The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, February 12, 1904, Image 2

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THE NEWS, srenMSHRD KVKUY FRIDAY IIY TIIK News Publishing Co. Offlelnl Organ or' Fayetteville • Official Organ of Fayette County. Entered in the postolllco at Fayette ville, Ga ns second class mail matter SUBSCRIPTION.; One Year - - $1.00 Six Months, - 50 Three Months, 25 .Nat. R. Beadles, Editor. .FAYETTEV11,LE. - - - GEORGIA Fe>. !:• 11)01. ARE YOU SORE? USE .g racamph Relieves Instantly or Money Refunded. Biehing, Bleeding Piles, Stops the Itching. Stops the Bleeding. Allays all Inflammation. It Cools. It Soothes. It Cures. Sold only in 25c., 50c. & $1.00 Bottles. At all (food Druyglstn. SOLD 11Y FAYETTEVILLE DRUG (!(). Over-Work Weakens Gilbert’s School House Your Kidneys. •Quarterly Meeting Fayette Co. U. S Association. Tins body met at Gilbert School iHoUSo on Friday, Feb. 6th,, and wan called to order by .J, W, lira jAiam, President. Prayer was offered by Chaplain John H. White, who has been pres- ..ent at every meeting since its or ganization fourteen years ago. ..Miss Dollie Pritcltett was ap pointed secretary pro tom, as John T. Williams, secretary, was absent. .President Graham called the .routine of business and conducted the work ot the morning in a sys tematic and business like manner, anil nt arly all the work w is per formed in the forenoon. .fsix schools were represented b\ .desiegutes. Dinner was amply pro .yided by the hospitable sabbath school people -of that community : Mrs. R. G. Redwine, Mrs. Johnson. .Mrs. D. T. Pritchett and Mrs, J. T. Renfroe were present with baskets ,of dinner, while Mrs. T. M. Mur phy and Mrs. P. D. McElroy were there by proxy—weil II!led baskets ; nnd young ladies to serve the con tents. ■fhe afternoon wu# spent in dis .cussion of the lesson subject led by Rev. W.,A. Johnson, and was par liefpated in by numbers of bretli t ren and delegates present, und all felt spiritually and intellectually .bettered by being-present. The. next .meeting will be held at .Mount Springs on the first Friday jn May, which will be the Gth day ,«f the month. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out iho waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess cf uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins ahd'arteries. it used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to bo traced to the kidneys, but novz modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. if you arc sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized It stands the highest for its wonderful cut es of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits f-'-FT by all druggists in fifty- nt and one-dollar dz-«,>&: . You may have sample bottle by rea l iin-io of free. r.l: o pamphlet telling yen how to find out if y.we kidney or bladder ‘rouble. Men lion It::.-, paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Sc Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. Relief ix Oxe Minute •One Minute Guiight Cure gives ivliefin .one Minute, because it kills the microli which tricks the mucous membram .causing the cough, and at the same time dears the phlegm, draws out toe inlla- mmation tnd oea’s and soothes the af fected parts. One Minute Cough cur strengthens the lungs, wards offpneu- inonla and is a harmless and never fail- ins Cure in all curable cases of Coughs Uolds and Croup. One Minute Cough .Cure is pleasant to take, barnless and good alike for ysung and old. Hold b\ Fayetteville Drug Co- OAK GROVE. \Very little farm work lias been •done in our community. The extreme cold weather has Kept wheat and oats from doing much. J. tV. Askew has moved into the new house known as the Dr. Loyd place. C. R. Woolsey, our 0. S, C , visi- ,jited our school this week and found it moving along nicely with a good .Attendance, anil an enrollment of 47 pupils. Tne officers of the Literary So ciety for the present month are Henry .Nations, president., Mary K. Speer, secretary. Our teacher reports a pleasant visit from Mr. Sam Loyd recently. Such is alwuys appreciated by our echool. J. J. Williams lias been quite ill but is better at this time. Mrs. Johns has been sick but is improving. We regret the little son of Mr. end Mrs. J, J. Davis li.