The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 13, 1899, Image 7

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ASSETS $9.077,114.17. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN Ihe Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. w. j. dabney, agent. local news The weather first of the week was cold n ough to kill h °B 9 - Mens Vici Shoes at G. W. Wood nff's. >[r. Marion Hodges and family, of Lo auYille, are‘spending the week here rith relatives. Buy your Amber seed from Sheats & 10. Mr. McCutchen, pastor of the Baptist hurch, had a large audience to hear Ins two eloquent sermons last Sunday. | k , lv & Ko. Can sell you a stove is cheap as you can buy at Fac ory since the rise in iron. Miss Dora Wilhite, after an absence of everal weeks a Elberton and. Toccoa, 3 spending this week at home. Monroe, yard wide Sheeting, cotton Ldes and Hickory Shir tiny at G. W. Ifoodruff’s. Messrs J. A. Mobley and Oscar Dab iey went to Atlauta Saturday to see Joe fefferson. Early Amber seed for sale by Sheats I I Cos, Winder has had a mumber of promi- I lent visitors this week from Walton, I Jnvinnett, Jefferson and atlau la. I Dunn& Lyle still have enough guano I 0 supply all those who lack a I ew sacks having enough. Mr. Briudle, pastor of the Christian I hurch, arrived in the city Tuesday and I nil occupy bis pulpit Sunday morning I ind evening. I Mr. C. M. Compton is in the city this Beek getting up a trade edition and ■rriting up the town and business Bouses, The Economist received a call Bom him and found him a pleasant and Benial gentlemen. J K. & Ko. Have just opened second lot of Clothing. They Ban make it to your interest to see them Before purchasing. . I Mr, Morris, the traveling represeuta ■be of The EcoNONisr, is still having Bne success getting new subscribers. He ■rings in a large number every week Bad says the people all like to read The ■Economist. [I Highest price paid for country produce. I Gr. W. Woodruff. = I The Economist presents to its readers ■his week a brief sketch of Rev. Dr. ■oguo which will be read with much ■nterest by his many admirers. Next ■reek our readers will be introduced to ■ir. McCutchen, the able and eloquent ■astor of the Baptist cnurch. |lf 2. Smith and Bro. Have just re ■ebed a line line of Hats made specially t H lem hy a New York factory. If you Ban't the latest style in hats that are ■ratchss and at prices to suit the times, ■ ee hig lot before purchasing. ■ Last week The Economist mentioned Bhe fac;, that Mr. S. E. Sharpton had B°ld the day before 90 dozen Eggs. It f’ * have been $90.00 worth of ■Bgs. Mr. Sharpton very often sells 90 .■ozeneggs per day, which is considered a sale—bat when it comes to selling worth of eggs per day it shows that B ‘ Her is getting to be a big egg mar- Br et and that Mr. Sharpton is somewhat an egg man. Sam is a hustler and ■ n °W3 how to sell anything else as well ■ a e ggs. I WANTED-100 pounds of Beeswax ■n the next, two weeks. Will pay cash ■ Jf 9amß - L. O. Sharpton & Bro. I Some one borrowed our nail puller weeks ago. You have had it long ■ Q °>ighand we are needing it. Pllease ■ “ tUru at once and oblige, Hodges. Camp & Arnold' Preaching Notice. 3 9v r - McLaughlin, pastor of the church of Atlanta, will a '-b at the Christian church in this Uext Monday, Tuesday and Wed -3 a y nights. All are cordially invited attend. .._ a ' atß & Cos. Will sell you amber to „ ° forage and also the mower Cut it with, seed ft.6o per bushel Anniversary. The seventh anniversary of the La dies Aid Society of the M* E. church was held at the parsonage from 3 to 6 o’clock n. in., March 31st. The society was entertained by Mrs. J. A. Quillian. After music and reading by Mrs. J. J. Smith on the 7th anniversary of the society. Mrs. G, W. DeLaPerriere read a selection on the Easter Bonnott. Mrs. Anna Camp, the president, made a sh ,rt talk ou tne workings of cue society, fol lowed by short talks from Mrs. A. D. McCurry, Mrs. J. A. Quillian and Mrs. H. S. Bradley. Afterwards the ladies were invited into the dinning room where delicious refreshments wore served b 7 Misses Mozelle Wuitehead Angie Maynard and Clara DeLaPer riere. Brother Quillian joined us at the dinning hall and together with his most excellent wife contributed to the evening and to make it oua never to be forgotten. lu our hearts will aver bo the desire to live to celebrate many more such occasions. The following ladies were piesent: Meslams J. C.DeLaper riere, H. S. Bradley, P. P. jeumngs, Anna Camp, Mattie Camp, A. D. Mc- Curry, S. T. Ross, Robt. Mobley, R. B. Russell, Gr. W. DeDaPerriare, H. P. Stanton, J. J. Smith, A. H. O’Neal, G. W. Smith, Misses Angie Maynard, Mo zelle Whitehead and Clara DeLaPer riere D * How Are You Off For Shoes? J. H. Smith aud Bro have ju3t gotten in a large bill of shoes-vici Kids, Oxford ties low cuts etc If you want some thing good and üb-to-date in Snoes they offer you tha best bargins of the season. Go and see for yourself. Seriously 111. Mrs. Russell, the mother of Judge and Col. L. C. Russell, who has been visiting here lrom Athens, her home, whs taken seriously id Monday. The Economist is glad to know her condi tion has improved for the better, and trustthau she will soon have gained her former health. Get your forage seed from Sheats & Cos. J. Sheer, Sedalla. Mo., conductor ou electric street car line, writes that his daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all physicians had failed, only by using One Minute Cure. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Sports. Johnny Maynard killed a white rob bin last week. Some time ago a white English span raw was seen ou oar streets. Prof. Orr tells us that a few years ago over beyond Jefferson he saw a crow almost white, having only a few black spots. Naturalists call all birds that have not their natural color sports. Business never gets so dull with K,K. & Ko. That they have to quit Advertising their bargain. Try us and be convinced. A Social Gathering. Quite an enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. ani Mrs Moulder on Monday last by a small party of friends. A short while was devoted to social oouverse, when Mrs Little and Mrs Moulder, who are expert candy makers, retired to the dinning hall and soon furnished the small party with soma ex cellent candy, which was pulled nd greatly enjoyed by those present. Those present were; Misses Della Douglas, Fannie Ferguson, Roxie Ethridge, Miss Morris, Revs, T. E MoCatchen and Frank Jackson and Messrs Knight and Morris. After the candy was pulled, refreshments were served and the even ing pleasantly spent in exchanging dif ferent views religiously. At the cose of the evening a chapter was read by Rev, McCntchen and prayer offered by Bro. Jackson. After raturning many thanks to the hostes, all retired, hoping to again meet as pleasantly. One Preskxt. The perfect picture of you—our pho tographs. Thats the word—perfection. Knight’s Galery. Important things to Read. A dollar saved is a dollor earned. Malaria cannot find a lodgment in the system while the Liver is in perfect or der Dr. M. A, Sun nous Liver Medicine, is the best Kignlator. gf Win success by deserving it. Used during Expectaucy, Simmons Squaw Viue Wme or Tablets cheer aud Screugtheu Mother, Shorten Labor aud Rob Confinement of its Ter rors. While the iron’s hot is the time to strike. Don’t scratch your life away, but use Dr. Sawyer’s Witch Hazel aud Arnica Salve for eczema, Piles, hives, burns aud cats. It soothes, relieves pain and positively cures. Dr‘ G. W. DeLaPer riere, Winder, Ga. A single fact outweighs a thousand claims. -- 4 . aA* Coughing injures aud inflames sore lungs. One Minute Cough care loosens the cold, allays coughing and heals quickly. The best cough cure for chil dren. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Don’t look wise and make a fool of yourself. A Torpid Liver causes Depression of Spirit. In digestion, Constipation, Head ache. Use Dr. M, A. Simmons Liver Medicine to stimulate that or gan. Procrastination profits no one. Dr. Sawyer’s Ukatine never has, and we do not see how it can, fail to cure kidney disorders. It gives nature the aid needed,and nature thus aided nev er fails. Dr, G. W. DeLaPerriere, Win der, Ga. Small savings enable us to live in comfort and peace daring old age. Derangements of Menstrual Funct ion produce Miscarriage. Simmons Sqnaw Vine Wine or Tablets correct the derangements. Consistency is a gem that few pos sess. Mothers wishing stout helthy girls should give them Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets as they approach pu berty. Time aud tide wait for no man. Dr. M. A. Siminons ■ Liver Medicien Clears the Complexion, gives Buoyancy to the mind, cures Headache, Regulates Stomach, Bowels aud Liv er. The human race is bat a contest for dollars, every thing else seems to have been forgotten. “Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world,” said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of De Witt’s Little Early Risers, tne fam ous little pills. G. W.' DeLaPerriere. Now is the time to do and not tomor row. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers ware greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. G. V 7. DeLaPer riere. Be true to your frieuds aud just to your enemies. Mrs. Jessie R. Davidson, Tallapoosa, Ga., wrire: I find Dr. M. A, Simmons Liver Medioine a splendid remedy for Torpid Liver, Indigestion aud Liver Troubles. I was a wreck and tired of living, but by its use lam a well wo man. Every one should live so as to inhabit a brighter hom.3 than this in the un known. For a quick remedy aud one that is perfectly safe for children let us recom mend One Minute Cough Care. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling iu the throat aud. coughs. G. W. De- LaPerriere. Spend your spair moments in beau tifying and improving your home. Do not sneeze and cough your head off when a few doses of Dr. Sawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tar will cure your colds and cough and prevent any forth er lung or bronchial complications. Dr. G. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga. Raise your children to respeot old age and to be manly aud womanly in all things. AGENCY FOR THE 1 MERICAN WIRE FENCE fil Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. r -\f3r— Amply provides for expansion and contrac- ** mni __ __ I;, tion ” Only Best Bessemer steel wires *, m(H i used. Always of uniform quality. ——- 'fK r*£ (Never £oes wrong; no matter how —— _—— —4% p.reat a strain _iir , —— Does not l m)ti-~ITT~T ~ ffi.J-. late hut toesIDEIZt 1.02 efficiently turn-jJS—4—f —S"ss cattle, Horses, -ptajr-y —: —r~~ —r=_ m H| nogs ana pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Coh and See it. Can show vou how it will save you money, DABNEY HARDWARE CO. Winder, Oa. Spend less than you make and yau will have something. Menstruation made Regular and Pain less, and Pains in Sides, Hips and Limbs cured by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. If at first you don’t sucoeed try again and keep 011 trying as long as life last. If yon have a cough, throat irritation, weak lungs, paiu in the chest, difficult, breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al ways reliable aud safe. G. W. DeLa- Perriere. There is no healthier place than Win der. Dr, Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake Pills give purity of the blood and vigor of thought by perfectly regulating the bowals and cure biliousness, inactive liver and constipation. Dr. G. W. De- LaPerriere, Winder, Ga. Let other’s affairs alone and look after your own. You will then have as much as you can do well* If you have contracted rheumatism— no nr atter what form Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm will cure it. This medicine so regulates the kidneys that the poisonous products which cause the disease are removed from the body through this natural channel. For sale by Winder Drug Cos, There is always something to do in this world. When you ask for Dr. M. A. Siminons Liver Medicine, see that you get it and not some worthless imitation. So live as to have the confidence of all honorable people. Mr. H. A. Pass, Bowman. Ga,, writes: “One of my children was very deli cate aud we despaired of raising it. For mouths my wife and I could hardly got a night’s rest until we began the use of Pitt’s Carminative. We found gseat relief from the first bottle.” Pitts’ Carminative acts promptly and cares permanently, It is pleasant to the taste, and chidren take it without coaxing. It is free from injurious drugs aud chemicals. Strive not to cultivate selfish ness. DeWitt’.* Little Early Risers, Ihe famous little oills. Dont look on every man as if he were a rascal. In 1888 my wife went E?st and was attacked with rheumatism. She receiv ed no relief until she tried Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Since that time we have never been without it. We find it gives instant relief in cases of burns and scalds aud is never failing for all rheumatic and neuralgic pains.—D. C. Brant, Santa Ynez, Cal- For sale by Winder Drug Cos. The man who advertises is the man who gets the trade. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, Burns. Every man should feel interested in the growth and prospeity of his town. Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immedately stops cough ing. It never fails. G. W. DeijaPer riere. Richardson-McElhannon. It is customary for newspapers to chronicle marriages and all social events in their town immediately after they hapen, and it would have been a pleasure indeed for Trirc Economist to have given notice of the marriage of Mr. A. W. Richardson and MissOmie McElhannon, two of our most popular young people, immediately after the occurrence. These young people were secretly mar* ried some weeks ago and Tint Econo mist knew of it in a short whi’e after the ceremony was performed but as they desired to not let the public know it un til they got ready for them to know it, in defference to their wishes we kept silent. It was found out by several par ties, but The Economist wished to show that a paper could hold a secret some times, though not having that reputa tion. Wo now publish this because we want to extend our congratulations to the contracting parties both of whom we very highly esteem. Mr. Richardson is one of Winder’s finest business men and is and has been for several years, Agent at this place for the S. A. L. railroad. Mrs. Richardson is one of the most popular and accomplished young ladies and they both have a largo circle of friends here and at other places who wish them all the happiness of a long married life. No young couple start out with brighter prospects before them and The Economist Sincerely trusts that no clouds of sorrow and disappointment may ever cross their pathway. Kilgore, Kelly & Go, adopt this mot to: The best advertised, the most pat ronized, the least criticised, the most eulogized. Picnic. Editor Economist—Miss Ella Dick son’s school at Johnson Academy will picnic at Ballard’s spring on the 4th Saturday in April. All are invited to come andbring well filled baskets. A special invition is extended to you aud family. Ballard’s spring is near John son’s Academy. L The man of of taste never allows his taste to fall short of his shoes. If you want a Shoe to suit your taste you will always find them at our store, Kilgore, Kelly & Cos. The Library. The H Parmalee Circulating Library of Winder will be found at the store of Hatchins and Whitworth at all hours. To those members who have not paid their subscription to the same please come forward and settle; Also those who have not paid their dues up to present quarter and avoid any unpleasantness in the matter. E. M. Moulder, Librarian. Card of Thanks I desire to sinoerely thank the many good citizens of Winder for their extreme kindness and aid during my sickness. Myself and wife can never forget them. Resptly P. S. HoFFer.