The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 20, 1899, Image 7

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pRNALISTS I ARE IGNORED Lent Will Take No Notice of M Their Protest. Led at cabinet meeting Hlman, the Famous War Cor- Hrespondent, Unmercifully ■ Roasts Gen. Otis. K was officially announced at the ■ department Tuesday by General that no notice would be taken M‘ “ r o U n<l robin” of the newspaper at Manila; that the Hiileut would not consent to make ■ Ttvrg of them nor would be place ■fidence in them over his trusted Herals in the Philippines. H'ieral Corbin said that the ‘ ‘round Hn was already discredited at the Hartment and that General Otis H, Neither be transferred or dis spite cf the tone of confidence Hressed by the officials at the war ’ there is considerable K u f,.;t throughout the admiuistra- H over the expose of the corre- HiiJents. ■1 aII informal conference held at Mf white house Monday night the r ct was thoroughly discussed and fHLhry to ignore was agreed upon. ■1 it is officially stated, was de ■l,l at Tuesday’s cabinet meeting. ■lmlly the matter will be ignored, HFGeneral Otis will be allowed to ■t it as he may deem best. MT Hof Shot From Creelman. HBAnpi-nring simultaneously with the robin” of the correspondents James Creelman, the famous ■Hr correspondent of The New York cables from London his ob- Hv; - - during a recent two months’ ■v in Manila and on the firing lines archipelago. Hi!- charges General Otis with in- and with “doctoring” dispatches to paint the condi as optimistic, when in reality arc and have been just the re ,Hc-. and with reporting “imminent ' when in reality,'caused by ■■ mv,ii is mntingj&m out, “imminent ■■hire” has been the result. Mr. ! letter goes into detail, but H'j few extracts are here presented: < Creelman says: having spent several months our troops in the Philippines, I <i™ly convinced that unless Gen removed and a competent put in command the whole will be a failure. be plain, General Otis is a old man, unaccustomed to any- regimental carnmand, and with the ideas and methods ,^H a u utine clerk. He is a man who groan old serving in a regiment, his experience and abilities do go (mtpjdg 0 f regimental lines. 'SjjH Jden I reached Manila a few days dm bloody outbreak the whole was lying in trenches, being Ct n '- L ' r^lt ail d day, while General "as absorbed in routine details a.i army clerk could have done as • He refused to allow the army uiaLe any advance. So insistent 'floral Anderson that the only t" destroy the enemy was to light H"! n tllat General Otis treated him „ °P eu Hostility and finally had ■W’ s l'lendid soldier return to the States. ,eral Otis’ principal thought ■I- ‘ u< , to He to prevent real facts ™.n : graphed to the United States, ■I, l ‘\ a )USe °f censorship has been m His conditions for ■ ‘‘'Patches were so outrageously '"< I ’"fused to send any Preferring to let The Join- ■ irlH |^ en father than to telegraph ie * I!U i thing is H s P 0 time I left Manila, which t „ ei * ie capture of Mnnolos by Heinrm" anta Cruz by Lawton, tlS nover Heen at the njn^, i e jealous clerk, who Hith onts ule the city, directing “ J ' so . u^e !y tyrannical exactitude Mrc r Htlonß divisions commanded H' leis 'k e Cawton and McArthur. H is t . le “ 1 eom Plained to General Hsrvio.i 1 , as str Hiing out of my Hr o-v les things I had witnessed with Morin'! 0,t j eS w Hich the American M“ ‘I f a to know, he said: M^jori, ' on * Propose to allow the Mb,i t to know anything Can ?P a ’o a that will agitate Mom 1 ‘ ° * on f? as lam in corn lit l r . e People of the United Mr,./o i know only such facts as I D <ii * Vlsa °le to allow to be known.’ man who writes auything ■i Slo , e car upaign contrary to my Bhiir' ' TI expelled from the Mv # S meB - L1 . We are not going to i-7 public agitatious about this W i;ai & n 1 fan prevent it.’ ” A Rtmarkalile Elephnnf. Elephant intelligence is about "up to the limit” in animals, and an Eng lishman tells of one that was accus tomed to receiving pennies that it would drop Into a 6lot for a biscuit. If given a half-penny the elephant would throw it back contemptuously, but one day a boy gave It two half pennies at the same time. For sev eral minutes the animal held them in Ins trunk as though pondering over their value. At last he dropped the two together into tue slot, with the result that he got the blßcuit. He ap peared to know that he had made an unusual discovery and frisked around in the greatest delight.