The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 01, 1899, Image 7

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WHEELER IB BOSTON Little General Addresses G. A. R. Men. first event of the kind Was Welcomed By An Immense Audience and Delivered a Patriotic Speech. A Boston, Mass., special says: For the first time au ex-officer of the con federacy delivered the Memorial Day address before a New England Grand Army post. General Joseph Wheeler, the cavalry leader who led the boys in gray at the famous charge at Shiloh and nearly thirty-seven years later, beneath the stars and stripes, cheered on the volunteers at Santiago, was the orator and guest of honor at the Me morial Day services of Kinsley post 113, Grand Army of the ltepublic, at the Boston theater. The immense au ditorium was filled to its utmost ca pacity. General Wheeler opened his speech with an eloquent tribute to the part played by Massachusetts in the his ory of the American commonwealth, whose soldiers had played conspicu ous parts in all wars and whose states men had ever been famous in the halls of congress. He alluded to the prophecy of Gen eral Horace Binney Dargent, who thir ty years ago, on Memorial Day in the city of Boston, predicted the day would come when this anniversary would be celebrated “after some day of glory when the sons of rebels and our sons shall havfe fallen side by side in some common cause of foreign war as our sires and their sires fell side by under the eye of the great rebel, the Virginian, Washington.” “Already,” said General Wheeler, “the words of this prophecy have been fulfilled, for the warriors who fell side jy side at La Guasimas, San Juan and El Caney, men from the north and south, among them some of your irave boys from the Second Massa chusetts, were buried together in the great national cemetery at Arlington, while a great federal officer who took ■art in the great struggle of our civil war and now the chief executive of the cation, by his presence, conferred honor upon their funeral obsequies.” “The spirit of true nobility taught w American mothers has made our :ountry the pride and fear of the world.” Declaring that it was the duty of fvery American to uphold the presi dent and his cabinet when it has be come thoroughly committed to a defin ed policy, General Wheeler said: “Patriotic devotion can be exercised y volunteering to serve in the field, )a t it may also be most profitably ex erted in encouraging confidence among 3ur people at home. Certainly uo >ood and only evil can come from "ords and acts which tell rival nations that even a portion of our people, lowever few, are not in full sympathy J' lth our government,or what is worse, cat any Americans actually do sym ’cthize with our country’s enemies. '"' I* a course cannot fail to weaken ; "indence and embarrass the executive lower. , ~bose who insist that the power of e United States is so great that it always triumph will admit that -• -lenities or obstacles created by some ' our °wn people will have the effect •' at least in some degree e Prompt and happy restoration to °|iect and lasting peace. i am one of those who firmly be ‘e'e 1 1 -'at whatever is, is right, and I anrsot doubt but that conditions arc upon a country by a course of louts following a well judged and 0 eous action on the part of the e an( l the government the con '! icnce could not be other than bene |la ’ °nly to the people of our u T C , ountr y> but to the world at large, h ii l ere one sentiment which oi.d h e impressed on every mind instilled into every heart: ,j ,' c °nntry, may she always be rT V right or wrong, my coun- TRIEUTES AT MANILA. “’-•ban Soldhrs Observe Memorial °ay In far-Off Philippines. ia’ f ef,a ' U'om Manila says: Memo- j at ‘ f y as celebrated Tuesday at re er - v Unoll, where Scott’s guns *. P !an ted against the Filipino tf ani] a eS 1U the firßt s at B °ldiers lie buried there bleak mount. rmrl; J ew R °ldiers who could be erv r n m trenches came to Bat o n<) dusty and bronzed, bear totnro°i'e^ 8 which to strew their J ra^ 8 graves. tt Vas P^ above each CONSTIPATION I *i' aTo R° D ® ** day* at a time without a ,^ eUt ° f ,he bow *‘- not being able to rh °. ‘ , them ej j°ept by using hot water Injections. ° . c ° nstl Pa ll °n for seven years placed mo in .his terrible oondltion; during that timo I did ev erything 1 heard of but never found any relief; such was my case until 1 began using CASCAKETS I now have from one to three passages a day, and If I was rich I would give SIOO.OO for each movement; it le such a relief. ’ Aylmeb L. Hunt. 1089 Russeli Bt., Detroit, Mich. M' CATHARTIC - Voftccueto XgjSjW TRADI MARK RIOiaTgRCO Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Never Sicken, Weakon. or Gripe, 10c, 20c, M)c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Itemed. Company, Clileago, Hoatresl, Sew l ork. 323 Oat Dog Saves Another. The following story, which is thor oughly reliable and trustworthy, Is re lated by a correspondent in the New York Times. Miss H. one day during the past summer started off with my dogs, Captain, a fox terrier, and a pug puppy about four months old, which I was keeping for a friend, on a fishing expedition to the French Broad River, about three quarters of a mile from the house. When they arrived at the river the dogs began to romp and frisk about. The puppy, venturing too near the edge of