The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, January 29, 1909, Image 2

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story NOT TOO CONFIDING. Man—Do you believe that about her? Woman—I’d believe anything about her, unless she told It one herself.— Pick-Me-Up. Deafness Cannot Be Cured bylocal applications as theyoannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness iscauted lyan inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whom this tube is in flamedyou have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it in entirely closed Deafness is tho result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine canes out of ten are caused bycatarrh, which is nothingbut an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dearness (caused by catarrh) that can not be ouredby Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars free. F.J.Uhenky & Co.,Toledo,O Sold by Druggists, 76c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. SOLUTION. Mlstres.s—When I engaged you. Tyurinda, you said you had no male friends. N-w, almost every time I come Into the ltltcfhen I And a man there. Lucinda—Lor’ aakes, he am no male free’ ob mine. Mistress—Then who la he? Lucinda—Ma husband!—(Puck. Itch cured hi 30 minutes by Woolford’a Sanitary Lotion Never fails. At druggists. Some men never get to the top, ex plains the New York Press, because they depend too much ou the eleva tor. Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure hood nnd Drug Laws. Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. The way is easiest found by he who has the will. Every Woman Will Be Interested. If yon havepalns in the hock, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a S leasant herb cure for woman’s ills, try [other Gray’s Australian Leaf. It is a re liable regulator. All Druggists 50 cts. Sam ple free. The Mother Gray Co.,Le Roy.N.Y. Feeling the public pulse often caus es a politician heart throbs. Breaks a Cold Promptly. The following formula Is a never, falling remedy for colds: One ounce of compound syrup of 8arsaparilla, one ounce Toris com pound and half pint of good whiskey; mix and shake thoroughly each time and use in doses of a tablespoonful every four hours. \ This will frequently cure an acute cold In twenty-four hours. The In gredients can be gotten at any drug store. A light heart illuminates the way through life. Entirely Well of Eczema—Tetterinc Did the Work. "I had eczema on my chest for seven years and It looked like a piece of rusty Iron; the torture was almost unbearable. One of your salesmen offered to pay for the Tetterlne If It did not cure me. X used lees than three boxes and am en tirely well.” Clom Kinard, Ruffin, S. C. Tetterlne cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm, Ground Itch, Itching Piles. In fant’s Sore Head, Pimples, Boils, Rough Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff, Cankered Scalp, bun ions, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. Your druggist, or b- mall from the manufacturer, The Sliuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. Many a man’s excessive cheek is due to the toothache. , BABY’S SKIN ERUPTION CURED. So Sore > Irritating and Painful That Little Sufferer Could Not Sleep—Scratched Constantly— Cuticura’s Efficacy Proven, “When about two and u half years old my daughter broke out on her hips and tho upper parts of her legs with a very irritat ing and painful eruption. It began in Octo ber; the first I noticed was a little red sur face and a constant desire on her part to scratch her limbs. She could not sleep and the eruptions got sore, and yellow water came out of them. I had two doctors treat her, but she grew worse under their treat ment. Then I bought the Cuticura Rem edies and only used them two weeks when she was entirely well. This was in Febru ary. She has never had another rough place on her skin, and she is now fourteen years old. Mrs. R. R. Whitaker, Winches ter, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1908.” Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. Never hunt for temptation when you are out after (big game. In another oolumn will be found the ad vertisement of the Nashville seed Co. These people are not on y In position to aid and enoourag'e farmers in diversifying their crops, but are also ready to answer ml requests for Information on the subjeot of farming and trucking. There is too much cotton In the South and not enough hay, com, live siook and garden truck Don’t be a stand-patter until you are sure you are on sold ground. pile* Cured In 6 to 14 Days. P*«o Ointment is guaranteed to cure any Paso Ointment la guaranteed to cure any easeof Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 0 to 14 days or money refunded. 