-.s been very low again. We are glad to report Mrs. J. W. Spratlin improving. Walter Turnipseoil, of near Lovefoy, was visiting in this com munity Sunday. Mrs. Cavender and children, of Senoia, visited her father, Mr. J. W, Huffmaster, Sunday. Mr. Willis Whitlock, who pur chased a part of the Thompson es tate lust full, continues to adl im provements to his home. We wel come such men into our commu nity. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams rejoice with them over the arrival of a fine baby boy at, lieir home on the Utli inst. MYSTiciiiors CiitcuMSTANcn. One was pale and sallow nnd I lie other fresh and rosy. Whence tiTe difference? .She who is blushing with heal h uses Dr. Kings New Life l’ills to maintain il. By gently an using tile lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off conslij alioo Try them, only 25c at Faye*tevilie Druggist. Did Not Close V? oeii. Heart Trouble fled Doctors. Dr. Miles’ Heart C ure and Nervine Cured Me. There !; nothin" more nece.-s.iry to health than sleep end rest. If these are denied jou, if you rise in the morning more tired than when you went to bed, there is an affection of the nerves plainly present. If your heart is we-h, or there is an inherited tendency in that direction, your weakened nerves will soon : o affect your heart's action as to bring on serious, chronic trouble. Dr. hides' Ner vine is a neivc tonic, which quiets die nerves, so that sleep may come, and it quickly re stores ihe weakened nerves to health and strength. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure is a great flood and heart tonic which regulates the ac tinn of the heart, enriches the blood and im proves the circulation. “Some tune a"o I was suffering severely with heart trouble. At times my heart would seemingly stop heating and at others it would beat loudly and very fast. Three to four hours sleep each night in ten months was ail 1 could get. One week in last September I never clos . d my c * s. 1 got I >r. Miles’Nervine and Heart Cure at a drugstore in l.awrencc- burg, after spending £300,00 in medi cines and doctors in Louisville,’Shelbyviile, Frankfort, Cincinnati and Lawrenceburg, and in three days have derived more benefit from the use of your remedies than 1 got from all the electors and their medicines. I think everybody ought to know of the mar velous power contained in your remedies.’'— W. 11. Hughes, Fox (.'reek, Ky. Ail druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. The Sunday school quarterly i meeting convened here Friday, and it was an occasion which will be remembered for quite a while by those who were present. We met good people from different parts ol the county and heard several good talks. It reminded us of a good old time experience meeting. Wi believe all who were at the meeting were benefited, and will want to go to another. If ihe persons who carried away those four song books belonging t<> i the Sunday school will return them Mr. Pritchett says there will be no questii 11s naked. George M. Murphy and wile, rf Chattanooga, visited the former’s parents here Friday evening and remained until Sunday, when they visited relatives at Forest Park. Will McEiroy, of Atlanta, visit ed the fan lly ol his father. Mr. P. D. McElroy, Sunday. Will has main friends here who are glad to welcome him when he comes horn*. Mark Pritcnett, who has been away from home for some time, gladdened the hearts of homefolks by Ins return last week. John North of Panhandle was nt Sunday-school here on last Sunday and didn’t come alone, neither. Miss Mary Holt of Fayetteville visited our school last Sunday. 1 leave it for her to soy how she came and who the driver was. Neihlus. GEN. GORDON’S OWIN' ECOZ. Memorial Edition. Agents WantCHl in each town or county. 