The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 11, 1899, Image 7

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- • * %"• • * • • aying Double Prices: * for everything is not < pleasant, is It? But 1 A that's what you are ' A\,/ doing, if you don’t buy < fec-tran ItvfAy here. Did you think it < f '/j _ \j.iKJTj possible to buy a $50.00 < ' ~ Bicycle for $18.75? Cat- < e ic -c alogue No. 59 tells all ' Price, $1 •• • a bout Bicycles, Sewing 1 Ljncs Organs and Pianos. , fhi” do you think of a fine , of Clothing, made-to-your. asure, guaranteed to fit and |g#7 , Trn vaid to your station SI&S. , As 50? Catalogue No. 57 , samples of clothing Zj , j Shows many bargains in A , or< Hats and Furnishings. , fthographed Catalogue No. A , shos Carpets, Rugs, Por- A \\ r and Lace Curtains, in \ id-"ainted colors. H C pay |\J \ J luiht- s w car P ets ff ee ti\ , „!ih lining without charge. U 8 , What do you ij U , thin k o fa j II •' , Solid Oak I* \\£ , ‘*^Uw I ®s3i Dry-air Fam- < —ArAif ilv R efri B era - < tor for $3.95? , It is but one of over 8000 bar- , HS VlPr T gains contained in our Gen- , eral Catalogue of Furniture , .. jglJjrtaa| and Household Goods. , We save you from 40 to 60 , c*-"" 1, i|3 per cent, on everything. Why , ’'•wS 1 buy at retail when you know , of us? Which catalogue do , Price, $3 95- you want? Address this way, , LIUS HINKS * SON, Biltlmore. Md. Dept. 301 T f £ " F£ L^^sSODU CED - YET P* 1 very LOW PRICES. Large stock. Also K. VALVES and FITTINGS. EN SFS. BOILERS, MILLS and REPAIRS. mbard Iron Works & Supply Cos., AUGUSTA , G. 4. 1 fi%i w)t£ ir INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. I bare found immediate relief in evory in nee.”— P. B. Locden, Philadelphia. H cure for a try. 25e. a box. Ask your drug t. or write lor free sample to ZAKURE CO., Tarpon Springs, Fla. Exchanging Atoney in Switzerland. The bank system of Switzerland is t considered ideal by Americans iveling abroad, especially if they are their proverbial hurry. On enter- S any of the leading banks a man ishing to cash a check must remove s hat, which he may bang up on one the hooks provided for that purpose, sually he receives speedy attention, ir the teller can wait on at least six ?rsons at once. His check is taken id sent upstairs to be certified, which kes from five to fifteen minutes, dur ig which time he does well to take a ■at. When the check comes back it entered in a book, the money is tak n from the safe and the name of the ustomer is loudly called. After sign ng a receipt he gets his money. All iaper issued by a Zurich bank must ear the signatures of at least two re ponsible officers of the institution.— 'hicago Record. SALESWOMEN understand what torture is. Constantly on their feet whether well or ill. Compelled to smile and be agreeable to customers while dragged down with some feminine weakness. Backaches and head aches count for little. They must •—— keep going or lose their place. ' To these Mrs. Pinkham’s help is offered. A letter to her at Lynn, WW w Mass., will bring her advice free WHO EARN Miss Nancie Shobe, Florence, V" Col., writes a letter to Mrs. Pink- ® Wa IB ham from which we quote: "I had been in poor health for some time, my troubles hav ing been brought on by standing, so my physician said, caus ing serious womb trouble. I had to give up my work. I was just a bundle of nerves and would have fainting spells at monthly periods. I doctcfted and took various medicines, but 3 c --3<s>"q<s,£> as u/i got no relief, and when I wrote to you ■J I could not walk more than four blocks ==sa! at a time. I followed your advice, tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood Purifier X BaTla# i n connect i° n with the Vegetable Com pound and began to gain in strength jpllffipre? from the first. lam getting to be a sd&P -V: stranger to pain and I owe it all to your medicine. There is none equal to it, for I have tried many others be- S Y \\ i fore using yours. Words cannot t v said too strong in praise of it.” j OsAjj / Miss T° lly Frame, Meade, X^i^i^VXL^ ii ! ! '' I vJ Kan., writes: v jj ? c}p J “Dear Mrs. Pinkham — l feel it jl m y duty to write you in regard to 1 f\ \ -(a your medicine has done for Tt x '‘i me - I cannot praise it I enou S h ’ nce m y girlhood 1 bad been troubled with ir- Ep ■ ll VjtV, regular and painful K periods and for nearly A five years had suffered >pVwith falling of the womb, and whites. Also y ' ' [ f •ftl Vk h a( j ovarian trouble, the left ovary being so swollen and sore that I could not move without pain. Now, thanks to your wonderful medicine, that r ed feeling is all gone, and lam healthy and D R O P Q V NEW DISCOVERY; Rive, esse,. t> , * 1 quick relief and cures worst Ere® n’* °‘ t *st>mcn:aisand lO <1 si vs’ treutment 1 Ur ; H H. GREENS SONS. Box j 6, Atlanta, Ga D flilcte4 sritk T ' Conld Apply the Parable. It Is not always safe to talk in para bles to the young, as the following school board story shows. A corre spondent states that one of his pupils caused him some annoyance by un couthness of speech, dirty boots and so on, so, says our correspondent, “I drew a verbal portrait for the class of the man who did not 6hine in the world of polite society. ‘You cannot fail to know him,’ said I, ‘for he never cleans his boots, nor washes before meals. He speaks and drinks when his mouth is full, and generally uses his knife in place of his fork.’ Gradually the lad whom this story was designed to profit showed an awakening interest, and put out his hand to speak. In reply to my query, ‘Well I—‘l l —‘l know him,’ said he. ‘He’s our lodger.’ ’’—London Chronicle. Exhibition of Postal Cards. Exhibitions of picture postal cards have been held in Vienna, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Leipsic, Zurich and Nice. The first of these now so popular cards was printed at Basle in 1880. At th* Nice exhibition 17,000 specimens were on view, including 400 giving aspects of scenery near Nice, besides flowers, etc. BAD BLOOD "CABCARETB do ttll claimed for them and are a truly wonderful medicine. I have often wished for a medicine pleasant to take and at last have found it In Cascarets. Since taking them, my blood has been pnriHed and my complexion has Im proved wonderfully and 1 feel much better In every way.’’ Mrs. Sallie K. Sellars. LattreU, Teun. Sf CATHARTIC WBSSfo., _ TRADE MARK PBO ITE F? Et> Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 60c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Rrrardj Coir puny, Chicago, Montreal. Hew York. Sit ■in Tft BJJIY Sold and puaranteed by all druff lU” I U'DnU gists to CERE Tobacco Habit. Physicians in France. The census of persons practicing medicine in France showed, at the be ginning of the j-ear 1599, a number of 17,735, at the beginning of the year 1898, 15,984, thus showing an increase for 1599 of 1,751, a figure which is by no means what might have been ex pected when the very small increase in the general population is taken into consideration, and which augurs very badly for the future of the medical profession in France, owing to the great decrease in disease, thanks to the improvements in sanitation. During the year 1898 1,483 permits for the erection of new* buildings and alterations in old ones were issued in Brooklyn, against 0,807 for the previ ous year. The number of new build ings actually completed during the year was 2.050. Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it ? .Price 50c. Spain's Thirteenth. Alphonso XIII. (a few years hence) — Ma! where’s my crown? His Mother—On the top shelf of the pantry, dear; I wouldn’t get it down. It’s covered with dust, and isn’t worth much, anyway—the Americans rubbed the polish off a few years ago. Alphonso—Of course, it was my luck to be No, 13.—Columbus (Ohio) State Journal. China’s Powerful Sword, There is an ancient and dreadful sword in China. It gives to the man who happens to hold It the power to cut off the head of any one he wishes without danger of punishment. All people flee from this sword as fearfully as stomach ills flee before the approach of Hos tetter’s Stomach Bitters. This famous remedy cures all forms of stomach troubles, beginning with constipation and ending with liver or kidney disease. It will be found In all drug stores and It always cures. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, but some other heads lie easy enough. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. The Ocean Currents. The force, speeth and direction of pcean currents are discovered by a systematic plan of throwing sealed bottles overboard and in time receiv ing reports of them. These reports are indexed and class ified, with the result that much valua ble information is gained about the ocean currents. For instance, a bottle was thrown pvverboard November 16, 1896, was picked up March 20, 1898, during jwhich time it had drifted 4,700 miles. Another that was thrown over near was found, 512 day 6 later, pff the coast of Scotland. Another, ptarting from Cape Cod, brought up pt Cornwall, having traveled 2,500 piiles in 600 days. Some bottles, however, have shown (in average speed of thirty-one miles per day, while others have traveled plong at the slower rate of twenty-six, fourteen, and even four miles per day. jn the Pacific ocean there are fewer I liances of the bottles being picked up, but the experiments are tried there with fair success. As the work goes on, the number of bottles used is in creasing, and the captains and skip pers are becoming accustomed to find ing the bottles and reporting them to the bureau.