The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 11, 1899, Image 3

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internecine war averted. Aguinaldo’s Rival Generals Wanted to Fight Each Other. A special received Monday from Manila states that only the entreaties of Aguinahlo averted a civil war be tween the forces of his two rival gen erals, Luna and Mascardo, just before the battle of Santa Tomas occurred last w eek. The two generals were ac * tually drawn up in battle array. This and a positive comfirmation of the news that Luna has been danger ously wouuded in the shoulder* in the battle of Santa Tomas are the most im portant items of intelligence brought to Manila Monday by the army gun boats, La Guna de Bay and Cava uonga, which returned from a brisk expedition up the San Fernando river. It was immediately before the bat tle of San Tomas that the insurgents so nearly arrived at the point of be ginning to exterminate one another. General Luna, when he saw' that an engagement with the American troops was inevitable, sent back an aid post haste to Bacolor, where General Mas cardo was, demanding re-enforce raents. Mascardo’s reply was that he would take orders from no one but Aguinahlo. This defiance soinfuriated Luna that in spite of the impending conflict with the common enemy he took 1,500 of his soldiers and made a forced march to Bacolor with the intent of chastis ing his comrade in arms. Mascardo was nothing loth to fight it out and ordered his command into line of battle. Shouts of hatred and defiance were heard on both sides. Outside the opposing forces the in surgent camp was all confusion. Aguinaldo, terrified by the situation ordered his chief of staff, Colonel Ar gueless, to make peace at all hazards. The soldiers had loaded their pieces are were waiting for orders to begin the onslaught when Argueless gallop ed between the lines frantically wav ing a flag of truce. There was an angry conference be tween him and the rival generals. Aguinaldo was drawn into it. With all the intensity at his command, he beg ged Luna and Mascardo not to plunge the Filipino forces into civil strife at a time when they were already broken and demoralized by successive defeats at the hands of the Americans. His entreaties prevented for the time being any further demonstration. Luna sullenly returned to the front, after the commanding general had provided him with re-enforcements, and ordered Mascardo to be court martialed for not having them sent at first. The battle of Santa Tomas followed, and Luna, on whose feroeity in the field Aguinaldo placed his chief re liance, received wounds that will surely disable him for the rest of the campaign and may cause his death. JOHNSTON’S SUFFRAGE VIEWS. Alabama’s Governor Sends a Commu nication to Legislature. Governor Johnston, of Alabama, set at rest Tuesday the charges cf bis enemies that he fought the hold ing of a constitutional convention for the reason that he opposed the elimi nation of the ignorant negro vote by transmitting to the house and senate a message in these words: Gentlemen of the General Assem bly— Having repealed the bill submit ting to the electors the question of calling a constitutional convention, I respectfully submit to you that an equally imperative duty still remains, it is no less important that you con sider and adopt and submit to our people for their ratification such wise amendments to our constitution as will more securely establish the government of our state in the hands of those whose wisdom and patriotism will guarantee to our people security to person and property and equality in the burdens ami opportunities of citizenship. This 1 . y rests equally upon every member without regard to political association or honest differences as to the best method to secure these ends. Li the consideration of this grave matter w e should not permit any per s a! feeliii' or desire for political ad •auiage or memory of past differences possess our heads or obscure our patriotism. I respectfully recommend your consideration be directed ' m tiy to the preparation of a suffrage ' | ‘ 'linent and an amendment to iKe the terms of members of the muieial assembly and all county and ■ 11 e officers, except judges of our Ul gher courts, four years. This will . a an end to so many elections and i2 e mu °h expense, loss of time and q e ‘ erence with the occupations of P e °ple. To secure prompt action, o ' <,:nrn end that a joint committee of ?