The Georgia pioneer. (Cassville, GA.) 184?-1845, April 02, 1841, Image 4

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PUBLIC SALES. Cherokee Shff. sfc JLL BE SOLD, on the fir A Tuesday in APRIL next be’ sere the court house door in the tours, of. Canton, within the usual hours of salt ! he following property to will v *“ j Lot, No. 471,2d diet 2d sect ; levied : on property of Isaac C. VV4I~. jams, to satisfy a Fi F. issued from the Superior court of Harris county in fa vor of Malone & EJooper vs said Will* i inr.s. Property pointed out by Giles S. Boggeea, Also, Lot No 779, 3J dist 2d aect-le vied on as the property of Angus Mc- Cormack, to satisiy three Fi Fas issued from a justices court of Hall county ; 1 in favor of William McKmsey foi the j me of John Epperson, and 2 in favor! of John Armstrong vs McCormack— levy made & returned to me by a con stable. Also, Lot No 328, 3d dist 2J sect; levied on as the property of G. VV. Holcombe, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a justices court of Cherokee coun ty, in favor of Jesse J. Leonard &. co. j vs said G. W, Holcombe and James T. j Sitton .evied and returned to me by a > constable. A ho, Lot No 322, and 10 acres of I Lot No 327, and 9 acres of Lot No 394, 3.1 dis? 2J sect; levied on as the prop erty of James T. Sitton,to satisfy sun dry Fi Fas issued from a justices court of Cherokee county in favor ot Edward Townsend and others vs said Sitton- Icvyrnide and returned to me by a constable. Also, One Negro Girl, by the name es Charlotte, about seven years of age; levied on as the property of James W il fcon, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a justices court of Cherokee county; 1 in favor of Kellogg Webster, the other in favor of G'eorge Kellogg vs •aid Willson-levy made and returned to me bv a constable. POSTPONED SALES. One Negro Girl, by the name of Charlotte, about seven years of age; levied ou as the property of James Willson to satisfy a Ft Fa issued from the Superior couit of Cherokee county in favor of Sim? &i Walker, lor the use of Benjamin F. Patton ra Bfid VVitfaon Property pointed out by William Wor ley- Aleo, Lot No 821, 21 t dist 2d sect; levied on as the property of Enoch Johns & E. B. Hester, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a justices court of Che rokee countv, founded on an attach ment, in favor of George IM. Smith v •aid Johns &: Hester-levy made and returned to me by a constable. LANGSTON WORLEY, Shff. Also, At the same time & place, Lot, No. 5G4, 15U dist 2d sec!; le vied on as the property of B-irbary Vandiver,to satisfy aFi Fa issued from the Inferior court of Cherokee county, in favor of Pulaski B. Williams vs said Barbary Vandiver & James Vandiver. Also, Lot No 59, 14th dist 2d sect; levied on as the property of Asa Wal ker, to satisfy a Fi Fa i=sued fion* a ustices court ot Jasper county in favor of James Potts vs said Walker-levy made <£■ returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot No 186, 14th dist 2 1 sect; levied on as the property of Ann Greear to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a justices court of Clark county in favor of Will iam Murray vs said Ann Greear- levy made & returned to mo by a constable. Also, Lot No 312, 2d dist 2d tec*; levied on as the property of J. W. G. Rudd, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued out of a justices court of Cherokee county, in favor of Hammons & co. vs said R mid-levy made and returned to me by a constable. POSTPONED SALE, One road waggon and htu4 gear;j 2 mares, 1 a dark bay, 7 or 8 years old, the other a bright bay, 3 years old; 7 stacks of fodder,and 140 barrels of corn more ot less; levied on as the property of James Fielding, to satisfy a Ft Fa issued from the inferior court of Cher okee county in favor of H. W. Conner vs said Fielding. Property poiuted out by John P. Winn. JAMES A. MADDOW fX ShflT. Murray Sheriff Sales. J f/ ILL btl SOLD, on th, first Tries te r day in A PILL next, before the eouri home door in the town of Spring Place , between the legal bourse of sale the following property toxint: Three Lota ot Land, No. 35, Dih His 3d se^t; 260, Bth dist 3d sect*- and 75, J3th dist 3J *ect; levied on as the pio perty of Patrick J. Murray, to satisfy a Pi Pa from Hall Superior court in .fa vor of Gentian T. Dorlicaind.A ugustus Lafitte. Pointed out by J.R. Hanks. Also, One Road Waggon, and One Toke of Steers; levied on as the prop* *rty of Thomas O. Bryant, to satisfy a Pi Pa from Cass Inferior court in favoi of