The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 18, 1899, Image 7

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GOMEZ WITHDRAWS AS REPRESENTATIVE Will Have Nothing More to Do With Cuban Army. HE NOTIFIES GEN. BROOKE. governor General Must Now At tend to the Matter Alone. A special from Havana says: Gen eral Maximo Gomez informed Gov ernor General Brooke Monday that he could no longer act as representative of the Cuban army in the distribution of the $3,000,000 appropriated for the payment of the Cnban troops. General Gomez added that he had arrived at this decision with great re luctance and with the most friendly feelings toward- General Brooke per sonally and officially, but he felt he could no longer represent the Cuban army because a cabal composed of many subordinate commanders ex isted to oppose and, if possible, defeat the plans for partitioning the money. He explained that former members of the Cuban military assembly, led bv Mayla Rodriguez, Manuel Sanguil -Iv, Juan Gaulberto and other malcon tents, bad organized a majority of the officers against him apparently, and though be (Gomez) might persist and possibly carry the payment to a suc cessful conclusion, lie/was disgusted and wished to wash his hands of the whole business. Therefore he thought best to leave General Brooke free, as the latter could act with equal effec tiveness. General Brooke expressed sympathy with General Gomez and said he re gretted the position ne had taken. It was then mutually agreed that General Gomez will issue a manifesto to the Cuban army. Afterward General Brooke may make a declaration con cerning the manner in which ho will proceed. He is'determiued not to be trifled with. He has the rolls of the private and non-commissioned officers who are willing to accept $75 each and this amount will be offered on the alter native of forcible disarmament. In spite of the situation, brought abont by the attitude of Gomez, stocks remain firm, with a rising tendency. English syndicates are trying to buy all the railroads, and an offer of 10 per cent premium has been made for the Sabanilla, Cardenas and Jucaro line, but -this was refused. The local banks have received orders to buy all stock offered. Gomez and the governor general feel that the privates ought not to lose their share in the American gratuity merely because the schemes of certain high officers in the Cuban army have interposed obstacles. The belief among the Americans is that the com pany officers will assist in this work. General Baooke’s order will be dis seminated through the newspapers, placarded in the postoffices and given the widest circulation practicable. Monday afternoon Gomez wrote a history of his relation to the army pay ment question. It concludes the cor respondence that has passed between himself and the governor general and it is intended to make bis position clear to the public and to contrast his conduct favorably with that of oth er Cuban leaders. preachers dissatisfied At .Tanner of “Hushing Up” Publish* ing House Matter. The Methodist ministers of Atlanta, Ga., at their weekly meeting Monday, took up the matter of the recent ac tion of the bishops iji regard to the famous publishing house complica !l°ns m regard to a certain sum of money owing to the Methodist church trorn the United States since the war. A set of resolutions was adopted "hich, after a preamble stating the er y great dissatisfaction of the church with the way in which this matter had been disposed of, or hushed up,” as one of the ministers present said, called for the appoint- m eut of a committee to urge upon the forthcoming annual conference the movement for an extra general confer ence which shall reconsider the whole publishing house matter. aguinaldo hiding out. 'kipped Out Two Weeks Ago And His Whereabouts Is Unknown. f dispatch to The New York Herald loin San Miguel, via Manila, says: It is sard Aguinaldo has fled into 6 province of Nenva Ecija. On pril 29th he retreated by carriage '"tn Balinad through San Isidro, and nothing has been heard from him in ‘e * Wo weeks since. The 5,000 Span -1 prisoners who are reported to be e and by the insurgents have been car ‘-'t into a northern province and attered along small garrisons. They l ‘ e “ e yond American succor this sea- ? u Uu less a Filipino surrender takes L ace within three weeks. Tetter, Sali-Rheum and Hczeraa The Intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment. Mauy very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is cquailv efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25c per box. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 2tc a package For sale bv H. C. Poole, Winder, G a SOUTHERN BAPTISTS fIEET. Forty-Fourth Annual Convention As sembles In Louisville. At Louisville, Ky., Friday morning the gavel of Judge Johnathan Harral -Bon, of the supreme court of Alabama, called to order the forty fourth ses sion of the fifty-fourth "year of the Southern Baptist convention—being the eleventh time he has performed that duty. A considerable portion of the morn ing session was taken up with the en rollment of delegates according to states, and as soon as this was con cluded the election of officers was taken up. Governor Northen, of Georgia was elected president of the convention by acclamation. The convention then elected the fol lowing vice presidents: Ex-Governor J. P. Eagle, of Arkan sas; Dr. R. C. Buckner, of Texas; Chas. L. Cocke, of Virginia, and Dr. R. H. Kerfoot, of Kentucky. The present secretaries, the auditor and treasurer were elected. Then came the address of welcome by the Rev. Carter Helmffones, pastor of Broadway Baptist church, which was respontlsd to by Rev. S. D. Mal lory, of Alabama. The night session was devoted mostly to routine busi ness. n . , A(JA CUBAN RELIEF eu~ ridillSrS L’olic, Neuralgia and * IWIIIVI Vj n g ve ra i uu tes. Soar Stomach and Summer Complaints. Priee, 2* G. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga. A BIG TROLLEY LINE Contemplated to Be Built Through a Number of Georgia Counties. Application for charter will be for mally filed in the office of the secre tary of state of Georgia in a day or two by the parties interested in the contemplated road that is to be built from Grainesville, via Dahlonega, through the couuties of Halt, Lump kin, White, Union, Towns, Rabun and other counties t< > some connecting point with the Southern in Tennessee. EMPLOYES GET ADVANCE. Wages of Iron Workers In Belaire District Raised. At the Bellmont mill, top mill and label mill of Wheeling and Benwood blast furnace, of Martins Ferry, 0., four of the large iron works in the Belaire section of the Ohio valley, all of which are the property of the Wheeling Steel and Iron Company, of Wheeling, have granted the 3,000 em ployees an advaue- in wages of 10 per cent, which took effect Monday. c u BAN O I L cures B IdlsiVa Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. G. W. DeLaPerriere, .Winder, Ga NEW YORK ASSETBLY Called to Meet In Extra Session By Governor Roosevelt. According to a dispatch of Monday, Governor Roosevelt, of New York, has decided to call an extra session of the state legislature to revise the law passed at the late session of the assem bly for taxing corporation franchises. The special session, according to the call, will convene on May 22d. MANY people have bad blood. That is because their Liver and Kidneys are sluggish V and fail to carry off the waste matter. When this happens the blood is poisoned and disease sets in. To keep your blood pure take MMlcLeans LiverdKnWßdm a quick relief and sure cure for disorders of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Thousands use it in the spring especially. Your druggist has it. Only SI.OO a bottle. THE DR.J.H.MCLEAN MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. *{SA.U* Au2U£ A/wSMCS —TO— ATI,AN TA, CIIA H IjOTTK, auijusia, ai’mkns, WIIAIINai'ON, NKW ortI.KAW, CHAT I’ANOor.A, NASHVILLK, AND NKW VOUK, IiOSTOX, I*l* ll.AliKfil'Hl.l, WAHII IMi ION, NOKFOI K, Kl(’ 11 MOX l>. Snlirdu'c in Eftfbft l>e 11, 1 80S. SOUTHBOUND No. 403. No. 41. I.Y. New York, Fenn.R.R. *ll 00am *9 OOpin Lv. Philadelphia, “ 1 12pin 12 05am Lv. Baltimore, “ 315 pm 2 50ara Lv. Washington, “ 4 40pm 4 80am Lv. Richmond, A. C.L., 8 56pm 9 05am Lv. Norfolk, S. A. L., *8 30pm *9 05am Lv. Portsmouth, “ 8 45pm 9 20am Lv. Weldon, “ *ll2Bpm *llssam Ar. Henderson, “• *l2 56am *1 48pm Ar. Durham, “ +7 82am +4 16pm Lv. Durham, “ f7 00pm flO 67am Ar. lialeigh, “ *2 