The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 06, 1899, Image 5

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ASSETS * insure your property in The Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. w. j. dabney, agent. News In and f- Around Winder^ Major Cox has been quite feeble this week. Tbe 4th passed off very quietly in Winder. Several from here attended city court at Jefferson this week. . city court at Jefferson convened' Monday and lasted several days. Rain is needed now worse than any thing else. Crops are ruining fast. Judge Russell is at Warm Spring this week attending the bar association; Winder was represented by a large crowd at the Chautauqua yesterday. Mr. J. C. Duggan, of Atlanta, spent afev days with relatives here this week. The Winder baud delighted the Chautauqua crowd yesterday with their sweet nrusic. Miss Mozelle Whitehead has returned home from the normal school at Ath ens. Messrs. Griffith and Caldwell of The Monroe Messenger and News made us a pleasant call Monday. Mr. Emory McElhannon has been cor. fined to his room portion of the week with symptoms of fever. Judge George C. Thomas, of Athens, was here last Saturday to argue some motions before Judge Russell. Mrs J. C. Duggan after a visit of a week or more here returned to her home in Atlanta Tuesday Messrs. Tim Dostor and Tom Hayes of Virgil were in the city last Saturday and report crops very good is their neighbor hood. Mr. John Carr has about decided to enter the lecture field since hearing Dr. Dixon in his famous lecture on “The New America.” The crops prospect is very discouraging over many portions of the state from re ports of those who have traveled in dif ferent sections. Miss Leola Birdsong, a very attractive and accomplished youdg lady from Spar ta, Ga,, is the guest of Prof, and Mrs. Kilgore on Candler street. Mr. L. P Williams came back home this week from over on broad river in Oglethorpe county where he has been for two mouths working on a bridge. T. A. Maynard has a full up stock of buggies, harness laprobes ect. He can interest you. Mr. A. C. Christian of Harbins dis trict, Gwinnett caunty, made us a pleasant call while in the city Tuesday. He reports crops needing rain badly in his section. Mr. W. H. Braselton, one of the leading business men and farmers of Hoschton, was in the city Monday and made The Economist e very pleasant call. He is one of the live firm of Bras elton Bros. The Econonist has added several good names to its subscription book this week. Most of thesenames were secured by Mr. Leroy Morris, our traveling representa tive, Who never tires in working for the paper of the people. Mrs. C. W. Harris and little daughter of Atlanta spent a short while here first of the week with Mrs. W. H. Kin> 1 bell. This was her first visit nere since | moving to the above city and her many friends were delighted to see her. Miss. Della Douglas, the popular mil* liner for J. T. Strange & Cos., left f r her home in Atlanta Tuesday to spend her vacation. Miss Douglas has made many friends here and her return in September will be looked forward to with much anxiety. The protracted services at the Meth odist church closed Sunday night Rev. Mr. Quillian a brother of Dr. Quillian assisted in the meeting and by his zeal ous work endeared himself to our peo ple and made many friends here. He is in eharge of the Methodist church at West Point. Buy your Mosquito Canopies from Winder Form tore Cos. On A Visit To North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kelly left Tues day for Franklin, North Carolina, his old home, for a mouth’s visit among the scenes of his younger days. Mr. Kelly was born and raised there and enlisted among the first from his county as a confederate soldier. After the war he went back home and finding every thing so changed he decided to retrieve his fortunes in another state. He walked all the way from Franklin to Jefferson, Georgia, reaching there with only $2.50. Ho was in anew country to him and among strangers but went to work at once to make a start in life. In the fall of 1860 he married Miss Jane Cosby, of Gwinnett county, a few miles -above Winder aud engaged in farming. Full of energy and possess ing good judgment he succeeded on the farm and in a few years was surround ed by all the comforts that make farm life attractive. When the G. J. & S. railroad was built and a little town was started here, kuowu then as Jug Tav ern, Mr. Kelly rented his farm and came here to engage in the mercantile business with Mr. Z. F. Stauton and is therefore one of the pioneers of the now prosperous little city of Winder. He took an active interest in everything that helped to build up Winder, and has always been one of the leaders in developing its resources. He is a mem ber of the large and prosperous firm of Kilgore, Kelly & Cos. a firm that has gained an enviable reputation by its fair and honorable dealing with its many customers. Mrs. Kelly died in 18&3 after an illness of several weeks and in 1896 Mr. Kelly married Miss Ella Camp, one of Jackson’s pure and noble women. By close application to busi ness he has amassed quite a handsome little