The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, November 30, 1888, Image 2

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fit FRIDAY. OS ORLY £1,00 r i luuyi OUR RATES. Local notices 5 cents per line. Quarter column 3 months $ 500' • '• 6 “ 10,00 20,01 10,00 20,00 35,00 20,00 35,00 CO, 00 " one year Half colomn 3 months “ “ 6 “ '* “ one year One column 3 months «. <« (j n one year FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announic mysd candidate for Tax Receiver s ject to whatever direction the exs ecut’ve committee may see fit to eider to nominate candidate?. MILES BROWN. Ths UpeciaMjeatures of^thU CoUtoraied Ilk NKVEft CLOGS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. «d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. The Bsoiu la not bolted to tho lsndaMo. hnt—by Meant of * steel frog — la set direotly lu the Rostra of the Lino of Draft, Making a steady light running plow, and ono that oaanot Li Clogged. Bo* one before you buy. If yeur Agent has non* wrlto un for price. mamu raCTU sin otrtv nr J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, BACINIC, ’Via. ED 1 TO R IA L N 0 T F. S . The riot that occurred in Griffin last week is in our openion is f.uE f.cient *o prejudice the people of Spalding against the liquor traffic, li stead of the police being too small the number of grogshops is what is besniitching the name ol Griffin. The people of Covington should exert themselves in bringing to justice the p'erpe inter of the hor rible murder committed m their midst. They are hoi boring a criminal whose thirst (or money is cnly equaled by his thirst lor bloodshed. It amatters not on whom suspicsion fails they should ferret c ut the matter until satisfied of that parteis innocience. I'anv* „y connections should not defeat ustice. In last week’s issue in relating to the accident in which Tony Fuller lost both legs, we inadver tently stated that Drs. Redwine, Claridy and Edwaids performed the operation. We make this io> ' reetkm in justidfi'to the panties. The legs being amputated by Drs. Edwards and Claridy. They be ing all the physicians in the case. The patient is doing rematkubly well and til •• Drs. say his wot are healing nicely. The Christian’s Fission nd' 111 m IlBmm i#S A PHYSiC'AN Who is very cxtc-netv«lj ami fr.vovuhly known ihronghonc tlie Southern Stuff;?, w\ys; Slow rruon r-Ai'. vrtHln (fleet nave way.-*, bc-co the two k:-. - oi>... .Ups In the cnrcol aloort Disease*: t>ui .. y have been overcome bv the use of 11.1!, li . which t have ust-il v.-iih piKnr.l aucceea for Uiouare of Scrofula, Kidney Affec tion*, Skin Ulseaees, Syphilitic Coir.plaints, Catarrh etc. Its action baa been eo direct ami powerful that out ainglo bottle haa often effected an entire cure. Ah an appetizer ami rencrnl tonlo I hRvo never known I’s e'pia!. 11 is well adapted to the Scrofulous Diathesis or infants, nnd rtoea not contain vegetable or mineral poison. During a nraotlc.e «f ss veata 1 have novel nsed a blood remedy ro speedy in action; as it has proven to be » plant remedy of absolute aud I cheerfully recommend it as worthy "of iniblie confidence. Its wonderful tnres'nre too numerous aud too gla-lng to ad mit of doubt. J. P. Dr.OHOOOLE, M. D., Atlanta, Qa. If afflicted with any form of Blood Poison, call for B B. B., tile only quick Blood Purifier known: and don't permit old, slow remedies to Vo palmed off upon vou. Large bottles #1.00. Address Blood Balm