The weekly new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-????, May 11, 1870, Image 3
* MDMH mTcdtli) him ©xa. ATLANTA, UEOlMilA, MAY n, 1870. r= 'I J.i • .. : ■ . ... ..'. ■ IKunpl.Ut of 138pages, is upon our table, and wo have endeavored to give our readers an in- teresting digest, of its contents,- 'which will enable them {o judge of the prosperity of our State and its progress -during the lost twelve months, The following is the Bepor^ with some slight omissions, which axe compara- ■ tively uninteresting, and which the crowded state of our columns will not permit us togivfc: COMPTBOIXEB GzNEIUL’s OFFICE, Atlanta, GjL, January 1, 1870. To Ilia Ect lUnn/ TL B. Bullock, Governor ttf Georgia:' Sir: As required by law, I transmit to yon herewith the annual report of this Depart ment, for tho year ending 31st December, 1860. It will be found to contain the follow- lst. An occonnt enrrent between the Treas urer and the State, and the present cash bal ance in the Treasury. 2d. A statement showing tho monthly re ceipts at the Treasury, and the sources whence derived. Aoilng the mdnihly pay- frora which paid, and ments, and the fund total amount paid out. 4th. A statement.of tho assets belonging to the State, and their present market value, the State Railroad reported without any stipulated value. - 6th. A statement of the public debt of the State, os furnished by the Treasurer. 6th. A table showing the number of aeres of land returned, increase and decrease, aggre- fi»te value, -increase soul decrease; also average fyUo fWUO, 4U*U UWV.JIMC, value for the years 1868 and 1802. H 7 tin A table showing the number of acres of improved and wild lands, the aggregate and average values; also the number of acres and total value ot land inr each county, for the year 1869. 8th. Atable showing the value of city and town property, of money and solvent debts, and value of merchandise, for the years 1868 and 1869, exhibiting the increase and decrease for each county, 9th. A table showing the value of household and kitchen furniture, of plantation and me* chaniole tools, number of hands employed, Ac., for the years 1868 and 1869; also showing the increase and decrease in each Item since the returns of 1868. 10th. A table showing the valuo of stocks and bonds, for 1868 and 1869, capital invested in shipping, cotton manufactories, iron works, mining, number of shares in any National Bank in this State, and the value of those shares, as shown by the tax books far 1869. 11th. A table showing the value of “All other Property," the aggregate Value of whole property, and the value after deducting $200 for the years 1868 and 1869, exhibiting the increase and decrease for each county since the returns of 1868: 12th. A table showing tho number of polls, professions, dentists, dnguerrenn artists, bil liard tables, auctioneers, ten-pin alleys, public race tracks; also tho number of deaf, dumb and blind in each county, for 1869. 13tli. A statement of Insurance Companies authorized to do business in this State during tho year just ended giving the namo and local ity of each company, tho amount of capital stock, amount paid up in cash, total amount of liabilities, total income, total expenditures, greatest amount insured in any one risk, ami the name of of president and secretary of each company. 14th. A statement showing tho number voting at last general election, the amount of per diem and mileage paid each Senator and Representative, their names, the total amount paid to each Senatorial District for tho year 1869, aud the net amount of money paid into the Treasury by each county, for i860. 15th. A statement showing the number of Executive warrants drawn upon tho Treasury, and approved, during tho year just dosed, giv ing the numl>er and date of each warrant, date of approval, in whoso favor drawn, for what purpose drawn, and tho fond upon which drawnr 16th. A statement showing for what pur pose special appropriations were made, the amount appropriated and tho amount of the appropriation drawn, the date of drawing and by whom drawn; also exhibiting a statement of over-payments drowu from the Treasury by Tax Collectors. 4 would §tote that a number of Executive warrant *wn upon both tho Printing Funds of 1868 ahc'SM&O, several under the head of Special l w^tions, and two under that of the Civil -dishment of 1869, aud approved wo vjivu • «fuauim;ut ui iou;r, lum njiptuvci by this offlk4 have not, as I am informcd v boon paid by the Treasurer. It will be seen, however, iu tho account current that the Treasurer has credit for all warrants passed by me, including those which he has not paid. His refusal to cash these warrants, therefore, leaves a greater amount of net cash in his hands than ho is charged with iu the account The amount of the warrants outstanding am be easily ascertained by comparing those passed by this office and the number reported by tho Treasurer in his report as paid by him. the Treasury accompanying this report, and designated by the No. 2, will be found tho amount of Poll Tax, both for 1868 and 1869, paid into the Treasury since the first day of January last but thin does not show the true amount of net poll tax paid iu during that pe riod, for the reason that tho Tax Collectors, in almost every instance, have tailed to ascer tain the truo amount due from their respect ive counties, and consequently have, generally paid in too much as poll tax, but in some in stances not enough. tsrest on which is $391,319. In 1869 there was duo in Europe bonds to the amount of £15,000, which, with. interest, £3,000, is un paid. The amount of coupons of the bonds of the State paid in Atlanta and New York, from August 11, 1868 to January 1, 1870,' is $519,066. . The number, of acres of land returned is 32,552,399 against 32,007,714 iu 18G8, showing a net increase of 544,685. The value of these lands in 1869 is returned at $84,577*166, against $79,727,584, in 1868, showing an increased net value of $4,849,582. The average value per acre was'$2 60 in 1869, and $2 49 in 186a Tho in crease in the following counties is over 50,000 acres: Decatur 151,441; Pulaski 84,861; Irwin 84,435; Chatham 82,903; Bryan 63,316; and Dade 51,717. The following show a decrease of over 30,000 acres: Ware 131,221; Sumter 70,631; Webster 55,400; Burke 35,917; Butts 35,496; Polk 35,110; and