100,000 copies wi be sold. Agents should apply in onee for terms and territory. The Marlin & Hoyt Co. ATL j^2nT T .A. GA. & 1904—An. Era of jzf P K 0 S'P E R IT Y ! Finds Is Potior Equipped Titan Ever Before to Supply Our Customers. Now is The TIME to Buy Your supplies from Us. Ninety Days will find goods higher. We Invite Your Trade at ONCE, as we think we can SAVE MONEY' for our Cus» tomers in a purchase MIGHT NOW. WE HANDLE ALL THE STAPLE, FARM And OTHER GOODS, Haze! Fos* Piles, Burns, Sores. TIN SHOP When you want good Tin-ware, Stove Piping, Valley Tin, or Any tiling in the Tin or Sheet Iron line, call on us at the Till Shop. If we haven’t got what you wi in we can make it for you. Hoofing and Guttering done on skoi t notice. Call around and get our prices. You can also get a T/U-ATOH anv time von want it. If you have any good heel cattle to sell come to see us. Pritchett Boys D. T. PRITCHETT, MANAGER. CLOTHING, SHOES, TOOLS, Guns Hardware Net. | FAYETTEVILLE DRUG 00.} Fayetteville, Ga. DRUGS. M EDI Cl NEB! 8 BOOKS, STATIONERY, BRUSHES, FINE SOAPS! FANCY AND TOILE.T ARTICLES. Our stock is especially selected for this market. It is complete In every detail. We will be glad to show you our goods. We carry the line of adopted school books for this county SOMETHING for NOTHING! t2mm) my' WOPStW- $8000 to $10,0G0 Stock f© select from. Our house is Fid!. Two Large Store Room3 Packed from Front to Rear, From Side to Side, and l'rom Floor to Ceiling. BLALCCK-McCOLLUM-ROBERTS-COMPANY. Announcements Kok Ordinary. I am a candidate tor nomination for Ordinary of l ayette Coiiiuv. subject to the rulings of tile Denmcrai c Km ■ - uti ve committee. 1 appreciate i lu- nib c and am trying to discharge all 'lii c - nf the same in a legal manner and 1 u the best of my ability. Soliciiing the support of all the voters, I mii yours truly. to. U. i Lu is. BUY TIIE Light Runnig New Home. For Sate By 11. K. L. FIFE, Stops the Cough and Works Off the cold. Laxative Rrotno Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure. No Pay. Price, 25 cents. n Lutio’ s Early Risers The fa r ~' v U9 little pills. PA liver stast he gently stirred so that ih iljffiif 'j /v.ill be thrown off is tY.- debt channel; tin {/$$.} j at the t:::.s u-o-.-.U U invigorate n AM OH’S h H**' IlYER^y . „ Pellets form the Mild Power Cure VV\\ completely does the work without snGck cr injury * \ to ar.v rail of tbe systzr.s, ’ V ; .\ A Compels mtY. V’X that Sample ar-c* BosKlc* Free. FOR OI.KUK SUrEllIO’.t cm' IIT, To tile Voters of Fayette County : 1 lake this method of asking nomi nation by the people for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to I lie rules anil met ho l» of the Democratic Executive Commit tee as to nominal ions. Thanking each of you for past support, and soliciting at your hands a favorable considera tion at the next election, I am your obedient servant, J. W. Graham. FOR TRFASUHEK Ry tlie sib i-iiMlion and enemirage- meni oi'macv .:. *■ i> rl s I am a candidate for I’rciisurer ol Fa vei le County at the ei’suuig pr:iua r>-. and earnestly solicit the supper! n my iriomls tliroughout ttie'VU ' I cc' iaiiily wiil appreciate theuihio, if cl ’.’ied. Iies])ec: fully, 'J’. A. Brown, 1'ok Revresentative. 1 desire to nnnoiince to my friends 'h it I am a candidate for the Legisla ture ns representative of Fayette Conn Iv subject to the action of the demo cratic primary. 1 solicit, Hie support of the people throughout the county. Respectfully, J. B. Carson. TO CURE AGO. D IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'Pall ets. All druggists refund the money if ii fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signa ture is on each box. 25c. An Oil Finish Portrait Absolutely Free! We know that every one lias friends that are dead and gone And as time - hv, i hr i fucs nrc lorgotitn. But not if you have tlll’ir Photos en rgeil in ! lie bciiul i fill OlI.ETTE, made by Allnof Maiiul'actiii ingUn., u I cIi u,u can Ikivi* linin' liv trudmg $25.00 in cash at R. E. L. Fife’s Simv. <>’ vmi Imvr got to have the goods and ivr have the pr ces ..nd »h\ rini trade will) ns when you cun secure one of these paii.v-i gs, wiiieh i* nut only beautiful, but will last ns long us time. Yuit chi nm • • n 1 \ secure one of tlieseuice paintings by trading $25.00 but can secure oilier nice presents by Soliciting Trade For Us which will be explained more thoiougbly at the Store Cal! and see our work, which is on DispSayat the Store. Is k L. I itr. Rates I u Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, California, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Moiusna, Washington, and other points West, Northwest : and