° ' J °use beat once raised to von thesc matt ers. I trust that of i" 1 E °t fail to press the passage oni'n^f e^ec^0E law that will 5e ne,...,,,, ° ever y elector his part in the 1 ment of the state. Respectfully, Joseph H. Johnston, . Governor. n " n Ppears that the assembly , etr “ nui ’ n session for ten days or ' 0 " eeks longer, Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema The intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Lye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites aud chronic sore eyes. 25c per box. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders are j ost what a horse needs when in bad oondition. Tonlo, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine aud the best in use to put a horse in prime oondition. Price 2fc a package For sale bv H. C. Foole, Winder, (Ja FILIGRANE WON HANDICAP. Morris Stable Again Carries Off Me tropolitan Purse. A New York dispatch says: Racing in real earnest for 1899 began Saturday at Morris park. When the time came for the Metropolitan handicap there were at least 20,000 people at the track. Shortly before 4 o’clock the candi dates for the Metropolitan, fourteen in .pll, were sent out for their final furlong through the stretch and every one was full of life. The closing of the betting showed Filigrane a consist tent favorite all the way through. The race was hotly contested but Filigrane went under the wire two lengths to the good. SCHEMES ARE IDENTICAL. England and America Will Stand To gether In Peace Conference. A Washington dispatch says: The United States and Great Britain will stand together in the advocacy of the adoption of a scheme for the settle ment of international disputes by arbi tration which will be presented to the disarmament conference at its meeting in The Hague on the 16tli of the pres ent month. The American delegates, headed by Ambassador White, are equipped w ith a fairly well digested plan for the exe cution of this long cherished project, while the British delegates are pre pared with a plan which is almost identical with the American project. NEW MICHIGAN LAW. Legislature Passes Measure Taxing All Incomes Over si,ooo. The Michigan senate has passed an income tax of one-fourth of one per cent, on all incomes of $l,OOO aud up ward. Originally the bill applied on ly to persons, but an amendment makes it apply to all corporations within the state. It is estimated that if the bill passes the house aud receives the governor’s signature it will yield fully $1,000,000. KNOWrTAS FORT SCRIVEN. The Reservation on Tybee Island Is Given a New Name. By formal order issued from the war department, the fortifications on Tybee island, Georgia, and the mili tory reservation at that point will hereafter be kow r n as Fort Scriven, in honor of James Scriven, colonel and brigadier general of Georgia militia during the war of the revolution, who w as killed in action at Midway church, November 24, 1778. TO DEVELOP ZINC MINES. New York Capitalist Will Expend Nearly Half a Million. John Weir, the New r Y r ork capitalist, w'ho a few days ago secured option on east Tennessee zinc lands, states that he will at once take up the options aud develop the properties. L. H. Jerome, son of the fomous Larry Jerome, will be manager. Three hundred thousand dollars will be ex pended in the purchase and improve ment of the properties. DI*H#AfNUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep* 1 idlllvl v *ia, Constipation aud Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 eta G. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga. IF THE sewers of a dwelling are faulty, or get clogged, it soon becomes so foul that life is not safe in it. That is just what happens to you when the Liver or Kidneys fail in their work. The first little signs are * backache, poor appetite, changes in urine and sometimes bowel troubles and dropsical swellings. Do not neglect any of these; Deadly disorders may follow — STOP the mischief in time, use DciHllcLeans LiverilGWßfllin which is sure to bring speedy re lief and finally a permanent cure. At druggists, SI.OO per bottle. THE CR.J.H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO. BT. LOUIS, MO. ftfsALyLlmfly. voms AuySm'/cs —TO— ATI.AX rA, CII AHLOTTK, AUIJUSIA, ATHKNS WII.MINfirON, NKW ORLKAN9, CHAT rANDUOA, NAS IIVILL If , AND NKW YORK, BOSTON, PJI II.A OKLRiUA, W A will NOTON, NIOKFOI K, RICHMOND. Schnda'e in Ell>ol lie -. 