The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 04, 1899, Image 5

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E SSETS ©9.0-7 7,114-17- insure your property in rhe Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. w. j. dabney, agent. News lii lid f- Around Winder. I Hinder has two as Rood drug stores will find in any city. I y> 0 b Bradbury, of Athens, spent in Winder. I Hoi. Armistead of Jefferson spent dnesdsyin the city. Hr L. F. Sell, of near Hoschton, ■ in the city Tuesday on business. Hu* Edna Moon, of Marcus, is spen- H t h . week in the city with relatives. Hp- Lena Betts of Athens is visiting Up Walter Lyle and other relatives this w< ek Hevoral Winder people will go to the i(£.ifvd-.‘rat- R'union at Charleston next Kk. H„ receiver G. M. D. Moon was ia Winder Monday afternoon on his :?d H last round. Hr. .1. N. Sheats, one of the leading farmers of Oconee county, spent yester- H ; n the city. Hr. D. Y. Hodges, of Loganville, was He mingling with his many friends a Hon of this week. Hrs. T. R. Potter aud her mother, Jacks of Galilee, weie iu the city IJt week shopping. Hr. L D Yearwood has secured a fine baker and offers bread to the public Hmy quantity desired. Hr. aud Mrs Bush, Mr. J. C. White he* aud several others will go to Huleston next week. fbhing season has come and the fishermen of Winder can be seen going Hto try their spring luck. aud Mrs. Eugene Whitehead, of Pendergrass, were the guests of Mr. and Herrin one day last week. ThK Economist does all kinds of Job yrotk on short notice and will guarantee H prices and satisfaction. ,7. J. Mitchell, of Li honia is 'spending a few weeks with her father Mid mother, Mr and Mrs. J. R. Coker. your pictnro frames made by Furniture Cos. D G. W. Delaperriere was a delegate pH International Sunday School cou- Ptttion which met in Atlanta lact week. Hr-ports it a grand convention and Hof interest to all who attended. Hiv“ us your picture frame work and H guarantee satisfaction. Winder lor ture Cos. Bt- Poole, formerly a citizen of our H> but now at Hartwell, was here Hday and Monday. He is now en -B*B the drug business iu the latter Be and is well pleased, Bomau Harrows at cut prices. G. W.WOOD3UEF, Lunetta Green, a charming Hng lady of Oglethorpe county, is the B B * Miss Minnie McNorton on street. & Ko. Have just opened •lecond lot of Clothing. They i; ®J’Jiake it to your interest to see them purchasing. H| r ' T- G. M. Chandler, of Maliuda j The Economist office a pleasant j y w hde in the city Tuesday. He he has a fine stand of corn aud CT 'Uth the exception of a few acres ’^■* s last planting of cotton. oue for Painting, paper •oiag and also agent for wall paper | Work first class. Winder, Ga. jjl. •^ orr iß has had the Commercial V' r<^ tte fi and placed new furniture ■ carpets in every room, Mr. Morris „ ' k °tel man and in his new ■ rt, - is bound to get his share of ■ traveling publicl. W. Woodruff’s store and ■ the safety oil can. In loore > one of Clarksboro's W spent a few days in Win ■ a? t week with Mr. Leroy Morris, jjg 'Ore is a strong friend of Thb ■ ' jMi - t and has been a regular sub -rom its first issue. ’ K & Ko. Can sell you a 6a Pt*s you can buy at Fao ■ ■7 since the rise in irou. Sunday School Celebration. The annual Sunday School Celebra tion at Bethlehem, Walton couuty will take place Saturday. They have beeu having their celebration every May for a number of years and theoccasion is al ways one of much pleasure to the large crowd of people who attend. A good de ligatiati will go down from Winder Sat urday. The Iceland Cream freezer will freeze cream in 3' 2 minutes. For sale by Winder Furniture Cos. Dr. J. J. Bridges, of. Bethlehem, was in the city Yesterday and made us a very pleasant call. The doctor is a warm friend of the Economist aud his visits a very much appreciated. No danger of spoiling your cream with salt, if you use the Iceland Freez er . Sold by Winder Furniture Cos. Mr. W. J. Ross, of Chandler’s dis trict called around to see us yesterday while in the city. He hardly ever gets to Winder on account of his feeble health, but never forgets ns when he does come. We hope to soon see him improved greatly and be spared many years of usefulness. Sheats & Cos. Will sell you amber seed to make forage and also the mower to cut it with, seed $1.60 per bushel Mrs. Oscar Brown, of Lawrenceville, visited her sister, Miss Minnie Mc- Norton, and her mother last week. Mrs. Brown spent sometime in our city last year aud has a large circle of ad miring friends here. If you are going to buy a Refrigera tor and want the best, buy the cele brated American. We sell them. Win der Furniture Cos. Rev. J. M. J. Wade, of High Shoals, was in the city first of the week. He informed us that he was only 44 years old and hard twelve healthy boys at home. Mr. Wadeu3ed to live in Jack sou couuty and his friends here will be glad to know he is growing iu strength as a minister of the Baptist church. I will furnish fresh bread at my bakery every day and solicit your pa tronage. Fine Jersey cow for sale by J. H. Smith. The safety oil can is a five gallon pump-top can will fill the lamps, but guaranteed