The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 17, 1899, Image 5

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ASSETS 589.077.114-17 • INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN The Continental Fire Insurance Cos. of New York. w. j. dabney, agent. HODGES, CAMP & ARNOLD Are in Fine Shape for the Fall Trade. New Goods are coming in every week and by the first of September they will have the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, and general Merchandise ever seen in Winder. Watch the Columns of The Economist and THEY Will Tell You all About the Bargains THEY Have For You. REMEMBER THEY ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BAGGING AND TIES. News In and Around Winder. New Furniture coming in at prices that will astonish the buyer. Bought before the advance which the buyer will get the benefit of. At the corner Store A Hamilton. Mr. S. P. Smith went down to Mon roe Monday on business. Miss Crawford Daniel of Jefferson is v siting relatives here this week. Deputy sheriff W. J. Smith, of Wal ton county was in Winder Monday. Mrs. R. L. Clark, of Augusta, is the guest otMr. and Mrs. A, H. O’Neal. Mr. J. W. Westbrook has been con fined to his room part of the week. Judge Estes presided for Judge Rus sell Monday and Tuesday at Jefferson court. Messrs John and Dr. Sikes of Oconee county were in the city yesterday on business. Editor Whitehead, of the Winder De mocrat, went over to Athens Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Ed Starr returntd last Sunday from a pleasant visit, of a week at Logan ville. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. O’Neal left last week for a visit to Greene county, their former home. Mrs. W. W. Hinton and Mr. J. T. Lord of near Harmony Grove, visited here last week. Prof. Glenn delivered an able and in structive sermon last Sunday at the Methodist church. Judge J. J. Wallis of Marcus was in the city yesterday and placed us under many obligations for a lot of fine peaoh es and potatoes. Mia. J. W. Sheats is spending the week with her father, Mr. T. N. Lester of Clarke County. Messrs. J. W. and Luke A. Moon were in the city yesterday from over on the Mulberry river. Protracted services begin tonight at the Christian church to be continued through next week. There will be three ball games here this week beginning with one today, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Hodges and daughter of Savan nah, are stopping for a month with Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Stanton. The Economist regrets to learn that Mr. J • N. Sheats of Ooonee oounty is not improving in health any. Mrs. L. E. Hayes, of Bogart, visited her mother, Mrs Stewart of this city last Saturday end Sunday. Miss Sunie Jackson has returned home after a pleasant visit to Athens, accom panied by Miss Ruth Jackson, ♦ . ____ t Band Concert Friday night at the In stitute, assisted by the Winder Ladies Trio. Come out to the concert and see the cake walk. Mr. P. J. Roberts, one of the leading farmers of Pendergrass district, was in the city a short while Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Richardson, after a pleas ant visit of one week with relatives in the country, returned Tuesday. Judge aud Mrs. Russell went up to Tallulah Falls Monday. Mrs- Russell will remain there for a few weeks. Mr. J, C. Dunkin, of Clarksbiro, vis ited his daughter, Mrs. S. J. Seymour of our city last Saturday and Sunday. Fresh carload of Lime just received by T. A Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lord spent a few days latter part of last week and first of this with his mother near Harmonv Grove. Don’t forget to see Hodges Camp & Arnold before you buy bagging and ties. Rer. J. H. Wood spent a few days here this week. Mrs Wood is improving and they intend returning to Watkins ville tomorrow. Hodges. Camp & Arnold’s stors is headquarters for bagging and ties. See them before you buy. Miss Sallie Milligan, who has bee u visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. House at Ocilla, Georgia, for several months, re turned last week. Mr. Morris the traveling representa tive of The Eoonomis r brought in a good list of subscribers last week from Wal ton and Gwinnett counties. You can freeze cream with the Iceland Freezer in 3% minutes, and with half the amount of ioe that it requires for any other feeezer. For sale by Winder t Furniture Cos. ■a Mrs. J. L. McClesky and children and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lamar visited over at Johnson’s Mills, Jefferson and Apple Valley a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Carter, who mov ed from here first of the year have re turned and will again make Winder their home. Mr. Carter says there is no place like Winder. Hodges, Camp <fc Arnold bought bag ging and ties in larger quanities than ever before and at lower prices. They will give you the benefit of these low prices. Mr. W. BL Toole has returned from Indian Springs where he spent ten days or more recuperating his health. He is much improved but is not yet stout. We have reoeived the third shipment of ioeland cream freezers this season. 3% minutes is all the time von want to freeze cream with one of them. Winder Furniture Cos. The two mail bjxes in the city are for night mail whioh is promptly taken out for the 10 o’clock train at night In the day time mail your letters at the post office. Respectfully, Jobe R. Smith, P. M. Winder has a number of attractive visitors from different section s. There is more substantial Improve ment going on at the pressnt time in Winder than for a long while. Miss Claud Evans, after a visit of several days with her sisters, Mrs. Dr. Almond aud Mrs. McCurry, returned to her home in Gainesville yesterday. There is a lot of filth in Winder and a preat deal of complaint on this line from the citizens, but the city authori ties seem to pay no attention to this important matter. Misses Bessie and Gertrude Harris, of Atlanta.are the guests of their Aunt, Mrs W. H. Kimble. This being their old home their mauy friends here are de - lighted to see them. Mrs Blanch Buford, formerly Miss Blanch Hayes, died at her home in South Carolina last week. She was well kuown in Winder, having been in school here a few years ago aud her many friends at this place will learn of her death with much sadness. The work on the new rock buildings is progressing rapidly, also the over hauling of the big rock building of Smith & Carithers that will be used by the Dabney Hardware Cos. Contractor Elrod has begun work on the two resi dences of Judge Russell. Winder con tinues to build aud improve. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haynie, of Beth lehem, have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in their great sorrow and bereavement. They lost an other one of their children last week, a sweet little boy two and a half years of age, making the second death in their amily in two weeks. Mr. John Wilson and wife, of Wat kinsville, were here two days last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Young Dan iel. John is an old friend of ours and gave us a pleasant call while in the city. He is one of the staunch am leadiug citizen, of Ooonee county aud a strong friend of reform. We greatly appreciat ed his oalL Gone to New York. Mr. J. T. Strange left Monday night for New York and other eastern mark ets to lay in the large fall stock of J. T. Strange and Cos. Mrs. Strange accom panied him and they will be gone a couple of weeks. This firm will have a big ad in The Economist as oca as he returns. Winder School. Special attentiofa is called to the ad vertisement in The Economist of Win der Public School. The prospects for the fall term are very encouraging and the teachers are all in good trim and ready for the work. Parents should all try and enter their children on the first day of school as it is a great advantage to them as well as to teaohers. Let every one go to work to make the school a success and encourage the teachers by your hearty support. Important things to Read. A small codicil has shattered many great expectations. To prepare a girl to be a wife, and a wife a mother, give her Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. ForsalobyG. W. DeLaPerriere. Circus bills promise more than any human can perform. Always destroy the Dread of bloom ing a Mother by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. For sale by G. W, DeLaPerriere. Perseverance often succeeds where luck has made a failure. Make Baby’s Birth Quick, Easy and almost Painless by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. For sale by G. W. DeLaPerriere. In the early days of the church even Christians loved one another. . Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tab lets are Effective, Elegant to take, and produce no unpleasant After-Results. For sale by Dr. G. W. DeLaPerriere. The reason people become insane is because of their lack of reason. For Hiadache caused most likely by a Disordered Stomach, accompanied by Constipation, use Dr M. A. Sin non s Liv er Medicine. For sale by G. W, DeLa- Perriere. No man ever turns a deaf ear to ad vice that coincides with his views. Keep the Stomach and nowels in good condition, the Waste Avenues open aud ree by an occasional dose of Dr. M. A Simmons Liver Medicine. For sale by G. W. DeLaPerriere Clean hands are never objectionable: there is no excuse for wearing soiled gloves. To keep young—keep well, keep the Nerves calm, the body ruddy aud well fed, and with Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine regulate the Stomach and Bowels. For sale by G. W. DeLaPerri ere. Some people who think they are sim ply perfect are in reality perfectly sim ple. The soothing and healing properties of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and perma nent cures, have made it a great favor ite with the people everywhere. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. The man who is not too large for the position he ooonpies is usually too small for it In Diarrhoea Dr. M. A Simmons Liv er Medicine is invaluable. It gives Tone to the Stomaoh, Aids Digestion and As sists Nature in oarring off all Impari ties. For Sale By Dr. G. W. DeLaPer riere. It isn't so much whether a man is gnilty as how much he oan afford to pay hi* lawyers. Mrs. F. F. Livingston, Towns, Ca., writes: I have used Dr. M. A Simmons Liver Medicine 15 years, and know it oores sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints and Constipation. I think it stronger and better in every way than Zilin’s Regulator. For sale by G. W. DeLaPerriere. Most women can never understand that with men love making and love are mighty different things. Good judgment and diamonds are both valuable, but any one can buy diamonds with money. Daring the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome disease the army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor of Wind Ridge, Greene Cos., Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoei Remedy and says he never found anything that would giro him such quick relief. It is for sale by Winder Drug Cos. A married man says that he goes to the club because he and his wife being one be gets lonely at home. Rev. J. M Yingling, pastor of the Bedford Street Methodist church at Cumberland, Md , says: “It affords me mnoh pleasure to recommend Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it and know oth ers who have done so. I have never known it to fail. It is a -are care when taken in time.” For sale by Winder Drug Cos. Attended The Burial. Messrs S. P. and J. H. Smith of our city went up to Acworth, Ga., last Fri day to the burial of their uncle, Elder, Nathan W. Smith. He was buried be side his wife who died about six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had lived to gether as man and wife, up to her death, for sixty years and daring all those years of married life there had never been any ill feeling between them to mar their lives. He was a good and noble man and made as many sacrifices for the good of the causo he loved as any man that ever lived. The world loses much in the death of such men and their number grow s scarcer as the years come and go. Beaulieu, N. D , April 11, 1898. I wish to say that after taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm ac cording to your instructions 1 am per fectly well. I have tried many medi cines, but this healed me most of all. Carrie Larson. For sale by Winder Drag Cos. Good Old flan Dies. Mr. George Pender grass, one of the good old men of our section died at the home of hia son, Mr. TANARUS, O. Pendergrass, ■ear Cedar Hill, last Thursday. He was getting quite old bat his death was very unexpected. Your druggists, knows a good thing when he sees it. He always keeps Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic for sale beoause it is a good thing. He likes to sell it beoause it always gives perfect satisfac tion. “It is no joke” but something real and useful Send your name to Sherroose Med. Ca N. O. for a free sam ple. Jefferson Ga, April 13, 98. I have used Dr. Tiohenors Antiseptic in my family and can cheerfully recommend it as one of the best Remedies known to me for the claims made for it. Thos. S. Johnson. Ex-Senator 33rd Disc’t.