The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 31, 1899, Image 7

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[IDE TURNS FOR DREYFUS Experts Testify In Favor of Prisoner. iERTILLON’S THEORY SCORNED haravay Changes Opinions lie Entertained At the Former Trial of the Prisoner. Dispatches from Bennes, France, egarding the progress of the Dreyfus ourtmartial states that the balance of j, e evidence Monday, for a change, < E s in f vor of Dreyfus. Five wit iesse6 were for him and two against iim. The most interesting testimony was hat of Chief Handwriting Expert 'haravav, who had come to declare iehad changed entirely his opinion, riiich. in 1896, was against and now n favor of Dreyfus, who, he affirms, iras not the author of the bordereau. His candid confession of error was ■eceived with murmurs of satisfaction n court, which became discreet ap ilause, in spite of Colonel Jouaust’s latent disapproval, when he solemnly idded: “I declare here on my soul and con icience that the bordereau was writ en byEsterbazy. ” The most important incident, how iver, was Colouel Jouanst’s acquies lenceto Major Carriere’s retjuesstthat ,rogatory commission be instructed to ake Colonel Du Paty de Clam’s de losition. The initiative came purely rom the government commissary, daitres Labori and Demange having io faith in the measure, because it al ows Du Paty de Clam to escape croßS xamination, which is the only thing rorth having in the present circum tances. Du Paty de Clam being a witness or the prosecution, Major Carriere rill simply prepare a list of questions rkich an examining magistrate will mt to Du Paty de Clam at his resi ence, and nobody supposes that the fitness will be very much embarrassed ij the interrogatories. The central figure in the courtyard londay, which is the meeting place or all the leading personages of the rial during the suspension of the ses ionn, was Captain Freystaetter, who ras the subject of many flattering re narks upon his manly and soldier-like taring. I I Indeed, the interest in him was so B?eat that some persons waited all Bight long outside the door of the Bonrt in order to obtain standing room Hn the rear part of the court-room, in Hhe hope of seeing him at Monday’s Bitting, an impression having gone Brouml that he might he recalled. II Captain Freystaetter will not remain the end of the trial, but will Heave Rennes in a few days. II H. Faray-Javal, the draughtsman, by the defense Saturday to Bdute the testimony of Mr. Bertillon, |Re famous handwriting authority, re- B’lmed his testimony at the opening of Hhe court, and with the assistance of a Blackboard proceeded to show the Badaev of the calculation of M. Bertil- B ar ' Fne latter’s unfairness in not the handwriting of Ester- to t]> e same tests as the prisoner’s. Br n declared, however, that even if H l ' Bertillon had done so the results not have proved anything. The K 1 n ? sp > however, insisted that M. Lad adopted a vicious method B 1 °.y taking a partial experiment. BODtinuing, M. Paray-Javal proceeded B?, Bho f IBat the geometric regularities B ue ?cd by M. Bertillon did not in real exist. ■ He pointed out a number of irregular ■ les 111 IBe handwriting of the borde- ■ au said the same irregularities H*,Particularly noticeable in Ester- R J 8 ca ligraphv. fie also contended R , alleged irregularity of the key R„ / ln terest” was only approximate Rln^ r ° Ce£>c^e H *° illustrate his argu ■ xr° n ie Blackboard, showing that lon ’i ® er tiUon*B proofs applied as ai y to Esterhazy as to Drevfns. ro , measures to the 'asis f interest >” which served as the j r ] S , 01 j whole system, were en wl a . ’ therefore, M. Bertil rrrn l eu^re system “falls to the no longer exists.” (Great TV‘ "Hness, who had awakened the La" o' 1 B's hearers, maintained rai> V e B°rderau could not have been WaS an u^er * m ‘ Ujj ll ! , conc ‘U3ion, M. Paray-Javal said il!on laUgbter <hnt he thought M. Ber- 1 iat 1 ", aS a Tei 7 intelligent man, but : rj t s Tstem was false and he, the K °’ " as convinced that only self- ' prevented M. Eertillou from his error. i JOKE OIF A SPANISH SKIPPER. Pap t. Donpelo Learn* the American Fashion of Londini; Grain. “About four years ago" eaid the superintendent of cue of Buffalo'6 Grain elevators, “while I was In charge of an elevator In Baltimore, a small brig ran up to the elevator to take on a load of wheat. The Captain’s name was Doncelo. He was a Spaniard and for ten or twelve years had traded around in Eastern ports. He had nev er seen a grain elevator and his Idea cf loading grain into a vessel was that It was shovelled in by hand, as it was years ago. He found me and in his gruff way said: “ ‘I want to put in 15.000 bushels of wheat, and I don’t want to lay arouml here a week or two. See if you can’t get me out of here in two days any how.’ “I smiled, said that I would try, and gave orders a minute later to get the brig up In position, where we could assail her in good shape. The Captain went to his berth to sleep, for it was nearly midnight then. We snugged the little craft up against the wharf, opened her hatches, and inserted three full-sized spouts leading from well filled bins in the top of the elevator. All the employees understood what the joke ivas to be and they decided to break a record. Everything was ready for the loading a half hour after Capt. Doncelo went to his berth, but we had concluded to let him get fast asleep be fore going on with the joke. “It was an hour and a bglf after the Captain had disappeared that the power was turned on and a second later thousands of bushels of grain went rushing from the bins Into the hold of the little craft. The boat listed heavily for a moment and threatened to overturn, but the grain slid over to the centre and righted the ship. Down rushed the grain through the three spouts. You could bear the roar fQE a thousand feet. Seven minutes after the power was turned on the power was turned off. The 15,600 bushels had been paid out and Capt Doncelo’e boat was setting pretty low In the water. About this time the Captain appeared on deck In his night shirt. “ ‘To the pumps!’ he shouted In Span ish In his loudest tones. The crew was on deck in a minute end Capt. Doncelo Bitted about like a paper man in a windstorm. Spying me on the wharf laughing he accosted me. " ‘What is the matter that my boat sinks at her dockT he asked. “‘She’s not sinking. I guess. You said you wanted to get out of here in less than a week and we loaded your boat for you In a hurry.’ “The Captain looked at me queerly, stepped over to the hatchway and looked at the heap of golden grain in the hold. He was amazed, to say the least. He remained In port long enough to have the mystery explained, and a good wind prevailing, he set out. He had lain just two hours at the dock.” Its Useful Fnnctfon. Teacher—Describe the safety braka of a passenger elevator. Bobbie Bright—Please, sir, it's the part that fails to work when the ele vator fal.s. All Skin DiioatM Cured, By a wonderful ointment called Tetterine. “ft is the only thine that Rives me relief, 1 ' writes Mrs. M. K. Latimer, Biloxi. Miss. She had au Itchy breaking out on her ektn. It cures tetter, salt rheum, und all other skfcn troubles. 50c. per box at your druggists, or send the amount In stamps to J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ua. A man has one big annoyance each day and a woman has a dozen rmall ones. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascnrets C andy Cathartic. 10c or ?sc. Ji C. C. C. fail to cure, money. The man who uses religion ns a crutch should not complain if he falls in the mud. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions irom reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure m nufacturcd by F. <T. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the bio and and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be eure to get the genuine, it Is taken internally, and is made Id Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Cos. Testimonials free. f3*~Soid by Druggists: price, 7. r >e. p>er bottle. Hall’s Family Tills are the best. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervon netseafter first day's use of Dr. Kline s Great Nerve Restorer. 42 trial hot tie sod treatise free. Du. It. H. Ki.ikx, Ltd.. 621 Arch t-t., Phila., Pa. After six years’ suffering 1 was cured by Piso’sCure.—Makv Thomson. Ave., Alleghany, Pa.. March 19, 1891. Air,. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inltarmna tlon.simys pain.cures wind coiic. h;'e. a bottle. A man's own eond breeding is the best se curity against the ill-manners of others. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascnrets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, olotches, blackheads, and thnt sickly bilious complexion by taking Casenrets. —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Shallow men are despised, hut thmy don’t require as much watching as deep ones. I * 1 To cure, or refunded by your merchant, ho why not try it? .Price 50c. M] ’ PiiiS 1 Look atyour tongue! If it’s coated, your stomach is bad, your liver out or order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want yeur niovuUcne or beard a beautiful brown or rich Mask? Then u* BUCKINGHAM’S DYE (Jttr. -’A-C’-.1-. 5..