Telfoir 30,785. The following counties return an increased value of over $100,000: Bryan $136,581; Campbell $111,044; Chatham $112,727;Clarko $136,964: Cowsta $158,106; Fayette 266,430; Fulton $172,646; Jones $207,553; Lee $127,730; Ma con $426,250; Newton $118,869; Stewart $100- 020; Sumter $124,809; Washington $209,426. The following counties have decreased $30,000 in value: Brooks $38,375; Bulloch $40,093; Burke $109,509; McIntosh $51,656; and Troup $43,362. The six counties showing the high est prioe of land per acre, are: Walker $7 45; Bartow $6 78; Sumter $G 45; Floyd $6 41; Catoosa $6 20; and Fulton $5 79. The six lowest arc: Wayne 47c.; Irwin 49c,; Ware, Clinch, and Pierce 50c. each; and Appling 26.353,054 acres of improved lands were re turned at a valuo of $82,238,475; 6,199,336 acres of unimproved lands, at a value of $2,- 338,691. Total number of acres 32,552,390. Total value $84,577,166. The value of city and town property return ed is $44,368,096 in 1869, against $40,315,G21 in 1868; increased value $4,052,475. Money and solvent debts returned in 1869, $24,143,- 967; in 1868, $23,218,520, being an increase of $925,447. Merchandise in 1869 is set at l$ll,^3C,793, against $0,976,293 in M68. show ing an increase of $T,lorf,50(i The following counties have increased their city and town property oyer $100,000: Bibb, $213,435; Chatham, $1,729,337; Floyd, $176,173; Fulton, $1,240,372; Glynn, $193,405; Spalding, $231,- 863; Troup, $178,690. The following conn ties show a decrease of over $30,000: Camden, $45,694; Muscogee, $276,907; Richmond, $174,190. In monpy nnd solvent debts the following aro the most noticeable: Increase, Chatham, $847,406; Fulton, $182,995; Sum ter, $84,131; Bartow, $73,928. Decrease, De catur, $115,265; Muscogee, $239,556; Troup, $112,095; and the following have decreased over $50,000: Bibb, Brooks, Morgan, Quit- man, Richmond, Thomas and Wilkinson. Household and kitchen furniture has in-' creased in value $31,119 during the year; the returns being $1,405,745 in 1869, and $1,369,- 726 in 1868. Plantation and mechanical tools over $300 in value have increased $6,976. The number of hands employed between the ages of 12 and 65 were 106,739 against 86,413 in. 1868; increase 20,326. The value of stocks and bonds held in 1869 was $5,184,832; in 1868, ,$4,048,714. Invested in shipping in 1869 $250,049; cotton manu factories, $2,338,948; iron works, etc.,-$476;- 920, of which Fulton county claims $153,750. In mining, $15,395. The amount of National Bank shares held in 1868 was only $12,595, while in 1869 tho amount was $835,950. Of this sum Richmond county owns $500,000; Fultou county $200,000, and Muscogee $112,- 000. Hie value of all other property (personal) not enumerated except annual crops is returned at $29,167,194 in I860, against $2C,551,426 in 18G8- increase $2,662,768. The aggregate value of the whole property In 1869 iwi $904, 481,706, licing an increase of $13,246,186 during the year. Eighty-seven insurance companies are atlior- ized to do business in the State, four of which are English. The above report is we think highly satis factory. That the aggregate valuo of property in the State should have appreciated during the year thirteen null ions and a quarter is a subject for congratulation when we con sider the excited period our Shite Inis passed through, and the great efforts other States have been making to induce emigration. With very few exceptions, tho county of Muscogee being the chief, all ports of the State show im provement, which we trust will be increased tenfold during the present year. We publish beloW authentic copies of all tho resolutions passed at the late session of the Provisional Legislature: I am induced to believe, from the very great improvement which is being exhibited in the value of taxable property, and especially of real estate, that a return ot two hundred mil lions of taxable property may be safely antici pated for the present year. Respectfully submitted. Madison Bell, Comptroler General. The first account between the Treasurer and the State shows that the gross receipts for the year, were $2,300,786 16, and the payments $1,857,825 98, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $442,960 18, exclusive of several warrants drawn on the printing fund of 1868 and 1869, and two under the civil tablishmcnt of 1869, which have not been paid, and would increase the balance very materially. The second account shows tho sonrees from whence the revenue was derived. The total receipts for the year were $2,184,090 51. The balance at the end of last year on hand $116,- 695 65, making the gross total $2,300,786 16 to bo accounted for. The general tax of 1866 produced $161 29, 1867, $17,421 05, 1868, $633,590 70, 1869 $558,744 «- Tho poll tax for 1868 and 1869 produced $125,320 92. The liquor tax of 1868 $1,892 71, of 18C9 $27,093 79. Tho tax on Insurance companies brought in 1867 $5,402 63, 1868, $8,642 50. Circus and shows amounted to $8,693 65. The rev enue derived from tho Western aud Atlantic Railroad during ten months was $250,000.— Temporary loans $173,227 50. Mortgage bonds and coupons used in funding bonds post fide under the act of 1866 $349,000. Statement No. 3 exhibits the payments for the year. The civil establishment cost $88,- 505 77, of whioh $*23,283 89 was for the year 1868. The contingent fund cost $20,484 17, the sum of $516 01 belonging to 1868. The printing fund amounted to $27,979 19, of whieh $8,169 42 belonged to 1868. Special appropriations swallowed up $330,628 37, $89,546 65 being for 1868, and $1,158 43 for 1766. Constitutional Convention scrip cost $26,652 25. Legislative pay rolls $186,794 00. Temporary loan of 1868 $297,475 00. There was public* debt paid to the amount of $858,- 846 00, making a total of $1,857,825 98. • , The assets of the State are as follows': III the Banker the"State of Georgia...... 