The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 04, 1899, Image 3

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A CHARMING grandmother! What a pleasant influence in the house is a delight ful old lady in good health ! * Mrs. Mollie Barber, St. James, Mo., writes* **l took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound during’ change of life, and have passed through that critical period safely. I suffered for ~ mmmm years with falling of the womb and HEALTHEtJL female weakness. At times could _ hardly stand on my feet, also had OLD AQE leucorrhoea. I tried several good doctors, but instead of getting better, grew worse all the time. A friend advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham’s Compound I did so and after taking six bottles, was cured of both leucorrhoea and falling of womb. lam now enjoying good health and feel very grateful for th e good your medicine has done me. 1 would recommend tt to all women suffering as I 'rf* l was. J (if Mlm Irs - N. E. Lacev, JpM ('/ Pearl, La., writes: fL fli mIIm “I have had leucorrhoea If] ■' flier n1 i|l| for about twenty years, r V l “W, ilil filing of womb by spells |M ten y ear s. and my p| bladder was affected, had backache a great deal. I tried a number of doctors. They would re lieve me for a little while, then I would be wors e than ever. I then thou £ ht 1 would W^ try Lydia E. Pinkham’s 'p Vegetable Compound. w Eleven bottles of Com- S rfr 1 J ' pound and one box of / Liver Pills cured me and I am now sound and well. It helped me through the change of life period. I am fifty-five years old. ” The women of advanced years who are healthy and happy are invariably those who have known how to secure help when they needed it. Mrs. Pinkham will advise any woman free of charge who writes about her health. Her address is Lynn, Mass. THE REASON WHY For man or beast SLOAN’S LINIMENT Excels —is that it Penetrates to the seat of the trouble im mediately and without irrita ting rubbing —and kills the pain. Famlly and Stable S/m Sold by Dealers generally. Oe. Carl S. Sloan, Boaton, Mama. u/y OTTON is and will con- I Vj tinue to be the money crop of the South. The ■planter who gets the most cot- Iton from a given area at the Beast cost, is the one who makes ■the most money. Good cult ivation, suitable rotation, and ■liberal use of fertilizers con- Itaining at least 3% actual Potash will insure the largest yield. We will send Free, upon application, Pamphlets that will interest every cotton planter in the South. QERHAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. l>eful Carriage Woods. Forest ash ami whitewood are eon fiderod indispensable for carriage building, and what concerns the trade toore than anything else is that the second growth of these trees never nnswers the purpose so well as those Urst growth trees which mark the pri meval forests. The whitewood is used for the panels of the carriages, and the must be close-grained and very smooth. A second growth tree usually produces wood that is coarse grained [md totally untit for carriage panels, the forest ash is light, yet firm, strong und resilient, hut not elastic, and with n u*ry fine grain and uniform texture ' * "ood. These qualities, which mate orest ash so desirable for carriage milding. are not so apparent in the taken from second growth trees. 1 1,1 Mood is hard, elastic, heavy and 'mgh, and, in order to make it retain ,s form, it has to be stayed with ' ial. r or the framework of urTy 'ariiages it is totally unfit.—Scientific American Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it * .Price 5Gc. Do Birds Eat Butterflies? Naturalists have as yet been unable to give a decisive answer to the ques tion, Do birds eat butterflies or not? Some unhesitatingly answer it in the negative, while others as positively maintain that owing to lack of suffi cient data no one is as yet warranted in giving a decisive answer. In the last number of the Revue Seientifique there is an interesting article on the subject which seems to show that some birds certainly eat butterflies. The writer, referring to the recent journey of M. Katliarinia through Central Asiatic Turkey, says: “On one occasion M. Katharinia saw a large number of butterflies hunted by birds. In a short tlme’many butterflies were killed. The survivors managed to con ceal themselves under some herbage and the birds did not disturb them any more. In spite, therefore, of certain assertions to the contrary, it can safely be stated that birds do to some extent prey upon butterflies. At the 6ame time it is worthy of note that birds do not pursue butterfles except when the latter are flving.” Our Six-Inch Gun Is the Best. The new six-inch flfty-calibre gun for the navy now being constructed at the Washington Navy Yard will be the best gun of that type in the