The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, January 11, 1900, Image 2

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JULIA MORRISON ACQUITTED Jury Declared Her “Not Guilty” of the flur= der of Frank Leiden. CLOSING SCENES DRAMATIC After the Verdict Was Rendered Hiss Morrison Made a Speech of Thanks. The Julia Morrison case, which has been on trial in the circuit court at Chattanooga, was given to the jury at noon Wednesday iu an exhaustive charge from the court. Great inter est was taken in the closing scenes of the celebrated trial. The courtroom was packed with curious humanity long before the judge called the law yers to attention and ordered the trial to proceed. The morning hour was. taken up with the concluding argument of coun sel, two for the defense and one for the state. The first speaker was William Cuinming, for the defense, who fol lowed the same lines pursued by his associate counsel of the day before. The great speech for the defense was made by Colonel Joe Clift, the patri arch of tho Chattanooga bar, aud in his time one of the most powerful criminal pleaders in tho state. The entire interest of the morning centered in this speech, and whou Colonel Clift arose to begin his argu ment, ho was greeted by loud and pro longed applause, which brought an order from the judge to tho sheriff to arrest the men applauding. “J will liuve to arrent the whole court room,’' answered the sheriff', and there was another burst of applause. After a brief exordial, Colonel Clift proceeded to a review of tho evidence which he brought out into powerful light, aud the jury was at all times at tentive aud thoroughly impressed. He began with tho company at Peeks kill, N. Y., where they started on their tour and followed them to Chat tanooga; recited the daily insults and foul epithets Leiden had applied to the woman; his threats to do her bod ily harm, and finally at Chattanooga his knocking her down and threaten ing to kill her. And then when she w as going to tho stage to appear iu her part, though late on account of sickness, to which several witnesses had testified, he ad vanced upon her with a drawn stick as if to strike her. She had no pistol in her hand as was testified by several witnesses, and no one saw the pistol until after Leiden had cursed her aud threatened her with his cane. Then it was, goaded to desperation, in fear of her life or great bodily inju ry, that her mind became surcharged with the weight of her injuries, she lost control of herself, and drawing her revolver, which she always carried for protection,she instinctively as even the dumb brute would do, used it to save herself. No proof bad beeu ad duced to show that she was a violent woman; all the testimony was to the contrary, aud this was to be taken iu her favor. At tho conclusion of Colonel Clift’s speech Samuel B. Smith closed for the state, summing up the evidence, and making application of the law iu such cases provided, lie made no new points, but argued the case purely on the provisions of tho law. He made a strong arraignment of the accused, and made an effort to show by the testimony that Miss Mor rison knew what she was doing; that she had gone to the opera house on the fatal night to kill Loiden; that she had bided in tho lower part of the stage for an opportunity to kill him where it would not be witnessed, but no opportunity coming to her she had gone to the stage with murder in her heart and the instrument for carrying out her purpose in her hand; that ■without warning or a word she had iired upon a defeuseless man and had killed him. At the conclusion of Mr. Smith’s speech Judge Estill, although the noon hour had arrived, proceeded to charge the jury, which occupied about an hour. The charge was long and was given to the jury in writing after it had beeu read at 12:50. Court the!) adjourned until J o’clock. FLO Dll NOT CONTRABAND. Knalnml American Food Stuff* Sviimi Off DeliKo Hay. A London special says: The Amer eau flour seized off Delagoa bay has been released. United States Ambassador Choate had an interview with the Marquis of Salisbury Wednesday afternoon and received a verbal reply to the repre sentations of the Washington govern ment. The British note on this sub ject was sent later to the United States embassy. The gist of it was cabled to Washington. In brief, food stuffs are not considered contraband L of war unless intended for the enemy. Before 1 o’clock the courtroom was agaiu crowded to its utmost limits with men and women, and among them there was but one general expectation, the verdict would be an acquittal, in which events proved the belief was well founded, At 3 o’clock the prisoner arrived at the courtroom and exhibited an air of supremo confidence that she would leave it free to go where she pleased, instead of