-. The Mont Uninteresting Country. V. hat is the most uninteresting country in the world? The writer of a Foreign Otllce report puts in a bad word in this connection for Korea. The scenery Is, indeed, he admits strikingly beautiful, but aside from this there is an absence of almost ev erything widen makes a country in teresting to the traveller. There is noting whatever which he cares to take with him as a memento of his visit. There can be few countries anywhere which do not offer more at tractions in this respect than Korea. It is the habit to attribue his uniform dreariness and desolation to the Jap anese invasion of three centuries ago; Out there must be something lacking in the character of a people who have failed during such a long interval to achieve any advancement in arts or manufactures.’’—London Daily News. Nine Tliouannd Vivisection Cages. A Parliamentary return shows that during 1898, 9,151 experiments were performed under licenses In England and Scotland on living animals. Of these, 7,640 were in the nature of inoculations, or hypodermic Injec tions, which are the only experiments performed without anaesthetics; while out of the remaining 1,511, 1,0(18 were without palu, complete anaes thesia having been maintained from the commencement of the experiment until the animal is killed. In Ireland there were 303 experi ments, of which 119 were on dogß, 1 on a rat, 15 on mice, 11 on guinea pigs, 145 on rabbits, and 12 on birds. These are said to have been “on the whole free from pain or only moder> ately paJnful.”—London Mail. For Over 30 Years Wlnteramith’* CliiU Cure hn stood *t the top notch a* h reliable remedy for chills and lever. Such huccesf. guarantees its valt.e. It cures where othe's fail. All druggists sell lt. Address Aktuuk PsthkA Cos., Louisville, Ky. In Japan most of th-j horses are shod with straw. Ko-To-Bsr for Fifty Cent*. Guaranteed 10l aceo haldt cute, makes weak men strong, blood pure. COc, (I. All druggists. England mukes 10.000 artificial limbs an nually. C~ ARTERSINK —None so good, hut it costs no F- more than the poorest. DR ' MOFFETT’S £1 tSuSSSn* TETIJii II ™ t, nog# Iflffi-J- H rr | || MM Bowel Troubles of 11 k* e du ill Children of Any Age. TtETHING POWDERS Aak Your Lruggist. lor IS If not kept by druggists mall 25 cents to C. J. ITCOFFICTT, I*l. D„ SX. LOUIS, JtlO. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. ... Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay—Price, 50c. WHOLESALER. U—J— 111 I II ■ ■!!—— W ■ Ct. Louis, Mo. , Feb, G, 1399. Pasts Kcniorirn Cos., City. Gentlemen.-—Wo wish to congratulate you on tho increased sales wo aro having cc your Grove’o T'aatoles . C'tiill Tonic. On exam ining cur rccori cf inventory under date of Jan. Ist. we find that wo fold during tho Chill oeacon of IS9G. 25G3 dozen Grove’o Tonic. Vc also Cud that cur sales on your F.axatJvo Brocuo-Cmtaino Tablets have been corac thir.i enormous: having Bold during tho lato Cold and Grip season 4, Z00 dozen. Please rush dewa order cnclcsod herewith, and oblige, Youro truly, IUQYER DUOS. DRUG CO. Per Scholl. Temple Thrt Cost $."0,000,OOO.OOO. The cost of Solomon’s Temple has been estimated by n eminent Old Tes tament student to exceed $50,000,000.- 000. In the first place, the value of the materials In the rough Is estimated at $12,500,000,000. and the labor at $3,000,- 000,000. The vessels of gold were val ued at $2.32(>,481.015; the vessels of sil ver at $3,231,715,000. the vestments of the priests and the robes of the singers at $10,500,000. and tlie trumpets of gold at $1,000,000. Hard to Mnstlente. Mr. Duknne—Jonesy indulged In a linguistic diet yesterday. Mr. Gas well—Wlint do you mean by that? Mr. Dnksine—North side man made him eat his words.—Pittsburg Chroui ale Telegraph. In 189S Russia had a merchant ma rine of 2,898 vessels, of which 094 were propelled by steam. The New Torpedo. A young Swede ha* invented a torpedo operated solely by invisible rays of light, which enable* It to explode at will beneath the enejnv's fleet In a like subtle manner JlosteUer’s Stomach Bitter* attacks and con quers all stomach troubles. When a sufferer trciri constipation or dyspepsia or liver com plaint lakes the Bitters he Is sure of oue thing, sooner or later, and that 1* cure, bee that a pifvnte Revenue Stamp cover* the neck of the bottle. A man has to use both hands if he ever un to carve an average spring chickeu. Don't Tobacco Spit rue Stride YcurLUe Away. To quit, tobacco easily find forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or 81. Cure guaran teed. Booklet r.ud sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Cos., Chicago or New York. Hurrying to getrioh generally necessitates one to be dishonest. THE REASON WHY I For man or beast SLOAN’S LINIMENT I Excels —is that it Penetrates I to the seat of the trouble im- I mediately and without irrita- I ting rubbing—and kills the I pain. Famity anti SI mb la Cfsa* Sold by Dealers generally. | Or. Carl S. Sloan, Doaton, Mama. 1 THE ATLANTA * SoM/znedd c (Qo//eye Offer* thorough practical course* In Bookkeep ing, and Shorthand and Typewriting Students placed in positions wlthotit extra charge. Ke duced rate* to all entering school this month. Call on or address, THJ£ ATLANTA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Jkß, 130 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. [QQTOSOHOOL I T „m on A1 ) nooX* FREE. I :SsSESMai£T&iiuflrio’ifeGUflßrtNTt£D Over 50 Kemlucton *nd amlth Premier type writers. 