Amo* Wilburn. GEO. W. WACASER, Sbff. Paulding Shffk-Sales. ILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door in Van Wert, in said cou on the first Tuesday in APRIL \ next usual hours of sale , the following property to wit: ,On> L ot of Land, No. 647, 3J dist. 3Vtects levied oo as the propertyof j James H. Bryson, to satisfy a Fi Fa is sued from Paulding Superior court at the instance of John W. Cowart vs James H. Bryson. Property pointed out by defendant. Also, Lot No 697, 19th dist 31 sect; levied on as the property of Salomon Atwell, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a justices court of Forsyth county in favor of Noah Strong vs Solomon At well-levied arid returned to me by a | constable. Also, the south half of Lot No 373, 1 2d dist 3d sect; levied on to satisfy two Fi Fas; 1 issued from a justices court at the instance or Joashly James vs Henry Curbow and Isaac S. Cross- I ley; and 1 issued from Paulding Supe rior court at the instance of Willard Markenn vs saijpllenry Curbow.— I Property pointed oul by Joashly James -and served the defendant with a no | tice of the levies. Also, One Sorrel Filley, and 100 bushels of corn; levied on as the prop erty of Jedathan Cason, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued of the Inferior court of Paul ding county at the instance of John Kitchens foi’ the use of James Hays vs said Cason. Also, All John L. Graham’s & Will iam M. Graham’s interest in one town lot in the town of Van Wert, known in the plan of said town by No. -30, lying fronting the public square; levied on to satisfy sundry Fi Faa issued from Paulding Superior court in favor of John Cashing and others vs said John L. William M. Graham. Property pointed out by plaintiffs atty. Also, Lots Nos 29 & 38, in the town of Van Wert; levied on as the proper ty of Marsh Stidham, it being the house and lot whereon the said Stidham now resides; levied on to satisfy sundry Fl Fas issued from Paulding Superior court in favor of Gould & Bulkley and others vs 6aid Stidham. Pointed oul by one of the agents for the plaintiff;; and have served tne defendant with a notice of the levies. Also, Lot No 61, and south’ half of Lot No 62,20 th dist 3d sect., the place whereon Orren O. Henson now lives— levied on to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issu ed out of tiie Inferior and Superior courts of Paulding county, in favor of Asa Pryor ,for the use of John M. Smith and others vs said Henson. The a bove named lot, 61, levied on under the incumbrance c r u mortgage, in favor of Augustin Young, anil have served the tenant in possession : th a notice ol the levies. Also, Lot No 429, 19th dist 31 sect; j levied on as the property of Evan Tho mas, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Morgan county justices court in favor of Carter Shephard vs said Thomas; levied and returned to me by a constable. Piop erty pointed out by plaintiffs atty. Also, Fifteen head of cattle, consist ing of cows and yearlings, and 1 yoke of oxen and cart-levied on a3 the prop erty of John Wicher, sen’r, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of Paulding Inferior court in favor of Thomas G. Janes vs said Wicher. Also, Lot No 551, 2d dist 4‘h sees; levied on as the property of Pleasant Cov, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a justices court of Merriwether county in favor of Hardaway Hawkins vs said Cox-levied on and returned to me by a constable. S. F. BURGESS, Shff. Also, At the same time & place, Lots Nos 365, 364, 429 aiuf436, all \ in the 21 die 3d sec., with a good set ol griceandsaw mills on said possession. Also, 3t> head of stock hogs; levied on as the property of Joshua Broughton, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Paulding Su perior com t in favor of Augustus Har ris vs said Broughton and served the tenant in possession with a notice. Also, 20 barrels of corn more or less levif and on as the property of Mitchell J. Roberts and Peter J. Thiess to satis fy two Fi Fa* from Paulding Superior court in f tvor of James Grisham and John A. Jones vs said Roberts. Also, Lots Nos. 1124, 1125, Ilf*?, ! Bth diet. 3J sec.