The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 15, 1899, Image 5

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ASSETS * insure your property in The Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. w. j. dabney, agent. News In and f $ Around Winder. Dr. Daniel is spending the week in the J]lOlln ta i uS • ir ver v thing is looking fresh since the rain. The town has been full of drummers this week The blackberry crop will be short in this section. The colored people will have a pic-nic here Saturday. This has been a fine week for putting out potato slips. Have your picture frames made by Winder Furniture Cos. Notice the change in schedule of the G. J. & S. railroad. The wheat threshers in this section are rushing things. Tne Winder band is getting ready for the Gainesville chautauqua. Your Credit is good for a buggy with T. A. Maynard, Winder, Ga. Prof. Black spent Monday and Mon day night in Gainesville. Profs. Hunt and Weir are both un married and both young men. Buy your Mosquito Canopies from Winder Furniture Cos. The rain came in time to save corn and to materially help gardens. Several prominent gentlemen are con templating moving here next year. Mr. A. T. Harrison, of Bethlehem, was in Winder Tuesday on business. Patronize home industry and get your bread fresh from Winder Bakery. Mr. Ed Herrin, of near Pendergrass, is spending the week with his brother. Misses Ruby and Ruth Carithers are spending the week in Athens with rela tives. Messrs Ed Sparks and John Segars left last wees for the mountains to spend a while. I will furnish fresh bread at my bakery every day and solicit your pa tronage. An excursion over the S. A. L. from Athens to Atlanta will pass here Satur day morning. Editor Merk of the Bogart News was in the city one day last week and made us a pleasant call. Mr. Cary Morris of our city has a good position with the S. A. L. R. R. at Calhoun Falls, S. C. Give us your picture frame work and we guarantee satisfaction Winder Furniture Cos. The board of education met Tuesday and elected Prof. Weir assistant prin cipal of the public school. There were about 100 applications be fore the board Saturday for positions in the Winder Public School. There ought to be a dozen or more nice cottages erected in Winder to ac commodate small families. Mr. T. S. Johnson, of Galilee, will take a trip out West in a few weeks to be gone a conple of months. Miss Dora Wilhite will spend a coup le of months at the normal school at Athens, beginning with this week. Prof. Henry R. Hunt has been elected president of our city school for the next year which, begins with the fall term. A carload of buggies don’t remain in the warehouse of T. A. Maynard very long. He just simply sells them and buys another lot. Mrs. Bondnrant returned to her home in Atlanta yesterday after a visit of sev eral days here with her father and mother. See H. J. Stewart for your Plastering, Wall Papering and Paper Hanging. All work guaranteed. Your Patronage Solicited. If you are going to buy a Refrigera tor and want the beat, buy the cele brated American. We sell them. Win der F turn:tore Cos. Professor Orr. The Economist regrets exceedingly to know that Prof. S. P. Orr will not be connected with the school here any longer and Winder is to be deprived of his citizenship. He is a gentleman pos sessing the highest sense of honor and doesnot know how to do a little thing. His life is a model for all young men to emulate, and there are few men whose every-day walk is and as tree from criticism. Most of our school days having been under him, our esteem and regard for him dates back to our younger days, and as we have grown older nothing has occurred to lesson that estema and high regard we enter - ain‘ but they have grown strong er as the years have passed aud gone. There are tew more competent and con scientious teachers aud Christian gentle man than he nor any who add more to the purity aud moral tone of the society of a town or community. Our best wishes, couched in the sincerest lan guage we are capable of conceiving, go with him where ever he may lo cate. Call at our store and see the Lyor chord. The Greatest Musical Instru ment of the age. Winder Furniture Cos. A delegation of K of Ps. went up to Gainesville Monday evening to be pres ent at a banquet of the Lodge in that city. The big excursion that passed through Winder Saturday from Social circle to Gainesville had five coaches full of humanity. We have received the third shipment of iceland cream freezers this season. 