The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 15, 1899, Image 7

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■IAL TEXAS FLOODS ■volki! Rivers Play Havoc I over Wide Area. HS\ PEOPLE DROWNED Hje Without Number Are lost and j | immense Damage Is Done To ■ Farms and Crops. received in Austin, Friday night from the flood ■Lkeu district along the Colorado |H r to the northwest of the city,fully former reports of loss of life {■property- All telegraph and tel wires are prostrated, while tracts of wheat and corn have ■ , devastated bv the raging waters. people are known to have per end many more are unaccounted present. |Bi>e reports say the river rose so Kk at San Saba that farmers and living in the lowlands were to make their escape. H. H. H a prominent farmer living a - north of the city, in attempt ■to rescue his family by boat, lost H daughters and barely succeeded BL firing his ow n life and that of his Kii and one small child. The body H' ne of the daughters, Lydia, was red during the day hanging from of a tree. ? the dnv something like 100 who had been swept away in flush of the flood, were res- v means of volunteer parties in from their perilous position in There are quite a number unaccounted for, and it may Betaatthey have been drowned, al- searching parties are still out HuAing for them. entire wheat crop was swept by the flood, thus entailing a loss of dollars. Cattle, horses were drowned by the hun- Rrwt*. and their carcasses have beea away by the current. From obtainable below San Saba, country has been laid waste loss from the flood is almost accurate estimate at this time, it is thought to be in the of SIOO,OOO. I Biday at noon the water began re- very rapidly, and it is believed is over. the flood a large number of ■Hrlßes were swept away, and many withstood the flood Tire under wa their contents are wrecked. I Mere was no direct news from Jla- during the day, but indirect ■Brmation via Llano is that the con ■Hm there is about the same as pre |B' q ly reported The town has been fdevastated by the flood, and H e D0 ' oss I'fe is assured, quite PBumber of negroes are reported PBing, and it is presumed that they been drowned. Here the river is |H£ ra pidly, and it is believed that has about subsided. 1 Commissioners appointed To Select Most Feasible K; Route For a Canal. president Friday appointed the commission to determine the as d)le and practicable route for B ai across the Isthmus of Panama: ■; Admiral John K. Walker, United navy; Hon. Samuel Pasco, of a; Alfred civil engineer, rßmiflis; George S. Morrison, civil of New York; Colonel Peter |/B ium ‘‘' : > United States army; Pro- H* Burr, of Counecti- I Tin! e . n^enan t Oswald H. Ernest, States army; Lewis M. Haupt, e °giueer, of Pennsylvania; Pro ■ Johnson, of Pennsylvania. ? he terms of the river and harbor |jjB UIJ,Ur which this commission was ywinted, the commission is to exam ■ f :ul investigate all the isthmus LB ts an< l report to congress upon ■ or ra °re of them. Congress ap sl,ooo,ooo to defray the ex ■/' the commission. Admiral er > who is at the head of Ejjl commission, snys that he will lB * ae members together at the practicable moment. LYNCHERS in limbo. layers Gives Out Report Con- Bning Killing of the Humphreys. Sayers, of Texas, made tj T lc Sunday the report of the as fßnt attorney general, Morris, who ■ t to -Athens, Henderson county, rea ently at the governor’s in to investigate the lynching of brothers at that plaee. B" 1 re P°rt reviews the entire situa- tend ant upon the lynching, and that the united eiTorta of the EB and county officials have resulted apprehension of twelve persons with being in the mob, and apprehension of nil those be to be guilty will follow. A Dlaring Marine Bomb. Illuminating shells for lighting up large areas of ocean in life-saving work or to obtain the range of the vessels of an enemy are proposed by the American Illuminating Shell Company, of Baltimore, Md. The shell used is a hollow cylinder made of steel tubing and charged with calcium carbide, which, coming in contact with water, generates acetylene gas. Tfce end of the shell remains above water, and at this end are burners lighted by an electrical device contained in the shell. It is claimed that the light produced is 1,000 candle power ami cannot be ex* tinguished by water. The shell is to be shot from a gun to a distance of two miles, and floats with one-quarter of its length above water.