fortune, aud North Carolina’s loss has been Georgia’s gaiu. The Economist wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Kelly a pleasant and enjoyable visit to his old home and a safe return to Winder. Your Credit is good for a buggy with T. A. Maynard, Winder, Ga. Appointed Receiver. Mr. John J. Carr of our city has been appointed receiver for W. J. Oaks, of Lawrenceville, and has taken charge of the property of Mr. Oaks., Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! We have a big lot of shoes on our Bargain counter that we will sell at ac tual cost. It will pay you tu como aud get a pair or more before the lit is ail gone. Hodges, Camp & Arnold. Eleven to Thirteen In favor of Winder was the score in the game between Jefferson and Win der in this city last Tuesday. The Jefferson team took their defeat grace fully and seemed to enjoy the game and their stay in our city. Quite a large crowd witnessed tne contest between the two teams. Notic to Stockholders. The stockholders of the Winder Oil mill and guano factory are all urgently requested to meet next Tuesday, July tltb, for the purpose of perfecting or ganization. The meeting is set for 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. Big Real Estate Deal. Messrs Jno. S. and G. W. Smith sold a valuable let 75 feet front by 100 feet deep to Dr. J. C. DeLaPerriere last Friday for SISOO. This peice of property is on the corner of Broad and Candler streets; fronting broad and is one' of the most desirable business sites in the city Dr. DeLaPerriere believes in improveing and has great confidence in Winder’s future. He will doubtless put up a handsome brick building on it before the close of the year. Plttlttrs Tcwthacha | IMIIIVI V in flye minutes . Sour Stomach and Bummer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. Gk W. DelaPerrlere, Winder, Ga, Important things to Read. Whisky, straight make* crooked paths. People who have once taken DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will never have any thing else. They are the “famous little pills” for tropid liver and all irregular ities of the system, G. W. DeLaPerri ere. ' -j Realization without hope loses half its charms. To Care Depression of Spirit, Falling of the Womb and weakness of Back usual to Change of Life, taka Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. ~ Every married womau travels under an assumed name. It makes no difference how bad the wound if yon use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal aud leave no scar. G. W. DeLaPerriere. A circus crowd is always more fun than the circus itself. To arouse a Dormant Liver and secure permanent regularity of the Bowels, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi cine. When men play the fool women are apt to work the same. J. D. Bridge, editor aud proprietor of the Democrats, Lancaster. N. H. says: “I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my bey, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy I ever used.” G. W. DeLaPerriere It’s as difficult to keep out of love as it is to understand it. The Dangers of a Malarial Atmos phere may be averted by occasionally taking Dr. M. A. Sinmous Liver Medi cine. Plagiarism is merely a lack of skill in effacing coincidences. Pneumonia, la guppe, oougfi.3, colds croup and whooping congh readily yield to one Minute Cough cure. Use this remedy in timo and save a doctor’s bill—or the undertaker’s. G. W. DeLa- Perriere. Ice cream melts more feminine hearts than hot words do. By allowing the accumulation in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. G. W. DeLaPer riere. Powder magazines ought to be classi fied as flash literature. Couvulsion, Cramps, Chronic Female Diseases and Hysterics are cured by use of Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tab lets. The cost of experience is fully real ized when one goes to law. Remove causes of Menstrual Suppres sions, Exaggerations and Irregularities by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. It’s too much to expect an all-round politician to be exactly square. Sour Stomach is one of the first symp toms of a coming B ilious attack Cure it with a few doses M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. The average mans ideal woman is one who believes everything he says. Sick Headache, Wind on the Stomach Biliousness, Nausea,are quickly cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Seme women, when they begin to ad mire a man, begin to persecute him. Ladies agonized Female Disorders should avoid Unpleasant Examinations and at once cured themselves with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tab lets. You can pick out fools by their ques tions and wise men by their answers. If you have piles, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the disease without distubing the disease itself. Place your confidence iu DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, It has never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure YOU. G. W. DeLPerriere. A man can lead a woman to sin, bo t after that he has hard work to follow her. You can freeze cream with the Iceland Freezer in 3 % minutes, and