Co-. Atlanta. Ga. (Piiuted by requesf.) This is as boi ndiess as ilu. ocean, for our mission 1 caches even to the ends of the earth, and is not made up of doing gieaf things, for the do ng of stra 1 things leads to greater. The speaking of a kind word, the pr Thongh we may not be preach great sermons or write fn.e ' verses, or give money by ihe 1 i n- dreds, we can s eak a kind word, we can give the “widow's mite.' How sweet it is to be entirely consecrated to Christ, to be v. i Is JUQf* TIME TABLE No. 14. Fullowiitiif schedule m O 03 into effect Oct. 1, 1838. Hood's \ Sarsaparilla, li a peculiar medicine, and la carefully pre» pared by competent pharmacists. The co*» binatlon and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan* 4llion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, nnd other remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, giving It strengtn an# curative power superior to other prop* rations. A trial will convince you of It* great medicinal value. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood •rentes and sharpens the appetite, stlmulaM the digestion, and gives strength to ever, •rgan of the body. It cures the most sever* . . ... , , eases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Bolls, Pimple* sing of a friendly band nave oiten j other affection* caused by impure k'3 to the conversion Oi a soul. ! blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, ICC * t0 . ! Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rhe* able to | matisin, and that extreme tired feeling. «Hood’s Sarsaparilla lias helped me more ter catarrh and Impure blood than anything Mee I ever used.” A. Ball, .Syracuse, N. Y. j Creates an Appetite j “ I used Hood’s Barsaparilla to cleanse mg blood and tone upjtoy. system. It gave me a good appetite amjjpgmed to build me over." C, M. IIale, Lima, Ohio. •« I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerottl SOUTH HOUND. No. Jl Leave Atlanta 4 40 n ni Leave Faycttevi-le 5 53 “ Williamson 6 53 * Cuilodcn 8 14 Arrive Foit Valley ,w9 20 No. 1f3 Leave Atlanta •7 00 a iTi Leave Fayetteville JS 45 “ Wiliiamson 10 03 “ Cuilodcn 11 49 p m Arrive P'ort Valley 1 00 NOR 111 BOU \ D No. J2 Leave Fort VAIle y 8 00 a m Arrive Cuilodcn 9 0 8 “ William so i 10 80 “ Fayettevlc 11 30 “ Atlanta 12 40 N- >^]-t Leave Fort Va'ley 3 45 p tr, Arrive Cuilodcn 5 05 p rn “ Willi orison 6 55 “ Fayetteville 8 10 “ Atlanta 9 45 jDaily. ^[Daily o .cept Suns day. T. O. TROY. Gen 1 bubt. Arithmetic in tl Days. I will teach A rith-met ic, for 20 '.lays. The course will bi Thorough and Practical. ,1 will teach the be-' rules used by Business Colleges anr 1 Account- o' r- u dent-;, ] shall Rt them write in \\ birds Bu-,i- ness Form—about one hour each day. By this method they will learn much o! Cone sporidt nee and Simple Accbs. This is the opportunity (or Married, as well as Sinp le persons to obtain a tlioroiq;u and Pr ctic.-l knowledge of Numbers Your progress wi'l d.e[ end upon your Natural Carncity ind “stick ativeness. ” However, [ am sure that I can teach as mud in 20 da; s is is usually taught in ten mc-tiil-v Tuition S‘2,50. School will begin M ulay. Nov. 20 and close Friday D. c. 21 1888 For further inform t on ADDRESS HOWELL B. PM Illy FA YETTE V ILLS, G. M.1, k W. Uantoi, PNGiO- " OLD PICT UR r : u.. ItR: OBJ ED AND AT.