world. It will carry a one hundred pound shell and will use American smokeless powder. The present six inch gun of the American navy, which is of forty calibre, was tested against an English fifty-calibre gun about three months ago at the Indian Head proving grounds, and under similar conditions of charge and projectile beat the English gun by 400 feet per second muzzle velocity. The English gun’s best initial velocity was 2.000 feet; the American gun’s was 3.000 feet. For the new American six-inch gun a minimum initial velocity of 3,200 feet is looked for. Desnly Is Blood Deop. Clean blood means a clean Bkin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the bodv. Begin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and th-t sickly bilious-complexion by taking Cascarets,— beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. At Rockmart, Ga., an engine of the South ern Railroad picked up a pig on the cow catcher, carried it six mile*, and then de posited it upon the ground without the slightest injury. To Cute a Cold In One Day. Take I.oxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Eruggiets refund money if it fails to cure. 2-jo. Hickory nuts are an American product and we 'export them in large numbers to Europe, where they are found good eating. Pecans belong to the hickory family. Kdncate Your Bowels Wltn Oaicireti. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c,25c. If C. C. C fail, druggists refund money At a wedding the men all pity the bride and the women all pity the groom. lean recommend Piso’sCure for Consump tion to sufferers from Asthma. —E. D. Town- SEXD, Ft. Howard, Wis., May 4, 1804. A wise man prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. UtleJ !a VenetudE. Any one going to Caracas with an idea of economy bad much better scan a few figures which the Venezuelan Herald prints. It costs a good deal to maintain any sort of social position, says the Herald, and, therefore, to set tle in Venezuela on a small salary is to partake of the life or the immi grant. A little house for two—small, clean and comfortable houses are very rare— rents at from S4O to $55 per month. A cook costs $lO per month, and a maid, who does not, know how to sew on a button, $5, and it requires three muids to perform badly the service of one un trained girl. • Marketing is very high, and clothing exorbitant. There is no such thing as a ready made suit. Cabs cost 80 cents nn hour, gas 20 bolivars per 1,000 feet, and the hotels charge from $2.50 to $lO per day, and are second rate at that. Australia’s Bicycle Mail Stamp. A bicycle mail stamp is issued in Western Australia. The ground is pale green, with the lettering and design in pink. In the centre oval is the black swan of Australia, while immediately above, in a curved line, are the words, “Cycle Mail,” and over it, in two straight lines across the top of the stamp, are the words, “Lake Lefroy Gold Field.” Curving under the oval are the words “Western Australia.” while at the bottom of the stamp is the word “Postage,” flunked on each side by “Gd.“ Ask Your Denier For Allen’s Foot-Ease, A powder to shake into your shoes; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all shoe stores and druggists, 25 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Adr’s Alien S. Olmsted,Leßoy, N. Y. Love in a cottage is but another name for a labor union. To Oar* Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 100 or 25c. If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. People who live in glass houses should have them frosted. Sour Stomach " A((r I wai Induced to try CABCA KK.TB, I will never be without them In the house. My liver was In a very bad shape, and my head ached and 1 had stomach trouble. Now. since tak ing Cuscarets, I feel fine. My wife has also used them with beneficial results for sour stomach." Jos. Kk&hli.vci, 1921 Congress St., St. Louis, Mo. M CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RIOISTBRED 'irS I Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, I'liicago, Montreal, Sew York. 311 UA TA BRA Sold and guaranteed by all drug- NU- I U’BA V gists to Cl'BG Tobacco Liablt. Spalding SI LEAGg|WOL OFFICIAL eague V M to the genuine League Ball, and is officially ‘ ■ ’ National League to be us'd in all games. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. Tf a dealer does not carry Spalding’s athletic goods in stock, send your name and address to us (and his, too) for a copy of our handsomely illustrated catalogue. A. C. SPALDING A. BROS., New York. Denver. Chlenvo. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and \- First Tasteless Tonic Quinine in a tasteless /MAKr?tiS ■ ever manufactured.. All form... . Sold by every / c other so i alled “’ ra ? te ' druggist in the malarial ..■■ajWWtl ' ess ” Fonics are imita sections of the United I ‘.