The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 20, 1899, Image 5

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LsSETS 989.07 7, 114.17. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN The Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. \y. j dabney, agent. Vs lii anil 1 Around finder.. ■ rncle John Jackson is quite feeble ■.gain this week. I qjj Eugene Whitehead has been tie iU this week. I PrMh carload of Lime just received t a. Maynard. ■ Co ,_ Ay ers, ot Jefierson, was in the ■city one day last week. ■ Oconee Superior court begins at ■Watkiusville next Monday. I Mr a ud Mrs. W. J. Whitehead, of ■Wilner, were in the city Tuesday. I Miss Clara DeLaPerriere visited ■friends in Harmony Grove last week. I Judge Russell has let the contract for ■two nice dwellings to be completed by ■October. I Miss Curtice Camp, of Maysvilte, 1 ‘ nt Tuesday with her uncle, Mr., B. ■T. Camp. ■ jjr.W.E. Flanigan, oneofthe enter- Ipridng farmers of Algernon, was in the ■city Mond y. ■ jjr. John H. Dunahoo was in to see ■us yesterday aud reports crops sorry in ■his community. The Economist has over 5,000 readers every issue and the number grows larg er all the time. Misses Bartow Smith and Callia Wil hite are spending a few weeks at Lo ganville with friends. Miss Maud and Nellie Mobley are at home again after a pleasant stay of two weeks at Social Circle. I Evangelist W. S. Hubbaad, af Gaines- I ville, stopped tosee us a short while yes- I terday while in the city. I Mrs. Leila Betts, of Athens, is ’ the I guest of Mr, and Mrs. Z. F' Stanton on ■ BroadS'reet this week. I WANTED—IO,OOO babies to photo graph at Knight’s Photo Galery. All [work guaranteed. j Notice the change of schedule of the G. J. &S. railroad and also the adop. tion of eastern or fast time. 4 Died—Tuesday morning, the eleven months old babe of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. House in Chandler’s district. Mrs. McNorton, after a visit of seven weeks at Lawrenceville, Athens and other points, is at home again. Several of the Jefferson ball players were here Tuesday to witness the game between Winder and Maysville. Mr. Z F. Stanton went over to Lo ganvilie yesterday to attend the district meeting of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Willis, of Edg more, S C , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lyle on Park Avenue. Smith, Carithers & Cos. have begun work on the new livery stable and will have it completed in a few weeks. Miss Lillie Duke returned to her home in Jefferson Wednesday after several weeks spent with Mrs. J. H. Jackson. The Economist is the best advertising medium in this section of Georgia be- J cause it reaches the people who buy. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hodges, of Bogart, were the guests of his mother and broth ers in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. T. C. Dunn left last week for j Texas to see the country and take a lit he rest- He will get back first of Au gust. ‘ | Esqr. A. M. Williams, of Walton county, was in to see us Tuesday and reports the crops suffering badly in his section. Mr. A A Camp has added another • J om and made considerable improve hrent to his beautiful residence on Broad Street. The Winder Hardware Cos. and The tnder Furniture Cos. will begin at once e erection of two large rock stores on handler Street. ■Mr- E. Mathews, of Hawkins Ville, w "° is spending the summer months with his son near Mulberry, was in the Clt 7 Monday, T*auaetto Fans at 1 cents each. Hodges, Camp & Arnold. The Oil Mill. The directors went down to Smith : sonia Tuesday to confer with Col. James M. Smith and look at his oil mill ma chinery. They were so well pleased with the machinery that they daoidoi to accept it at the price offered, all of it to be taken in stock by Col. Smith. This was a wise decision and insures for us an oil mill. Work will begin at once aud by the middle of September the president and directors hoDeto have the mill ready for operation. The Oil miil will only be the begin - iug of manufacturing enterprises of various kinds that are bound to be loca ted here in the near future. Now is the time for all our citizens to work togeth er for the upbuildiug of the city. We have a bright future in store for us if we will take advantage of opportuni ties. Winder must get to be a place of 5000 people. Mr. T. J. Kilgore, of Suollville, a brother of Prof. Kilgore, spent a few days with him this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peek of Conyers are visiting Col. and Mrs. Irwin for a few days. Mr. Peek is a orother of Mrs. Irwin. Mr. J. H. Kilgore and family went down to Farmington yesterday to at tend a family reunion. They will return home tomorrow. Mr. J. W. Kilgore gave the editor a nice mellon to-day off of his Texas farm just below Winder. He has some fine melons for so dry a year. Mrs. T. B. Williams, who has been visiting relatives at Lawrenceville for a few weeks, is back home again. She enjoyed her visit very much. Mr. and Mrs M. J. Hardigee, who live just below Winder, .took the train 'here this morning for Coweta county to spend a few weeks with relatives. Will Carter, colord, aud another negro attempted a crimiual assault last Sun day afternoon on Mrs. Fred Adams, who lives a few miles