The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, November 23, 1888, Image 3

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'OUNDTOIVN. legal advertisements. JeS^' We are nowise responsible Dr tin:. v-aws of our correspon- deals. 6 >:K if UB Tiffl NfcWS. tvj Wan' the pep pie it) every portion < f ;i>e county tt> send ue th# news. we Will tV. r.isli you with stamps, paper and env jopos and send all regular cor n’spoi d ;:t h a ropv of the paper free. fc'0i:d„o i .every item that will be of valuer to-liunyouo in or an und here. , vy.o v.-d! -greatly appriciate Buy and all help you oiui glvo us. In \v riling settd vour communications so wo can get thorn by Tuesday. CHURCH DIRECTOR Y. Mv “.hod fat 1 —Rev, H. L. Embry, •r.ts'or. Preaching l.-t Sunday arid batotday before. Sunday School V a, m. T, F. Gairison Sup't. nv •iog Wednesday night. Jkqtuht-D*\ I. G. Woolsey Pas ses-. Prca< lung th J Sunday and Saturday bxmre. Sunday School 0 a. m J 'V. Gray ham Supt. Pi dyer meeting Sunday night. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk—A. id. Stoke3, Fayette- vide, Georgia Ordinary—D. M. Franklin, Faycttt villc. Georgia. SheiilT— / W. Brown, Fayette ville, Geo-gis. Dept ’y Sheriff—W. N. Hender son, .Fayetteville, Georgia. Tax Receiver—F. N. Farr, Flat Creek, Georgia. Tax Collector—J. H. Williford, Flat Creek, Georgia. Treasurer—L C. Ellison, Flat Creek. Georgia. Surveyor—W. H. Prichard, Ihobks Station. Georgia. Coroner—rA. Jones, Brooks Station, Georgia. County School Commissioner— W. T. Glower, Flat Creek, Ga, POST OFFICE. J. W. Kitchens post master.. X A. Perdue As’t. post master Uy mail clon es at 4 30. D wn mail closes at 8 30. ‘ KNIGHTS' OF HONOR. / W. Kitchens Dictator J. T. da, past Dictator A. O. Bla- lock Reporter. D. M. Franklin Fma-cial Repoiter. W. N, T. 1f up Secretary. Ms. t 2nd and 4th Saturday at 8 30 P. M. (/f • UN T Y COMMISSIONERS. i, ?Blalock. (_ hairmanB. L. John ? vi. O. II. Katin, W. N. T. Harp. Dr lb 15 Weldon, A. E. Stokes, ex-off ( lark. DISTRICT COURTS. ■Me G. M. (Fifth)—S. T. Blalock. 3 {• :I$. L. McOough, N. P. and ox-oil . P, 4th Frldavin each month. [18 G. M. (Fourth) C. R. Woolsey. a. P.; J. M. Spurlin, N. P. ex-off. J. P- 2 n Saturday in each month. toil G. M. [Black Rock] J. M. Mur phv* J. P.; J. T. Rn-gtien, N. P. and ex-off J. P.; 4th Saturday. 45)5 G. M. [Sixth) Wm. Whatley, J. P.; J. M. Arnall, ex-off. J 1*. 3d Wednesday. 1263 G. M (Brooks Station) J B Car»on, J P: J M Bridges, N P and ex-off J P; 4th Thnrsday, 624 G M (Sfcakerag) J Q Lapdrum, J P: B, Adams, N, P, and cx-off, J, T 2nd Saturday, 848 fl, M, [Rare Over] J. M, Palmer J. P.: M. M. Collier, N. P. and ex- off, J P.: lat Saturday. 1248 G. M. (Hopeful) J. S. Thornton, J. P.; H. B. Holder, N. sP, and cx-off. J. P.; 3d Saturday. 1202 G. M. (Europe) S. B. Lew is, J. P.: F. D. Hewell, N. P. and ■axT ff J P . 3d Saturday. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 7. V LESTER. Attorney at Lari’, Fayetteville, Ga. H. A. PEEBLES Attorney at Lain, Hampton, Ga. Will practice in all the courts of this »nd adjoining counties. *M. E HILL, Attorney at Law, Fayelieoille, Ga. Will practice In all the courts, of this and adjoining counties. f)(Hce in he court house. T W. REDWINF. P/iystciein ami Strgeou, Fayetternlle, Ga. Calls promptly attended to day or Deceases of women and chll- jeclaltv.