathies. Brooxey Teel heard some one at school say something about the primary election, and went home and asked his mama if that was the eleci i an where voters all got drunk. We will bet o.i/ohn Harris get- ting up the most fun for less mon ey turn any other young man in tiie county. The Plow Boy (Mr A. S. Putt n) will sell goods for J. N. Ragsdale of Atlar.ti, during the u inter. We can't imagine how Cousinviiie will do without huri. Coup-domain. SCHOOL. - The school will close Fripjiy Oct 5th 1888. I earnestly invite all the patrons and friends of the school, to come to the Academy JJjFiay afternoon. *E| r e will hear several interest- ik ..classes and speeches. '-4 Respectfnlly, Howell B. Parker. —NOTICE.— I have made out the accounts for tuition for 1888. I thank iny patrot.s for their liberal patronage. I have not “dunned'' any one yet; Please pay me promptly; for 1 need the money. If you can't pay me all by Oct. 6th, bay a part, and it will greatly oblige me. This is a let ter to let you know that I nee?! money and am ready to receive ic. Respectfully. Howell B Parker. A N NO UN CEMENT. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the primary to be held in this month as ordered by the executive com mittee. JOHN SNEED. NOTICE. In tba history of tho ns. Every pace with t better way The Macon .TEtKGRAPH. ’ Its pews facilities are ununrpalied by any pane* in the South. In addition to the fullest A««q ated Press dispatches,.It nas special correspond ington will be the most Important and most In teresting news centre In the country, Tb* Washington Correspondence of the Telegraph 1* the very best that can be had. Its regnlar correspondent furnlshqs tho latest' news and gossip In full dispatches: Frequent special letters from Hon. Amos J. (Xi mm lugs, tnember of Congress trom New York, Frank G. Carpenter, and W. A. Croflht, three of the best known newspaper writers at the capital, disk- cuss the llvest and most Important Issues of the •fto Telegraph Is a Democratic Tariff Reform'- paper. It Is thoroughly in line with the policy of 1’rcsldvDt Cleveland and tho Democratic party. In tho coming national campaign tb*. Teiegraph will not only give all the news, but will discuss all public Issues fre* the stand point ol genuine Democratic faith. Subscribe "sconce. Dally, year, - . - - - SI OO Dally, si* month*. .... 4 00 Dally, three nonttw, - • - 2 OO Dally, one month, .... .78 Weekly, one year, - . - - • 1 M Tormti Carp In advanoe. Address TH3J TJCLK,GRAPH, 51aCOW. <3sown A f ca COUCHS AND CROUP US* TC.&.'SrXjOWSI After Septet 20ih, 1888, the Sheriff sales of Fayette county will be published in the Fayette ville News. W. Brown, Sheriff. State of ( vi'orgia, j Notion is hereby Fayette tomiiy. fglvcu that after October1st, 1888. 1 will have all noti ces from my office published- in the Fayetteville News instead of the Atlanta Constitution. D . M. Franklin, Ordinary. August, 17th, I8SS. store Stale, FOR SALE. I will sell cheap for cash or c.n time, one four horse Water Town Engine, nearly new, also one Gin, Plaining Mill, Rip saw, Gig Saw-, Boring machine and Turning Lathe. G. R. Lewis. Fayejieville, Ga. Aug. 3, 18S8 SET G’ TVE TJ Li Xj 323IM. vmtainu a stimulating expectorant principle that looses* tho phlegm producing the early morning cough, and ttimu- fates the child t throw off the fal?o membrane In croup aod whooping-cough. When combined with the healing muoi* lajinonfijprlnciple In the mullein plant of the old fields. sects in t ay log's Chhroxbs Rimrdy op Sweht Gum ak» >. jjLLSiN- the flueat known rem dy for Coughs, Croup, /vhnoping Cough and ('oueumptiot*; acd so imlaiahle, a:tf child Is pleased to take It. Ask vonr drnvgist tor It. Priov fe8o.un*$l. WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Use DR. RIOGSaS* HTCKT.ttBRRRY CORDIAL Blarrho-a, Dy sen ter,* Ntd Children Toe thing. For sale I# ® druggist*. „ , , 1 nuts, Ovsters, Crackers and Tin ■. W.-Kitslirns .Dictator /. T . ,1 T . . • • • • , . . rv , , a a r( ni ware at N. 1*,. Beadle's Ebward^, past Dictator A. O. Bla- 1 ck Reporter. D. M. Franklin] The delegates spoke in the high- Financial Repeater. VV. N, T. j est terms of Fayetteville’s hospi- r Harp Secretary. I t a hty. We never undertake any Meet2ndand 4th Saturday at ... ... . „ e • • „ } tnmg without we accomplish it in 3 30 r. .vi. ® .- the best manner possible. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. , . . / ‘ Miss Lula Belle Towns the beau ■A. F Blalock, C lmirmanB. L. John- , , n ,1 c /v 11 n-...:.. ait "\t r„ ,, r >,. I tiful an J accomplished Belle of be- rtoia, visited Mrs. L. F. Blalock. Those who heard her play were very much pleased, with her cul tured voice and artistic touch We will kave a daily freight train after this week, which will greatly facilitate the freight and passenger traffic. Supt. T. O, Troy is a live business man and is looking after the interest of the people along the line as well as the road. I DISTRICT CO UR TS. p : ; a. M. (Fifth) —S. T- Blalock. J IB. L. JlcGough, N. I*, and ex-olT H. llh Frldav in each month. L|<;. yr. (Fourth).C. B. Woolsey, aj.itl. Spurlin. N. P. cx-ofl’. J. P- i.iturday in each month. (i. M. [Black-Rock] ,1. M. Mnr- I. P.; J. T. Brogdon, N. P. and l.I. P.; 4th Saturday. p.M. [Sixth) Wm. Whatley, J. [M. Arnall, N. P .an ox-oil'. J ediicsday.' M (Brooks Station) .T B ,TP; J M Bridges, N P and P; ith Thursday. M (Sbakerag) J ti Landrum. \dams, N, P, and ex-otf, J, P day, I, [Bare Over] J. M, Palmer M. Collier, N. P. and ex ist Saturday. 7. M. (Hopeful) J. S. , J. P.; H. B. Holder, N. ’-off. J. P.; 3d Saturday. M. (Euftffey STB. Lew- D^Hewell, N. P. and 3d Saturday. iSIONAL CARDS. is TER. \rney at Lazu, Fayetteville, Ga. 1BLES \iiey at Lam, Hampton, Ga. I in all the courts of this lountics. Georgia, 1 By virtue ol j P'ayette .Count)'. 1 an order from 1 the Courpof Ordinnry, \yjll be sold j buiuie t icTCourr i loose door i i 1 Fayetteville, within tlie h gal honrL. ! of sale on the first Tuesday in N o 1 vember next the following proper ; ty. Lot of land No. 33 in the Til j district of said County contai . nQ 202J acres more or less. Sold as I the property of A. A Pope o 1 ' -aid county deceased, for the pur j pose of payiif^g debts and m.iking , distribution. I.. h'. Blalock ] Sept. 28 1888. Administrator. ! WORD TO MY ERS. GUSTO M- \ey at Law, ville, Ga. courts, of Y)fllcc in The fastive drummer concluded that he had ‘‘struck He" here dur ing the Association. They stay ed in order to satisfy a long felt want as the various boarding houses had a full bill of fare. He left with the delegates as he said that hash would be the prevailing dish for a month. Wo publish^e- following lines for the special benefit of our “devil." “For six months away irom thee 1 ’ll be, Those lovely smiles on thy sweet visage I’ll not see, Until these long months have glided slowly by" Our sister town, Jonesborough, showed appreciation of past favor by seiiditu? a large delegation to the Association. Besides the del egates proper we noticed Misses Ada I-Intcherson, Sallie Holt, Oza Harper, Kittie Hudson, Annie Dobbs and a large number of oth" ers. We appreciate the beauty of the Jonsborough ladies as the group above mentioned were the most popular young ladies present. List ofletter remaining dead in the post office at Fayetteville for the month ending August 1, 1888. Jerry Jones, S. B. Jones, J. L. Chapman, Albert Coggins, C- M. Morphy, S. L. Moore Samuel Murphy, S. E. Dale J. V.\ K ith bn s, Post Master. Georgia, j Will be sold be- Fayette county \ fore the couit house door in the town of Fnyetics ville, Fayette County Georgia within lawful hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 1888, as the property of Jordan Price, un der and by virture of a mortgn; e fi fa issuer! from Fayette Superioi Court in favor of John Neal vs Jordan Price, the following des cribed land to wit; All that tout or parcel of land lying in the Sixth (6) district of Fayette Cou ty Georgia. The same being foity five acres of land more or less oil cf the west side of lot of land num her one hundred and twen y nine j (129) and Sbid land b ing all of said lot of land lying on the vvesr side of White Water Creek except five (5) ores owned by B. Run- froe during lii.s life time. Said land is levied on and will be sold sub ject to the dower of Sarah Price, the widow of said Jordan Pi ice. the same now being occupied by her as a dower. Property pointed out in mortgage fi fa-. Si rah Price tenant in posession notified of levy. This August the 29th, 1888. J. W. Brown Sheriff /iyt think of it! I will sell five hundred mat lies for five cents, The best New Orleans syrup at uO cents per gallon. The best'flour at $-3,75 per bbl. A lull line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, at bottom prices. -NOTICE.— All parties indebted to us will please come forward and settle at once, as we are compelled to settle up ri-.f bu«5ncr.3 at once Respect. Edwards & Gilbert. —NOTICE.