-levied on as the prop erty of A. 3i. Mcßrayar and James Mcßrayer to satisfy sundry Pi Fas from a justices court of Paulding coun ty in favor of Thomas G. L>unfap and Pohn A. Jones; property pointed out by John A. Jones; levy made and re turned tome by a convlable. Also, Lots Nos. 553, 522, 3d diet. 3d sec-levicd on as the property - ot Nor man Mcßea to satisfy sundry Fi Fas l in favor of Joasbly James and others all issued from a justices court of Paul ding county-levy made and returned to me by a constable. LEWIS M. MAT I'HEVVf. D Shff. i Vx>bb Sheriff's Sales. S/f/ILL BE SOLD, on the First * * Tuesday in A Pill Is next be fore the court house door , in the town o 1 Marietta , Cobb county , within the legal hours of sale the following property viz . Lot No 38, 20th dist Li sec-levied on as the property of Hutson Harwill to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a justices court of Newton county in favor es Green H. Turner vs Datson Harwill & Isaac J. HorUfield-levied and return ed to me by a constable. Also, Lot No. 1187, 3J dist 31 sec.- levied on as the property of Samuel Mullens to satisfy a F Fa issued out of a justices court of Cobb county in fa vor of W. J. Kiser va John H. Gray, 1 and Samuel Mullens -levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, L,ots Nos. 1122 & 1123, 19th ; dist 2J se-levied on as the property of) James L. Pair to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a justices court of C obb county ; in favor of Winn & Shannon bearer vs ‘ James L. Pair-levied and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot No 73, 18th dist 2d sec-lev- ied on as the propertyof James Mc- Commick to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a justices court of 000 l v county in ‘ favor of Thomas H. Key # co vs James j McCommick-levied and returned to! me by a constable. Also, Lot No 76, 19th dist 2d sect; levied on a3 the property of Michael Cain, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of (lie 1 Offuers of the Superior court of Dooly county-levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lot, No. 813, in the 19th dist. of 2j. sec.—levied on as the property of John C. Pipkin-, to satisfy a Fi Fa is-1 sued out of a Justices Court of Ilall, county, in favor of Jones V Payne vs John C. Pipkins; levied und returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot No. 256, in the 18th dist 21 sect; levied on as the property of Asa Holstin, to satisfy a Ft Fa issued out of the Superior Court of Merri wetlier county in lavor of Wilson Lump kin, Governor, vs Asa Holstin, princi pal and Thomas E Hardaway securi ty* Also, Lot, No, 1104, in the 19th dist. 2J sec; levied on as the property of Hugh Gilliland, to satisfy a Fi Fa ianue<£ oat o-f n court ot ette county, in favor of Thomas Byrns & co. Vs Hugh Gilliland; levied and returned to me by a constable. Also, one Negro boy, by the name of Tom, about sixteen years of age; lev ied on as the property of Robert Groves, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of the Superior court of Cobb county, in lavor of William Williams vs Robert Groves Also, Lot No 253, in the tst dist. 21 sec; levied on as the property of ! James Edmondson, to satisfy a Fi Fa ! issued out of a Justice’s court of For syth county, in favor of Noah Strong, vs James Elmondson—levied on and returned to me by a con9tal>l POST POX feD SALES. O te Grey mare and colt; levied on as the property of James Came?, to satisfy a Ft Fa issued out of the Supe rior court of Cobb county in fivor of Joseph Wafers vs James Carnes, Kezia Morris, William Sheffield and J esse Morris. Also, One bay mare and Lot of land, No 323, 3J dist 3d sect; levied on a? the property of Kezia Morris, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of the Superior court of Cobb county in fvor of Jo seph Waters vs James Carnes, Kezia Morris, William Sheffield and Jesse Morris. Also, One Yoke of O.Vf’n; levied on as the property of Je*sp Morris, to *at isfy a Fi Fa issued out of the Superior court of Cobh connfy in favor of Jo seph Waters vs K> zia Morris, William Sheffield and Jesse .Morris. S. N. MALONEY, D. ShfF. ALSO , At the same place* on the firsll Tuesday in April next. One Negro woman by the name of Lethu; levied on a3 the property o? E* T. Hudson, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued out of the Superior court of Cobb county in favor ol Gregory &. McAfee vs E. T. Hudson. Property poiuted out in said mortgage Fr Fa. S. N. MALONEY, D. Shff. CASS SIIIUUFF SALKS. JjLrJLL PE SOU), on the First * Tuesday in APRIL next , be fore the court house door in Cussville, Cass county , within the legal hours of sale , the following properly,to wit: Lot of Land, No 756, 17lh di*t 31 acc.