^Bfcfcie Doer oM> ITEMS OF ENTERKST AND ITEMS OF LTTTLE ENTEREST GATHERED AND MANUFACTURED FOR THE BEN EFIT OF OUR CITY AND COUNTV SUBSCRIBERS. Rain, —No fee yet. * —Cold weather. —/ustice court to day. —Wily arc the candidates jo quiet. — Come out to the oebate to nisrht. —Now is the time to kill your hogs. —Pay up your debts. Tuition especially. —Judge Franklin was in Brook*. Station Wendcsday, —Several of our boy? went to Columbus this week. —Miss Alice Henderson spent this week in Atlanta. —•/. H. Walcott of Brooks Sta., 'vas in town Monday. —Judge Kendal: ol’Zetella, was up cn visit this week. —Njl Beadles and R. G. Kitch ens was in Atlanta Sunday, — Hmvv’s Great London Show nex Wednesday the 23th, inst. —Take your children to the show and let them see the animals —There are two or three good houses in town that can b£ rented for 1889. —L. A. Perdue, Dr. Claridy and T. /. Mitchell were in the Gate City yesterday. —Mr. J. H. Wilkins of At-^Hfci was shaking hands with his many friends here Wednesday. —Save your nmney and go to the Circus Wednesday, The Men agerie is in itself worth a months schooling to your children. —John Brown and Bob Bead les went fishing Monday and caught—up with several parties going along the road. —S. A. Burks went to McDon ough yesterday. That is his old home and few people are better acquainted in Henry county than Mr. Burks. —The finest horses, the largest elephant, the biggist monkeys and the largest assortment of birds in the world can be found in the Menageries of Howe’s London Shows. —Arithmetic school begins Monday at 8 o'clock A. ]\I. All are envited to be present. Thi: is a splendid chance to learn Arithmetic. —Col. C. Z. Blalock, of Adam a C. W. lloduett and Jno. i\i. Monday of /onesboro, attended /us:ice Court here to day. — The most daring leapers, the mo.t famous bare back riders and the funniest clowns keep the au dience awvd. am«zed and laughing while you are watching the. iiicys clists and otln r performances in the adjoining ring. —Judge Harris came over Mon day to hold court and decided, that as tee were no cowvenie- - ces to be had io the Court House, to adj urn the court to some time in the future. This he did after a consultation with the county commissioners and fixed the time the second Monday in Decern be 1 next. '1 he Court room will be completed by that time. —On last Friday ntght while Mr. E. F. D irse> was in Atlanta a::d Ins wife away from home, some miscreant applied 1 lie incen diaries torch and burn.-.d his barn. This is a great loss as ins corn hay and fodder was ift the barn Everything was ost. Suspicion pointed strongly to some of the negroes living near there. Suf ficient proof was finally attained to warr nt the arrest of Dave ■ arlow Dave had made threats against Mr. Dorsey aid the tracks from the barn and infor mation received from some oi (lie parties living near there con firmed all suspicion. Dave was given a preliminary hearing and was bound over to the Superior Court under a $300 bond. COl GllTTuTT: COUG! 1 !!! What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior med icines when BEGuS’ CHERRY COUGH SYR.UP will positively Tony FulJei* run over fey « freight train. On last Tuesday while lie freight train was switching cars 0(‘ the side track Henry Kitchens and 'a small negro boy named Tony J Fuller were riding on the train. I Buys have been repea':*dly ad- | vised against thi : dai gtrous pr.v: • 1 lice aiTci nothing bua practical r - suits seemed to have any weight wi.h them. Tom Dorsey told Tony to keep < ft the train but :l was cseless as it was some-hing new to the little boy to be allowed the privilege of riding on the Main whenever lie felt like it -As ihe hit shift was b ing made the two boys jumped 11 the coupling in h ;;b ;pee and was enjoying the iie immensely seated between the cars on the coupling cornu a lug them. Henry Kitchens b larger vhan the negro was the 1. t<• realize the d.dig .reus py-.ui m that they were irt jumped off They both though the train wa.