The weekly new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-????, November 02, 1870, Image 4

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    A bill extending the limits of the city of j members who accompanied the remains of
i Augusta. Passed. • lieu. "W. G. Brown to his home, was adop-
A motion to reconsider was laid on the table, ted.
_ A bill incorporating Luborers, Merchants On motion of Mr. JOHNSON of Spalding.
’ ' | and Mechanics Loan and Trust Company. Hon. D. S.iGavitt, of the New York Press, was
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, s : NOVEMBER 2.! Passed. ’ invited to a seat on this floor.
• ■ ■■■■'. ... .. - ■ — 1 A bill paying the widow of Ihm. F. II. Fiall I Mr. DAIiNELL offered a resolution request-
! per diem for l»7u. Passed. j iug the Post-master General to furnish iu-
Motion to reconsider laid on the table. ; creased mail facilities in North Georgia and
A bill amending an act to carry into effect j particularly on the Cartersrillo and Morgan-
AVccfelti Mm <Jha.
-■5 CD
Saturday, October 22, 1870.
The following bills were read the third
A bill to establish a city court in Atlauta.
A bill '.unending an act incorporating the
Atlanta Acid and fertilizer Company. Passed.
A bill amending road laws, so ter as they
relate to the counties of Randolph and Clay.
A bill compensating the grand and petit ju
rors of Meriwether county. Passed.
A bill amending an act incorporating Codar-
town, in Polk county. Passed.
A bill amending an act incorporating Con
yers, in Rockdale county. Passed.
A bill incorporating Eastman, in PnkuJci
county. Passed.
A bill compensating grand and petit jurors
in Newton count}’. *. 1*7“
The following nominations wore confirmed
in executive session:
J. R. Parrott, Judge of Clierokrt; Circuit.
William Schley, Judge of Eastern Circuit
William M. Sessions, Judge of Brunswick
‘ '!:« u.t.
Jam* . M. Clark, Judge of Southwestern Cir-
ction 12 th, of article 5th, of the constitution, town route.
Pawed. j Mr. BARNUM moved to amend by adding
A bill authorizing the payment of officers of j from Columbns to CnthbevL
i ph E. Brown, Chief Justice of Supreme
, Solicitor General of the
J am i s M. Bishop,
Blue Ridge Circuit
Monday, October 24, 1870.
Senate called to order at 9 o'clock by Fnarf-
1 miry.
Prayer by lU-v. Wesley Prettyman.
Journal rood and approved.
Mr. HOTjCOMBE moved to reconsider the
bill prohibiting the sale of lotteiy tickets, in
order to strike out that section which exempted
the Georgia State Lottery,
A motion lo lay on the table the motion to
reconsider prevailed. Yeas 19, nays 10.
A bill incorporating the Boston and Green
field Railroad Company. Passed,
A bill incorporating the Athens Street Rail
road Company. Passed.
A bill amending on act incorporating the
Augusta and Sainiuervillo Railroad Company.
Paseed. ..;c *:•>•::« u
A motion to reconsider the Athons Railroad
prevailed, and the bill was amended and
the court in Bartow county, ‘ Passed.
The House amendments to the appropria
tion bill were then taken up and concurred in.
A Lill requiring the authorities of the city of
Darien to appoint a sufficient number of in
spectors of lumber. Passed.
Motion to reconsider laid on the table.
A bill amending the charter of the Ooosn
and Chattanooga River Railroad Company.
1 ‘.issed.
A bill amending section 180fi of the Code, so
as to prohibit binding oat of minors by the
Ordinary, unless they were charges upon the
county. Indefinitely postponed.
A message from the Governor announced
the signing of several bills.
A bill incorporating the Christy Quartz Mi
ning Company. Passed.
A resolution authorizing the Chairman of
the Auditing Committee to andit the accounts
of the Clerks of the Senate.
A bill incorporating the German Immigra
tion Aid Society. Passed.
A message from the Governor enclosed a
communication for consideration in executive
session. , • . • # - ; •
On motion, tho Senate went into executive
.S< •-MOI1.
After executive session, tho Seunlo adjourned
until 7 o'clock p. u.
The following appointments were confirmed
in Executive suasion:
John L. Hopkins, Judge of the Atlanta
Circuit ; Wm. Gibson, Jndgo of the Augusta
Circuit; J. W. Green, Judge of tho Flint
Circoit; P. B. Robinson, Judgo of the
Oemtilgee Circuit; D. G. lUtlilb Judge tiff
the Pataula Circuit; 1L K. McOay, Associate
Justice of the Supremo Court; J. XL Lewis,
Commissioner of Public Instruction.
Kioxrr session. * 1
I'.:: lii.r.i
A bill amending charter of tho city of At-
A bill to incorporate the Georgia Savings
Rank of Acucnka. Passed.
A bill incorj.irating tha Bank of tbe Slabs
of’Qsorgfo. 1 TmImiI—yess 24. nar. 8.
Mr. BURNS moved to lecousider the bill in
order to inclnda in it a liability danse. Mo
tion prevailed. BiU laid on tho table for the
A bill incorporating the Farmers' Bank of
Western Georgia. Poised.
Mr. HUNQERFORD offered a resolution
tendering a seat on tbe floor to Hon. Mr.
Frost, of New York. Adopted.
A bill incorporating Southern Bank of
Georgia. Indefinitely postponed.
A bill incorporating the Georgia Agricultu
ral Bank of Griffin. Famed.
A message from tbe House announced tbe
passage of a number of lulls.
A number of bills were indefinitely post
The bill incorporating the Southern Bank of
Georgia was reconsidered and passed.
Mr. McWHOBTER offered a resolution
tc ndering a scat on the floor to Colonel E. Hi
Griffin. Adfpte&T"
A bill incorporating tbe Laborers', Mer
chants' and Mechanics' Loan and Treat Com
pany. Classed.
Several House amendments »•<
red in.
A bill amending an act incorporating tbe
Savannah Bonk and Trust Company. F»s-
Mr. BRITTON moved to reconsider the bill,
for tbe purpose of amending it, by granting
ail the privileges contained in the hill to all
tbe banking companies in Georgia. Lost.
A bill incorporating tire Atlanta Insurance,
Banking and Improvement Company. Lost.
A motion to reconsider was laid on tbe ta
A bill incorporating tbe Savings Bank of
A bill regulating the manner of giving in
unimproved land. Passed. Yeee 17; nays 14.
A message from the House announced the
adoption of n joint resolution, appointed a
committee of live (r*m«b»anmto ana seven
torn tbe House, to take into consideration the
purchase of a suitable residence to be used ns
the Executive Mansion. Concurred in.
A message from tlie House announced con
currence in Senate's amendment to several
A number of bills were read the second
Adjonrned nntil 74 o’clock r. u.
Senate met at 7|. o'clock r. m.
•RtTH-K ok xuiuD KUOCiU
A lull repealing nu not prohibiting tbe sole
of' agricultural product* in the ponnty of
rjowndre, oiler night. Passed.
A hifl amr liding and regulating tbe licenses
of physicians'in this State. Indefinitely post
A bill making penal tbe sale and delivery of
ngricnltnral products, after night, in certain
counties- Indefinitely postponed.
A bill amending an act protecting the peo
ple from the sale of fertilizer.. Passed.
A bill authorizing C. Campbell, of tbe eottn-
ty of Murrey, to erect a mill-dam. Indefi-
uitcly postponed.
A bill granting relief to estates of certain
deceased persons, where devises and bequests
were made prior to Jane 1st, 18G5. Indefi
nitely postponed.
A message from the House announced the
posmge of several bills.
A bill repealing local laws of Savannah in
reference to the collection of magistrates' and
notaries' fees. Indefinitely postponed.
A bill authorizing tbe Ordinary of Clarke
county to regulate tbe bonds of. said county
and renew the same. Passed.
A bill amending an net incorporating tbe
Goorgia Loan and Banking Company. Famed.
A number of House amendments wero con
curred in.