—Detroit Free Press. Beautiful Women. Every woman should have the beauty, vivacity and vigor of perfect health. A strong stomach Is the first essential to physii'iil beauty in either man or woman. Nine-tenths of the sickness of the human race comes from weak digestion. Thousands of people, after years of discouragement, have tried Uostet ter’s Stomach Hitters and regained their health. There is nothing like it for the cure of stomach troubles. See that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. Truth makes the face of that person shine who speaks and owns it. Why I)o You Scratch ? If you have itch, tetter, eczema, ringworm or other skin disease, you can cure yourself with Tetterine. No need of a doctor. Sold by drug gists for 50cts. a box. or sent by mail prepaid for 60c. in stamps by J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah. Ga. If a good face is a letter of recommenda tion, a good heart is a letter of credit. Con’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or sl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Cos., Chicago or Now York. Waste of time is the most extra vagant and costly of all expanses. "Mata Mosquito” (Wintersmith’s) Famous South American Mosquito Perfume is a wonderful pet fume used by South Americans- A few dropt rubbed on hands, face and arms keeps mosquitoes away. At Druggists or mailed to any' address on receipt of retail price. Two sizes, 10 and 25 cents. Address Arthur Peter & Cos., Louisville, Ky. Incredulity robs us of many pleasures and gives us nothing in return. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Cleon blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50e. Lands mortgaged may return, but honesty once pawned is ne’er redeemed. 51 rs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allay* pain, cures wind colic. 26c. a bottle. , Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. tf2 trial bottleand treatlselree. Dk. It. H. Kline, Ltd., 881 Arcli St., I’hila., Pa. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, bleed pure. 50c, sl. All druggists. Happiness is not the end of life; charac ter is. Piso’s Cure cured me of a Throatnnd Lung trouble of three years’ standing.—E. Cady, Huntington, Ind.. Nov, 12, 1891. Albert Burch, West Toledo, Ohio, sayi: “Hall’s Catarrh Cure saved my life.” Write him for particulars. Sold by Druggists, 75c. The kind of man who gets off a train and leaves his valise thinks he is indispensable. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If U. C. 0. fail to cure, druggists refund money. The Deadly Vpns Tree. In tlirilliDg stories of adventure mauy poor characters have met an untimely end beneath the leaves of the “deadly upas tree.” Any one in fiction who ever came within the radius of its poisonous shade was then and there stricken to sudden death. Up in the gardens of Peridenija, in the interior of Ceylon, there is a won derful collection of tropical trees. There are nutmeg, cinnamon, cacao, rubber, clove, mango, bamboo, ebony, ironwQod, guaVa, pepper, palm, co caine, and nearly every other kind of a tree that grows in warm climates. Among them is a deadly upas tree. On the afternoon of a certain day in 1808— to begin this story in the man ner of the story books—two travel stained wayfarers, weary and tired, repaired to the shady depths of the garden and sought shelter and repose from the blazing sun beneath a beauti ful tree. Little did they suspect that the malignant influence of poisonous vapors were upon them, and so they rested on, smoking and talking peace fully. After an hour or so one of them discovered a little card pinned to the tree, and on close inspection discover ed that it boro the name of the tree. It was the “Deadly Upas Tree!” Whereupon the travellers posed and had a snap-shot made of themselves by a friendly native, who pressed the button. And then they went on their way rejoicing. Cyclonic Changes. Subscribers to this paper who may be carried to a different location bv ! one of the frequent suburban cyclones j can have their favorite paper follow | ihem by sending new addresses to the { subscription department. ddsdssd A Victim of Heredity. Philanthropist—Pool’ fellow! You aro doubtless a victim of heredity. Convict —Yes, lady! I fell over six new ancestors dat Mrs. Astorbilt had list bad painted, an’ dat woke np de hull house, and dey pinched me! To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Trice oOc. APeV/ou Ever i depressed/ And Is It not due to nervous exhaustion? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer ing with headache, nervous .prostration and great physical weakness? Would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits? How? By removing the cause. By taking A ' 4 It gives activity to all parts that carry away useless and poisonous materials from your body. It removes the cause of your suffering, because it re moves all Impuririe-s from your blood. Send for cur book on Nervousness. To keep in good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer’s Pills cure con stipation and biliousness. Wrltm to our Doctors. Perhsp* you would Ilk* to consult some eminent phyitclaus about your condition. Than writs us freely all the particulars In your case. You will re eslrs a prompt reply, without cost - Addreti. DU. J. C. AY Eft, > Lowell. Mass. USE CERTAIN CORN CURE. Cl M REPAIRS H Bsi saws, ribs, BRISTLE' TWINE, BABBIT, &c,, FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IKON TOILS & SUPPLY CO, AUGUSTA, GA. ™ E ATLANTA^ Csfludmedd HQeueae Offers thorough practical courses in Bookkeep