1.833 share#. Iu the Bauk of Augusta 890 shares. In the Bank of Georgia Railroad aud In the Atlantic and' Gnll Railroad 10,000 shares. The State also owns the Western and Atlan tic Railroad, stretching from Atlanta to Chat tanooga, Tt -'.u: — e, together with the neces sary grounds for depots, machine shops, etc., and tho equipments belonging to said road. al d» bt of the State as exhibited in A RESOLUTION. Resolved, That the appropriation act of 1869 be and it is hereby continued in fall force and effect for the first two quarters of this year, viz: until Jnly 1st, 1870. Resolved, 2d, That for the same reasons the tax act of1869 be and it is hereby continued in full force and effect until otherwise ordered by the General Assembly. Resolved, 3d, That the interest aud principal upon thepnblic debt accruing prior to July 1st, 1870, be paid as it becomes due, in accordance with the sections of the Code relating to said subject Resolved, 4th, That a joiut committee of threo from the Senate and five from the House be appointed, whoso duty it shall be to make a full and thorough examination into the con dition and managenu nt of the finances of the Western and Atlantic Railroad since the time said road was placed under the supervision of the present Superintendent; also, at the time said road was placed under his control, and also as to the general management of said road, and especially said committee to bo directed to inquire what has been the entire earnings and receipts of said road, what necessary and actual working expenses, and what disposition has been made of the profits of said road; what contracts have been made for material and supplies for said road outside of the State of Georgia; with whom were such contracts made, by whom mode, who were interes ted in those contracts, with whose approval, worn any discounts made upon the purchases so made, and who were Interested in the said discounts inquire how crossties, wood and other railroad material are procured within the State of Georgia; what prices are paid, and what employees or officers are interested in procuring such material and supplies; whether any officers or employees of the road are in terested in eating houses where tho road em ployees are fed; in warehouses where goods shipped over the road are stored, and brick yards where the brick manufactured arc furnished parties not connected with the road; whether any property of tho road has been taken by officers or employees of the road and appropriated to their own use; whether any officers and employees of the road have re ceived or collected any of the earnings of the road or money on account thereof, and have failed to pay the same over to the Treasurer of the road, and thos<* paid the same to other persons than the Treasurer; what quantity of goods have been lost of the receipt of shipment by the rood and how these losses happened, and whether any offi cers or employees were interested in or beue- fitied by said losses, the extent to which over charges have been made for freight; how these overcharges are made, and whether any offi cers or employees of the said rood were inter ested in or benefited by these overcharges; what number of persons were in the em ployment or pay of the road daring the year 1869, the number daring each month, and what number have been employed since the first day of January. 1870; whether there are any persons in the employment of the road or receiving pay freon the same, whose names do not appear upon the regular pay rolls of the road; now many persons, and what per sons have been put in the pay of the road since the 18th of February, 1870, and the services renderd by said peasons; what number of persons have been em- to been found, and the cost of finding them ‘ What amounts have been paid for printing purposes, and what amounts have been loaned or al- OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS.! OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. lowed to be, and by what officers or employ- railroad ees, or other persons, for other than ss; what members of the General As- w have been and are in the employment of the road; what officers of the road who by law are required to give bond and security for the proper discharge of their duty, have foiled to execute the bonds, with the security required by law, and render a full and complete report to the General Assembly at its meeting after adjournment. Resolved, 5th, That a similar joint commit tee be appointed, whose duty it shall be to visit the Penitentiary and the different places where the convicts are employed, and make a thorough examination into the condition and manner of the treatment of said convicts, and render a full report to the General Assembly on its reassembling. Resolved, 6, That each of said committees be authorized to employ a clerk fully compe te discharge the duties, and that each of said committies be authorized to send for persons andpapers and administer oaths. Whereas, there exists great doubt and un certainty as to the validity of the proceedings of the several courts of this State, and of the acts of the civil officers of this State, There fore with the view of preventing confusion, Resolved, 7, That all proceedings in the several Courts of this State founded on any debt or contract made or entered into prior to tho first day. of June, 1865, and au levies and sales by virtue of any execution so found ed, and aro liereby^tayeduntil twenty days filler the meeting of Hie next General Assembly. Resolved, 8, That the General Assembly in compliance with the just demands of the peo ple earnestly appeal to Maj. Gen. A. IL Terry to enforce the above resolutions after their ap proval by the Executive of the State. 9th. Resolved, That the Legislature, after disposing of the business before it, adjourn until the first Wednesday in July next, unless sooner called together by his Excellency, the Governor. Benjamin Conley, President of Senate. J. G. W. Mills. Secretary of Senate. R. L. McWhorter, • Speaker House of Representatives. Jno. J. Newton, Clerk House of Representatives. f Approved, May 4,1870: Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. In Senate, read and adopted, April 30,1870: J. G. W. Mills. Secretary of Senate. In House, read and concurred in, May 3, 1870: 'Jno. J. Newton, Clerk of House of Representatives. A RESOLUTION Resolved, by the Geueral Assembly, that . the future the President of tho Senate, Speaker of tho House of tho Representatives and the Auditing Committee of tho Senate and House of Representatives, adhere strictly and rigidly to the 181st section of the Code, which says that the compensation due the officers and members of the General Assembly must be oertified by the President and Speaker respectively, upon the report of the Auditing