Mr. NUNNALLY moved to reconsider the
action of the Senate in passing a certain bill
A bill amending tho Homestead Act.
This resolution with the amendment was
Senate amendments to a number of
House bills were concurred in.
The Senate bill to create a new judicial cir
cuit out of the conutica of Columbia, Rich
mond niul Burke was amended with an ad
ditional section providing that tbe counties of
Montgomery and Tatnall be transferred from
the Eastern into tho Middle Circuit, and the
county of McIntosh from tbs Eastern into the
Brunswick Circuit, and the county of McDuffie
from the Middle into the Augusta Circuit.
The bill as amended was passed.
The reconsidered resolution in relation to
Mr. James’ residence was taken up and passed
by a vote of yeas CO, nays 49.
The Senate bill to incorporate the Merchants’
Exchange Bank ot Augusta was passed.
The Senate bill to incorporate tho Planters’
Loan and Savings Bank was passed.
Also, the Senate bill to incorporate the
Planters’ Bank and Trust Company, of Rome,
Also, the Senate bill to incorporate the Geor
gia Stab; Banking Company.
Also, the Senate bill to amend on act to in
corporate the Griffin Banking Company.
Also, a Senate bill to incorporate the Bank
of the Interior, of the city of Macon.
Also, a Senate bill to incorporate the Bank
of Americas.
Also, a Senate bill to incorporate the Sav
ings Bank cf Brunswick.
Also, a Senate bill to amend an act to incor
porate tho Fort Valley Loan and Trust Com
Lr&l Association with the information needed,
so that by that association it nmy Lo >prcad
abroad. All those who are desirous of co
operating in this effort to draw capital and im
migration to the State of Georgia, are for the
present, respectfully requested to address
their communications to myself,
Rev. II. D'Uior,
Minister of the German Lutheran Church,
Atlanta, Georgia.
[Our reports of the proceedings of the House
yesterday should state that Mr.' Duncan, of
Houston, who was appointed on tho commit
tee to investigate the charge of improper use
of bonds, asked to be relieved from the com
mittee, saying that he believed there was noth
ing in the charge,-, and he therefore moved
that the whole subject be laid on the. table.
This motion prevailed almost unanimously.]
On motion, tho House adjourned nntil 7
M m.
Tuesday, October 25, 1870.
House met *8*1
m the Chair.
Prayer by Rev. Dr. Brantley.
Journal of yesterday was read.
Mr. TURNER of Bibb moved to reconsider
so much of yesterday’s proceedings as relate
to tho loss of a resolution to pay to Mrs. Ba!
lard tho per diem that her husband, tho I t:.
Hon. W. A. Ballard, would have received tij.
to the end of the present session. He argu-.!
that Mrs. Ballard was in destitute circum
stances and greatly needs the aid which [ha - j
been extended to so many widows of deceas'd r ,
members. V *‘
Mr. LEE also favored the resolution, hit*.
Mr. ANDERSON opposed it
Tho motion was put and lost
Mr. SHUMATE moved to reconsider th
loss of a bill for the relief of certain nu.i
commissioners in Gordon county. This mo
tion prevailed.
Mr. CLEGHORN moved to reconsider tli
passage of a bill to repeal an act to organize -a
criminal court for each county in this State.
Also « Senate bill lo incorporate tbe Brans- - °”?'*»*? opposetl this.nio-
ckLoa,^redTrait' tlon ' lem&rhnR Urathe tboualuallmcnliad
Also, an act for the relief of certain mem- [ Also an act to authorize Pickens county to
bers of the Masonic ’fraternity in Coweta j aid in the construction of the Marietta and
North Georgia Railroad. ^
Also an act to amend section 4514 Code of
Also an act to loan the credit of tbe State to
the Polk Slate Quarry Railroad Company.
Also an act to repeal an act to amend au act
ucorporating the town of Camilla.
Also an act to incorporate the village of Cave
Springs. .Li
Also an act to authorize the Mayor and
Council of Americas to issue bonds lor rail
road purposes. . -. .... - I
Also an act to forfeit the franchises of Nel
son Titt and others to establish a bridge; &c.
Also an act to declare tho -poll tax of 18C8,
18G9 and 1870. yet uncollected, illegal, Ac.
- Also an act to incorporate the town of
Brooksville, Ac. ,
Also an act to make it lawful for the legal
oters of Atlanta to voto for Mayor in any
ward, Ac. .
Mr. ANDERSON, Chairman of the Commit
tee to wait on tho Governor reported that his
Excellency informed him that his intercourse
with the General Assembly had been pleasant
and that he had notkiug further to communi
Mr. O’NEAL, of Lowndes, Chairman of the
Comniitteo to inform tho Senate that the
House was ready to adjourn, reported that he
had performed tho duty assigned him.
On motion of Mr. FITZPATRICK the
House adjonrned sine die.
After adjournment tho SPEAKER delivered
neat and appropriate address.
Also, au act to legalize juries drawn for
Glynn county.
Also, an act to prevent tho killing of deer in
certain counties, at certain seasons.
Also, an act to allow B. H. Mitchell to ped
dle without license. i • ,
Also an act regulating fees of Magistrates,
Ac., in certain‘counties. ?--L-|
Also an act to incorporate \ L th«r town of
Brttikhi. • him j
Also an act to amend - the act incorporating
Cave Spring Village* I .-*•« uao&B, Iax3
Also an act for the relief of the securities on
tho official bond of the Tax Collector-of .Whit
field'county. J ' x />- : •■»•* *!
: Also an act to amend an act to incorporate
the Georgia and Alabama Manufacturing
Company. : r.
Also an act to amend an act to incorporate^
the VerUoh Shell llo«4 CoppftOJ* I :i j
Also on act Jo prevent persons from ob-
. . structiug Thomas Creek,
li.xm ..ihn, Also an aot to prescribo the duties of clerks
. Speaker McWhorter M othcr
Also an act to prohibit persons non-resiileut
of this State from grazing stock in Towns and
Union counties, &c.
Also an act to authorize Ml. pleas and
offenses to bo sworn to ; before certain officers
of other States. -. ,
Also ah act to change tho time of holding
Wayne .Superior Court. . U
Also au act to alter and atueud suction 874
derised Code. v .
Abso ah act to protect the people, iu the sale
< ekerosene oil.
Also au act to change the line between
Thomas and Colquitt counties.
Also an act to prevent the obstruction of
llnek Creek.
Also an act to incorporate the town of Hi-
Amohtto mflowing Secretaries five due
in which to amrago journals, etc. Adopted.
A bill incorporating the German Immigra
tion Aid Society. Passed.
A message from the Houso announced the
usage of a number of bill-.
A bill incorporating tho Folk County lion
WanntnnlnilidiUtopany. : Passed.
A bill anthorizing the Ordinary and Road
Commissioners of liortow county to classify
the public roods. iMtl
A bill amending section 3154 ol tho Code.
Passed. H
■ A biU amending section 4211 of tbe Code.
A bill incorporating the town; of Colquitt iu
the county of ICMer. Piaaiid
A bill changing county lines of Houston and
Mv»iin ktos recouiuilvred nod passed.
The Hones resolution anthorizing tho Gov
ernor to purchase lor the State ]of Georgia
the residence of John H. James, tor tho sum
of $100,000 in State bonds, to be nsed as an
Executive Mansion, was taken np.
Ur. BRADLEY opposed it violently, but
the information which ho attempted to use in
his speech was ruled out of order. ■.
Ur. HARRIS advocated the resolution. He
dwelt upon th-- necessity and propriety of
providing lha Governor of Georgia with a
Mr. BRADLEY objected because hu county
of Chatham paid one-eighth of the State tax.
Ur. DUNNING: She has not paid her
convention tax yet!
Mr. BRADLEY subsided, and Mr. HARRIS
proceeded to show why the James' mansion
should be purchased.
