The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 24, 1899, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL. VII. Call and see our stock of Buggies—The lines we handle are reliable and the prices are right. Terms to suit. DABNEY HARDWARE CO. Winder, Qa. Deering Ideal Mowers With Rubber and Ball Bearing. Deer’ng Roller Bearing^owyr4 VL &5 ft cuf, A round of startling victorn s has marked the path of the Deering Ideal Mower. No grass is too heavy or two light; no land is too rough and no surface is too severe for this plucky little hero. Instead of Iric tiou bearing it has trolleys and balls; the crank shafts parralel with the ground so that the Self Adjusting Pitman moves steadily back and forth in workman like fashion. The serrated ledger plates hold the grass l’ke the roller of a feed cutter, and nothing can escape or draw in under the sickle. Tin adjustable drag bar pays the interest on the investment. The driver of the Ideal Mower can cut as slow likes, and is never necessary to back when starting the machine. Ihe us<* of the roller and ball bearings has eliminated friction, and instead o, grinding the bearings, all the puw r is used in cutting the grass. Don’t waste your time and rnomy by using old out ot date machines, but buy the Deering Roller Bearing Ideal Mower. Send for a catalogue. For sale bv Benton-Adair H’dw. Cos. Harmony Grove, = Georgia. s. A. L. FAST FREIEHT SLRYICE From Chicago to Charlotte in Four Days. Three Shipments of Four Days Hach. The Seaboard Air Liueis giving some surprisingly fast freight service recent ly. The following from the Augusta,Gra., Tribune: Plaukingtou Packing Cos., shipped nom Chicago, night of may 13th, via Pan Handle, and Seaboard Air Line, P. H.L. car No. 2350 with provisions con signed to Cochrane &McLaughlin,Char lotte N. C. This car left Atlanta May lUth, train No. 22, and arivtd in Char lotte 3 p. ni., May 17th, making the hip from Chicago to Charlotte in four days. ISwift & Cos., shipped from Chicago, flight of July 15th, S. R. L. car No 2750 loaded with meat for M. C. Heath Co uuibia, S. C., which was routed Pan handle and Seaboard Air Line. This car was delivered to Heath 10 a. M. l'Jth, being only four days iu tran- A third instance was A. R. L. car f!. u 5841 irom Armour & Cos., Chicago, , ,• > July loth, which ssived and was delivered to Youngblood & Cochran, greenwood, 8. C., July 19th, making fhe same good time as 8. R. L 2750, flaving been handled via Pan Handle Seaboard Air Line. These in ! -ances are certainly worthy of note, but are only a f ew 0 f the immense volume oi through traffic har died iu this un precedented fast time by the Sfaboard Air Line. WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1899. Hoschton liigh School* Will be re-opened in the fall un der the management of Messrs. John W. Glenn and S, P. Orr who were formerly coworkers at Jelfer son Georgia. Students can hero be prepared for the Junior class in anv course of onr beet colleges, or they may take full courses in Agriculture, Business or Science. Board will be furnished in good families at the very moderate rates of from'so 00 to $9.00 per month Time of opening will be duly announced. S. P. ORR, JOHN \V. GLENN. Ladies, Please Don’t Read This. Unless you suffer with troubles pccul iar to your sex. Write for our book and 200 Atlanta testimonials on female dis eases, and they wull be sent ycu free. Give us your symptoms and Dr. Van Valen, our specialist, will diagnose your case without cost. We treat by mail' The Novita company, 400—415 Grai.d Opera House, A'.lauta, Ga. A Good Woman Dead. Mrs J. O. Hardigree, who has be 11 very ill for several weeks, died at her home just übive Winder Tuesday morn iugaud was buried Wednesday moruiug. She leaves a husband aud several chil dren and a host of relatives aud friends to mourn her death, Mrs. Hardigree was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sims of onr city aud was a good and uoble woman. A large conconrse of friends aud relatives attended the burial service. The Economist extends its sympathy to the bereaved ones in their great loss. Bicyclists, base ball and foot ball teams wiii find Dr. Tichenor's Antisep tic the very thing thty “need in their business" when the race i3 ended aud the game is finished. For Sore muscles, Bruises. Sprains, etc., it is O. K., and “don’t you forget it.” Clean aud pleasant as perfume and costs only 50c. Notice. The Patrons of White Plains school will meet Saturday afternoon, Septem ber 2d, for the purpose of electing a teacher for next year. Teachers desir ing the school at this place will please send in their app'ications. A. L. Venable, Chairman