Committee to the Treasurer, who afterwards shall pay each member who presents his account duly audited. Resolved further, that said committees are requested not to audit the account of any offi cer, clerk or employee of either branch of the General Assembly who lias not been author ized by resolution of the respective Houses, or been elected or appointed in accordance with the Constitution of this State or the Code of Georgia, and that the Treasurer is requested not to pay one cent to members, officers or employees of either branch of the Legislature that does not conform strictly with these res olutions. Benjamin Conley, President of the Senate. J. G. W. Mills, Secretary of Senate. R. L. McWhorter, Speaker House Rgjffsentatives. Jno. J. Newton Secretary of House Representatives. Approved, May 4, 1870. Rufus B. Bullous, Governor. In Senate, read and approved April 29,1870: J. G. W. Mills, Secretary of Senate. Iu, read and concurred April 30,1870. Jno. J. Newton, Clerk of House Representatives. RESOLUTION. Whereas, Governor Bullock has drawn his warrants upon the Treasury in favor of cer- tive Department, which have been duly coun tersigned by the Comptroller General: And whereas, the State Treasurer, N. L. Angier, has declined to pay the same, inasmuch as the said warrants, in his opinion, are drawn improperly upon the printing fund; Therefore, reselvcd by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the Treasurer be au thorized and required to pay said warrants aud any other warrauts regularly issued by the Executive and countersigned by the Comp troller General in accordance with law, out of any moneys in-tho Treasury not otherwise ap propriated. Benjamin Conley, President of Senate. J. G. W. Mills, Secretary Senate. It L. McWhorter, Sneaker House of Representatives. Jno. J. Newton, Clerk House Representatives. Approved, May 5, 1870. Brrus B. Bullock, Governor. In House — Read and adopted May 4, 1870. Jno. J. Newton, Clerk House Representatives. ' In Senate —Read nnd concurred in May 4, 1870. J. G. W. Mills, Secretary Senate. a resolution. Resolved by the General Assembly, that the Governor pay no salary from date for a Superintendent of Public Works, or Clerks for the same office. Benjamin Conley, President of Senato. J. G. Mills, Secretary Senate. R. L. McWhorter, Speaker House Reprcseutatiues. JohnJ. Newton, Clerk House Representatives. Approved, May 5, 1870: Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. Iu Senate, read and adopted May 4, 1870. J. G. W. Mills, Secretaiy Senate. Iu House read and concurred iu May 4, 1870. John J. Newton, Clerk House Representatives. A RESOLUTION. Resolved, That a joint committee, consist ing of threo from the Senate and five from the House, be appointed to take into consideration that portion of the Governor’s message relat ing to charges which have been circulated in relation to the use or misapplication of the public funds, and that said committee be au thorized to send for persons and papers. Benjamin Coxly, President of Senate. J. G. W. Mills, Secretary of Senate. R. L. McWhorter, Speaker House of Representatives. John J. Newton, Clerk House of Representatives. Approved, May 4, 1870. Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. In Senate, read and adopted February 2, 1870. J. G. W. Mills, Secretary of Senate. In House,read aqd concurred in May 3,1870. John J. Newton, « Clerk House of Representatives. I have for years been opposed to Calomel, and since 1839 have used Simmons' Liver Regulator as a vegetable remedy, and can con fidently assert that it has exceeded my expec tations, curing cases of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint that were thought almost hopeless. Granville Wood, - Wood’s Factory, Macon, Georgia, may 12-dAwlt Kwf.—A man recently went from New Or leans to New York, transacted his business and returned in 6J days. N. S. Burbank lias been enjoined from act ing os City Treasurer, resulting from a police board quarrel. Mr. J. M. Barrett, of the Picayune, has been arraigned before Recorder Houghton, charged with having shot and wounded J. L. Smith, with intent to murder, .and also with having A PROCLAMATION. GEOttGl A. By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, official information has been received at thi* Department that a murder was committed in the county of on the 29th November, 1869, upon the body of William Morris, a person of color, by one William Simmons, a person of color, aa is alleged, and that said Simmons has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this jay proclamation, hereby off* ring a reward of Two Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and de livery of the said Simmons, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to bo vigilant in endeavor ing to apprehend the said Simmons, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seven ty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Kinoty-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottog, Secretary of State. mayl!M13t*wlt A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: By RCFUS B. BUIXOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, Official information has been received at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Pickens, on or about the 18th January, 1870, upon the body of Esley Turner, by one Williagi C. Turner, and that said William C. Turner has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, mjfl proclamation, hereby offering a reward of One Thou sand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said William C. Turner, .with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers In this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in cn* deavoring to apprehend the said William C. Turner, in order that he may be brought to trial for the of fense with which be stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth dsy of May, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sew enty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottino, Secretary of State. may 10-d3twlt A PROCLAMATION. GKOHGIA By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. county of Dougherty, < said White has fled from justice: Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers iu this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeav- stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, the