—St. Nicholas for April. ' Awful Advertising. Is there anything more awful than the dental sign of a big molar or the fanciful arrahgemerit t>f false teeth shown in an outside case?—Philadel phia Times. Ask Your Dealer For Allen’s Foot-Ease, A powder to shake into your shoes; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen. Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At nil drug "gists and shoestores, 25 ets. Sample mailed FEEE. Adr’s Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. The man who has little and wants less is richer than the man who has much and wants more. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Dac, the wonder-worker, that makes wealc men strongs All druggists,'6oc or 81. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Cos., Chicago or New York. Pistachio nuts come from Syria, and the Greeks were very fond of them. Chestnuts form a portion of the daily food of the Med iterranean nations, though in America they are not ground into flour, hut are eaten sim ply as nuts. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if It fails to cure. 25c. . —■ | There are 1.500 submariae telegraph cables In the world, in length covering 170.000 miles j and costing approximately 5250.000.000. Over ; 6,000.000 messages are annually transmitted, j Tto-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, 81. All druggista Many a girl li\es to regret the day she married her ideal man. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teet.hing.softens the gums, reducesinftnmma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2oc. a bottle. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 82 trial bottleandtreatisefree. Dk. It. U. Klink, Ltd., 931 Arch St., I’hlla., Pa. 'Havana wrappers make good smoking jackets. Educate Tour Dowel# With Oitscaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Dreams and weather predictions usually go by contraries. M L. Thompson & Cos.. Druggists, Couders nort Pa., say Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the best and only sure cure for catarrh they ever sold. Druggists sell it, 75 ;. Piso’s Cure for Consumption has no equal as a Couch medicine.—F. M. Abbott, 383sen tea St., Buffalo. N. Y., May 9, 1894. About the easiest thing to lose is a diary. It is hard to keep one for any length of time. To Curo Constipation Forever, Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to curs, druggists refund money. Those who dwell where are mountains without valleys have joys without sorrow's. wonder it has fifty happy years back of it. * Get a bottle today of Ayers Sarsaparilla [which made Sarsaparilla famous] All Druggists Sell Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, sl.oo a Bottle. The Potash Question. A thorough study of the sub ject has proven that crop fail ures can be prevented by using fertilizers containing a large percentage of Potash; no plant can grow without Potash. We have a little book on the subject of Potash, 'written by authorities, that we would like to send to every farmer, free of cost, if he will only write and ask for it. GERriAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Spalding Jlnf LEAH|EB/#A. official * * *i l*** IT j Is the only official ball . 4Jstf i and must be line I In all (Mine*. ““-“" Each ball warranted ACCEPT NO SIJBSTITt TEH. If a dealer does not carry Spalding's athletic grcds in stock, send your name and address to us (and his, too) for a copy of our handaoutely illustrated catalogue. A. C. SPALDING Sc BROS., New Vork. Denver. Chicago, -“■ {fesE§|3§B no RincccTT’C iBSI Aids Digestion, . jgiffjg un. murru Ia Jg| Regulates the Bowels, vOSrFECTIIII It m3H,S 'T&r ““>■/ E rr i Hlrs Hi B *> <* S B BBSBV rm cwidren of Any Age. E® TEETHING POWDERS *■& Ask Your Druggist for Ik Easiest running, most durable, ] safest, cleauest. World’s reo-i < ord of 250 consecutive daily A centuries. Always ready to ride. Nothing to entangle or soil the clothing. Columbia Chain Models Embody the results of 22 years’ i experience in the application A of the host methods of cycle building. Hartfords and Vedettes. The new Hartfords have radl .4 cal improvements everywhere. A Vedettes cannot be equaled for their price. PRICES: Chainless, $75; Co lumbia Chain, S3O; Hartfords, $35; Vedettes, $25 and $26. " Catalogue of any Columbia dealer, or by mail for one 2-ceut stamp. POPE MFQ. CO., Hartford, Conn. ‘ELF’ REFRIGERANT BA over 20 decrees colder than ■ ft B" 9 used in refrigerator* just like I Ib 8" ■ “ a perfect substitute for * * ™ SEND FOR CIRCULARS. AGENTS WANTED. IJNIVEItfsAI. K B KKIOE It ATIN G CO., 2'12 Flushing; Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. Y. USE CERTAIN CORN CURE. WANTED— Case of bat, health that RIP - AN B will not benefit. Send Acta to Ripens Chemical Cos, New York, for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials, MENTION THIS PAPER^T^n^