—Engineering News. Wonderful Feat* of Arcberi, In 1801 a Mr. Robeids says he knew archers who could put twenty arrows successively Into a four-foot target at 300 feet 6liooting at each end; twelvo arrows within the compass of two feet at 40 yards: ten successive arrows in an eight-inch paper at 80 yardfe; fifty two arrows out of 100 Into a four-foot target at 100 yards, and two succes sive arroWß into an eight-inch paper at 120 yards. One of the Royal Scottish archers could plant three arrows in n circle four inches in diameter from a great distance. The United State* n Power for Good. A distinguished historian writes, while referring to this nation’s advent as a coloniz ing power, that we represent the “century's political conscience.” and that our Influence for good over European spheres will he Im mense, This result was lust as Inevitable as Is tho cure which follows the use of Hostet ter’s Stomach Bitters, the great remedy which Is found in every heme and drug store throughout the country. It cures indigestion, oenstlpation, overworked kidney and liver, allays nervousness, and tones up the whole system. The words of a silent man are never re peated in court. Beauty Is Blood. Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up tho. lazy liver and driving all Im purities from the body. Begin to-duy to banish pimples, bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,--beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c- A boy grows up straighter if he Is bent over his mother’s knee every now and then. Kducate Your Bowel* With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 100, 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. You can buy a suit for less money, but you can’t buy a cheaper suit. 44 Evil Dispositions ' Are Early Shown/' Just so emil in the blood comes out in shape ,of scrofula, pimples, etc., in children and young people. Taken in time it can be eradicated by using Hood's Sarsaparilla, cAmerica's Greatest Medi cine. It vitalizes and enriches the blood. SaMafratittg $3,000 DEPOSIT 7 TO REDEEM OCR GUARANTEE OF POSITIONS. It. It. Fare Fald. Actual Business. Free Tuition tooncof each sex in every county of your state. WRITE QUICK to OA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, nacon.Ga. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Are the best. Ash for them. Cost no more than common chimneys. All dealers. PITTSBURG GLASS CO., Allegheny, Pa. CAT FSMF\ ss°per week and expenses guaran- VALLDiTILit reed: good men. Stamp for reply. ‘“'Zero Machine Cos., 98 Nelson St., Atlanta. Ga. TTf ANTED—Case of bad health that RTPA'N'S YY will not benefit. Send 5 cv. to Rlpn Chemical Cos., NewYork, for lu samples and 1000 teitimomal*. If OU RES WH IRE ALL ELSEFAIL S. " )Ei L Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ggj U la time. Sold by Pji USE CERTAIN CHILL CURE. MENTION THIS PAPER^’KS Arctic liidnstry. It !s the fashion of some writers to speak of the Arctic regions as a worth less quarter of the world, which has never paid for all the dangers and suf fering there, and yet the Danish pos sessions in Greenland are almost unique among the colonial enterprises, having paid a profit to the general gov ernment every year for more than a century. Practically, nil the mineral cryolite used in the industries of Amer ica and Europe comes from Greenland, and, according to the estimates of Gen. Greely, the whale, seal, walrus and other products of the Arctic regions have, in a little over two centuries, contributed about $1.000,0Q0,000 tq the wealth of the world. Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed i i——ii———*■ | a ■*■■—’ . Uf,.l . ,*r- -- - ——————————t———— Plant Cover*. When Sir Humphrey Davy wns a boy about sixteen, a little girl came to him In great excitement. "Humphrey, do tell me why these two pieces of cane mako a tiny spark of light when I rub them together.” Humphrey was a studious boj r , who spent hours In thinking out scientific problems. He patted the child’s curly head, BDd said: “I do not know, dear. Let us see if they really do make a light, and then wo will try to find out why.” Humphrey soon found that the little girl was right; the pieces of cane, if rubbed together quickly, did give a tiny light. Then he set to work to find out the reason, and after some time, thanks to the observing powers of his little friend, and his own kindness to her in not Impatiently telling her not to ‘worry,” as so many might have done, Humphrey Davy made the first of his interesting discoveries. Every reed, cane and grass has an outer skin of flinty etuff which protects the Inside from Insects, and also helps the frail j looking leaves to stand upright.—The j Evangelist. . Mule* for tho Fiji Island*. Forty mules have been sent to the Fiji Islands from San Francisco, Cal. They will be used on a large sugar plantation. This is the first shipment of the 7 kind, and is regarded as an ex periment, which, if successful, will re sult in many others of the animals be ing sent to the South Sea Islands. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or sl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Cos., Chicago or New York. Fear is the deadly foe of success in every legitimate undertaking. I could not get long without Piso’s Cure for Consumption. It always cures. —Mrs.E. < Moulton, Needham, Mass., October 22, IS9I. .T. S. Parker, Fred on a, N.Y.. says: “Shall not call on you for the SIOO reward, for I be lieve Hall’s Catarrh Cure will cure any case of catarrh. Was very bail.” Write him for par ticulars. Sold by Druggists, 75-. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup foTchildren teething.softens the<um*. reduces inflamma tion.allays pain.cures wind colic. 35c. a bottle. Fits permanently cured. So fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Pr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. #2 trial bottleandtreatlsefree. Dk. K. li. HUNK, Ltd.. 981 Arch St., l’hlla.. Pa. “A drop of ink makes millions think.” hut don’t be afraid of* getting a drop too much. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, bleed jjure. 50c, sl. All druggists. While exaggerated statements may make a sale, they never make a regular customer. To cure, or money refurded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price s Oc. HDoes VOHT cad Ache ? Are your nerves weak? Can’t you sleep well? Pain in your back? Lack energy? Appetite poor? Digestion bad? Boils or pimples? These are sure signs of poisoning. From what poisons? ' From poisons that are al ways found in constipated bowels. If the contents of the bowels are not removed from the body each day, as nature intended, these poisonous substances are sure to be absorbed into the blood, al ways causing suffering and frequently causing severe disease. There is a common sense cure. AYER’S They daily insure an easy and natural movement of the bowels. You will find tljat the use of SApr’s firsaparifia with the pills will hasten recovery. It cleanses the blood from all impurities and is a great tonic to the nerves. Write the Doctor. Our Medical Department bat on* of the most eminent phyticlan* la the United eta tea. Tell the doctor lust how you are suffering. You will receive the het medical *dvlc* without cost. Address. DR- J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mess. Coroner’* InQoeat Over a Mammy. British Crowner’s law has asserted Its rights by holding a formal Inquest over a mummy that was being trans ported over the North Western Rail road to be shipped to Belgium. Tho technical evidence and the verdii t rendered were as follows: "Dr. Oliver, divisional surgeon, stated that it was not possible to say the probable period of death beyond that it must have occurred many years ago. From his examination of the body and from in quiries he had made, he had formed the opinion that the mummy was that of a body from Pern or some other part of South America. The system of burial among certain tribes there consists of placing the body after death in a squatting position, and of fixing it in that position to a or tree and allowing it to be expoued to the sun for a certain time. By these means the body becomes dried or mummified, after which it is conveyed to a sand or other cave and there de posited. The jury returned the fol lowing verdict: ‘That the woman was found dead at the railway goods sta tion, Sun street, on April 15, and did die on some date unknown in some foreign country, probably South Amer ica, from some cause unknown. No proofs of a violent death are found, and the body has been dried and ‘buried in Some foreign manner, prob ably sun dried and cave buried, and the*jurors are satisfied that this body does not show any recent crime in this country, and that the deceased was unknown and about 25 years of age.’ ” —New York Sun. Are Yon Using Allen’s Foot Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE- Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Chines*, from the viceroy down, worship lizards, turtles, horses, pigs, bulls and insects. His I.ittle Daughter Was troubled with a painful skin eruption, and after all other remedies failed, the father writes: “Send me four more boxes of Tetter! ne foriny little daughter. It does hor more good than anything we ever tried. Yours, etc . .las, 8. Porter. Lynchburg, 8. C.” At druggists 50c. box, or postpaid by J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. Antwerp is the principal market of Bel gium for paints and colors.