retracing the unhappy route to the Hamilton county jail. While the jury was deliberating the court was busy with other cases on the regular docket. At 4 o’clock the Morrison jury was ushered in. A deathlike stillness en sued and their faces were searched and researched by hundreds of pairs of eyes that the verdict might be read, if possible, in the countenance. For seven days that same group of twelve men had been scrutinized by thous ands of spectators in Judge Estill’s court to note the effect, if any, upon, them by each tolling piece of evidence und each convincing point of logic enunciated by the lawyers who spoke in justification or condemnation of her alleged crime. Never perhaps in any courtroom did a more mobile, stoic and expression dess set of human faces appear in a jury box. The best reader of char acter was set at defiance, for not in a single instance did one of the twelve faces in the jury circle betray the feel ing of the heart and head. So they came through the aisle before the judge and when, after responding to their names, Judge Estill said: “Gentlemen, have you agreed upon a verdict?” “We have,” replied Foreman Mc- Nabb. “What is your verdict?” asked tho court “Not guilty,” was the answer. Miss Morrison, who had leaned far over in her chair, caught the low re sponse of the foreman, and the effect of his words upon her were dramatic in the extreme. She leaned back iu her chair and closed her eyes, while her face turned from the whiteness of death to almost a crimson hue. The crowd in the court room cheer ed aud a rush was made toward the woman to congratulate her. Advancing to a position just in front of Judge Estill, Miss Morrisou delivered in a most touching and elo quent manner a brief speech, which she had evidently prepared, for she spoke rather rapidly and without hes itation. She said: “May it please your honor, I wish to thank you and the gentlemen of the jury and all who were instrumental in my acquittal today for your just aud generous decision. May God in His mercy be ever as just to you and yours as you have been to me today. In tho same measure I wish to thank my attorneys for their noble efforts in my behalf. As for the prosecution I wish to say that I fully forgive them and bear them no malice for their strenuous efforts for my conviction. “As to my persecutors (turning to ward Mrs. George J. Antz, the beauti ful sister of the dead actor, who was overcome with emotion aud suffused in tears), I leave them to their con sciences aud their God. To the poor bereaved sister I say that God knows that were it in my power to restore her brother to her I would certainly do it.” Air. and Mrs. James at once repaired to the Tschopik house, where they had stopped on tlie first night of their ap pearance in Chattanooga, and where they will remain for a time. ROBERTS REACHES DESTINATION. Ilia Advent at Seat of War Jixpected to Alter the Situation. A London special says: During the interlude of apparent military inactiv ity and official secrecy, Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener have arrived at tho seat of war. It is assumed that their clear vision, supported by 80,000 fresh men who are due to arrive iu South Africa within thirty days, will alter the situation and that the fourth month of the campaign will witness the beginning of victories for the British arms. SPANIARDS TURNED DOWN. Three Thousand Castilian Soldiers lle fu.ed by the Isriti*l Government. The Gibraltar correspondent of Tho London Daily Telegraph says: “Three thousand time-expired Spanish soldiers from the Cuban war have offered their services to Great Britain in South Africa. The government has informed their agent that he is not authorized to enlist foreigners.” Sparkman May Succeed Mallory. It is reported in Tampa, Fla., that on account of ill health Senator Mal lory will resign his seat in the senate, and that Congressman S. M. Sparkman will be nominated to fill the place. “Proof of the 'Pudding Is in the Eating It is not <what <zve say, but <wha.t Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Thousands of people gi<ve the proof by Celling of remarkable cures by Hood’s Sar saparilla of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dys pepsia, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all other blood diseases and debility. Dlvln; for Firewood. Boys whose most distasteful task Is to keep the wood box filled, or who are expected to split the kindling wood every nigut, would undoubtedly enjoy living at Hawaii. Firewood there is not only very scarce, but they get it out of the water, another feature of the matter which should probably ap peal to such of the boys as delight in “goin’ swimmin’.” Upon the shores of Hawaii firewood Is a scarce and precious commodity. The present forests do not grow near the sea, and the lubor of bringing wood from the distant timber is great, es pecially as roads are few. Practically all the firewood of tne natives, and much that is used by the Europeans, in the towns, is drift that is brought down periodically from the uplands by freshets that folow heavy rains.