854 -tudeut* lost year from 7 State#. Bth year. Send for catalogue. Address. Dep’t 22, I I STRAYER'3 BUSINESS COI'OE, Baltimore. Md. j | A WADUItSiW.'h %Sjjjj& g, 1399 STABLER. Kedrcm, lixa. Pams MoDicnja Cos., Gentlemen:—l handlo seven or eight differ eutkindn of. Chill Tonies but I coll ten bottles of Grove’s lowhero I cell cno of tho othern. I sold 33 bottles of Grove’s Chill Tonic in one day and could have sold mcro if I had had it on hand. Mr. Dave Vfoodn cured five casca of chills with Q~ bottle Iteepcctfullv, JOELS T. VTOYABD. A Letter to Mrs. Pinkham Brought Health to Mrs. Archambo. [LETTER TO MRS. PINKHAM NO. 42.3951 “Dear Mrs. Pinkham — For two years I felt tired and so weak and dizzy that some days I could hardly go arotind the house. Backache snd head* ache all the time and my food would not digest and had such pains in tbs womb and troubled with leucorrhcea and kidneys were affected. “After birth of each child I grew weaker, and hearing so much of the good you had done, 1 wrote to you and have taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, one box of Lozenges, one box of Liver Pills, one package of Saualive Wash, and to day I am feeling as well as I ever did. When I get up in the morning I feel as fresh as I did when a girl and eat and sleep well and do all of my work. If ever I feel weak again shall know where to get my strength. I know your medicine cured me.” —Mrs. Salina Arcuambo, Charlemont, Mass. The present Mrs. Pinkham’s experi ence in treating female ills is unparal leled; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had solo charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by lettev as many as a hundred thousand ailing women a year. All women who suffer are invited to write to Mrs. PinkTiam at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which will be promptly given without charge. PITTS’ “ Antiseptic Invigorator FOR { The Stomach, The Liver, The Bowels, The Kideys, The Blood, The Nerves, Contagious Diseases, i Antiseptic Invigorator I* u germ-killer, * diuretic, blood purifier, a stomach and nerve tonic, a Htlmiilnut for the liver and l>ocl. Manufactured by PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOR CO., THOMSON, GA. W. L. DOUGLAS $3&53.50 SHOES %, K A '°£ t Worth $4 ie $6 compared with other make*. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearer*. AIL LEATHERS. AIL STYLES THE (IKSI INK bl W. L B*W da&bo and prlra atuaped on bottom. Take no substitute clntß>*4 to be a* good, Largest maker* of |3 and 93.00 slices la th# world. Your dealer should ke#t> them—lf not, we will send von • patron receipt of price. Btat* kind of leather, size and width, plain or cap to*. Catalogue C Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mas*. Cl M REPAIRS SKS SI HMI SAWS, RIBS, BEISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &0., FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES, BOILERS (IN!) PRESSES And Repair* for same. Shafting, Pulley* Belling, Injectors, Pipe*, Valve* and Fitting*. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA. GA. FOR SALH ’ A First-Chiss Corner Drug Store, doing a paying business. Fixtures are modern and up-to-date. Have the finest soda apparatus in the city. Would exchange for real estate. Address, A. L. CURTIS, Atlanta, Ga. * •ont'ag**, Tm** I Thompson’s Eye Water MENTIONTHIS PflPEßr^,^ irst Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called “Taste less” Tonics arc imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation, COMBUMER. Whitesboro, Tex. , Sop. 13, ISSS. P/.ni3Mssicttru Cos., St. Lculs, Mo. Ocntlcnon:—l wrlto you r. few linos c f rrafc 1 tude. I think your G rovo’D Tastoios.a CCaSII Tonic is ono cf tho bestin<'dicin<~e in tho world iorChillsnnd Fover. I hp.vo tlirco children that bvobeen down with malarial fover for 18 months and have bought Chill raedicincu of c.ll kinds and Doctor’s bills coming in all thotlma until I sent to town and got tfaroo bottloo of Grovo'e Tonic. My children cro all well now and it was your Trstoloss Chill Tonic that did it. 1 cacact cay too much in its behalf. Youro truly, JAMES D. ROBERTS.