- leaving town and when th n • attempted to get off he was c;u, -hi by lhe train and thrown across the track and horribly mutilated, His right leg was cut off just abovu d-o ank e and broken just above rate knee. His left foot was cut off. D s Cl a. idy, Redwiitd and Edwards w is called in to tiHend the suffering boy and after consul tation found it uecceesary to am putate the right leg above the break made in his leg by the tr, in, and amputate the left ju t ahr. vo ankle. It was thought by ,;!j present Lh-at the little negro could not live through the night but he is recovering and cals ev ery thing given him. This is ,1 sac accident, but is a timely warning to hese Icjs that liave becit hangi, g aronnd the depot, waiting for the train in order t-- steal a ride. LEGAL AD VERTfCEMENTS. Georgia Fayette / To all whom it County. [ may concern. W. T. Murphy guardian lor Lula W., Dora W., John W., Sarah L. Marie Nuncio, Era E. and Ida M. Murphy has in d ic time applied to the undersigned for leave ro sell one t -nth undivided enterest in lot of lend No. 48 in the 5th district of said county, and said application will be he u'd on be 1st Monday in D ice ib'**' next. No- mbs:-, 7th l rZ. D. M. Franklin, Ordinary. Georgia Fa}-: Cou ni y j! ha pi'dina ■ y be sold b for: Piyett: of sale ! comber J17? / By vii ture of ) an orde r from county wil sai ;e, How oati Pare«?t» allow their children to cough and strain and cough and camTy say: “Oh! it is only a little ccld, ,, and keep giving them cheap and dan gerous mediciften, until they are down with lung fever or consump tion, when they can be so rasMy relived by B EGG S’ CHERRY COUGH SYRUP? tt has no superior, and few equals. Edwards & Gilbert Druggists. ARITHMETIC SCHOOL In I will begin my class prompt^ Nov. 26 and wil! teach 20 days. This is your chance. See or write to me ro that I may k m v how many books to order. Advanced scholars will no d n y ,od : .1. iness Arithmetic. The regular price is §1,50. I will furnish it to students for 85 or 80 els cash. Those tie rs !-!• in th .’ring to wor k for the prize KNOWLES—LANGSTON. The Baptist Church was lighted iast Monday night a d the bcl! mng. Tn.iswas something un usual for onr town, and many were the questions asked. Only i favored le v were at first notified and then as the custom concern ing such affairs the entire town knew that there was to be a mar riage solemnized. It was not un expected by the friends of tin bride and groom but they did no: suppose it would tike place ai such an early date, Ramor.-, hive been afloat for some time. The crO’.vd began assembling car’y anti long before the appointed time all that dared to venture out in the rain, were sealed in the church anxiously awaiting the presence of the contracting couple. At 7 o’clock sharp they made their ap pearance and then every person so still that the silence war. almost oppressive. The bridal couple took their bositio.i in front * ff the pulpit and under a beaut- iul ceremony by the Rev. H. L. Embry Mrs. Margina Langston was made Mrs. C. H. Knowles’ Alter congratulations the crowd -.isicrsed wondering who would be next. INMAN DOTS, .Miss Emma Henderson of Fay- ;■ tcv.ile, visited Inman last week. Misses Ida Grice and Vara Hightower have returned borne, after a pleasant visit to Atlanta. M s. Whitehurst ot Fort Val cy i> spending a few days with her sister Mrs.J. B. Hightower. Rev. W. W Wadsworth will preach at Liberty Chapel on the 5th inst at 3 o’clock p. m. J. D. Jones says Judge Grice’s dog ‘ /Up" h :.s been “lightning struck” but except a foiked streak dong his back, being left without hair, he is unhurt. The new h • ndeliers, ai.d b. uu- tiful Bible Scarf, make quite an improvement in our church, the foimer due to the enh rest taken by Mrs Nash and Miss Dora, the latter is the handiwork of Miss Annie Grice, “Quilting” at Wm Archers nex week. Girls bring your thimbles and leave your chewing gum at home. Tom is w*. i again, and will be there to bring water and] keep fires. Mrs. E. B. Weldcn has about recovered -from her recent iiness. Misses Ida Grice and Vara Hightower, visited Woolseyville iast Friday, They think Wools seyvilie lays Inman in the shade. When is the candy pulling to 'u-u ntv. Wm P ii'-.ti ibutf No vend or, G, W. r 1. trie court house irt ■ thin the legal hours 1st Tuesday in De* fIre following land; • • " I GSf I" f f.71 lid ! H 7th*.; *V of' L ' hi i better h '-y lha kook at one " ' . '**'■<• be ‘mtwincr is as the pr p orty of j n. for tlu* purpose of! _ h l< ^ a Cash - ! GEORGIA, \ I hereby no- ?, Ad ministry iird and tudyrng it JW ll B. Park A. M. "or. Georgia, Fayette J D. A County. [ t.:o.s Adminis trator of Ephraim Swear, repre sents to 1- .- court by petition that he lias ful y Administrated Eph raim Sweat’s astute. This is lo cite all persons concerned, to show c 11 sc, if ary ihey c -n why sui.i Admi i strut or *hould not be discharged from his Admeuistra tie , and receive let ers of di-mis- 31011 on the 1st Monday in Febru* ry, >880. Nov. 5th 1883. D. M. Flf-.SKi.ix, Ordinary. I GEORGIA, 1 1 Fayc'/.e County, j tify all persons [concerned, that I iiave this day \fcLu- '■ lT ’ ;:C ' e my wife, Maty C. McLeroy. ' a ; ree dealer, to contract, sne and ' e sued in as full a manner as is o ovided by law. Nov. 1>88. J. E. Mck EROY. Georgia Fayelte / B. virture of County [ an order ! rem the ccurt of Ore! inary of Campb-1! county. Ga., wil 1 be sold before the court house door in Fayette ville within ihe legal hours of sale on tlie 1st Tuesday in Decembrr, I'lX-, the following land. CO acres move or less of land lot No. 223 'n the 13th dis rict of originally Hen y now 1248th district, of Fayette county. Sold as the property of M. E. Jackson cf Campbell coun ty, decs sed for t'ne purpo e of pay-n debts. Terme '■ash. November 5 1883. Alice M. Jackson, Executrix. Georgia, Fayette f By viriure of County 1 the wi 1 of Samuel Pyle, of said county de* ce-’sod, will be sold before the com t house ■ cor in Fayetteville, WM ffl the legal ho-rr, of -air:-, on the 1st Tuesday in Decemhea rest the following lands; 101-^ acres mote or less, of land lot No. 224, vid 40 sen's more or less of land lot No. 223; All of said lands be ing in the 18th district oforigina’ly Henry, now 1248 h district ot Fayelte county. Sold as the pro perty of Samuel Pyle for the pur pose of distribution. Terms c sh. November 5th 1888. A. M. Jackson Executrix. Georgia Fayette /To all whom County \ it mavcorc- rn W. B. F. Bailey having, in proper form, annlied to me for permanent Letters of Admmistratic n on the estate of Mrs. Sarah Jones late • t said county, this to cite all and singular the credit ars and next of kin of Mrs. Sarah Tones, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if anv they can, why per manent Administration should not be granted to W. B. F. Bailey on Mrs. Sarah [one’s estate. Wit ness my h nd and official signatnr- this the 3rd dav of November IS80 D M Franklin, Ordinary. FOR TAX I hereby annoinue mysel candidate for Tax Receiver sub ject to whatever direction the exs ecutive tommiitt .. may see fit to order to nominate candidates. MILES BROWN. A GREAT YEAR fn th® hlstorv «f the United SUte.1 Is r,uw umva as. Krsry p-rsonof IntellisenR* «> ko.-p f. *co with tusconrs-* ot ir-t evtutp. , r* is no Letter w*y to do eo tnan to (uu criU t..r Tim Macon Tki,egraph. Its uews. 1- ,a.js are t-.nsnrpe---»(l Irt n.-y r.-ipM iu tl-e t- iui... In additl. n to fail,, i r.t -1 Uietsrt! u -.-.rhea, it hue “ij ■ial eotresunud* ■.ace by wire -mi letter from oU import tit ■ ••-•■ - in Georgia and th- • (Wring thc^rcpal rcsnlob oi .-.n ft . Yr.-.'-b- inet.-'i -aill both.'- i-r,p- .• ... • K0 «- a . ... <f ...... eestre in <l\o country. Tila V . y.jura C-rrespondence .: th-. T< ! s-r-iph ij li. • • -est that - - b -ha. 1 . it- r.--;.!ar correspondent Surr.U’h* tlie latnet n-.