The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 18, 1899, Image 3

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luthern women care for graves. jjdent's Graceful Suggestion Disposed of By Veterans. )SB OF THE REUNION. Officers of the Association Are Re-Elected. , e ninth annual reunion of the e j Confederate Veterans waa g ht to a close at Charleston Fri neral John B. Gordon, comman u-chief, and all the old officers re-elected; Louisville, Kj., was , n as the next place of meeting, the question of federal care ol (derate graves was disposed of by doption of a substitute resolution ti declines the president’s sugges exeept as to those graves located e north and reserving to the ;n of the south the duty of caring hose in the seceding states and land. e adoption of this resolution and sport that accompanied it precip ! a debate which verged upon the tional and at times much confu ind disorder prevailed, e resolution adopted in lieu of one offered by General Stephen ee is in full as follows: our committee to whom was re -1 the resolutiion introduced by ral Stephen D. Lee beg to report diowing substitute with the rec mdation3 of the committee that ame be adopted. he United Confederate veterans is annual reunion assembled dc to place upon record their re appreciation of the utter of the president of the id States in Atlanta in December concerning the assumption of the af the graves of our confederate by the national government. I I “We appreciate every kindly senti- Baent expressed and we shall welcome Many legislation which shall result in ■the care of the graves of our comrades Bn the northern states by our govern- Bnent. f “In regard To our dead ■whose re- Bnaius are resting in the states which ■were represented in the confederacy, Bind Maryland, the care of their final ■resting places in a sacred trust, dear ■to the hearts of southern women, and ■we believe that we can safely let it ■there remain.” H Several very vigorous speeches were ■made in opposition to the whole prin ■eiple involved in the matter, but the ■ final vote upon the resolution was ■ practically unanimous and the an ■ councement of its passage was cheered. | Another incident was the mention ■of the southern lynching question by Ipr. J. L. M. Curry, one of the surviv ing members of the confederate con- I gress who, while denouncing mob law, I defended the south and declared her ■ people should see to it that the record lof her future should be as unstained I as that of her past. General Stephen D. Lee presented the report of the committee cn liisto which was unanimously adopted, lire report, which was one of the most important matters before the conven tion, alluded to the war with Spain as 11 factor in obliberating the shadow's of the war between the states, ond refers t° the prompt response of the southern, pates to the call for troops as showing toe whole country the depth of south ern patriotism. Continuing tire re port says: “President McKinley displayed the Mint of the American soldier when ‘ e chose from his former foes the gal ai:t \\ heel er , tb e steadfast Fitzhugh ® e the chivalrous Butler and many f uiers of our brave comrades to marshal the hosts of the union. We giad that General Wheeler had an . er opportunity to exhibit the fight -lUEqualities of the confederate soldier, p, that. Lieutenant Hobson, Victor , ae an( l Worth Bagley in the navy !;, iwed the country of what stuff our young men are made. Gnee more the blood of north and 0 , iaa been poured out together— ° mnger beneath contending stand- j l '' 111 'he bitterness of war between 6 states, but now beneath one flag j , le S of one country. These h* tf V !east > belong to all. The last e " memory that could divide our „;;: ltr y ts buried with them. About jgraves kneels a new' nation, lov- J 1” er everywhere the ini^n g to the question of confed (;a graves, the report says: Mck t enerous words of President ak V, i ’ commen ding the confeder presV' t 0 tbe nation’s care, are the ei- Vi .| p ‘ l ' ,l! °f a sentiment growing every atc i- tbe deeds of the confeder conn? ! ler are tbe glory of the whole Vl0 ; ftn< t that his memory is p acnr' T t 0 c berished wherever self- ce eommauds sympathy or brave a responsive chord in THE REASON WHY For man or beast ji SLOAN’S LINIMENT Excels—is that it Penetrates I to the seat of the trouble im- I mediately and without irrita- I ting rubbing —and kills the pain. Family and Stablo Slzea Sold by Dealers generally. j Oe. CaplS. Sloan, Boa ton, Klaam. I Lazy Liver * I have been troubled a great deal with a torpid liver, which produces constipa tion. I found CASCARETS to be all you claim for them, and secured such relief the first trial, that I purchased another supply and waa com pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity 1* presented. ” J. A. Smith 2920 Susquehanna Are., Philadelphia, Pa. sf cathartic kimc xmn TRAOt MARK RBOISTtnCO Vi H B ■ _ I Pa’a-tableTPotent. Taste Good, Pc Ciooa, wever Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 26c, 50c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sl.rllng Kem.riy Companr, ChlMyo, Xulrnl, N.n York. SCO NQ-TH-San ®P W anfl guaranteed by all drng- BU ■ v gists to CXIK E Tobacco Habit,. Witty Erinltes. "Bab luck to them Afraydees,” said a Dublin carman the other day when an officer handed him a shilling after driving from Richmond barracks to the Kildare Street Club. "Why?” asked the officer. “Sure they’ve kiiled all the gentlemen that was in the army.” The officer was so pleased with the veiled insult that he doubled the fare. "Why are Irishmen always laying bare the w r rongs of their country?” asked someone in the House. “Be cause they want them redressed,” thundered Maj. O’Gorman. An Irish navvy on the Holyhead boat was complaining of his foreman. “He’d not stir a finger himself to lift a red berring off the gridiron, but he’d ask you to shift tbe Rock o’ Gibraltar.”