year of c States of America the Ninety-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottino, Secretary of State, may 10-d3twlt A PROCLAMATION. C* K <> It <i 1 A . The following is an official list of the names of citi zens of this State who have been relieved of political disabilities by a vote of two-thirds of each House of Congress, as provided in the HI Section of Article XIV of the amendments to the Constitution of the United States, ms certified to this Department by the Honora ble the Secretary of State of the United States. B. P. Lester, Secretary Executive Department^ Names. Residence. Adkins, Joseph Warren county Andrews, Garnett Akerman, Amos T Allan, Thompson Barbour, Thos Beach, Henry F Beall. OP Bedford, P B Ware county Bell, R W Bracewell, JR Braswell, Robt Brock, Walter Broom, J C Brown, Joa E Browning, Joaiah A Broyles, Chas E Bruton, Benj F Buchan, James Bucket. J W Burch. John Burnett. Geo P Byrd, A L '. Byrd, Benton Byrd. G H Madison county Blodgett, Foster Richmond county Bishop, Jas M Dawson county Bentley, Wm D Bagley, W S Bentley, Wm F Beavers, RC Brookin, Abram Washington county Brooks, Sam’l Brooks, John Blankenship, W W Bowden, John C Caldwell, C J Caldwell, J H Clay, Wm L Cole, C B Coleman, J M Collins, M J Whitfield county Cooper, Jesso Houston county Corker, JR Corker, S A Cos tin, Albert Costin, J T Cotting, D G < .Cunningham, By RUFUS £». BULLOCK, Governor of said Shite. WHEREAS, Official information has been received at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Rabun, on the 4th February, 1870, upon the body of David G. Singleton, by one Samuel Rog- as is alleged, and that said Rogers has fled from, justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Five Uuu- dred Dollars for ihe apprehension and delivery of the said Rogers, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers is this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeav oring to apprehend the said Rogers, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seven ty and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninty-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, By the Governor: David G. Cormto, Secretary of State. may 10-d3twl. Madison county Clay. J C Moss, Warren R D A PROCLAMATION. Gc K O R G I A : Bj RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS. Official information has been receive! at this Department that, in the county of Hancock, on or about tho night of the 19th December last, a band of lawless persons in disguise, and about twenty-five or thirty in number, went to the house of James Os born, a peaceable and law-abiding citizen of said coun ty of Hancock, and after having beaten him mostcru- elly, robbed him of all the money he then possessed, abused his wife in a violent manner and threatened to take her as well as her husband’s life by presenting pis tols at their persons. All of said outrages were com mitted, aa is alleged, without any provocation: Nov, therefore, to the end that these guilty parties may be brought to speedy trial and punishment; I have thought proper to issue this, my proclama tion. hereby offering a reward of One Thousand Dol lars lor the apprehension and delivery of the said out laws, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeav oring to apprehend the said outlaws, in order that they may be brought to trial for the offense with which they stand charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the Slate, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sev enty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fourth- RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottino, Secretary of State. may 10-dStwlt A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA. By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, Official information has been received at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Whitfield, on the 18th March last, upon the body of John Edwards, by one William Black, aa is alleged, and that said Black has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Five Hun dred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said Black, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to bo vigilant in endeav oring to apprehend the said Black, in order that he may be brought to trial for tho offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and th j Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sev enty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By tho Governor: David G. Cornua, Secretary of State. Cloud, W L Caldwell, Rev AW. Caldwell, Rev CM Cleland, Geo Cobb county Cheshire, ED Fulton county Campbell, Robt Coleman, J G Bibb county Cobb, W W Upson county Culberson, JP Troup county Cox, ifted Gordon county Daniel, M A Madison county Daniels, Chas Coffee county Deadwyler, V H Madison county DcGraffenreid, W Bibb county DeGraffenried, W K Bibb connty Devers, J .Macon county Dickey, John Union county Dixsou, Wm B Randolph county Doyle, Wm Richmond county Dunnegan, Benj Hall county Dillon, W C Richmond county Davis, G T Brooks county DeGraffenried, B B Baldwin county Davis, Wm R .Walton county Davis, Chas D Richmond county Dasher, W H Lowndes county Deas, Alexander Davenport, Wm W Oglethorpe county Davenport. W J Oglethorpo count! Dowda, Jno O Cherokee county Deck, Jacob Lumpkin county Edmonson, WO Chattooga county Edwards. Wm P Taylor county Ells, Jas N Richmond county Evans, John R Thomas county Edwards, Wm H Elbert county Edmonson, H D C Chattooga county Fagan, Elbert. Houston county Fannin, 7*h*m Morgan county Farrow, HP.. Fulton county Fish, Geo W.’. Macon county Fletcher, Dix Cobb county Flournoy, Geo W. Cobb county Gibson, W A Twiggs county Gillespie, W B Banks county Glenn, Jas.. Whitfield county Glenn, Jesse A Whitfield county Glover. Henry J Jasper county Gober, NN Cobb county Goodwin, Willis. Henry county Gove, Sami F Twiggs county Green, Dan! A Vienna Greenleaf, L H Ware connty Griffin, J C Henry county Griffin, Joel R Houston county Griffin, Joshua Lowndes county Griffin, Wm Twiggs county Gann, J L.....* Talbot county Gunnels, Joel D..« Banks connty Guthrie. Joseph Whitfield county Green, A J Whitfield county Green, Jaa W.... Gould, WT Fulton county Glenn, Luther J Granberry, J M Harris, J p.