The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, November 23, 1888, Image 2

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t aoadagggsxagva- aa-agw. BgSUKD SVBBt BBtDAY *yB’CR IPTIOM ORLY #1,00 mi M 23, 1888. OUR RATES. • Local notices 5 ccnts-per line. Quarter column 3 months $ 600 • “ 6 " 10,00 “ one year 20 01 Half colomn 3 months 10,00 “ “ G ** *20,00 “ one year 35,00 "One column 3 months 20,00 “ “ 0 “ 35,00 “ “ one year 00,00 EDITORIAL NOTES. The Electoral College will vote to turn the rascals in. lit. NCVER CLOCS. Bd. ALWAV6 SCOUH8. Sd. TURNS A FERFECT FURROW. The Beam Is not boltad to the landnido, bnt—bjr neans Of a stool frog — la B6t direotly in tb( >| ( Btr* of tho of lJrert, mating a ■toady light running plow, and ono thr.t cannot ba CIocesH. Soe one bolero yon buy. If your Agent hap nono write in for pjtoc. MiNbK.iOXOnsn o.u.1' t v 4. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, RAC1NK, ’Vis, The Atlanta & Florida R. R. uiii.s ct prove to be one of Atlan ta’s l est pa\ - ng roads- West Verginia’s political caper ing?, art. cunning. First one 3nci tl e yil ti o: t.l e National parties claim lire s Ti e Chaitahoochee Valley Ek- pcsition. at Columbus, and the Exposition at Augusta are said be complete in every respect. Harris n says that he intend* doing what is best fo> the Union without respect to Slate lines. This is better than we expected. In the United States circuit court ac Macon ou the 20th inst, judge Emory Spe r decited visa, i ail road consolidation w»s against public policy. The election of the Hon. A. II. C )’qaitt to succeed himsilf as U. S. Senator from Georgia is a just tribute to tins elfi :iency of a wor>. tliy representative and an honest man. M. C. Edge, who assisted in the management of the Netws in its infancy, has taken charge of ’ £p**1y Herald. J udg ' ~'",is£n appearance of the ) st issue, he intends painting the town a beautiful red. Judge Loevy, of Augusta, was suddenly parlvzed Monday night u nde playing ‘ draw” poker with : -ric friends. Betting ran high ; u-.i the /udged opponent hel I :mr ,ccs. F-vjr aces will paralyze anybody if held on the opposite :-iJe of the table, /. M. WY.-un, .x Collector • * Fulton coun■./sn va his bonds- i *.-n will lose nothing l -y the sho;- r go in his office. '1 he snortage i- attril) liable to £49,575 being i becked out in favor of individ uals not for Slate or county pur poses. k timsa % vS m A FHYSIC1AK Who is very extensively and favorably known .h/oukiviut tl,o Southern Slates, says. Slow action aur! timet tmn effect havealways h»‘en '■ he two give t cbt tacit B In the cure of V-io- a i;iB-'-.aca: but. they have been overcome b.t tho r.-.o of iii T-. 15., which 1 have usual vnth risnal success for the cure of Seiotala, Kidney /.neo- t;nn3, Skin liiEensoB, Syphilitic, Catarrh, etc. _ jti action has boon fo direct and pcwerral that one single bottle has often effected an entire cure. As an appetizer and rensral topic I have never known Il» equal. It 1b well adapted to the Scrofulous Diathesis of infants, and does not contain vegetable or mineral poison. During a practice of 2H years I have cover used a blood remedy po eppedy in action; as It has uroven to be a giant remedy of absolute certainty, and f cheerfully recommend It as worthy r f publlo comldence. Its wonderful Eureti'ave too numerous and too glaring to ad mit of doubt. J. V. »HOiIGCCLB, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. tr afflicted with any form of Blood Poison, cal) for B. B. B., the only quick Blood Purifier known : and don’t permit old, Blow reroedic-i to v? L.vSmed off upon you. Large bottles Si.00,« A-iircsa Blood Balm Co/. Atlanta, Ga. A.