50" ro be a man of destiny,' one must quite strenuous in helping one’s ’inilow’s Soothing Syrup for Children ig, softens tbegums, reduces inflamraa- lavs pain, cures wind colic. 26c a bottls suppose to be up with the times latter days one must be an THE PASSING OF THE TEDDY BEAR —Cartoon by W. A. RogerR. in tho Nrw York Herald. “Billy Possum” to Oust “Teddy Bear.” ♦—♦♦♦♦—♦ Georgians Preparing; to Put Out Little Animals. ; (Special Dispatch to the New York Herald.) Atlanta, Ga.—All doubt has been dispelled that “Billy ’Possum" has permanently dethroned "Teddy Bear” so far as the State of Geor gia and adjacent commonwealths are concerned. Already the Atlanta visit of President-elect William H. Taft has stimulated Southern in- dustry, and to-day n factory in that city began the manufacture of toy opossums of the sizes and variety of the “Teddv Bears” that for an extended period have held infantile affection and adult interest. The “opossum grin” is now a term as widely used in this State as the “Taft smile.” SECRET JUST OUT ABOUT A DOCTORS’ WEIRD FRATERNITY WITH A FANTASTIC RITUAL Organization Never Before Heard of Has Chapters in Many Cities and Originated in Chicago Mem bers Give Bodies to Science, Then to Flames. Chicago. — A strange secret of thirty-one years’ standing was re vealed when more than a score of prominent Chicago physicians and surgeons admitted that they were members of the Ustion Fraternity, a society having for its object the dis section of the bodies of its members after death and cremation of the re mains. This weird fraternity, to which only members of ttye medical profes sion are admitted,; is of nationfil scope. Its headquarters ate in a Veil furnished cl^bhopse at 3232 Lake Park avenue. Chapters exist in New York, Phila delphia, Boston, Cleveland, Detroit and other cities. Its membership is taken from the ranks of the most prominent practitioners in different parts of the United States. Each chapter is known as a verte bra. Th6 Chicago chapter, being the first organized, is called the “Prime Vertebra.” Its high officer is known as the “encephalon,” and Its next highest officer is the “medulla.” Its other officers are named for other parts of the human body. The members of the fraternity must undergo a preparation or ap prenticeship of four years before they are admitted to full knowledge of its weird rituals. During this period each must study some physiological or medical problem entirely original in his own mind. If his faith and persevernace in the ironclad rules of the society are deemed doubtful he does not become a partof the “body.” If the showing is complimentary the fantastic ceremonials are adminis tered. The society is divided into three “degrees,” through which its members must pass. They are fra ternity. autopsy and cremation. Dr. P. M. Oliver, who lives in this city, is the supreme encenhalon or national head of the Ustionians. This strange fraternity had its In ception at Hahnemann College, in this city, in 3 87s. During the thirty- one years of its existence its weird teachings and practices have been a profound secret. Its members at the end of their probationary period take an oath that silences their tongues forever. The life on this earth is enjoyed to its utmost by them. At the end their colleague^ attired in long white sur gical gowfts, gather abqut the bier on which lie ijhe earthly remains of their friend. The spirit they know has de parted, and the clay that Is left is given over entirely to science. Their theories are augmented by this grew- some gift. When they have finished the rites are said. At a crematory all that remains Is given over to the flames. The doctor that was is re duced to a handful of dust. Dr. Fred W. Wood, former su preme encephalon, acknowledged that the fraternity was for the pur pose of autonsy and cremation. “We believe in three degrees,” said Dr. Wood. “They are fraternity, which means the real fellowship on this earth; autopsy after death, which helns all mankind, and cremation, which puts an end to the earthly shell that remains after the spirit has flown.” “What is done at the autopsy?” was asked. “I cannot say,’’ replied Dr. Wood. "Our oaths are solemn. What we ,do to the body is all in the interest of science. It does no harm and it ad vances our knowleSge.” “What is the fraternity’s belief in regard to cremation?” was asked. “We believe that cremation is pro per. The body is hut clay, and sbon- er or later becomes but a handful of dust. When it. is given over toi the fire all is elided. The translation of ’Ustion’ means fire.” WHERE THE BIG BASEBALL TEAMS WILL DO THEIR TRAINING. New York City. — With the an nouncement by Manager Billy Mur ray, of the Philadelphia