- Georgia, $11,950 m cash GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell’s Genuine Bull Durham Sinokiqg Tobacco. This Special Doposlt is to guarantee the haymont of the premiums iully deecrlbed In our formei' lawnouncernente. Tho premiums will be paid, no matter hotf . tin ' “ ' V JEA Please i for oui snail the number of bags returned may be. Offioe Macl:i.eire Dm-ham Tiibarcm Oo..\ Durham, ? C„ Man 10, 1854. { P. A. WILEY, K*o, Cusltirr of Darlsm, Durham, IT. n Deab Sir:—Wo imilnae you (SU.9C0.M, which see pliuso on Bpooial Deposit to pay prem . uni our empty tobacco bnvs to be returned Dae. Tours truly, J. S CABB, President Ofilte of tho Aanhof Durhar\\ Durham, N. C, May 10,18011 J. S. CASH, Esq., IV,..;. Blaebtrc'Va Diaham ToboAco Co. DttAB Sib:—I have to ncknowledev receipt of t il,960.00 from you. which we have placed upon pedal Deposit for the object yosetete. Yours truly, P. A. WILEI. Cashier, gone reeuies without picture of BULL ou tho package. TS^Bee our other announeemenle- iSK Vi Mgj iSS 8.5; x dfRiNn rew m At tlvir! tr sAi-lv evury ono t-w une hv*... j feirt oi tosic. i( 0r Vora Laioaitnor^ ovary sloiwi’B pr'seriptior; /or tWLOiJO who ti building m cnc f lIil t A. A. GAMP. Fayetteville, Georgia. ing to be led by him, then it is , gwnor, and it began to act unlike anything t, . I Mm. It cured the humor, and seemed M that the roughest Wl) IS m i , the whole body and give me new smooth, that the loneliest W iy is j Sfe.” J. F. Nixox, Cambridgeport, Mai* ■end for book giving statements of cures. WORD TO MY ERS. CUSTOM made bright by his presence, and j then our mission is one of love | then it is sweet to work for I 'm j who has done so much for us, who J has said. “Lo, I am with thee a - way’* Like I lie uightingalo I come, To sing in the darkest hours; Though Uie world be wrapped in gloom, And the storm more darkly lowers I come to slug while others .sleep, Though the winds blowh iierce and wild; . And the lonely pathway seems too steep To be trodden by a mortal child. - Though my song weak and low, Some liste ning ear may catch the strain. And be raised from deepest woe, To find the narrow path again. I come not to sing of fame or glory, Nor of the warrior brave; But I come to tell the pleasing story Of him who died to save. Oh I hear his tender, pleading ones, It is his own request; tome unto me ye weary oues And I will give you rest. Franca Whitehall. Hood’s Sarsaparilla " Roldby all druggists, gl; six for ?5. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Kail. . iOO Doses One Dollar ire Insurance. TL winter season is nearly here. Insure your homes against loss by fire. Rales aud Companies guaran teed asgood as the best. I am ri presf t lirg the AT LANTA HOME, PHENIX and other Insurance Companies. Call on or address me at E AY ETTEVILLE. M. E. HILL. /ust think of it! I vvi’l sell fiVt hundred mat hes for five cents, The best New Orleans syrup a‘ HO cents per gallon. The best flour at $5,75 per bbl. A lull line of DRY GOODS md NOTION#, at bottom prices. m no fl He! ‘‘King Solomon” ‘Rebel Girt' and ‘‘Mollie /ohnson' Tobacco T? best thats m ide, at bottom pi l e?. -hots anil Shoes- in p Yes to suit every- ‘Ody, —Hate— I have the larges of lints that ever was in F. ..ille and will sell them cheapo, t 1 .n ever before. Thanking you for ' t r liberal patronage duriiig my r ist ' ear, 1 solicit a continuance, v C. will guar antee you.’money's VVOi ,11. Respect A. A. CAMP. -Tff® JESTTQUSE, iror Wfatcew. Lassltnd*. r. dr.U HA8 NO EQI/AIk U th-4 otily 'run mudicLn« th&t lfl sot ligwi®u»k it Karic>»v:#t tbo BIooA. Ir.vlfforatoa the gjrfcicra, Hcn'toroa AppetUe»A!aaDi*esti4in It doa«i *ot blftolten or In jnre the teeth, e&uM Iica-L ae'he or protlac* oomstipatton— oiJier Iron mtxlivir.c..4a Da. a. n. BntXfZJrsr, a leading phyaieUn at Sprinffleiil, O., naya: ■'Brown’s B'on is a thoronghly nood ?»