&F.R. R. TIME TABLE No. 14. Following schedule goes into effect Oct. 1, 1888. SOUTH BOUND. No. tl Leave Atlanta 4 40 o ni Leave Fayetteville 5 53 “ VVilliam?on 6 63 *’ Cullodcn 8 14 Arrive Fort Valley 9 20 No. T[3 Leave Atlanta 7 00 a m Leave Fayetteville 8 45 “ Williamson 10 03 Cuiloden 11 49 p m Arrive Fort Valley 1 00 NORTH BOUND No. t2 Leave Fort Valley 8 00 a m Arrive Cuiloden 9 08 “ Williamson 10 3(1 “ Fayettevle 11 30 “ Atlanta 12 40 No 1 ]]4 Leave l r ort Vo, 1 ley 3 4-5 p m Arrive Cuiloden 5 05 p m Willi unson 6 55 “ Fayetteville 8 10 “ Atlanta 9 45 JDaily. fDaily i xcept Suns day. T. O. TROY. Gen’l Subt. George Eddleman is always on hand when there is any tronple on hand. he murdered in Cold blood the much beloved Tea; G'fithamhe Jut's been in a shoo-- ing fiacas in a M tdiison bm- rootn and arrived in Covingtri, just about the time a mysterious tr. gedy was being enacted. FOB TAX RECEIVER. I ! e-eby announce mysel •' candidate f->r Tax Utcuver sub ject to whatever direction the ex ecut ve co nmittce may see fit order to nominate c mdidates. MILES BROWN to F«r- js-Tff tv a ns & x f s r ?A- , T&m - Jc ; ' * a m ygjyRB Bl'inticn-os: Oa-. i’ete’scht InFsurbourh V?> Or,* uV.B9 roiievcsJ?t>rbT 1 '3 , ». They cure s.n* gravsn* Chitlu r f> .•-•> r 5bur,m;.ch * fit a Brwih. Clear ’ •« SHe, Tqnv J!s» K-rve-s, ar' uive L!i»> Vigor lut“» By»<«:o.'S>t»*t OSE L-E.i’jT. Trytho.-n yon r.01 iiavor be wlihoui tlteM. "rite, 25 cm,la per butua.— iald by Drupgliti ard Hcdlolne Dealsra gavraliy. Seat ou recely; of g.-isa fn tloogv. po.ipiU, fa any atlilreas, J. J-’.JSSUTK * CO., tfanufgcU-ri'k rr.d SolfvP-OW« *' Hood’s b Sarsaparilla, I* a peculiar medicine, end J 3 carefully pre pared by competent j-harmacists. The co» Mnatlon and proportion cl Sarsaparilla, Da&> dellon, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents Is exclusively peculiar to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, giving it strength aa« curative power superior to other prepa* -ations. A trial will convince you of its great medicinal value. Hood’s SarsapaiiHik Purifies the Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulatol the digestion, and gives strength to ever) organ of tho body, li cures tho most severs eases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Boils, Blmplec, and all other affections caused by impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. “ Hood’s Sarsaparilla lias helped me more for catarrh and impure blood than anything else I ever used.” A. Ball,, Syracuse, N. Y. u Creates an Appetite ^ “Iused Hood’s Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up n*y system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me over." 8. M. Hale, Lima, Oh ip. “I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and it began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new fife.” J. F. Nrxon, Cambridgeport, Mass, Bend for book giving statements of cures. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ’ BoldbyalUh-ivrglsta. ; six for £5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mata. IOO Doses One Dollar . Arithmetio ia 20 Days, I tvill teach Arithmetic, for 20 hys. The course will bt Thorough and Practical. I will teach the best rules used by Business Colleges and Account ants. To “rest’’ the students, 1 shall let them write in Wards Busi ness Forms—about one hour each day. By this method they will learn much of Correspondence ind Simple Acc’ts. This is the opportunity (or Married, as well as Single persons o obtain a thorough and Pr..ctic,J know'-edge of Numbers. Your progress will depend upon your Natural Capacity and "stick ativeness.” However, I am sure that I can teach as much in 20 daj ? as is usually taught in ten months Tuition $'2,50. School will begin M- nday, Nov. 2G and close Friday Dec. 21 1888 For further information ADDRESS HOWELL B. FAYETTEVILLE, C. LOOK HEBE! A. A. CAMP. Fayetteville, Georgia. A WORD TO MY ERS. CUSTOM M. M, & W. H, Gardner, PHOTOGRAPHERS. OLD PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED. Picture Frames for Sale. — 13 MARIETTA STREET.— Atlanta Georgia. /ii-t think of it! I wiil sell fiv- hundred mat hes for five cents, The best New Orleans .syrup h- GO certs per gallon. The best flour at $5,75 per bbl. A full line of DRY GOODS nd NOTIONS, at bottom prices. no 0 Ho! Sirs !nsureoce. The winter season is nearly here. Insure j of homes against loss by f re. Rates aud Companies, guaran teed as good as the best. J ?in HptMiCig the AT LA NT A HOME, PHENIX and other Insurmce Companies. Gdl ■ > - i or lidreis :n? at F AY ETTFVGLL’ % E. HILL. $11,950 m CASH GIVEN AWM To SMOKERS of Blackwell’s Genuine Bull Durham ■ Smoking Tobacco, This Special Deposit la to mttrnntee the boyment of tlv» *6 premiums hilly described in our former ^rroounccmoi.ta. The premiums will be paid, nomaOerhoif (nail the number of bagr returned may be. Ojrirc BlanfarelVt JhtrJkem T»bacc* Oo. t ) /Wiars, / <?., ZSay 10, ltBi ( t. A. WILEY, Eeq., Cashier .>/Durham. Durham. At C. Dmin Sib:—Wo inUoso you $11,930.00. which DB Special D " * OJT/c of fit flank at Durham.) Durham, A/. C., lion 10,18S4.1 Droit, Durham Tvbarc* Oo. IB:—I have to oeknowlsdge receipt of cm. which we have placed upas . r the object you elate. Yours truly, P. A. WILEY. Caahfc* If one gennlM without picture of BULL on tho puoksge. tWBse our other announeements. .. _____ FEVER At- lliif coirly fivoi7 uo» u+e bc-rce o* Uiuiii. J Jlti’A ncVyre into i'-bccst rr*cy plij** .lif-c’ft yi\»ocrlptii»ji ft r those who n&ed fcuilduxR sj- ffor We It tier Kysteai, F setereu AppetU II do! blacken or Injure tiw teeth, eaiuw bred, ichi nz prtxitico oonetlpst^i—o.'Aw Iren WRCiHir.*- dr, I>i. ^ gnrr.LnTd a leedinjr physleUa «v ’ Krown’e Iron BlrtoA’8 ton thoron^hly *oc^ sv.-b nine Innf ft In my rustice, acd flna ite tw!.:n trroto &]1 other form* of Inw. In wefekuenei or * W eoia«lJMon of th# Brmm'c Iron Bitters if tfansUv a podtive neoenr-Ujr. It te all that to elnJai.?4 U. f » Uetmine n»i tnofe ena <vossed red linen TVko sjo ^fSccv. AIimU onlj by < -H KM1CA L € «.. BA I.TIMORL MD. Lap^o’ Hard #« OK—nsefnl end .ittractiTo. eon- t»i- • l*. Uist of priiftt for ret'.hen inferniation wii® etc civ*n r.