The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 01, 1899, Image 3

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CUBANS ARE LENIENT t \ Few Come Forward For Their Pay. OPPOSITION BEING BROKEN Bandits Intimidate Would-Be De serters—Army Rolls Are Defective. A special from Havana states that Monday's events in connection with the payment of the Cuban troops en titled to apply in that city for a share in the American gratuity have effec tively killed off the opposition to the receipt of the bounty by privates. In American military circles it is consid ered that a fine start has been made and that the opposition is defeated. Three hundred privates arrived dur ing the day to apply for payment, but though Lieutenant Colonel George H. Randall, of the Eighth United States infantry, the commissioner superin tending the distribution, kept his office open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., only 112 could be paid during that in terval, as each man took up several minutes. Many who brought arms were not ou the rolls at all. Ninety-nine rifles were surrendered, most of the appli cants declining to take any chances in turning the weapons over to the may or of Havana, evidently believing it would be better to give them direct to the Americans, All day it was virtually impossible to get through the front door of the office unless the sentry cleared the way. The Cuban officers, who on the first day tried to discourage any who were disposed to apply, finding now that the tide of feeling has turned, are offering all the assistance possible to Colonel Randall. At tlTe conclusion of the day’s work there were more than 200 who had not been heard. These will have to wait until after the return of the pay car on June 15th, when there will *probably be extra days as signed to Havana. One thousands posters were sent Monday afternoon into the province of Pinar del Rio to announce the places and dates of payment. General Pedro Delgado, command ing the Cuban forces around Guana jay, called his men together Monday, told them they were disbanded and ore ered them to take their arms and go home. Of the 200 some thirty who were mounted on ponies, said they would rule to Havana and get their money. Thereupon Delgado, who was formerly a notorious bandit, called upon the rest to draw up in line and to shoot any man who took the road to Havana. The thirty mounted men gloomily dis persed. They will have an opportu nity to receive their shares later. It is said that most of the Cubans who, though having arms, did not figure in the muster rolls when they applied for payment, were furnished with the weapons by friends at Guanabacoa, where many arms had been stored with keepers of grocery shops by people who had purchased them from the Spanish guerrillas and volunteers. These were given out to enable the holders to secure shares in the Ameri can gratuity. Some Cubans, un doubtedly entitled to payment, have aiso obtained arms from the same source and are thus able to retain the weapons that they used during the war. the disbanding of tbe troops con tinues. Twelve hundred men, under tne command of General Jacinto Her nandez, who were encamped at San _ °® e de las Lajas, about twenly-one miles from Havana, have been niuster e<j ol d- I’liey were given certificates m service redeemable under the first u >an government. Some of these men were in the Cuban service three . ln< a \ la ‘f years. One party of eighty, ‘'mg in Santa Clara, started imme nsely for their homes. The horses many have died with disease or been med off, and consequently most of , e me n go homo by trains, which give them free passes. DEWEY WILL LINGER. Admiral Will Not Reach New York Before October. Admiral Dewey telegraphs the navy department that he will stop at various places on his way to the United States, and will reach New York about Octo ber Ist. The dispatches did not enu merate the points where the Olympia touch en route to New York. It toa y be that an effort will be made to these for the benefit of the officials of seme of the towns, espec la v along the Mediterranean, who desire to take official notice of the to their ports of the distinguished ‘ j aval officer and his famous flagship. i etter, Sait-Rhdum and Eczema Ihe intense itcliiug and smarting incident to these diseases, U instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cnred by it. It is eqnallv effloient for itohing piles aud a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronio sore eyes. 25c per box. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders are j ust what a horse needs when in bad oondition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine aud the best in use to put a 'horse iu prime coudition. Price 2Jc a package For sale bv H. C. Foole, Winder, G a FILIPINOS LEAVE MANILA. Commissioners Are Escorted Back To Rebel Lines Under Truce Flag. The Filipino commissioners left Ma nila Thursday by special train aud were escorted to their lines under a flag of truce. It is expected that they will return soon. President Gonzaga, of the Philip pine commission, said: “We greatly appreciate the courtesy shown us. We have spent some time with your commissioners, incidentally considering the American constitution. Its principles impress us profoundly. “The plan of government offered the Philippines seems in theory a good colonial system. But why should a nation with your constitution seek to make a colony of a distant people who have been so long fighting against Spain to secure the same rights your constitution gives? You fought the same battle iu America when you fought against England.” CUBAN OIL curaa 1 v Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. G. W. DoLaPerriere, Winder; Ga WASHINGTON'S SCHOOL. Eighteenth Annual Commencement Occurs At Tuskegee. The eighteenth annual commence ment of the Tuskegee, Ala., Normal and Industrial institute, Booker Wash ington’s school, occurred Thursday. Eleven hundred and sixty-four stud ents have been enrolled during the year, 801 boys, 363 girls. The atten tion has been very steady, bringing the avereage for the year above one thousand. The graduates in all de partments number sixty-one, of these forty-four are from both normal and industrial departments. CUBAN RELIEF ci>- Colic, -Neuralgiaand Toothau—^ | 8M191V3 V^ u g v[) minutes. Soar Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price. 2 K G. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga. MACON J. P. INDICTED. With His Constable, He Is Charged With Illegal Acts. A dispatch from Macon, Ga., says: It will be satisfaction for Colonel Pat rick Henry Ray when he learns that the justice of the peace who caused him so much trouble just at the end of his residence in Macon, is himself iu hot waier, the grand jury having found a true bill against him. On Thursday last true bills wore sent in by the grand jury agaiust J. O. McMillin, one of the best known justices of the peace iu Bibb county, and also against Coustable Brown of his court. They are charged with collecting double costs. Brown was also concerned in the trouble that was given Colonel Ray. MONTERO DIES OF WOUNDS. Spanish General Was Shot In Engage ment With Insurgents. A Manila special says: The Spanish general, Montero, while on the way hither with the Spanish garrison from Zamboanga on the steamer Leon XIII, died of his wounds received in a re cent engagement with the Filipinos in Mindanao. SOME of tlie worst diseases scarcely give a sign until they strike their victim down. The terrible Bright’s Disease may be growing for years and only show now and then by a backache or change of urine, by sallow face and failing appetite. DeM McLeans Dver&KnMdin is a tried remedy that grapples with this disease in every symp tom. Cures this and all other disorders of the liver, kidneys or bladder. Sold by druggists SI.OO a bottle. THE D.B J.H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIB, MO. i RfM* 5 ' lhisi£ vajlySeaVke —TO— ATLANTA, OHAHLO TTK, AUGUSTA, ATHNNS, WILMINGTON, NKAV DKI.KA.V9, CHAT TANOOGA, NASH VI ELK, AND NICAV YORK, BOSTON, I*IIII.A DKLI'H lA, WASHINGTON, NOItFOI K, RICHMOND. Schedule in Tiled lie-. It. 1 SOS. SOUTHBOUND No. 403. No. 41. Lv. New York,Term.R.lT. ’'llooam *9oUpm Lv. Philadelphia, “ 1 12pm 12 05am Lv. Baltimore, “ 315 pm 2 50am Lv. Washington, “ 4 40pm 4 30am Lv. Richmond, A. C.L., 8 56pm 9 05am Lv. Norfolk, S. A. L., *8 30pm *9 05un Lv. Portsmouth, “ 8 45pm 9 20am Lv. Weldon, “ *ll2Bpm *llssam Ar. Henderson, “ *l2 56am *l4Bpm Ar. Durham, “ +7 32am +4 16pm Lv. Durham. “ -j-7 00pm flos7am Ar. Raleigh, “ *2 16a:n *3 40pm Ar. Sanford, “ 338 am 5 05pm Ar. Southern Pines, “ 4 23am 5 58pm Ar. Hamlet, “ 6 07am 6 53pm Ar. Wadesboro, “ 5 58am 8 10pm Ar. Monroe, “ 6 48am 9 12pm Ar. Wilmington. “ *l2ospix. Ar. Charlotte, “ *7 50am *l62spm Ar. Chester. “ *8 QBam *los6pm Lv. Columbia,C.N.