Ur. DUNNING stated that the proposition
to purchase a mansion for tho Governor was
not suggested by the city of Atlanta. The
city wes willing to earrv out her contract
Tbe proposition -originated with the Legisla
ture, end they did not desire to purchase the
James'-mansion for Gov. Bullock, but for the
Governor of Georgia.
Mr. NUNNALLY advocated the purchase
of the James' mansion on grounds of econo
my. It was cheaper to bay it than it would
be be to build one and let out tho job to spec
ulating uUllUUIUM. ""
Mr. HUNUERFOKD called the previous
>•- X number of”.Senators opposed tho call for
the previous question.
On the main question, the yeas were 18, and
tbe nays 11.
A message from tbe Governor for considera
tion in Executive session, was reeesved.
A bin incorporating the Coal Mining and
Manufacturing Company of Dade county.
A bill incorporating the Atlantic and Great
Western Canal Company. Passed.
A message from the Houao announced the
passage of a number of billa.
A bill incorporating Shoal Creek Manufac
turing Company. Passed.
A bill exempting members of West Point
Fire Company from jury duty. Passed.
A bill incorposmttng the Policy Holders Life
Assurance Company. Passed.
A bill amending the act changing the name
of the Georgia Central Bailroad Banking Com
pany. Passed.
A joint resolution requesting Postmaster-
General to extend mail facilities beyond
Gainesville. Passed.
A hill extending State aid to the Uocon and
Bruuawiok Railroad Company. Famed. Yeas
17, nays 8.
A motion to reconsider was laid on tbe
A messago from the House announced the
passage of several bills.
Mr. BRADLEY asked for his hock pay.
Mr. SHERMAN offered a resolution au
thorizing the Auditing Committo to andit the
accent ol A A Bradley for per diem and
mileage from the time ot hia expulsion to the
session of 1870.
A motion was made to lay on the table.
Yeas 11. naya 15. On tha pamngc of tho
lotion the ysas were 14, nays 12.
A resolution anthorizing the Governor to
appoint three competent lawyers to revise tho
Ondunf mingl* UjUUlHW Ml 1
Lion of the Senate m passing a certain but
refarenco to the entry of wild lands. Motion
laid on the tabln Yes* 1G, naya MX
A bill granting tha right to marry to JL C.
Blackwell, of Hall county. Indefinitely post
A bill declaring nnU and void the sale of
the Court House of Bibb county. Indefinitely
postponed. Yeas 12, nays 9.
Motion to reconsider laid on the table.
A bill incorporating Okefrnokeo and St. Ma
ry's Canal and Drainage Company. Passed.
A message from tho House announced con
currence in Senate amendments.
Ur. FAIN offered a resolution anthorizing
the Governor to have constructed railings
around the 8tata Library in order to protect
it from depredations. Adopted.
A bill repealing an act providing for the
forming out of tho penitentiary. Passed,
yeas 15; hays 10. . Kotow to wwisilg j#
on the table.
A bill for the relief of the anmter Loan and
Building Association. Passed.
Adjourned until SS a. H., Tuesday.
Tuesday, October 25,1870.
cplliwl to order by President Cooky at
8* o'clock' A. XL
Prayer by Rev. Wesley Prettyman.
Journal read and approved.
Ur. SPEER offered a resolution tendering
seats upon the floor to several gentlemen.—
A resolution legalising acta of tho Comp
troller General in collection of taxes. .Adopted.
A resolution anthorizing certalu persons to
ascertain the amount and condition of tho
State’s interest in various Railroads. Adopted,
snxs on thisd ueadeki.
A bill requiring the Comptroller General to
andit and settle the tax account of John A.
Bowman. Parsed.
A bill amending an act protecting the poonle
of Georgia from tho sale of fertilizers. In-
A bill anthorizing oonnty of Dougherty or
tbe city of Albany to build a bridge nr
Flint river. Passed.
A bill anthorizing the Trustees of tho
Academy in Hancock eounty to sell the
A bill legalizing tbe organization of the
Cothbert Uanufociuring Company.
A bill aathorizihg the Rome Railroad Com
pany to consolidate its stuck with tho Mem
phis Branch Bailroad Company. Passed.
A bfll amending an act organizing criminal
court* In the various eonnfit-s. Passed.
A bfll conferring jnrisdictioa over misde
mesuors to the Superior courts. Passed.
A bill anthorizing Samuel Glover, of Jones
county, to cut a channel from Oemtilgee river
to his mill. Passed.
wick Loan and Trust Company.
Also a Senate bill to incorporate tho Plan
ters' Bank of Forsyth.
Also a Senate bill to incorporate the Ocean
Back and TrastjCompany.
Also a Senate bill to inoorporato the Bain-
bridgo Banking Company.
Also the Senate bill to incorporate the Peo
ple's Bank of Albany.
Mr. BRYANT rose to a personal explana
tion, und said he lead prepared the roeolation
in reference to the Georgia bonds, and was
called away to the death-bed of a sister, and
got Mr. Osgood to introduce it for him. He
said the Treasurer had nothing to do with its
Mr. DUNCAN, who was appointed as a mem
ber of tho committee, asked to be relieved,
saying that he believed there was nothing in NhafgeL
On motion the House adjonrned until 7 r. m.
On motion of Mr. ANDERSON tho general
appropriation bill was taken np and the Sen
ate amendments thereto wero severally con
curred in or stricken out
The amendment providing on appropria
tion for attention to small-pox oases
stricken out; also,
Tha amendment appropriating one thousand
dollars to bay law books for the State Library.
An amendment pdying the Clerk, Assistant
Clerk and Journalizing Clerk, five hundred
dollars each as compensation for extra service,
was proposed by Mr. HARPER, of Terrill.
This amendment was agreed to.
Mr. BRYANT then moved to strike oat the
entire section; on which motion tbe yeas and
nays were demanded with tho following result:
Yeas 39, nays 50.
On motion of Ur. O’NEAL, of Lowndes, an
amendment was adopted paying the Reporter
in the House four dollars per day daring the
present session.
The Senate bill to donate tho lands formerly
nsed for the Georgia Military Institute to the
MsrioUa Male Academy was passed.
The Senate bill to lay ont and organize a
new county from tbe conn ties of Uunroe and
Pika to be known as Relief
On motion of Ur. TURNER it was indefinite
ly postponed.
The Senate bill to incorporate the Georgia
Mutual Insurance Company of Savannah was
^*3dso tlie Senate hill lo prescribe the fceejof
Inspectors of lumber, Ac., at the port of
Also the Senate bill to incorporate the
Dalton Tripoli Company.
Al~. m- s-.—a. uu w regulate me law in
relation to potting up gates on tbe public
roads in the counties of Gordon, Whitfield
and Murray.
Also the Senate bDl to incorporate tbe town
of Cairo.
Also a Senate bill to incorporate the Oxford,
LaGrange and Atlantic Railroad Company.
Also the Senate trill to create a Board of
Commissioners of roads and revenue for Mil*
ton county.
Also a Senate bill lo authorize W. J. F.
Mitchell to erect a gate on a certain road.
Also a Senate bill to change the name of
the Central Georgia Banking Company.
A Senate bill to exempt practical printers
from jury duty was indefinitely postponed.
The Senate bill to relieve tbe securities of
the late Tax Collector of Clay county, was
Mr. SHUMATE favored the bill, and
Mr. O'NEAL of Lowndes opposed it.
This bill was.indefinitely postponed.
The Senate bill to incorpora% the Bruns
wick and Augusta Railroad Co. was passed.
Also, the Senate bill to incorporate the Flat
Rock Railroad Company.
The Senate bill to prescribe and increase the
fees of justices of the peace, Ac., was indefi
nitely postponed.
Several Senate bills were read a second
time. .
* Tbe Senate hill to incorporate tho town of
Rocky Mount was passed.
The Senate bill to repeal an act to regulate
the mode and manner of giving in taxes was
indefinitely postponed.
The Senate bill to incorporate the town of
Lutherville was indefinitely postponed.
Tha Senate bill to incorporate the Camilla
and Cuthbert Bailroad Company was passed.