*Y«by by ne^tora in mcdi^Uie o nailed to »ny Ktldivwc vb t of 3c. stamp. rch? COUCH'S AHB U8S ^ATZaO SV.W "King Solomon” ‘Rebel Gir/’ md “Mollie /ohnson' Tobacco The best thals made, at bottom -Boots and Shoes- in prices to suit every-body, —Hats™ I have the largest stock of hat’ 1 that ever was in Faveiteville and will sell them cheaoer than ever before. Thanking you for your liberal patronage during my frst year, 1 solicit a continuance, and will guar- ntee you’ money's worth. Respect A. A. CAMP. M.B. NORTH Hampton Georgia. DEALER IN, Genera! Merchandise* ■ tin’a-able, _ _ . for It. WAT.TgYt A. TAYLOR, Uuo DR. BIQOr.R»’ nT?0KLKBR«&7 OOUDUi. w h:»rrha.». D<ra»ni«rr Ciiiidroa T4*thiA2. 7-i V>r 6 <1* Dry Goods, Notions, Heavy, Family and Fancy Groceries, Confectioneries, Canned Goods, etc, etc. All new sound and at prices that can not be beat in the country. Call and see me when you want bargains. Respect. M. B. NORTH. great Bargains To lie had at the STORE of the undersigned. DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYESTUFFS, Fancy and Toilet Articles, And Everything Usually Kept in a First Class Drug Store. AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION! IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT ASK FOR IT! We invite the public to give us a call. We want you to trade with us, and are de ermined to make it your interist to do so. WE KEEP IN STOCK A SUPPLY oF THE CELEBRATED RAMON'S RELIEF; RAMON’S NERVE AND BONE OIL. • Planters Family Medicines. WE BELIEVE THEY ARE THE BEST, AND ASK THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER USED THEM TO GIVE THEM A TRIAL. EDWARDS & GILBERT, C. H. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 1ST 1S88. Arrival and Departue of Trains ai Jonesboro GO! NT? NORl*H. Fast Mail, . . 5,52 A. M. Accommodation, dussenger, 0.15 A. M. 9,0‘J A. M. 4,50 P. M. c,04 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Fast Mail, . . 7,39 A. M. Passenger, Accommodation, Passenger, 10,00 A. M, 3,05 P. M. 7,28 P. M, 8,01 P. M ITEY c MWX.raFJiM. i stimulating ejpfKJtc«.nt prlodpla that 'oor«as lh<i phlcg-n products!; Ml* a«*rly morning ooush. and «!»«• the child i thmw off the folrti c<.«mbraoe In croup trhooplng-CJUTh. When ot>n'Hu«d with the h*alin* iakcI- !a;l»ou« principle In fhe nrilh la plant of th? old fields, p.-n* scum In TatlouM Cswrokbs Rbmsdt c» Pwbst Oca irtLBtu tho finest known r*n d/ for Coarh. - *. Croup, Jfhnonlnj? Congh r.nd r’oneainpthJu; aid -jhlid is * fgc ^nd$l. I3TSUNDAY SPECIAL, GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH yccommodation, 8,38 A. M. Accommodation, 4,00 P. M, E. T. CHARLTON, Geneaal Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. The Brown Cotton Gin Co^ NEW XuOlsnDOlsr, Oonn. Mantifacitru’/irs of tha Old Iteliabl9 Brown Oovton Gin*. Foedera, a»d Oondensers. All the Yarj latest improvements t two brash bo) v-., stat-l hewing*, iaiprovetl roll box, patent whtp- par, extra strong brash, Naur perfected Feeder, enlarged due* proof Condenser. Strong, durable and oirttplo in oon.vtruetion. Gins fast, runs light, and eloanathe soed per fectly. Send tor Cireular and Pries LiA A GREAT YEAR In tb* history of tho United States is now trt oj a-*, ffv-.-ry nnrson of lntelligenoe desire* to tc<-' p -.'