«# .V FUlton county Harrall, DB Stewart county Harrison, J H Franklin county Harrison, Jas A. Franklin county Henderson, Borry Pierce county Higby, El - ..Talbot county Higdon, John Decatur county Hill, James. Gordon county Trill, Joshua.... Madison county Holden, Wm F Taliaferro oounty Hopkins, Franc M .Miller county Hose, Jno H .Houston county Honsard, GW , Gwinnett county Huflfcker, Jas Whitfield county Hughes, Haywood .Macon county Hulbert, R .Macon county Humphries, Robt .Brooks county Hungerford, McWhorter Burke connty Hunt, Joel Madison oounty Hunter, D E Wilcox county Hutchison, Pet W Clarko county Hutchins, J O . Jones county Hopkins, Thus Thomas oounty Harris, Jno L Fulton county Hascal, F B Fulton county Hendricks. Jesse Dawson county Harvey, Robt D: Floyd county Humphrey, Enoch Gordon county Hill, John B Hood, Geo M Harvey, Geo M Dougherty county t a Hargroves, ZB Floyd county Holliday, R R Clayton county Holden, Frank H .Taliaferro county Howard J A Hawkins, Sam’l Chattooga county Hillyer, Goo Fulton county Jackson. Asa W Clarke county Jine, Burrell Habershan county Johnson, AW Forsyth county Johnson, D .Murray county Johnson, GW Hall county Johnson, J C Clarke county Johnson, Jno W Clarke county Jones, J B Macon county Jones, W B Macon county Jordan, Duncan Randolph county Jordan, Reuben Jasper county Jordan, W F Jasper county Johnson, Jno Calvin Clarke county Johnston, Wm B Johnson, Dav S Morgan county Jobson, Jno S Houaten county Johnson, Abda Bartow county Johnson, Calvin Dawson county Jackson, A Warren comity Jones, A Warren county Jobe, S J Catoosa county Kelley, C C Twiggs County Hitching, Miles Twiggs county King, T W Monroo county Kelley, Wm Dawson county Kelley, Wm S Bibb county Knowles, D E Pierce county Kirksey, E F Stewart county King, David G Catoosa county Latimer, C H Thomas county Lawton. W J Bibb county Lee, Augustus H Newton oounty Liles, A J Lowndes county Lindsey, Sam’l Macon county Long, S K Twiggs county Lonette, Fortune Worth county Love, Jas W Houston county Loughbridge, Benj Murray county Lestor, Geo H Oglethorpe county Lorell, Wm B Rabun county Luffman, Wm Murray coufity Leland, S W Bartow county Lochranc, O A Fulton county Lucas, Geo M Baldwin county Martin, James Bibb county Martin, W T Banks county Marsh, E A Twiggs county Mason, AC. Putnam county Mathews, J Gwinnett county Mathews, W A Houston county Matthews, Jno M Madison county Matthews, Wm A Houston county Maxwell, Jas A Henry county McCoy, Henry K Sumter county McCloud, Murdock McWhorter, J H Oglethorpe oounty McWhorter. BL McWhorter, W H Gieene county Merrill, Geo W Carroll county Merrill, W W Carroll county Millcdge, John Richmond county Miller, John B Glynn county Miller, Thos C Troup county Mills, J O W Fulton county Minot, S F W Fayette county Muier, S T W Macon county McCallcr, Chas P Richmond county Moore, Wm W Warren county McWhorter, Joseph Oglethorpe county Morgan, Elisha C Lowndes county McAdoo, W G Baldwin county McArthur, W T Montgomery county McMeals, J P Morrison, J J Martin Wm F Mitchell, Jesse Walton oounty Marshall, Absolam Houston county Maun. Joel M Houston county McCamey, Sr, Robt Murray county Moss, W R D Cherokee county McArthur, Duncan Fulton county Mashbourne, J W Wilcox county Mann, WDF Haralson county Morgan, F A. Carroll county' Mitchell. Robt M... Oglethorpe county Nash, Gabriel Madison county Nelson, Rich’d Wilkinson county Nesbit, J B - Gordon county Newsom, DA Greene county Nolan, Geo M Henry county Normally, J C Clarko county Nunnally, GW Clarke county Nunnally, J Gwinnett county Neal, John Warren county Nutting, C A Bibb county Neel, Nunnally, AD Spading county Neal, J B M Quitman county Newbern, Geo W CUnch connty O’Neil, Jno W Lowndes county Oakes, Isaac White county jhr TTrniry Fontr Y Q . ’ _ W*ll rn nf 5 - p , F r* W A ■p, a Printop, D S Floyd county v xr' Pettis. H Fulton county Gibson, Wm Pope, Jno D Poor, M Pittman, Daniel Price, Wm P Lumpkin connty Philcyarr, Wm E Rabun county Phillips, Wm Richmond county Phillips, Edwin G Richmond county Padgett, W W Warren county Pitts, Littleton Meriwether county Pierce, W G Calhoun county Pool, A J Baldwin county Parker, Anderson M Fulton county Quillian, M P Whitfield county lUiford, Elijah G.., Chattahoochee county Rainey, W H Glynn county Richardson, J C Dawson county Richardson. W H Dawson county Roberts. L H Echols county Roberts, Lewis H Echols county Robinson, F J Oglethorpe county Rogers, W G B Union connty Ronaldson, And’w J Sumter county Richardson, E Dougherty county Ross, John Roberts, Thos J Quitman county Reynolds, Peyton - • Bibb county Roberts, Aug H * Warren county Rhodes, Absolam .Taliaferro county Saffold, Thos Morgan county Sanders, H T Madison county Sanders, J .Twiggs county Selbies, Horace ... .Quitman county Sessions, N Mwc® county Seward, Joa L Thomas county Shannon, Hugh Murray county Sibley, Horaco Macon county . .Fulton county Smith, Bluford D OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Smith, F M Strother, Jno R Smith, Jas R ....... .Coffee county Simmon ton, Thos .Spalding county Speer, Geo W Fulton county OFFICIAL ADVERTISE!! 1 NTS. Stout, Sami H Fulton county Stephens, Jno U Oglethorpo county Taylor, Kichen .Houston county Thomas, Geo S Fulton county Thompson, AC Houston county Thompson, G H Greene county Thorn, Eph’m Newton county Tooke^ Henry H Thomas county Trawick, Jas M Pulaski county Tweedy, Eph’m Richmond county Tift, Nelson Dougherty county Thurmond, T W .Spalding county Thornton, Joel F... Greene county Thrasher, J J Fulton connty Teasley, Wm A. Cherokee county Taylor, Jackson S Coweta county Tucker, W Colquit county Tousman, Jas S .Pierce county Twiner, Elias Wilcox county Upson, F L. Oglethorpe county Vining, A S Murray county Walker, Dawson A Whitfield county Wall, W S. Taylor county Ward, H W Oglethorpe county Warner, Hiram Meriwether county Warnock, J G M Brooks county Warren, B H Richmond county Waters, R A Twiggs county Whaley, Wm Wayne county Whelchol, Davis Hall county Whitehead, W H Macon county Whiteley, RH Decatur county Williams, Benj Appling county Wimberly, Jas L Stewart county Wimberly, Jesso Burke county Wimpy, J A Lumpkin county Wofford, Wm T Bartow county Wood, J S .Cobb county Wood, R P Murray county Woods, W Morgan county Worrell, EH Troup county Wyatt, Geo M Henry county Wright, Wm F Coweta county Ware, GMT Pierce county Wayne, Henry C Glynn