The Senate bill to regulate claims in certain
Senate went into Executive session and
tiftfPjwacd. j j •<
Moedxx, October 24. 1870. I
House met at ten JL Mr. Tweedy,
Speaker pro tmi, talk! ■
Prayer by Bov. Pt. Brantley.
Journal of yesterday waa nod.
Mr. WILLI*US. of Uoroan. J ■
consider so much of Saturday's proceedings
as relates to tbe adoption of a resolution to
pay Mr. Canon for seventy-five days service as
Mr.; HARPER, of Terrell, opposed the mo
tion, which motion was pnt and lost.
s ,Mz. ARMSTRONG moved to reeoosUsr the
passage of a bill to-ehangn the name of the
Central Goorgia Banking Company. He said
that he made this motion fia Ilia pnipnaa uf
adding an amendment to the bUL Thio
tion prevailed. . -ML
Mr. BELL moved to reconsider the in
definite postponement of a l. solution provi
ding for th" appointment of a committee to
report on tha advisability and policy of pur
chasing Mr. James' residence as an Executive
Ur. O'NEAL of Lowndes supported Ibis
motion, urging tho propriety of providing n
suitable residence for tha Governor of the
He stated that ha was assured that tbe city
of Atlanta would fulfill jber port of tho eonf
iu the premie* a.
Mr. HARPER of Terrell opposed tho mo
tion, remarking that no complaint in reference
to a inanuou hail come from tho Governor,
bat that some man had hnilt a fine boose and
wants tbe State to take it off his hands, and
farther that the city of Atlanta is obliged for
right years to furnish a residence for the Gov-
Mr. GULLATT said that Atlanta is ready to
rontinne her eoatreeL is
On the motion to rwooimidsr the yeas and
nays wero demanded with tbe following re
sult: Yeas CO; nays li.,.. ,
Mr. PORTER of Chatham asked leave to
withdraw the Senate Savaunali bill, which
came np as unfinished business.
This request was granted.
A resolution by Mr. BELL, recommending
rilh* 1 '■ -!u r llu e^’.i-bmc.n:
of a tri-weekly mail between Atbndu and
Ganesviile, giving mail facilities to northeast
Geogia. Adopted.
A resolution by Mr. LEE, providing for the
payment to Mrs. Sarah Ballard tbe per diem
which her husband, tho late Hon. W. H. Bal
lard, would have received daring the
session, was lost.
A resolution by Mr. LANE, providing for
the payment of actn&l expenses to certain
The bill to repeal an act to organize a
criminal court for each county was passed.
Tbe Senate b31 to more effectually execute
tha Homestead lav was sat down sa- tbs
special order for to-morrow.
The Senate bill to change tho dine between
the counties of Gwinnett and De Kalb, etc ,
was indefinitely postponed.
Tho Senate bill to incorporate the Stone
Mountain Granite and Railroad Company was
The Senate bill to require the Commission
ers for the Revision of Jury Boxes, to take an
oath to discharge their duty irrespective of
race', color or previous condition. Passed.
The Senate bill to require all railroad com
panies to famish equal accommodation for ail
persons paying full fare was passed.
The Senate bill to amend an act to incorpor
ate Emory College was passed.
The Senate biU to change the line between
Webster and Marion was lost
The Senate bill to incorporate the Darien
Telegraph Company was passed.
A motion by Mr. PORTER that when tho
House adjourn it adjourn to meet at 8* o’clock
a. x. to-morrow was agreed to.
The Senate bill to authorize and require
Superior Court Judges to grant new trials in
certain eases was read.
Mr. DARNELL moved to indefinitely post
pone the bill.
Mr. BRYANT opposed this bill, and
Mr. ANDERSON fevered it
Mr. BETHUNE detailed tho legal features
of tho bill and opposed Mr. Darnell’s motion.
Which motion, however, prevailed.
Mr. DARNELL offered a resolution provid
ing for the appointment of a committee of 3
to bring np unfinished business in four days.
This resolution was lost
And one by Mr. Hamilton on the same sub
ject with a committeo of 5 to report iu fire
days was adopted.
On motion the Honse adjourned.
After the House had adjourned, it was
called to order by the Clerk, and tbe Rev.
Herman Boktun delivered the following ad-
Iiare ..k: cl. 1
There are many now in this city from the
North and from tbe East who propose to set
tle somewhere in the South, on aeconnt of its
splendid climate and its many other attrac
tions. -There are many more in tho Northern
and Eastern States in this country and many
in Germany who are filled with the snmo de-
are, and will 1." inli-.rui id hv any authentic
information they may receive concerning the
resources of the South. To meet this want
and to la tc proj>er meosnres to direct to the
State of Georgia the capital and the labor
which is moving Southward, a central organ
ization for the encouragement of im-
reseut migration to this State should bo formed in
! this city. It is desirable that branch associa
tions be formed in every county in - the
State, ior the purpose of furnishing the Cen
time evil effects of giving criminal juris
diction to Justices of tho Peace. This motion
was lost.
Mr. BETHUNE' moved to reconsider the
loss of a bill to require Superior Court Judges
to grant new trials in certain cases.
Mr. BETHUNE mado a good legal argu
ment in favor of his motion, urging tho jus
tice of the measures proposed in the bilk
Mr. ANDERSON earnestly opposed the
motion on the ground that the Supreme Courts
are better judges of proper rules for their gov
ernment than this House. The motion was
put and lost.
Mr. HARPER, of Terrell, moved to recon
sider the indefinite postponement of an net to
chango the line between the counties of Gwin
nett and DeKalb This motion was lost.
The Sviiat" lull a. effeetnally execute
the Homestead law was passed.
The Senate bill to change the time for hold
ing the Supreme Court was passed-.
Also, a Senate bill to organize a new oonnty
ont of Telfeir, Pulaski and Montgomery.
Also, tho Senate biU to change the line be
tween the counties of Macon and Sumter.
The Senate bill to refund to the tax collector
of Pike county certain amounts overpaid by
him was lost
A message from the Governor was received,
saying that his excellency had approved and
signed tho following acta, to-wiL
An, an act to incorporate the Atlanta and
Lookout Rail Road Go. Ac.
Also an act to loan the credit of the State to
the Marietta, Canton A Eiijay Rail Rood.
Also an act to incorporate the Lookout
Mountain Railroad Co. Ac.
Also an act to loan the credit of Fort Valley
and Hak ms villa Railroad Co.
Also an act to incorporate the Allxiny and
Columbns Railroad Go. Ac.
Also an aot to incorporate the America* and
HawUhavQle Railroad Co.
Also an act to incorporate the North and
8aath Bailroad Co.
Also an act to incorporate the town of Uar-
Also an act to incorporate tbe Planters and
Laborers Loan and Treat Co.
Also an act to change the line between tho
counties of Lumpkin and IralL
Also an act to open and construct a Rail
road from Athens to Clayton Ga.
Also an act to loon the credit of the State to
the Americas and Florence Railroad
■ Also an act to amend an act to incorporate
the Augusta and Hartwell Railroad Company.
Also an act to incorporate tho Atlanta and
Western Railroad Company.
Also an act to amend an act to aid the
Brunswick and Albany Bailroad Company.
Also an act to incorporate the Great South
ern Railroad.
Also a resolution that the Governor adjourn
the Honse of Representatives on the 25th of
October, leaving tho Senate in session to take
a recess nntil 21st Novemlier, 1870, without
per diem, to meet on that day to confirm ap
Also an act to amend an act to give persons
employed in and about steam saw-milLs n lien
of the highest dignity, Ac.
Also an act to incorporate the Contractors’
Also an act to relieve certain persons from
reed duty.
Also an act to incorporate Perseverance
Mining Company.
Also an act to amend an act to extend the
time in relation to issneing head-rights, Ac.
Also an act to amend the charter of the SL
Mare’s sad'Weston Railroad.
Alio an act for the relief of certain persons
In Sumter county.
Also an act to enable owners of mines to
drain off water over the land bf others.
