The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 27, 1899, Image 3

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ASSETS *9.077.11417- INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN * —• fhe Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. w. j. dabney, agent. local news Mr. Cicero Wall of Chandler’s dis trict lost a fine horse Sunday. Have your pictnre frames made by finder Furniture Cos. Messrs R. H. Jenkins an and J. H. Ho ;an of Woodruff were in the city yester day. Go to G. W. Woodruff’s for your itraw Hats and negligee Shirts. Mr. Jasper N. Thompson Jr., of [oschton, was in the city yesterday on Dusiness. Give us your picture frame work and ye guarantee satisfaction. Winder i'arßiture Cos. Mr. .1. J. Mitchell of Lithonia is pending a few days with Mr. J. R. ?oker and family. K., K. & Ko. Can sell you a stove is cheap as you can buy at Fac ory since the rise in irou. Mr. W. H. Kimbell, who has been juite feeble for some time, is improving ilowly and able to be out. Vici Shoes, men’s and ladies Slippers it prices to suit the times. G. W. Woodruff. Married—Mr. Cicero Wall to Miss Le ia Milsaps at the home of the bride on astSunday afternoon. The Iceland Cream freezer will freeze sream in 3 % minutes. For sale by iYinder Furniture Cos. The band now has fifteen members ind is progressing splendidly. They vill give an entertainment just after lommencement. Roman Harrows, Plow Stocks, Plows, Joes goto G. W. Woodruff. Mrs. Lena Hosch, of Gainesville, has >een spending a few day in the city vith her uncle, Messrs R. L. and Dock Panthers and G. W. Smith. No danger of spoiling your cream vith salt, if you use the Iceland Freez sr. Sold by Winder Furniture Cos. •fudge H. W. Bell, of Jefferson, passed brough the city Tuesday en route to Macon. Judge Bell is the moving spir t in all enterprises for building up Jef erson and the section around it. Sheats & Cos. Will sell you amber eed to make forage and also the mower o cut it with, saed $1.60 per bushel Mrs Bob Irwin of Marieta is spending everal days in Winder with her son Mr Mark Irwin one of the Serboards pop dar fireman. 4 K., K. & Ko. Have just opened i second lot of Clothing. They ian make it to your interest to see them >efore purchasing. Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Bondurant have >een spending a few days this week in ,Qr city with Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Stan on. I" you are going to buy a Refrigera 0r and want the best, buy the cele >rated American. We sell them. Win der Furniture Cos. r ' McGlaughlin, pastor of the Uni- church of Atlanta, Georgia, de- v ere< l a series of sermons here last fbat were exceedingly interesting. is a pleasant and logical speaker and -moved many prejudices in the minds 18 that had been produced - oma misunderstanding and misrepre 'eutation of what Universalists really is well to hear a man of learn on a a y subject and receive truth r ->m every source. The Dr. made many fiends in Winder. business never gets so dull with •. K. &K a That they have to * Advertising their bargain. Try us be convinced. Old Citizen Dead. of rh eu one of the old oitizena andler’s district, died at his home Dear Statham Tuesday. and U V 64 that nioe picture 8® broken fromT 6d ’ when you can *®t them mec * so cheap at Winder Furniture Mr. D. F. Cargill Dead. Mr. D. F. Cargill, who had been con fined to his room for a week or more, breathed his last Tuesday at noon. Mr. Cargill had been a citizen of Winder for about six years, coming here from Au gusta, Georgia, in 1893. He had been engaged in the cotton business every season siuce his location here and by his fair dealing and gentlemanly manners had made many friends all over this section of territory. He was a man of many admirable traits of character, and having been thrown in his compauy a great deal since he became a citizen of our town, we chronicle his death with much sadness. He leaves three chil dren who have the sympathy of ou>* en tire people. His remains were carried to Augusta for iuterment where they will be laid beside his wife who died in that city before he came here. G' W. Woodruff’s is the place for bar gains. - tstajs Gone to North Carolina. Rev. D. A. Brindle left Winder last Monday evening for Bower, N. C., his old home, to spend a few days. This visit of a week to his mother and scenes of his childhood days in the mountains of Western North Carolina will be a great pleasure to him and tone him up for his summer work. He will return to Winder next week. Pastures for Cattle. I have, three pastures ranging from 15 to 50 acres and will pasture cattle at reasonable rates per month. J. T. Wood, Winder, Ga. Shot His Wife. Griggs Moon colored, of near Stat ham, shot his wife a few days ago and it is thought she will die. Get your forage seed from Sheats & Cos. All-Day Singing. There will be an all-day fa-so-la sing ing and dinner on the ground at Cor rinth church, between Winder and Beth lehem, on the 3d Sunday in May. They expect a large crowd and all who wish to attend are cordially invited There will be preaching at 11 O’clock by the pastor. Little, neglected scratches and wounds frequently results in blood poisoning. Better heal them quickly with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, a thoroughy anti-septic* application with a record of always curiug piles, old ul cers, sores, cuts, wounds and skin dis eases. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Benton-Adair Hardware Cos. The above firm places an ad with The Economist this week, This is the lead ing house of its kind in the prosperous town of Harmony Grove, and to all of our many readers who do their trading there we request them to go in and see Benton-Adair Hardware Cos., and give them your patronage. Don’t forget them when in Harmony Grove. Don’t scratch your life away, but use Dr, Sawyer’s Witch Hazel and Arnica Salve for eczema, Piles, hives, burns and cuts. It soothes, relieves pain and positively cures. Dr- G. W. DeLaPer riere, Winder, Ga. -Still Getting Them. j Mr. Leroy Morris, the traveling rep resentative for The Economist, sent in over 20 new subscribers last week. Most of these names are men who have never taken the papor but who are well enough pleased with it to enlist a year. The Economist has grown more in circulation this year than ever before in its history and we are sparing no pains to make it worthy of going into every home in this section. If you ca n get us a subscriber do so and it will be appreciated. One Minute Cough cure, cures. That *• what It *w made tar. Important things to Read. A dollar saved is a dollor earned. Malaria cannot find a lodgment in the system while the Liver is in perfect or der Dr. M, A, Simmons Liver Medicine, is the best Rigulator. Win sucoess by deserving it. Used daring Expectancy, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets cheer and Strengthen Mother, Shorteu Labor and Rob Confinement of its Ter rors. While the iron’s hot is the time to strike. People who have once taken Da W itt’s Little Early Risers will never have any thing else. They are the ‘ famous little pills” for tropid liver and all irregular ities of the system, G. W. DeLaPerri ere. A single fact outsveighs a thousand claims. It makes no difference how bad the wound if yon use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no scar. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Don’t look wise and make a fool of yourself. A Torpid Liver causes Depression of Spirit, Indigestion, Constipation, Head ache. Use Dr. M, A. Simmons Liver Medicine to stimulate that or gan. Procrastination profits no one. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrats, Lancaster. N. H. says: “I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best I remedy for croup I ever used.” G. W. DeLaPerriere Small savings enable us to live in comfort and peace during old age. Derangements of Menstrual Facet ion produce Miscarriage. Simmous ] Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets correct; the derangements. Consistency is a gem that few pos sess. Mothers wishing stout helthy girls should give them Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets as they approach pu berty. Time and tide wait for no man. Dr. M. A Bimmons Liver Medioien Clears the Complexion, gives Buoyancy to the mind, oures Headache, Regulates Stomach, Bowels and Liv er. The human raoe is but a contest for dollars, every thing else seems to have been forgotten. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to one Minute Cough cure. Use this remedy .in time and save a doctor’s bill—or the undertaker’s. G. W. DeLa- Perriert 5 . Now is the time to do and not tomor row. By allowing the accumulation in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers regulate the bowels, Try them and you will always use then*. G. W. DeLaPer riere. Be true to your friends and just to your enemies. Mrs. Jessie R. Davidson, Tallapoosa, Ga., wrire: I find Dr. M. A, Simmons Liver Medicine a splendid remedy for Torpid Liver, Indigestion and Liver Troubles. I was a wreck and tired of living, but by its use lam a well wo man. Every one should live so as to inhabit a brighter home than this in the un known . If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pain under shoul der-blade, constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is terpid and congest ed. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and per menently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. G W. DeLaPerriere. Spend your spair momenta in beau tifying and improving your home. The man of of taste never allows his taste to fall short of his shoes. If you want a Shoe to suit your taste you will always find them at our store, Kilgore, Kelly & Cos. . AGENCY FOR THE P American wire fence Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply provides tor expansion and contrac- ♦y** tion Only Best Bessemer steel wires ~,* used. Always of uniform quality. mmm ~~ ‘K Never goes wrong no matter how —• great a strain **""' .... Ifr ... r _ - -7^ is put upon it. mmw b r f ... L_, . B * sni , Does not f kite, but does IIS! 111111. , H efficiently turn -|§. HXH —— ■— -—— - cattle, horses, —'—*— —— - —l— —and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Cali and See it. Can show you 'iow it will save you money, DABNEY HARDWARE CO. Winder, ;Ga. Spend less than you make and yau will have something. Meastrnation made Regular and Pain less, and Pains in Sides, Hips and Limbs cured by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. If at first you don’t succeed try again and keep on trying as long as life last. Do not sneeze and cough your head off when a few doses of Dr. Sawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tar will cure your colds and cough and prevent any furth er lung or bronchial complications. Dr. G. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga. There is no healthier place than Win der. Dr, Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake Pills give purity of the blood and vigor of thought by perfectly regulating the bowals and care biliousness, inactive liver and constipation. Dr. G. W. De- LaPerriere, Winder, Ga. Aim high, but get the range before you shoot. If you have contracted rheumatism— • nonratter what form Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm will cure it. This medicine so regulates the kidneys that the poisonous products which cause the disease are removed from the body through this natural channel. For sale by Winder Drug Cos, Tobacco, liquor, and profane language are the luxuries of folly and the necess' ites of vice. Wheu you ask for Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, see that you get it and not some worthless imitation. False pride, laziness, and cigaretts— that is the combination that has ruined the Spainard, and it will ruin anybody else. Mr. H. A. Pass, Bowman. Ga,, writes: “One of my children was very deli cate and we despaired of raising it. For months my wife and I coulu hardly got a night’s rest until we began the use of Pitt’s Carminative. We found gseat relief from the first bottle.’’ Pitts’ Carminative acts promptly and cures permanently, It is pleasant to the taste, and chidren take it without coaxing. It is free from injurious drugs and chemicals. Strive not to cultivate selfish ness. DeWitt’.a Little Early Risers, The famous little (tills. Every man who does his duty has his reward. If it does not come in dollars and cents, it comes in self respect, which is worth infinitely more, In 1888 my wife went East and was attacked with rheumatism. She receiv ed no relief until she tried Chamber lain’s Pain Balm. Since that time we have never been without it. We find it gives instant relief in cases of burns and scalds and is never failing for all rheumatic and neuralgic pains.—D. C. Brant, Santa Ynez, Cal- For sale by Winder Drug Cos. The man who advertises is the man who gets the trade. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, Burns. Kilgore, Kelly <& Cos, adopt this mot to: The best advertised, the most pat ronized, the least criticised, the most eulogized. Card of Thanks. Twenty girls were appointed, eachond to piece a star for a quilt for the pur pose of getting an organ for the church at Wood’s Camp ground. The girls worked the name on their respective stars of all those who contributed to them money. Miss Myrtle Sikes, who received the prize for getting the largest fund, desires to thank her many friends who aided her in being the successful contestant and is proud to know they reised enough to purchase their or. gan. Dr. Sawyer’s Ukatine never has, and we do not see how it can, fail to cure kidney disorders. It gives nature the aid needed,and nature thus aided nev er fails. Dr, G. W. DeLaParriere, Win der, Ga. Odd Fellows Anniversary. The lodge of Odd Fellows at this place accepted the invitation of Carl Lodge Yesterday and celebrated the day with them. They were royally treated and come back home running over with praise for the breturmi at Carl. The editor of The Economist regrets that business engagements prevented him being present, but his heart was with them and he is glad to know that all present spend the day so delight fully. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy in the Worcester En terprise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I nev er used any remedy equal to it for colio and diarrhoea. I have never had to use more than oue or two doses to cure the worst cose with myself or children. —W. A. Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. When you beoome awaro that the dis tress you suffer comes from improper actiou of the liver, and such distressing symptoms as biliousness, jaundice or torpid livev appear, take Dr. J. H. Mc- Lean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. It cures diseases of the liver and kid ney. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. Notice. All parties are forbidden from gig ging, netting or seining in our mill pond and any oue being oaughc doing so will be dealt with according to law. A. A. and C. M. Tbompson, Malinda, Ga. Confederate Veterans Re union. Charleston, S. C., May 10-13, 1899. On aooount of the Confederate Veter ans’ Reunion, the Seaboard Air Line will sell tickets to Charleston and return at very low rates, based on one cent per mile, traveled. Tickets ou sale May Btb, 9th and 10th, good to return until May 21st. For information in regard to rates, schedules, &o. apply to Tioket Agents or address L. S. Allen, Gen’L Pass’! Agent, Portsmouth, Va.