11. ISDN. SOUTHBOUND No. 403. No. 41. Lv. New York,Penn.R.R. *ll 00am *9 00pm Lv. Philadelphia, “ 1 12pm 12 05am Lv- Baltimore, “ 315 pm 2 50am Lv. Washington, “ 4 40pra 4 30am Lv. Richmond, A. C.L., 8 56pm 9 05am Lv. Norfolk, 8. A. 1.., *8 30pm *9 05am Lv. Portsmouth, “ 8 45pm 9 20am Lv. Weldon, “ *ll 28pm *llssam Ar. Henderson, ‘ *l2 Stem *i 46pm Ar. Durham, “ +7 82ain f4 16pm Lv. Durham, “ f 7 00pm flO 57am Ar. Raleigh, “ *2 16am *3 40pm Ar. Sanford, “ 8 33am 5 05pm Ar. Southern rines, “ 4 23am 5 58pm Ar. Hamlet, “ 5 07am 6 53pm Ar. Wadesboro, “ 5 53am 8 10pm Ar. Monroe, “ 6 43am 9 12pm Vr. Wilmington, “ *l2 05pns. Ar. Charlotte, “ *7 50am *lO 25pm Ar. Chester. “ *8 08am * 1056 pm Lv. Columbia,C.N. A L.R.R *4 30pm Ar. Clinton, 8. A. L,, *9 45am *l2 14am Ar. Greenwood, “ 10 35am 1 07am Ar. Abbeville, “ 11 03am 1 35am Ar. Elberton, “ 12 07pm 2 41am Ar. Athens, 1 13pm 343 am Ar. Winder, “ 1 56pm 4 23am Ar. Atlanta, (Central Time) 2 50pm 5 20am NORTHBOUND No. 402. No. 38. Lv.Atlanta,(CnTm)S.A.L. *l2oon’n *7 50pm Lv. Winder, “ 240 pm 1040 pm Lv. Athens, “ 313 pm 1119 pm Lv. Elberton, “ 4 15pm 12 31am Lv. Abbeville, “ 515 pm 135 am Lv. Greenwood, “ 5 41pm 2 09am Lv. Clinton, “ *6 30pm *2 55am Ar. Columbia,C.N. A L.R.R *ll 58am Lv. Chester" S. A. L., *7 53pm *4 25am Ar. Charlotte, “ *lO 25pm *7 50am Lv. Monroe, “ *7 45pm *5 55am Lv. Hamlet, “ *ll 15pm 7 45am Ar. Wilmington, “ * "12 40pm Lv. Southern Pines, “ *l2 08am *9 00am Lv. Raleigh, “ *2 20am 11 18am Ar. Henderson, *l2 sftpm ■Lr. ttanderson, 323 am 1 05pm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, Ar. Weldon, *2 45pm Ar. Richmond, A. C. L., 8 20am 7 12pm Ar. Washington, 12 31pm 11 10pm Ar. Brltimore, “ 143 pm 103 am Ar. Philadelphia, “ 350 pm 350 am Ar. New York, “ *6 23pm *6 53am Ar. Portsmouth, S. A. L., 7 25am 5 20pm Ar. Norfolk. “ *7 38am *5 38pm * Dally. + Daily except Sunday. Nos. 40.3 and 402.—“ The Atlanta Special,” Solid Vestihu'ed Train of Pnl’man Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and At lanta, abo Pullman Sleep?rs between Ports mouth and Chester. S. C. No . 4t and 33.—“ The S. A. L. Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman sfeepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make inirne iate connections at Atlanta for Montgomery. Mobile, New Or leans, Texas. California, M< x co, Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. NEVVLAND. General Agent Pa-senger Department. E. J. WALKER. Passeneer Agent. C Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. E. ST. JOHN, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. V. K. McBEE, (ien’l. Superintend ent. H. W. K GLOVER. Traffic Manager. L. S. ALLEN. Gen’l. Pass. Agent. <cnornl Office*. Portsmouth. Va. Honey to Lend, We have made arrangements with brokers iD New York City through whom we are able to place loans on improved farms for five years time, payable in installments. If you want cheap money coine in and see ns at once Shackelford & Cos 100 Broad St., Athens, Ga. WE ARE READY TO ENTER YOUR NAME ON OUR SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. YOU WILL NOT MISS THE SMALL SUM NECESSARY TO BECOME OUR CUSTOMER. We are Headquarters For ENGINES, SEPARATORS and BINDERS, --and-= Farming Impliments of all Kinds. — .... ■ - .... ■■ 4 . ■ ' WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT and GUARANTEE PRICES. MAYNARD & ROGERS, Winder, = - Georgia. Benton-Adair Hardware Cos. leaders In Low Prices On ALL KINDS .t HARDWARE. We sell Brook’s Cotton Planters at $2.00 each and every thing else accordingly. CAN SELL ALMOST ANY KIND OF CULTIVATOR Oil HARROW. The superior DISC HARROW on wheels is latest and best harrow on the market. Easy to transpost, and each Disc being independent, rocks don’t interfere with its working. It thoroughly pulverizes the soil to any depth desired. Call at our Store and see One. - J ' When in need of any thing in our line, remember we will sell as cheap as any house in N. E. Georgia. Yours for business, Benton-Adair H'dw. Cos. Harmony Grove, Georgia. Our Business Grows. WHY? Because our Life Insurance Cos. is the strongest on EARTH—SS3,OOO,OOO.OO surplus, pays beneficia ries on receipt of proof of death. W handle real ESTATE to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. ° ur Fire Insurance Co’s. are ten of the BEST. COME TO SEE US. Office on Broad St. QUARTERMAN & TOOLE, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. “Frank’s Cough Cure i3 the best I ever used.” —Eob’t L. Taylor. FEMALE fEDANIT? frien: ° 1 BUILDS UP RUN DOWN MEN AND WOfIEN. Manufactured only by MARBLE CITY DRUG CO., Knoxville, Tenn. For* Sal© Gy "Winder Hr 11 £ Co*