Also an act to amend the net to incorporate
the town of Palmetto.
Also an act to amend an act to incorporate
Also an act to amend an act to incorporate
the town of Desoto.
Also an act to incorporate tho town of Bos
The Senate bill to change the line between
the counties of Pile and Spalding was lost.
The Senate bill to loan the credit of the
State to the Camilla and Cuthbert Bailroad
Mr. O’NEAL of Lowndes, from the special
committee appointed to report upon tbe poli
cy and advisability of purebatiug Mr. James'
residence os an Executive Mansion, reported
favorably, recommending the purchase at
one hundred thousand dollars in seven per
cent bonds.
Mr. O'NEAL moTed to takocp tho resolu
tion, and remarked that the committee has ex
amined the residence and grounds and agreed
to offer Mr. James one hundred thousand dol
lars in bonds, which was twenty thousand do!
Iars less than he asked for it T*—**
golluUwaa it is nroposed thrt l “ e 5 V
tanta shall pay for the iurmtnrCj win
be about ten ont of the one hnnured thousand
dollars, which purchase would reliove' Atlanta
from further obligations in the premises. He
agreed that tho samo amount of money could
not secure snch an Executive Mansion'' if it
were placed in the hands of commissioners.
Mr. O’Neal’s remarks were eloqnent and
convincing. His sarcasm at the slats made by
others was withering, and his whole mauner
indicative of his power as an ■ r.
Mr. O'NEAL called the previous question
on tha adoption of the resolution.
Tho point of order was mado that Mr.
O'Neal had moved the adoption of tho resolu
tion, and could not call the previous ques
This point was ruled as well taken.
From which ruling
Also an act to authorize the lease of tho
Western and Atlantic Bailroad.
Also an act to compensate the jurors ot
Wilkinson eounty.
Also an act to antborizo tho Oordinaiy of
Floyd couutv to issue bonds tobnild a bridge.
Also an act to incorporate tho Romo Iron
Manufacturing Company.
Also on act to incorporate tho City Gas Light
Company of Atlanta.
Also on act to incorporate tho town of
The bill to incorporate tho town of Rocky
Mount in* Mcriwothcr county, committed and
not passed as reported yesterday.
On motion tho Honse adjourned until 7 r. u.
MIGHT 8XSST0X. ... ;
Honse met at 7 o’clock, r. M.
Mr. FITZPATRICK offered a protest against
the purchase of the James residence as an Ex
ecutive mansion.
This protest was, at his request, ordered
spread upon the journal j.
On motion of Mr. ARMSTRONG, the reso
lution of censure against the State Treasurer,
introduced by him a few days ago and hud on
the table, was taken up.
Mr. FITZPATRICK moved to indefinitely
postpone the same.
Mr. TWEEDY called the previous question
on tho adoption of the resolution—which call
was sustained. The main question was put,
and tho resolution 1 was lost by a vote of yeas-
19, nays 38.
The Senate resolution for the better protec
tion of the State Library was concurred in.
The Senate bill to incorporate theSkidaway,
Pino Inland and Sea Shore Railroad Company,
Also the Senate bill to incorporate tho
Griffin Manufacturing Company, Ac.
The Senate amendments to several House
bills wero concurred in.
The Senate bill to legalize the action of the
Mayor and Council of the city of Darien. |
A largo number of House resolutions wore
indefinitely postponed. -^- r . ■ !
A resolution by Mr. TURNER of Bibb to
pay $200 to Willis Holmes, guard in the gal
leries, was adopted.
The Senate bill to incorporate tho Cotton
States Fertilizing Company of Macon was
Also tbe Senate bill to prevent the abate
ment of actions for tort in certain cases.
Mr. SCOTT moved to lay all bills not acted
i on tho table. This motion was lost.
Several motions to take a recess nntil later
in the, evening were lost
The Senate bill to incorporate tbe Georgia
Magnetic Telegraph Company.
Mr. DARNELL offered a resolution tendering
the thanks of the House to Speaker McWhor
ter, and Speaker pro tem. Ephraim Tweedy,
for impartial administration of their official
L’or .*‘1 vo.-ed o( n
Medicine. . ;ir ^ * an .v
rcrhttiw MunciHiU*
rr.jiii.ol by every-
' .v a cathartic,
' I*<4 ** ever any bt>
i *i»’. mifrcrsttlly
n-ii'j I***! use, in
c\er> cuutfly unil
hih<*nc «H no&er, ns
4oi* nilbibuxA-Rr'iunt
obvi'Mia CL* -u is,
* tied it i> t mh.v re!in*
■ it*‘bit »«*! fir more ef
fect »’al rom-iiy.item xtiv wher. *1 hoseuiw have
trkxl U, kiiou (but it en;v.l them: Umh-o wh>* have
sot.kuow.tbst deurv* jMeunykh^r ***** nivads;
and nt! know that whr.t it <bw*> v^.-c »t *toc* yd-
way*<— that it never tel* ihron-h uny fiinUnr »i-g-
(boatan'U of •*vrtiacat«** «>f their remarkable cares
of Urn folknvuu; complaiul*. UU.^uck cures are
kit owl* m cvc>y wiehlvorlmod, ttiid we need not
ever msohrOtut ubkes. uw.m
f-‘- ».tli:i;P imscrreM thorn
iu |ilia.'.i»i to kike, while
being purely vegetable, m> harm o** arit-c from
it into iicaiMt acutiii—tHiiiruuioiBi
•y exist, sncl» lie-
the box, fiJrthcMtowIagooSlilaiuta,^whai^Ureso
Fills rapidly cure:—
For Dv»pcp*ia or Xn»II-rcwtl<»u, jCd«il4*»«-
nciiM, Lau-uor and Low of Appcti*«*wthcy
ach, and restore it* healthy tone and acU<m.„ ! *
For Elver Complaint and its various pymtf.
toms. JBiliou* as ••.kd.tcln*. *»ck
nclio, TjMamtlrin or Ctrt-e-u.#tci:ur*tf, *5**-
— —
it t»K>
Legitimately result as penalties for violations of natu
ral laws, from which none esespo.
The faded cheek, tho pale and wan feat arcs, the dull
eye, the clouded intellect, the deep hearing sigh, the
feeble and emaciated frame, the dejected brow, fee
tottering gait, all indicate preritma transgression of
law. Knowing that “procrastination is the thief of
time,” all intelligent beings apply for soi
soon as circumstances permit; while tho*
act upon tho principle that “delays are
generally linger, lose more time and pay more
Thousand of mothers and daughters, in all
and conditions of life, aro suffering, lingering
ing from the effects of some dreaded and ‘
diseased action or remove
To IFAm* il Jfojr Concern
an Act of tho General Assembly of the State of
Georgia, approved October 24. 1870, authority Is given
to the Governor to lease tho Western and Atlantic
Kailrood, the property of tho State, together with all
of its houses, workshops, depo ts, rolling stock and ap
purtenances of every character, for the term of tweatar
years..upon certain terms, and subject to certain re
strictions therein named, to-wit:
The monthly rental shall not be lem than twenty-
fivo thousand dollars ($36,000) payahie monthly. The
lessees shall give a bond for the sum of eight millions
of .dollars ($8,000,000) to seeuziag the prompt payment
of tho amount of rental agreed upon, and for the re
turn of the read and its apportanccs at tha expiration
of the lease, or on tho termination or forfeiture there
of, in as good condition as at tho time of leasing, five
millions (5,000,000) of which security shall be within
this State and the balance, if out of tho State, shall bo
upon real estate or railroad property. Tha lessees to
be worth over and above their indebtedness, at least
five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.)
The Legislature reserves to itself the right, from
time to time, to examine into the affairs of tho
and to require that tho amount of security above re
cited Khali be maintained unimpaired.
