The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 30, 1899, Image 2

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(©¥sl. $Ol/BLE /)/MIYSERV/CE TO ALL POINTS North, South M Southwest. .■irlicdnlr in Kllrrl Nov. 5< 1 809. SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv. New York,Penn.R.R. *ll 00am *0 00pm Lv. Washington, “ 5 (K)pm 4 30am Lv. Richmond, A. C.L., 9 00pm 9 05ain Lv. Portsmouth, 8. A. L. *8 45pm *9 20am At- Weldon, 11 10pm 1143 am Ar. Henderson, 12 56am 1 35pm Ar. Raleigh, 2 22am 330 pm Ar. Southern Pines, 4 27am 6 00pm Ar. Hamlet, 5 14am 7 00pm Lv. Wilmington, K. A. L * 305pn. Ar. Monroe, “ * 6 5.3 am *9 12pm Ar. Charlotte, “ *8 00am *lO 25pm Ar. Chester. “ *Bl3am*losspm Ar. Greenwood, 10 45am 1 12am Ar. Athens, 1 24pm 348 am Ar. Winder, 1 56pm 4 28am Ar. Atlanta, 350 pm 6 15ain NORTHBOUND No. 402. No. 38. Lv. Atlanta, 8. A. L. * 1 00pm *8 50pm Ar. Winder, 240prn 1040 pm Ar. Athens, 308 pm 1105 pm Ar. Greenwood, 5 40pm 146 am Ar. Chester, 7 53pm 4 08am Ar. Monroe, 9 30pm 5 45am Lv. Charlotte, 8. A. L., * 8 20pm *5 00am Ar. Hamlet, “ *ll 10pm *7 43am Ar A ton, “ *... . *l2 65 Ar. Southern Pines,S.A.L.*l2 02am *9 00am Ar. Raleigh, “ 2 03am 11 13ain Ar. Henderson, 326 am 12 45pm Ar. Weldon, 4 55am 2 50pm Ar. Portsmouth, 7 25arn 5 20pm Ar. Richmond, A. C. L., *8 15am *7 20pm Ar. Washington, 12 31pm 11 20pm Ar. New York, 6 23pm 6 58am * Daily. + Daily except Sunday. Nos. 403 and 402.-“ The Atlanta Special," Solid Vestiliu'ed Train of I’nl man Sleepers mnl Coaches between Washington and At lanta, al-o Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Charlotte, N. No .41 and .33. "The S. A. L. Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Both trains make inime data connection at Atlanta lor Montgomery. Mobile, Now Or leans 'hex ns, California, M< x:co, Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis Macon, Florida. For Ticket". Sleepers, etc., apply to JOS, M, BROWN, O. A. I*. D., \V. B. CLEMENTS, T I*. A.. K. .) WALKER, C. T. A., 7 Pryor Street. Atlanta, Ga. S. 1„ DAVIS, Agent, Winder, Ua. E. ST. JOHN, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. V. K. McBEE, Gen’l.Superintendent. H. W. B. oLOVEB.Trallic Manager. L. S. ALLEN, Gen’l. Pass. Agent. <ipii(*rnl OlMccm, l*oi*(Nvnoilt li, Vn. hois mu, The Greatest Remedy In the World For Burns, Scalds, Spasmodic Croup, Erysipelas, Chilblains, iTall WJMMWMWWWM—■— Poison Oak —and— Old Sores. If your Druggist or local Dealer doe ot keep it, feud iif> cents in P. O Scamps or stiver for u bottle to MRS. W. H. BUSH, Winder, Ga. i--- ' - ! “Among the Ozarks.” The Land of Big Red Apples, is an attractive and interesting book, with views of South Missouri scenery. It pertains to fruit-raising in that great fruit belt of America, the southorn alopo of he Olarks, and is of interest to fruit growers and to every farmer and homeseeker looking for a farm and a home. Mailed free. Address, J. E. Lockwood, Kansas City, Mo. Postmasters In Contention. Ilio accor.d annual convention of the National Association of Postmas ters, which includes those of the tirst class, began at Washington Thursday afteruoou. TEA cures Dyspep- I EClrlvl v ia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 eta (J. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga. GEORGIA NEWS ITEMS Happenings In the State of Inter esting Import. State Fair Premiums. A tabulated list has just been made out showing the amount of premiums that the recent state fair in Atlanta paid to exhibitors. The list is a re markable one in every respect and goes to prove conclusively the great success the fair achieved. When the local board took hold of the state fair they guaranteed to pay 515,000 in premiums, including racing puraefl of $5,000. From time to time additions were made to the original list of awards, which swelled this amount considerably. When the fair was drawing to a close, it was found that the nimmnt due premium winners was $18,573.75, or $3,573.75 more than had been guaranteed. These premiums were distributed among the several departments as follows: Dept. A—Agriculture $3,064 00 Dept. B —Cattle, sheep and swine... 