The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 18, 1899, Image 8

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Correspondents and Other Local Matters. JEFFERSON. Miss Fioy Potter, of Statham, is vis iting the Misses Askews this week. Mr. and Mrs P B Mathews, Misses Jnlia Bell, Eulalia (Collier, Ora Dyra mauand Hattie Alien, spent a very pleasant day in the country last Sunday with Mrs. Angie Holder. Mr. LaFayette Thurmond spent last Sunday in our town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Haynie, of near Nicholson, visited relatives in town last week. The report of a oase of small pox in Randolph’s district has created quite a sensation in oar midst. Mr and Mrs. Qoattlebanm, Mißses Alice and Susie Bradbury went up to Winder last Saturday. Uncle Winn Worsham does not seem to improve much. Mr. Appleby’s little son, George, who has been quite sick is convalescing. Mr. A. A. Camp, of Winder, was in town last Monday. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the muoous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases ont of ten arecansed by catarrh, which is nothing bat an in* flamed condition of the muoons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. HOSCHTON. Governor Candler spent a few days of last week here with his sister. Miss Sallie Candler. Miss Candler is convalescing, and wo hope to soon hear of her recovery. Mr. Nance Candler has returned to his home at Gainesville. He was the guest of his sisters, Miss Caudle and Mrs. Fields the past week. Rev. Underwood, our presiding elder, was in town this week. Mrs. Or. L. C Allen has returned from Augusta. Rev. Mr. Ervin has gone to Young Harris, where he will spend a couple of weeks with his parents. Mr. A. W. Mauoe went to Gaines ville this week. There was a large crowd at our school picnic last Saturday, which was en joyed very rnuoh by all. Dr. W. L. DeLaPerriere, of Winder, has been in our town this week doing dental work. Mr. H, H. Pharr, one of our most worthy school boys, has returned to his home at Dacula. Prof. Bowden, of Thompson's Mills, waa in town last Monday. Dr. L. P. Pharr has gone to Atlanta this week. WHOOPING COUGH. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping oough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I did not think that any midicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, andonebot the cured him entirely. It is the best congh medicine I ever had in the house. —J. I* Mookk, South Burgettst, Pa. For sain by Winder Drug Cos. Rocky Branch. Rev. James W. Lord’s two sons-in law gave him a pleasant visit Saturday and Sunday. Messrs V. I. Gleuu, C. E Glenn and John H. Lord went to the singing at Crooked Creek Sunday. Mr. R. E. Lord visited Harmony Grove Saturday and Sunday. Mr. B. D. Kesler’s little child was kicked by a mule Saturday afternoon and very badly hurt. Mr. Henry O’Kelly was all smiles Suuday. He was with his best girl. Some of our farmers have begun chop ping cotton. We note the good print in Thk Econ ov k > l?st week and hope it will contiu up so. WILNER. Rev. M. J. Cofor, presiding elder, preached two very fine sermons at the quarterly meeting at Lebanon church last S itnrdav and Sunday. The one Saturday was very grand indeed. Mrs. W H. Ware and Miss Osee Wills, of Winder, spert last Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends here. Editor J. N. Holder, of The Jackson Herald, attended Quarterly Conference at Lebanon last, Saturday. Mr r . W. M Rosier and Mrs. Victory Brand, of Clarksboro spent Monday with Mrs N. E. Betts here. Messrs J T. Fuloher, E R. Martin, Sam Fulcher, B. D. Martin, H E. Jar rett and your reporter attended preach ing at Elder’s Academy Sunday after noon, to hear the able sermon of Rev. H. B. Mays. Sheriff W. T. Stevens spent last Sun day in our midst. Mrs William Hunter, who has been sick for some time is not much better. Messrs L. E. Welchel and C. C. Fulcher’s trip to Gray Hill and Elders Academy last Sanday a r teriioon re mains a hidden secret. Miss Clara Holliday and Mr. F. C. Holliday, who are now in schcol at Winder, attended Quarterly meeting here Saturday and Sanday. Miss Mary Booth, of Statham, visited this place Sanday afternoon. Many old soldiere now feel the effects of the hard service they endured during the war. Mr. Geo. S Anderson, of Rossville, York county, Penn., who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now frequently troubled with rheu matism. ’ T procured a bottle of Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bot tles. ” Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply it to his friends and neignbors, as eve r y family should have a bottle of it in their home, not