— Irish Life and Character. What’s In a Name ? Mme. X. had been married to two brothers. After the elder one died she was wedded to the younger. Tlie painted portrait of No. 1 hangs in tbe public art gallery. She stood before it, w r eeping gently, and was asked sym pathetically, “is he a member of your family?” “Yes, yes,” she replied, between sobs; "he is my poor, dead brother-in-law.” Maisby & Company, 39 S. Broad St.. Atlanta, On. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pumps and l’enberthy Injectore. Manufacturers and Dealers In miriXiS, Corn Mills, Feed Mills,Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and Locks, Knight’sFat<fnt Dogs, liirdsall Snw Mill and F'.ngine Repairs, Governor*, Grate Kars and a full line of Will Supplies. Price and quail tv of poods guaranteed. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Are the best. Ask for them. Cost no more than common chimneys. All dealer.. FITTS BFltd GLASS CO., Allegheny, r. ess siag ffi and Whiskey Habits Jgj cured at home (Vitn- M H 1 a i out yam. Book of par ti H S s w ivl ticuhrssent FREE. BLia B.M.WOOLLEY, M.D. Atiama, tin. Office 104 N. Pryor St. Pi D © V NEW DISCOVERY; t iv,. U fw ” VJ 1 quick relief and cures worst esses. Book of testimonial*mid lO dots' treatment Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S 80N8. Box D. Atlanta. Ga. Expensive Etiquette. Bull—lt would be a great mistake to allow women in the Stock Exchauge. IJear —Why so? Bull —Well, just to think of us pay ing from twenty to thirty thousand for a sgat, and then having to give it up to a woman. —Brooklyn Life. antaTion Chi Cure isGuaranleeJ • - ‘ r -' -•-- ‘ -!*•. • .'<4 -.X*-. < >*. , ‘ * •_ ’ AT '* - > * ■ refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Frice 50c. FARMERS FORM A COMBINE. Novel Scheme of Co-Operation Among Min nesota Grain Growers. The Grain Growers’ Co-operative As sociation of Minnesota held its first quarterly meeting recently in Minne apolis. It was organized In March and began corporate business March 0, and is rendy now to do a consign ment business with its members. The central feature of this organiza tion is that no stock may be held by individuals. The members are to be the country elevator associations, each association having one rote without regard to the amount of 6toek which may not be more than forty shares in any case. The purpose of this restric tion is to prevent the association from being turned to private profit in any event. There are now- about one hundred farmers’ elevator associations in Min nesota, and a large number in Dakota, a number that is growing in both States. This organization is not to en ter that field at all, but to leave to each local association its independence. This association is to be a central organization which will handle the grain for the local societies at the ter minal points. If it works out as the promoters hope, the farmers will have in time their own elevators at every shipping point, will consign their wheat to the terminal elevators owned by the local elevators in common, will pay storage to themselves and return commissions to themselves, and take to themselves every middle profit there is between the farmer and the mill, and be able to hold their grain for the best market. For the present arangements have been made with a commission firm In Minneapolis to act as a broker for the wheat consigned to the Co-operative. The association’s share of the com missions is to cover expenses and one fifth of the earnings are to go towards a building fund. From that and the stock subscriptions of the country as sociations they hope to build their ter minal elevators. Similar arrangements will probably be made in Duluth.—St. Paul Pioneer Press. Earliest Type of the Bicycle. Despite all the claims of the French and English historians, the honor of producing the first vehicle of a nature similar to the modern bicycle belongs to Germany. Away back in 1649 a toymaker in Nuremberg, named Hugo Flautsch, made a two-wheeled vehi cle with which a person could propel himself rapidly along the roads. Ten years later these contrivances were in common use in Nuremberg. France’s New President. President Loubet, the new president of France la, if anything, calm, sane, a trifle bourgeois and utterly devoid of sense of self importance. But there is a strong and irre sistible will behind his bland-face, and he looks like a man who would infuse into run-down French politics as much vigor and new life as Hostetters Stomach Bitters will into the run-down system of anyone who uses It. It is an absolute cure for the worst of all stomach disorders. Almonds are found in Asia, Barbary and Morocco. Those we get are from Malaga. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak tneu strong, blood pure. 600,|1. AUdruggista Be cautious with whom you associate and never give your company or your confidence to those of whose good principles you are not sure. To Cure a Cold in One Pay. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggiets reiund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Aluminun feed wires for electric rail ways are coming into use largely. Their conducting capacity more than compen sates for the difference in price with cop per. Dennty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. It is not failure, but low aim, that makes a crime. Piso’s Cure for Consumption is an A No. 1 Asthma medicine. — \\ .R. Williams,Antioch, ills., April 11,1801. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. 42 trial bottle urui treatise free. Dk. It. H. Kline, Ltd., 031 Arch St., Phila., Pa. H. 11. Green's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga.. are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their liberal offer in advertisement In an other column of this paper. Perhaps al! men are liars, but there are times when it’s unwise to gay so. Educate Year Bowels With Caecareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 26c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Some girls are ke; t gobusy getting engaged that they have no time to marry. .T C. Simpson. Marquess. W. Va., says: “Hall’s Catarrh ' tire cured me of a very bad case of catarrh.” Druggists sell it. 75c. Mrs Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces in (lamina tion, allay spain. cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. \ fish diet may not strengthen the brain, but going febing often invigoratrs the imag ination. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or23c. U C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. An honest man i notonly the noblest work of the Creator, but also the scarcest. WOMEN are assailed at every turn by troubles peculiar to their sex. Every mysterious acho or pain is a / symptom. These distressing sensations will keep on coming unless properly treated. The history of neglect is written in the worn faces and wasted figures of nine- tenths of our women, \AMg\tyBWTM every one of whom may ww %9MwmBZLBm! Ww receive the invaluable ad- EL I"!! BjS JTO £ vice of Mrs. Pinkham, BwE>mmU aWBm fv without charge, by writing mmmaaajrmm M MSS*** M§n to her at Lynn, Mass. ELm Miss Lula Evans, of —— Parkersburg, lowa, writes of her recovery as follows: ‘•Dear Mrs. Pinkham—l had been a constant sufferer for nearly three years. Had inflammation of the womb, leucorrhcea, heart trouble, bearing-down pains, backache, ached all over, and Id hardly stand on ty heart trouble was lad that some nights ould write and see you could do any dvice and now I feel il troubles I have no m V .v, * have found Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash a sure cure for leucorrhcea. lam very thankful for your good advice and medicine." BOYS Bp*]<llng’s Athletic Library shonld be read by every boy who want- to become an athle e. No. 4. Boxing. [lete. No. BS. Official Foot Ball No.P. Uo* to bean Atli- Guide. [tail Guide. No. 26 How to play Foot No. 86. Official Basket Ball, by Walter Camp. No. 87. Ath'etic Primer. No.27.CollegoAthletios No. 92. Official A. A.U. N0.32. How to plav Base Rules. Ball. [letica. N0.93. Athletic Records No. 87. All Around Ath- N0.96. Official Base Ball N0.42. How to Punch Gti de. the Bog. No. 106. How to be a Bi- No. 82. How to Train. eye e Champion. PRICE, 10 CENTS PER COPY. Send for catalogue of all sports. A. C. SPALDING & B 305., New York. Heaver. C'liK-ugo. Every successful farmer who raises fruits, vegetables, berries or grain, knows by experience the importance of having a large percentage of Potash in his fertilizers. If the fer tilizer is too low in Potash the harvest is sure to be small, and of inferior quality. Our books tell about the proper fertilizers for all crops, and we will gladly send them free to any farmer. CERHAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nasseu St., New York. LEARN PHOTOSBAPHY tiff.?KS: PATTON BROS., 444 Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. I DR. MOFFETT’S f| K2T BO,*, Wifely fiS Makes Teething Easy. \ m LL IM I m Urn TEETHINA Relieves the !•/ M B H Ilal Si SzM Bowel TrouWesof Aekg: J§ laßbililßl Wyk Children of Any Age. W TEETHING POWDERS Ask Your rn-uegiat for It. <r \yiNCHESTER^| Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. !“ Leader” loaded with Smokeless powder and “ New| ißival” loaded with Black powder. Superior to all ! other brands for j UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY AND | STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES J jj Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon j: having them when you buy and you will get the best. FARQUHAR RAKE SEPARATOR durable, perfect In operation ami cheapest. Farquhar Vibrator Separator greatest capacity; wastes no Ag? t.grain, cleans ready for mar* kct. Specially adapted for vSPsSsKj! ir merchant threshing and large crops. Threshes rice, flax and millet. Received ***■— HK medals and awards at three world’s fairs. Farquhar Celebrated Ajax Engine Received medal aDd bigh f*j|,j, - . ill 11 I eat award at World’s Cos Jumbian Exposition. Far jgi quhar’H threshing engine# nro the most perfect in use. Have seats, foot brakes and two Injectors. Are very iwgdf strong and duiable and are teLMny reftdo 118 n g ht as Is consls tent with safety. There it no record of a Farquhar boiler over exploding. Farquhar Variable Friction Feed Saw Mil!. Most accurate sot t“K , L /[ L. works made. Quick ro- ' cedin'; head hh • kn and lightning gig back. Engines BoiDrs Haw Mills and Agricultural Implements Generally. Send for illustrated catalog;. A. B. Farquhar Cos., Ltd. YORK. F>A. ‘ELF’REFRIGERANT ■ over SO degree* colder than BfIST 1 used In rcirigrerators just like Bla jg* a perfect aubstllute tor SEND FOR CIRCULARS. AGENTS WANTED, IJNIVJiIIHAL HKFHIOKttATINKJ GO., 21)2 Flusliiog Avenue, IIROOKLVN, N. Y.