3,540 00 Dept. C—Dairy and apiary 355 00 Dept. D—Horses, colts, mules and ponies 6,312 H> Dept. I—-Education 575 00 Dept. K—Horticulture and flori culture 29 0 Dept. L— Poultry and pet stock.... 1,185 00 Dept. M—Fine arts 480 00 Dept. N —Woman’s work 621 25 Dept. O—Negroes’work 2,412 00 Total $18,573 7 > As soon as the fuir closed the money was in readiness for the exibitors. They were not asked to wait an in stant and all they bad to do was to apply for their awards and a check was handed them. On Saturday, the last day of the fair, $14,500, or SSOO less thau was originally guaranteed, was paid out. The only reason that the full amount of $18,573.45 not being paid was that exhibitors did not call for their money. In addition to this fact, every debt tbe fair owed was paid promptly on presentation of the bill. A like showing was never made by any state fair ever held in the south. The premiums paid out by the fair went to all parts of the country. ♦ * * Against Prohibition Bill. At a called meeting of the Augusta city council to take action on the Wil lingham bill, pending in the state sen ate, resolutions were adapted declar ing that the bill is extreme, unneces sary and hurtful. That its passage will mark the abandonment of wise and conservative legislation and inau gurate an era of law breaking which follows euactments not upheld by pub lic sentiment. I.lquor Haled Out. The Brunswick city council at a re cent meeting refused to grant a license for the sale cf liquor on the fair grounds, and the privilege recently sold by the fair officials had to be called in. The matter has been the subject of a prolonged fight for and against aud council's action ended it. * * * Fltis-eraM To Have Bijj Factory. At a largely attended meetiug at Fitzgerald the past week, it was de cided to erect a $60,000 cotton mill in the town. More thau half the capital stock has been subscribed and the balance is in sight. W. It. Bowen was elected temporary president, aud will at once proceed with the prelim inary arrangements. * * * Condition of Channel at Brunswick. Unofficially it is known that the’ United States const and geodetic sur vey engineers have found that there is the following canuel on the Bruns wick ba, viz: A channel 150 feet wide at narrowest point, over twenty five feet deep aud n channel 250 feet wide at the narrowest point, over twenty-four feet deep. These depths are at mean high tide. The survey ors have left for Washington and their report will bo submitted at an enrly date. * * * Kmorjr Hoy* I)l*sii,lxfl<'<l. Although no organized action has been taken by Emory college students in regard to the recent meetiug of the Georgia lutercollegiate Oratorical As sociation held in Atlanta, there is a strong undercurrent of resentment in the college body because of the turn taken in affairs ou that occasion. It is held by the student body and the large number of citizens of Oxford that attended the contest that Mr. Co mer M. Woodward, Emory’s represent ative, eclipsed his fellow contestants both in matter aud delivery aud should by right have been awarded tho medal. * * * Intercut Center* lu Semite. Tlie eyes of the state are on the sen ate, aud interest will remain centered upon the upper house until some action has been taken ou the Willingham bill. ... Fulton Farmer* Organise. At a meeting held in Atlanta last Saturday, citizens of Fulton couuty perfected the organization of a county farmers’ institute, the object of which will be the further development of SOME of the worst diseases scarcely give a sign until they strike their victim down. The terrible Bright’s Disease may be growing for years and only show now and then by a backache or change of urine, by sallow face and failing appetite. DdH.fMean’s ImKfabli is a tried remedy that grapples with this disease in every symp tom. Cures this and all other disorders of the liver, kidneys or bladder. Sold by druggists si.oo a bottle. THE DR.J.H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO. BT. LOUIS, MO. THE • • • • 1 11 I—4 • •• • Georgia Railroad The following- named