*.£• ciuo. I ui»!* it- in my prwj.I'.'e, and find tte actic«; esesla til uthor fonua of iron. In vveai«ae«. or a If* tfon (,f tho system, Broun’e Iron Bittern !•* PianJly a pict/Wre neeoMUj. It ie al! that Ja •Uiar.tvl for U. ,? <,*enuis« rm trade mark auu vopsed red Hnee oo m-a>'>«. jf.kf bii Mode only by BROW* * nr MICA Id CD., KAI.TIMORK.MI>. TiUy^Ui 1 Aand Be OK—osefnl nnd attraotWe. oon* Ui --w Ufitt< prize* >or inforantlon about toinn etc , pirern \WAy by tJl dwOorR m nuuMeine w ’tailed to ii«/ raldireea ou >uoa ; .pt of So. Bturnp. 9Q& OOUCMS AND 3BOU5 3 ^ejkrssrjL* eET G Htuntpion Georgia* '--'—'DEALER IN—-*—, (T feera! Merchandise: ®^»Dry Goods, Notions, Heavy, Family and Fancy Groceries Confectioneries, G.nned Goods, etc, etc. All new sound and ! prices that can not be beat in the country. Call and see me wh^| you want bargains. Respect. M. B. NORTH, great Bargains To lie had at \k STORE sf the tindcrsipei DRUGS. MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, And Everything Usually Kept in a First Class Drug f/torc, AT PRICES DEFYING COM PEI ITION! IF YOU DON’T SEE WHAT YOU WANT ASK FOR IT! We invite the public to give us a call. Wt want you to trade with us, ann are de ermined to make it your interest to do so. WE KEEP IN STOCK A SUPPLY oF THE CELEBRATED RAMON'S RELIEF, RAMON'S NER VE AND BONE OIL. Planters Family Medicines. WE BELIEVE THEY ARE THE BEST, AND ASK THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER USED THEM TO GI VE THEM A TRIAL. EDWARQS & GILBERT. C. B. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 1ST 1S88. Arrival ant! Departus sf Trab at Jonesboro 'GOING NORTH, Fast' Mail, . . 5,52 A. M Accommodation, Passengir, (5.15 A. M. 9,09 A. M. 4,50 P. M. ?,04 P. M. COIN Faot Mail, Pas- 1 iger, Accommodatioi Pass? .ger, SOUTH. . . 7,39 A. M . . 10,00 A. M 3,05 P. M 7,28 P. JVi 8,01 P. M Th« ivhI can, u g*th«r«d from a lr»t of tho namo ram#, irovlBg aUa« tha ainall streams la ths Bsa'.Mra States v«r.tains a sUmalatiaf ezpaetorant pv'.'aelple that 'oomdw ths phlegm prodaeiag ths early morei.13 ooufti, and itlmu- i«VftS Ux* child t throw off ths fairs membrane in eroan and wheeplag octizh. When eomMned with the healing and- tagiaeas prlnolple la ths mallsia plant of ths old flelds, prs* scab* In TaYLom’s Otncvu Rawanr os Pw«r Gum aM) qaLLBxn the finest known rsn- dy for Coughs, Croup, • whooping Cocgh and Consnmpiloa; and so palambls, auy ihlld Is pleased to v.Vo It. Ask your dmegist for It. Pr1o> etc.upHl. WALTER A, TAYLOR, Atlanta, Uis DR. bToGURS’ HlTCKLKBffBRY OOKDIAI. fW Dlarrhcsa, Dyssuter* nod Children TeeUtiag. Fcr selab* ™ dr moists. A GREAT YEAR rn the hictory of the United Steter. Ii now ti’HO rlviry iierson of intelligence desires la kaerr with the course of Its events. Thar* is no butter way to do so than to subscribe for The Macon Telegraph. Us news facilities Ere unsurpassed by any paper lu ths South. In addition to the iuilrst Xniai- sled I’rees dispatches, it has special correrpotuL euoo by wire and lotto' from all important r.nints In Georgia and the nsIghbnriDg States. During the present session of Congress Wash ington will be