{fi FAT tions.. Ask any druggist States No cure, no *Jfcf’l(sS,i: about 'h‘ s ‘ s ncd pay.... Price, 50c. J| PUSHING an imitation. 1 WHOLESALER. CONSUMER. St. Louis, Mo. , Feb, fl, 1899. '••'CCOllllIICll Whitbsboro, Tex., Sep. 18, 188 V Fast* Medici** Cos., City. __ Parib Medjcikb Cos., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: —Wo wish to congratulate you RET AILER. Gentlemen:—l write you a few lines .of Bret on the Increased dales we are having on your I, itude. I think your Grove’s Tasteless Clilll Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. On exam- Kunnow Ills Tonic is one of the best medicines in the world fnTnJour record of inventory under date of Pj „ T)i r „ Kedeow, ills. f o f Chill*and Fever. I have three children Tm & ist we find that we sold during the Chill ARIS ' RDICI ' bo., that h ave been down with malarial /over for It of isos r /660 dozen Grovel Tonic. We Gentlemen:—l handle seven or eight differ- months and have bought Chill medicines of all that our siles on your I.axatlve ent kinds of Chill Tonics but I sell ten bottles a nd Doctor’s bills coming in all the time n,nmioninlne Tablets have been some- of drove’s to where I sell one of the others. 1 unta j sent to town and got three bottles of having sold during the late I sold 36 bottles of Grove’s Chill Tonic in j <; ro ve’* Tonic. My children aro all well now rT j nrin reason 4 '2OO dozen one day and could have sold more if I had had jt was your Tasteless Chill Tonic that did p[oatriiah down order enclosed herewith, itonhand Mr Dave Woods cured five cases it _ I caaaot say too much in its behalf. , ” Vonrs trulv. of chills with one bottle. I Yours trnlv MEYER aSSS. 00 ' VINYAHD- ' JAMES D. ROBERTS. HOW TO WASH FLANNELS. Dissolve fine shavings of Ivory Soap in boiling water, and when cool enough to bear your hand in it, immerse one piece of flannel. Don’t rub it w ith soap, but knead it with the hands. Don’t rinse in plain water or in cold water, but make a second solution, warm and well blued, for this purpose. Use a clothes-wringer; hand-wringing is insufficient. Dry quickly in a warm place. If left to stand wet, flannel shrinks. Cut out these directions and tell the laundress to follow them with Ivory Soap. It keeps the flannels very soft. Cpyrt|M 1100, by Tb Prorttr 6 Qwtlt Cos , Cincinnati T tZ£>w£ For INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. “I have found immediate relief in every in stance.”—P. B. Louden, Philadelphia. A cure for a try. 25c. a box. Ask your drug gist, or write for free sample to TIZAKVRE CO., Tarpon Springs, Fla. Malsby & Company, 39 S. Broad SI., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pumps and Penberthy Injectors. Manufacturers and Dealers In SAW MILLS, Corn Mills, Feed Mills,Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and Locks, Knight’s Patent Dogs, Birdsali Saw Mill and Engine Repairs,Governors, Grate Bars and a full lino of Mill Supplies. Price and quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. You will never know what Good Ink is unless you use Carter’s. It costs no more than poor ink. Funny booklet “ How to Make Ink Picture* ” free. CARTER’S INK CO., Boston, Mass. A’nTTT’l*’ Habit. New Painless home cure. IIP I UV! GUARANTEED. Write to ll 1 iUlll day for FREE SAMPLE and book. UR. E. PURDY. Ho uston, Texas. Easiest running, most durnble, safest, cleanest. World’s reo * ord of 250 consecutive dally A centuries. Always ready to ride. Nothing to entangle or soli the clothing. Columbia Chain Models Embody the results of 22 years’ 4 experience in the application X of the best methods of cyole building. Hartfords and Vedettes. The new llnrtfords have radi os cal improvements everywhere. A Vedettes cannot be equaled for their price. PRICEB: Chainless, S7O; Co lumbia Chain, 150; Hartfords, S3O; Vedettes, S2O and $26. Catalogue of any Columbia dealer, or by mail for one 2-cent stamp. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. ‘ELF’ REFRIGERANT ■ A over 20 degree* colder than IA P I A used in refrigerator* just like liar perfect substitute for ™ BEND FOR CIRCULAR'S. AGENTS WANTED. UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATING UO., 21)2 Flushiug Avenue, BROOKLV N, N. Y> nDHDCV NEW DISCOVERY; give* I J f % I v# ■ quick relief and cure* wort cases. Book of testimonial!) ami 10 1111 ri’ treatment Free. Dr. H. H. GEEEN’B SONB. Box D. Atlanta, Qa, WANTED— Case of bd health that RITA N S will not benefit Send f, ct*. to Rlpan* Chemical Cos NewYork, fur lu samples and loot) tetlmonlal*. | 9§ M and Whiskey Habits gj Ej tLB i|| tSU&jj cured at borne with g gl ||l out pain. Book of par -1 B W B ticulars sent FREE. osWHHHHHB b.m.wooixf.y, m.d. Atlanta, l.a. Office 104 N. Pryor St. ienfc Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use PI EJ In time, hold bv druggists.