agents are prepared to furnish full and reliable information regarding all schedules and rates to all points North, East, South and West. Information given regarding all routes, both as to passenger and freight. Communicate with either of the agents named, and you wil receive prompt re ply. JOE W. WHITE, A. G. JACKSON, T. P. A., G. F. & P. A., FRANK W. COFFIN, S. F. & P A., Augusta, Ga S. W. WILKES, M. R. HUDSON, C. F. & P. A., T. F. & P. A., Atlanta, Ga. S. E. MAGILL, W W HARDWICK, C. A., S. A., Macon, Ga. C. D. COX, G. A., Athens, Ga. Also agents at Washington, Mad ison, Milledgeville, Union Point and Covington. R. E. MORGAN, C. A., Chattanoo ga, Tenn. TIM H. MOORE, C. A., Nashville, Tcun. W. W. LUMPKIN, T. F. A., Co lumbia, S. C. W. I. CORMIER, C. A., Charles ton, S. C. agricultural and educational interests of Fulton county. * * * State Health Board Probable. Following the recommendation of Governor Candler in his message to the legislature for the establishment of a state board of health, there is every probability that the house will regard with favor the bill by Mr.Speer of Sumter, which was introduced at the first of the session. The measure originally provided for a health board of seveu officers, but the substitute agreed ou at the last meeting of the committee on hygienic and sanitation provides for the appointment of a sin gle commissioner of health with a sal ary of $2,000 a year. The need for a state board of health was emphaized, during the past summer, when the governor was forced to call on the surgeon general of the marine hospital at Washington for aid. * * * Report of Memorial Board. The report of the Georgia state me morial board, which has just been is sued, is of great interest in showing tho character of the work done by this state ou the Chickamauga battle field. The report is signed by all tlio mem bers of the commission who have so discharged their duty, General J. Mclntosh Kell, Captain W. S. Ev erett, Colonel James Boyuton, Major Joseph Cummings and Gordon Lee. In addition to the one large monu ment on the historic battle field which lias been dedicated to the Georgia sol diers who fought there, the memorial board has been instrumental in the erection of fifty-five battle monuments, erected to the valor of the state’s sous. The report of the board is a complete one and does credit to the men who have had the work at Chickamauga in charge. Dfattfore cu ban oi l cares I field**Vl v Cuts, Bums, Braises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. (.*. W. DeLaPerriere, Winder, Ga Wood Comes Home. The war department has bee® ad rised that the transport McPherson sailed from Santiago Friday with Gen. Leonard Wood abeard. The officials of the war department refuse to make any statement ns to the meaning of the visit of General Wood to Washington at this time. . CUBAN RELIEF •- r CoUc > Neuralgia ami Toothau.* I IWIUVS V ia flyj, juiuutes. Sear Stomach and Summer Complaint*. Price. 2 K rVn * G. W. DeLftPerrlere, Winder, tia. fdffffffff FURNITURE COFFINS AND CASKETS,! This Cut represents the Old and Reliable FURNITURE HOUSE OF WINDER Where You will Find ail Goods asl Represented and at PRICES to suit ilit Times The stock is new and last f !a qq UNDERTAKING. I carry a complete line of Undertaking goods from a cheap Coffin to Finest Casket. Also Robes, Shoes etc. A. HAMILTON, WINDER, GEORGIA. WINDER DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Druggist, WINDER, GA. Fresh Stock of Drugs always on hand. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS at Prices to Suit the Times. Headquarters for all the leading Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos. When in the city come and see us. WINDER DRUG CO., Winder, - Georgia- ‘Trank’s Cough. Cure ia the best I everivaed.” —Rob’t L Taylor. — , _ /FEMALE j - -( FRIEN2: l EPS?! [Vi MAKES YOUNO worl'^ J IS m If f ) OUT OF PREMATURLY , jjj® || m % OLD ONES -1 Sift 1114 O j Ce]BrY (jjjjjjjinj(*) I BUILDS UP RUN MWN j - \ AIEN AND WOHEN. ! Macnfactcred only by MARBLE CITY DRUG CO., Knoxville, W- . For- Sale ~bY AVinder T)rn g Cf JOB PRINTING! faction.