the water, fell in. The river was swollen from recent rains, and the current moved with great velocity and force, and at the point where the puppy fell in there was an eddy. The puppy struggled several minutes to reach the bank, but in vain, as the current was too strong for him, and he was gradually being carried further out. Miss H., being very stout, was unable to help the little fellow. When he was about seven feet from the shore my fox terrier, Captain, plunged into the river, caught the puppy by the nape of the neck, swam to the shore and proudly carried him up the bank, and finally dropped the rescued pup about ten feet from the edge of the water, and thereupon went to licking the pup. Captain and this puppy had always been the best of friends and played together by the hour; after their play they would often snuggle up together and go to sleep. the Word “ Salary.” The way languages are built up Is 1 very interesting, and the derivation of the word “salary” is curious as well. In ancient times Roman soldiers re ceived a daily portion of salt as part 1 Df their pay. Pal is the Latin for salt, and when the salt was in the course time commuted for money, the amount was called salarium, or salt money. Hence our word “salary” and hence, doubtless, the expression, ‘net worth his salt,” that is, not worth his “salt-money” or salary. Ask Tour Dealer for Allen’s Foot-Ease, A powder to slmko into your shoes; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet r.nd Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy; At all drug gists and shoo stores, 25 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Adr’s Allen S. Olmsted, Leroy, N. Y- Some peop’e nre pleasant to talk to, but disagreeable to listen to. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Year Life Away. Te quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic, full of life, nerve and vlgortako No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes.weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or sl. Cure guaran teed. ‘Booklet and earn] le free. Address Sterling Remedy Cos., Chicago or New York. A man wastes a lot of valuable time by feeling in the wrong pocket. Try “Tir-n-Kure” for Dyspepsia. This is a grand new remedy for all stomach troubles. Many people suffer all the time, when they can easily be relieved and cured. This remedy is in tablet form in a small box easily cariied in the vest pocket, ready at a mo ment’s notice to betaken when distress is felt. If your druggist does not have It send 25c, or if you prefer to try it first, send for free sample. Tizakure Cos., Tarpon Springs, Fla. Health means wealth for the patient, but poverty for the doctor. No.To- Uac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, sl. All drugglste The man who is the first to argue is usually the last to tvet. Rev. (now Bishop) .Joseph S. Key, Wrote: “We gave your Teethina (Teething Powders) to our little grandchild with the happiest results. The effects were almost magical and certainly more satisfactory than from anything we ever used.” A. M. Priest. Druggist, Shelbyville, Ind.. says: “Hall’s Catarrh Cure gives the best of satisfaction. Can get plenty of testimonials, as it cures every one who tak,. sit.” Druggists sell it, 7oc. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens t he gums, reduces inflamma tion.allays pain. cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Some individuals may trust to luck, but the trusts do not. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Mean well, do ili, and you’ll get yourself disliked. Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. It’s True That advertising doesn’t pay--un less it’s followed up properly. That an advertisement which costs nothing is usually worth nothing. That no advertising man ever was successful who didn’t learn from his mistakes. That a little fire may start a big blaze—but if you don’t keep on feed ing it, it’ll go out. That many a mau lays a failure, due to loose business methqds, at the door of his advertising department.—Plain Talk, Chicago. JNo Truth In It. “Please, sir, gimme a dime. I’m a miserable victim of the terrible opium habit. ” “Go on! Nothing said by an opium eater is ever considered reliable.” Beauty Is Blood l>oep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sicklybilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Hickory nuts are an American product and we xr>ort them in large numbers to Europe, where they are found good eating. Pecans belong to tiie hickory family. It Cures All Skin Kruptlons. Tetteslne is the name. Sold at druggists for 50c. a box, or prepaid direct from J. T. Sbup trine. Savannah. (Id. John H. I’ahlen. of Lex ington, Miss , writes: ‘‘Enclosed find SI.OO for 2 boxes of Tetterlne. My father’s hand wns cured by it, and 1 take pleasure in recommending it.” The pessimist kicks because of the thorns on roses, while the optimist rejoices because of the roses on thorns. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets f andy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggistsrefund money. If we wait to do a thing until we are thor oughly prepared, we never do it. Tits permanently cured. No flta or nervous ness afier first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dit. R. 11. Kline, Ltd., 021 Arch St., RbJla., l’a. We Ihink Piso’s Cure for Consumption is the only medicine for Coughs.