3L/ minutes is all the timevou want to freeze cream with one of them. Winder Furniture Cos. Mr. A. Hamilton finished Shipping 18 tons of rye straw this week to the big collar factory at Buford. The straw brings sl6. per ton delivered. T. A. Maynard has a full up stock of buggies, harness laprobes ect. He can interest you. Mrs Eliza Fielding, of Madison, Geor gia, is on a visit to nor nephew, Mr. S. P. Smith of our city. She is 80 odd years old but still quite active. Don’t let that nice picture get broken and soiled, when you can get them frnmfld so cheap at Winder h umiture Cos. The protracted services at the Baptist Church this week have been quite inter esting and will result in much good. Mr. McCutchenis a hard and earnest worker. J. H Smith & Bro. have just received one Hogshead of genuine Porto Rico molasses, Messrs T. C. Dunn, Dr. Bash and A. A. Camp left Wednesday for the mountains to be gone a few weeks. They will have a big time fishing, hun ting etc. We all did not get our preferences in the election of teachers, but all should accept with grace the action of the trustees and go to work to help make the school larger and more prosperous than it has ever been. Rread the Ad of Mr. T. A. Maynard in this issue and see what he has to say to you on the Buggy subject It is in teresting reading if you expect to buy a vehicle. At the Warm Springs meeting last week of Mr. Witham’s banks an asso ciation was perfected for an annual meeting of the cashiers. Mr. W. H. Toole, cashier of the Winder bank, was elected secretary of the association. Rev. M. F. Harmon, pastor of the West End Christian church, Atlanta, and edi tor of The Southern Evangelist, was in the city last Saturday in the interest of his paper. He added a number of names to his subscription list, and while here made The Economist a very pleasant call. He is a good paper man as well as a good preacher. An oil mill, Cotton factory, three-sto ry hotel and a half a dozen smaller in dustries for Winder and she will then begin to look like a city sure enough. Then electric lights and water works and she will be a hummer. We can have all these things in twelve months if we go to work to that end. Now is the time to do it while all our citizens are in the same notion. Important things to Read. Chaperons never go where they are needed. People who have once taken DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will never have any thing else. They are the ‘'famous little pills’ * for tropid liver aud all irregular ities of the system, G. W. DeLaPerri ere. *Drift: it is just as pleasant down the river as up. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine creates a good Appetite, Tones aud strengthens the Stomroh, aud builds up the Health. When you hear fools abused, take some of it taßyourself. It makes no difference how bad the wound if yon use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no scar. G. W. DeLaPerriere. It’s not creditable for any girl to have several young men “oa the string.” J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrats, Lancaster. N. H. says: “I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my bey, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I ever used.” G. W. DeLaPerriere Men are more vain than women. The proof of this is that the women don’t know it. To premanently cure Melancholy dif ficulty of Breathing and swimming of the head, me Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The harder a girl tries to marry a mm the surer he is that he wants to marry some girl who won’t have him. Pueumouia, la gnppe, coughs, colds croup and whooping cough readily yield to one Minute Cough cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor’s bill—or the undertaker’s. G. W. DeLa- Perriere. It is awfully hard to admit the good looks and talent of some other man in your line of business. Pure blood is full of life and Vitality, and carries Vig >r to the organs of the body. Dr. M. A. Simmosn Liver Midicine creates rich, pure blood. What has become of the old fashion ed man who couldn’t get his boots off when he gQttthem wets. By allowing the accumulation in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. G. W. DaLaPer riere. The smaller a town, the less kindly its people take to frills in a singer. Correct Insufficient, Painful, Profuse and too Frequent Menstruations with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tab lets. After a man’s wife has been dead three month’s the sympathy of the women changes to suspicion. To relieve Sick Stomach during Preg - nancy, Tone Up the System and give Courage for the Ordeal, take Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Taplets. If a man was hurt every time he is scared he would never live to reach the three-score-aud-ten limit. Restore the Menstrual and Generative Organs to natural oonditions so they will do their duty by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, . Lots of men aren’t of any use in the world till they mako fools of themselves and then they do for examples. During Summer we are liable to Stom ach and B )wel troubles, Such as Diar rhoea, Colic. Cramps etc., for which Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine is high ’ ly recommended. The man of few ideas is always afraid that they will be stolen. Miss M. T. Holsenbake, Harlem, Ga., writes. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med icine did me more good than anything I ever used for Tropid Liver. I think it far eqcels Zeilin’s and Black Draught in strength and mildness of action. The things that are the easiest to ob tain are often the hardest to enjoy. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine has a national reputation, extending over about sixty years, as most succeess f*l Liver Regulator. Call and see our stock of Buggies--The lines we handle are reliable and the prices are right. Terms to suit. DABNEY HARDWARECO. Winder, Ga. Will Be Away. Dr. W. L. DeLaPerriere will be at Loganville first three or four days of next week. By Saturday of next week he can be found at his office. Yon cau freeze cream with the Iceland Freezsr in 3'-tj minutes, and with half the amount of ioe that it requires for any other feeezer. For sale by Winder j Furniture Cos. 170 Bushels of Wheat Mefsrs Horton, Casper aud Jackson [threshed out 170 bushels of wheat yes terday for Mr. Judsou Hardigree. This is the largest crop we have heard of so far. If you have piles, CURE them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the disease without distubing the disease itself. Place your confidence in DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure you. G. W. DeLPerriere. T. A. Maynard will have a car load of Rock Hill Buggies in a few days. Fine Crop. Mr. J. B. McElroy has a fine crop of corn aud cotton on his farm just a mile out from town. Mr. McElroy came to our county from Oconee first of the year, baying the farm of Mr. T. B. Smith. He is a model farmer and has made a great manv improvements that add to the desirability and convenience of bis place. He believes in making a home comfortable and attractive. Nervions prostration is a term com monly nsel to indicate a weakened and debilited condition of the blood. Its symptom are unusual nervousness, great irritabilitp, and inc ipacityfor physical or mental labor, and it ia caused by er rors in diet or hygiene. Dr. J. H. Mc- Lean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is recognized everywhere, even by the medical profession, as a superior remedy to counteract weakness of this character. Price 50c and $ 1 a bottle. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. The Way To Succeed. If the teachers, pupils and patrons work in absolute harmony oar school can succeed and continue to grow. The cooperation of all these three elements is necessary to build up a prosperous and successful school. Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal., says:‘During my brother’s late sicknes from sciatic rheumatism, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief. ” Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pains which this liniment affords. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. The homelier a girl is the more help she is to her mother. MR. JASPER N. THOMAS DEAD. One of the Wealthy Hen of This Section And a Good Citizen. Mr. Jasper N. Thompson died at his home in Gainesville last Thursday after an illness of some weeks. His remains passed through Winder over the G. J. & S. R R on Friday eu route for the family burying ground near Good Hope, Walton County. Mr. Thompson had large possissions in this county aud for a number of years and up to just a few years ago lived on his plantation four miles west of Hoschton. He moved from Athens to Gainesville about two months ago where he could be nearer to his big Jackson county farm and other interests at Thompson’s mill, bat his health began to fail immediately after moving and continued to grow worse until his death. He was an honorable and upright gentleman aud by good business judgment and fortunate invest ments had accumulated SIOO,OOO or more. Mrs. G. W. Smith of our city is one of his neices. He leaves a wife and two children, and at his death was about 73 years of age. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pain under shoul der-blade, constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congest ed. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and per manently by removing the congestion and cansing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. G W. DeLaPerriere. Don’t forget to call on J. H. Smith Bro. when you need anything in the Shoe line, such as Vici Kids, Oxford Ties etc. Little, neglected scratches and wonnds frequently results in blood poisoning. Better heal them quickly with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, a thoroughy anti septic application with a record of always curing piles, old ul cers, sores, cuts, wounds aud skin dis eases. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Lots of people marry money, but the license is always made out under anoth er name. -V" 1 " DKm#ama CUBAN RELIEF cum f IfflUßlS Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache ■ sr j n g VO m j n utes. Sour Stomach and Bummer Complaints. Price, 25 Cent*. G. W. DelaPerrlere, Winder, Ga. The load always seems heaviest when you have reached very near to the top of the hill. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, •'he famous little Dills. No wise man ever lived who did not at times make a fool of himself. It dosen't pay to let your imployer know that he can get along without you. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Ceres Plies, Scalds. Burns, .