-levled on as the property of Mo*es Scott, to satisfy 2 Ft Fas; 1 from Cas* Superior court in favor of Samuel Mor gan, 1 from Cass Inferior court in fa vor of Sullivan &, Black vs said Scott; 1 property pointed out by defendant. Also, 1 bay mare, 5 or 6 years old, 1 bay horse cole, 3 cows and calves nr and 2 eteeri, 2 year* old; levied on at the propel ty of John S. Miller, to satisfy a Fir a frorr Cass Inferior court in favor of Richardson &. Simmons vssaid Mil ler. Also, ore negro man named Jerry, 36 or 40 yenrs old; levied on as tire property of Nancy Lester, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Madison Superior court in Javor of H. G. Straghorn vs said Nancy Lester; property pointed rut by pill*. Also, town Lot No. 54, in the town of Cam ille-levied on as the property of William D. Hassell to satisfy sundry Fi Fas from a justices couit of Cus> county in favor of Jonathan Long vs said Hassell and Wm. Thompson—lev ied on and returned to me by a consta bib. Also, Lots of Hand, Nos. 1233, 1284, 1236 and 1238, 21st dist 2nd sec; also 825 4th dist 3d sec-levied oh as the property of Richmond Baker, to satisfy 2 Fi Fas from Cass Superior court in favor of John Dawson vs gf,id Baker, j Also, Lot, No. 1131,17 th dist 3d sec-levied on 3 the property of Wil liam Bell, to satisfy 2 Fi Fas; 1 from Cass Superior court in favor of Thomas W. Freeman vs Henson & .Sell; the other from Cass Inferior court in fa I vor of David Rounsaville, endorsee vs j William N. Henson and William Beil. Also, Lot of Land No. 140, sth dist. 31 sec—levied on as the property oi John A Dillard to satisfy sundry Fi Fas from a justices court if Jasper county in favor of Thomas Greer vs said John A. Dillaid, \V m. W. Williamson and Wm. Raney eecurities-levied on and returned tome by ;i constable. JOSEPH BOGLE,Shff. Also, at the same time & place. | Poi ty eight head *! stock hogs,more lor less; 49 barrels of corn; 3cows&, i 1 yearling; levied on as the property o( James Adams, by virtue of a Fi Fa is j sued from Cass Inferioi corn t, Bearfoot i Runyan vs James Adam-, John G. D. j Adam? and Nathaniel Adams Security on stay; Property pointed out by N* Adams, seemity on stay. Also, 100 head of stock hog?, more or less; sixteen head of stO( k cattle; 1 yoke of oxen; one waggon; three head of horses, 1 gray mare, 1 bay mare 1 sorrel mare; 1 negro woman named Si Ivey, 30 or 35 years old; 1 boy nain ed Gilbert, 8 or 10 years old; 1 boy named Henry, 7 or 8 years oil; I girl named Louisa, 5 or G N ears old-h ue j on as the property of John Harden, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued fronrfCass Supe- I rior court in favor of Joseph Harden vs the said John Harden;• property pointed out by \V. Akin, plaintiffs at torney. Also, 2 feather beds; 2 bedsteads; 1 cow and; 1 pair of and irons some carpenter toob, and other articles too tedious to mention levied on as the property of James Hornet, to satisfy 1 Fi Fa from Cart Superior court in fa vor of'Leveana Bulk, Adm’x. and D. R- Mitchell, A imr. ot Francis''Burk, deed, vs the sard James Mamet, Sam uel Me Dow and David Lowry, securi ty on stay of said Fi Fa; property pointed out by the defendant. Also, two oat stacks; the Pork of 5 hogs, supposed to way 150 pounds each, 1 lot of corn, CO bushels more or less; 3 cows and 2 yearlings; 4‘ head of stock hogs, 1 bureau; 1 clock; lev ied on ns the property of Joseph Id. Stokes, to satisfy 2Ft Fas issued from Cass Superior court; 1 in favor of Wm. R Smith,and l in f ivor of R juben* 11. Pogue, for the use of the officers ol court vs the said J. 11. Stokes. AI so, One chesnut soi rel stud horse, 5 oi 6 years old, and One Jac U, 5 years old; levied on as the property of James White, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Paulding Superior court in favor of Geoige VV. Ray vs the said James White and James H. Bryson; proper <y pointed out hy f. B. Pay ne, control ler of said Fi Fa. Also. Lot of Land, No 132, 14!h dis. 3d sec; levied on us the property of Horace Smith, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Cass Inferior court in favor of John E. Thomson, V3 (Ire said Horace Smith ; proper ty pointed out by W. T. Winn. Served tire tenant in possession with a notice of said levy. One bay Irorse, 9 years old; 1 sorrel horse, 14 years old; 1 two horse wag gon and hind gear; 1 buggy and har ness; 17 head of *tock cattle; 1 crib of corn, 30 barrels mere or Jes-*; 1 stack of fodder; I bureau; l cloik; 4 feather beds and some bed ling; 4 bed steads; 500 pounds of bacon, more or less; 1 negro woman named Martha, 22 years old, and 1 boy named Z ‘dek ah, 21 or 22 y**ar* old; levied on as the property of Benjamin 13. Gaihe#, to sat