& *4 30pm Ar. Clinton, S. A. ♦Tisam *l2l4am Ar. Greenwood, “ 10 35am 107 am Ar. Abbeville, “ 11 03am 1 35am Ar. Elberton, “ 12 07pm 2 41am Ar. Athens, “ 1 13pm 343 am Ar. Winder, “ 1 56pm 4 23am Ar. Atlanta, (Central Time) 2 50pm 5 20am NORTHBOUND No. 402. No. 33. Lv. Atlanta,(CnTm)S.A.L. *l2 00n’n *7 50pm Lv. Winder, “ 240 pm 1040 pm Lv. Athens, “ 313 pm 1119 pm Lv. Eiberton, “ 4 15pm 1231 am Lv. Abbeville, “ 515 pm 135 am Lv. Greenwood, “ 541 pm 209 am I-V. Clinton. “ *t>3opin *2ssam Ar. Columbia C.N. A- L.1t.8. *ll 5 Lv. Chester, H. A. L., *7 53pm *4 25am Ar. Charlotte, “ *lO 25pm *7 50am Lv. Monroe, “ *7 45pm *5 55am Lv. Ilamlet, “ *ll 15pm 7 45am Ar. Wilmington, “ *l2 40pm Lv. Southern Pines, “ *l2 OSam *9 00am Lv. Raleigh, “ *2 20am 11 18am Ar. Henderson, *l2 50pm Lv. Henderson, 328 am 1 05pm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, Ar. Weldon, *2 45pm Ar. Richmond, A, C. L.', 8 20am 7 12pm Ar. Washington,Penn.R.R. 12 31pm 11 10pm Ar. Brltimore, “ 143 pm 103 am Ar. Philadelphia, “ 350 pm 350 am Ar. New York, “ *0 23pm *6 53am Ar. Portsmouth, S. A. L7j~ 7 25am 5 20pm Ar. Norfolk. “ *7 38am *5 38pm * Daily, t Daily except Sunday, No. 403 and 401.—" The Atlanta Special,” Solid Vestibu'ed Train of Pul’inan Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and At lanta, abo Pullman Sleepers between Porta month and Chester, S. C. No . 41 and 33. “The S. A. L. Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman .sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both ir.iins make imme iate connections at Atlanta for Montgomery. Mobile, New Or leans Texas, California, M< x 'co, Chatta nooga, Nashville, McmphiMacon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. NEW LAND, General Agent Passenger Department, E. J. WALKER, Passenver Agent. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. E. ST. JOHN, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. V. K. McBEE. G"n’l. Superintendent. H. W. B. GLOVER. Traffic Manager. L. S. ALLEN. Gen’l. Pass. Agent. 0 OUicp'u I’orfNua nuth. Va. Honey to Lend, We have made arrangements with brokers in New York City through whom we are able to place loans ou improved farms for five years time, payable in installments. If you want cheap money come in and see us at once Shackelford & Cos 100 Broad St., Athens, Ga. WE ARE READY TO ENTER YOUR NAME ON OUR SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. YOU WILL NOT MISS THE SMALL SUM NECESSARY TO BECOME OUR CUSTOMER. We are Headquarters For ENGINES, SEPARATORS and BINDERS, ==and== Farming Impliments of all Kinds. ► 1 ■■■■' ■' lll ■■ WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT and GUARANTEE PRICES. MAYNARD & ROGERS, Winder, = = Georgia. Benton-Adair Hardware Cos. Ar*a ALL KINDS °r HARDWARE. We sell Brook’s Cotton Planters at $2.00 each and every thing else accordingly. CAN SELL ALMOST ANY KIND OF CULTIVATOR OR HARROW. Tho superior DISC HAUKOW on wheels is latest and best harrow on the market. Easy to transpost, and each Disc being independent, rocks don’t interfere with its working. It thoroughly pulverizes the soil to any depth desired. Call at our Store and see One. When in need of any thing in our line, remember we will sell as cheap as any house in N. E. Georgia. Yours for business, H’dLw. Go. Harmony Grove, Georgia. Our Business Grows. WHY? Because our Life Insurance Cos. is the strongest on EARTH=**ss3,ooo,ooo.oo surplus, pays beneficia ries on receipt of proof of death. We handle R g AL ESTATE to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. ° ur pj re i n s Ur ance Co’s. are ten of the BEST. COME TO SEE US. Office on Broad St. QUARTERMAN & TOOLE, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. ‘•Frank’s Cough Cure 13 the best I ever used.” —Rob’t L Taylor. FEMALE t FRIENH * Cp Hi! If I? rnMPiii & 0L — s ' I BUILDS UP RUN DOWN \ MEN AND WOfIEN. Manufactured only by MARBLE CITY DRUG CO., Knoxville, Tenn. For Sale by "Winder Drar Co*