16am *3 40pm Ar. Hanford, “ 333 am 5 05pm Ar. Southern Tines, “ 4 23am 5 58pm Ar. Hamlet, “ 5 07am 6 53pm Ar. Wadesboro, “ 5 58am 810 pm Ar. Monroe, “ 6 43am 9 12ptn Ar. Wilmington, “ *l2ospra Ar~'imrlotte. *7 50am *lO 25pm Ar. Chester. *8 08am*l066pm Lv. Columbia,C.N- A L.R.R *4 30pm Ar. Clinton, 8. A.L.. *9 45am *l2l4am Ar. Greenwood, “ 10 36am 1 07am Ar. Abbeville, “ 11 03am 1 35am Ar. Elberton, “ 12 07pm 2 41am Ar. Athens, “ 1 13pm 343 am Ar. Winder, “ 156 pm 4 28am Ar. Atlanta, (Central sopm 5 20am NORTHBOUND No. 402. No. 38. Lv.At)anta,(CnTm)S.A.L. *l2 00n’n *7 50pm Lv. Winder, “ 240 pm 1040 pm Lv. Athens, “ 313 pm 1119 pm Lv. Elberton, “ 4 15pm 1231 am Lv. Abbeville, “ 515 pm 135 am Lv. Greenwood, “ 5 41pm 2 09am Lv, Clinton, “ *6 30pm *2 55am Ar. Columbia,C.N.&L.R.R *ll 58am Lv. B. A. L., *7 53pm *4 25am Ar. Charlotte, “ '*lo 25pm *7 50am.. Lv. Monroe, *7 45j>tn *5 oaam Lv. Hamlet, “ *ll 15pm 7 45am Ar. Wilmington, “ *l2 40pm Lv. Southern Tines. *l2 08am *9 00am Lv. Raleigh, “ *2 20am ll*lBam Ar. Henderson, *l2 50pm Lv. Henderson, 328 am 1 05pm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, Ar. *2 45pm Ar. Richmond, A. C. L., 8 20am 7 12pm Ar. Washington,Penn.R.R. 12 31pm 11 10pm Ar. Brltimore, “ 143 pm 103 am Ar. Philadelphia, “ 350 pm 350 am Ar. New York, “ *G 23pin *6 53am Ar. Portsmouth, S. A. L., 7 25am 5 20pm Ar. Norfolk. *7 38am *s3Bpm * Daily. + Daily except Sunday. No 1!. 403 ami 402. —“The Atlanta Special,” Solid Vestibuied Train of Pul man Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and At lanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Chester. S. C. No-. 41 and 33.—“ The S. A. L. Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman t-leepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Botli trains make imme into connections at Atlanta for Montgomery. Mobile, New Or leans Texas. California, M* x'ro, Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. NEWLAND, General Agent Passenger Department. E. J. WALKER, Passe Hirer A cent. C Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. E. BT. JOHN, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. V. K. McBEE. Grn’l. Superintendent. H. \V. B. GLOVER. Traffic Manager. L. S. ALLEN. Gen’l. l%ss. Agent. ■tJeneral OHi res. PorrmircoiiMi. Vn. Honey to Lend, We have made arrangements with brokers in New York City through whom we are able to place loans on improved farms for five years time, payable in installments. If you want cheap inonev come in and see us at once Shackelford & Cos 100 Broad St., Athens, Ga. WE ARE READY TO ENTER YOUR NAME ON OUR SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. YOU WILL NOT MISS THE SMALL SUM NECESSARY TO BECOME ■OUR CUSTOMER. We are Headquarters For ENGINES, SEPARATORS and BINDERS, ==and== Farming Impliments of all Kinds. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT and GUARANTEE PRICES. MAYNARD & ROGERS, . * • Winder, - - Georgia. Benton-Adair Hardware Cos. —————■■ Are ALL KINDS • HARDWARE. We sell Brook’s Cotton Planters at $2.00 each and every thing else accordingly. CAN SELL ALMOST ANY KIND OF CULTIVATOR OR HARROW. The superior DISC HARROW on wheels ia latest and best harrow on the market. Easy to transpost, and each Disc being independent, rocks don’t interfere with its working. It thoroughly pulverizes the soil to any depth desired. Call at our Store and see One. \ When in need of any thing in our line, remember we will se'l as cheap as any house in N. E. Georgia. Yours for business, Benton-Adair H’dw. Go. Harmony Grove, Georgia. Our Business Grows. WHY? Because our Life Insurance Cos. is the strongest on EARTH--$53,000,000.00 surplus, pays beneficia ries on receipt of proof of death. We handle Rg A L ESTATE to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. ° U r pj re i nsur ance Co’s. are ten of the BEST. COME TO SEE US. * Office on Broad St. QUARTERMAN & TOOLE, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. “Frank s Cough Cure is the best I ever used.”—Rob’t L Taylor. FEMALE f FRIEHE al tA p. w Efi | makes young wonEN pJliipN Wj *vk out or prematurly ■KII|H li % < OLD ONES. j Celery Companj W BUILDS UP RUN DOWN MEN AND WOnEN. \ Manufactured only by MARBLE CITY DRUG CO., Knoxville, Tenn. ssFor* Sale "by "Winder Drutf Co-