county Walker, Dickerson H Walton county Webster, Wm R Fulton county Ward, T A Wellborn, M H Warren county Wade, EC Chatham county Willey, Geo W , Chatham county Waring, Jas J Chatham county Wood, Thos A Bartow connty Wikle, Jesse R Bartow comity , Wikle, Jno L Bartow county Waters, H H Talbot county Wilder, R W Warren county Wing, Peter V Colquit county Waldron, GW Clinch county Williams, DA Taliaferro county White, Thos W Baldwin county Whitaker, Jared I Fulton county Wilson, Zach F Gordon county Waits, Jno C Polk county Williams, A J G Fulton county Yarbrough, Nathan Floyd county Young, P M B Bartow county may8-d3Awl Atlanta, Ga., May 3,187< » WailiEisJ-K vacancy has occurred, and, flow exists, in the office Sheriff of tho county of Scriven, caused by the resignation of John W. Boston, the per son having heretofore exercised tUo duties cf said office; now, therefore, it is ORDERED, That P. W.. Kemp, of the connty oi Scriven. be, and he is hereby, appointed Sheriff thereof, to fill the vacancy aforesaid; and that he, the said P, W. Kemp, upon his executing and filing in the offico of Ordinary of said county, of Scriven, his official bond as Sheriff, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, with such sureties thereto as the law requires, be commissioned accordingly. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day aud year above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: It. p. Lestek, See’y Exec. Dept. WHEREAS, A vacancy has occurred, and now exists, in the office of Ordinary of the county of Camden, caused by tho resignation of Wm. T. Spencer, the person having heretofore exercised the duties of said office; now, therefore, it is ORDERED, That Robert N. King, of the county of Camden be, and he is hereby, appointed Ordinary thereof, to fill the vacancy aforesaid; and that he, tho said Robert N. King, upon his executing and filing in this Department his official bond as Clerk of Ordinary, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, with such sureties thereto as the law requires and as shall be satisfactory to mo, be commissioned accordingly. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day and year above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governor: R. II, Atkinson, Sec’y Exec. Dept. HEADq’&s Military District of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga., May G, 1870. Approved: ALFRED H. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding. may7-d3tiwlt- WHEREAS, A vacancy has occurred, and now exists, in the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Decatur, caused by the death of G. A. Pad- rich, the person having heretofore exercised the duties of said office; now, therefore, it iB ORDERED, That James E. Dickenson of the county of Decatur be, and he is hereby, a ppointed Clerk of tho Superior Court thereof, to fill the vacancy afore said; and that he, the said James E. Dickenson upon his executing and filing fh the office of Ordinary of said county of Decatur his official bond as Clerk oi tho Superior Court, in the sum of Three Thousand Dol lars, with such sureties thereto as the law requires, be commissioned accordingly. Given under my hand and the seal of the Exccutr Department, at the c&pitol in Atlanta, the day and year above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governor: R. P. Lester. Secretaiy of Executive Dep’t. Atlanta, Ga., May 3,187( ALFRED II. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding. Whereas,, A vacancy has occurred, and now exists, in the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Echols county, caused by the removal from the State of James Boring, the person having heretofore exercised the duties of said office; now, therefore, it is ORDERED, That M. V. Clayton, of the county of Echols, bo, and he is hereby, appointed Clerk of the Superior Court thereof, to fill the vacancy aforesaid; and that he, the said M. V. Clayton, upon his execut ing and filing in the office of Ordinary of said county of Echols, his official bond as Clerk of the Superior Court, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, with such sureties thereto as the law requires, be commis sioned accordingly. Given under my hand and the seal of the Executive Department, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, the day and year above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: H. C. Carson, Sec’y Exec. Dept.* Headq’bs Militart district or Georgia, Approved: Atlanta, Ga., May 4,1870. ALFRED H. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding. Whereas, On the 27th day of March, A. D. 1869, R. T. Ross was appointed Ordinary of the county of Jones, to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation and removal from the county of the person elected to said office, and to hold said office until hia successor was ap pointed and qualified; and Whereas, I have this day appointed James B. De- veaux Ordinary of said county of Jones as a succes sor to said R. T. Ross; now, therefore, it is ORDERED, That he, the said James B. Deveaux enter upon the discharge of the duties of said office of Or dinary immediately, upon hia having qualified and given bond aa set forth in the order of his appoint ment; and the said R. T. Ross is hereby ordered and required to deliver to the said James B. Deveanx, as his successor in office, all tho books, papers and other property appertaining to said office of Ordinary. Given under my hand and the seal of tbe Executive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day and year above written. RUFUS B. bullock; Governor. ALFRED n. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding. ALFRED H. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding. may 5-d3t&wlt Atlanta, Ga., April 2 WHEREAS, A vacancy has occurred, and now exists, iu the office of Justice of the Peace, in and for tbe 323d District. G. M., Tfcigfcs county, caused by tho re moval from tho District of the person having hereto fore exercisod tho duties of said office; now, there fore, it is ORDERED, That Wm. Melton, of the county of Twiggs, be; and he is hereby, appointed Justice of the Peace in and for said 323d District, G. M., to fill the vacancy aforesaid; and that he, after having taken the oath of office requirod by law, be commissioned accordingly. Given tinder my hand an4 the Seal of the Executive Department, at tho Capitol in Atlanta, the day and year above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By th$ Governor: B. P. Lester, Sect’y Exec. Dep't. Hkabq'rs Military District of Georgia, | Atlanta. Ga., April 28, 1870. | Approved': ALFRED H. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding, may 5-d3tkwlt EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. - » Atlanta, Ga., May 4, 1870. f ORDERED: That James B. Deveaux, of the county of Jones be, and he is hereby, appointed Ordinary thereof; and that he, tho Baid James B. Deveanx, upon his executing aud filing in this Department, hia official bond as Clerk of Ordinary, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, with such sureties thereto an the law requires, be commissioned accordingly. Given under my hand and the seal of the Executive Department, at the Capitol, iu Atlanta, the day and year aboye written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor: II. C. Carson, Sec’y Excc. Dept. Heaoq’k* Military District of Georgia, l Atlanta, Ga., May 4, 1870. j Approved: ALFRED H. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding. may 7-d3Uwlt APPOINTMENT BY THE GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) State of Georgia. S Atlanta, Ga., May 4, 1870.) ORDERED: That Robert H. Atkinson, of the county of Bibb, be, and be is hereby appointed Secretary to the Executive Department vice 11. Paul Lester, re signed. Given under my hand and the seal of tho Executive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day and and year first above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor: II. C. Carson. Secretary Executive Department. may 5-d3t*wlt TO THE PUBLIC. The Joint Committee, appointed for the purpose of investigating the charges which have been circulated against his Excellency, the Governor, in relation to the use aud misapplication of the .public fuuds, hav ing fixed.upon the 18th day of May, 1870, for commenc ing such investigation, would respectfully state to the public that it is the purpose of the Committee to in vestigate all charges that may be brought to their no tice, in tangible form, fearlessly and as fully as practi cable. Any person having any charge to make is in vited to.communicate lli* exme to any. member of. the Committee, cither personally or by letter, giving an outline of the matter complained of, and furnishing the names of witnesses and giving any other informa tion which may aid the Committee. The Committee respectfully ask all public journals iu the State, feeling an interest in the matter, to give publicity to the foregoing. John Harris, Chairman. A. D. Nunnally, J. C. Fain, Maiuon Betuune, W. It. Bell, 8. A. Darnell, I. E. StirMATE, W. P. Prick, may G Committee. U. S. MARSHAL’S SALE. I t NDER and by virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued J out of the Honorable, the District Court of tho United States for the Northern District of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiffs, Brown & Blake, William Atwa ter, Charles Bridge, A. k W. W. Shumway, and B. F. Beckman, surviving partner of B. F. Beckman & Co., in the following cases, to-wit: Brown k Blake vs. Samuel A. Durand, William Atwater, vs. Samuel A. Durand, Charles Bridge vs. Samuel A. Durand. A. & W. W. Shumway vs. Samuel A. Durand, B. F. Beckman, surviving partner of B. F, Beckman Jk Go., T3. Samuel A. Durand. I havo levied upon as the property of a*muol A. Du rand. two lota, each fronting 28 on the west side uel k Co. Also, in land lot No. 77, one lot known as No. 2, in block No. 22, ward one, in the city of Atlanta, situated side of Whitehall street, between Peter.* and Garnett streets, upon which is situated a largo dwelling house and other improvements, and occupied by 8. A. Durand, containing % acre, more or less Also, in Laud lot No. 53, one lot known as lot No. 34, in the third ward of the city of Atlanta, situated on tho corner of Fraser and Jones streets, on the South side of Jones and on the cast of Fraser, upon which is situated a small frame house, together with other im provements, aud ooeupied by — : — Whorton, said lot containing tj* acres, more or less. All of the above described property being situated in the city of Atlauta, county of l'ulton, and State of Georgia. And will soli the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the city of Atlauta, county of Fulton, and State of Georgia, on tho First Tuesday In June next, Dated at Atlanta, Georgia, May 5th, 1870. _ mayd-w4w U. S. MARSHAL’S SALE. TINDER and by virtue of a writ of fieri facias, is- u sued out of the Honorable, the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, Lang, Massman k Co., in the following case, to-wit: Lang, Massman A Co., vs. Adam W. Jones and Marcus A. Huson. I have levied upon as tho property of Marcus A. Hu ll, a lot, tract, or parcel of land situated on the < south by brick store of John Neal. And will sell, aa the property of said Huson, one undivided third interest in tho same at public auction, at the Court House, in tho city of Atlanta, county of Fulton, and State of Georgia, on tho First Tuesday in June Next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Atlanta, Georgia, May 6th. 1870. may 8-w4w U. S. MARSHAL’S SALE. U NDER and. by virtue of a writ of (mortgage) fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable, tho District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia, in favor of tho Plaintiff, Eugene Kelly, in tho I have levied upon, as the property of John M. Gannon that lot of laud situate, lying and being in the city of Atlanta, county of Fulton aud State of Georgia, at the feet on Hunter street, bounded north by land lately of W. F. Herring, east by Mitchell’s warehouse, south by Hunter street and west by Whitehall street, together with all and wiT«g»isr the righta, appurtenances and buildings thereunto belonging, being tho store-house and premises now occupied by John Kcely as a dry goods straw, and same property as described and point ed out in said mortgage fi. fa., and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in tho city of Atlan ta, county of Fulton, and State of Georgia, on the First Tuesday In June next, between the lawful hours of sale. Terms cash. Dated at Atlanta, Georgia, Aprimth. lSTO. WM. H. SMYTH United States ' mugging aplSwtds