Club, that the Phillies will do their spring training at Southern Pines, N. C., it has been definitely settled where all National League. New York Marlin, Tex. Chicago Shreveport, La. Cincinnati. Augusta, Ga. Pittsburg..., Hot Springs, Ark. St. Louis Little Rock, Ark. Boston Augusta, Ga. Brooklyn Jacksonville. Fla. Philadelphia Southern Pines, N. C. the National and American League teams will prepare for the champion ship season. Following is a list of the training camps of the big league baseball teams during the coming spring: American League. New York Macon, Ga. .Boston ; Sap Antonio, Tex. Philadelphia New Orleans, La. Washington Galveston. Tex. Chicago ..California Detroit ;..Hot Springs St. Louis Houston, Tex. Cleveland Mobile and New Orleans Facts About Suffrage For Woman. Four States give equal suffrage to women—Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho. Rhode Island, by legislative vote, and Oregon, by popular vote, have refused to adopt equal suffrage for women. In Kansas women have eddcatipnal and municipal suffrage. Eighteen States have school suffrage for women. Montana and Iowa permit women to vote on municipal bond is sues. Louisiana gives women taxpayers the right to vote on all ques tions submitted to the taxpayers. ' N6w York allows wonjen taxpayers to vote on village taxation. jn Great Britain women who possess the necessary qualifications can vote for all officials except members of Parliament. Australia and New Zealand give women full suffrage, as do tho Isle of Man, Iceland and Finland. ' In Cape Colony, Canada and Sweden, as in parts of India,’wom en vote under various conditions for school and municipal officers. Last year the English Parliament refused votes to women, and there was a riot In the House, women chaining themselves to the grille-work of the gallery of the House of Commons, while they cried “Votes for women!” Thft eville.R had to ho rfimnvpd to e-ot thanvont The grilles had to be removed to get them' out. There Is a National American Woman Suffrage Association. With headquarters at Warren, O. The Rev. Anna H. Shaw is president. South’s Brains In Buslnsss. The brains of the south have been turned to business—brains that would under better conditions, politically, dominate the United States and give it a strong, virile government of statesmen. Turned into active busi ness, the brains and ability of the south are making this country rich er year by year, in spite of Yan kee pensions and protective highway robbery, and we are going to get along regardless of the conditions and abuses of government. No Rockefel ler or Harriman has yet been de veloped to the point where he can control the cotton crop or the sea sons, and until such a one arises we are all right, regardless of whom the devilish hosts of Yankeedom may select to roll around in tho presiden tial chair.—Humboldt Courier-Chron icle. OFTEN THE CASE. Women Struggle Hopelessly Along, Suffering Backache, Dizzy Spells, Languor, Etc. Women have so much to go through in life that it’s a pity there is so much suffering from back ache and other com mon curable kidney Ills. If you suffer so, profit by this wom an's example. Mrs. Martin Douglass, 52 Cedar St., Kingston, N. Y., says: ”1 had a lame, aching back, 1- dizzy spells, head- L aches, and a feeling of languor. Part of the time I could not attend to my work and irregularity of the kidney secretions was annoying. Doan’s Kid ney Pills brought me prompt relief.” Sold by all dealers. 50c. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Premature Celebration. Andrew L. Harris, the fanner gov ernor of Ohio, was defeated last No vember for re-election. But In the opinion of his neighbors, down in Preble County, where he makes his home on one of the most beautiful farms in Ohio, he didn’t mind the defeat at ail*compared with the time Paul Sorg, the tobacco man, outdis tanced 'him in a race for congress. It wasn’t that he wanted to go to congress so much. There were more particular reasons that made the de feat annoying. The first returns that night indicated that "Andy,” as his neighbors called him, was elected. Everybody went over to his house to celebrate. When still later re turns confirmed his election, some body suggested that they ought to start a big bonfire. As there was toothing else handy they just tore tdown Andy’s nice picket fence and used thabTor the big celebration. The loss of the fence never feazed Andy a hit—not that night. “But gosh all hemlocks!” says one of his old neigh bors, “how sore he was the next morning when the corrected returns came in showing that he was licked after all.”