The lessees shall not be lees than seven in number,
a majority of whom shall havo been for fivo years Lena
fide residents of this State, and shall represent
jority of the whole Interest in tho 1mm. No railroad
or express company, or any combination of them,
shall, in any event, become the lessees, but they may
become sureties on the bonds of the leasees. The les-
shall not charge a higher rate for local freights
said road than the average rate charged by the
Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, tho Central
Railroad and Banking Company, and the Uacoa and
Western Railroad Company, for like local freights over
arid roads, and the said lessees shall have the same
rights, exemptions, privileges, immunities and guar,
tees, except the establishment of banks, and shall
be subject to the same liabilities, disabilities, and pub
lic burdens of said railroad companies last mentioned.
Tbe frith of the Stats is pledged to redeem all mort
gage bonds and coupons now resting on tho Stato Road
they fall due, and to save the
against all such bonds and coupons.
Tbe lessees are by this act constituted a body corpo
rate and politic for the term of twenty years, under
and style of tbe Western and Atlantic Rail
road Company, having snch powers, liabilities and im-
usual with railroad, companies, and
notin conflict with the Constitution and Laws of the
United States, or of the Stato of Georgia; but they will
not be allowed to make or' permit any discrimination
in favor of or against any other road or persons having
business connections with the said Western and Atlan
tic Railroad.
Far the purposo of carrying out this act, proposals
wfll ba received until and including tho 25th day of
For I»y*cutcrr or XtiarrSioca, butiOno.,
mild dorfo is gcucntlly required
For axitmnnatiHui, mr, grovel, 1-
liltution of tlie Heart.. Prtin in tlie
Side, Back nud JU»in«, the* d»mdd benuatfn-
uously taken, as reumrol to chmsgc the tuaeaifo*!
'action <*f th© syrtenu With mh-Ii chrome On*.-e
complaints disappear.
to piTMluoe tho nflud of a «i-u<lM* liUt “it.
: For rtitpitrcrtfoiot* a k ih»««***mM i*»
takeu ns it pro-lyres Uw i -by rym-
*\J*nl*urr rut. tike «*»»« or ltr<> t'ifts
d promslo rtdiov.dtbS.*-IrtHUjrlt.
Au own wo i»:d«lo.-c rtunwMb* bnml
bowels into healthy actum, n v<orc the pppetrle,
ami invigorates the system. Ijemr it is often ml-
vnntaroou* where r^-ertsms exi
One who fecU Merably tf ull, *
dose ofthert rittn make.' him fv*-« •ivckWlv-Ht-
tcr, from their ••IcnwKUtff *n«l tfhvVhUMj; 4;3p.'l uu
the digestive tippanttUN.
Dr. jr.'C. A A Co.. JVorf*v.*7
f.o irr/,/.. mass., u. x. A.
sop lO-deod^wUm
That claims its victims throughout tho length
breadth of our land. I
ilany females suffer in some way at each ml
period; some girls aro in great peril at tho comwel
rnent of menstruation, while older ones dread its do-1
dice at tho “turn of life.” Sometimes tho menstrual
flow is too much. Or too little' or may bo attended
with pain; may be irregular or entirely checked, or
changed in appearance, attended with othcr distress
ing symptoms. Leucorrhcca, or the “Whites,” fre
quently drains the system, or ulceration of tho womb
fiMMpcate pain and cause rapid prostration.
■ Bing of the womb is an exceedingly common com- -
plaint, giving much trouble and distress, which, uu-
Idor ordinary treatment is difficult to care.
Hysterics, Green Sickness, Irritability of tho Womb,
m ' |ther serious and fatal complaints follow the fe-
■■fccx throughout life. Lives thcro a medical gen
tleman who has or can relieve the fair sex of the abovo . J
troubles? Not many. Is there no combination of
milR sjiuptoms of liver
JL caxnphdnt rim uneasW
ness and paiu in tho ai<le.
S.'is..'t;iu. s th- j'.i.’t i- i
shoulder, and is mUtakcn
sometimes alternating with lax. TUo head Is troubled
with pain, and dull, heavy sensations, oonshlerable loss
of memory, accompanied with painful sensations o,
! having left undone pome-
i sum wffitoR *¥¥** en « ht to have
|| UFR I been done. Often complain-
L.1V Ull I ing ot weakness, debility and
low spirits. Somotiiaes some
t!i<- above symnyps attend the disease, and at other
times very few of them; but the liver is generally the
■organ most involved. Cure the liver with
Liver Regulator,
It has been "used by hundreds, and known for the
last 85 years aa one of the most reliable, efficacious and
harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. II
taken regularly and persistently, It is sure to cure.
Dyspepsia, headache, jaun
dice, costiveness, sick head-
sche. chronic diarrhaa. af
fections of the bladder, camp
Mr. JOINER of Dougherty appealed, and
i.e ruling was reversed.
Mr. SCOTT —tell to indefinitely postpone
ihiMAok I uWiii ^ *
On which inolichi'the yeas were 49, nays 69.,
On the motion to adopt tlie resolution, the
Was gad najs w—iiteiffwIWI aA “ 1
Pending the call, most of the Democratic
members left the Hall. It was discovered, at
the conclusion of the call, that uo quorum had
voted. -it 21
Mr. O'NEAL of Lowndes —do the i»oint of
order that the resolution was voted on > viva
voce, and was announced as the
Chair, thcro beu^teffpflMl present when the
yeas and nays were demanded. A/ter snstain-
i,: - the call* who s’^Ltln . i:\icit .1
their seats to defeat tho rcsolntion.
The CHAIR rnled that the point was well
taken, and that the resolution had been adopt
ed, it hot being competent for ineikbcrs, when
a quorum is present, after having passed a
resolution viva voce, to hall for tbe yeas and
nays, and then run bnt and defeat tho action
thereon, a v-yia g’VrU t - .J-h
A message from the Governor wav received,*
saying that his Excellency had approved and
signed the following acts, tp-wit: v; '
An act to remove certain obstructions iu
Turkey Creek. 1
Also, an act to amend an act to incorporate
the stock-holders of the Cartersvillc and Van
Wan Railroad. •
Also, an act to incorporate tho McDonough
and Western Railroad Company. *
Also, an act for the relief of Michael Dean.
This noffiolotion was ftiloptefl.
Mr. BELCHER offered a resolution author
izing tho Governor to appoint five attorneys
to revise Irwin's Code; etc.
Mr. SCOTT moved to substitute Hon. Da
vid Irwin. Loal^PMlMBHBi
Mr. ANDERSON moved to insert three in
stead of five attorneys.
This amendment was accepted and the
lution was adopted.
Tho Senate bill to incorporate the Ogle
thorpe Manufacturing Company of De Kalf
county. I
Also, the Senate bill to declare certain prop
erty set apart as a homestead, liable for cer
tain debts.
Also, a Senate bill to amend tho several
acts incorporating tho town of Darien, etc.
Also, a Senate bill to change the time of
holding Rabnn Superior Court.
Also, a Senate bill to change tho line between
Gilmer' and Fannin counties. •
Also, a bill to legalize the acts of tho May
or and Council of Grantville.
A message from the Governor was received,
saying that his Excellency had approved and
signed the following acts, to-wit:
An act to amend an act to incorporate the
Savannah Bank and Trust Company.
Also au act to loan the credit of tho State to
tho Memphis Branch Railroad Company.
Tbo Senate resolution anthorizing the Gov
ernor to allow tho American Bible Society tho
use of room in this building not otherwise
appropriated, was concurred in.
Mr. GOODWIN offered a resolution of
thanks to the Clerk and Assistant for efficient
services. This resolution was adopted.
On motion of Mr. O’NEAL of Lowndes, a
committee was aopointed to notify the Govcr-
emor that the House was ready to adjourn in
accordance with his proclamation.
On motion of Mr. ANDERSON, a commit
tee was appointed to notify tho Senate that the
Houso was ready to adjourn.
A message from tbo Governor was received,
saying that his Excellency had approved and
sigued the folio wing acts, to-wit:
An act to extend tho corporate limits of
Also an act for raising a revenue and to ap
propriate money for the use of tho Govern
ment, &c.