only for rheumatism, but lame back sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is uneqnalled. For sale by Winder Drug Cos Bethlehem. School closes Friday, followed by a lecture from Rev. Ford Moßea Friday night and a pic-nic Saturday. Prof, John H. Breedlove has woa the confi dence and esteem of his pupils and giv en entire satisfaction to his patrons. Mrs. P. T. Darby and sou, of Vidalia, are on an extended visit to relatives in the community. Mrs. J. E. Tinley and Mrs. P. H Dil lard, of Oconee county, visited relatives in town Tuesday. Miss Daisy Bell attended the picnic at Bell’s Mills last Saturday. The writer hereof expresses his regrets that he could not accept an invitation ex tended him by Mr. J. L J. Bell to at tended the pio-nio and make a speech to the pickers. Mr. A. T. Harrison speaks of going into the lumber business, at least to the extent of baying enough to build one nice house. When these batehe lors do start, they go their whole length. From reports whioh came to me, some one has thought from my pen in the News and Messenger some time since, that I was getting weak kneed on pop ulism. How any suoh conclusion was ever drawn from the article in question, we are uuable to tell. Lot it be knowu now and for all future time thi so long as there is a populist party I am and will ever be one of its loyal members and defenders, and should it go down or become extinct, I am for any thing to break down the moneyed oligarchy which is r.lining onr bnsiness, and our civilization and for which the democrat ic and republican parties are equally responsibla Remember this and let there be no more prophesying that this individual has quit the fight or will ever quit it. ’Tis God’s cause and no one can afford to call a halt. Uucle Trumam Smith is having his an ual birthday celebration today.(Wepnes day)and every thing is passing off nice ly. We regret very much tha t sickness prevented ns from accepting a “stool at the festal board” but we could not have done justice to the table had we gone. Uncle Truman is one of our best friends and we feel proud of the confldedce and friendship of so worthy a sire. R. W. H Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores,; Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Winder Dr -17 Cos. Don’t Scatter Your Change as we have Never Before Been Able to Offer you Such Bargains This Advertisement Describes Bargains In Rice Oats Flour Coffee Tobacco Kerosene Oil Kitchen ware Window Shades Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! It is useless to spend S4O. to $65, for stoves with high sounding names when we sell you a nice, plain and well made heavy No. 8 the good kind —the kind that last including 30 pieces of ware for $lO. The oven is large enough to cook a turkey, and your money refunded if stove is not satisfactory. No. 716 Stove —heavy grade for only $6.00. Do Von Wear Clothes? the best Manufacturers in the Men’s Suits from $2.50 up. We carry an assortment of every thing necessary to make an up to date Mercantile Store. Thanking our customers for past patronage, we remain Yours truly, KILGORE, KELLY & Cos., Winder, - -■ - - Georgia Oak Grove. • An excellent sermon was preached at Crooked Creek last Sunday by Rev. D. B. Waite. Messrs. Mathews and Roberts sang all day. Misses Clyde and Laudie Morris and Lena Turk were the guest of some of the Oak Grove girls last Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. Wages spent several days last week with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. W illiamson spent Saturday aud last Sunday with home folks. There was a surprise party at Mr. W. H. H. Walton’s last Saturday night. New decorations were made, bounded on the north by Misses Annie Walton, Loudie Morris, Lenner Turk, and Messrs. Bud Carithers, Bill Willing ham and Victor Parnell; on the east Misses Clyde Morris, Clara Walton, and Messrs Dupree Cox and Simmons on the south; Misses Neal Willingham and Messrs. Nichols aud Iverson on west, besides others that were present. Miss Emma Spenoer visited Miss Cal lie Elrod last Sunday. 