— Youth’s Companion. Knowledge Not Always Poor. “Intellect doesn’t amount to any thing.” “What do you mean, Minerva?” “The most intellectual woman in the world can be Bquelched in three seconds by a dressmaker.”—lndiana polis Journal. * Dyeiiu 1b as simple as washing when you ueo Pdtsau Fasjll.K£S Dies, Sold by all druggists. The Disappointed One. A severe and elderly women passed by with one of her kind. We caught only this ! rai ment: “K eems to me some persons are born Just to get the first reading of new hooks at the Athenaeum.” —boston Journal. After six years’ suffering I was cured by I*l so’s Cure.—M AKY Thomson, 29} \ Ohio Ave., Alleghany, Pa , March 19. 1894. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. With Hoc autl Gun. The Transvaal Boer behind the hoe Perhaps may be a trifle slow; But tie’s a night to make men run — That Transvaal Boer behind a tun. —lndianapolis Journal. SteßiillSs COUCH SYRUP Cures Croup and Whooping-Cougfi Unexcellod for Consumptive®. Gives quick, sure results. Refuse substitutes. Dr. Bull's Pills curt Biliousness. Trial, 20 fur ;c. CHOICE Vegetables will always find a ready market—but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the trreat secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well balanced fertilizers. No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce 40 a large yield unless it contains at least 8% Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. tg OVELY s£.oo Lamps J~~ All hand-painted. No handsomer lamp Sold at manufacturer’s prices. We pay the FRKJOHT. Makes n most accepta ble present. Beautiful colored cat. alogue of hand-painted PAJU.OK or lIANQUKT , '*!> Zffyl'/F? tti-d. Mowg back if you wailt *'• Manufactured by wTsakSkcTm™. Pittsburg Glass Cos., You ter direct Pittsburg, Pa. {POTATOES! I .^! \ • argest POI'AT4> Lrowcrs in America m PriceeS 2-CO A u|>. & Jiorauousiter ks off.raee, V ' (Teer eai I'ei'iii N.-cds. Send iKiMiotlcr und . 1 BEEU S. fc W W 1X A f JOS* A. MLOB )0.. Li < UOSSK, WIB. A. C. f O Sk W -<5. Vv OK -Vtw CIKmSfINK lias the endorsement of the U. S. Government and all the Leading Railroads. msEMEEasas&i&Sffi Tit liUiitS Wrtttt ALL~tIjE f AILS. ST m Rest (xwgh aynip. Tastes Gcod. Use M m in t rme. PM by tlruwgists. || Two Carloads Of Buggies -#JUST RECEIVED.# One car of Rock Hill Buggies Manufactured at Rock Hill, S. C. One car McFarland Buggies Manufactured in Indiana. These are two of the Best Buggies made. The latest things in Paints, Finishes, Styles and Get-up. Some of the prettiest styles of Buggies ever brought to Winder. If you want a BUGGY now is your time to buy. Prices to suit the times. Come, see, and you will carry one back with you. T. A. nAYNARD. PAINT! PAINT!! Do you want to Paintyour dwelling? If so we have added to our stock of Hardware PARIAN PAINTS, OILS ETC. PARIAN PAINT contains no lead aud hence ie guaranteed not to chalk, crack, rub off, peel nor blister. It will adhere to wood, Tin, Iron, Galvanized Iron, Stone or Tile. PARIAN PAINTS dry hard with an enamel-like gloss that is permanent and oan be washed or scrubbed. PARIAN* PAINTS will cover more surface and outlast all oth er paints and will not come off except by wear. It is guaranteed to hold its original color, Call at our store and get a Catalouge explaining an about PARIAN PAINT. We now have our store packed full of NEW GOODS at OLD PRICES and will be glad to wait on our many friends aud customers. WE SELL THE CELEBRATED McSHERRY GRAIN DRILL, The only drill that will sow oats successfully. We are also prepared to sell all kinds of HARROWS, including CLARK’S TORRENT and VARIOUS MAKES of TURNING PLOWS, Intact anythiug found in a firatclass HARDWARE STORE Call aud see us at the same old stand, STATE ST., HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. Bent©sa-Adair H’dw. €k>. in. I .11—■>■ . I ■I II 'MI m. L 1 'l.l ..U.i JtMJLJ.ILIgaggWBL -API " Every riaru —i^ HIS OWN DOCTOR. By J. -Hamilton Ayers, M. I). A (500-page Illustrated Book, containing valuable information $ taming to diseases of the human system, showing how to treat au cure with simplest of medicines. The book contains analysis 4 courtship aud marriage; rearing and management of children, besi valuable prescriptions, recipes, etc., with a full complement of facts materia raedica that everyone should know. j) This most indispensable adjunct to every well regulated house ® will be mailed, postpaid, to any addrea* on receipt of price, bl CENTS. (I Address, Atlanta Publishing House, llfl-118 LOYD STREET, ATLANTA, QA.