Also, an act to authorize tho Ordinary of
Chattooga county to issue bonds to build a
wagon inad across Lookout Mountain.
Aik), on act u> xcpw*- tne second section of
an act to change the lino between Lumpkin
and Dawson, Ac. teflj
Also, an act to
of the. Western and Atfantio Railroad to con
vey certain rights to the proprietors of tho
Kennesaw Honse.
Also, an aot to change the timo of holding
the annual meeting of the Legislature.
Also, an act to authorize the Superintend
ent of tho Western and Atlantic Railroad to
convey to tho Macon and Western Railroad
certain land in exchange for certain other
Also, an act to incorporate the town of Pres
' Also, an act to amend an act to amend an
act to incorporate Oglethorpe College.
Also, an act to authorize the sale of per
sonal property at any place within the corpo
rate limits of Atlanta.
Also, an act to incorporate the Commercial
Gas Light Company of Savannah.
' Also, an act to change the corporate limits
pf the town of Hamilton.
Also, an act to require the Ordinary of Craw
ford county to pud title to certain church
A^an act to anthorizo. tbo Treasurer ol
Appling count; to reoeive jury certificates for
county dues.
Also an ae£ to require the Mayor and Coun
cil of Atlanta to uniform their'police force.
Also an act to change tbe line between Hen
ry and Butts counties.
Also an act to incorporate tho Cuthbert
Banking Loon and Trust Co.
. Also an aot to incorporate the Georgia Ag
ricultural and 3Ianufacturing Company of
ISfastoh. ■ . .. .
Also an act to amend an act to incorporate
the Georgia Historical Society.
Also an act to authorize tho Trustees of
Crawfordsvillo Academy to sell the lands there-
qt, etc. :
Also an act to repeal a local act in relation
to the fees of certain officers in Baldwin coun-
5 Also au act assenting to and confirming the
purchase and acquisition by the United States
of certain lands, etc., in this State.
Also an act ^ supersede the act incorpora
ting the town of Blackshear.
Also an act to authorize tho Ordinary of
Lumpkin county to issue bonds to bnild a
j“ L !'
U. It.; C. Masterwon, E*q., Sheriff
sad must be addreMAd “to the. nnr*r. f. Burke’, Macon,
I Ga.; Virgil Powers, Zfeq.. Superintendent S. W. R. R.;
Daniel Dullard, Dullard’s Station, Macon & Brunswick
IL R., Twifga, county. Ga.; Greenville Wood. Wood’s
Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. K. F. Eaaterlina. P. E. Flor
ida Conference; Major A. F. Wooteff, Kindlon, Ga.;
Editor Macon Tulejn-apli.
ForJ3al e by all Druggists.
nor of th* State of Ucorgia, at Atlanta,” and marked
on the wrapper, ‘‘Proposals for the leaae of tho Weat-
and Atlantic Railroad, in accordance with an Act
approved October 34,1870.” The proposals must state
in full the names and residence of the parties uniting
to make proposition, the amount that each of the par
ties therein named aro worth over and above their
debts and liabilities, together with a full description cf
the character of tbe security which will be offered to
complete the bond.
The property to be leased la a single track railroad,
one hundred and thirty-eight miles in length, with
full and complete equipment of shops, depots, turn
outs, ridelings, engines, cars, etc., etc., etc., now in
successful operation between the cities of Atlanta, in
Georgia, and Chattanooga, in Tennessee. At Chatta
nooga the line is in direct communication with the
Memphis and Charleston, Nashville and Chattanooga,
Chattanooga and New Orleans, East Tennessee and
Georgia, and the Chattanooga and Cincinnati, (now in
progress of construction,) railroads, and at Atlanta
with the Atlanta and Montgomery, Atlanta and Charles
ton, Atlanta and Savannah, and the Atlanta and Gulf
lines of road, being the only railroad connection be
tween the system of railways centering at Chattanooga
and at Atlanta.
Copies of “An Act to authorize tho leaae of the West
ern and Atlantic Railroad, and for other purposes
therein mentioned,” approved October 24|h, 1870, ca
be had upon application at the Executive office.
By the Governor:
Robot H. ATxxmoar,
Executive Secretary.
(Papers in the State will not copy tho abovo notice
•xept by direct order from the Executive Department.
oct 2843twlt
Atlanta, Ga., October 27th, 1870.
In pursuance of a joint reaelutioa of the General As
sembly, approved October 27th, 1870, it is
ORDERED: That Hon. O. A. Lochranc, of tho coun
ty of Fulton, Hon. David Irwin, of the county of Cobb,
and Hon. Robert H. Brown, of the county of Fulton,
be, and they aro bcrcoy, appointed a Board of Com
mlssioners to revise the Code of Georgia.
Given tinder my Hand and the Seal of tbe Exocutive
Department, at the Capitol, ta Atlanta, the day and
year first above written. -- -
By tbo Governor: j_'..
• '77i- Secretary Executive Department
oct 28-d3twlt
Application for Dismission.
William L. Bay, administrator of Augustus Wil
liams, represents to the court, in his petition duly
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kiw-
dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said administrator should not be discharged from
hia administration, and receive letters ot dismission
on tbe first Monday in November, 1870. This August
EORGIA, TOWNS COUNTY.—Will be sold belbre
‘ the Court House door, in tbe town of Hlai
for be tie lit of tho heirs and creditors.
Terms of sale: One-half of the purchaso money paid
when the land is sold; the remainder twelve znouf *
tone with noto and approved security. This Sente
ber 10th, 1870. THOMAS WILSON,
sop 20-4Ud Administrator.
G i:.»i:.ii.v. daw..on COUNTY.—By virtue of an
order from the Court of Ordinary of Dawson
county, will bo sold on the first Tuesday iu November
next, at the Court House door in said county, between
the legal hours of sale, one unimproved town lot, in
the town of DawBonville, iu said county, and situated
in the northeast division of said town, and known by
the number twenty-two (22). Bold u the property
D. H. Logan, deceased. Terms cash. This Sept*
ber 27tb, 1870. A. J. LOG. ■
OCt 1-iOd - • ’
Haralson SbcriiPs Sale.
vix; The possession ot land and mills of John C. Ex-
xell, to satisfy two fi fas in favor of S. M. Satterfield,
issued from the Justice Court of the
made by a legal ConuUbU and ret
former Sheriff, J. W. Waldrop. T1
G. W.
Haralson Sheriff's Sale,
IT ou til-first Til. Kthiy in !».■v.-ihImi- i..
the legal hours of sole, beforo the Court House door,
ichanan.'tho following property, to-wit: Lot of
__ number twenty-six, iu tho eight district “f origi
nally Carroll, now Haralson, county, containing two
huudn-d tw.. an.I oiu-lialf a.-rt s, iii-.n* or ]. ss. bevn-il
on as tho property of Aaron Barge to satisfy thirteen
justice court ft fas in favor of W. H. Smith vs. Aaron
Barge. Levy made and returned by a constable. Thii
17th October, 1870. . . O. W. GENTRY,
oct 3M4f . • r. • Sheriff.
Tl.c only acknowledged BtcrtM Tonicand Fenule Ure-
olstor known, will cure ,11 thore oompUinU rt>ove
raentionod In ui incredibly abort tint. Tlie Dittr*-
stonoo mm Itrenstben, End rertore, tbe w omb w
its natnral condition, romoring obstructions, relievin '
pstn snd reffnlEting tbo monthly period. Yonder
Htsnds a psln, feeble and lrefnid girl. Jn«t bur, hog
into womanhood; ,1101, tbe prido ol til, tml bark I
■bo silently atealaa pickle, rats cbslk. or stiaU pencil,
no appetite for food; ahe turns with a dull aye red
seeks solitude; her eye no longer sparkles: her merry
ry, affection a of the
eys, lover, ucrvouiuicaa, chills, disease of tbe akin,
impurity of tbe blood, melancholy or depression ol
spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain
in the head, fover and ague, dropsy, boils, pain in tbe
back and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections,
and bilious diseases generally.