20 CENTS GIVEN AWAY Cut this out and take it to the drug gist named below and you will receive a regular 25c size bottle of Dr Sawyer’s Ukatine for sc. Ukatine positively cures all forms of Kidney difficulties, Dyspepsia, Con- stipation. Head ache. Rheurna- tism, Puffiingof the Eyes. Ukatine cures Pimples and Blotches, and makes sallow aud yel low skin white. Do not delay, but take advantage of this great offer, as thousands bear evidence to the won derful curative powers of Ukatine. G. W. DeLaPERRIERE, 1 Wonder, Ga , WE MEAN THIS, that when you make a CASH purchase from ns you get the best the market affords in our line at Uve and Let Live^ Prices, and in addition we guarantee what we sell, We offer you Standard Grandulated Sugar 17 pounds for - SI,OO 84 pounds for - 50 4 “ “ 25 10 “ Green Coffee 1.00 8 Roasted Coffee 1.00 12 bars Soap 25 All grades of Tobacco at Rock Bottom JPrices. Lamps from ten cents up. Syrup Crockery Tea Tin Ware % On Tin Ware We Have 1 peck Buckets at 13 cts. 6 quart open Buckets at 8 “ 4 quart Coffee Pots 12 “ 3 quart Coffee Pots at 8 “ 14 quart Dish Pans at 17 ** Nails —40 pounds for SI,OO Horse Shoes with nails 17 “ Mule Shoes with nails 17 “ Remember we take your produce and exchange you goods at above prices. d'riCir.rr.f.r United States. Knee Suits from 50 cents up. Legal Advertisements LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Jackson County. To whom it may concern, W. D. Har rison. G. G. Nixon and Mrs. Hudson, having made application to me in due form to appoint the clerk of Jackson Superior Court, or some proper and fit person, as permanent administrator up on the estate of Nancy Martin late of said county deceased. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Or dinary, for said county, to be held on the first Monday in June 1899. Wit ness my hand and official seal. This ‘2nd day of May 1899. L Y, Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To all whom it may concern: Where as, J. E. Hawks, administrator on the estate of Fannie R. Hawks deceased, has in due form applied to me for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors to show cause, if any they have, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in June 1899, why said leave should not be granted to said applicant. This May Ist 1899. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT, Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to appraise and set apart a twelve months support to Emma Stroud, (colored) and her minor children, out of the estate of Sterling Stroud, deceased, have filed their return and report. This is to no tify heirs and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why an order should not be granted setting apart the proper ty assigned by the appraisers as a twelve months support on the first Monday in ’n ie 18PC. Given under my hand and offic bignature, this 8 n duv of Mav T. Y Pi a v'-qiiY, ■ ' : •> • it CcTintr. 8 pounds Keg Soda Oqc, 4 boxes 10c. size Giant Potash 25c, Starch per pound posc 780 Matches 04 C) Bran Heat Collars Neck wear' ’ Dried Fruit Irish Potatoes Farming Tools Hats all Sizes. Pants we Have % From 40 cents to $5.00, Heavy AAA Sheeting per yd. 4|c, Cotton Checks per yard 4to fa Heavy Drills per yard s}c, Heaviest grade Ticking per yd. 12c. Cotton Flannel per yd. sto 7{c. Bleeching—Fruit of the Loom 6}c Calico 4-4| and 5c Fast black Satine B}c Spool Thread 4c Men’s Suspenders from 10 to 25c Men’s Shirts from 25c to $1.50 Men’s Hats from 35 to $5.00 On Shoes w.e defy any competi tion to touch us. Men’s whole stock Brogans $1.25 Men’s fine all solid Sunday $1.50 TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to appraise and set apart a twelve months support to Mrs. M. E. Wood and her minor children, out of the estate of J. L. Wood, deceased, have filed their re* turn and report. This is to notify heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why an order should not be grant' ed setting apart the property assigned by the appraisers as a twelve months support on the first Monday in jon o 1899. Given under my hand and oft cial signature, this Bth day of May IBw* L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, J. C. Browning, ad ministrators on the estate of J. Browing, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission. This is to notify all ccncerned to show cause, any they can, on the first Monday ft July next why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed *°r. This April 31, 1899. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jaokson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. / $ Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, W. N. Lemaster, Execoto on the estate of W. A. Lemaster, late o said county, deceased, applies for le ters of dismission. This is to now all concerned to show cause, if any can, on the first Monday in July ' why letters of dismission should not granted as prayed for. This April 00, 1899, L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All persons having demands aga !D! * the estate of Emma T. Smith, l te . said county deceased, are hereby tied to render in their demands to • undersigned according to law; aUll re ! persons indebted to said estate are quest id to make immediate pay® 6 This May Ist, 1899. J. M. Room-', Administrator of Emma T. deceased^