-.v-- kihI g> --ip ii fnii -!; ... T.-,-, • t;.-e .'ai letter- ?r -a Hon. ■ .1, m ot CpngrosF troni • i’erk V. V,. filer, end W. A.; < -o" it—- pf tfcs ! i ‘••i newapaper write: - tr-e 1. dig. cars tUo llreet and moat Imp j: tar.. - o? -a . c Telojfraph Is a Tknhoo pcrcr. it is tnoron; hlj iu ii i’residvnt Cle-'ernua .. - srt7. In tho com in r n»ti - . ,-r.u-h will not-v.!y ^irl <1. :,s til ; uh. : . point -■; senrin* i<si ... it taice. Ttolly, one year, • le.Uljr, six rnon lis I'.oJIt, three mcniha. Daily, one month, - . VVoehly, one year, - Teriot; t*A> in ad van c* XiHS e nil the news Bl i thi K**nd- 8 CO r.s 1 CQ -.(jait'a, > O'. 0. GfiOMli. -DEALER IN- D S06 lS®»i-)ry Goods. Noti-ans, Heavy, Family and Fancy Groc-sries, Cc.nfecrioneiies, C r.ned Goods, etc, etc. All new sound and at prices that can not be beat in the country. Call and see me when you want bargains. ke-;.mt. M. B. NORTH. II o 0 S re l8 i>g iifid at Ihe STORE of the undersigned. A nd PAINTS, OiLS ■ Uill .very!king Usually Kept in 2 First Class Drug Store, AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION! IF YOU DON’T SEE WHAT YOU WANT ASK FOR IT! _We invite the public to give us- a call. Wc want you to trade with us, and are de ermined to make it your interist to do so. WE KEEP IN STOCK A SUPPLY qF THE CELEBRATED RAMON'S RELIEF, RAMON'S NERVE AND BONE OIL, Planters Family Medicines. WE BELIEVE THEY ARE THE BEST, AND ASK THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER USED THEM TO GIVE THEM A TRIAL. EDWARDS & GILBERT. r -lieve ) our cough at once? This 1 be at Mr. John McLucas l is no advertising sedeme, but an act’ al fact, and we guarantee it, Edwards & Gilbert, Druggist. Anonymous. PAY FOR YOUR PAPER. —NOTICE.— An act to repeal an act ineorpo rating the to-' u of Fayetteville, i the county of Fayette and the seveial acts amendmg thereof and *o provide a new charter for -taid town and for the election of a Mavrr and councilmen, to pie-* scribe thc : r powers and duties, < xtend the limits o f said town and or other purposes. Notice is hereby given that at the next meeting of the General A semb’y < bill v.ill be introduce 1 for the purp )?es ah- vo stated v ’ T nt oa J'lti -'!» Is the reason people wil; not, can not, nr do not see any (hfference in cheap no-trums put up by Cheap John hr.usrs or irresponsible par ties at cnoimous profi s, rather than take a medicine ot world wide re; ubvion and one that is giving uninersal satisfaction at an equal price? No medicine in the world is p'ving surh unparal leled satisfaction (nr purifying the blood as BEGGS’ BLOOD' PU RIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that does not do i s work will co.-t you nothing. For sale by Edwards U Gilbeit. O. R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SURD A Y, JUNE 1ST 1S88. Arrival and Daparla? o'! Trains a! Joiesbnro GOING nor m GOING SOU Fast Mail, Accommodation, Passenger, 5.52 A. M. G. 15 A. M. 0,09 A. M. 4.50 P. M. -R04 P. M. Fast Mail, Passenger, Accommodation, Passenger, d \. M. 10 00 A. M. 05 P. M. 7 2, P. M, 8,01 P. M tA?“SUNDAY SPECIAL. going north. uo/nu south Vccommodatior, 8,38 A. M. Accommodation, 4 0-J P. M 1 l.t HAUL TON, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ja. Chester County Agrloultiira! Works. fl T:A7JH Tb« Wheels are made erf Iron, tba diiviog wheel having a concave face, '.r^eoern box L made ot iron, consequently ue warping c ‘ £?i- ting out c t ehap®. Tha operator osn »» tY<4 coratlropplag. invito t’oalert, itrmert aodothurt intcre 1 *hI in A^ri'-uiltual JUacblntry to thoron. V./ In«p«c4 our JDKChla*. S<*ni fir CircHljr t Mill y'tLL DROP THE CORN 04 HILLS OR 30WS, AND 18 EASILY OPERATED. COOPER & HILL. MANUFACTURERS OF tUHt-.Ming (Aupaper. mimii. CHESTr 1 ’ go., pa. Me THY &E’'hAY TEt*v:SR.