— Bids for Superentendent for the Fayette Conoty pauper farm, will be received until], the first Tues day in October. L. F. Blalock. Chairman Board County Com. Sept. 17 th 1888 “King Solomon” ‘Rebel Gin" and “Mollie /ohnson" Tobacco The best thafs made, at bottom j prices. —NOTICE.— An act to repeal an act incorpo rating the town of Fayetteville, in the county of Fayette and the several acts amending thereof and to provide a no,v charter for said town and for the election of a Mayor and council men, to pre sciibe their powers and duties, to extend the limits of said town and for other purposes. Notice is hereby given that at the next .‘meeting of the General Assembly | a bill will be introduced far ihe Celebrated FURROW. The Special Features Plow are, J 1st. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURf 8d. TURNS A PERFEtf r ilie Bonm ia unfc bolted tot tho landslde, but—by Means of a steel frog — lp set dlreotly In the Centre of the l«*»e of Draft, making a steady light running plow, aitrt one that cannot be Clogged. Sue one beforo yon buy. / If your Ageut has none write vis for price! MAHVF-iOTOaED OKI.V 1)1 jC J. I. CASE PLOW WO<?KS. BACHVK. ’VU. purposes above stated. in prices to suit every-body, --Hats— I have the largest stock of hats that ever was in Favetteville and will sell them cheaoer than ever before. Thanking yon for your liber —NOTICE.— I It appealing that if is irnrossi- | blc to hold Fayette Supttrim Court | at the September term 1888 of said j Court, by the reason i f the Let, j that the Court House is undergo ing repairs, and is in such unfinish ed condition as to render holding of the Court impracticable. It is then lore ordered the said Cou t be and the same is hereby ad journed until the third Monday in November r.exr. It is further or dered that the Grand and Travttse /urors for the regular term of satci- Court’ do atter.d said adjourned S. W. Harris, J. S C. C. C. Also at the same time and place one tract of land lying in said county 4th district, known as lot No. (140) one hundred and forty, , , r t T containing two ljundred and two patronage during my first year, I and one half acres (2Q2j^)more or less. Levied on as the property of R. B. Shell by T. J. Edmund son by virture of a fi fa isauted by the Snperior Court of said county in favor of I.eyyat Robinson and others versus T. A. Adams aiyl R. B. Shell, Ex’s, on estate of Samuel Robinson deceased, /amen Proy- ler enant in posession notified this August 29th, 1888. J. W. Brown Sheriff, solicit a continuance, and will guar -mice you • money's worth. Respect. A. A. CAMP. buggies, Wagons, and Harness 1 ! ! *>0,1, can buy them from W. T. Sim5 of Jonesbo’rO, Ga,, for less money and on better • te. 1 '-”'’* tl»a.n you can in Atlanta. Giv- a y-^URS BHiotisb?cs; Sic'i riMdr.ciie In Four Horn ». (wo doss rsllovca iluv euro anj gi-venl Sliilla i i.-,oi. Smi- Slemccli B-uf liro&». Cler.rfto ?!•!•>, Tan)',:.'. rJOr-.• r.r,«l gt.., I.iipr' Viyvla t!.t» .'.'(bluRi. in. io: fio I'lylhom cnee nr I yr.u y.-MI civor Uo •.• IF 01’! i'.tco, i«!eo, 23 cmiS.i ear toilia. foW by : n'jisU filadlnina Daaleia g'n.-r.rly. Sc::; i i>r;cc ! i stem; J, .j m, :,;N f. t 'T.' I':-. & :.{b j.i.i!iui.oii!ri*.- l it)'; ( .-j);, lOVCift To SMOKERS of Blackv/ell’s Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco, This Special Deposit is to guarantee tho payment of the ,f B premiums mlly describe^' fn our former u„fiouncoments. Tlie premiums will be paid, no matter how imull the number of hags returned may be. nlackivell'K .Durham Ti.lacco Co.,) Durham, S Cl, May 10, i P. A. WILEY, Esq., Cashier Biui. of Durham, Durham, N.C. Dear Sir:—Wf inclose you $ll/if)(, which plcuHO place on Special Deposit to pay prcinlumH for our empty tobacco bipm to bo returned Deo. 16th. Youra truly, j. S OARB, prosident. Office n<f the Dank of DurhamA Durham, N, C., May 10,1S&11 J. S. CARR. Esq., „ , Crest. DlaektceiVs Durham Tobaeeo Ca../* Dear Sin:—I have to acknowledge recoili of *11,960.00 from you, which wo have placed Upon Biwelal Deposit for the object you state. * Yours truly, P. A. WILEY. Cashier. Nouo genuine without, picture of BULL on the package. AWSee our other announcomenia- BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATEf This Magazine portrays Am^is can tiioug'ii. anil life front occna to ocean, is filled with pure higli-clns* literature, and can be -safely v/el* coined in any family circle. PRISE 2*0. OR »3 /TyEAB BY MAIl. Sample Conn cf current numbgf.muilA up in eelpt of £3 els. i back numbers, ,75 ctr. Prc nlum List wl«h i Add run a. T. bush & son, J >0 & 1.13 TVi