ing, and Shorthand and Typewriting. Students placed In positions without extra charge. Re duced rates to all entering school this month. Call on or address. THE ATLANTA BUSINESS COLLEGE, 129, 130 Whitehall St.; Atlanta, Ga. CAR LOADS OF Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic Shipped Annually to the Malarial sections of the United States. MM I ABBlflsk Hi * \ X|l “ P| The largest Jobbers report that their sales on GROVE’S TASTELESS CHIIJL TONIC is three times more than all other Chill Tonics combined. What MEYER EROS. DRUG CO., of St. Louis, write about GROVE'S: PARIS MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo., Gentlemen: — We wish to congratulate you on the increased sales vrejrto having on your TasteSesS GhiSS ToniCm On examining our recqrd of inventory under date of Jan. we find that we sold during the chill season of 1898, 2660 dozen GfOVO 9 S TontC Please rush down order encloses herewith, and oblige, Yours truly, IVSEYER BROS. DRUG CO. Perfectly Consistent. She —When are you going to give me the money to buy that new dress? He —Next week. “That’s what you said last week.” “Yes, and that’s what I say now and am going to say next week. I ain’t the kind of a man who rays one thing one week and another thing next week.”— Tid-Bits. Educata Yonr Bowels With Casrarrts. Candy Cathartic, cure conatlpation forever. 10c, 26c. If C. C, C. fall, druggists refund money. Make not thy friends too cheap to thee, nor thyself to thy friends. —Fuller. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Tulane ITnivei*sity of Louißiaim. Ita advantages for practical Instruction, both in ample laboratories and abundant hospital materials, are unequalled. Free access Is given to the great Charity Hospital with 800 beds and 80,000 patients annually. Special instruc tion is given dally at the btjdslde of the sick. The next session begins October 18th, lbU9. For catalogue and Information address Prof. 8. K. CHAILLK, 51. 1)., Deuu, P. O. Drawer 261. NEW ORLEANS, LA. f3JcrlH DR ’ WOFFETT’S ■ H SasiSffko.*, SSrr UTIIIIB m sras* gr/ I It I niW f i srs.% teethihs powders mgsttzsaz PERFECT womanhood depends on perfect health. Nature’s rarest gifts of physical beauty vanish befor* pain. Sweet dispositions turn morbid and fretful. The possessions that win good hus bands and keep their love should be guard- #*•/**■" jj*a “ss* ed by women every moment of their lives. ifcL £?"&ir Him (riP Jr The greatest menace to woman’s per- B MWAfib MM AY manent happiness in life is the suffering that comes from derangement of the EJJt/T& feminine organs. Many thousands of women have realized this too late to save their Jieauty, barely in time to save their lives. Many other thousands have availed of the generous in vitation of Mrs. Pinkham to counsel all suffering women free of charge. Mrs. H. J. Garretson, Bound Brook, N. J., writes: “Dkab Mrs. Pinkham— l have been tak ing Lydia E. Pitikham’s Vegetable and can say from my heart the* chroniQ inflammation of the left ' could not walk across the room without help. After giving up all hopes of recovery. I was advised to use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound and wrote for special information. I began to improve from the first bottle, and am now fully restored to health." College of Dentistry. DENTAL DEPARTMENT Atlanta College of I'liyaicinnH unil Snrgenn, Oldest Coli.kok in State. Thirteenth An nual Session opens Oct. 3; closes April 80th. Those contemplating the study cf Dentistry should write for catalogue. Address S. AV. FOSTER, Dean. 62-03 Inman Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INVIfiORAm The most eminent phyuiolana of tliis mnA other countries believe in the existence t terla (or germs) iu the human system. Avuy remedy that will destroy this poison wvtho*iS jury to the patient will meet a long fU wwkxft. ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOR not only aWantt nates all bacteria poisons from the dim isMf system, but Is a fine toulo also. It euro* aft STOMACH AND BOWEL TROUBLES. KtUnsy and Bladder Diseases, Hlood- sr*d !***■• Troubles, Nervousness, Ac., A". In fact, Ft tees scientific combination of medicines, eatito mi which doss its speclflo work on each. sepsra4a gan of ths body. It never foils to reach iVunMta essed organ and always does its work tssfß. A Safe and Rellnhto Household For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. nBADCV NF.W DISCO VBRY.sSw-a | RT SJW g quick relief and enm eiweisS cues. 80.. kof teetmioniab and JO days’ Veal waste Free. Dr. H. M. OkEKN'B SONS, Box D. tUmtate. WANTED— Caae of bad health that Tt P-*-• will not benefit. Bond Acte, to Ripanv CfhanUetu Cos., KewYork, for 10 eampins and 1000 testttnownfla. Thompion’t Eye Wttor MENTION THIS P#FERIKS!“a , SWS* HQTGSOHOOL||p; Tuition low. AH I ook s KIUOL j ®H®s^E6irUflnONBGUrtßflMTM| over 50 Remlnatna and Suilih Yrnnter *j f*~ , writers. 35-4 student* last var from 7 Strstm. Sth /ear. Bend for catalogue. Address. DeptlSL I STRAYER'S BUSINESS COL GS, Baltimore.**!. j