above Jefferson. Laces and Embroiderys are being closed out at cost. Kiloore, Kelly & Cos. The circulation of The Economist. increases every week and we appreciate the kind words of encourgemant re ceived from our friends and subscrib ers. The horseswappqrs’ reunion embraces Thursday, Friday an 1 Saturday, August 17, 18 and 19, which is three last days of the second week of Jefferson snporior court. You can freeze cream with the Iceland Freezer in 3% minutes, and with half the amount of ice that it requires for any other feeezer. For sale by Winder Furniture Cos. We are glad to learn that Mr. W. J. Ross of Chandler’s district, this county, is greatly improved under the treat ment of Dr. Banks; also Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Gratis. Mr. P. P Jennings, who returned home from North Georgia first of the week, reporos all the section through which he traveled extremely dry and the crop prospect very gloomy. The Mormon Elders spent most of last week here, preaching on the streets every afternon. They made no con verts here uor any where in this section so far as we have been able to learn. Messrs Sam Finch, of Laurel, Miss., and Robert Johnson, of Lakeland, Flor ida, reached Winder Taesday afternoon on their way to Johnson’s Mill to spend a few weeks with their parents. Mr. Richard J Pentecost, of Cedar Hill, made ns a pleasant call yesterday while in the city He is one of our be3t citizens and clever men and i3 al ways a welcome visitor to The Econo mist. Mr. Dock Carr, one of the leading young business men of Maysville and a brother of Mr. John Carr of our city, was the gnest of his brother a few days this week. He came over with the Maysville ball team Tuesday. Mrs. Wolf is quite indisposed to-day. Mr. R. U. Wright has a fine school down at Paradise. Mr. M. J. Tucker, of Statham, was in the city this morning. He is yet unable to walk without crutches. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That la what It was made far. Important things to Read. Fools make feasts, aud wise men eat them. To Cure Depression of Spirit, Falling of the Womb and weakness of Back usnal to Change of Life, take Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. 1 Do good to thy friend to keep him, to thy enemy to gain him. Anoint a villain aud he’ll stab you, stab him, aud he’ll anoint you. To arouse a Dormant Liver and secure permanent regularity of the Bowels, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi cine. No man e’er was glorious, who was not laborious. An iunoceut plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince. The Dangers of a Malarial Atmos phere may be averted by occasionally taking Dr. AI. A. Siumons Liver Medi cine. He that cannot obey, cannot com mand. The noblest question in the world is what good may I do in it? Convulsion, Cramps, Chronic Female Diseases aud Hysterics are cured by use of Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or ’Tab lets. There are three faithful friends— an old wife, an old dog and ready mon ey. Remove causes of Menstrual Suppres sions, Exaggerations and Irregularities by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or . Tablets. There have been as great souls unknown to fame as any of the most fa mous. Sour Stomach 13 one of the first symp toms of a coming Bilious attack Cure ’t with a few doses M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. " If you would reap praise you must sow the seeds, gentle words and useful deeds. Sick Headache, Wind on the Stomach Biliousness, Nausea, are quickly cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou shall sell thy neces saries. Ladies agonized Female Disorders should avoid Unpleasant Examinations and at once cured with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tab lets. Don’t, value a man for the quality he is of, but for the qualities he possess es. Mrs. Sallie Harrisou, Ridgeway, Ga, writes: Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med icine cured me of Sick Headache, Swim ming Head and Sour Stomach. 1 give it to my children and find it better for them than any thing I ever tried. The Zeilin’s and Black Draught I used did not have as much strength as it has. If you would be revenged of your en emy, govern yourself. “We have sold many different cough remedies,but none have given better sat isfaction than Chamberlain’s,” says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N J. ‘‘lt is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness. Sold by Winder Drug Cos. No better relation than a prudent and faithfnll friend. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Winder Drug, Cos. will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using ifcT It is every where admitted to be the most success ful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. The load always seems heaviest when yon have reached very near to the top of the hill. SPENT A GOOD FARM DOCTORING Mr. A. N. Noell of Asherville, Kansas, says he spent a good farm doctoring him self for chronic diarrhoea but got no re lief and was afraid that he must die. He chanced to get hold of a bottle of Cham berlain’s Cholio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was permanently cored by it. For Sale by Winder Drug Cos. Call and see our stock of Buggies--The lines we handle are reliable and the prices are right. Terms to suit. DABNEY HARDWARE CO. Winder, Ga. Nineteen To Five. Maysville team came over Tuesday flushed with victory, having defeated every team they had played with this season. They were strongly supported by Jefferson, Harmony Grove and the University and thought they would have easy sailing and wipe up the Win der team with little effort. The boys Were sadly disappointed, however, and soon found out they were not in it and they would have to go back home with their banner trailing in the dust. , The game stood nineteen to five hi favor of Winder. We are sorry for the boys, but they could expect no better when they struck Winder. We have received the third shipment of iceland cream freezers this season. '&% minutes is all the timevcu want to freeze cream with one of them. Wind r Furniture Cos. Rev J. C Otwell, of Gainesville, has been appointed colporteur-missionary for North East Georgia by the Baptist State Mission Board. The Board was fortunate in this appointment and could not have made a better one. Mr. Ot well will begin the work at once in his field. Judge Russell has moved the store house bought of W. H. Sheats & Cos. across the street ju3t opposite where it stood and has rented it to Messrs Whitehead and Carr for their newspaper office. These gentlemen will gat out their ini tia 1 issue the first week in August. Mr. J. N. Siieatß, of near Bogart, who has been seriously ill, is some better. Mr. Shaats is oue of Oconee’s best citi zens and farmers and has many friends in that county as well as this and Wal ton who will rejoice to learn of his im proved condition. Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! We have a big lot of shoes on our Bargain counter that wo will sell at ac tual cost. It will pay you tv come aud get a pair or more before the let is all gone. Hodges, Camp & Arnold. Rev. J. H. Wood, of Watkinsville, delivered two eloquent and earnest dis courses at the Christian church Sunday and Rev. D, A Brindle, the pastor of the church here, filled Mr. Woods ap pointment at Mt. Vernon, near Monroe. Mr. Wood has a large number of ad mirers here, all of whom were glad to near him. He is a preacher of much force and will accomplish good where ever he goes His many Winder frinds are always delighted to have him hert* Read the testimonials in this paper of parties who have been treated by Dr. Edward Banks, of Bowman. He is making some remarkable cures of old chronic diseases. He makes a specialty of all chronic complaints and is very rersonable in his charges. He is also highly endorsed by the leading citizens of his town. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, Burn*. Cream, Cake and Husic. The ladies an entertainment Tuesday evening at the park for the benefit of our band. Cream, cako and music, all combined, made the honrs pass rapidly.and the large number who attended greatly enjoyed the evening. The ladies who activly interested them selves in this move deserve much praise and thanks for its complote success. The music charmed every one, the cream was cold and the cake sweet and every thing so delightful that wo see nothing to prevent a repetition. It would cer tainly be nice to have a band concert every evening-, with tho addition of a lit tie cream and cake, during the hot weather Another Real Estate Deal. Messrs. L. A, House and M. J. Grif fith, two of the young business men of Winder, bought three houses and lots last week on Candler and Church Streets from Mr. John Sikes. This is valuable property, well improved and they were fortunate in buying it as property here is gradually increasing in value all the time. Beans I3y The Bushel. Capt. Williams knows how to have a fine garden and to raise beans bv the bushel without rain. His garden is the best ti be found any where this year and his running beans and the way he grows them is worth seeing. The vines are full of beaus from four to six inches long and you can’t think of any thing but a pot of beans well seasoned with a big slice of bacon while you be hold them. The Economist had a pleasant call yes terday from Mr. A. H. Cook, of Dallas Texas who is spending a few days with his sister Mrs. Leroy Morris of our city. Mr. Cook ha3 been in Texas for a num ber of years and this is his first visit back to his native state in a long time. He informed us that the great flood in his state was four times as destructive as has beeu reported. , . The First rieloiT. Mr, John P. Hill, wno never forgets a poor editor when he has anything good remembered ns last Saturday with a fine and luschious watermelon, the first one we have had this year. We have often been plaoed under many obligations to John for similar acts of kindness. From Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shockley of Lex* ingtin, Okla, Territory arrived in the city yesterday to spend a month or more with Mrs, Shockley’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. L). Sims. This is the first visit Mrs. Shockley has made here sinoe her marriage and her many friends here will be delighted to see her and to know sho will be hare several weeks. Mr. Shockley is an old Jackson county boy who has done well in the Wese and is a prosperous farmer. He reports srops fine and plenty of rain in Oklahoma.