- To Cura Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. O. fall to euro, druggists refund money. Silence may be golden but gossip gains currency. PILES “I *nflTered tho torture* of the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell. la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day 1 am entirely free from piles and feel like anew man.” C. H. Kkitz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la. M cathartic ’WBjgfe. TRAD! MARK REOISVXRCO v * kjr 338 ■ * Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, ChtecifO, Montreal, Kew Verk. Sl* HA TA BAA Sold and guaranteed by all drug ill#* I gists to CUKE Tobacco Habit. ’ELF’ REFRIGERANT ■£k over 20 decree* colder than I F* I X used in relrlgerator* just like ■ (ij T **r a perfect subidttute tor SEND FOR CIRCULARS. AGENTS WANTED. UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATING CO., 21)2 Flushing Avemic, BROOKLYN, N. Y. unpr General Agent* wanted In yonr state We BIUIVLpa- a n expenses and*lßa week salary un i lib eral commission.No can vasslng. Wrlte.givlng referen ce*. LYONS IIKOS. UO„ Ferm B ldg, CLucliiiiuU.O. DR. MOFFETT’S 11 Regulates the Bowels, L §* m m ■■flap 11 Bft I M Makes Teatiling Easy. m LFi Liliyi AS TEETHINA Relieves flu ba£ %jg-/ I ■ I" 1 ills M %Um Bowel Troubles of ® “ ■■ ■ M aa Children of Any Ags. mk teething powders Abk Your Druggist fur Ik ' SHOOTERS SHOOT Loaded Shotgun Shells. Winchester guns an and \ fljrnmunition are the standard of the world, but they do not cost any more than poorer makes. AU reliable dealers sell Winchester goods. FREE: Send name and address on a postal for 156 ■ / m age *' lustrateC * C ata |° gue describing all the guns and “"winchester "repeating ARMS CO., f VQ, vj® 176 WINCHESTER AVE., HEW HAVEN, CONI. —- A Story of Sterility, SUFFERING AND RELIEF. [LETTER TO MB*. PIWEHAM WO. 69,185| “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham—Two years ago I began having such dull, heavy dragging pains In my back, menses were profuse and painful, and was troubled was leucorrhcea. I tools patent medicines and consulted a phy sician, but received no benefit and could not become pregnant. Seeing one of your books, I wrote to you tell ing you my troubles and asking for advice. You answered my letter promptly and I followed the directions faithfully, and derived so much benefit that I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegqtablo Compound enough. I now find myself pregnant and hnvs begun its use again. I cannot praise it enough.”—Mrs. Cora Gilson, Yates, Manistee, Mich. •‘Your Medicine Worked Wonders.* •‘I had been sick ever since my mar riage, seven years ago; have given birth to four children, and had two miscarriages. I had falling of womb, leucorrhcea, pains in bock and legs* dyspepsia and a nervous trembling of the stomach. Now I have none of theoo troubles and can enjoy my life. Your medicine has worked wonders for me.”—Mrs. S. Barnhart, New Castl*, Pa. ___ Malsby & Company, 30 S. I - .ioihl St., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heater*. Steam Pump* and Penbertliy Injector*. Manufacturer* and Dealers In SAW MILLS, Corn Mill*, Feed Mill*, Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Haws, Saw Teeth *nd Locks, Kntglit’* Patent Dogs, Itlrdsall B** Mill and Knglne Repair*, Governor*, <*mt Har* and a full lino of Mill Supplies. I’rio* and quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogs* free by mentioning this paper. The Greatest Railwnv Systems of the United Stutes Use CARTER’S INK They wouldn’t use it if it wasn’t good. Costs you no more than poor inlt. Insist upon having it. SALESMEN WANTED. CRAM’S MAGNIFICKNT TWENTIETH CF.NUUKY MAP OF UN 1TKI) STATUS and WORLD just completed. Largest, latcet and most accurate map over printed on one kbet intheworld. Shows all recent chan pres. Sell* at sight Price low. Exclusive territory glr*. Big profit to salesmen. Also Handsomest Line of Low Priced, Quick-Selling Rook* and family liibles ever offered Address HUDGJNBPUII - SUING CO., Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ua. For INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. “I have found Immediate relief In every la stance. P. B. Loejdkn, Philadelphia. A cure for a try. 25c. a box Ask your drof. gist, or write for free sample to TIZAKUJKK CO., Tarpon Spring:*, Fl*. n Dfl DCV NEW DISCOVERY; ft*** U |\ V* I B quirk relief and cares won* rnnes. Book of testimonials,and lOditvn’ treatm*** Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S BONB, Box D. Atlanta, tt*. a* a ■ ■ ft m and Whiskey Habit* SfYg SIS ■ H I cured at home wiLh fiS sjr l|9 ww™ out T'kiu. IV,ok of par -3 8 RKH "wS tlculsrssent FRF.*?. SJiaBHHnaHHU b.m.woollky, m and. Atlanta, on. Office 104 N. Pryor SL