■(> with tue oourse of Its oveutR. Theru js hr better wuy to (lo so than to subserib* for Thr Macon Telegraph. Its news facilities nro unsurpassed hv anv p»r-«r In the South, in addition to tho fullest A Mou nted Press dlspstchea, It has special eorresi^uiu- oin-e by wire nnd letter from all Important no I nts in Georgia and (be n> ighborinn Buna. During the present session of Congress Wash iugton will lie the most imp rUut and ntOKi ic- loro, ting i.ews centre in the country. Tb- - Washington C-Trespondencc- of the Tclegroph 1. the very best that can be had. Its regular correspondent furnishes the lab»*l nows and gossip iu full dispatches. I'reooonl special letters irmn lion. Amo- J. dimming* member of Congress trom New York. Vrarik <t. Carpenter, and W. A. Crotftat, three of th« bni known newspaper writers ut the capital, dl» cuss the livest and most Important Issue* of ih. *¥iie Telegraph U a Democrallc Tariff Reform paper. It is thoroughly In line with the policy >t President Cleveland snd ihe DoTL-oeratlc party In the coming national campaign tbs Tciegraph will not only give all the news, bnt will discuss all public issues from the stand- point of genuine Democratic faith. Subscribe it once. Du'ly, o«ie year, • • • • •IIW Dally, elx miialbi • • • • 4 OO Dally, three inuelbe, • • » - * OO Dally, am# month, - ■ • • -Tt Weekly, eae year, - • • • . 1 Ot Ter mi i Cto* Ja advance. Addreee tUTRLIORAra, - Mauds. Oi Chester County Agrioultural Works. THE AYOHMLE DOES DEOX. Lzaar, HANDT, .JSABLB. WILL DROP THE CORN H HILLS OR 10W6, AND 13 EASILY OPERATED. Tho Wheels wo meda of Iron, the driving wheel having a concave face. The com box G made of iron, consequently • nc warping or get ting out of shape. The eporato; con eee the core dropping. We invite di-iers, fsnr.ere andothtn interested In Agricultural machinery to thoroughly Inspect ear machine. as- Send for Circular, this i Mentioning this paper, COOPER 4b HILL, AVGHBALI, GHESTES €9., PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE “TRY ME” HA V TEDDER. DR. mOE, For is years at 37 Court Piece, now at s SS f SS. i ’LciiiSTi!J8,Ej fti*d lecrJIy qvslldtA ptyfU'-va act*. &fi a prvntoo will pruva. hr^wm 4 r*fv>^T ard tvv>' sii^Moafcl, at fcJ ■ol’gV® am ’Ff-arin.jttorrhoa. stud ZsBpntonoy, M thervMi'.t ormf-tiWM in jonib, lunl cat«aw la ws** terri-yanra. or «!>«»■ cau*M t a.>4 predtxinc kim o f lira foi* otfriloi Norvim>at*t*, kcmlokl FntXjtrtons. (olcht emit- . s dt'iaii). Duuuca« of Ml^li:. ]>6fi>rtl?« kotnoiy, toy* fc.itt!ffe»j,lVxM»aou Avcriiou to SodatT •rVftmsMs, C“uf»i«Vo of Ittj**, l*T*i of £fvt<al Fowtr, Mo., lYiidcrlaf tournw ,».prop*r or WL’.n!W, Hi tLorwsthlr and pc-rifc* t*«mw cwrad. Rtnp'lj III IS rodlUvirlx cured m4 a> ^'2«3!!u£.%\ B.ncinro. OitdtiUe, BeraU, JXjptusj, x nd oihof }jr1rus iliMasrs <;ulnkl7 oqi ud. it lo ihtMfiiloot Dial ■ phy aHlun riio j>e*^ specialattentljs ti- % Wi'thSr. c'-.M cf ind troatlnf thoacat^i aaov great »l*Ui. PhjdclRna knowlr*th!i (ket oft** rsoo>vn«iid (>«r»orii to ny rare. When It tr incotitot ( -aiu 1n fl*»t D 1 * «Uy tot utiMUrcnt, .nedloioec e*R U aant prtntUj) sr.! wf*!? moll or expr*»* aoYvhat*. Civt«s Goftzwatesd in all Casot fvr CXaunoUf- tosBQtv : nivat® coTmaai^m .vullesoy sS*t*M, Meimly ,tarW Ct. ..K01.. Chnoie b, rea* by sit 4 *,rt— I „ ,lwn% i:s.u*.t«atvi!.Si. h-i.ivs,iietr.ik L.ikSasOy — by hits- tr-- ud luT.-tC. --,U«c sad <enwpobd<nie nrb-tiy <mU*uiUU.