co never run it over. You will find it at G. W. Woodruff’s. Rev. Thomas Chapman, State miss ionary of the Universalist church for Georgia, left Monday for a trip of three weeks in North Georgia among the churches of his faith in that section. Mr. Chapman is a hard worker for his church and has the confidence aud es teem of all who kuo-w him. He has very little time to remain in winder. Business never gets so dull with K, K. & Ko. That they have to |uit Advertising their bargain. Try us and be convinced. Dr. Pogue Sunday Dr. Pogue the Presbyterian divine will fill his regular appointment next Sunday and wll at eleven o’clock ser vices preach a special sermon on “The value of a little child.” All are cordially invited to attend. Don’t let that nice picture get broken and soiled, when you can get them fromed so cheap at Winder Furniture Cos. Maynard and Rogers. The above firm have an ad in. this is sue that will interest those who con teraplate.buying Engins, Threshing out fits, Binders and other farm implements. They buy all these things in carload lots and can sell closer than Atlanta If you intend buying a separator come to Winder and see their large stock and make your own selection. If yon want to invest in Winder pro perty, Quartermsn and Toole are the men for you to see. M* Patronize home industry and get your bread fresh from Winder Bakery. Important things to Read. People who have once taken De Witt's Little Early Risers will u ever have any thing else. They are the “famous little pills’’ for tropid liver and all irregular ities of the system, G. W. DeLuPerri ere. The homelier a girl is the more help she is to her mother. Y T ou cannot accomplish any work or business unless you feel well, “used Up —Tired Out,” take Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. He who lives by his wits alone is the pawnbroker’s best customer. It makes no difference how bad the wound if you use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no scar. G. W. DeLaPerriere. A budding genius doesu’t always turn out to be the flower of the family. Suicide by poison is not more censura ble than by refusal to cure yourself of Female Troubles with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Lots of people marry money, but the license is always made out under anoth er name. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrats, Lancaster. N. H. says: “I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I ever U3sd.” G. W. DeLaPerriere If woman were as particular as mou about the company they keep there would be less marriages. If ‘Out of Sorts,” Cross and Pevish, take Dr. M A. Simmons Liver Medi cine. Cheerfulltioss will return aud life acquires new zest. Where a man knows he is a fool he knows more than some people give him credit for. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds croup aud whooping cough readily yield to one Minute Cough cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor’s bill—or the undertaker’s. G. W. DeLa- Perrierk If some people had half as much brain as they have cheek their heads would have to be enlarged to three times the average size. Humiliating Examinations by physi cians are avoided by use of Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, which cures 99 out of every 100 cases of Female Disorders. A single fact outweighs a thousand claims. By allowing the accumulation in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. G.W. DeLaPor riere. Now is the time to do aud not tomor row. Health Strength and Nerve Force fol low the us© of Mr. M. A Simmons Liv er Medicine, which insures good Di gestion and Assimilation. Be true to your friends and just to your enemies. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pain under shoul der-blade, constipation, biliousness,sick headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is tcrpid and congest ed. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and per manently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Spend your spair moments in beau tifying and improving your home. Mrs. L R Wooten, Quitman, Ga., writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine 10 years. It cured me of Dyspepsia and my husband of Indi gestioh and Heartburn. Have used Zil in’s medicine and believe Dr. M. A, S. L. M. much stronger and that it pro duces better results. Your Credit is good for a buggy with T. A. Maynard, Winder, Ga, . If you have piles, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the disease without distubing the disease itself. Place your confidence in DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cube others; it will not fail to cure you. G. W. DeLPerriere. _ AGENCY FOR THE . rIICAN st’SIWDVEN WIRE FENCE Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. AU Amply provides for expansion and contrac- ,-V, I **- _j tion Only Best Bessemer steel wires j J ] IX used. Always of uniform quality. *"/ Never goes wrong no matter how .-J - -*■ >s■ —A great a strain —.J is put upon it. —— Does not nniti- iI.T , - It.— late, but does„ft -—— - | efficiently turn - —— cattle, horses. -w —; - hogs and pigs. -(JjfjujJLomiJilwi. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Cali and See it. Can show you how it will save you money, DABNEY HARDWARECO. Winder, Ga. For Sale Or Rent The house formerly owuod by 11. C. Poole. Will sell for cash or ou monthly Installment plan to suit purchaser. Apply to Lewis C. Russell. There are very few parents who know how to raise children as they should be raised. There are very few parents who think over this matter as they ought. Asa rule most children in our day are turned loose and allowed to do as they please at an age in their lives when they need restraints thrown around them. Parents make great mistakes iu allow - ing their boys and girls to become grown too early. These are pointers put out to cause you to think on this line. Child ren should be kept iu children’s places. They will get grown soon enough. Little, neglected scratches and wounds frequently results in blood poisoning. Better heal them quickly with DoWitt’s .Witch Hazel Salve, a thoroughy anti septic application with a record of always curing piles, old ul cers, sores, cuts, wounds and skin dis eases. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Pastures for Cattle. I have, throe pastures ranging from 15 to 50 acres and will pasture cattle at reasonable rates per month. J. T. Wood, Winder, Ga. Get your forage seed from Sheats & Cos. - ~ The Bakery Now that Mr. Yearwood has opened ap a first class bakery in the city, he should have the patronage of our peo ple. Don’t send off to Atlanta for what you can get at home. Pimples, Boils and other Humors ap pear when the blood gets in'pure. The best remedy is D.-. M. A. Simmons Liv er Medicine. . Dabney Hardware Cos. If yon want to read something inter asting on Separators and Engines this week see the big ad of the above firm. They are receiving a large shipment this week and would be pleased to have you examine for yourself. This firm has built up a large trade in their line since opening up here a few years ago and if you need an engine or sep arator come to Winder and see them. Kilgore, Kelly & Cos, adopt this mot to: Tne best advertised, the most pat ronized, the least criticised, the most eulogized. Kokomo, Ind., April 4, 1898. I can say without fear of succesful contradiction that Dr. J. Molean’s Liv er and Kidney Balm is the best medicine I have ever used for kidney and liver troubles. I suffered for. five years and had about despaired of obtaining relief when your Liver and Kidney Balm was recogmmended to me. In it I 10-id the desired relief. J, H. Arnett. For sale by H. C. Pool. Old Han Dead. Mr D ivid Carter, of Ben Smith’s dis trict, Gwinnett county, died at his home last week. He was over 80 years old had been b viliff in that districk for over 30 years. Uncle D ivid was a brave and g ill ant soldier in the confederate army and did many daring things during that war. He had his faults like other men, but was generous and true to friends. If he had only one bushel of com and a neighbor had none and went to him he wou’d give him half of it. Bearing Down Pains indicate Dis placement of Womb. Curab’e quickly by using Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Stray Yearling. I have a str-ay heifer yearling at my house, near Winder, and would like for tho ownor to come and get it and pay the little expense connected with keep ing it to this time. W. T. M ANDERS. ihe man of of taste never allows his taste to fall short of his shoes. If you want a Shoo to suit your taste you will always find thorn at our store, Kilgore, Kelly & Cos Gone to Indian Territory. Uncle Danil Smith and Mrs Dr, Enloe and children left Tuesday m irning for Adrnore, Indian Territory, where Dr. Eiiloe has located and where we are glad to know, is doing a large and suc cessful and mtal practice. T. A. Maynard will have a carload of Rock Hill Baggies inja few days. The Memphis. Tenn. Scimitar of April 24th says that: the Seaboard Air Line and the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis rabroad brought into Memphis yestrrday two cars of freight which had made an actual running time of four and one half days from New Y"ork. This is the fastest time made up to date in this city by a rail and water line, and is close to the time made by the all rail lines, none of which run it in less than four days. T. A. Maynard has a full up stock of buggies, harness laprobes ect. He can interest you. Mr, Tom Shields of Clarksboro dis trict was in the city last week and bought a fine carriage from T. A. May nard. He has a few more like it left. nnPTfFTAWP SECtmm May deposit money rIINI I 11 INN tor tuition in bank tUI position L. IVl * w secured, or will accept notea. Cheap board. Car Tare paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Open lor both sexes. PRAUGHON’S S? /tj? |V PRACTICAL BUSINESS Nashville, Tenn. rtv Savannah, Ga. - Galveston, Tex. Texarkana, Tex*. Indorsed by merchants and bankers. Three months’ bookkeeping with us equals six. elsewhere. All commercial branches taught. For circulars explain ing Home Study Course,” address “ Department A, For college catalogue, address “ Department A4. ”, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers* tbs Imoiuui little oJLU. *