Prepared only by
Druggists, Macon. Ga.
PRICE $1; by MAIL, $1 25.
The following highly respectable persons can fully
attest to tbo virtues of this valuable medicine, aud to
whom we most respectfully refer:
Gen. W. S. Holt, President 8. W. R. R. Compauy;
Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks. Al-
^ __ bloodless lips and gums, with head
ache, palpitation, constipation, swimming of the bead,
cold feet and hands, melancholy; she has a coated
tongue, offensive breath, and a host of other evils too
When neglected all these symptoms become aggrava
ted, there is sick stomach, heartburn, a dark line set
ties under the eyes, the legs sad ankles are swollen, the
hair loses its gloss and falls off, there is brittleness aud
splitting of the finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme
nervousness, fretful ness, pains and aches, dry cough.
Hysterical Fits, rapid prostration, epilepsy and death !
If you, or any of your friends, are thus afflicted, send
at once for a bottle of English Female Bitters aud be
cured. Its effects are magical in snch complaints.—
Surely no mother will postpone and delay this dutv
MARRIAGE I th-; 1 lit.irrlt .1 t.r LI."he
guide. mSsr&M
and revelations of the sexual system, with. the latest
discoveries in producing and preventing offspring, pre
serving the complexion, Ac.
This is an interesting work of two hundred and
twenty-four pages, with numerous engravings
contains Valuable information for those who are
riedor contemplate marriage; still it is a book that
ought tob* under lock and key* and not laid care
lesaly about the house.
St. Louis, Mo.
S3* Notice to the Aflllctcd anti Unfortu
nate: _
Before applying to the notorious Quacks who adver
tise in public papers, or using any Quack Remedies,
peruse Dr. Butts' work, no matter w* *
is. or how deplorable tour condition.
Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail,
in the diseases mentioned in his works. Office, No.
N. Eighth Street, between Market and Chestnut, St.
Louis, Mo. may S-d&wly
Cures colic and gripin'
Wh j in tho bowels, and fk-
Whitcomb tirfKMMriMMtetrt
I Subdues convulsions
I and overcomes all dis-
] eases incident to in-
i fonts and children,
j Cores diarrhea, dysen-
au,. i pn..
\V hUconb U complains ro ennureu ,
Syrup. ISSlagSa J Ccnl *‘
It is the Great Infanta* and Children's Soothing Rem
edy in all disorders brought on by teething or anyoth
Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE 00.,
Louis, Mo.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every
where. may3-4lAwly
Manufacture of Flour.
The Undersigned Now Offers to Hie Public
Godfrey Flour Cooler
- u AND * CCK! '-“ ; '• V,. .,
mHE improvement consists of ablaut of air thrown
JL on the external surface of the Bolt bya"- -
at the head of the Chest. The air is coir
Mr. ChorchiU. in his work <
Diseases of Females, says: “Bearing in mind that tho
bloud is remarkably deficient in red corpuscles, and tho
known property of iron to correct this condition, theo
ry suggests it as the most to be relied ou, tbe best of
which is Citrate.” Citrate of Iron enters largely into
tho composition of English Female Bitten, combined
with powerful vegetable tunica of rare qualities.
Among toe mountains of Tennessee and the piuey-
woods or Mississippi, is found a certain bard and flin-
rhich has been in serretns*kr •“"*•****»«•>-
many years, possessing magic powers in reg
ulating and restoring all females suffering with any af
fection of tho womb This root we have obtained.
C o it a fair test in our practice and it is now one ot
principal Ingredients in theso Bitters. Othcr pow
erful uterine and general tonics also enter into its com
position. We also add Leptandra or Black root, suffi
cient to act upon too liver and keep toe bowel* open.
Middle-aged matrons, those at toe critical period, and
the aged grandmother, are all cured by the use of our
English Female BUters, now prescribed and used by
nbraiciana all over the country.
Uyou ire troubled with Filing of toe Womb, at
tended with a sense of weight and bearing down pain
in the back and side, and other attendant evils, Eng
lish Female Bitters will givo entire relief.
Those at the “turn of Ufs,** mothers after confine
ment, and all others (male or female) who are conva
lescents from any protracted or debilitating complaint,
who gain strength slowly, and whose digestion is slow
and imperfect, will find these Bitters toe very thing
their system demands. It gives a powerful appetite,
aids and assists digestion, arousee the liver, strength
ens mentally and physically, and fills the whole system
with pure crimson blood coursing through its cha»-
the land. Their taste la pleasant,
to core almost every disease, wliilo
knout they possess no medicis
They are so many disguises for ssossflfimft
. which do not, **or cannot pu—Italy
tity aa to keep the makes open and absorbs tho
generated In grinding, consequently the doth a
internal surface of the Chest never wall and tho
flour is always dry and cool ready for packing.
It largely increases the Hotting capacity of tho Bolt,
frees it from bugs and worms, and gtVSS an .'ncrea
and uniform yield of flour to the bushel of wb-at.
The cost of applying tho improvement is but an
requires but little power which is obtained from some
convenient shaft running toe bolt or elevators.
I respectfully submit: to the consideration of tbe
public the «tik*i|9vi|..9frtW«*M: •
Office Oaklkt Mills Maxctactciuxo Cot, I
Marietta, Ga., July fi, 1870. }
1.13. P^Wklls: Your Patent Cooler, placed in x
bolting cheat, an an experiment, has largely increa*
the bulling capacity of my doth, and I deem it qu
i secession to my mill, and regard the investment a
>od one. Yours respectfully, . .
Hunox Mills, Mien., July 22. 18C7.
I havo milled iu Scotland, England. Ireland. France,
the Canadas, and in America; I have tried almost every
improvement made in milling, and am froo to say that
the invention of Mr. Godfrey, known as his “Atmos
pheric Blower on toe Bolt.” is toe beat thing that I
* * s«n. Without this improvement we never
able, iu wet weather, to grind more than
' per boor. Now we can grind sixteen
hour, yielding from forty to forty-two
pounds per bushel, and being dean bolted. It is s
invention which I can confidently recommend j
iill. re. 1 DAVID 80OTT-
And many other testimonials from the largest mills
i the United States. •
Agents wanted in every county in the State, to which
liberal commissions will bo paid. For further pnrtic-
augU-lawd«wly ,h, Care Glenn A Wright.
~ y. Forenr ‘ “*
Apply to
: day.
bo had at $1 75
a sting for your vitals, and h<
a “topflfV* grog into his 1
dws nothing shout medicine, l
bottles of common staff will cure chills and fever,
rheumatism and consumption: another, whose bottle
very fancy, cures all impurities of toe blood, makes
d men young, caste out devils, restores sight to toe
ind. and numerous other miracles; while yet sooth-
*, who presumes every man a drunkard, proj
cure colic, in-growing nails, yellow fever, he
esse and love-sick maidens I! We know they x
such cures, we know the people at large are deceived
and swindled, and as we desire to ventilate these com
mon humbugs, make toe following challenge to one
Tbit u Ini tyraybl of ENGLISH FEMALE lilT-
TEBS contain, u mnch (slidnil properties m me
bottle of sny of thoplraewjtly tasted, common tilcer-
tided bitter* of tbo ttavl Tbo modJcti profratioo to
decide tho quratton. I> it understood thti Enjltah
Femtic Bitter, i» not* l.rrw. but ta m pomerfol
Iron and Vreetable Tonic eooiWo^ oorln* too*^^
o complaints in very direction.
$8 do, and sold by d.e gtete and merchants
everywhere. J. P. DRC Jt JoOLE k CO..
— — ''—aphis,
J . mptepBtea'tor all affections
of the Khlueys and Bladder c\. r odrt><l to tl*« pub
lic. It Is prepared by regular physicians and used by
tli«‘ profession.
Frice $1 or, six bottles for $5. 8 by Druggist*
nd merchants everywhere.
ly 9-dAwly Memphis, Tfi-n