—New York Presd. TOO SMART A BOY. Traveller—Say,' boy, your corn looks kind of yellow. Boy—Yes, sir. That’s the kind we planted. Traveller—Looks as though you will only have half crop. Boy—Don’t expect any more. The landlord gets the other half. Traveller (after a minute’s thought) —Say, there is not much difference between you and a fool. Boy—No. sir. Only the fence.— Judge’s Library. JOY WORK And the Other Kind. Did you ever stand on a prominent corner at an early morning hour and watch the throngs of people on their way to work? Noting the number who were forcing themselves along because it meant their daily bread, and the others cheerfully and eagerly pursuing their way because of love of their work. It Is a fact that one’s food has much to do with It. As an example; If an engine has poor oil, or a boil er is fired with poor coal, a bad result Is certain, Isn’t it? Treating your stomach right is the keystone that sustains the arch of health’s temple, and you will find “Grape-Nuts” as a dally food Is the most nourishing and beneficial you can use. We have thousands of testlmonialst real genuine little heart throbs, from people who simply tried Grape-Nuts out of curiosity—as a last resort— with the result that prompted the tes timonial. If you have never tried Grape-Nuts It’s worth while to give it a fair, im partial trial. Remember there are millions eating Grape-Nuts every day —they know, and we know, if von will use dVape-Ntits every morning your work Is more likely to be Joy- work, because you can keep well, and with the brain well nourished work is a joy. Read the “Road to Well- vllle” In every package—“There's a Reason.”. Her Visiting Cards. “The story In The New Y0rk Press about the short-sighted woman who was ushamed to wear glasses, re minds me of my Aunt Maria), who begun to wear them and Is' ashg to have any one knew reader. “Aunt Maria Is somethin? business woman, and on day not long ago made soveral calls at offices where she was requested to send In her card first. It Is her custom to keep some of her own cards in one side of her card case and thostf of people she meets In the other side. She thought she knew the right-side-up of her card case, and so without hesitation hand ed out the bits of pasteboard to of fice boys and secretaries on request. She noticed that every one seemed surprised to see her, but not until several days had passed did she dis cover the reason. Wishing to verify an address, she consulted the various cards' lh her case, “‘Gracious!’ she shrieked, 'do you know what I’ve been and done? Hand ed out Tom, Dick and Harry’s and the Lord only knows whose cards to all sorts of people the other day!’ “And so It proved on Inquiry. The good woman had sent In the cards of various clergymen, dentists, lectur ers, teachers und even one or two toiilitary titles.” PRESERVING THE PROPORTIONS. A little Scotch boy’s grandmother was packing his lunch for him to take to school one morning. Looking un Into the old woman’s face the boy asked; "Grandmother, does yer specs mag nify?” “A little, my child.” she answered. “Aweel, tjien,” said the boy. “I wad just like it if re wad tak’ them off when ye’re packin’ my loonch.”— Success Magazine. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, GA. Fertilizer MIXING MACHINERY, ANY CAPACITY. ATLANTA UTILITY WORKS KASr POINT, GA. Postcards FREE Home of Andrew Jackson, hunting scenes, vlewsin Washington.D C.. and other souvenir cards of national Interest. SO In all, FREE If you send Jno. F. Draughon, Nashville, Tenn., (mention this paper) names and addresses 01 0 or more young people most Ukelyto attend bust- I ness colicze or take lessons BY MAIL. IFY0D 1 want TO RISE from the DOLLAR A-DAY mass / into the FIVE DOLLAR-A DAY class, t/hen START RIGHT by asking for FREE catalogue. DRAUGHONS Practical Business College ATLANTA, .JACKSONVIUK, NASHVILLE or MONTGOMERY. ANY INTELLIGENT MAN CAN INCREASE HIS INCOME . Why not add $1000.00 to $10,000.00 to yours Jby acting as Local Agent? Write me if you would like to represent The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. ASSETS OVER *500,000,000.00. R. F. SHEDDEN, Manager. Englisb-Amorican Building, ATLANTA. GA. WARLICK SheetMetal Manufacturing Qi a 60 W. Alabama St., ATLANTIA. Hot Air METAL CORNICES, OEILIf s 1 Ventilators, Skylights, hofing. WE SHIP BEST.. QUALITYfcELD . AND GARDEN SEEDS DIRECT "i'O*- FARMERS.AT LOWEST WHOLE SALE PRICES. * WE SELL CLOVERS, GRASSES, SEED OATS, SEED CORN; CANE SEED, MILLET, COW PEAS, SOJA' BEANS, PEANUTS, SEED POTA TOES, CABBAGE PLANTS, POTATO . and TOMATO SLIPS, ONION SETS, GARDEN BEANS, GARDEN PEAS, ALL KltiDS OARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, LAND PLASTER AND FERTILIZERS. WRITE TTS FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES. * STATE WHAT YOU WANT. NASHVILLE SEE 215 Second Avenue, JSfashville, Te