isfy a Fi Fa issued from Cass Superior court in favor of William Brew-tervs the said Benjamin B. Gaines 4r Henry P. Gaines-property pointed out by Henry P. Gaines. Also, l buggy and harness and one Bay mare Mule 5 or 6 -years old-lev ied on as (he pioperty ol Benjvmin B. Gaines and William Dodd to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Cass Superior court the State for the use of the cfficeis of court va Henry* White, Nathaniel Dempsey, William Dodd and Benjamin B. Gaines-property pointed out by Benjamin B. Gaines Ac William Dod.l. POSTPONED SALE. Also Lot No 3J7, 24, 2,1 roan mars 0 yeais old, 1 bay mare 8 years obi, l yoke oxen, 2 cows 3 yearlings, oi e lor of corn, 20 barrels more or less; levied on as the property of William Kelly, John Smith and Squire Kelly,*o satis fy a Fi Fr issued from (7nss Inferior court in favor of James M. Irwin, for the use of Ferrell and Adams vs the said William Kelly, John Smith and Squire Kelly ; property pointed out bjr the defendants. WESLEY KINMAN, D. Shff. Mortgage Sales. Also, at the same place on the first ‘Tuesday in April next One Mahogany Bureau, l candle stand, I cow and calf; levied on n4 the property of David B. Stewart, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from Cass Inferior court in favor of John Spruill vs David B. Stewart; property pointed out in find Fi Fa. JOSEPH BOGLE, Shff. Jany 29. I Q4Jj. Also, At the same place, on the first Tuesday in May next. One Negro woman named Nancy', about 27 years old; levied on as tile property of James Wilson, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa is.-ued from Cherokee Inferior couit in favor of Nathan Bird vs the said James Wilson. Property’ pointed out in said Fi Fa. Also,One set of cart wheel? and bed; levied on as the property of John Will son, to Satisfy u mortgage Fi Fa issued from Cass Inferior court in favor of William N. Henson vs the said John Wilson; property pointed oul by VV. N. Henson. WESLEY KINMAN, D. Shff. march 6, 1841. Dade Sheriff Sales. On the first Tuesday iu April next, ILL BE SOLD,before the court v V house door in Trenton, Dade county, within the usual hours ol sale, the following properly, viz: All the interest that Andrew Merrell has, nr owns in Lot, No. 45, 18th dist. 4th sec; levied on to eat ply a Fi Fa is sued from a justices court in the Bi3 G. M. dist. of U. ton county, in favor of Harvy Small vs said Meirell-levy made .Vi returned to me by a constable Also; All the interest that Joseph Murphy, has in and to, Loi of Land, No 49, 19;h dist 4th sect., together with a valuable coal bank on said lot, with in live miles es Tennessee river; also,a valuable chalybeate spring on said lot; levied on to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Dade Superior court in favor of Win. Davis vs Joseph Murphy, piincipal, & Isaac Raney,security. Tioperly poin ted out bv Isaac Raimy. Also, Lot No, 120, lOth dist 4;!t sec.* -levied on as the property of Daniel McCollum by virtue ol six Fiera Facial? issued out ot the justices court in the 960th dist. G. M. in favor of Rhea, Ross & co. vs Daniel McCollum & D. T. McCollum,and E. C. Rice, princi pal, and Alfred Street security on stay ofexe. ution; levied on and returned to me by a constable. POSTPONED SALE. Lot, No. 133, I0;li dist 4ili sect; le vied on as the properly of Daniel Mc- Collum, by virtue of six Fiera Facias, issued out of the justices couit in the 9G0.1t district G. M. in favor of Rhea, Ko?s co. vs said McCollum and D. T. McCollum and E. C. Rice, princi pal, and Alfred Street, security on stay of execution; levied on and returned to me by a constable. M. CUNNINGHAM, Shff. •Administrator’s Sale . VG REE ABLE loan order of the interior couit cl Gass county, will be sold on the facet Tuesday in Apiil next, before the court lioujo idoor in the town of Casgville, one lot of Land, No. 902, in (he 4ih die tiiet 3d section, of originally Chero kee, now Cass county, belonging to tire eetale of Eli W, Lackey, fate of sod county deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms on the day of sale. R. V. LACKEY, Ad mV Feb. 8, 1841 18 tds. (J tiURCIA, Cherokee Count yd ’ WHE IE VS, John id. Wnkkite,a te, ap plies to me lor letters of AdminLtra tiou on (he estate ot Thomas B. Wick, late ot Upson county dec. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of siud dec., to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letter* should ilot be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 4h day of March, 1811. 22 POSEY MADDOX, C. C.O.