the most Important and most In teresting news centre In the country. The Washington Correspondence of tho Telegraph U ths very b«vt that ran he had. Its tegular correspondent furnishes the latest news and gossip lu full dispatch**, Frequauf special letters from Hon. Amos J. Cummings, member of Congress trom Now York, Frank G. Csrpeutcr, and W. A. Croffut, three of the bre-t known newspaper writers at the capital, dis cuss the Ursat and moat Important Issues oi the Tlis Telegraph Is a Democratic Tariff Reform paper. It is thoroughly lu line with the poller if President Cleveland and the Democrat* party. In the coming national campaign the Telegraph will not ouljr give all the newe, bat will discuss all public Issues fro* the stand point of genuine Democrat!# faith. tlubscnU tl onee. Dally, ewe yeas, • • • . • ®7 (M Bally, six months, • « » . AM Dally, three meatlig, . • • • * 09 Dally, ene month, » * • • .11 Weekly, ewe year, - • • • . J Terms: Os oh U advenes. Add l-ees nanuotuii, kaoo«. aaoMu ^“SUNDAY SPECIAL. GOING NORTH. . _ GOING SOUTH accommodation, 8.38 A. M. Accommodation, 4,00 P. M, E. r J CHARLTON, Geneaal Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. Tho Brown Cotton Gin Co.~I IsTSSW J-.0ND03ST, Conn. Manufacturer# of the! Old Reliable Brown Gotten Gins, Fsedarc, and Condensers. All ih# very latest improvomentit two bruah bolts, steel bearings, improvod roil box, patent wUp per, extra strong brush. New perfected Feeder, enlarged duet proof Condenser. Strong, durable and simple in oonstruetion. Gins fast, runs light, and oleens ths seod per- featlj. Send tor Oirealar and Pries List. Chester County Agricultural Works. < ^XTHE AVOHDALE SOEH DULL. met HAND . w JuABLS. WILL CROP THE CORN !M HILLS OR ROW*. AND IS EASILY OPERATED. The Wheels ars made of iron, ths driving wheel having * coucavo face. The ooru box is mads of iron, consequently no warping or get ting out of shape. The operator oui see the eorr dropping. We lnrlta dealers, l’ormsra and others isterasted In Agricultural Uacbinssy to thoroughly luepeeS our machine. S3~ Send fbr JirowlB*. fnmKoning thiapapar. ©OOPER A HILL, MANUFACTURER* OF THE mnmt, Chester eo., pa. r u-rn’/' UV' HA.V TFnnEB. |fl| Y ^ tw Er^'-a (fe V'"- h- MRS- igfev ri| 33 ^^ *:% p I f% %s y ^ fi AND ^LOOD MAKER Tlis only pi cparstipfl that eteanses. purifies iv-id increases the quantity oi blood, Ko had results follovnts nse and it is not sohi in comiietition with un reliable mediciues. Every bottle war* ranted l’or all blood disorders and impurities DeWiTT, * ■ mm TRY HE ,r HAY TEDDER. DU. RICE, For 13 ysar* at 37 Court Place, tew at ®SSMaMoiiMlc,Kl ■iy ssd aoellCei pkysktu U* IkS SxBLS, stud Xmpotency, M*h»K*uU sf In jiMih, ami mm* U mm t>u«r jtera, c« uUt»r c-rtsa*, aud pieladsc cs«a»*f Urafet bwlnj stfecw: flsrrouuub;-*, (laralnal JCmiaUna, (nlgLl a\m ■tons tj drvaina), Eiiianewi of ’Jflftotlv) Msn»jry, FUf irfialDtrixy, IVciflea 0* r»dt. i-T«aloD lo of 7«n«k^ C<6fuak>D of Idea*, Loti of ftwnul Powor, At., rtuA.rinj K4orl»a« U-.uropcr or unha mi?* ut thorsnghJy cod pcria»> itHi’jy carsc. SYPKlJLTR p*dU^lf cured and am n x VlMSMcU.r iirlrtu JJauu qiUutly ttjrWL IlhwIi-^Mwt ih»t apfcj urissvboptyf i^atelsttMita. to >emh cJu. .r iu>m. U4 tneflui ikowsto ■»> *0?, asjalwi insrstIU. ptiTUe'JM tu«»lniiM« U'-trfOa IMMWHI ptr>Mu to an ssrs, wins It 1• Uinnsailat <s H.t St >Uf hr trastomt, o.a U nat yrtma. eestslrly iqr millsr sstmw umbrrt. .»«®d In all Qaasa