Southwest. WRITE OR. CALI, UN J., ii. 11 0 1.1, li N l> K G 1\, Disl. I’iissen/T Agonl, No. 1 Brown Buihiinv. (oppus ic Uc on Depot) Ai’ania Ga. FOR SHERIFF l hereby announce myself a caud.i- dnte for re-elect iori for Sheriff of t his county, suhjecl to the democratio pri- . , mary orany action as regards 110111111:1- ^ WITH £ tion by tlie executive committei-. In making this announcement 1 desire to sincerely thank my friends for their support in the past. I have endeavor ed to faithfully perform the duties of the office, and I haven record as good' ns any incumbent in tlie past 25 years. | Hoping to merit and receive your sup- j port at the ensuing primary, I am yours 1 truly. Ai.hkkt i*. Mams. KILLthi COUGH S» CURS THE LUNGS ling’s Isw ffiseo¥0r¥ __ /^OfiSUiVlPTION Price * OR § OUGHSand 50c&$1.C0 ‘ ISOLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. FOR DEPUTY 8HKIUFF To The Voikks of Fayetie Co: After considering the mallei’ several mouths 1 hereby aniiounce m.vseif as a candidate for Deputy Sheriff under A 1 J . Sams, MieritL of FaveUx* Gount.v, subject 10 1 he Primary as may be or dered by tlie Kxeeu'ive l.iuniniHec for the next election. I am F.’iyeiie boru and bred, known by you all, and will appreciate the support of all who tee! kindly to us. Promising that we will make upright, sober, energetic officers if elected, I am Yours Very Truly, D. McEaceerx. For Sheriff. By the solicitation of many friends t hroiigliout I lie Oou nt v, 1 a n non nre in v* self a candidate lor nberilE ol 1'nvotie >jcct tot lie action of the deinocrai ic primary. 1 will uppreciaic 1 he .support of uli 111 v friends and wiil il elecied, 1 ransact t lie business ’ I I lie ollic u to 1 lie best, of my ability, and will laiililullv and I'earlessy perform the duties inruin bent upon a sheriff. F. B. Brown. * EDIOHRDS * Makes Hest Photos 120 Whitehall Street, (Ground Floor; ^•Atlanta, Ga*| Sold 1)y RussgII Drug' Co., Fayetteville, Ga FOR TAX COI-fcECTOB. I fully appri elate the gift of the of- llce of Tax Golli-eior from the people of this county t wo years ago. und now ask your support again at 1 he ensuing primary. The work of the office has been honestly anil faithfully perform ed, and I ask for tin* office another term. I hereby solicit tne votes of all my friends tliroughout the countv. Respectfully, E, ft. b'flNCItfOMH. Weak Hearts Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every sne hundred people v/ho have heart trouble :an remember when it v/as simple indiges- :ion. It is a scientific fact that all cases of leart disease, not organic, are not only iraceable to. but are the direct result of indi gestion. All food taken into the stomrxh vhich fails of perfect digestion ferments and iwells the stomach, putting it up against the •.cart. This interferes with the action of he heart, and in the course of time that ielicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kimble, of Nevada. O., Lays: 1 had stomach rouble and was in a bad state as 1 had heart trouble vith it. i took Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure for about four nonths and it cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat »nd relieves the stomach of all nervous Itraln and the heart of all pressure. Bottle* only. $1.00 Size holding 2‘i times the trial size, which sells for 50c. Prepared by E. C. DaWITT & CO., OHIOAQO. Sold by Fayetteville Drug Co. Three Times Ike Value cf Any Other. One Third Eaier, One Third Faster. The.-only Sewi .g Machine that does not i'iii 1 in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings makes it. the lighiesi running mu clrine in the world. Send for cir culars and terms. Wheeler & Wilson, M’f’g. Co., Atlanta, : : : : Giorgia- For solo by S. A. BURKS, Fas < iievule, Ga The^Celehratecl John T . Moore and Ilawkes the Eyes and (it the Nose. Large stock R. E. L. Fife. Specuicles—suit to select from. .Southern Railway THIS GRFAT I1AII.VVAY nUNS THROUGH A GkEAT COUNTRY C0MVENICN7LY LMITtNG A'.L (HE DEET SECT10KS ( F 1 HE SjUTM. WE RUN TIIE BEST VESTI- BUIE TRAINS AND HAVE THE BEST DINING CAR Sf n ' M CE _ O V/. VUPK. S. II. HARDWICK, i isc.-i-sr Yr»fi:i Maearer, Cer.crcl Passcneor Ae«az. W/.:-.Hipar D. C. I \.’. 11. T '.VL.CC, Azs’t Cc:i 1 T;.: ;. /.£o;.t, C.\.