with half the amount of ioe that it requires for any other feeezer. For sale by Winder Furniture Cos. Call and see our stock of Buggies--The lines we handle are reliable and the prices are right. Terms to suit. DABNEY HARDWARE CO. Winder, Ga. A Live Firm. In this issue, Kilgore, Kelly Sr Cos. have a large ad in which they quote prices that will astonish yon. This is alive firm which believes in telling the people what they can do for thorn through the columns of The Econo mist. They give the figures so that the reader may judge as to whetner they are really offering bargains or not and they always sell you at the figures ad vertised. Read their ad closely and if they price you bargains go and get them and tell them that The Economist en abled you to know what they wore of- I fering. You can always remember | that the firm that advertises i$ the firm 1 that will give you the best inducements to trade. The firm that never adver tises it? goods is out of date. Kilgore, Kelly & Cos. realize this truth and are not to close to ase space to let you know what tehy have. They believe in prin ters ink. Returned to California. Miss Georgia, Jackson of California, who has spent a year in Winder with relatives, returned to her faraway home Tuesday. Miss Georgia had made a host of friends during her stay here and there were many sighs aud regrets when the time came to bid her adieu. We have received the third shipment of iceland cream freezers this season. minutes is all the time veu want to freeze cream with one of them. Wind r Furniture Cos. New Barber Shop. Mr. W. T. Brannon was here this week from Harmony Grove with a view of getting an office for opening up a barber shop. He decided to locate aud will move here in a few weeks. This is a good point for him and we feel satis fied he has struck the right place. Winder welcomes men of all profes sions and ii ready to encourage and help every one who comes here to suc ceed. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pain under shoul der-blade, constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is terpidand congest ed. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and per manently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to opeu and flow naturally. *Thev are good pills. G ; W. DeLaPerriere. Fine Reputation. No band has risen faster than the Win der band in public favor. The band was again employed by the Gainesville Chauiauqua derectors to play Yesterday, it being Bryan day, the biggist day they were to have and they the biggist and best band to make the music. Palmetto Fans at 1 cents each. Hodoes, Camp & Arnold. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plica. Soldi, Burn*. Small pox At Gainesville. The reports are quite conflicting as to small pox at Gainesville Some citizens we meet from there say there are a num ber of cases and others there is uone. Ic is a little strange to those at other places to hear this difference of opinlou. We tru4 the former class are stating facts, as so many have attended the C iautau qua it is liable to spread if it is really as bad there as some indicate. It is very unjust to those from other places if any deception has been used by the citizens of Gaiuosvillo on account of the Chau tauqua. \V r e can hardly think such has been the case. Death of a Good Woman. •* Mrs. A. J. McDonald of near Pender grass died last week after an illness of some days. She was a good woman and her death has oroduced sorrow and sad ness in the hearts of a largo circle of friends. She was a kind neighbor and will be greatly missed in her section. The husband and children have our sin cere sympathy in theirsad bereavement. Kokomo, Ind., April i, 1898. I can say without fear of successful contradiction that Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm is the best medicine I have ever used for kidney and liver troubles. I suffered for five years and bad about despaired of ob taining relief when your Liver and Kidney Balm was recommended to me. Iu it I found the desired relief. J. H. Arnett. For sa'e by Vi inder Drug Cos. Dr. Hugh Mitchell. Dr. Hugh Mitchell of near Hoschton, in this county, died at his home Tuesday and was buried yesterday. Dr, Mitch ell lived on his farm and had retired from the practice of medicine. He was raised in dark county bnt had been a citizen of Jackson for 30 years or more, RED HOT FROM THE GUN Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrib'e Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck len’s Arnica Salve cured him: Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by. Winder Drug, Cos. Big Picnic. There will be a big picnic at Pittman’s mills near center on Thursday, July 20th. Every body is invited to attend. The Economist editor returns thanks ior a cordial invitation to be present. SPENT A GOOD FARM DOCTORING Mr. A. N. Noell of Asherville, Kansas, says he spent a good farm doctoring him self for ohronic diarrhoea but got no re lief and was afraid chat he mast die. He chanced to get hold of a bottle of Cham berlain’s Cholio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was permanently cored by it. For Sale by Winder Drug Cos.