— Jennie PiNCKAitn. Springfield. Ills., Oot. 1, 1891. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Are the best. Ak for them. Cost no more than common chimneys. All dealers. PITTSBURG GLASS CO., Allegheny, r. Send your name and address on a postal, and we will send you our 1 56- pag illustrated catalogue frefe. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. 176 Winchester Avenue, New Haven, Conn. ‘ELF’ REFRIGERANT E A over 20 degrees colder tlin lA|" fi 3N used in refrigerators just like IBn P ■V B substitute tor SEND FO It CIRCULARS. AGENTS WANTED. UNIVERSAL RKPRIGERATINIi CO., Flushing Avmiuv, BROOKLYN, N. I. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Grove’s is the only Chill First Tasteless Tonic cure that is sold through- ever manufactured. All out the entire malarial f AN 'Z£&. 1 other so-called “Taste sections of the United i \ $5 FAT less” Tonics areimtta- States. Every dealer is IwibiiJia 5 tinns Ask anv drwnsf authorized to guarantee tions. Ask any aruggia Grove’s. No cure No MmMm about thl9 who 1S not Pay. Price 50c. PUSHING an imitatioa. THE TRADE DERANDS GROVE’S, PARIS MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: —We wish to congratulate you on the increases! sales we are having on your Grove’s Tasteless GMII Tonic. On examining our record o£ inventory under date of Jan. Ist. we find that we sold during the Chill season of 1898, 2260 dozeo Grove’s Toniom Please rush down order enclosed herewith, and oblige, Yours truly, MEYER BROS. DRUG CO* How He Won Her. Damsel—l fear, sir, that your pro fessions of love forme have mercenary incentive; I have been told that you said that you loved the ground I walk ed on. Suitor—True, hut you have misßed the intention of my remark. I spoke thus of the ground because it revealed to me such faultless impressions of your dainty feet.—Boston Courier. THE constantly recurring monthly suffering gives women the blues! How hopeless the future appears, month after month the same siege with menstrual pain! Comparatively few women understand that excessive pain . indicates ill-health, or some *-s f&B ire serious derangement of the JV # feminine organs. mmm~ ■ A million women have been WwUBwMmEN helped by Mrs. Pinkham. Read Mrs. Lizzie Coleman, of Wayland, N. Y., writes: “Dear Mrs. Pinkham— For years I Buffered with painful menstruation and falling of womb. The bearing-down pains in my back and hips were dreadful. I could not stand for more than five minutes at a time when menstruation began. But thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, my sufferings are now recommend your medicines to all been using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and it has helped me wonderfully. I was EbEt i . rpsß troubled with headache, backache cannot say enough in praise of your medicine for it has done me so much snappishness come with /ajT nine organs are con- nected by nerves with | ’ (V I ’ *• * the brain and all parts * ' of the body. These organs must be healthy or the mind i not healthy. i All low-spirited or suffering women may write to Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn, Mass., and receive her advice free of charge. Don’t wait until your life is wrecked by neglect and suffering. Get advice in time. Malsby & Company, 39 S. Rroad St., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heater*. Steam Pumps and Penbertliy Injectors, Manufacturers and Dealers in SAW MILLS, Corn Mill*, Feed Mills, Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID Rnd INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and Locks, Knight's Patent Dogs, Ilirdsull Saw Mill and Engine Repairs, Governors, Grate liars ami ft full line of Mill Supplies. Price and quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. —— sSE'. ra IR3S A and Whiskey Habits EsS §J! B a i cured at home with- Ss PS i l|g B vWfl ticulars sent FREE. QUq B.M. WOOLLEY, M.D. Atlanta, tia. Office 101 N. Pryor St. WANTED— Case of bad health that R'l PA N 8 will not benefit. Send 6 cis. to Ripane Chemical Cos„ Nswl’ork. for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials. $3,000 DEPOSIT 7 TO KEDKKM OUII GUARANTEE OF POSITIONS. K. If. Fare rl(l. Aetna! Business. Free Tuition toono of ench sex In every county of your state. WHITE QUICK to QA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, nacon.Oa. nDODQY NEW DISCOVERY; wLjf 1% \J I V/ I quick relief and cures worst cnees. Book of test r.jonialu nd 10 tin *’ treatment Free. Dr. H. H. OKEEM'B BOMB. Box D, Atlanta. Oa. 1899 CONSTRUCTION. ABOUT SPOKES. There are 61 spokes In the two wheels of a Columbia bicycle. They represent 64 points of superiority over any othwr wheel. —ak 1 Since wo adopted tho Columbia Stud Hub and direct tangent spoke over 7,600,000 of these spokes have been in use. Wo have yet to hear of one break ing from nny euuso except collision or other violent accident. The stud hob* obviate all bending and twisting of tli® spokes. When you compnro Columbia, Hart ford and Vedetto bicycles part for pari with other wheels you find good reason for their recognized superiority. PRICES, $75 to $25. POI*E IHFCi. CO., Hartford, Conn. What would the world do without ink? Just think of it I CARTER’S INK IS THE BEST INK. Forty years experience In the making. Cost* you no more than poor Ink. Why not h av§ IU ÜBE CEBTAIN CHILL CUBE. MENTION THIS PPERi"..",JT,y , S£3S \ ,