Board of Trustees. FREE OF CHARGE Any adult suffering from a cold set tied on the breast, bronchitis, throat, or lung troubles of atiy nature, who will call at Wiuder Ding Cos, Winder, Ga , will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup, frse of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from par ents. No throat or luug remedy ever had such a sale as Boschee’s German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggists will tell you its cueoess was marvelous. It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy gen erally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bottle will care or prove its value. Sold by dealers in all civilized couu tries. The Winder Hardware Cos. Messrs. Maynard & Rogers aud Sheats Bros, have formed a partner ship to bo known as the Winder Hard ware Cos. This firm, in order to let the people know who they are and where they are, have six car loads of Bagging and Ties to offer the giunersof Walton, Gwinnett, Jackson aud Cconee coun ties at the lowest market price. About half of the above amount h3S already been sold. This firm expects to buy their goods in a way to compote with any u arket in Georgia. In a short while they will bo located with anew stock and ready for the hardwar# business in the corner rock store now being built ou Candler street. AUGUST FLOWER “It is a surprising fact,” says Prof, i Houron, “that iu my travels in all parts * of t rie world, sor the last ten years I have in ;t many people having used Green’s \ugu t Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, doraug liver and stomach, and for constipation. * I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office pesi io s, where headaches aud general j bad feelings from irregular habits exist, 1 that Green’s August Flower is a grand : remedy. It does not injure the system by fi> quent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion.” Sample bot tles free at Winder Drug Cos. Wiuder,Ga. Sold by dealers in all civilized conn j tries. 46 Baptized. Rev. T. E. McCatchen has ju3t closed a remarkable meeting at Betliabara Baptist church ; u Oeouee county. He baptized 40 last Suuday moruirg. M-. McCutchen is a hard worker and all of the churches under his charge are pros pering and growing. Horse Swappers Reunion. The Horse Swappers Reunion of last >n eek brought a large crowd of the fra ternity to Winder aud for three days there were several hundred swaps made. There were horses of all grades aud a great many amusing things occurred The attendance was not quite so large as previous years but daring the three days there were several thousand pres ent. Every thing passed off quietly aud all the swaopers went home happy. Our reporter on account of sickness could not be on the grounds aud heuce we can not give a full report We had hoped to give some cuts of leading characters and other scenes in Happy Hollow, but failed to get them in time. The president and ifficers of the con vention report it a grand success and the lemonade man says he will always remember the three day* spent in Happy Hollow with much pleasure as his sales doubled his expectations. George Ar nold kept a pleasant smile on his face the entire time and did all he coaid to keep the trading lively. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & <_ 0., Toledo. O, We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable iu all bus iness transactions and financially aide to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WESr&TRUAX, YVholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding. Kinnan&Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken interna! ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials cent. free. Price 7oc. per bottie Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Sudden Death. ?Ir. D. P. Williams, of Lawrenceville died very suddenly at his home in that town last Friday morning. He had been iu feeble health for seme time but his death was wholly unexpected dy his family as iie was up and had just been talking to a friend a few minu es before he fell dead. Mr. Williams was a brother of Capt, T. C. Williams of Winder and brother-in-law of Mr. D. P. Camp of our county. His wife died a little over a year ago. A MOTHER TELLS H 0 W SH E SAVED HER LITTLE UAU'iHI ER’S LIFE. I am tho mother o r eight children and have iiad a great deal of expeiionce with medicines. Last summer ray little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. Wo thought she would die. I tried every thing I could think of bur nothing seemed to do her any good I saw by an advertisement in our paper (hat Chamberlain’s Colic, ( holera aud Diarrhoea Remedy was highly re com - ; mended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter’s life. lam anxious for pvery mother to know what au excellent medicine it is. Had 1 known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering.—Yours truly, Mus Geo F. Bukdick, Liberty, R. I For sale by Winder Drug Cos A Better Place. W. T. Brannon has moved his barber j shop just two doors above his old stand | iu the office formerly occupied by Dunn and Lyle This is a nice place for a shop. Your druggists, knows a goo l thing when he sees it. He always keeps Dr. I Tichenor’s Antiseptic for sale beciuse litis a geo l thing, lie l' to sell B ! because it always gives perfect satisfac tion. “It is no joke” but something 1 real aud useful. Send your name 10 Sherrouse Me l. Cos. N. O. for a free sam -5 plo. Jefferson Ga, April 12, 98. I have used ’ Dr. Tichenors Antiseptic in my family and can cheerfully recommend it as one I of the best Remedies known to me for I the claims made for it. Thos. S. Johnson, Ex-Senator 33:d Disc’t. Atlas is said to have held the world upon bis shoulders. Today men organ ize trusts aud try to pocket it. They Have Good Neigh= bors. Iu an obiturary written by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haynie, of Bethlehem, up on the death of their little girl, and published in the Universalist Herald, they pay the following tribute to their family physiciau and their neighbors; “A* id all of our sickness aud sorrow, a large amount of which we have had this year, wo have had what every com munity has not, vis., a good doctor; not only skilled in his profession, but a good, kind hearted man who knows how to cheer the broken heart and pour the oil of humau kindness upon the wounds of sorrowing soul*. A loug with the good doctor cams his good wife wholeft nothing undone that would add to our comforts. Last of all, we owe a tribute of thanks to onr govd ueighb >rs, who came without an excep tion into our huu ble home, the hum blest iu the village, aud did every thing possible to lighten our burden. We can never thank them enough. The old adage, “Laugh aud the world laughs with you. Weep aud you weep alone,’’ won’t do iu our case. Our neighbors are Christian people. A few days later iu writing an obituary upon the death of their little boy they say all the good deeds of their neighbors repeated, /loved to Hoschton. Prof.J. W Glenn and family and Prof. Orr moved to Hoichton y< stor diy where they will make their future home. The Eoonomist regrets very much the loss of these good people. They will open the fall term of Hosch ton High School next Monday aud (heir prospects for a large opening are ex ceedingly bright. They have the best wishes of The Economist, and we trust will be well pleased with their new home. Beaulieu, N. D , April 11, 1898. I wish to Bay th it alter taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm ac cording to your instructions 1 ain per fectly well. I have tried many medi cines, but this healed me meat of all. Oariiie L vrs>n. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. FOUND DEAD John F. Ewing Kills Him self With Shotgun. Mr John T. Ewing, who over in Tanner’s district, Walton County— about five miles from Winder, was found dead in his house last Saturday evening. He was lying on his face across his bod, a breech loading double barrel shotgun leaning against the bed. The coroner's jury began its investiga tion of the case last Sunday morning and their verdic was to the effect that he came to his death by his own hand. There is much doubt among bis neighbors as to his death— many beleiviug he was mur dered. He had some trouble with other praties near him of late and being a dealer in whisky there is some suspec ion of foul play. Further developments of a sensational character are looked for. DR. BANKS AGAIN. Read the Endorsement of an Excellent Man and Minister. Winder, Ga. July 20, ’99. This certifies that my wife has been afflicted for a period of eighteen years, at times in bed for three or four months. 1 decided to employ Dr. Edward Banks of Bowman, Ga., to treat her and de sire to say that her relief has been wonderful. During her afflictions she had been treated by more thau one dozen physician?, with, only temporary relief. My wife boldly asserts now that she feels b jtter than since her marriage a period of eighteen years. Dr Banks has also treated me, and I am frank to say that I have been wonderfully relieved. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Banks to ull afflicted people. Give him a trial and see for yourself. Vtry truly J. C. Patrick, Minister. NO. 33.